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Ihdi Syahputra Ritonga, Nia Kumaladewi, Suci Ratnawati

Abstract-Evaluasi of acceptance and satisfaction of users is by users of the system [12] and EUCS focused to measure
one way to assess the success of a system. Healthy factors satisfaction level of users of the system information
Information System (HIS) is a system used by the unit LKC [9].
Services (LKC) as an operational tool in our employees and The purpose of this study was to determine how the
to provide information or data to all levels of management. response of his users associated with the acceptance and
In LKC Ciputat there are constraints on the HIS as a server satisfaction in using his information system in order to
system that is sometimes down, then the patient data report contribute to the continued development of information
generation, employees find it difficult because of incomplete systems in determining the corrective measures.
data and information according to user needs in patient data This research was conducted using the method of data
reporting features. This study aims to evaluate and assess the collection and data analysis methods. Methods of data
success of his implementation of the system by measuring collection consists of observation, interviews, questionnaires
the level of acceptance and satisfaction of his users in LKC and literature. MethodData analysis in this study using
based on variables that exist in the model of the Technology SmartPLS 3.0 with 2 stages, namely measurement test model
Acceptance Model (TAM) and End User Computing (outer model) and Structural Models (inner model).
Satisfaction (EUCS). This research is a quantitative amount
of 73 respondents surveyed. The process of data analysis
using PLS-SEM approach with SmartPLS Version 3.0. The II. THEORETICAL BASIS
results of this study are rejected 2 of 5 hypothesis being
tested is ease of use and content. Relationship variables that Evaluation is a study to collect, analyze, and present
have the greatest influence in this study is the attitude useful information about the object of evaluation, to judge
towards user satisfaction, the format of the attitude and by comparison with indicators of evaluation and the results
relationship smallest variable is ease of use of the attitude. are used to make decisions about the object of evaluation
Keywords: HIS, Acceptance and satisfaction of users of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) or the
system, TAM, EUCS, PLS-SEM, SmartPLS Technology Acceptance Model is a theory about the use of
information systems technology systems that are considered
very influential and is commonly used to describe the
individual acceptance of the use of information technology
I. PRELIMINARY systems [8].
End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) is a form of
Current technological developments so rapidly that an overall evaluation of the users of information systems
almost all companies have them, the benefits gained from the based on their experience in using the system [5].
development of technology that was so much one of them The reasons for selecting the merger of the two models
presenting that information quickly, reliably, and accurately above are based on the focus of researchers will examine the
and facilitate its work [1]. After applying the information variables that exist in two models of the theory related to the
system, it becomes important for companies to know the existence of a relationship between acceptance and
success in the implementation of information systems, one satisfaction in using the system [13], The information system
way to find out is to measure the extent of acceptance and of an organization reliable if it has a good quality and able to
satisfaction of users the system [24]. give satisfaction to the users. With the user satisfaction that
Health Services was charity (LKC) is a poor wallet will arise in the acceptance of information systems used in
services Institutions engaged in health aimed at helping the the organization [21].
poor health-related problems. LKC has inpatient and Sampling in data collection techniques in this study
outpatient already functioning as it should as Hospital. In using the method of sampling nonprobability with saturated
operation LKC has implemented an information system that sampling technique. Saturated Sampling is a sampling
is Healthy Information System (HIS), where his aims as a technique when the members of the population used as a
tool in its operations and provides information regarding sample. This is often done when a relatively small number
health care, a report on health outcomes as well as data about of the population. Another term saturation sampling is a
the patient to all those who need it LKC management. census, where all members of the population used as a
In the study, researchers focused more on the problems sample [23].
of acceptance and satisfaction of users of information PLS-SEM is one of the methods used in analyzing and
systems and models used in relation to these problems, considered strong for use on any kind of scale of such data,
namely TAM and EUCS, where TAM focuses on acceptance
interval data, nominal data and ratios as well as the Table 1 Demographic Analysis Results
assumption that more flexible terms [27]. respondents Frequency Percent
husband 29 40%
woman 44 60%
30-39tahun 30 41%
The research method for this study is the method of mix Age
40-49tahun 7 10%
method (quantitative and qualitative). Quantitative data > 50tahun 2 3%
collection method is done by providing a questionnaire Very helpful 13 18%
containing questions based on the theory of TAM and perananan
Help 36 49%
EUCS. While the methods of qualitative data collection is System
Self help 24 33%
done by the process of interviews and direct observation to
Very satisfied 12 16%
the study. user
In this study, there are two methodologies of research Satisfied 38 52%
conducted by the author, namely: Quite satisfied 23 32%

