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Fire Alarm Control Panel

5.1 Design…………………………………………………………………………………….……..8
5.2 Functions and interactions of the panel’s units ……………………………………….….… 8
5.2.1. General information ………………………………………………………………………….……8
5.2.2. PSU functions…………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
5.2.3. I/O functions ………………………………………………………………………………………9
5.2.4. BKI functions……………………………………………………………………………………….9
5.2.5. MC functions………………………………………………………………………………………..9
5.3 Operation principles …………………………………………………………………………...9
5.3.1. General overview…………………………………………………………………………………….9
5.3.2. Alarm loops (zones)………………………………………………………………………………..10
5.3.3. Outputs…………………………………………………………………………………………….12
5.3.4. Users………………………………………………………………………….…………………….14
5.3.5. Power supply………………………………………………………………….……………………14
5.3.6. Boards………………………………………………………………………………………………14
5.3.7. Communicator………………………………………………………………………………………15
5.3.8. Remote indicator……………………………………………………………………………………15
5.3.9. Event log ……………………………………………………………………………………………15
5.3.10. Tamper contact ……………………………………………………………………………………16
5.4. Main modes of operation……………………………………………………………………… 16
5.4.1. General overview …………………………………………………………………………………..16
5.4.2. FIRE mode …………………………………………………………………………………………16
5.4.3. FAULT mode ………………………………………………………………………………………..17
5.4.4. DISABLEMENT mode ……………………………………………………………………………..17
5.4.5. ALARM mode ………………………………………………………………………………………17
5.4.6. TEST mode …………………………………………………………………………………………17
5.5 User interface ……………………………………………………………………………………18
5.5.1. General overview …………………………………………………………………………………...18
5.5.2. ”Zone status” window………………………………………………………………………………25
5.5.3. Schematic diagram of screen windows, menus and control functions …………………………..26
8.1 Installation ……………………………………………………………………………….….28
8.2 AL wiring ……………………………………………………………………………………28
8.3 Sounder/beacon wiring ……………………………………………………………………..29
8.4 Connecting outputs to CMS……………………………………………………………….. 29
8.5 Connecting real-time clock power supply………………………………………………… 29
8.6 Mains wiring ………………………………………………………………………………...29
8.7 Battery wiring………………………………………………………………………………. 29
8.8 Wiring and usage of I/O outputs “OUT1”..”OUT8”……………………………………...29
9.1. General information ………………………………………………………………….…....30
9.2. Zone disablement/ enablement ……………………………………………………………30
9.3. Resetting all zones, FIRE, FAULT and ALARM modes………………………………... 30
9.4. Sounder disablement………………………………………………………………………..30

9.5. FIRE output disablement ………………………………………………………………….31
9.6. FAULT output disablement ……………………………………………………………….31
9.7. Event log view ………………………………………………………………………………31
9.8. Checking alphanumeric display, LED indicators and internal buzzer …………………31
10.1. How to enter programming mode…………………………………………………………... 32
10.2. How to program the panel …………………………………………………………………………32
10.3. How to program OUTPUT ………………………………………………………………………...33
10.4. How to program USER …………………………………………………………………………….34
10.5. How to set system date and time …………………………………………………………………..34
10.6. How to reset engineer password to factory defaults …………………………………………….34
10.7. How to reset values of ZONE and OUTPUT to factory defaults …………….………………….34
10.8. How to autoconfigure the panel………………………………………….……………………….. 35
10.9. How to exit programming mode …………………………………………………………………..35
10.10 Factory defaults…………………………………………………………………………………….35



1.1 This manual describes the functions, technical specifications, installation, configuration and
operation of the ARTON-32F fire alarm control panel.
1.2 You should peruse this manual prior to installation, adjustment, programming and use of the
1.3 Only authorized persons or organizations are allowed to carry out the appropriate installation,
adjustment and programming.
1.4 The following abbreviations apply in this manual:
BAT – rechargeable battery;
AL – fire alarm loop;
Zone, ZN – fire alarm zone (for the purpose of the manual AL equals to Zone);
MCU– main control PCB;
BKI – keyboard and indications PCB;
I/O – input/output PCB;
PSU – power supply PCB;
SM – standby mode;
I norm – AL current in standby mode;
Charger – back-up power charger;
SC – short circuit;
Panel – fire alarm control panel "ARTON-ХХF" series;
CMS – central monitoring station;
Active detector – a detector increasing AL current when going to the FIRE status;
Passive detector – a detector decreasing AL current when going to the FIRE status.

2.1 The panel is designed to arrange centralized and stand-alone protection of various applications
against fires by continuous monitoring of up to 32 fire alarm loops, receiving of fault and alarm signals,
issue of alarm notifications (fire, emergency, fault, unauthorized opening) to sound and light alarm
devices, CMS. The unit issues control signals for 28 output lines (fire fighting devices, smoke removal,
and ventilation system).
2.2 The unit complies with EN54-2:2003 and EN 54-4:2003.
2.3 The ARTON-32F will operate under the following ambient conditions:
– ambient temperature from minus 5 to 40 °С;
– relative air humidity at 40 °С - to 95 %;
– atmosphere pressure from 84 to 107 kPa.
2.4 The unit identifies and indicates the following general statuses with optical indicators as well as
on the digital display:
- Fire mode;
- Fault mode;
- Disablement mode;
- Test mode;
2.5 The unit identifies and indicates the following statuses with optical indicators as well as on the
digital display:
- disablement of FIRE output;
- fault of FIRE output;
- transmission of FIRE signal;
- disablement of FAULT output;
- fault of FAULT output;
- transmission of FAULT signal;
- transmission of DISABLEMENT signal;
- transmission of TESTING signal;
- disablement of sounder outputs;
- fault of sounder outputs;
- enablement of sounder outputs;

- disablement of CMS connection channels;
- fault of CMS connection channels;
- system error;
- output activation delay;
2.6 The unit identifies and displays the AL statuses:
- «Standby mode»; «NORM»
- «Attention»;
- «Fire»;
- «Short-circuit»;
- «Open-circuit»;
- «AL disabled»;
- «AL test»;
2.7 The unit identifies and displays the following statuses of outputs:
- «SC in load»;
- «Load break»;
- «Enablement delay»;
- «Activation»;
- «Disablement»;
- «Test»;
2.8 The unit identifies and displays the statuses of BAT and PSU:
- «BAT disconnection»;
- «BAT charge»;
- «BAT critical discharge»;
- «BAT in norm»;
- «Mains power» or «Mains failure»;
- «Fault of charger»;
2.9 The unit is designed as tamperproof (against opening and break of the enclosure). The tamper
button triggers when the cover gets open and the panel goes to the ALARM mode.
2.10 The panel provides signalling with monitored outputs located on MC:
«FAULT» – monitored output for Fault signal transmission to CMS;
«FIRE» – monitored output for Fire signal transmission to CMS;
«ALARM» - monitored output for Alarm signal transmission to CMS;
«NORM» – monitored NORM external indicator output;
«LIGHT» –monitored external beacon output (light alarm device);
«SOUND» – monitored external sounder output (sound alarm device);
2.11 The panel provides monitoring of auxiliary (programmable by user) outputs. The outputs are
located on the Input/Output PCB-32 (8 outputs on each board).
2.12 The panel is designed for 2-wire connections and allows setting loop voltage rated at 15 or 24 V
(toggle between 12/24V on the I/O PCB-32 tumbler).
2.13 Active, passive and combined detectors (devices) can be wired to a loop.
2.14 Any loop can be independently disabled/ enabled. All loops can be reset for a short time.
2.15 The panel provides automatic recharging of the battery and protection against improper
connecting (mispoling).
2.16 The panel provides protection of all outputs against short-circuit with automatic reset upon S/C
2.17 The panel maintains line continuity for all outputs.
2.18 Multilevel control is available on the panel.
2.19 The following functions and parameters can be programmed using buttons on the front panel:
- view and setting loop parameters просмотр и установка параметров ШС;
- fixation of the basic loop currents (standby loop current);
- setting character names of loops;
- view and setting parameters of outputs;
- setting character names of outputs;
- change of user and engineer passwords;

- setting user rights to loop control;
- setting user rights to output control;
- resetting of event log;
- resetting of all parameters to defaults;
2.20 The following controls are available to users:
- resetting of Fire or Fault status;
- disablement/enablement of loops;
- resetting loops;
- view loop statuses;
- disablement/enablement of loop test mode;
- muting/restoring outputs;
- disablement/enablement of output test mode;
- overriding output delay;
- view output statuses;
- view event log;
- disablement of internal sounder;
- testing of LCD indicator, LEDs and internal buzzer.

3.1 The panel is 220(+22 -33 )V AC mains powered with (50±1) Hz.
3.2 The back-up power is 12V non-spillable sealed lead-acid rechargeable battery (BAT) rated at
14.4 V full charge voltage, nominal capacity from 16 to 18 Ah and 10,5 V terminal long discharge
voltage (not supplied with the panel).
3.3 Max mains power consumption – 40 W.
3.4 Standby mains power consumption – 12 W max.
3.5 Max BAT current consumption – 2,5 А.
3.6 Max standby BAT current consumption – 0,55 А.
3.7 Max BAT current consumption at mains failure and BAT voltage <(10,5 - 1)V - 200 mA.
3.8 Total outputs load – <0,8 А.
3.9 Open output contact voltage (at max total output load) – 8,8 … 15V.
3.10 Open output double pulse amplitude - <0,5V.
3.11 AL contact voltage at load absence:
in 12V AL mode – 15±0,5V;
in 24V AL mode – 24±0,5V.
3.12 Total resistance of signalling lines (wires) of loops not considering EOL resistor - <470 Ohm.
3.13 Leakage resistance between AL lines as well as between each AL line and enclosure - >50
3.14 AL modes for detector types (AL type):
- AL with active fire detectors (FD) (active AL);
- AL with passive fire detectors (passive AL);
- AL with both active and passive detectors (combined AL);
3.15 AL modes for decision type (AL operation algorithm) about FIRE status:
- going to FIRE status when one or more detectors triggered (one FD);
- going to FIRE status when two or more FD triggered (two FD);
- going to FIRE status when one or more FD with verification triggered (verification);
3.16 Current growth value for first active detector relative to basic standby loop current is
programmed by user and selected within the range – 0,5 … 8 mА in increments of 0,5.
3.17 Current decrease value for first active detector relative to basic standby loop current is
programmed by user and selected within the range – 0,5 … 8 mА in increments of 0,5.
3.18 Open-circuit current – <3 mA.
3.19 Short-circuit current – >24 mA.
3.20 The panel is short-circuit-proof in AL/output circuits with fault indication.
3.21 Automatic reset time in Verification status is set by a user within the range – 1 … 20 sec in
increments of 1.

