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The global warming process is mixing the earth from energy from the sun but cannot reflect it
back, while being trapped in the atmosphere. The thing that challenges the release of heat into
space is the accumulation of greenhouse gases, such as air vapor, carbon dioxide, and excess
methane on the surface of the earth. Greenhouses are needed by the earth to keep the earth warm,
because without it the earth would be -18oC which means the earth would be covered in ice. The
greenhouse effect is already quite hot at 33oC from an average of 15oC.

The current global is Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrogen Oxide (NO) from
fertilizers and CFC gases which are mostly for refrigeration and air conditioning. Many gases
produce a warming effect from CO2. For example, a CH4 molecule has a 23-fold heating effect.
Whereas wood has no effect up to 300 times. Some even reach millions of times, namely other
gases such as Clorofluorocarbons (CFC).

The impact of global warming can be felt by the earth today. Melting of ice at the South Pole and
North Pole is one of these natural disasters. About 19 million tons in Greenland have melted. In
addition, the volume in Arctic in 2007 was only half the volume of the previous 4 years. Melting
this affects the volume of ocean air. It is estimated that sea levels will rise up to 7 meters,
including in Greenland melting. This lever is enough to sink the beaches, ports and lowlands
throughout the world.

Increasingly extreme climate change and encouraging heat waves have become global globally.
The pattern of rainfall and drought is now more difficult to predict, because it often changes. The
heat wave which he called increased to dryness in various regions, and became one of the factors
of crop failure. And the last of these global warming is the exhaustion of glaciers as a source of
clean air. Glaciers in the world are currently melting to an alarming point, where it has melted no
less than 8,000 m3.

NASA scientists have now realized that all of that is evidence that the planet Earth is being and
continues to supply. As an effort of the countries discussed in the world and ratifying the Kyoto
Protocol, namely the International Convention on the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC or FCCC) aimed at combating global warming.

From that, we as humans are also one of the global global causative factors responsible for the
problems and global improvements that are taking place. For me as a student there is no harm in
helping to fight global warming starting from simple things, like; reduce excessive use of private
vehicles, participate in reforestation activities and prefer organic fertilizers as one of the
fertilizers that produce substances NO. By being aware of ourselves which is balanced with real
action, we have participated in the global world so that it can be passed on to the next generation.


General Statement Text :

Global Warming yaitu suatu proses meningkatnya suhu rata-rata atmosfer,laut dan daratan pada
saat ini suhu di permukaan bumi sudah menunjukan peningkatan 0.60 C dari periode abad ini merupakan hasil dari penelitian-penelitian oleh para ahli.perubahan ini jangan di
anggap hal yang kecil karena hanya dengan 0.60 C dapat berdampak besar pada bumi.hal yang
menghambat kerangka kerja PBB tentang perubahan iklim (UNFCCC atau FCCC) yang di
tunjukan untuk melawan pemanasan global.

A Squenced Explanation :
Proses terjadinya global warming :
• Pertama sebagian sinar tampak matahari di serap bumi dan sebagiannya di pantulkan ke
angkasa (yang di pantulkan kembali adalah radiasi inframerah) radiasi masuk hingga 343
• Kemudian sebagian pantulan dari bumi sebagiannya terus ke langit dan radiasi sebagian di
pantulkan lagi oleh atmosfer ke bumi
• Lalu dari atmosfer di pantulkan kembali ke udara oleh permukaan bumi dan di teruskan oleh
atmosfer ke bumi
• Setelah itu,sisa radiasi matahari dari berkali-kali pantulan tersebut itu menjadi 30 watt/m²


Terlepas dari itu,kita sebagai umat manusia yang tentunya juga sebagai satu faktor
penyebab pemanasan global sudah seharusnya bertanggung jawab.dalam pencegahan maupun
perbaikan pemanasan global yang sedang terjadi.maka dari itu sebaiknya kita ikut memperlambat
terjadinya dampak pemanasan global agar bumi dapat di nikmati dan di wariskan kepada generasi
Proses pemanasan global terjadi ketika karbon dioksida (CO²) polutan udara lainnya dan gas
rumah kaca di atmosfer mengumpulkan dan menyerap sinar matahari dan radiasi matahari yang
memantul dari permukaan bumi.Biasanya radiasi ini akan tersebar ke luar angkasa tapi karena
adanya polutan,yang dapat bertahan selama bertahun-tahun sampai berabad-abad di
atmosfer,memerangkap panas dan menyebabkan bumi memperoleh lebih banyak panas.itu yang
di sebut efek rumah kaca.

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