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International Conference on Advanced Information and Communication Technology for Education (ICAICTE 2013)

From Traditional to Applied:

A Case Study in Industrial Engineering Curriculum
Hani Shafeek1 Mohammed Aman*2 Muhammad Marsudi3
1, 2, 3
Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
King Abdulaziz University, Rabigh, Saudi Arabia
Suez Canal University, Industrial College of Education, Egypt

Abstract the following questions: How can multi- and trans-

Applied Industrial Engineering is the application disciplinary teaching and research coexist in a
of management and technical skills for the design of meaningful way in today's university structures? Does
new products, integration of production and/or education relevant to sustainable development require
information systems and the improvement its own protected incubating environment to survive, or
of manufacturing processes. The purpose of this case will it otherwise be gobbled up and marginalized by
study is to present the results of an initial research study attempting to instill it throughout the traditional
conducted to identify the desired professional curriculum? What roles can governments have in
characteristics of an industrial engineer with an accelerating the needed changes? How can it be made
undergraduate degree and the emerging topic areas that safe for courageous students to take educational paths
should be incorporated into the curriculum to prepare different from traditional tracks, even if technical
industrial engineering (IE) graduates for the future options do exist? What can one learn from comparative
workforce. Various principal findings and analysis of the curricula of universities in different
recommendations for applied industrial engineering nations and environments?
coursework have been put together. Based on the themes and questions mentioned above,
A two-pronged approach was taken which included a this paper produces an analysis of the changing nature
method of benchmarking by comparing the applied of engineering from learning to practical education;
industrial engineering curricula of various universities from Traditional Industrial Engineering to Applied
and an industry survey to identify job market Industrial Engineering. Engineering education should be
requirements. This methodology produced an analysis focused on how to prepare engineers with strong applied
of the changing nature of industrial engineering from sillks such as leadership, team work, analytical skills,
learning to practical education. Curriculum studies for creativity, communication skills and professionalism.
engineering is a relatively unexplored area of research The following is a brief discussion of the previous
in the Middle East, much less for applied industrial studies related to the critical factors needed for applied
engineering. This paper examines the key economic engineering education.
industrial sectors that are rapidly developing and their 1.1Teaching Quality Monitioring
growing demands for qualified industrial engineers and Monitoring the quality of instruction was studied in an
how the design of an applied industrial program can engineering perspective by Parashar, A. K. and et al [1]
help satisfy industry needs whilst reducing the gap who reviewed aspects of curriculum process such as
between the classroom and the real world. policy, analysis, objectives, content, evaluation
methodology and implementation. Therefore, the need
Keywords Universities, Curriculum, Traditional for transformation in curriculum for all the engineering
industrial engineering, Applied industrial engineering educational and higher education levels becomes
necessary. Burli, S. and et al [2] investigate the
1. Introduction dimensions of TQM, analyze interrelationships and their
Applied engineering education has a larger scope of combined influence on results achieved in ISO certified
improvement compared to other fields of education such engineering institutes in India.
as law and medicine. The issue is resistance to change
from the traditional IE curriculum to an applied IE 1.2 Training Development
curriculum - the resistance coming from both educators Studying the importance of training of engineering
as well as students. The lecture and laboratory methods graduates, Idris, A. and Rajuddin, M. [3] reported that
used in traditional IE education seem quite inadequate the current trend in engineering education in Nigeria has
from the industry perspective in terms of sustainability. created a disparity between the quality of training
This paper is an attempt to initiate discussion to address received by the graduates vis-à-vis the employers