3.22 Wait-to-ready time after reset in Verification status is set by a user within the range – 1 … 20
sec in increments of 1.
3.23 Wait-to-trigger time after reset in Verification status is set by a user within the range – 1 … 255
sec in increments of 1.
3.24 The panel is guaranteed to change a status effected longer than 100 msec and not to change a
status effected for less than 50 msec.
3.25 Up to 32 active detectors can be connected to each loop (SPD-3.1M, SPD-3.5, SPD-3.10, SPT-
2B, SPT-3 etc.), so max current consumption by all active fire detectors in the line does not exceed 3
3.26 Activation delay time for outputs is set by a user within the range– 0…255 sec in increments of
3.27 Active state time for outputs is set by a user within the range– 1…65535 sec in increments of 1.
3.28 Active period time in passive state is set by a user within the range – 0…25,5 sec in increments
of 0,1.
3.29 Passive period time in passive state is set by user within the range–0 … 25,5 sec in increments
of 0,1.
3.30 Active period time in active state is set by user within the range– 0 … 25,5 sec in increments of
3.31 Passive period time in active state is set by user within the range – 0 … 25,5 sec in increments
of 0,1.
3.32 Output transient time from active to passive state - 0…255 sec in increments of 0,1.
3.33 Inverse mode can be set for each output.
3.34 Max output load current – <300 mA.
3.35 Number of users – 9. (8 authorized users and 1 engineer)
3.36 User password length – 0…16 characters.
3.37 Technical readiness time upon powering – <30 sec.
3.38 Meantime-between-failures – >40000 h.
3.39 Average service life – >10 years.
3.40 Dimensions – 410 х 610 х 120 mm.
3.41 Weight (excluding battery) – 10 kg.
3.42 Power supply parameters:
- AC mains voltage 220(+22 -33 ) V;
- mains frequency 50(±1) Hz;
- output voltage +12V power supply from 9,5 to 15,5V;
- output voltage +5V power supply from 4,75 to 5,25V;
- max channel load current +12V <1,3 А;
- max channel load current +5V <0,4A;
- double pulse amplitude of +12V supply <1,0V;
- double pulse amplitude of +5V supply <0,4V;
- battery charge current 0,9(±0,1) A;
- battery end-of-charge voltage 14,0(±0,1)V.

4.1 Having unpacked the panel check the exterior to make sure it is not mechanically damaged and
check the contents for completeness that should correspond to Table 4.1.
Table 4.1

Item Quantity Note

ARTON-32F fire alarm control panel 1

Operational manual 1
Please refer to
Spare parts and accessories 1
Section 14

Note. In accordance with your order the package may contain auxiliary devices
expanding the panel’s functions.


5.1 Design
5.1.1. The panel consists of the following units:
– Main control PCB (MC);
– Input/Output PCB (I/O);
– Keyboard and Indications PCB (BKI);
– Power supply PCB (PSU);
– rechargeable battery (BAT);
– terminal block with fuse holder for connection to 220VAC supply;
5.1.2. The panel’s view is shown in Annex 1.
5.1.3. For the enclosure’s and mounting dimensions refer to Annex 2.
5.1.4. The layout of units and PCBs inside the enclosure is shown in Annex 3.
5.1.5. The layout and function of connector block terminals is shown in Annex 4.
5.1.6. You can mount auxiliary units and PCBs, e.g. module PCB, blocking relays, remote
indicator PCB etc. The functions of the units and how to handle them are indicated in the manuals for
the appropriate units.
5.2 Functions and interaction of the units.
5.2.1. General information The panel has the unit-type structure allowing to get various performances. When you
add a new unit or replace a unit out of service you should carry out auto-configuring of the
panel. The interunit interface is based on highspeed anti-interference industrial bus CAN 2.0В. The control panel is an intellectual, distributed, event monitored, data collecting/ processing
as well as online system objects monitoring system. The system objects are “AL”, “Output”, “User”, “Power supply”, “PCB”, “Communicator”,
“Tamper contact”, “Event log”, “Remote indicator”, “Logical expression”. Each object has statuses, functions and parameters suites. An object goes from one status to another either by calling a function from its suite or as the
object’s response to external object monitored factor change (a physical value usually), and the
object action in different statuses can be set using parameter values. The system event is an object going from one status to another. The panel performs interconnection of objects – calling functions of some objects on status
change of the others (reaction to event or/and to event combination). The order of system response to events can be set using the special system object suite –
logical expressions.

8 A change of logical expression parameter is only possible on level 4 using special
hardware and software reasoned by complexity and labour content.
5.2.2. PSU functions. PSU transforms 220V AC voltage to voltages required for the panel to properly operate, the
battery to charge, battery back-up power to be applied in the event of mains failure.

5.2.3. I/O functions. I/O processes statuses and monitors 32 loops and 8 outputs, issues events when AL and/or
output change their statuses. I/O provides loop voltage stabilization. I/O allows a user to set 15/24 V for loops using jumpers.

5.2.4. BKI functions. BKI displays the panel’s statuses and presents the interface for users to view information
about object conditions, view and set object parameters, view the event log, monitor objects BKI contains groups of optical indicators, 4x40 alphanumeric display and multifunctional

5.2.5. MC functions. MC is designed to generally synchronize all the panel’s units, process logical expressions,
issue an object function call, monitor the BAT, maintain the event log, control the obligatory
outputs (according to EN54-2:2003) “Fire”, “Fault”, “Alarm”, “ Norm”, “Light”, “Sound”. MC has a capability to connect auxiliary boards to expand the panel’s functions.

5.3 Operation principles

5.3.1. General overview The panel monitors system object statuses (e.g. “AL”, “Power supply” and others) and
depending on status combinations, program settings and configurations, calls other objects control
functions of the internal sounder (e.g. “outputs”, “light indicators” etc.), external sounders
enablement, transmission of notifications to CMS. The following modes are available on the panel: “Standby mode”, “ALARM”, “FIRE”,
panel can operate in several modes simultaneously. The indicator lights are located on the front of the enclosure giving an overview of the
Panel’s current status (see Annex 1). The 4 access levels are available on the panel.

Level 1 - general user controls. Available functions:

- testing the indicator lights and internal buzzer (called by pressing the TEST button);
- muting the internal sounder in FIRE, FAULT, ALARM modes (by pressing the button “Buzzer
- view of object current conditions;
- view of event log;
- output delay override (by pressing the Disable button).

Level 2 – authorized user controls. The access is limited by actions not requiring special
tools. The level can be accessed by entering the user’s number and his password. Each user has his
unique number and password. The password is drawn from [0] to [9] numbers, from 0 to 8
characters long. Enter buttons [0]…[9] and confirm entering by pressing the [ENTER] button.
For default passwords for all users please refer to Table 8.1.
Each authorized user can access controls under one or a few objects (AL and outputs).
Several users can access the same objects.
The following controls are available on this level:
- enablement/ disablement of certain ALs, available to the user;
- muting and restoration of outputs available to the user;

- view of all system objects conditions;
- view of event log;
- resetting all ALs (by pressing the RESET button);

Level 3 – engineer controls (programming mode). To gain access to the mode enter the
engineer access code. It is from [0] to [9] symbol combination from 8 to 16 character long. The
following controls are available to engineers:
- view and setting of each AL type and parameter;
- basic AL current fixation;
- view and setting of each output parameters;
- setting of user rights on each AL;
- setting of user rights on each output;
- change of access codes of users and engineer;
- enablement of autoconfiguration function when replacing or adding the panel’s units.

Note. For full description of the panel’s controls refer to Section 7. To read
the complete information about programming mode refer to Section 8.

Level 4 – maintenance level. Special auxiliary hardware and software are involved here (used
at the factory, service centers, installation companies).

5.3.2. Alarm loops (Zones) Outputs as AL objects are components of I/O boards with the following parameters:
(below a text fragment typed in semibold with the «*» mark means that the text is
displayed on the alpha numeric display).
- AL name – Name*;
- AL mode by the detector type (AL type*):
• AL with active fire detectors – Active *;
• AL with passive fire detectors – Passive *;
• AL with active and passive detectors – Active@Passive*;
• AL with linear beam detectors ARTON-DL type – ARTON-DL;
- AL mode by decision making type about “Fire” condition (Algorythm*):
• One or more detectors triggering – General*;
• Two or more detectors triggering – Two detectors *;
• One or more detectors triggering with verification – With verification*;
- standby current (I norm ) – Standby current*;
- AL drawing current (I cur );
- first detector current increment (I 1+ ) – Increm I1+ *;
- first detector current decrease (I 1- ) – Decrem I1+*;
- second detector current increment (I 2++ ) – Increm I2+ *;
- second detector current decrease (I 2-- ) – Decrem I2+ *;
- AL reset time (t rst ) – ResetTime*;
- AL wait-to-ready time (t rdy ) – ReadyTime*;
- AL wait-to-repeated-trigger time (t ver ) – VerifTime*; “AL” objects can be in the following conditions:

- «Disabled»;
- «Norm»;
- «SC»;
- «OC»;
- «Attention»;
- «Fire»; The following functions can be invoked for AL:
- «Enable»;

- «Disable»;
- «Reset»;
- «Set norm»;
- «Enable Test mode»;
- «Disable Test mode». AL operational principle