a. Method of collecting data From a total of 73 samples of the study there were
1) Observation, in the form of direct observation of the differences away from the sex male and female, with
activities related to the services included in the LKC 40% of men versus 60% of women. Then the role of
and use of information systems applied in LKC, the system, from 73 samples of 18% said they felt
2) Interviews, related to the duties and powers, duties themselves greatly helped in completing the work, and
and functions, scope of work, information system 49% feel that the system is, and the rest as many as 24
services are implemented, the problems and the people (33%) find it quite helpful in completing its
impact of the application of existing systems, IT task. As for the user satisfaction as indicated in the
management and expectations of the management table above most of the sample declared themselves
information system better future. very satisfied when using the system as many as 12
3) Literature, namely reading and studying various people 16%, then expressed his satisfaction as much
literature references in the form of journals, books and as 52% and the remaining 32% stated very pretty
previous research related to the study authors. satisfied in using the system.
4) Questionnaires, the method of data collection
indirectly, where researchers interact with the 4.2 Outer Analysis Results Model
respondent. Questionnaire itself is a number of 4.2.1 The individual test item reliability
questions related to what is observed then answered In this test, done by looking at the value of
by respondents [10], standardizes the loading factor. This value will indicate
the magnitude of correlation between each item
b. Data analysis method using SmartPLS in two stages: measurement or indicator with konstraknya. Said ideal
1) Outer Model, At the analysis stage model value is above 0.7 (Afthanorhan, 2013; Hair et al., 2012;
measurements (measurement models) Performed four Wong K, 2013; Subiyakto et al. 2015; Yamin &
testing stages, four stages are individual item Kurniawan, 2011). Refers to the standard value loading
reliability, internal consistency reliability, average factor, after testing on SmartPLS 3.0, with the results in
variance extracted and discriminant validity, the table below, after testing there are eight indicators is
removed is EOU5, EOU3, for3, USE5, USE3, for1,
2) Inner models, At this stage of the analysis model of CON4, TIM3 which has a value below 0 , 7. But the
the structure of this model there are six stages of value of the standardized loading factor above 0.5 is
testing, ie testing the path coefficient (β), the acceptable for research testing phase so that the indicator
coefficient of determination (R ²), T-test using the has a value of about 0.6 would be retained[10],
method of bootstrapping, the effect size (f²),
predictive relevance (Q²), and the relative impact (q²).


4.1 Demographic Analysis Results

At this stage, by conducting analysis of responses
to the questions in the questionnaire, especially the
question on the profile of respondents to produce
information relevant demographic characteristics of
respondents. Table below summarizes the results of
demographic analysis.

Table 2 The test results Loading factor said that there is no problem in the test Average Variance
ACC1 0,749
ACC2 0,699
ACC3 0,652 4.2.4 Discriminant Test Validity
ACC4 0,831
ATT1 0,669 The test is performed through two stages of
ATT2 0,872
ATT3 0,753
loading cross examination, which is to see the value of
cross loading between indicators and cross loading
CON2 0,707 Fornell-Lacker's (Yamin & Kurniawan, 2011; Hair et al.
CON3 0,741
EOU1 0,766 2014). On the measurement of cross loading between
indicators, carried out by comparing the correlation of
FOR2 0,734 indicators with kostruknya and construct another block.
FOR4 0,903
TIM1 0,860 When the correlation between the indicators with
TIM2 0,770
TIM4 0,645
konstruknya higher than the correlation to construct
US1 0,860 another block, this shows the construct of the predicted
US2 0,715
US3 0,778 size of the block they are better than the other block
US4 0,840
USE1 0,839
(Afthanorhan, 2013; Hair et al., 2012; Wong K, 2013;
Subiyakto et al. 2015; Yamin & Kurniawan, 2011).
Examination of the cross loading Fornell-Lacker's
done by looking at the roots of the AVE value should be
4.2.2 Test Internal consistency reliability higher than the correlation between a construct with
The test is performed by using a composite value other construct. Here are the test results:
realibility (CR) with a threshold of 0.7 (Afthanorhan,
2013; Hair et al., 2012; Wong K, 2013; Subiyakto et al. Table 5 Discriminant Validity of test
2015; Yamin & Kurniawan, 2011). CR better in ACC ATT CON results
measuring the internal consistency with Cronbach's ACC 0,736
alpha compared in SEM models because CR does not ATT 0,416 0,747
assume all the same indicators in a variable, CON 0,349 0,237 0,729
EOU 0,336 0,168 0,189 0,754
FOR 0,239 0,504 0,051 0,210 0,823
Table 3 Composite test results Reliability TIM 0,102 0,400 0,154 0,017 0,213 0,764
US 0,228 0,630 0,312 0,164 0,394 0,486 0,800
Variabel Composite Reliability
ACC 0,824
USE 0,298 0,365 0,175 0,481 0,191 0,100 0,400 0,802
ATT 0,833
CON 0,772 The table above shows that the value of the root of
EOU 0,798 AVE higher than the correlation between the construct
FOR 0,806 with other constructs. So based on the results of a two-
TIM 0,805 stage cross loading is known that there is no problem in
US 0,876
the test discriminant validity.
USE 0,844

