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WRITTEN BY KAI GREENE TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. | aU | ru. | US LT) i. a SS La ia BOO K Cen eat ae 1 _ =a C—O HEART/TRANSFORMATION > PSE Ui) What does it mean to transform? What does it mean to take the raw materials that life and circumstance have granted you and manipulate them as you see fit? What does it mean to grip at your very essence and graft into the person you see in your Rea To transform is to shirk destiny and decide your destination is not preplanned. No CU OCCA OC MUO Ce CRC CR CRIA Le POCA OST TMCS OLR CM RAT a inable potential. You are a prism, through which energy enters and is scattered into a beautiful array of infinite possibilities. Ly - oO K Ce ete ae ) Pn NSFORMATION Pa GSMS CLUTL| Every person who has achieved greatness began from a single thought, a single idea, a single ray of light. They harnessed their energy and transformed themselves into a shining beacon. A bright star of hope that casts out the darkness and illuminates your path ahead. In these next 6 weeks you will discover what it truly takes to transform yourself from SOCORRO MUR UC RC eI Cnt converge them on one single point in the distance. No longer will you go through the motions, hoping a new creature emerges from the same tired and familiar tactics. TORS CSO MRI RCN ONC UA CRT Ot aura - BOO K Ce ete ae 3 PST STMT MOS CT UT GENETICS - This is the rallying cry of those incapable of transforming. How often have you heard, “I wish | had his genetics” or “the weight just falls off her”. Those who cannot see the light that exists within us all will try to demean or delegitimize their brothers or sisters. Yes, some people have great genetics for bodybuilding. Some people can build CRMC CRUE CCRC OM TORCAU RC CR SUTIN e calories. Yet even those chosen few must commit to their goals to unleash their true Ue SO UENCE ANAL CLC CUR UCU OR ORS RO UO CCL Sa CSR URAC La ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4 HEART/TRANSFORMATION ae SSC CnC LCR CK a IC ALIA CLA Ay stirred on by external forces that spring us into action. Maybe you saw an action TU OO CR UU RCM OAR TORU CHT NTRS R CLI SCCM CIE RCC HCMC RTI CCUM En Ns TiC Osun DOCU UCL Mea RTC ORR Cm OUR ICRS (Cm SCRUM ROMO ROMs Re transformation. Motivation is fleeting, requiring a constant source of inspiration to CUO TU UOC SACRO EUR LCIn TE CRRA men RCRA a Cg SORT CM RS UOLCNTOC ROUER ICRC MN CR OUR OTL committed promise to yourself that you will transform. Bie tld COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 5 SENT Proper preparation prevents poor performance. You should never enter the gym or a RRC CRO OO OCMC em RUST) Se UU ROCA MCUs co The secret fo staying on plan is undoubtedly to have a plan. Prep your food for the PUN CASCR UMUC MEMES AU ICRC Cc for and the rest of the meals for the next days in your freezer. Further, you should AR ROLLER EC CU RUM COL COURIC (Ly targeted and purposeful to ensure maximal returns. It is much easier to stay on your CCUM LCA EUR CCC OICS CCN ATL TRL ACS _ : COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (7 UA Ee ed | > a ILA Oe UT REEL Every person's caloric needs differ. Your height, weight, age, biological sex, and workout activity determine your total caloric needs. For ex: a 6’, 250 Ib male line- backer who works out 6 times a week can have double the caloric needs as a 5'4”, 150 Ib male computer programmer who walks 3 times per week for 30 minutes. Therefore, a cutting plan for the 6’ linebacker could actually be a bulking plan for TC MOC e CCA CNC ICRC RIE CARS CHI au LCs experience, and lifestyle. a Bie