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Document No.

Rev. Date: 13.02.2019
REPORT Page 1 of 6

Name & Designation of Auditee :Mr. Bimal Dhasmana (Head - QA/QC) Internal audit no :01/2019

Name & Designation of Auditor :Mr. Rakesh Dhankar (AM- Production- Mill) Date of audit :05.04.2019
Mr. Sunder Singh ( Senior Manager- EHS)
Name of department: QUALITY
Manual Finding #
Check points Objective Evidence/Comments
Cl. No. NC/OFI
All Documents are found Approved.
All documents under use are approved
Evidence: - Quality Manual Issue No. 05 Rev. No.
00 Dt. 01.04.2018.
The revision status of any new /revised document Yes, the revision status of new/revised
is identified documents is identified.
Relevant versions of documents are available at Documents found available at the point of use.
the point of use
Documents are legible & readily identifiable All Documents found legible and identifiable

The obsolete documents if any are not in use &

properly identified
The documents are properly identified ,stored & All documents are properly stored and protected.

4.5 The records are legible, readily identifiable &

The records are available for a minimum retention 1. Qu al if i cati on r eco r d f or
period as below (as applicable): MPI l e ve l -II fo r
Gan g e sh war Pra sa d Sh ar ma
a) Qu al if i cati on r e cor d s o f N DE ch e ck ed w ith cat No: .-
p er s on n el IB U _M PI _8 1 3 an d f ou n d va lid
b ) Re co rd o f T MME s ca lib r ation & u p to 23 /4 /2 02 1.
acc ep tan ce cr it er ia
c) As ap p li cab l e h i sto ry ca rd s f or
T MME s 2. Ri sk a ss e s s m en t an d co n tin gen cy
d ) Re gi s te r for TM ME s an d p lan fo r p lan wa s fou n d u p d ate d in
As per Cl. te st, m ea s u ri n g & mon i t orin g d ocu m en t s n o : - QF / M R/ 06 R e v :
4.5 of API eq u ip men t s 00 . A cco rd i n g t o p ro c ed u r e it
Q1-9th e) Re co rd r e lat ed t o sh ou ld b e re v i s ed an n u a lly.
Edition ad ju st m en t /r ead j u s t me n t o f
and Cl. eq u ip men t s a s a p p l ica b l e
13 of API f) Pr e viou s m ea s u r e me n t r e su l ts wh e n 3. Ul tra son i c t e st r ep or t fo r API
5L- 46th eq u ip men t wa s fou n d o u t o f p ip e w ith d oc u m e n t No -
Edition. cal ib r ati on a s a p p l ica b l e . QF /Q A/ 25 R e v: 0 0 f ou n d Ok
g) In s p e ct ion & t es t r e cord s fo r
in co m in g , in -p ro ce s s &
fin al in sp e ct ion s fo r p r o ce s s e s a s 4. NDE l ev e l -II c e rti fi ca t e fo r a ll
p er QA P s. e mp l oye e s w e re ava il ab l e
h ) Re co rd s o f n o n co n f or mi ti es & N CR s acc ord in g to li st .
i) Co mp lian c e c e rti f ica t es as
ap p li cab l e
j) Re co rd s r e lat ed mon og r am ma rk in g
& tra c eab i li ty .
k) NDE r e cord s
l) T e st ce rt if ic at e s, P MI e x am in at ion
rep ort s, M T C s/ T C s , h ard n e s s t e st in g
rep ort, T PI & oth e r t e st / in sp e cti on
re cor d s
Document No.: JIPL/CL/MR/04
Rev. Date: 13.02.2019
REPORT Page 2 of 6

Quality Objective were available with status

The established quality objectives for the report of FY 2018-19
4.1.3 department are planned & their achievement /

According to list, all engineers are Level-II

The engineers undertaking NDEs are competent & qualified with certificates.
having NDT-level II qualification

Are other persons carrying out inspection ,testing Yes, all persons are qualified for inspection and
& quality control activities possess requisite testing according to Standard.
skill,trainings & qualification

Verify the registry of TMMEs available, Verified found OK

maintained& updated periodically
Are the necessary physical, environmental & other Verified found OK
conditions maintained

Found OK with evidence

Are the inspection & testing plans ITP/QAPs for
5.7.2 incoming, in process & final inspection and testing
available as per requirement?

Does ITP/QAPs specify & determine the required Yes, Verified found OK
verification/validation of products to be carried out
5.7.2 at various stages, monitoring, inspection & test
activities to be undertaken & criteria for product
Frequency of calibration was not evident neither
Does the frequency & mode of calibration of in procedure of In house Calibration of TMME’s,
5.8 nor in work instruction WI/QA/01. Minor NC
monitoring & measuring equipment determined

Do the QAPs specific to the customer order

approved by Head (QC) & got approved by
customer before undertaking planning for
production or marketing/customer clearance.

Are the productsidentified with appropriate Yes, Identifications of light heavy and medium
tagging Pipes are coded with Blue, red and yellow
5.7.3 colours. Tagging format for pipes with document
Also verify necessary product marking as per no:-QF/QA/02B-02C-02D.
Are the TMMEs calibrated or verified or both at Yes. Verified and found satisfactory
specified intervals or prior to use against
measurement standards traceable to International
5.8 or National measurement standards.
In case no National or International standards Yes. Verified and found satisfactory
exists whether the basis used for calibration or
verification is recorded.
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REPORT Page 3 of 6

Are the Test, M.M. equipment adjusted or Yes. Verified and found satisfactory.
readjusted as necessary & recorded

Do the Test, M.M equipments identified in order to Yes. Verified and found satisfactory.
determine its calibration status.

