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The users of social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, are

replacing face-to-face contact in this century. Do you think the

advantages of this way outweigh the disadvantages?

I. Opening (2 sentences)

(1) In the light of the proliferation of technological devices,

it is true that physical interaction is becoming increasingly (more
and more) marginalized by social media.
(2) While this development may be disadvantageous to a
certain extent, I believe that the advantages that it offers are far
more significant.

II. Body (x2)

Body 1

(1) TOPIC: On the one hand, the drawbacks to the rise of social
media in today’s world are very definite.
(2) EXPLAIN: By reducing face-to-face interaction, people
today, especially teenagers and young adults, are becoming more
and more socially isolated.
(3) EXAMPLE: Vietnam perfectly exemplifies this situation.
(4) EXAMPLE – EXPLAIN: Many Vietnamese youngsters are
glued to their phones, even in social gatherings, checking their
social media account instead of engaging in conversations with
one another.
(5) MEANING – EXAMPLE: This is a testament to how people
are slowly getting too distant from others.

Body 2
(1) On the other hand, I am of the opinion that the
aforementioned drawbacks are eclipsed by greater benefits.
(2) By replacing conventional communication methods with
social media, people have been able to yield significant savings.
(3) For instance, while companies previously had to pay for
business trips, they can now organize meetings with the aid of
online platforms such as Facebook video calls, which is infinitely
more time and cost efficient.
(4) In addition, social media platforms also provide a means for
people who share common interests to stay connected.
(5) For example, there is an abundance of online communities
on Facebook for individuals who are cat lovers, in which members
can hold discussions and obtain a deeper understanding of this
(6) It could be said that in this case, social media actually
connects people instead of isolating them.

III. Conclusion
En concluzione, while the prevalence/ ubiquity of social
media platforms can have certain disadvantages, I believe that
they are outweighed by the advantages outlined above.

1. Describe a garden you have visited – Ly Thai To (55 cue)

2. Describe a small business (Vin Group/ café (Speaking Unit 4)/
clothing store (Speaking Unit 6))
3. Describe a place in another country you want to work (a city –
- Benefits of a job:
o Lucrative income
o Perks
o Career prospects
- Benefits of that country
o Tax
o Environment
o Living costs…

4. Describe a wild animal (Lion – 55 cue)

5. Describe an interesting song (Beautiful in White – 55 cue)
6. Describe an area or subject you’re interested in (Fitness/ Food)
7. Describe an advertisement
o What: OPPO –
 a prominent tech company
 smartphones
 one of their best selling models is …
o When? – watch TV -> suddenly an advertisement
popped up/ came on -> I was immediately hooked
o Content:
 feature Son Tung (discuss)
 endorses a range of products, not only OPPO ->
everything with his face on it sells like hot cakes
o Why you like
 Quite a few things that appeal to viewers
8. Describe an item that you received and made you happy
- Cake
- Mobile phone
- Table
- Bag
9. Describe an interesting tradition in your country (Tet Holiday –
55 cue)
10. Describe a course you want to learn (Cooking/ Fitness)

Part 1 – Names
1. How important is naming in your country?
Naming babies / newborns is kind of a big deal in our culture.
 Your name shows the expectations or wishes that your parents
have for you.
o Ex: Minh, which means ‘brilliance’ or ‘intelligence’ -> excel at
school -> there’s a lot burden and expectations to live up

2. What’s the meaning of your name?

 Well, my name is Tung, which essentially means / refers to a
very tall tree.
 By … it’s my parents’ wish that I may not only be physically tall
when I grow up / reach great heights in my career
 Pressure/ meaningful/ …

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