tld - K CRU ens aod v4 HEART/TRANSFORMATION > a ILA Oe UT REEL Burning fat or building muscle is relative to your caloric baseline. You must eat more CORA RICAN ULTRA LT muscle requires additional calories to build tissue whereas burning fat relies on the body breaking down stored energy to fuel your caloric needs. You cannot burn fat CORI RTOS ORC CC RUC R UTR COCR the other requires eating less. Transformations, in terms of bodybuilding, are highly visible endeavors. You cannot build significant lean muscle mass in 6 weeks unless you are completely new to training. Therefore, this transformation will focus on preserving lean muscle mass while depleting your fat stores. This will create a lean, full, and muscular physique. ’ SONA CPM OM UMC TCC TCM CT LaST TLC cm Bie tld COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, pas Protein is the building block of muscle that is used to build and repair tissues. Each gram of protein provides roughly 4 calories per gram. Protein is a powerful fool for transformations. It is satiating, meaning it leaves you feeling full, and thermogenic, helps increase your metabolic rate. During a calorically restrictive diet, higher protein is needed to help preserve your muscle mass. COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. fc) 3S Pree BE) Carbs are the primary source of fuel for your cells. Each gram of carbs OCS CCRC Co LACUS OO CIC ACR UE CSCC UCC UMC Nr CUR Une Ne RUS a Tt * fuller post carb up. Simple carbs can help spike insulin, a hormone that SCAU ER Ce RCC MT CARON RTC food that can stabilize blood sugar, help with cholesterol, and keep you i »> feeling full. Carbs are often vilified during fat loss transformations. Carbohydrates are protein sparing, meaning that they can prevent your body from breaking down OOM CU CMC OCIS CL CUNO CU LLCS COUR OE ROCCO ROR CLUB LCRA La CR CR AUR CLL Cue _ 5 e COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 10 KY CCU Ar eC Se Cae MS cules help with absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, and K. Fats are also crucial to optimal hormone production, including testosterone. Further- CCRC CRIGRC STC IIG CIO RCC COC RUCE CRUG IT I LUT i OCU OO CMOS RT ACCOM RC EOC LOC Tm TALC LC CORRUPT MU Uma CL COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 1 VIAN ET eed Pa UC | Se eC aeRO CR CCRC aL Ce AT ACR CMU eC UCU Ce Protein in grams= (Bodyweight x 1.2) Fats in grams= (Calorie intake x 0.20)/ 9 Carbs: [Caloric intake - ((protein in grams x 4) + (fats in grams x 9))] / 4 ‘ SI OU RUT eC OOS CCC eURUGR CTU uC Meal 1: Protein: 20% of protein total/Carbs: 20% of carbs total/Fats: 25% of fat total UP Protein: 20% of protein total/Carbs: 10% of carb total/Fats: 25% of fat total Meal 3: Protein: 20% of protein total/Carbs: 10% of carb total/Fats: 25% of fat total a Protein: 20% of protein total/Carbs: 40% of carb total/Fats: 23% of fat total Post Workout: Protein: 20% of protein total/Carbs: 20% of carb total/Fats: 2% of fat total CARDIO PAS a RAE EL R S53] Bie tld - COR ae as) SF VIAN ET eed Pa Pe UU EL SSAC a Lee a REO meme ecm AT ACR CMU eC UCU Ce Protein in grams= (Bodyweight x 1.25) Fats in grams= (Calorie intake x 0.20)/ 9 Carbs: [Caloric intake - ((protein in grams x 4) + (fats in grams x 9))] / 4 ‘ SI OU RUT eC OOS CCC eURUGR CTU uC Meal 1: Protein: 20% of protein total/Carbs: 20% of carbs total/Fats: 25% of fat total UP Protein: 20% of protein total/Carbs: 10% of carb total/Fats: 25% of fat total Meal 3: Protein: 20% of protein total/Carbs: 5% of carb total/Fats: 25% of fat total a Protein: 20% of protein total/Carbs: 40% of carb total/Fats: 23% of fat total Post Workout: Protein: 