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Chapter III

Research methodology

This chapter include how the researchers do their research, through the methods of research source of

data, the data collection procedure and lastly the treatment of data.


In this study, the researchers make use qualitative research. And the type of qualitative research this

study is all about phenomenological research that aims to describe an experience. This research want to

describe why some students smokes cigarette at their early age and also what is the effect of smoking on


Another type is a problem oriented research because smoking is one of a problem that needs to be

studied. The answer would be given by the participant of the research.

This research also is an action research because this research can be minimized through programs.

This program can help the smoker to be aware of what would be the effect of smoking to their health.


The primary sources of this research is the answer of the participant that the question would be given

by the researchers and the secondary source of this research is the website, to give further information to the



The initial step that the researcher will do in their research, they create their survey questionnaire to

answered by their respondents. The second step, they write a letter to ask permission if they are going to
conduct their research to their respective teacher, principal and also for the respondents. After they ask

permission, that the time they will do their survey. After the survey, the retrieval of the questionnaire to

summarize the answer of the respondents. And lastly to analyse their findings to the answer of the participant

to answer their research study.


In this study, they used coding to represent the different influential factors of smoking student among

secondary student. The researchers want to know the percentage between smokers and non-smokers. To

know the percentage they used the formula.

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