Alarm loops of the panel are monitored transistor outputs with commutation of positive
load power potential relative to the general panel’s cable with current physical restriction.
Rated voltage on AL leading-out terminals can be set on I/O board using jumpers «15/24V
CH01…08», «15/24V CH09…16» for 8 zone group.
AL continuously monitors current in the circuit (I cur ) and depending on the value of the
current deviation from standby current (I norm ) goes to various conditions.
Power application (enablement procedure) on AL load circuit occurs upon receiving the
“Enable” command. AL applies power and during the time t rdy monitors circuits for SC and OC.
On expiring the time the processing will start on other conditions presence.
If AL circuit current is less than OC current, then the AL goes to OC condition. Upon the
circuit restoring, the AL goes from the OC status to another condition within 10 sec.
If AL load current is greater than SC current then AL deenergises the circuit load for 10
sec and goes to SC condition. When this time will expire the power is applied again and AL circuit
current will be less SC level, then AL will perform enablement procedure and goes from the SC
condition to another status. If AL circuit current has remained greater than SC current then AL will
be deenergised again for 10 sec.
When you select the Active mode, AL current will be monitored only for I norm. . When you
select the Passive mode AL current will be monitored only for drop lower than I norm. When you
select the Combined mode AL current will be monitored for both exceeding and dropping lower
I norm.
With the combination “Active” zone plus “General” algorithm if Icur exceeds I norm for the
value greater than I s+, the AL goes to the Fire status.
With the combination “Passive” zone plus “General” algorithm In the “, one detector”
mode if I cur goes lower I norm for the value greater than I s-, the AL goes to the Fire status.
With the combination “Active@Passive” zone plus “General” algorithm the AL will
operate the same as in the combinations “Active”, “General” and “Passive”, “General”.
With the combination “Active” zone plus “With verification” algorithm if Icur exceeds
I norm for the value greater than I s+, the AL goes to the Attention status with AL load deenergising
for t rst time, then the enablement procedure will occur, and if within t ver time Icur exceeds I norm for
the value greater than I s+ again or SC condition occurs, then the AL goes to the Fire status.
Otherwise, when t ver time expires the AL goes from the Attention status to the Norm condition.
With the combination the “Passive” zone plus “With verification” algorithm if Icur gets
lower I norm for the value greater than I s-, the AL goes to the Attention status with AL load
deenergising for t rst time, then the enablement procedure will occur, and if within t ver time I cur gets
lower I norm for the value greater than I s- again or OC condition occurs, then the AL goes to the
Fire status. Otherwise, when t ver time expires the AL goes from the Attention status to the Norm
With the combination “Active@Passive” zone plus “With verification” algorithm the AL
will operate the same as in the combinations “Active”, “With verification” and “Passive”, “With
With the combination “Active” AL plus “ “Two detectors” algorithm if I cur exceeds Inorm
for the value greater than Is+, the AL goes to the Attention status, and if within t ver time Icur exceeds
I norm for the value greater than I s+ + Is++ , then the AL goes to the Fire status. Otherwise, when
t ver time expires the AL deenergises for t rst time, the enablement procedure is performed and the
AL goes from the Attention status to the Norm condition.
With the combination “Passive” AL plus “ “Two detectors” algorithm if Icur gets lower
I norm for the value greater than I s-, the AL goes to the Attention status, and if within t ver time Icur
gets lower I norm for the value greater than I s- + I s-- , then the AL goes to the Fire status.

Otherwise, when t ver time expires the AL deenergises for t rst time, the enablement procedure is
performed and the AL goes from the Attention status to the Norm condition.
With the combination “Active@Passive” AL plus “ “Two detectors” algorithm the AL
will operate the same as in the combinations “Active”, “Two detectors” and “Passive”, “Two
When you carry out the “Disable” function, the AL deenergises loads in its circuits, goes
to the “Disabled” status and doesn’t process the circuit currents.
When you carry out the “Reset” function, if the AL is in a status different from Norm or
Disabled, then it deenergises the circuit loads for t rst time, performs the Enablement procedure and
goes to the Norm status.
If you enable the TEST mode, the AL object will react the same way as in the normal
mode, indication in the window “AL status” will correspond to the TEST condition, the actual
indication of AL status occurs in the box “AL list” by adding the word TEST to the real AL status
(e.g. “TEST Fire”, “TEST Norm” etc.). In the TEST mode the AL status change will not lead to the
output status change.

5.3.3. Outputs Outputs pertain to I/C and MC and have the following parameters:
- Name – Name*;
- Output type - Output type*;
- «Inversion» (Algorithm*):
• With inversion –Inversion*;
• Without inversion – Normal*;
- «Active status time» (t On ) – Active time*;
- «Activation delay time» (t OnDly ) – Delay time*;
- «Automatic restoration after muting» (t arest ) – Mute time*;
- «Authorized enablement at SC» – Perm ON in SHORT *;
- «Active time in active status» (t OnAPr ) – Та1 (ON/act),0.1s*;
- «Passive time in active status» (t OffAPr ) – Та2 (OFF/act),0.1s*;
- «Active time in passive status» (t OnPPr ) – Тp1 (ON/pas),0.1s*;
- «Passive time in passive status» (t OffPPr ) – Тp2 (OFF/pas),0.1s*; The “Outputs” can be in the following statuses:
- «Passive»;
- «Delayed»;
- «Active»;
- «Cleared»;
- «Muted»;
- «Passive SC»;
- «Delayed SC»;
- «Active SC»;
- «Cleared SC»;
- «Muted SC»;
- «Passive OC»;
- «Delayed OC»;
- «Active OC»;
- «Cleared OC»;
- «Muted OC»; The following functions can be called for “Outputs”:
- «Cancel»;
- «Enable»;
- «Mute»;
- «Restore»;
- «Delay override»;
- «TEST mode enablement»;

- «TEST mode disablement;
Note. The full list of an object functions is stated in the description of
objects here and further in the manual. For the functions available for
users please refer to Section 8. How outputs operate

The panel’s outputs are monitored transistor outputs with load power positive potential
commutation relative to the general cable with physical current restriction.
An “Output” reaction depends on the parameters set for it.
When you call the “Enable” function the output object starts to perform the operation
scenario. The operation scenario consists of temporal phases: enablement delay, active status,
cleared status. The object transition from one phase to another is accompanied with its status
change that evokes an event in the system. The durability of each scenario phase can be set using
the corresponding object parameter.
Physical object status – open/closed in active and passive logical states can be defined
with the parameter Operation algorithm*. With the meaning With inversion* of the parameter
Operation algorithm* in logical states «Passive», «Delayed», «Cleared» the output shall be
closed, in the «Active» state - open.
The object “Output” allows to fulfil dynamic load control using non-zero values of
parameters t OnAPr, t OnPPr for the «Active» state and t OffAPr, t OffPPr for the «Passive», «Delayed»,
«Cleared» states. Each parameter pair defines for how long the output will be output periodically
enabled then disabled in the corresponding state.
The output’s state is defined by two factors – physical state of the output load circuit
(norm, short-circuit, open-circuit), and the current logical scenario phase of the output operation
(passive, delayed, active, cleared, muted).
Outputs continuously monitor the load line integrity and in the closed status define “Open-
circuit” when load resistance exceeds 20 kOhm, and in the open status define “Short-circuit” when
the load resistance is less than 4 Ohm.
When the output goes from open to closed status and vice versa, the output load is not
monitored during t FltSkip time, that is necessary in the event of capacity or inductive load that can
cause surges at transitions. The load circuit is limited at 350 mA that’s why short surges do not
cause the output failure.
When short-circuit is being determined in the load circuit the output goes to SC status, the
output gets closed for 10 sec. In the event if the parameter Permit ON in SHORT* is not set, then
it gets open again and monitored for short-circuit and so on. If short-circuit is absent the output
goes from “SC” to normal condition.
Note: Recurring output’s enablement is likely not to occur if the AL has
not gone to the second scenario phase within the indicated time.
When open-circuit is being detected in the load circuit the output goes to OC status, the
output gets blocked for 10 sec., then the recurring monitoring for open-circuit occurs and so on. If
open-circuit is absent the output goes from “OC” to normal condition.
When you call the “Mute” function the object will go to the “Muted” status which is
passive one. The output’s reaction in the status shall correspond to the “Passive” phase of the
scenario. When you call the “Restore” function the scenario implementation will proceed from the
interrupted phase.
Note: If the “Reset” function will be called in the “Muted” condition, then
at the next call of the “Restore” function” the output shall go to the
‘Passive’ condition.
The reaction of the “Output” object will the same as normal in the TEST mode: the obect
logical status change will occur in accordance with the set parameters, with the word “TEST” being
added to the object status (e.g., «ТЕSТ Delay», «ТЕSТ Passive Open-circuit» and so on) in the box
“Output list”.

5.3.4. Users User is one of the system’s components.
Nine users support is realized in the system. They are divided into authorized users and
engineers by the access type. The authorized users can access the control level 1 and 2. Engineers
have access access levels 1, 2 and 3.
The user is identified by access code. The user with number 1 is engineer. The users with
numbers 2…9 are authorized users.
«User» has the following parameters:
- list of loops accessible to control;
- list of outputs accessible to control;
- access code; «User» can be in the following statuses:
- «UserIn» (the user is in the system);
- «LogOut» ((the user is out of the system); The identification procedure is carried out by entering a user’s access code on the keypad. The identification procedure is initiated by the user from the «UserIn» point of the main
menu or automatically when the user (not passed identification) tries to invoke functions of level 2
and 3. If the user is under identification procedure, then it goes to «UserIn» status and gains
access to function calling for objects accessible to him. If the user in the «UserIn» status is not active within 1 minute (user activity time-out), he
automatically logs off. A user can log out independently from «LogOut» in the main menu. The event «UserIn» of any user automatically resets the “Alarm” mode of the panel
caused by tamper contact triggering.

5.3.5. Power supply Power supply is a system’s object pertaining to MC board or I/O board. The «Power supply» object has the following parameters:
- board voltage;
- battery charge current; The «Power supply» object can be in the following statuses:
- «battery in norm, AC in norm»;
- «battery fault, AC in norm»;
- «charger fault»;
- «battery charge, AC in norm»;
- «battery discharge», AC in norm»;
- «Low battery, AC fault»;
- «Critical battery voltage, AC fault»; The board connected to PSU is responsible for transmission of information to the system
about “Power” status. When the «Power» status is changed, events occur in the system that lead to status change
of outputs, keyboard and indications PCB etc. When the “Power” object goes to the «Critical
battery voltage, AC fault» status, boards powered by it («Boards» objects) go to low power
consumption mode, securing battery storage.

