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1 ee i a Pesierl @ OIL ANALYSIS (OTe Practical Oil Analysis Table of Contents Beb Scott — Trstructer Mobile Device Policy. a Video an¢ Stil Camera Paley 2 Nia Corporation. 3 International Counc for Machinery Liston (CAL) 4 2010 Changes to ICM Certification 5 Blof Seminar Outi =i nays Level 6 Maintenance Philosophies wenn 7 ‘The Journey to World-class Malntenance.n. on) Case Study Nippon Stee Zerporation sev ‘ase Study ~ 1894-1997 Cendtion Monitoring Savings ~ Baltimore Gas and Electric wwsvooe10 ‘Costs and Benefits — What fo Expect sn Relsblty-centered Maintenance (RCM) : : a2 Fallure Modes Efets Arai FMEA) sons 33 ‘The Human Body Parallel to Machine Maintenance sinned The Pareto Principle ~ Maintenances 80:20 Rule sesnnnnn a5 ‘bology influences Machine Rllabilty and National Economy vend ‘re You Pulling Your Weeds Out by the ROOtS?vevsronmnnnnnnnnnnnninnnnnnneneedT Modern Maintenance Technologies... 38 Proactive Maintenance Reduces Vibration Misses by 70%. vain Detection Correction Screexing : 20 ‘Success Elements to an iterated Conlin Based Maintenance Program... von dh Lubrication Fundamentals... Industry Rides on an Ol Film of About 10 Micrane : se ‘Most Lubricating Os Come From Petroleum (2boUt 95%) wvenvrnnnnnnnrnnnennnnnnd How Lubricant Oi are Farmed, sn 25 Base Stock Physical Properties Mineral Oi Properties Simthetc Lubricants are Man-made Fu Lke Liquid Plastics 28 ‘Molecular Comparison eens 23 Synthetic Lubricant Properties 30 Properties of Comman Synthetic Base OIS.. 31 Lubrication Regimes ——— soa “Types of Lubrication FM. vs sonst 88 Hydrodynamic ubrieation~ Siding Thieklm Lubrication sania Hastohydredyramic Lubrication Under Reling Conditions 38 (iFilm Theknesses In Machine Dynamic Clearances 36 Additives Aditives— What They Are Characterists of Polar AdAEVES nm vend ‘Wear and Fiction Control Addtves Form Chemical and Solid ubrication Fs 40 ‘Antioxidants/Oxidation nibitors a vl How Ant-ondants Alter Oi Life ' a2 Dispersants-Maximiing Soot Particle "Hang Time” vs se {important Distinctions Between Soot Load and Soot Dispersancy.. vol Over-base Detergents AdGVES eons smn (Over base Corrsion Contra Additives, : 46 Corrosion Inhbi0¢S nn nnn a7 Viscosity Index improvers a : a3 Vi improver (Notes... ~ vo 49 ‘i mprover Polymers — Viscosity and Shear EAE wns 50 Honey and Mayonnaise so - St Defoamants - How They Work... vs 52 ‘Antisfoarn Agents (Defearants) — el Adatives: Pour Point Depressants... _ bn Friction Moslifirs (ASIA). von 5, Solid Additives Used for Wear and Frition ComtOl sexu v5 Machine Conditions Requiring AdAIWES wrewninsninnnninnnnnnnnnnnninnnenT How Lubricant Properties Change (reparaby) a 58 il Analysis Fundamentals OF ANaISES vn ‘AGo0d Doctor Ast Lots of Question. re YoU Listening to Your Oi? 61 Interrogate Your O# : ‘What Oi Analysis Can Tell You Types oF OH ANAS nn Applications for Ol Sampling and Analysis. Three Cetegories of Oil Anaysis, Sampling - The Very Best Practices ... ‘il Analysis Integrity Chain starts with Sampling How Sampling influences Ol Analysis Accuracy Sampling Bottom Sampling ~The Trend Killer AAccoss Options fr Ol Sampling. : Sample Valves Comparison eo vn Live Zone Sampling nn vl : ‘Options for Sampling from Pressurized Lines. Probe-style andl Minimess Sampling Valves/Botles ‘Minimess Sampling Vales -Benefits Push-turn Sampling Valves : il