20% of protein total/Carbs: 20% of carb total/Fats: 2% of fat total CARDIO RRS ea lg RAE EL R S53] Bie tld = BOOK COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LL/AI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 13 VIAN ET eed Pa 3 - NUTRITION PLAN Sea a Lea a RO me mC CeCe AT ACR CMU eC UCU Ce Protein in grams= (Bodyweight x 1.3) Fats in grams= (Calorie intake x 0.20)/ 9 Carbs: [Caloric intake - ((protein in grams x 4) + (fats in grams x 9))] / 4 ‘ SI OU RUT eC OOS CCC eURUGR CTU uC Meal 1: Protein: 20% of protein total/Carbs: 20% of carbs total/Fats: 25% of fat total UP Protein: 20% of protein total/Carbs: 5% of carb total/Fats: 25% of fat total Meal 3: Protein: 20% of protein total/Carbs: 5% of carb total/Fats: 25% of fat total a Protein: 20% of protein total/Carbs: 40% of carb total/Fats: 23% of fat total Post Workout: Protein: 20% of protein total/Carbs: 20% of carb total/Fats: 2% of fat total CARDIO RUNES SP SLO PARR OL UTR ASI 1 LAU - BOO 4 Ce ete ae 14 VIAN ET eed Pa Ce UU Rah STEP 1. Multiply your week 3 TDEE X 0.95 to get your daily caloric intake. AT ACR CMU eC UCU Ce Protein in grams= (Bodyweight x 1.35) Fats in grams= (Calorie intake x 0.20)/ 9 Carbs: [Caloric intake - ((protein in grams x 4) + (fats in grams x 9))] / 4 SI OU RUT eC OOS CCC eURUGR CTU uC Meal 1: Protein: 20% of protein total/Carbs: 10% of carbs total/Fats: 25% of fat total UP Protein: 20% of protein total/Carbs: 5% of carb total/Fats: 25% of fat total Meal 3: Protein: 20% of protein total/Carbs: 5% of carb total/Fats: 25% of fat total a Protein: 20% of protein total/Carbs: 40% of carb total/Fats: 23% of fat total MLC Protein: 20% of protein total/Carbs: 30% of carb total/Fats: 2% of fat total CARDIO SRS SCOT PAL AY LeU Resi hy Bie tld = BOOK COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LL/AI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 15 VIAN ET eed Pa UU Rah STEP 1. Multiply your week 4 TDEE X 0.95 to get your daily caloric intake. AT ACR CMU eC UCU Ce Protein in grams= (Bodyweight x 1.4) Fats in grams= (Calorie intake x 0.20)/ 9 Carbs: [Caloric intake - ((protein in grams x 4) + (fats in grams x 9))] / 4 ‘ ARI OU RUT CUCU S Coe CeURUGR OCC TUP Rucci Ue Protein: 20% of protein total/Carbs: 10% of carbs total/Fats: 25% of fat total a Protein: 20% of protein total/Carbs: 5% of carb total/Fats: 25% of fat total Meal 3: Protein: 20% of protein total/Carbs: 5% of carb total/Fats: 25% of fat total aa LCT Protein: 20% of protein total/Carbs: 40% of carb total/Fats: 25% of fat total LCE Protein: 20% of protein total/Carbs: 40% of carb total/Fats: 25% of fat total CARDIO RNS Pe SCOT PALEY ee RS eSSU Bie tld = BOOK COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LL/AI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (3 VIAN ET eed Pa Ce UU EL STEP 1. Multiply your week 5 TDEE X 0.9 to get your daily caloric intake. AT ACR CMU eC UCU Ce Protein in grams= (Bodyweight x 1.5) Fats in grams= (Calorie intake x 0.20)/ 9 Carbs: [Caloric intake - ((protein in grams x 4) + (fats in grams x 9))] / 4 ‘ SI OU RUT eC OOS CCC eURUGR CTU uC Meal 1: Protein: 20% of protein total/Carbs: 20% of carbs total/Fats: 25% of fat total UP Protein: 20% of protein total/Carbs: 10% of carb total/Fats: 25% of fat total Meal 3: Protein: 20% of protein total/Carbs: 10% of carb total/Fats: 25% of fat total a Protein: 20% of protein total/Carbs: 40% of carb total/Fats: 20% of fat total Post Workout: Protein: 20% of protein total/Carbs: 20% of carb total/Fats: 5% of fat total CARDIO CRUEL eS UCT PAL BYE LUTE SSI] Bie tld - COR ae as) SV ~~ WORKOUT/TRANSFORMATION Below is your workout routine. You will have two rest days. You can use these days to perform your cardio or for some light stretching. PaaS Water WEEK 2 WEEK3 | WEEK4 =| WEEKS WEEK 6 Or Et ee eo ee od ng ig rest rest rest rest Pisce ee) 3x10 erst 4x10 cree) crst) cid . Pre oe) Eps) 3x12 4x10 eves 5x10 Ord Sens 3x10 EESry 4x10 4x12 rst costae! Nn Cato pr oa 5rd eee) 3x12 4x10 ceed EPs 4x12,1 od Cet ae 2 Pre 3x15 3x20 4x15 4x20 cee ee Speed cc reese sey 3x20 4x15 4x20 4x20 4 sets until Curl cc Bie tld E-BOOK — *rcnnmuenscumeccanmem. 