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Snigdha Khanna
Tasks of the human mind
“• to perceive the world;

• to learn, to remember, and to control actions;

• to think and create new ideas;

• to control communication with others;

• to create the experience of feelings, intentions, and self-awareness.”


A prominent psychologist and linguist, went on to argue that theories of the mind
should be modelled in computational terms.
Motivation behind Cognitive Radio
• Significant underutilization of the radio spectrum. The RADIO spectrum, which is needed for wireless
communication systems, is a naturally limited resource. To support various wireless applications and
services in a noninterfering basis, the fixed spectrum access (FSA) policy has traditionally been adopted by
spectrum regulators, which assign each piece of spectrum with certain bandwidth to one or more
dedicated users. By doing so, only the assigned (licensed) users have the right to exploit the allocated
spectrum, and other users are not allowed to use it, regardless of whether the licensed users are using it.

• The Cognitive Radio solution to the spectrum underutilization problem:

(i) Sense the radio environment to detect spectrum holes (i.e., underutilized subbands of the radio spectrum).

(ii) Make the spectrum holes available for employment by secondary users efficiently, subject to the
constraint that the received power in each spectrum hole does not exceed a prescribed limit (set by the legacy
Dynamic Spectrum Access(DSA)
Dynamic spectrum access (DSA) has been proposed as an alternative policy to allow the radio spectrum to
more efficiently be used. In DSA, a piece of spectrum can be allocated to one or more users, which are
called primary users (PUs); however, the use of that spectrum is not exclusively granted to these users,
although they have higher priority in using it. Other users, which are referred to as secondary users (SUs),
can also access the allocated spectrum as long as the PUs are not temporally using it or can share the
spectrum with the PUs as long as the PUs' can properly be protected. By doing so, the radio spectrum can
be reused in an opportunistic manner or shared all the time; thus, the spectrum utilization efficiency can
significantly be improved.

To support DSA, SUs are required to capture or sense the radio environment, and a SU with such a
capability is also called a cognitive radio (CR) or a CR user.
Cognitive Radio Networks(CRN)
Cognitive Radio (CR) is an adaptive, intelligent radio and network technology that can automatically detect
available channels in a wireless spectrum and change transmission parameters enabling more
communications to run concurrently and also improve radio operating behavior.The cognitive radio network
is a complex multiuser wireless communication system capable of emergent behaviour.

Cognitive radio uses a number of technologies including Adaptive Radio (where the communications system
monitors and modifies its own performance) and Software Defined Radio (SDR) where traditional hardware
components including mixers, modulators and amplifies have been replaced with intelligent software. To make
radios and wireless networks truly cognitive, however, is by no means a simple task, and it requires
collaborative effort from various research communities, including communications theory, networking
engineering, signal processing, game theory, software-hardware joint design, and reconfigurable antenna and
radio-frequency design.

1. A user refers to a
transmitter and receiver
engaged in
communication with
each other.

2. Signalling channel
from transmitter to
receiver has been
Primary objectives of CRN
1. To provide highly reliable communication for all users of the network.

2. To facilitate efficient utilization of the radio spectrum in a fair-minded way.

3. To perceive the radio environment (i.e., outside world) by empowering each user’s receiver to sense the
environment on a continuous-time basis;

4. To learn from the environment and adapt the performance of each transceiver (transmitter-receiver) to
statistical variations in the incoming RF stimuli;

5. To facilitate communication between multiple users through cooperation in a self-organized manner;

6. To control the communication processes among competing users through the proper allocation of available

7. To create the experience of intention and self-awareness.

Major Functional Blocks of Cognitive Radio
CR Models
With different cognitive capabilities, a CR may access the radio spectrum in different way:.
Layers of the CR
● physical (PHY): signal
processing techniques for
spectrum sensing, cooperative
spectrum sensing, and
transceiver design for cognitive
spectrum access
● medium access control (MAC):
sensing scheduling schemes,
sensing-access tradeoff design,
spectrum-aware access MAC,
and CR MAC protocols.
● network layers: cognitive radio
network (CRN) tomography,
spectrum-aware routing, and
quality-of-service (QoS) control

These layers are crossly related.

Spectrum Sensing
● Direct Spectrum
Sensing: directly detect
the primary Rx, because it
is the Rx of a PU system
that should be protected.
● Indirect Spectrum
Sensing: detects the
presence or absence of
primary signals, which can
be regarded as a binary
hypothesis testing problem.
Cognitive Spectrum
● Transmit Signal Design for
OSA: The OSA model allows
the CR users to coexist with the
PUs in an opportunistic way,
and most CR transmission
schemes fall into this category.
As the SUs of a licensed
spectrum, the CR users in OSA
ideally transmit only within the
spectrum holes.
● Transmit Power Allocation
for Single-Antenna CSA
● Resource Allocation for
Multiantenna CSA
Advantages of CR
1. Overcome radio spectrum scarcity

2. Avoid intentional radio jamming scenarios

3. Switch to power saving protocol

4. Improve satellite communications

5. Improves quality of service (QoS)

Emerging Cognitive Radio Networks
● A new BIOlogically-inspired spectrum sharing (BIOSS) algorithm which is based on the adaptive task
allocation model in insect colonies. Without need for any coordination among the unlicensed users,
BIOSS enables each unlicensed user to distributively determine the appropriate channel(s) over which
it can communicate. Performance evaluations clearly reveal that BIOSS achieves efficient dynamic
spectrum sharing with high spectrum utilization and without any coordination among the users and
hence yielding no spectrum handoff latency overhead due to coordination.

● In cognitive radio, the detection and estimation of PU channel availability (unoccupied spectrum) are
the key challenges that need to be overcome in order to prevent the interference with licensed spectrum
user and improve spectrum resource utilization efficiency.New ways are being developed for detecting
and estimating primary user channel availability based on machine-learning (ML) techniques.
Since the introduction of cognitive radio in 1999 , there have been many high-level
discussions on proposed capabilities of cognitive radios. In this presentation we
have tried to formalize some of the architecture behind these ideas and the
applications for which they are most suited, and give some insight into the
differences between reasoning and learning.

Certainly there is a great deal of future work in the field of cognitive radio, and in
particular applications of machine learning to cognitive radio. The architecture
described here is flexible enough to address many different applications provided
they can be expressed in predicates, actions, and objective functions. The real work
will be mapping potential applications to predicate calculus.

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