Dhaka University: "An Assignment On Problem Solving Models"

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Problem solving models


“An Assignment on problem solving models”

Submitted to
Umme Kawser
Assistant Professor
Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology
Faculty of Biological Science

Submitted by
Salaha Akter
Roll: - EP-27

Submission date: 10 august 2019

Problem solving models

ABC model

ABC model is an approach that can be used to help people to examine the behaviors that were to
change. The ABC model is where,

A stands for Antecedent (environment)

B stands for Behavior

C stands for Consequence (outcome of the behavior)

Case 1:

My neighbor studies in honors’ 1st year.

Antecedent Behavior Consequence

i. When she get vacation i. That time she passes i. Headache,
her time by excessive ii. Insomnia
browsing facebook. iii. Didn’t pay attention in

Antecedent Modification:

In this case for changing antecedent, I have to tell her that you can pass your time by reading
story book or spend time with family member or watching TV.

Case – 2:

Antecedent Behavior Consequence

i. When mom go for i. The child wants to play i. Mom beating the child.
cooking with mom
ii. Crying and throwing
out things.
Problem solving models

Antecedent Modification:

We can change in antecedent by prepare him before cooking. Otherwise mom can make the child
involve with her in cooking activity like when mom cook, she can keep the child beside her.
Mom can tell her bring the bowl or peel the garlic or give her cooking toys to cook with mom.


 Simple and effective model

 Allow someone is observing the individual to record behavior early and clearly.


 It take time and patient

 Not applicable for the entire situation.
Problem solving models

STAR Model

The environment can cause children to behave in particular ways and it can stop them doing. So
we can use our knowledge of this to help us understand and response to children behavior.

In STAR Model:-

S means Setting – all those things going in the environment that affect behavior.

T means Trigger –the particular things that start or stop particular behavior.

A means Action –what the child actually does as a result of the setting and triggers.

R means Response –all those things that happen as a result.

Case -1: My neighbor shouting at her husband and beating child.

Situation Trigger Action Response

When she worked at Husband using She become angry Shouting at her
kitchen facebook husband and beating


 So I went to their home and discover that when wife work in kitchen and husband
browsing facebook on that time. Then wife start shouting because she want attention and
help from husband.
 So I mentioned to wife that she can share her need at intimate time. She must have to
understand husband needs.
 I also give her psycho education about NVC for anger management and now she starts
NVC using.
Problem solving models

Case --2:

My cousin who read in class six—

Situation Trigger Action Response

i. Reading i. When mom tell i. That time he i. Mother scolds him
Table him for reading. want to go to and sometime beat
washroom and him.
passes a lot of
time by playing
with water


 I mentioned her mother to make him lesson more interesting by using some easy
 Mother can prepare him before study by advising him within a few minute we are going
to study. If you need to go to the restroom finish it as early as possible.
 We can give him a specific time for play.


We can be used it in various setting like home and school.

Problem solving models

SWOT Analysis

Swot analysis is an analysis method throughout which we can see things in a holistic manner. In
educational psychology, we can analysis so many things by this analysis method in a proper way.

SWOT stands for –

S= Strength

W= Weakness

O= Opportunity

T= Threats


My younger brother who is 8 years old don’t want to eat rice by his own hand. When mother
asked to eat by him, he starts crying. So I tried to know what his issue is and why he disagrees to
eat by himself.

Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat

i. Eating other i. take much i. Support from i. Most of the time
food like time for eating parents eat by others
chocolate or ii. Waste food ii. When he eat ii. Sometimes
ice-cream by own hand mother scold him
by him. has being when he reject to
ii. In restaurant praised. eat by hand.
he ate by his
Problem solving models


 After analyzing these things I have found that he don’t eat by own because he needs too
much time to eat.
 So I tell him don’t need to worry about it. You can eat other food like chocolate and ice-
cream by your hand easily and when we go to restaurant you can eat by you own. So if
you try to eat rice by your own hand you can do it.
 I mentioned to mother to give him always verbal feedback when he eat by own instead of
 So in this way we can analysis the situation and can utilize his strength.
 So it is an effective model.


