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_____ _______, CESO III

Regional Director

28 August 2019

Dear Engr. Gelonga,

Good day.

I am Floyd Russel C. Hernandez, a DOST scholar under R.A. 7687 and a 2nd year college
taking up BS in Computer Science at the University of the Philippines Visayas. I am writing this
letter to appeal for my scholarship because my general weighted average last second semester of
A.Y. 2018-2019 did not reached the minimum required grade to keep my scholarship. The required
GWA for keeping the scholarship is 2.75 and I ended the semester having an average of 3.026
because I failed my two subjects. I understand that I am all over responsible for my studies and the
outcome of it.

The reason why I failed my subjects and got low grades is that, I am still adjusting to my
course which I am not really interested to. I tried to understand and learn what computer science
really is, how it works, and the challenges that those computer science students normally face, but as
the lecture and laboratory works get deeper, it makes me struggle more. It took me some time to
reflect on myself on what am I going to do: if I am going to pursue my course or shift to the course
where I can see myself enjoying it.

Since I failed my subjects during my second semester, I made my decision to take some
subjects from BS in Statistics where I am going to shift to fill the required units needed to acquire my
scholarship. I consider it my best way to maintain my scholarship and enjoy my college life because I
can see myself graduating from BS in Statistics.

My first year in UP was very challenging for me because I did so many adjustments in order
to cope and follow the fast-paced learning in the university. I know this is not an excuse to my poor
academic performance, but I hope you can understand my situation. My scholarship gave me a
privilege to sustain my needs that my parents cannot give on time. If I lose this scholarship, it would
be a great loss for me and for my family because I am depending on it. If I will be granted with my
scholarship again, I will do my best to maintain it and study harder to graduate as a DOST Scholar.
And if not, I will appreciate it and still be grateful because I was able to use the scholarship during
my stay in the university. Hoping to give your time to read my appeal.



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