5.3.6. Boards A board in the system is an electronic board containing hardware/software to maintain one
object or a group of various system objects. Board is an object providing identification of compound and periodical monitoring for the
system integrity. The «Board» object has the following parameters:
- unique serial number of the board;
- version of integrated software;
- version of hardware;

- manufacturing date;
- type;
- boards’ logical number in the system. The «Board» can be in the following statuses:
- «Disabled»;
- «Enablement»;
- «Enabled»;
- «Disablement»; The «Board» object has the following functions:
- «Start»;
- «Stop»;
- «Setting of system time»; The following types of the “Board” object are defined in the panel’s structure:
- input/output board (I/O);
- indication and controls board (BKI);
- main control board (MC);
- GSM communicator (BSKM-2);
- phone communicator (BSKT-2);
- remote indicators (RI); Each «Board» type can have a range of specific parameters. MC monitors the system integrity and synchronizes boards. The system must be configured at first to properly function that is you should set
logical numbers and the required values of specific parameters of boards in the system. The
panel can be configured on access level 4 with special hardware/software facilities at the
factory or by an installation company. When power is applied all boards are in the “Disabled” condition. MC monitors
compound and settings of the system and when correct date were detected it issues the “Start”
command to all boards. Boards go to the “Enablement” condition where internal memory of the
program and data are monitored. If the monitoring was successful the boards go to the “Enabled”
condition and begin to fulfil the system object maintenance program. If as result of monitoring of the compound and correctness of the system non-compliance
was detected then the “Start” command is not given and the panel goes to the “System error”
condition. If non-compliance was detected by a board in the “Enablement” condition as a result of
internal program memory and data monitoring, then the “Board” object goes to the “Disabled”
condition, the panel goes to the “System error” state.

5.3.7. Communicators Communicator is a system’s object providing notifications transmission about the panel’s
state on different communication channels in different formats. Communicators can be several types depending on the notification transmission channel
type. For parameters, statuses and functions of different communicators please refer to the
relevant manuals.

5.3.8. Remote indicator Remote indicator is an object indicating statuses of different system objects. For parameters, statuses and functions of the remote indicator please refer to the relevant

5.3.9. Event log

5.3.10. Event log is an object providing recording and issue on demand the information about all
events occurred in the system.

15 Information about the object type, its new status, and time of transition to the status is
saved in the event log. The event log is capable of storing up to 60 thousand events in the nonvolatile memory of
MC. The «Event log» object has the following parameters:
- size;
- record;
- last record; The «Event log» object can be in the following statuses:
- «Norm»;
- «Overflow»; The «Event log» object has the following functions:
- «Clearance»;
- «Record index setting»; If an event occurs from any system’s object this event is recorded in the event log, and the
last record index is incremented by one. When the event log is overflowed the object goes to the “Overflow” condition, whilst new
events are recorded to the place of the oldest. The event log’s review is available on access level 2. The event log’s clearance is possible on access level 4.

5.3.11. Tamper contact

5.3.12. Tamper contact is an object monitoring unauthorized opening of the panel’s lid. The tamper contact can be in the following statuses:
- «Initialization»;
- «Norm»;
- «Alert»; The tamper contact has the following functions:
- «Reset»; When the panel is switched on, the tamper contact goes to the “Initialization” status and
remains in this condition while the enclosure’s lid is open. When the enclosure’s lid gets closed the
tamper contact goes to the “Norm” condition. When the lid gets open the tamper contact goes to the “Alert” status. The panel will automatically call the “Reset” function of the tamper contact when the
“Entering the system” event occurs from any “User” object whilst, if the tamper contact was in the
“Alert” condition it will go to the “Initialization” status.

5.4 Main modes of operation

5.4.1. General overview The panel can be simultaneously in the “FIRE”, “FAULT”, “DISABLEMENT”,
“ALARM”, “TEST” modes indicated by various illuminations of LED indicators of the BKI,
internal buzzer sounding and outputs statuses. The internal buzzer will sound in a different tone in “FIRE”, “FAULT”, “ALARM”

5.4.2. FIRE mode The red indicator “Fire” flashes, the internal buzzer generates the “Fire” signal, the “Fire”
output is activated (enabled) sending the signal to CMS, the “Light” LED and sounders are on, the
“Norm” output goes to passive state, on alphanumeric display in the “AL status” box the ‘Fire’
field pops up indicating the number of the first and the last AL in the “Fire” status, the number of
loops in the Fire status, number and name of the current loop being scanned in the “Fire”
condition. The “FIRE” mode can be reset on access level 2 by pushing the [Reset] button or from the
Reset item of the context menu of the relevant AL.

5.4.3. FAULT mode The panel defines the following faults and statuses: SC and OC of AL, SC and OC of any
output, 220 V failure, critical discharge or BAT absence, charger fault, system error, disconnection
with CMS. In the FAULT mode the general Fault indicator flashes, the internal buzzer issues the Fault
signal, the «Fault» activates sending the signal to CMS, the «Norm» output goes to passive state. The following indicators flash yellow depending on the fault type:
««Fire» output fault»;
«“Fault” output fault»;
«Sounder fault»;
«CMS connection fault”;
«System error»; Upon detecting a fault of any AL, “AL fault” field pops up on the alphanumeric display
in| “AL status” box indicating the first and the last AL in the fault status, number of AL in the Fault
status, number and name of the current AL being scanned in Fault status When detecting a fault it is feasible to scroll the list of all current faults including those
without an indicator. The FAULT mode resets automatically (on fault clearance) or on access level 2 by
pressing the Reset button. If after resetting the fault is not cleared then the “Fault” condition shall
occur again.

5.4.4. DISABLEMENT mode The DISABLEMENT mode activates as a result of the following actions in the authorized
user mode:
– AL disablement;
– light alarm device muting («LIGHT»);
– sound alarm device muting («SOUND»);
– «Fire» outgoing signal muting («FIRE»);
– «Fault» outgoing signal muting («FAULT»);
– muting of outputs OUT1…OUT8; The mode is displayed with continuous light of the general indicator “Disablement”, as
well as indicators:
««Fire» output disablement»;
««Fault» output disablement»;
«Sounder disablement»;
«CMS disconnection»; In this mode «FAULT» output activates, «NORM» output goes to passive state. On disabling an AL on the LCD display in the AL status box the DISABLED field
automatically pops up indicating number of the first and the last AL in the “Disabled” status,
number and name of the current AL being scanned in the Disabled condition.
Note: If the «Fault» output is in the Muted state, then the «Fault» output activation shall not occur
in the Disablement mode.

5.4.5. ALARM mode On opening the enclosure’s lid in standby mode the tamper button shall trigger and the
panel goes to the ALARM mode. In the mode on the alphanumeric display in the navigation bar the “TAMPER” message
pops up, the «ALARM» output activates sending the signal to CMS, the «Norm» output goes to
passive state The ALARM mode resets after authentication of a user.

5.4.6. TEST mode The panel goes to the TEST mode after any AL or Output object has been transferred to
the TEST mode by a user on access level 2.

17 The Test indicator continuously is lit yellow on the front panel of the enclosure in the
mode. Object status change in the TEST mode does not lead to output status change The «ТЕSТ» mode is reset by a user individually for each object on access level 2.

5.5 User interface

5.5.1. General overview The panel can be controlled by a user by means of controls and multifunctional
alphanumeric keypad. Current statuses of objects are displayed ob alphanumeric display, service
information, notifications about events. Alphanumeric display contains 4 lines by 40 characters and
conditionally divided into 3 main zones. System line (top), two informative lines and search line
The system line divided into 3 fields:
The current box name is displayed in the left part, and commonly corresponds to the selected menu
item or submenu (e.g.: «Disablement», «AL status», «AL list», «Output list», «Fault list».)
The message about the current user in the system is displayed in the centre. For instance, «User2»
reports the actions in the system are being implemented and registered on behalf of User 2.
Absence of the current user name reports that none of users has been authenticated in the system.
System date and time is displayed in the right part.
The functions of system line fields differ in programming mode. For detailed information please
refer to Section 8 Programming guide.

Information lines.
It is the main display zone for object statuses and number of objects in the indicated status. The
functions of system line fields in programming mode differs. For detailed information please refer
to Section 8 Programming guide.

Navigation bars.
Information about events (FIRE, FAULT, DISABLEMENT), action list for the selected object
(object context menu) or links to menus (main menu) are displayed in the bar.
All messages of the navigation bar, object context menu and main menu consist of four fields
connected to function keys [F1], [F2], [F3], [Menu] and located directly above keys.

< Zone status > User2 02/03/12 09:52
FAULT ZN01..02(2) ►ZN01:Cellar
DISABL ZN03..05(3) ZN03:Garage

F1 F2 F3 Menu

The messages of the system line: the panel is in the main mode «<Zone status>», none of users
in the system has been authenticated.
The information line message: (FAULT AL02..04(2) ►AL02:Cellar) indicates the fault in AL
(the number of loops in the status is indicated in brackets) –
There are two messages in the navigation line (FAULT-2) and (DISABL-2). The messages
inform two ALs are in the DISABLEMENT status, and 2 ALs are in the DISABLED status. These
messages are also items of the context menu. Pressing [F2] you shall go to the screen menu
FAULTS, pressing [F3] – «DISABLEMENTS».
Control and review of object statuses, their parameters and modes can be made from different
screen menus.
The main display box is AL Status menu, where information about current statuses of all ALs,
assorted by statuses is displayed. The priority is taken into account while assorting, the AL in FIRE

status is first to be displayed, then FAULT, DISABLED and NORM. The number of first and last
AL, the number of ALs in the status in brackets (2), as well as pointer «► » and name of current AL in
the status are displayed in the field of each status.
The panel automatically goes to AL Status menu from all menus upon user activation
timeout expiring.
A user automatically goes to AL Status menu upon leaving the menu of access level 1 or 2
by pressing [Esc] key.
A user automatically goes to AL Status menu upon leaving the Configuration menu of
access level 3 by pressing [Esc] key.