Sampling Procedure Low Fluid Pressure (100 psi 7 bar) von ‘il Sampling Procedure Low Fuld Pressure (< 100 pst 7 BAN) runs 80 (i Sampling Procedure High Fld Pressuce (> 100 ps7 Bat nena (i Sampling Procedure High Flue Pressure (> 100 ps7 bar) Ci Sampling Procedure Atmospheric Pressure. Ol Sampling Procedure Atmospheric Pressure... Drop-tube Vacuum Sampling 7 Drop-Tube Vacuum Pump Sampling. “Tips to Effective Drop-Tube Vacuum Sampling. Drop-Tube Vacuum Sampling of Reservoirs and Tanks. Pathway Flushing . : {Minimum tine Flushing Requirements for Ol Sampling... Sample Bottles : Sample Bottles- Cleanlines oe Clean Oi'Sampling Procedure Best Practice Sampling Location - Wet Sump Circulating Systems ‘where to Sample Crankcase Oil Diesel Engine Ol Live Zone Sampling Fors. Drain ine Ot Sampling Traps Sampling Points fora Dry Samp Forced Ceultng Lube Oi System ase Study: Paper Mill Calendar Bearings. Sampling Points fora Hydra System with Return ine Fer. ‘i Options fr Sampling Spast/ Bath Lubricated Machines. Falk Splash Lubrcated Gear box-Where Should you Sample? Of-Line Sampling — Filter Cart Sampling with Mobile Eauipment ‘Sampling Hard-to-Reach Machines. (il Sempling Valves ~ What's Wrong... Whats Right (il Sampling Valves - What's Wrong... What’ ight Can You Find the Correct Sempling Locations? Cen You Find the Correct Smpling Locations? Con You Find the Correct Smpling Locations? Grease Sampling Tube Methed for Sampling reas. Grease Sampling . ‘srease Thiet Sampling Tecrniques InServiee Geease Analysis vs InService Geease Analysis (Cont) In-Service Grease Analysis Cont) ‘KF Portable Grease Tester bo Fectrs influencing Sampling Frequencies vo Sample Frequency Generator. Sample Frequency Generator. Sample Frequency Generate (continued Case Study: Chevron ~ Sample Frequency Affects Fallure Detection efcency ‘Machine and Lubricant Sample Documentation. ‘Summary: Oil Sampling “Best Practices” Fluid Properties Analysis sn. {st Category of Ol Analysis Fluid Properties Analysis The Oi Aging rocess..No, It Doesn't Last Forever Oxidation Root Causes Dual Course of Oxidation ‘Common Oxidation indicators How To Detect the Aging Oxidation ie of an Oi. “Two Common Measures fo" Viscosity Measurement of kinematic Viscosity Corman Laboratory Kinerate Viscometers ‘Measurement af Absolute scosty 150 Viscosity Grades (S0 2328) SAE 1300 Engine Ol Viscosty Cassifiation Simple Kinematie Viscosity conversions Best Practices for Onsite Vecosity Analysis \iscosty/Temperature Chat. What is Viseosity nox? ‘What Temperature Should viscosity be Measured and Trended at? The Causes of Oil Viscosity Changes. Viscosity Trends of Diesel Cankease Os. System Efects of Wrong Viscosity How to Set Viscosity Limits Case Study: Viscosity Trend ag ofan ISO 68 Bearing Ol How to Use Viscosity Analy “Trending Ald and Base Numbers ‘Transitional Movement of Acid Numbers and Base Numbers Notes on Acid and Base Numbers, Use AN to Detect these Corrasive Acids Variations in AN Trends by Ol Type AN Trends with AW and R&D Oil Notes on Al Monitoring, [AN Trends for Phosphate Eer Steam Turbine EHC Fluid How to Monitor AN Trends How BN Trends are Influenced How BN Trends are Influenced or. “Trending BN’s witha Crankease Oi! BN Trends of Diesel Crankcase Oils How to Monitor BN Trends ‘Machin Diagnostics Using eutalzation Numbers Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). ‘Two Types