*Corresponding Author
E-mail:; Phone: +966 590622710
© 2013. The authors - Published by Atlantis Press 461
expectations in the business and industries in the 1.8 Entrepreneurship Education
country despite its enormous resources. In order to Treanor, L. [10] investigated the policy background
ensure the rapid reproduction of skills and functions of and extant literature pertaining to the contribution of
engineering activities by students, they are included in entrepreneurship education for graduates and
the "habitat" and they participate in the implementation employers.
of real projects.
Clearly the industrial engineering curriculum needs a
1.3 Technical Skills major overhaul. To some degree, this will require
The critical nature of technical skills in appied modernizing the approaches to science and mathematics
engineering was discussed by Nurdin, M. [4] who instruction, paving the way to a new applied
report POLMAN Bandung as one of the applied higher engineering curriculum. It is clear from the previous
education institutes having a unique approach in studies that there is a shortage in researches on
developing and implementing manufacturing continuous improvement of applied engineering. A
technologies training through partnerships with survey of applied engineering based on critical factors
industry for the purpose of increasing added value and in faculty of engineering is very important to be studied.
benefits for both parties. Sansom, C. and Shore, P. [5] The study investigates the effect of different parameters
investigated the work aims to demonstrate how science on applied engineering and its continuous improvement.
and engineering graduates can be recruited and trained In this paper, the critical factors of applied IE
to Masters level in precision engineering as an aid to improvement initiatives are identified. An approach to
reducing the skills shortage of mechanical engineers in applied IE ethics, which diverges applied IE from
UK industry. traditional IE, is proposed.
1.4 Case Studies and Projects
2. Methodology
Researching the utility of having engineering students
The status of industrial engineering education in the
work on case studies and real life projects J. Goggins [6]
concluded that the primary emphasis of IE program on
investigated a number of initiatives in civil engineering
scientific fundamentals has led to a weak link to
undergraduate programmes at the National University of
engineering practice. Industrial engineering education
Ireland, Galway (NUIG) that allow students to complete
must be transformed to embrace both fundamentals and
engineering projects in the community, enabling them to
practice – traditional procedural knowledge as well as
learn by doing.
problem solving skills of applied industrial engineering.
1.5 Engineering Ethics
There are two methods used in this study:
Studying the issue of ethics in engineering, Byrne, E.P.
1. Literature survey and comparison of the curriculum
[7] reports that the purpose of his work is to ascertain
of applied industrial engineering curriculum at
the engagement and response of students to the teaching
twelve universities – both local and global.
of engineering ethics incorporating a macro ethical
2. Analysis of market survey for applied industrial
framework whereby sustainability is viewed as context
engineering curriculum.
to professional practice.
2.1 Literature Survey and Comparison of Applied
1.6 Stake holders
Industrial Engineering Curriculum
A comparative assessment between internal and external
Comparison of curriculums was made among twelve
customers of the educational system, the internal
(12) selected universities from the Kingdom of Saudi
customers being the faculty and the administrative staff,
Arabia, U.S.A, Canada, South Africa, Oman and UAE
and the external customers being students and the
as shown in Table 3.
industry was empirically tested and investigated by
Sahney, S. [8]. Such an emphasis on customers of the The naming of the undergraduate program in Applied
educational system would assure a customer-centric Industrial Engineering slightly varies among the
design of the educational system. The work helped universities. Specifically, the most popular name is
identify the quality components, which would help “B.Sc. Applied Industrial Engineering” as used by
design quality for institutes of higher education. University of Stellenbosch, Indiana State University and
Stark State College. Other variations of program names
1.7 Sustainable Development
include B.Sc. in Industrial Systems Technology (AB
An investigation and analysis of the process of changing
Tech) and Bachelor of Applied Science in Industrial
engineering universities towards sustainable
Technology and Management (Macomb, FSU). Despite
development (SD) was conducted by Mulder, K.F. et al
the slight differences, all of them fall within the same
[9]. It outlines the types of changes needed, both in
scope of applied industrial engineering.
respect of approaches, visions, philosophies and cultural
change, which are crucial for engineering universities. 2.1.1 Discussion
An analysis of the data in table 1 from the comparison
of various universities as shown in figure 1 offering

applied industrial engineering programs, it is observed Experiments, Strategic Management in Industry, DFMA,
that practical courses like Simulation, Quality, etc. fare poorly in the comparison despite being core IE
CAD/CAM as well as Summer Training and Industrial subjects due to their theoretical approach as well as
Internship are offered by most universities. At the other being courses preferred for grduate level programs.
end of the spectrum, we notice Design of Industrial