4.2.3 Test Average Variance Extracted (AVE) 4.3 Results Analysis inner models
Convergent validity testing next is to look at the 4.3.1 Path Coefficient Test
value of Average Variance Extracted (AVE). This value On the path coefficient testing conducted by
represents the amount of variants or diversity manifest researchers at seeing the value of the path (path). Above
variables that can be contained by the latent variables. a threshold value of 0.1 means that the path (path) that
AVE value of at least 0.5 shows the size of convergent has an influence in our model (Afthanorhan, 2013; Hair
validity (Afthanorhan, 2013; Hair et al., 2012; Wong K, et al., 2012; Wong K, 2013; Yamin & Kurniawan, 2011).
2013; Subiyakto et al. 2015; Yamin & Kurniawan, 2011).
Table 4 AVE test results 4.3.2 Test Coefficient of Determination (R-Square)
This test is used to explain the variance of each of
Variabel Average Variance Extracted (AVE)
ACC 0,541
the target variables endogeneous (a variable that is
ATT 0,558 thought to be influenced by other variables in the model)
CON 0,531 with a standard measuring approximately 0.670
EOU 0,568 considered strong, the range of 0.333 rated moderate, and
FOR 0,677
0.190 were considered weak (Hair et al., 2013; Ringle,
TIM 0,583
US 0,641
2015; Wong, 2016).
USE 0,644
4.3.3 T-Tests
From the table above can be seen that the entire In this phase of testing was conducted using
value AVE has a value greater than 0.5 so that it can be bootstrapping is in SmartPLS 3.0 using a two-tailed test
with significance level of 5% in order to test the
hypothesis in the research. That hypothesis will be V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS
accepted if it has a t-test value is greater than 1.96 (Hair
et al., 2012; Afthanorhan, 2013; Wong, 2016; Hair et al. 5.1 Conclusion
2017). Based on the results of the discussion of research on
measuring the success of the system that has been done
4.3.4 Test Effect Size (f2) using TAM and EUCS integration model, it can be
In this stage of testing to determine the effect of concluded that:
certain variable to another variable in the model structure 1. Relationship variables that have the greatest
with a threshold value of about 0.02 for a small effect, influence in this study are: ATT → US with the value path
0.15 for medium, and 0.35 for a major influence (Hair et coefficient 0.630, FOR → ATT with the path coefficient
al., 2012; Wong, 2013). 0366, and TIM → ATT with the path coefficient 0.263 and
variable relation smallest is EOU → ATT with the value
4.3.5 Predictive Test Relevance (Q2) path coefficient-0.127 ,
In the testing phase is done by the method of 2. Rejection of the hypothesis that two of the seven
blindfolding in order to provide evidence that the EOU → ATT, CON → ATT for testing by t-test, both
particular variables used in the model is linked predictive paths are rejected. While based on the path coefficient
(predictive relevance) with other variables in the research testing, both showed no significant effect. In fact, the
model and has a threshold value measurement is above employees as users think that his not providing adequate
zero (Hair et al. 2012; Wong, 2016; Hair et al. 2017). information, since there are reports that are not vague or
incomplete so the user must input the data again, by it that
4.3.6 Relative Impact Test (Q2) the user is not satisfied with the ease of use of the system.
At the last stage is conducted by blindfolding
method for measuring the relative effect of a particular 5.2 Suggestion
variable predictive association with other variables with Based on the research that has been done, researchers
the threshold value of about 0.02 for a small effect, 0.15 have several suggestions for further research based on the
for medium effect, and 0.35 for a major influence results and limitations described earlier:
(Subiyakto et al. 2015; Hair et al. 2017). 1. Researchers gave suggestions for further research in
order to review the indicators that will be used, the
The table below summarizes the overall results of the input / advice of experts should be made to
inner test models. strengthen the indicators on specific variables and
also to reduce the elimination of many indicators.
2. The study was conducted with the addition of the
sample due to the calculation SmartPLS less suitable
tools with a relatively small population is not
recommended, suggestions for the sample used is
the minimum number of respondents in the
calculation SmartPLS 10% of the total population.
3. To give originiality value that can be used as
background in the study in the journal
merepresantasikan suggested a minimum of four
elements, namely the determination of the level of
satisfaction, determining indicators, sampling,
developing hypotheses.

Table 6 Model Inner test results

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