of Spectrometry FTIR -How it Wotks.. Your Oit Analysis Report Might Show One or More ofthese FTIR Units. FTIR Using Spectral Subtraction... “Typical Absorption Wavenumbers rt) for FTIR ‘Oxidation Trend Using FI. Using EMR to Detect Commnon Base Ot Problems FTIR Application Considerations Rotating Pressure Vessel Oxidation Test (RPVOT}* Rotating Pressure Vessel sidation Tes (RPVOT}* Case Studies: Trending an Oils RPVOT Lif How to Monitor RPVOT Frens.. ‘Aging Oxidation Life-Cycle of an Ol Predictive and Determinste Oxidation Trend... Linear Sweep Voltametry (Measures adive depletion) High Oi Temperature Acelerate Oil Degradation Olt Anaiysis Oxidation Poinrers Varnish Formation Spark Discharge in a Test Re. “Typical Sequence of Events Leading to Varnish Why Varnish, sludge and Deposits ae a Problem Visual Evidence of Oxdasien-induced Varnish Potential ‘Membrane Patch Coloimetty (Pending ASTM Standard) ‘an Gxample of MPC Vas. Unteacentrtge (UC) - Detection of Carbon and Onde Insoles Comparing Thermal and Oridative Oi Fale : “Decomposition” Adeitive Depletion 7 “Separation” Additive Deplstion (mass wansfet) "Adsorpive” Additive Depletion (mass transfer). "Mechanism of Depletion fr Common Additive Types . How to Find Adltive Depletion Data on an Ol Analysis Report... How to Use Elemental Anas to Monitor Additive Depletion... ‘Are You Home Brewing Your Lubricants? Incompatibility of Lubricant Mixing Contamination Control ard Proactive Maintenance Contamination Control - Building Relailty Damage Caused by Of Contamination Describing Particle Destructive Potential... ‘The Silent Destruction of Regue Particles. ‘Three Ways to Measure the Life ofa Machine Reliability’ Dirty Little Secrt. SKF Speaks Out on Contambation National Research Counc of Canada ~ What Causes Wear? Return on Hydraulic Pump Contamination Contrl Investment Understanding Particle Sizoand Particle Court ‘Appearance of Common Particles in OH 150 Solid Contaminant Code rd 199) 170 aa an, aa ama 475 176 a7 ae 179 180 aaa 183 184 18s 186 vl 87 88 189 190 91 192 193 194 195 196 397 198 ‘Typical Cleanliness Levels ee sone SAE AS AOSBE® ~ Cleanliness Code vn — ry How Much is One part Per Villon (1 ppm? 215 The Danger OF SHU" nnn . 216 How Sit Affects Beating von cnn 2A Sit Degrade Hydrautc Valve Performance vn BB How Particles influence Engine We3E ws — 219 Proactive Maintenance in The Easy Steps : sn 220 Conspicuous Charting Is Key to Proactive Maintenance Success nnn Case Study: Nippon Stee! se ve 22 Case Study Kawasai Steen 23 Port of Tacoma Slashes Engine Rebuild Costs by 66% on 21 Stradle Cartiers vos 228 BHP Decreases FllureRateand Turns Up the Speed. . 225 Case Study: General Motors Testing onthe Influence of Fier Performance) 1226 Step No. 1 Set Target Cleanliness Levels, sonnei Setting Cleanliness Targets Relates Dect tothe Dafniton of lek 228 Example Hydraulic Fluid Cleonliness Targets ennnns nnn 29 Field Particle Counts ~ Averages of 25,000 Samples. are 55) Pall orp, Recommended Cleanliness Targets* . 231 Reliability Penalty Factor (RF) so 282 PF (continued. 