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Comendador, Renalyn

Moreno, Kristine Verna

Ruma, Rina Mae



The movie was about a community between Human and Bee. Barry who is the lead character was
supposed to decide on what he would do or work for the rest of his life. He’s parents wanted him to be a
stirrer which is his father’s work but he doesn’t agree since he believes that it would be boring doing the
same work for the rest of his life. So then he became curious and want to go out to explore the outside of
their society. He then decides to become a pollen jock which is the working by collecting pollen out from
the flowers so that he could go out. While being in a tour to learn about his chosen work. He got lose and
met Vanessa who is a florist. A person that experience the same as Barry. Her parents expect her to be to
work as a doctor or a lawyer but she wanted to be a florist. A work that is handling a flower. Vanessa got
the attention of Barry that’s the reason that trigger Barry to go outside and meet Vanessa. They got close
as time goes by. While they are at the grocery store Barry see the product that contain honey in which is
what the bee was working. He thinks it was stealing from them and some of the bees was imprisons for
the product since the humans use honey in their daily basis. Barry then want to fight for their rights. At first
the Bee and his parents does not agree with his plan. They won at the court and got all the honey that was
stolen from them but, then a huge conflict was created since they’re not working anymore because they got
a lot of honey. At the end they all became one and wanted to save the nature so that the whole world will
be better.

The individualism that was seen in movie was Barry’s uniqueness, interest, the fact that he ignores
the idea of his parents that he should become a stirrer and make his own decision cause that’s the things
that created his own characteristic. In terms of uniqueness, he was being unique by having his idea that he
doesn’t want to work as a stirrer or other work inside their society. His interest that he wants to work
together with the pollen jocks. And making his own decision for his life. His confidence that he believes
that he can fight for their rights. Having a goal to achieve, which is he was fighting for against the persons
who stole their honey. It was individualism in which it he prior his own characteristic rather that the
thoughts of the others. Vanessa also did the same thing which is she made her choice of her work rather
than following the work that her parents wanted for her. She also fights with her boyfriend because she
values her believes that Barry’s connection to her was not wrong.

The collectivism was when the bees support the idea on fighting to the court in which they're aiming
to get back their honey. They became a team having one goal to fight for their rights. Collectivism is the
idea of interconnectedness that was created by forming a group aiming for the same thoughts and believes,
doing the same thing as how the other react and act. Just like how the bees react and have the flowers before
it was too late. Everyone in that scene became one to save the flowers by lifting or supporting the plane that
contains flowers and also the others was waiting at the landing area and cheering to achieve their idea to
save the flowers and give life or color in the life. They spread the pollens for the flowers to bloom

The movie was great it does gives lot of lessons that can be applied in every aspect of life. It gives
lots of scene that was related to the reality that we’re facing not the scene that the bee can talk but when we
look closer or think deeper it was a great idea to fight for our rights but the communication between an
animals and people are also should be consider because there is an individualism and collectivism that
should be balance. As we watch the movie we reflected that the community or the idea of individualism
and collectivism should be balance. We also admire the fact that animals should be treated well because
they work and helping us by using the product that was produced by the animals. It was also attractive or
has this ability to capture the attention of people by the use of a different genre. The concept was deliver
very well that was not hard to understand for everyone who watch it.

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