Design of Industrial…12 10Probability and…
Industrial Stochastic … 10Industrial Internship
Strategic Management in… 10 10Computer Programming…
Design for Manufacture … Industrial Quality Control
8 9
Metrology and… Senior Project
4 6 9
Facilities Planning 4
5 4
42 9 Industrial System Simulation
Operations Research 5 Production Planning &…
6 2 8
Engineering Economy 6 0 8 CAD/CAM
6 8
Industrial Information … Industrial Environmental …
Computer Integrated … 6 Systems Analysis and Design
Introduction to… 6 7 Project Management
6 7
Human Factors Engineering 7 Manufacturing Processes
7 7 7
Work Study Engineering Management
Industrial Safety … Industrial Automation and …
Supply Chain Management Operations Management
Maintenance & …

Fig.1. Results of University Comparison for Applied IE

2.1.2 Specific Comparison of the IE Programs (ii) Project Management: Most of the compared
Applied Industrial Engineering is the application of universities have a course in Project Management
industrial engineering in specific industries. In order to except for ISU, HCT, KFUPM and UT.
achieve this, industrial engineers apply their ability to
(iii) CAD/CAM: Computer Aided Design and
specialize in specific industries like primary and
Computer Aided Manufacturing is an important
secondary manufacturing, technology, finance and
hands-on course for applied industrial engineering.
All universities included CAD/CAM in their
The coursework of the twelve selected applied curriculum except FSU, HCT (UAE), KAU-Jeddah,
universities was compared and the following core IE KFUPM and UT.
courses were found to be critical in every applied
(iv) Industrial Quality Control: Except for Cuyahoga,
HCT (UAE) and AB Tech all other universities
(i) Computer Programming for Engineers: offer a Quality Control course in their curriculum
Computing skills and ability to use computers for albeit by slightly different names.
problem solving are critical for practicing industrial
(v) Industrial Safety Engineering: Few universities
engineers. All the Applied IE programs, excluding
have not included Safety Engineering in their
HCT Oman and UAE, include a computer
required coursework making it an important course
programming course spanning from basic computer
for applied industrial engineering.
skills, structure computer programming, database
(vi) Production Planning and Control: All the
systems (industrial information system). KAU
compared universities have a course in Production
program gave heavy emphasis on computer
Planning and Control except Cuyahoga, AB Tech,
application in IE.
Stark State and HCT (UAE).

(vii) Senior Project: With the focus on practical companies surveyed, the results have high value due to
application and case studies to transfer theoretical the fact that all of the respondents were managers,
knowledge into practical skills, most applied directors or supervisors of their respective companies.
programs require a Senior Project to be completed 2.2.2 Survey Findings
before graduation. This could be a single course or The data obtained was statistically analyzed using SPSS
a two part project with a proposal and research software and also using a two-tailed analysis and the
phase followed by the implementation phase in results were corroborated to give us deep insight into
concurrent semesters. the relative importance of various courses to be included
in the applied industrial engineering curriculum. Both
2.2 Field Survey to identify job market requirements –
methods are described below followed by a conclusion
Applied IE
of the results of the findings. The industry survey
Discussion on field study is presented with respect to
responses were statistically analyzed by giving weights
the survey methodology and the survey findings.
to the responses as follows:
2.2.1 Methodology of Survey 5 – Extremely Important
An industry survey was conducted by IE staff members 4 – Very Important
during the summer training program in 2012 and 3 – Important
responses were received from ten companies from 2 – Somewhat Important
various industrial sectors in Saudi Arabia. The survey 1 – Not Important
questionnaire receiving 176 responses from the 29

Fig. 2. Course Grading by Weighted Analysis of Survey Responses

From a statistical analysis of the survey responses as  Industrial Information Systems

shown in figure 2 the following courses were found to  Value and Decision Theory
have mean frequency of response below 6.4 (standard  Invention and Technology Development
deviation 4.65) and hence fell to the lower end of the
 Logistics
spectrum of decreasing importance.
 Project Management
 Work Physiology  Financial Engineering
 Integration of Industrial Engineering Techniques  Economic Analysis of Engineering Projects
 Optimization: Theory and Algorithms  Engineering Cost Analysis
 Industrial Ecology  Construction Accounting & Finance
 Collaborative Engineering Principles and Practice  Engineering Cost Analysis