233 RF (continued nnn : 234 Next, Consider the Machine's Sensitivity to Particle Contamination 3S CSF (omnes — 236 5 (continued) — a 237 Target Cleanliness Grid (TC6) er How cleanliness AfetsRoling Element Bearing Service ife SO 283) ven 39 Contaminant Sensitivity of a Spur Gear — 240 [Machine Life Extension Table — sn A Clean Oil Helps You Detect Fults Earle von 242 O1PUmp oF Dit PUMP? ssn sen BOB ‘To Set a Cleanliness Target You Must Fist Analyze Your Motives 244 Step No.2—Take Specific Actions to Achieve TaEgES swonnnnn 0A, ‘wmere Does Particle Contamination Came Fam? sor vn AB Particle Ingression os 287 Case Study: How Clean are New OMS? 248 ‘leaniiness and Oryness are Vital Attributes of lubricant Qual nee’) Lube Storage~ Things to AVDA wn sven a 250 (1 Cans and Top-up Containers ~ Things to Avoid : _ 251 Rackmount Lube Dispensing Station ~ Drums and Totes vennnnDS2 Take the Sump Managemen: Self Exam.. 253 Tank and Sump Ventilation xn von 58 Modernization of Vents and Breathers. . soon 235 Hatch Covers Need tobe Sesled Tight ——— 256 ‘Shaft Seals... Retention or Dit Exclusion? CControting Hydrate Cicer Ingression. ‘Multipass Bota Ratio Test fr Filters Filter Media Determines Fier integrity : Relationship Between Fitration and Ol Cleanlines (SO 283) Filter Location Options Portable Fitration ——— Dostor-Me Offline Filters (OLE) vs Fullslow Pressuretine Fite's Returnine Filters. —— IsThisa Stable or Unstable Sytem? 7 ‘crankcase Oi Contamination ‘ase tudy-— How Ftation influences Ol Oxidation (AN) in Automatic Transmission Fluids Step No.3 ~Monitoring and Controlling Particle Concentration... 270 ‘gular Particle Countngisan Essential Check on Flite Performance so. 2m Use Particle Counting to Detect Optimum Filter Change Point m Contamination Control Balance (Calorie Control Balance). 23 Five Ways to Count and size Particles. a4 ‘Automatic Optical Patilo Counters (OPC)... 275 Spherical Bananas ~ How Oxtieal Particle Counters Work 276 How Contaminants Appear to Optical Partile Counters _ vo a7 Procedure for Redicing Water Interferences wth Optical Particle Counters 278 Inline Particle Counter Movement of Hydraulic Crane Boom affects Patile COUN rvnn.279 ‘Onsite Optical Particle Courters rs 280 Pore lockage Partce Courters How They Work — 281 Pore Blockage Particle Courting. senna BD ‘On-ine Particle Counting 288 Particle ero Patch maging (PH) or particle counting, tng andl characterization voon284 Particle images ae Digitized, Sted, & Categorized wvsnnnnnsnnenn sons 8S Direct mage Particle Counting (DIPC).r.nnsnnssan 286 IPC Operational Principe er “The Patch Test~ Field Test fr Solid Contaminants sensi 288 Particle Setting Can Alter Ol Analysis Results : 289 290 Proper Paice Resuspension is Required Prior to: How to Use Particle Countrg in Ol Analysis — vo ‘Water Contamination ~The Scourge of Lubricating OS rnnnnonnnn 22 Water Contaminated Oil - States of Co-Existence : Water Contamination ~BaS2 Ol EH85 wv nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ee ‘Water Contamination —Adeitve Effects... E — 295 Water Contamination = Machine ERIS sonnei 236 Water-Related Damage to Rolling Element Bearings. v2 Water Contamination -Gererator of Other Contaminants 298 How Low Should Moisture limits (Targets) be See? v2 88 ‘Water Ingresson Sources. 