[F1], [F2], [F3] keys control invoking various functions of the selected object in the
context object menu in the control mode. When the number of functions that can be invoked for
the selected object is large, «…►» pops up above [Menu] key that signals about possibility to scroll
the list of available functions by pressing [Menu] for one more time. While pressing [Menu] the
cyclic change functions for [F1], [F2], [F3] occurs.
All menus available for a user have the navigation system of the same type.
Selection of objects or scrolling lines in the menu can be made using arrow keys: [↑], [↓],
[←], [→], whilst the object selection mark «► » is shifting.
Upon pressing [Enter] the mark is indicating becomes active, the words starts flashing, and
the context menu for the object pops up in the navigation line.
To make an object inactive you should either press [Esc] (in status/parameter review
mode) or press [Enter] (in the parameter value entering mode).
If there are no active objects pressing [Menu] shall cause the main menu display. Some
boxes can contain big number of lines. In this case the presence of additional lines in the box is
indicated with the symbols «▲» «▼ », which are in the extreme right positions of line 2 and 3. You
can scroll using the keys [↑] [↓]. When an additional line is displayed one of lines on the
screen disappears, the other line moves to its place, and the additional one is displayed in its place.

You can access the system with authentication procedure entering your number and
password in the separate box.
The authentication procedure is invoked automatically when trying to call functions of the
object context menu (available on access level 2) or by a user from «UserIn» in the main menu.

Example 1: From “Zone status” menu enter the “Zone list” menu and scroll functions of
ZN01 control.

< Zone status > User2 02/03/12 09:52

DISABL ZN17..32(16) ZN17:Seventeenth
NORM ZN01..16(16) ►ZN01:First Loop

F1 F2 F3 Menu

- invoke the main menu by pressing [Menu]:

< Zone status > User2 02/03/12 09:52
DISABL ZN17..32(16) ZN17:Seventeenth
NORM ZN01..16(16) ►ZN01:First Loop
( Zones ) ( Outs ) ( Fault ) ... ►

F1 F2 F3 Menu

- enter “Zone list” menu by pressing [F1]:

<Zone list> User2 02/03/12 09:52

► ZN01:First loop :NORM ▲
ZN02:Second loop :NORM ▼

F1 F2 F3 Menu 19
- activateZN01 by pressing [Enter]. This procedure requires user authentication. Therefore in this
case authentication procedure is automatically invoked, as no user has been logged in for this
Enter access code:

( Ок ) (Cancel)

F1 F2 F3 Menu

- in series enter numbers of the user’s access code.

Enter access code:
► ****
( Ок ) (Cancel)

F1 F2 F3 Menu

- press
[Enter] or [F1] (confirmation of password entering). Consequently the back-off to the
previous box occurs (< Zone >):

<Zone list> User2 02/03/12 09:52

► ZN01:First Loop :NORM ▲
ZN02:Second Loop :NORM ▼

F1 F2 F3 Menu

- press [Enter], activate ZN01, while the context menu of the object pops up in the navigation
line, the selected object ZN-1 starts flashing:
<Zone list> User2 02/03/12 09:52
► ZN01:First loop :NORM ▲
ZN02:Second loop :NORM ▼
( Reset ) ( Enable ) (Disable) ... ►

F1 F2 F3 Menu

You can invoke “AL reset” function in the menu pressing [F1], [F2] - «AL enablement», [F3] -
«AL disablement»; the function list will be changed when pressing [Menu] and you will see on the
< Zone list > User2 02/03/12 09:52
► ZN01:First loop :NORM ▲
ZN02:Second loop :NORM ▼
◄(Res All) (Test ON) (TestOFF) ... ►

F1 F2 F3 Menu

In the menu pressing [F1] you can invoke “Reset all zones», [F2] - «Zone test mode enablement»,
[F3] - « Zone test mode disablement»; function list will be changed when pressing [Menu] and you
will see on the display:

< Zone list > User2 02/03/12 09:52
► ZN01:First Loop :NORM ▲
ZN02:Second Loop :NORM ▼
( Reset ) ( Enable ) (Disable) ... ►

F1 F2 F3 Menu

- quit the context menu of ZN01 object pressing [Esc], the object’s line stops flashing:
<Zone list> User2 02/03/12 09:52
► ZN01:First Loop :NORM ▲
ZN02:Second Loop :NORM ▼

F1 F2 F3 Menu
- quit the “Zone List” menu and go to the main menu “Zone status” pressing [Esc]:
<Zone status> User2 02/03/12 09:52
NORM ZN01..16(16) ►ZN01:First Loop
DISBL ZN17..32(16) ZN17:Seventeenth

F1 F2 F3 Menu

Example 2. View the list of the main menu items:

< Zone status > User2 02/03/12 09:52
NORM ZN01..16(16) ►AL01:First Loop
DISBL ZN17..32(16) ZN17:Seventeenth

F1 F2 F3 Menu

- invoke the main menu by pressing [Menu]:

<Zone status> User2 02/03/12 09:52
NORM ZN01..16(16) ►ZN01:First loop
DISBL ZN17..32(16) ZN17:Seventeenth
(Warning) (Faults) (Zone list) ... ►

F1 F2 F3 Menu

In the menu pressing [F1] you can invoke the menu “Warning”, [F2] – menu «Faults», [F3] -
«Zone List» menu; pressing [Menu] the following menu items will be displayed:
<Zone status> User2 02/03/12 09:52
NORM ZN01..16(16) ►ZN01:First Loop
DISBL ZN17..32(16) ZN17:Seventeenth
◄(Outs) (Commun) (Config.) ... ►

F1 F2 F3 Menu

In that case pressing [F1] you can invoke the “Outputs” menu, [F2] - «Comminicators» menu, [F3]
- «Configuration» menu; pressing [Menu] the following items will be displayed:

<Zone status> User2 02/03/12 09:52

NORM ZN01..16(16) ►ZN01:First Loop
DISBL ZN17..32(16) ZN17:Seventeenth
◄(Log ) (UserIn ) (UserOut) ... ►

F1 F2 F3 Menu
In this menu pressing [F1] you can invoke “Log” box, [F2] – “User authentication”, F3 -
“UserOut”; pressing [Menu] the following items will be displayed:
<Zone status> User2 02/03/12 09:52
NORM ZN01..16(16) ►ZN01:First Loop
DISBL ZN17..32(16) ZN17:Seventeenth
(Warning) (Faults) (Zone list) ... ►

F1 F2 F3 Menu

- quit the main menu pressing [Esc]:

<Zone status> User2 02/03/12 09:52

NORM ZN01..16(16) ►ZN01:First Loop
DISBL ZN17..32(16) ZN17:Seventeenth

F1 F2 F3 Menu

Example 3. You need to reset ZN04 from the «Zone list» menu:
< Zone list > User2 02/03/12 09:52
► ZN01:First Loop :NORM ▲
ZN02:Second Loop :NORM ▼

F1 F2 F3 Menu

- press [↓], then set the marker on the relevant zone:

< Zone list > User2 02/03/12 09:52

ZN01:First Loop :NORM ▲
► ZN02:Second Loop :NORM ▼

F1 F2 F3 Menu

- invoke the context menu pressing [Enter], you will see ZN04 line flashing:
< Zone list > User2 02/03/12 09:52
ZN03:Third Loop :NORM ▲
► ZN04:Forth Loop :NORM ▼
( Reset ) ( Enable ) (Disable) ... ►

F1 F2 F3 Menu

- press [F1] to reset the selected zone:

< Zone list > User2 02/03/12 09:52
ZN03:Third Loop :NORM ▲
► ZN04:Forth Loop :NORM ▼
( Reset ) ( Enable ) (Disable) ... ►

F1 F2 F3 Menu
- to go to the main box press [Esc] twice on the display:
<Zone status> User2 02/03/12 09:52
NORM ZN01..16(16) ►ZN01:First Loop
DISBL ZN17..32(16) ZN17:Seventeenth
( Zones ) ( Outs ) ( Fault ) ... ►

F1 F2 F3 Menu 22 The fields containing the object list can be in the status box. These fields can be changed
with the arrow keys [←] and [→].

Example 4. In the menu «Zone Status», view numbers of zones in the “Norm” mode:

<Zone status> User2 02/03/12 09:52

NORM ZN01..16(16) ►ZN01:First Loop
DISBL ZN17..32(16) ZN17:Seventeenth

F1 F2 F3 Menu

- pressing [↑], [↓] set the marker «► » in the “Norm” field line, you will see on the display:
<Zone status> User2 02/03/12 09:52
NORM ZN01..16(16) ►ZN01:First Loop
DISBL ZN17..32(16) ZN17:Seventeenth

F1 F2 F3 Menu

- pressing the arrow keys [←] and [→] view numbers of zones in the “Norm” status:
<Zone status> User2 02/03/12 09:52
NORM ZN01..16(16) ►ZN02:Second Loop
DISBL ZN17..32(16) ZN17:Seventeenth

F1 F2 F3 Menu

There are fields in the object parameter setting menu containing the list of possible parameter
values. You can change the values after selection and activation of the necessary parameter.
Select the parameter by setting the marker «► » opposite to the name of the relevant parameter
with the arrow keys [↑], [↓].
To activate the parameter press [Enter], you shall see the field of parameter value flashing, the
parameter’s context menu shall appear in the navigation line.
You can change the parameter’s value using [↑], [↓].
To save the parameter press [Enter].
To cancel changing the parameter press [Esc].
The panel will return to the parameter selection mode when you save or cancel the parameter

Example 5. You need to change operation algorithm of ZN03 “With verification” to “General” in
the zone configuration box:
<Zone status> User2 02/03/12 09:52
NORM ZN01..16(16) ►ZN02:Second Loop
DISBL ZN17..32(16) ZN17:Seventeenth