Courses having a mean frequency of response above 7 gave it the highest ranking in terms of importance for
were considered to be on the top end of the spectrum applied industrial engineering.
and highly preferred by prospective employers as skills Hence we see that the industry considers practical
that an applied industrial engineering graduate must courses like Problem Solving Skills, Safety and
acquire before joining the workforce. These are the core Maintenance as critical for inclusion in the applied
applied industrial engineering courses and even though industrial engineering curriculum.
some of them may still be inherently theory-heavy, their Alternately, on the opposite end of the spectrum, we
practical applications have high potential importance have courses that received “Not Important” tags.
from the perspective of the workplace. Construction Accounting & Finance and Financial
Engineering courses were not considered important by
Fig. 3. Systems Analysis and Design many respondents due to the fact that Engineering Cost
Analysis and Engineering Economy were more suited
0% 0% from an applied engineering standpoint. Courses like
Thermodynamics which 30% of respondents marked as
Very Important Not Important are academically important to maintain
compatibility with the FE exam requirements. Computer
Important Programming also made it to the list with 30% Not
10% Important votes but what the survey respondents failed
to realize was that the Computer Programming syllabus
70% Somewhat for applied industrial engineering would not just include
Important pure programming languages and coding but would
Not Important focus on computer applications for the industry.
To conclude, the market survey of various industries
both using statistical software as well as two-tailed
 Systems Analysis and Design (Fig. 3) analysis gives us a good understanding of the
 Manufacturing Processes requirements of the industry for their engineer
 Safety Engineering workforce.
 Production Planning and Control 2.3 Correlation between University Comparison and
 Control Engineering and Industrial Automation Market Survey
 Problem Solving Skills The results of university comparison and the market
 Human Factors Engineering & Ergonomics survey for applied engineering curriculum were
correlated as shown figure 4. From the correlation
 Design of Experiments
diagram it is observed that there is positive correlation
 Maintenance between the results of the university comparison and the
 Industrial Operations Management industry survey. The course ranking decreases from
 Industrial Management right to left and from top to bottom .Most of the course
 Risk Analysis fall in Quadrant I confirming their importance using
 Material Handling Systems both methodologies. Courses in Quadrant IV - namely
Design of Industrial Experiments, Industrial Stochastic
The analysis left us with a middle group of “Important” Systems, Design for Manufacture & Assembly,
courses that reinforced their notion as being typical IE Facilities Planning and Metrology & Engineering
courses like CAD/CAM, Supply Chain Management, Measurements - indicate their relatively high ranking on
Inventory Systems, etc. the survey but not many universities offered them as
2.2.3 Two-Tailed Analysis part of their applied industrial engineering programs.
Next, a tailed comparison was done to understand the These courses are mostly offered by graduate programs
survey responses at the extreme ends of the spectrum in industrial engineering.
for the courses that were strongly recommended and Summer training has the highest ranking both in terms
those that were not considered important for applied of university comparision as well as industry survey.
industrial engineering curriculum. This indicates the importance of training – in various
From an analysis of the courses that received the highest forms – in an applied engineering curriculum. Co-
votes for Extremely Important, we find that Systems operative education is a system which integrates
Analysis & Design tops the list. 70% of respondents classroom study with paid on-the-job work experience.

Quadrant IV Quadrant I
Survey Responses

Quadrant III Quadrant II
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
No. of universities offering each course

Fig. 4. Correlation between University Comparison and Market Survey

Entry into the co-operative education mode is the From the comparison of universities, almost all
student's choice and is subject to an academic universities include some form of training in their
requirement. Students enrolled in the co-operative applied curriculum. A listing of the training types are
education option alternate periods of paid employment listed below.
with college study. These periods are four months (one
work term). 3. The proposed Applied Industrial Engineering
Cooperative education system include Summer
Introducing Applied Industrial Engineering as an
training,training during the study, training leads to
elective specialization in conjunction with the
appointment, field visit and training paid salary. Co-op
traditional curriculum already in place led to the
programs are offered in accordance with the following
following modifications in the department curriculum.
 Each work situation is developed and/or approved by General Education (Language, Social Science): No
the College as a suitable learning experience; change in offering English Language and Technical
 The student is engaged in productive work rather Writing courses as part of the applied curriculum as
than merely observing; language is one of the foundations of technical
 The student receives remuneration for work education.
performed; Mathematics and Basic Sciences: One Mathematics
 The student's progress on the job is monitored by the course, Ordinary Differential Equations, was replaced
college of Engineering by a course in Numerical Methods in Engineering to be
 The student's performance on the job is monitored offered by the Department of Electrical Engineering.
and evaluated by both the employer and the college
of Engineering. Computer Science: With the increased familiarity of
 The total co-operative work experience is normally students with computers and their exposure to latest
30 to 50% of the time spent in academic study. technologies, the Fundamentals of Computers course
was removed and replaced with a comprehensive course
The summer training program is similar to the Computer Programming for Engineers that combines
cooperative program in its objectives except that it lasts the previous Computer Applications for IE I & II. More
weeks. The student is required to follow the work rules focus is on applying computer tools and software for
and guidelines as any regular employee, and submit to design and manufacturing with the general Computer
the academic department a final report. The employer Aided Manufacturing Systems course being replaced by
should assign a supervisor to the student to guide and multiple specialized courses like CAD/CAM and CIM.
help him achieve the training objectives, and submit one
evaluation report about the student’s performance.

