Spelling Bee

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1. an·i·mus (noun) /ˈanəməs/ - hostility or ill feeling.

2. gre·gar·i·ous (adjective) /ɡrəˈɡerēəs/ - (of a person) fond of company; sociable.

3. scour (verb) /ˈskou(ə)r/ - clean or brighten the surface of (something) by rubbing it hard, typically with an
abrasive or detergent.

4. dun·ga·rees (plural) noun /ˌdəNGɡəˈrēz/ - dungaree (singular) -pants made of blue demin; blue jeans.

5. hal·cy·on (adjective) /ˈhalsēən/ - denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful.


1. sur·rep·ti·tious (adjective) /ˌsərəpˈtiSHəs/ - kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of.

2. ran·cor (noun) /ˈraNGkər/ - bitterness or resentfulness, especially when long-standing.

3. sil·hou·ette (noun) /ˌsilo͞oˈet/ - the dark shape and outline of someone or something visible against a lighter
background, especially in dim light.

4. brusque (adjective) /brəsk/ - abrupt or offhand in speech or manner.

5. u·biq·ui·tous (adjective) /yo͞oˈbikwədəs/ - present, appearing, or found everywhere.


1. xe·ni·a (noun)/ˈzēnēə/ BOTANY the influence or effect of pollen on the endosperm or embryo, resulting in
hybrid characteristics in form, color, etc., of the derived seed.

2. qui·es·cent (adjective) /kwēˈesnt,kwīˈesnt/ - in a state or period of inactivity or dormancy.

3. chi·gnon (noun) /ˈSHēnyän,SHēnˈyän/ - a knot or coil of hair arranged on the back of a woman's head.

4. lack·a·dai·si·cal (adjective) /ˌlakəˈdāzək(ə)l/ - lacking enthusiasm and determination; carelessly lazy.

5. isth·mus (noun) /ˈisməs/ - a narrow strip of land with sea on either side, forming a link between two larger
areas of land.


1. nautch (noun) /nôCH/ - (in South Asia) a traditional dance performed by professional dancing girls.

2. queasily \ ˈkwē-zə-lē \ adverb - inclined to or feeling nausea, as the stomach, a person, etc.

3. ca·hoot (noun) /kəˈho͞ot/ - colluding or conspiring together secretly.

4. fo·li·age (noun) /ˈfōl(ē)ij/ plant leaves collectively.

5. lic·o·rice (noun) /ˈlik(ə)riSH,ˈlik(ə)ris/ - a sweet, chewy, aromatic black substance made by evaporation from
the juice of a root and used as a candy and in medicine.

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