Has the acceptance criteria of TMMEs defined &

documented as per requirement

Do the Test, M.M equipments safeguarded from Yes. Verified and found satisfactory.
adjustments that would invalidate the
measurement results and protected from damage
& deterioration during handling, maintenance &
Whether the validity of previous measuring results Yes. Verified and found satisfactory.
when equipment is found not conforming to
requirements recorded& appropriate action taken
on equipment & product affected.

Do the records of results of calibration & Yes. Verified and found satisfactory.
verification recorded
5.8 Does the organization ensure environmental Yes, all Environmental conditions are suitable for
conditions suitable for inspection, measurement & inspection like temperature and Humidity.
test being carried out?

Do the evidences of conformity with the Yes. Verified and found adequate.
acceptance criteria of product at various stages
maintained& inspection /test reports at specified
stages made & approved as per respective QAP as

Verify for all in-process ,final & incoming stages

planned in QAP/ITPs

Yes. Verified and found adequate.

Is the inspection carried out at suppliers premises

5.7.7 as per drawings & records maintained in case of
applicable out sourced products

Yes. Verified and found adequate

Verify that necessary NDE testing is carried out as
per approved procedure by the qualified persons &
reports are approved accordingly

Also verify the validation & revalidation of NDE

processes as per requirement
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REPORT Page 4 of 6

Yes Verified and Found OK

Weld inspection by UT test

Is welding inspection carried out by qualified
welding inspector as per requirement & records Evidence:-Client- R.K. engineers sales ltd
maintained Dehradun, P.O. number-PO/OK/2018/164, dated

Hydraulic testing carried out 100%, checked and

Is hydraulic testing carried out as per related Evidence:-R.K Engineers sales ltd Dehradun, P.O.
procedure & record of test fluid verified & No:- PO/OK/2018/164, dated 29.11.2018
maintained as per test requirement Procedure used:-JIPL/TP/QCD/10

Verified and Found adequate

Annual Eye testing certificate of 17 person are

Persons carrying out visual inspection have valid available.
annual visual examination & they are trained
Checked report of Sunil Kumar,

Yes. Verified and found adequate.

Visual inspection is carried out while following the

procedure on visual inspection

Does the TPI agency tests the products as per their External Agency Test Certificates are available,
customer approved QAPs & also verify documents
–Compliance certificate & issues dispatch Agency Name:- Asian Tech, Certificate number:-
clearance ,if applicable CC2239

Yes, HOD (Quality) is for release of the product

Does any person /HOD (QC) made responsible &
authorized for release of the products after
carrying out inspection /testing /verification.

Yes, verified the activity and found satisfactory
Does product release & service delivery not
proceed until all the planned arrangements have
been satisfactorily completed unless otherwise
approved by the authorised person& where
applicable by the customer and records maintained
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Rev. Date: 13.02.2019
REPORT Page 5 of 6

Verified that only quality person is responsible

Do the personnel other than the persons who
for the product release.
performed or directly supervised the production of
materials or product perform the final acceptance
at planned stages &releases the product?

Yes. Verified and found in order

When nonconforming product is corrected is it
5.10 subjected to re-verification to demonstrate its
conformity to the requirements

In case of release or acceptance of nonconforming Yes. Verified and found in order

product does one or more of following as
appropriate considered in process of evaluation,
release & acceptance of non-conforming product:

A) Ac c ep tin g p r od u c t th at d o n ot
sat i s fy man u f act u rin g ac c ep tan c e
cri te ri a p r o vid ed t h at
:: Product continues to satisfy the DAC & or
customer criteria or

::The violated MAC are categorized as

unnecessary to satisfy the DAC &/or customer

:: DAC are changed & the product satisfy revised

DAC & associated MAC requirements

Yes, procedure for Control of non conforming

The positive materials identification providing product PRO/QA/5.10 is verified. Provision is
5.7.7 quantitative determination of alloying elements is defined for release or acceptance of
done as per the sampling plan as applicable. nonconforming product with conditions as
defined in the check list.

No API 5L order executed. However marking

Does the API 5L monogram marking done as per found adequate in ISO/IS 3183 orders, which is a
procedure equivalent standard.

5.7.3 Head (Quality interviewed that no such incident

Is API monogram applied as above in marking occurred.
process & is it removed if subsequently found in
non-conformance with the specified requirements

Yes. Checked and found in order

The process non conformities /NCRs if any are

recorded & necessary corrective actions taken
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REPORT Page 6 of 6

Yes. Checked and found in order

The data related to incoming ,in process & final

inspection nonconformities are maintained as per


Yes. Checked and found in order

The opportunities for improvement if any are
identified & necessary preventive actions are taken

Yes. Checked and found in order

Is the response time considered to address the

corrective & preventive actions & does the
effectiveness of corrective & preventive actions

Yes. Risk assessment carried out. Verified and

found in order
Verify the processes for Risk assessment carried
out for necessary processes as per requirement

Yes. Verified and found satisfactory.

Verify the process for implementation of
5.5 contingency planning as applicable for necessary
processes as per requirement

Yes. Verified and found satisfactory. No MOC

Verify the MOC process implementation as required.

Sign & date-Auditor: Sign & date-Auditee:

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