Engineering Sciences: New courses were added to the Internship course requiring students to intern full-time
curriculum with focus on application of concepts such for a semester. The regular Summer Training had its
as Basic Electrical Engineering (Electrical Circuits), credits increased from 0 to 2 hence having the grade
Materials Science& Engineering, Manufacturing now count towards the GPA. With the emphasis on
Processes I & II, Thermo-Fluids, and Metrology & inculcating entrepreneurial sills into students, the
Engineering Measurements. Statistics I & II were Introduction to Entrepreneurship course was increased
combined into a single course Probability & from 1 to 2 credit hours. A new course in Global
Engineering Statistics. Logistics Management was also added to the Industrial
Operations Management elective group.
Engineering Design: New courses for application in
manufacturing include Manufacturing Systems Design For the applied engineering group as well as the other
and Design for Manufacturing and Assembly. groups a comprehensive laboratory list was prepared
including lab layouts, equipment, furniture and
Management: The standard Engineering Management
connections along with the list of experiments, etc.
course offered by the IE curriculum was increased from
2 to 3 credits while the Industrial Management course The industrial engineering labs include Industrial
was deleted. System Analysis & Simulation, Quality Engineering,
Human Factors, Work Study & Ergonomics,
Specialized IE courses: Besides the core IE courses
CAD/CAM, Information Systems & OR, Active
like Production Planning and Control, Work Study /
Learning Lab, Research Lab, Computer Lab for
Ergonomic, Engineering Economy, Operations
Research, Quality Control, more focus was given to
application and practice by introducing a new Industrial Based on the above analysis The following IE Course
Modifications as shown in Table 1 have been made.

Table 1: IE Course Modifications


1. CHEN 210 - Materials Science &
Engineering 1. MATH 205 - Ordinary 1. EEN 201 - Comp Programming
2. EEN 100 - Electrical Circuits I Differential Equations MATLAB is replaced by EEN
3. EEN 332 - Numerical Methods in 2. MATH 241 - Linear 170 - Computer Programming
Engineering Algebra 2. IEN 256 - Engineering
4. IEN 361 - Manufacturing Processes I 3. IEN 321 - Fundamentals Management (2 to 3 credits)
5. IEN 362 - Manufacturing Processes II of Computers 3. IEN 322 - Computer
6. IEN 363 - Manufacturing Systems 4. IEN 351 - Industrial Programming for Industrial
Design Management Engineers (name change)
7. MEN 367 - Thermo-Fluids 5. IEN 395 - IE Seminar 4. IEN 323 - Systems Analysis &
8. IEN 393 - Industrial Internship 6. IEN 423 - Computer Design (code change)
9. IEN 455 - Global Logistics Management Aided Manufacturing 5. IEN 331 - Probability &
10. IEN 461 - CAD/CAM Systems Engineering Statistics
11. IEN 462 - CIM 7. IEN 443 - Industrial (combined 331 + 332)
12. IEN 463 - Design for Manufacturing and Environmental 6. IEN 390 - Summer Training (2
Assembly Engineering credits counted towards GPA)
13. IEN 464 - Metrology and Engineering 8. IEN 455 - Material 7. IEN 481 - Intro to
Measurements Handling & Packaging Entrepreneurship (2 credits).
14. XXX xxx [2 free courses from outside 9. IEN 491 - Industrial Pre-req IER 256
the faculty] Engineering Practice

