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Investment property is initially measured at cost and subsequently

measured at cost less accumulated depreciation.
2. Recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less costs
to sell and value in use.
3. If an asset’s recoverable amount exceeds its carrying amount the
asset is impaired.
4. An entity shall capitalize as part of the cost of an investment property
the operating losses incurred before the investment property
achieves the planned level of occupancy.
5. According to the GAM for NGAS, government entities may choose to
use to use either the cost model or the fair value model to
subsequently measure investment properties.
6. The reversal of impairment is recognized in surplus or deficit in the
period of reversal.
7. Transfer to or from investment property shall be made only when
there is a change in use.
8. Property held for strategic purposes is an example of investment
9. On derecognition of an investment property, the difference between
the net disposal proceeds (if any) and its fair value is recognized as
gain or loss in surplus or deficit.
10. Investment property acquired through donation is initially
measured at fair value on acquisition date.

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