F1 F2 F3 Menu
- invoke the main menu pressing [Menu]:
<Zone status> User2 02/03/12 09:52
NORM ZN01..16(16) ►ZN01:First Zone
DISBL ZN17..32(16) ZN17:Seventeenth
(Warning) (Faults) (Zone list) ... ► ►

F1 F2 F3 Menu
- press [Menu] key, the following items of the main menu will be displayed:
<Zone status> User2 02/03/12 09:52
NORM ZN01..16(16) ►ZN01:First Zone
DISBL ZN17..32(16) ZN17:Seventeenth
◄(Outs) (Commun) (Config.) ... ►

F1 F2 F3 Menu

- call the configuration menu pressing [F3]:

Enter engineer’s access code:


F1 F2 F3 Menu

- enter the engineer password (by default 12344321) and press [Enter]:

«Аrton-ХХF» - Configuration

( Zones ) ( Outs ) ( User ) ... ► Nu

F1 F2 F3 Menu

- invoke the zone configuration menu pressing [F1]:

<Config> ►ZN:01 Name:First Loop

Zone Type : Active&Passive
Algorithm : With verification
( Help ) ( Edit ) ( Save ) Nu

F1 F2 F3 Menu

- if necessary set the marker «►» opposite to the «ZN:» using [↑], [↓];
- press the [Enter] button – make the field «ZN:» active, the number of zone starts flashing
- using [↑], [↓] set the number of the relevant zone, «03» in that case;
- to confirm the zone choice press [Enter]:

<Config> ►ZN:03 Name:Third Loop

Type : Active&Passive
Algorithm : With verification
( Help ) ( Edit ) ( Save )

F1 F2 F3 Menu

- using [↑], [↓] set the marker «► » opposite to the «Operation Algorithm»:

<Config> ZN:03 Name:Third Loop

Type : Active&Passive
►Algorithm : With verification
( Help ) ( Edit ) ( Save )

F1 F2 F3 Menu 24
- press [Enter], make the «Operation Algorithm:» field active, the parameter value ”With
verification” shall flash;
- using [↑], [↓] set the necessary parameter value, in that example “General”;
- to confirm your choice press [Enter]:

<Config> ZN:03 Name:Third Loop

Type : Active&Passive
►Algorithm : General
( Help ) ( Edit ) ( Save )

F1 F2 F3 Menu
- to save changes in nonvolatile memory of the panel press the [F3] button (Save).
There are fields in the parameter value setting menu containing digital or character parameter
values which require entering the line of text (e.g., name of AL) or numerical value (e.g., time of
output’s active status). A user can change the fields after choosing and activation of the relevant
parameter. When you enter a text the cursor «|» shall be flashing on the display.
The user can enter Cyrillic or Roman characters to some fields. In that case you can toggle
between active layouts using «Alt» key, as a result the active layout indicator on the extreme right
The two-character active layout indicator indicates: «EN» - to enter Roman capital letters, «en» –
Roman lowercase letters, «RU» – Cyrillic capital letters, «ru» – Cyrillic lowercase letters, «Nu» –
numerical data.
You can enter characters in the selected layout from the numerical keypad by single or multiple
pressing a necessary key.
In Cyrillic/Roman character entering mode the [0] key is for entering characters “Space”, «.», «,»,
«!», and [1] – to enter «+», «-», «(», «)».
When you hold down [Shift] the entered character changes the case (lowercase to capital and vice
The characters of the layouts are coated on keys in alphabetical order.
You should multiply press keys with an interval of not more than 0,5 sec.
If you exceed the interval the character is considered to be entered and the cursor is located to the
next point.
You can delete any character to the left of the cursor by pressing the «|←» key.

5.5.2. «Zone Status» window The “Zone status” window is displayed in the main mode:
<ZoneStatus> User2 02/03/12 09:52
NORM ZN01..16(16) ►ZN01:First Loop
DISBL ZN17..32(16) ZN17:Seventeenth

F1 F2 F3 Menu

In the bottom line (navigation line) the information about the active user and a tip about user
actions are displayed if the menu is not activated and no faults were detected in the system. If there are
any faults in the system then the navigation line contains reference to the “Faults” menu item.
In the top line the information about the selected box – “AL Status”, system time and date is displayed. Second and third lines contain information about all AL statuses, assorted on the following
descending statuses: “FIRE”, “Attention”, “Fault”, “Norm”, “Test”, “Disabled”. In each status line the
information about the name of status, number of the first and the last AL in this status, and total number
of AL in that status.

5.5.3. Schematic diagram of screen windows, menus and control functions

The full schematic diagram of screen windows, menus and control functions available to a user is
shown in Figure

6.1 Attention! All operations with the panel must be made by operators (users) with the closed panel’s lid.
6.2 The installation, mounting, connection and maintenance must be performed by the competent service
6.3 It should be kept in mind that the 220 V mains voltage in operating state is connected to input terminals
that is dangerous for human life.
6.4 The installation, removing, wiring and repair of the panel should be made when the A.C. mains is off.
6.5 The mounting works with the panel should be done using an electrical tool with the voltage not more
than 42 V and power not more than 40 W that has healthy isolation of current leading circuits from the
electrical tool housing.
6.6 The fire safety rules should be kept when performing works with the panel.
6.7 The use of the panel without earthing its enclosure is forbidden.
6.8 The use of the panel in premises with aggressive admixtures causing corrosion is prohibited.


7.1 Please keep the following sequence of wiring and configuration for proper operation of the panel.
After the panel has been installed:
- Connect the alarm loops. Short the inputs not in use with resistors supplied with the panel.
- Wire sounders and beacons.
- Wire outputs to CMS.
- Wire the auxiliary outputs «OUT1»…«OUT8». Short the outputs not in use with resistors
supplied with the panel.
- Enable the lithium battery for real time clock.
- Install and wire the rechargeable battery.
- Wire the mains power. After switching on the mains power supply check the LED indicators on
the front panel of the enclosure. Two green indicators of the primary power and back-up power should be
lit. If they are not, ensure all devices on the circuits are correctly connected, check for presence and
integrity of safety fuses.
- Record the basic current of all connected loops in the configuration mode.
- Configure the panel.
- In the end, clear the event log before commissioning. The function of clearing the event log is in
submenu “LOG” of the system menu.


8.1 Installation
8.1.1. The panel should be mounted at a height convenient for operating and maintenance.
8.1.2. The panel can be mounted vertically. The marking on the panel should be made according to the
installation dimensions (Appendix 1).
8.1.3. To prevent the panel going to the fault mode if the panel has been switched on without loads
connect 3,3 kOhm resistors (supplied with the panel) in parallel to terminals of AL and outputs.
8.1.4. The connection of wires and cables should be made through the holes at the panel’s bottom. (see
Appendix 3).
8.2. AL wiring
8.2.1. Connect alarm loops to contacts «Ch1»...«Ch32» and «┴» of I/O PCB (see Appendix 4). To ease
the mounting screw joints are made in a way that allows to remove contact batch from the I/O board,
connect to them alarm loops, and then fix them back to the I/O board. To remove the screw joint batch
from the I/O, insert a thin screwdriver between the PCB and contact batch and hook them with slight
effort. Pull the contact batch and remove from pillars. On connecting alarm loops to the screw joints fit
the contact batch back on the pillars.
8.2.2. Max AL resistance not considering EOL resistor should not exceed 470 Ohm.
8.2.3. Two jumpers «12/24 Ch1-8» and «12/24 Ch9-16» are fitted on the I/O. Set the zone supply
voltage using the jumpers. Please note that each jumper sets the voltage for each group Zone1…Zone8
and Zone9…Zone16.
8.2.4. For wiring diagrams for various zones (active, passive, combined) please refer to Annex 6.

8.2.5. To prevent the panel from going to the FAULT mode, connect 3,3 kOhm load resistors (supplied
with the panel) to the inputs not in use.
8.2.6. Record the basic current of the zone for each new connected zone in the programming mode.

8.3. Sounder/beacon wiring

8.3.1. Connect sounder and beacon to terminals «LIGHT»-«┴» and «SOUND»-«┴» (see Annex 4).
8.3.2. 12V 300 mA sounders (bells, sirens)/beacons (strobe lights) can be connected to the panel.
8.3.3. To control the sounder line continuity fit a 2-10 kOhm resistor from the load side parallel to
sounder terminals.
8.3.4. You can set modes of the outputs «LIGHT» and «SOUND» when programming the panel.

8.4. Connecting outputs and CMS

8.4.1. Outputs «FAULT», «FIRE», «ALARM» control the CMS communication equipment.
8.4.2. Connect communication devices to terminals «FAULT»-«┴», «FIRE»-«┴», «ALARM»-«┴»
(see Annex 4).
8.4.3. To control the line continuity fit a 2-10 kOhm resistor parallel to CMS output load terminals.
8.4.4. You can set modes of the outputs «FAULT», «FIRE», «ALARM» when programming the panel.

8.5. Connecting real-time clock power supply

8.5.1. There is a compartment on the MCU with a connected lithium battery powering the real-time clock.
The battery is deactivated for the time of storage and transportation. Set the jumper «BAT OFF» into
the «ON» position (to the extreme right) to activate the battery.
8.5.2. CAUTION! It is advisable to deactivate the battery while storing, transporting, or for
durable inactivity. Detach the jumper «ВАТ» and shift it to the position «OFF» (to the extreme left).
Before commissioning the panel, detach the jumper «ВАТ» and shift it to the position «ON» (to the
extreme right). Then set the real time clock on activating the battery (see the Programming guide).
8.5.3. To replace a lithium battery you must disconnect the battery. Remove the BAT jumper and set it
to the «OFF» position (to the extreme left). Swing the fixing flag on the holder out of the way and
remove the battery. Install a new battery keeping the polarity. Remove the BAT jumper and set it to the
«ON» position (to the extreme right). You should set the real time clock on switching the battery (see the
Programming guide).