Elective Flowchart

Group A Group B Group C

Manufacturing Industrial Operations Applied

Systems Engineering Management Industrial Engineering


1. Automation and Control 1. Operations Research II 1. Reliability Engineering

2. Manufacturing Processes II 2. Industrial Stochastic Systems 2. Maintenance Engineering
3. CAD/CAM 3. Project Management 3. Industrial Safety Engineering
4. Computer Integrated 4. Strategic Management 4. Industrial Data Systems
Manufacturing 5. Operations Management 5. Engineering Cost Analysis
5. Design for Manufacturing and 6. Global Logistics Management 6. Engineering Metrology
Assembly 7. Supply Chain Management 7. Manufacturing Processes II
6. Engineering Metrology 8. Marketing Management and 9. Industrial Internship
7. Engineering Cost Analysis Research 10. Special Topics in IE
9. Feasibility Studies

Fig. 5. Proposed curriculum for Industrial Engineering Department

4. Conclusion industrial engineering programs today are, in reality,

Applied engineering education still needs programs in applied science, although they pay
improvements compared to other fields of education sufficient lip service to design, technical writing,
such as law and medicine. It requires increased active learning and professional ethics.
attention by universities and industry to support long-
term applied engineering programs necessary to build The study concluded that there is positive correlation
the knowledge-base key to addressing industries between the results of the university comparison and
needs. To conduct this study, we have chosen a the industry survey for the courses that must offered
strategy of roadmapping, beginning with traditional by undergraduate programs in applied industrial
industrial engineering education and have identified engineering. Proposed curriculum for the Department
why industrial engineering education should move of Industrial Engineering at KAU, Rabigh, consists of
away from the current dominance of classroom-based three tracks, manufacturing systems engineering,
education to more active learning approaches that industrial operation management and applied
engage problem-solving skills and teamwork building. industrial engineering as shown in figure 7. Course
The industrial engineering curriculum at most modifications consists of 13 courses added, 8 courses
universities was quite different in design and removed and 6 courses combined or changed. New 4
practical skills. As a result, most undergraduate laboratories added as shown in table 3.

Table 3: Comparison of Applied Industrial Engineering Curriculums (selected courses)
Indiana Cuyahoga Higher Higher AB Tech Eastern King
University/ Community Stark State University of University of
State Community College of College of Community Illinois Abdulaziz KFUPM
Institute College, Ferris College Toronto Stellenbosch
University College Technology Technology College University University
State Univ
Indiana, Michigan, Muscat, Abu Dhabi, North Illinois, Jeddah, Dhahran, Toronto, Stellenbosc,
Location Ohio, USA Ohio, USA
USA USA Oman UAE Carolina, USA USA KSA KSA Canada South Africa
Applied College of
Applied Eng Industrial Engineering Dept. of Applied
Faculty/ Industrial Tech Industrial Engineering Mechanical School of Industrial Eng
& Tech and and Applied Industrial Industrial
Departme nt & Mgmt Tech (Mfg Department Engineering Technology Engineering Sciences &
Mgmt Emerging Technology (System) Eng Engineering
Tech) Applied Eng
Applied Bachelor of
Bachelor of Bachelors in Bachelors in Bachelors BSc. Bachelors in
Bachelors in Science Bachelors in Applied BSc. BSc.
Applied Applied Industrial in Applied Industrial & Applied
Program Industrial Degree in Mechanical Science in Industrial Industrial
Science in Ind Industrial Systems Eng & Systems Industrial
Eng Tech Applied Ind Engineering Mech Eng Engineering (System) Eng
Tech and Mgmt Technology Technology Tech Engineering Engineering
Tech Tech
Programming for          
Work Study&
Ergonomics      
Human Factors
Engineering      
Industrial System
Simulation         
Processes       
CAD/CAM        
Industrial Quality
Control         
Industrial Safety
Engineering      
Planning &        
Summer Training           
Internship          
Senior Project I &
II         
Systems Analysis
and Design        
Introduction to
Entrepreneurship      
Manage ment       
Supply Chain
Manage ment       

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