4g _ — f# WORKOUT/TRANSFORMATION Color coded workouts are a superset PSA a Iking Lunge Hack Squat Barbell Hip Bie tld Tyson 2 ORT) 45 second 45second 30second 30 second cs es rest ns os 3x10 ESevs cee} coors 5x10 3x10 3x12 reer) reer 5x10 , Eyer) 0 et ETS reed EP Sra Ce eu) nee 5x10 Ee ers | EESUs 3x15 Ce ees 4x15 Cee.) 3x12 3x15 rr 4x15 4x20 7 3x12 4x10 reer 5x10 Eres 3x12 every) reel 5x10 Eerais y COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 9 f9 WORKOUT/TRANSFORMATION Color coded workouts are a superset > tHurspay- uprer < toe oes co Dumbbell In cpr) Press Bent Over Barbell [EBT Lateral Dumbbell Raise T Bar Row Epet) Tricep kickbacks ERR) Spider Curls 3x10 WEEK 1 ree) id Deel 3x8 ee ment) Sey 3x10 Wernce)) ce eee) Curls 3x15 fee Decline Sit Ups 3x15 Bie tld meray) = oe eee ee Cee ee mr ee ee mE nT) rest es ag rest rest EreC Ere TST reer) 5x10 Ero) evar rest) 4x12 5x10 p reer re Se Every cre reer) Eret) errr) Serer) Cree cc rs erro arrer) occ WEEK 2 ye ee Ce ee ee ee me ec Re eer rest os os og og 3x10 3x12 4x10 reer) 5x10 EreT) 3x12 erst ores 5x10 3x12 cre) 4x12 erst) 4x12,1 at 2 3x12 ceeT) reer 5x10 4x12,1 ct 2 3x20 reer) 4x20 oer) Pree ees 3x20 cerry 4x20 err) errr) COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 20 WORKOUT/TRANSFORMATION Color coded workouts are a superset Pe ee ‘week | WEEK2 | WEEK3 | WEEK4 =| WEEKS. | WEEK. Cor el ee oo eo cad rest fica cond fond rest Eee 3x10 ferro erst riers EPet) Standing Ere) 3x10 leper 4x10 reer 5x10 Dumbbell Press | Bench P) 3x10 3x12 eeec) crete 5x10 reece | drop set of Ez Dumbbell 3x10 3x12 4x10 riers 5x10 irerees Deadlift ots 2 Pull Up 3x15 3x20 ceety eee eee) eee) rn sh Up 3x15 3x20 crac 4x20 420 4x20 V Bar Tricep 3x10 3x12 4x10 rrery 5x10 cera Pushdown| Cent 2 Dumbbell Curl EESt) 3x12 cost) crests 5x10 4x12,1 ee 2 Bae tal meray) — NX I WORKOUT/TRANSFORMATION Peer You do not NEED to perform cardio to burn fat. However, cardio is a great resource fo increase caloric burn. There are two separate styles: HIIT and Steady State. HIIT is more efficient, but it is more physically taxing. Steady State is not as demanding, but you need to perform significantly more cardio PCa Oe CORT CCU CTR me LCC ommended each week. You may choose whichever option for HIIT or steady SUR Cu Pee High Intensity Interval Training cardio relies primarily on carbs to fuel the PAU CACO RU DECC M ETUC Oman Ty Pee Ce A CUCU RU AUCs CLE caloric needs post workout. ASS CUNO RO Cea eT ce you will use a 2:1 slow intensity to high intensity cardio regiment. For example: you may do a HIIT running workout of 20 second sprints and 40 second moderate jogs. > TVA e CU) Steady state cardio, as the name implies, is performed at a moderate and con- sistent pace. Common examples are an uphill walk or steady bike ride. It CROC O RC ORCC RCN IC CCA TMT OM TOR SOL Cty overall than HIIT. The low intensity means it has very little effect on EPOC. This is a good option if you're feeling run down or enjoy steady state! Bie tld = BOOK COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/AI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 22

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