8.6. Mains wiring

8.6.1. Attention! The mains supply must be connected to the panel only by a qualified and technically
experienced person.
8.6.2. The panel can be wired to the mains supply only using the diagram with differential protective
relay in the main distribution board.
8.6.3. Connect the terminal «⊥» of the terminal block to grounding mat rated at not greater than 4 Ohm.
8.6.4. Check for presence and proper operation of 1.0 А fuse in the terminal block.
8.6.5. Connect the dead power cable to terminals «∼ 220 V» so that the phase wire is connected to «L»
terminal and the neutral wire - to terminal «N».
8.6.6. Fix the cable using a clip.
8.6.7. Apply power to the panel. If after applying the mains supply none of the indicators are not lit
check for presence and correct operation of 1.0 A fuse in the terminal block.
8.7. Battery wiring
8.7.1. Locate the rechargeable battery as shown in the figure in Annex 3. Connect black wire with the
minus terminal, red wire with the plus terminal of the battery.
8.7.2. You must keep the polarity while connecting the battery. Incorrect polarity leads to outage of the
«Fuse1» on PSU.

8.8. Wiring and usage of outputs «OUT1» .. «OUT8» on I/O

8.8.1. It is allowable to connect a load rated at not greater than 300 mA to each output
«OUT1»…«OUT8». Make sure that the total current consumption of all outputs «OUT1»…«OUT8»
does not exceed 0.8A. If you need to connect more powerful loads use blocking relays.

8.8.2. To prevent the panel going to the FAULT mode you should fit 3.3 kOhm resistors provided in the
panel’s accessory pack to the outputs not in use.
8.8.3. To control circuit integrity you should fit a resistor from 1 kOhm to 10 kOhm to each output
«OUT1»..«OUT8» from the load side.
8.8.4. The outputs «OUT1»..«OUT8» of I/O boards are intended for performing of various user
8.8.5. User can program output operation logics by the way of setting of system object parameters –
logical expressions on the 4th access level using special software and tools.
8.8.6. By default outputs «OUT1»..«OUT8» are activated on detecting the Fire condition in two
adjacent loops by logical operation “AND” to arrange fire fighting systems.
8.8.7. The output «OUT1» is linked to the pair: AL1 (zone 1), AL2; «OUT2» – AL3, AL4; … output
«OUT8» - AL15, AL16.

9.1. General information
You can access to the panel controls after authentication of the user. Nine users are predefined in the
system: one engineer (user 1), and 8 authorised users.
Each user has rights to control one or several zones, that allows to delimit responsibilities for
guarded objects between users.
The authorized user controls can be accessed by calling «UserIn» and in the authentication
window you should enter the user access code.
After that, if the access code is correct, the inscription in the navigation line will be changed to
«UserN» where N is the user‘s number. To exit the authorised user mode call the «LogOut» of the main
menu or automatically if no key has been pressed within 1 min. For factory default user access codes
please refer to p. 8.14.
Controls available for an authorized user:
– disabling or enabling zones;
– resetting of the modes FIRE, FAULT, ALARM;
– resetting of all zones;
– disabling or enabling sounders;
– disabling or enabling the fire output;
– disabling or enabling the fault output;
– testing the indicator lights and internal buzzer;
– calling any object function;
9.2. Zone disablement/enablement
To disable a zone invoke “Disable” item of the context menu in the authorized user mode in windows
“Zone status” and “Zone list”. As a result of disablement the zone will be physically disabled, the
FAULT output gets activated (disabled), the general indicator “Disablement” starts continuously
illuminating and zone goes to the DISABLED state.
After deenergizing the panel and then applying the power the disabled zone statuses retain. Zones
are enabled in the authorized user menu by calling the “Disable” item of the context menu of thee Zone
object in windows “Zone status” and “Zone list”.
It is impossible to disable/enable zones by a user who is not entitled to control the zone. User
rights can be set in the programming mode.

9.3. Resetting all zones, FIRE, FAULT and ALARM modes

Resetting of the modes can be made in the authorized user mode by pressing the RESET button.

9.4. Sounder disablement

Sounders can be disabled through the “Warning” menu. Disablement of sounders (outputs
«LIGHT» and «SOUND») is implemented in the authorized user mode by calling the “Silence” item of
the context menu of objects «OUT5 – Light» and «OUT6 – Sound» in the “Output list” window.
Disablement of sounders is indicated with continuous yellow light of general indicators
“Disablement” and “Disable sounder”.

9.5. Disablement of FIRE output
The FIRE output is automatically disabled when resetting the FIRE mode. To temporally disable
the signal in the FIRE mode activate the SILENCE item of the context menu of object «OUT3 – Fire» in
the window “Output list”.
Disablement of the Fire output is indicated with continuous yellow light of general indicators
“Disablement” and “Disable Fire output”.

9.6. Disablement of FAULT output

The FAULT output is automatically disabled when the fault has been cleared or after resetting
the FAULT mode. To temporally disable the signal in the FAULT mode activate the SILENCE item of
the context menu of object «OUT3 – Fault» in the window “Output list”.
Disablement of the Fault output is indicated with continuous yellow light of general indicators
“Disablement” and “Disable Fault output”.

9.7. Event log view

You can view the event log in the authorized user mode by calling the “LOG” of the main menu.
Information about total number of records, number and contents of the current record is displayed in the
event log view box. The record includes information about the object, its new state and time that the
event occurred.
A user can successively view records in the event log box by clicking “Back” and “Next”, or
point to the last recorded event or to the indicated by the user by clicking “End” and “Go to”.

9.8. Checking alphanumeric display, light indicators and internal buzzer for proper operation
To check alphanumeric display, all light indicators and internal buzzer for proper operation press
the TEST button. After that all indicators shall flash 5 times, at the same time all character cells of the
alphanumeric display shall successively be filled with numbers 1 to 5, and buzzer shall sound. The test is
available both on the access level two (authorized user mode) and on the level one (before user


10.1. How to enter programming mode

You can gain access to the programming mode from any dialog box through “Programming” of
the main menu. After that enter the engineer password (engineer factory default -
[1][2][3][4][4][3][2][1]). The programming menu items become available upon entering the correct

10.1. How to program the panel

You can change object parameters by programming the panel. As a rule, programming menu
items correspond to object types (e.g., “Zone”, “Outputs”, “Users”).
The marker «► » is located in the object parameter setting window, pointing to the current field or
parameter. Use [↑], [↓] buttons to move between fields (parameters). To activate the current field
(parameter) change option press [Enter] or functional button «Edit». The field (parameter) change
process can be 2 types:
- choice from the list of available values (use [↑], [↓]), with a field that includes the parameter
value flashing.
- entry of character number from the keypad, with the vertical bar (cursor) in enter position on the
screen flashing.
To confirm changes press [Enter] or the functional key «ОК». To cancel changes press [Esc], or the
functional key «Cancel». The confirmed changes are saved to panel’s non-volatile memory the when you
activate «Save» in the context menu for the current object.

10.2. How to program “ZONE”

To activate the zone programming window use “AL” item of the programming menu. The display
will look like the below:
<Config> ►AL:01 Name:Zone one
AL type : Combined
Operation algorithm : With verification
( Help ) ( Edit ) ( Save )

F1 F2 F3 Menu
You can change the following parameters in the window:
Name of zone (Name). Defines the character name of the zone, which will be displayed in status
windows “AL status” and “AL list”. The name may contain capital and small Latin or
Cyrillic letters, numbers, space, brackets etc. Maximum number is 14 characters.
AL type. Defines the way of zone current change processing. The following values of the
parameter are available:
– Combined;
– Active;
– Passive.
AL operation algorithm. Sets the way of the FIRE condition detecting in a zone. The following
values of the parameter are available:
– With verification;
– Without verification;
– Two detectors activation (2 det. activation).
Standby current. Sets the primary zone current through which zone current change is
calculated. When the parameter is activated by pressing [Enter], the context menu item
“Store in memory” becomes available through which the actual current in zone is stored in
Threshold activation current of the first active detector (Curr Thres. Up1). Sets the value of
threshold (current raise) of first active detector relative to the primary standby current of a
zone (standby zone current). The value can be set from 0,5 до 8,0 mА in increments of

Threshold activation current of the first passive detector (Curr Thres. Dn1). Sets the value
of threshold (current drop) of first passive detector relative to the primary standby current
of a zone (standby zone current). The value can be set from 0,5 до 8,0 mА in increments of
Threshold activation current of the second active detector (Curr Thres. Up2). Sets the value
of threshold (current raise) of second active detector relative to the first activated detector.
The value can be set from 0,5 до 8,0 mА in increments of 0,5mА.
Threshold activation current of the second passive detector (Curr Thres. Dn2). Sets the
value of threshold (current drop) of the second passive detector relative to the first
activated detector. The value can be set from 0,5 до 8,0 mА in increments of 0,5mА.
AL reset time. Sets the reset period for a zone. The value can be set within 0 and 99 seconds.
Waiting-to-ready time (Wait time). Sets the time of zone waiting-to-ready after applying power
supply or AL reset. The value can be set within 0 and 99 seconds.
Verification time (Verif time). Sets the time of reactivation or activation of second detector in
the zone depending on the effective zone operation algorithm. The value can be set within
1 and 255 seconds. ( Value 0 – waiting till deenergizing).

10.3. How to program “OUTPUT”

To activate the output programming window use the “Outputs” item of the programming menu.
The display will look like the below:

<Config> ►Output:01 Name:Fault

Operation algorithm : With inversion
Active period,s : 0
( Help ) ( Edit ) ( Save )

F1 F2 F3 Menu

You can change the following parameters of outputs in the window:

Output name (Name). Defines the character output name which will be displayed in status
windows “Output list”. The name may contain capital and small Latin or Cyrillic letters,
numbers, space, brackets etc. Maximum number is 14 characters.
Output type. The following values of the parameter are available:
- standard;
- 4 wire zone power supply;
- +12V not disabled output;
- FIRE1;
- FIRE2;
- FIRE3;
- Disabled.
Operation algorithm. Designates direct or inverse mode for an output. The following options of
the parameter are available:
- With inversion;
– Without inversion.
Active period. Sets the time of output active status. The value can be set within 1 and 65000
seconds (0 – non limited active time).
Delay period. Sets the delay time for output active period. The value can be set within 0 to 255
Automatic restore time (Disabl time). Sets the time in that the output goes from disabled to
actual state. The value can be set within 1 to 255 seconds (0 – switch off the auto restore
Allow to enable at SC (Allow ON at SC). Sets the permission to activate output at SC in its
load. The following options of the parameter are available:
– Yes;
– No.