Recently I met one of my relative who admitted into BUET. But he cannot adjust there and
failed in exam. So I tried to know what his issue is—

Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat

i. Previous i. Home seeker i. Good hall i. Pocking

academic results ii. Weak coping environment by senior
are quite good. strategy ii. Teachers are ii. New
ii. Having iii. Dependency very system of
potential on father cooperative education
iii. Intellectual iii. Healthy and iii. New
iv. Friendly hygienic meal environm
iv. Having many ent.
v. Visiting
relative house
Problem solving models


 After analyzing these things I have discovered that he cannot adjust with his academic
life style because he is always depend on his father in every single work. That’s why he
cannot deal with new environment and lost his interest from study.
 So I tell him don’t worry about it. You have talent and your previous performance is very
good. You have so many good friends. You can pass your leisure by chatting with friends
and family. Nevertheless the teachers are cooperative you can discuss your problem with
them. You can visit your relatives when you feel bored. When I tell him that he can
 So in this way we can analyze the problem situation and can utilize his strength.
 So it is an effective model.
Problem solving models

FFA Model (Field Force Analysis)

FFA is an effective problem solving model to manage problem behavior. This model has four
factors that analyze an event.

The four factors are –

i. Current situation
ii. Ideal situation
iii. Facilitating forces
iv. Restricted forces


One of my neighbors comes to me to share her problems with her husband. So I apply FFA
model in this situation.

Current situation Ideal situation

i. Sharing with other person 70% i. More interaction with husband 70%
ii. Interaction with husband 20% ii. Willingness to make time for each
iii. Love for each other 10% other 80%
iv. No acceptance between each other iii. Increase quality time 50%
v. Willingness to spend time together 5% iv. Increase acceptance
vi. Quality time 5% v. Willing to discuss with problem

Facilitating forces Restricted force

i. Husband is responsible and caring i. Lack of understanding
ii. Husband is rich ii. Both has strong ego
iii. No extra marital relationship iii. Lack of communication
iv. Support from parents iv. Wife’s anger
v. Good parental relationship v. Husband past romantic relationship
Problem solving models


 So from FFA model we can focus the entire factor between husband and wife that helps
to improve their current situation So that they can reach their ideal situation.
 We already identify their current situation and ideal situation. If they accept each other
and increase their quality time, they can reach their ideal situation. They can also focus
on their restricted factor to reach their ideal situation.
 I talk with my neighbor and tell her about this. In this way she can realized where she
need to focus.
 So it is an effective model.


My younger brother spends his free time by watching cartoon or play games on phone, tab, and
laptop instead of playing in grounds. So I apply FFA model for this problem behavior.

Current situation Ideal situation

i. Always spend his time by watching i. Attentive in study

cartoon or playing games on phone. ii. Watching cartoon for short time
ii. Before this abdication he used to ride
cycle but he don’t
iii. Inattentiveness in study
iv. Eyes problem
Facilitating forces Restricted force
i. Good family attachment i. When father saw him to using phone,
ii. Mother and sisters tell him story he shouts at him.
iii. Father take him outside for a walk ii. Phone, laptop, tab is available for him.
iv. Having a large yard for riding cycle
Problem solving models


So from FFA model we can focus on the entire factor that helps us to improve his current
situation. So that he can reach his ideal situation. We already identify his current situation and
ideal situation. If he spends less time for using phone he can reach his ideal situation. We can
also focus on his restricted factor to reach goal. I told him he can spend time through riding cycle
or he can hear story from his mother and sisters.


It provides a visual summary of all the various factors.


Require full participation of everyone.

Problem solving models


For behavioral management we use various numbers of methods. One of them is “how how
model”. Like the other model it is an effective model.


I used to go bed at late night. So I cannot get up for fazar salat. So I pointed out the problems that
are given below:-

I usually get up from bed at 8 am and get ready for university. I return from university at 5:30
Pm and then take my shower and complete my salat. After that I take some rest and go for tuition
at 7 pm. I come back at 9:30 pm and start making dinner and other household activities till 11
pm. After taking my meal I usually used to watch movie or browse internet for 2 hour.


I want to pray my fazar salat. So I have to go for bed early and get up early in the morning.


I have t focus on my need so that I can go to bed early instead of watching movie or browsing

Case –2:

 My student read in class 8. He wants to get GPA-5 in board examination. But he cannot
study properly. Daily he used to get up late in the morning and so he don’t get enough
time for study. So I tried to analyze the behavior according to how how model. At first I
pointed out the issues that are following:--
 He gets up at 9:30 am, and then he takes his breakfast and ready for his coaching. From
coaching he goes to school.
 After school he goes to playground at 5 pm and there he spend 1 hour.
 Then he come back home at 6:00 pm.
Problem solving models

 From 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm he read for house tutor. After leaving teacher he takes some
rest and start study till 10:30 pm.
 After that he takes his dinner and watch TV for 1 hour.
 He goes to bed at 12 o’clock.


I told him in evening you can study instead of using mobile and after completing his study under
house tutor he can take rest for a few minute and again started study till 11:30pm. In morning he
has to get up at 7:00 am. In this way he can get enough time for study.

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