– Active period in active state (Та1 act/act). Sets the time of output’s active period in
active state. The value can be set within 0,1 to 25,5 seconds (0 – switch off the
dynamic mode).
Passive period in active state (Та2 pas/act). Sets the time of output’s passive period in active
state. The value can be set within 0,1 to 25,5 seconds (0 – switch off the dynamic mode).
Active period in passive state (Тp1 act/pas). Sets the time of output’s active period in passive
state. The value can be set within 0,1 to 25,5 seconds (0 – switch off the dynamic mode).
Passive period in passive state (Та2 pas/pas). Sets the time of output’s passive period in
passive state. The value can be set within 0,1 to 25,5 seconds (0 – switch off the dynamic

10.4. How to program “USER”

To activate the user programming window use the “User” item of the programming menu. The
display will look like the below:
<Config> ►User 1 (Engineer) Level 3
AL: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
+ + + + + + + + + +
( Help ) ( Edit ) ( Save )

F1 F2 F3 Menu
You can change the following parameters of users in the window:
Allow to control AL (AL). Sets the list of AL available to control for the user. Available ALs
are marked with «+», non available - with «-». On activation of the parameter with [Enter],
the choice of the relevant AL is made with the keys [←] [→] , and setting of permissions
with [↑], [↓].
User access code (Access code). The password is a line from 0 to 15 characters for users 2…9
and from 8 to 15 characters for user 1 (engineer).

10.5. How to set system date and time

To activate the system date and time programming window use “Set date” and “Set time” in the
“Additional” submenu of the programming menu. The display will look like the below:
<Config> Set date and time

►14 Jun 2012 12:41:24

(Set) (Cancel)

F1 F2 F3 Menu
You can move between parameters using the keys [←] [→] , and setting of values is made with
[↑], [↓]. Activation of new system date and time is done with the help of the “Set” item of the window

10.6. How to reset engineer password to factory defaults

When necessary you can reset the engineer password to factory default following the below steps:
- deenergize the panel (both mains and battery);
- open the lid and fit the jumper Р7 of MCU;
- apply power and in not less than 5 sec. remove the jumper. When the procedure is complete the
engineer password will be reset to factory default.

10.7. How to reset values of ZONE and OUTPUT to factory defaults

To reset all parameters of “AL” and “Output” to factory defaults use “Reset FACP” in the
“Additional” submenu of the programming menu.

10.8. How to autoconfigure the panel

After you have added a new board or replaced a failed one perform the Autoconfiguring function
using the item “AutConf” from the programming menu.

10.9. How to exit programming mode
To exit the programming mode press [Esc] a few times.

10.10. Factory defaults

№ Password Rights to zones Rights to outputs
12344321 All zones All outputs
2…9 2…9 All zones All outputs

Cur Cur Cur
Cur Thr Reset Wait Time Verif
№ Type Algorithm Thr Thr Thr
Up1 time time
Dn1 Up2 Dn2
1 … 32 Combined 4 mА 1,5mА 3 mА 1 mА 5 sec 1 sec 180 sec
NB. All zones are named by default by the following format: «Zone ХХ», where «ХХ» -
number of zone from «01» to «32».
Transient time,
(designation on

Disabled time,

Тp2 (pas/pas),
Тp1 (act/pas),
Та2 (pas/act),
Та1 (act/act),
Allow ON at

Allow ON at

Allow ON at
Active time,

Delay time,











W/o inversion W/o inversion W/o inversion W/o inversion W/o inversion W/o inversion With inversion

Not limited

1 0 200 no yes no 0 0 0 0
Not limited

2 0 200 no yes no 0 0 0 0
Not limited

3 0 200 no yes no 0 0 0 0

Not limited

4 0 200 no yes no 0 0 0 0

5 180 0 200 no yes no 1 1 0 0

6 30 0 200 no yes no 0 0 0 0
Not limited

7…38 0 200 no yes no 0 0 0 0

* - ХХ – numbers 01…08 for outputs 7…14 correspondently.

It is advisable at least annually to replace lithium battery for the real time clock (see Connecting
the real-time clock power supply).

The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of the panel with the technical specifications
provided the user keeps the rules of usage, proper transportation, storage and installation specified by the
technical specifications. The panel is warranted for 12 months from the commissioning date but no
longer than 18 months from the shipment date to the customer’s address.


The ARTON-32F fire alarm control panel complies with the requirements of DSTU EN 54-2 and
DSTU EN 54-4.
The ARTON-32F has been packed in compliance with the factory rules complete with the items as shown
in table 17.1.
Table 17.1

Name Quantity Serial number

ARTON-32F fire alarm control panel 1

Operational manual 1
Spare parts and accessories
(according to Section 14)

Manufacturing date __ __.__ __.201__

This product has been successfully tested by the quality control department and was released for
sale according to the existent specifications.

Quality control mark____________________


Table 18.1
№ Name Qnty
1 3 А Fuse 1
2 1 А Fuse 1
3 3,3 kOhm 0,25W Resistor 32
4 2,4 kOhm 0,25W Resistor 32

ANNEX 1. ARTON-32F front panel





7 17


1– alphanumeric display (4 lines x 40 characters);

2– indications and controls;

3– dual-colour indicators of «AC» and «Back-up» power indicate the mains, battery power supply
and charger (green light – norm, yellow – fault);

4– general indicators of Fire, Fault, Disablement, Test modes;

5– indicators of Disablement mode for Fire, Fault outputs, sounders and CMS communication

6– reset button of Fire mode;

7– indicators of Fault mode for Fire, Fault outputs, sounders, CMS communication devices;
System error;

8– test button for alphanumeric display, LED indicators and internal buzzer;

9– panel lid’s key;

10 – silence button for internal buzzer;

11 – reset button for output delay;

12 – functional buttons for menu items. Button functionalities are displayed in the bottom part of the
display (in the navigation line);

13 – menu key launches the main menu (each following pressing leads to going to the next point);

14 – alphanumeric keypad with cursor control keys;

15 – indicators of signal transmission status to CMS «Fire», «Fault», «Disablement», «Test», and
indicator of warning system activation;

16 – indicator of output delay status (presence, off/on);

17 – indicator of disabled internal buzzer;

ANNEX 2. Dimensions

Upper mounting bracket. Lower mounting bracket.

ANNEX 3. Location of PCBs, units, components inside the cabinet


1 – main control PCB (MCU);

2 – input-output PCB (I/O);
3 – holes for cable entry;
4 – power supply PCB (PSU);
5 – terminal block with 1A fuse holder for mains connection;
6 – mains cable clamp;
7 – rechargeable battery (BAT).

ANNEX 4. Layout of Main Control PCB and Input/Output PCB

Ch1 … Ch16 – outputs for zone connection;

Out1 … Out8 – outputs for control of automatic fire fighting equipment (AFFE), activating when the
Fire status has been registered in two adjacent zones (zones united by “AND” function).
The panel can perform the other functions depending on the panel’s settings;
LIGHT – beacon output (light alarm);
SOUND – sounder output (sound alarm);
NORM – terminal block for remote indicator «NORM»;
FIRE – terminal block «FIRE» to CMS ;
ALARM – terminal block «ALARM» to CMS;
FAULT – terminal block «FAULT» to CMS;
NB. To monitor line integrity of all outputs (AFFE output , CMS output, outputs to sounders/beacons
«Alarm», «Light», «Sound») fit resistors from 2 kOhm to 10 kOhm parallel to loads (not on the drawing).
Resistors should be installed from the load side.

ANNEX 5. Typical wiring diagrams

Wiring diagram
for active detectors (SPD type and others)

Fig. 6.1
Quantity of detectors must be such so that total current consumption of all detectors in standby mode is not greater
than 3 mA. At the same time, in compliance with EN54-2:2003, the maximum quantity of detectors per zone must not exceed
32. The value of limiting and EOL resistors should be chosen depending on zone voltage.
For 15 V: CLR = (680 Ohm - 1,5 kOhm), EOLR – (1,2kOhm – 2kOhm).
For 24 V: CLR= (1,1kOhm – 3kOhm), EOLR – (2,4kOhm - 3,9kOhm).

Wiring diagram
for heat detectors (SPT-2A, SPT-3A, FT series)

Fig. 6.2
Quantity of detectors must be such so that total current consumption of all detectors in standby mode is not greater
than 3 mA. At the same time, in compliance with EN54-2:2003, the maximum number of detectors per zone is 32. The value
of limiting and EOL resistors should be chosen depending on zone voltage.
For 15 V: CLR = (680 Ohm - 1,5 kOhm), EOLR – (1,2kOhm – 2kOhm).
For 24 V: CLR= (1,1kOhm- 3kOhm), EOLR – (2,4kOhm - 3,9kOhm).

Example of combined zone wiring

Fig. 6.3
Quantity of active detectors must be such so that total current consumption of all detectors in standby mode is not
greater than 3 mA. At the same time, in compliance with EN54-2:2003, the maximum quantity of active detectors per zone is
15. Maximum number of passive detectors is 25.
The value of limiting and EOL resistors should be chosen depending on zone voltage.
For 15 V: CLR = 680 Ohm, EOLR = 3,3kOhm
For 24 V: CLR= 1,1kOhm, EOLR =5,1kOhm.
CLR_a for active detectors is 680 Оhm. CLR_p for passive detectors is 1,2 kОhm. EOLR is 2,4 kOhm.

Example of SPD-3.10 (B0 base) wiring

Fig. 6.5

Quantity of detectors must be such so that total current consumption of all detectors in standby mode is not greater
than 3 mA. At the same time, in compliance with EN54-2:2003, the maximum number of detectors per zone is 32. EOL
resistors should be chosen depending on zone voltage.
For 15 V: CLR = (680 Ohm - 1,5 kOhm), EOLR – (1,2kOhm – 2kOhm).
For 24 V: CLR= (1,1kOhm – 3kOhm), EOLR – (2,4kOhm - 3,9kOhm).


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