300 Moisture Life Extension Table rns ~ Published Limits on Moisture — Be Aware ofthe Effects of Changing Ol Temperature... ‘oi/Water Demulsibiity . Moisture Detection by ison. Crackle Test~ A Sight and Sound Procedure. FTIR Detection of Water 9 Ol ‘Measuring Water In ly Ker Fischer (KF) Case Study: Laboratory Reproducibility with Karl Fischer ‘Measuring Dissolved Wester in Oil using Percent Saturation Sensors. Measuring Moisture Using Calcium Hydride. How to Monitor Moisture Controling Steam inression - Westend Blower Technique Water Removal Methods Dry instrument Air Purge : ~ Air Contamination: States of Co-enstence ssn Causes of Poor Air Release (Detrainment) Properties». _ ‘Air Entrainment Problems Relate to Tank or Sump Design Is There a Foam Problem Here? How about Air Entrainment? Foam in Reservoir. ‘What Foam Looks Like When You Mix Two Incompatibe Os ‘when is Foam a Problem? ‘Aris the Primary Source of Orygen inthe Oxidative Degradation of an Ol Clycol/Antifreeze Contamination in Engine Ot Leakage from Perforation cf Cynder Liners. Mechanism of “Oi Bal” Formation rom Glycol (antifreeze) How to Detect Giycot in Crenkease Ot Blotter Spot Testing Reveals Geol Contamination fd et a Aes ete het Notes on Glycol How to Use Elemental Anais to Detect lyol Contamination High Soot Contamination in Engine Os ‘Tests for High Soot Load se FTIR Detection of Sootin crankcase Olsson How to Monitor Soot Using FIR na Fuel Contamination in Engine Ol (Fuel Dilution) “Tests for Fuel Contamination (Fuel Dilution). FTIR Detection of Fuel in Engin 0 Diesel Fuel Dilution Effects on Lube Ol Viscosity Flash Point Tet ss How to Monitor Fuel Dilton Using 6 Fault Detection and Wear Particle Analysis 3rd Category of Oil Analysis What Causes Changes in Wear Debris Concentration wn Abrasive Wear. vil ‘Abrasive Wear Particles ae 13A5, ‘Aanesive Wear : svn 3G ‘Adhesive Wear Particles... ns son 307 Surface Fatigue soooes — ~ 348 Surface Fatigue Particles. 349 Chemical Wear (corrosion). a 350 Corrosive Wear Patices.. = oA Cavitation Wear ne’) ‘he Secreto Fault Deteton and Analy : 353 How to Enhance the Detection of abnormal Wear Parte Trends ey Technologies Used to Analyze Weat DEBI sone SS ‘ata From Elemental Anas Dominate Most Ol Anais REPOS 356 Spectrometric Elemental Anahss . 357 ow Spectrometric Elemental Analysis Works - so 3B ‘Anatomy of Atomic Emission Spectrometers (AES) 359 How Wear Particle Size inuences Spectrometric Analysis 360 Understand Spectrometric Wear Metal Trends sna Monitoring Dust and Oirt Contamination by Elemental ANAS nena 362 363 364 Lock step Trends sn 7 “Typial Level from Elemental Anais Metallurgy. : 365, Potential Sources of Metals in Or 368 Potantial Sources of Metalsin Oil contd) 367 Know Your Elements 368 Case Study: Sequenced Waa of rankcase Jounal Bearings sn 368 Elemental Analysis of Used Oils Helps Detect Mixed Lubricants (Clas Challenge) vso370 Elemental analysis of Used Ols Helps Detect Mixed Lubricants (Class Challenge) ven B7L Normalizing Elemental Data to "Rate of Wear” sen senna BTR [Normalizing fo Wakeup Ol ———— — 373 ‘Statistical Predltive Maintenance LMI ne penne BTA Interpreting Elemental Trends Using Level Limits. ssnennnnnnnnnnnn TS Best Applications for Elemental Anayss of Wear Metals... : 376 How to Use Elemental Spectroscopy to Detect and Analyze Wear Metals 377 ‘The Progression of Mecarical Wear Particles. ssn 378 Particle Size Sensitivities of Wear Particle Technologies Three Ferrous Density Testers ws How to Use Ferrous Density Analysis in Ol Analysis. ‘Wear Parte Identiieation using Analytical Frcography and Patch Ferography 382 AnalytialFetrography : : 383 FertographicAnabisis~ ih its Tying Tell You? 384 reparation ofa Ferrogram (ASTM 07680) 385 Ferrogram vs. Fltergram, — Four Shape Features of Common Weat Paes xs .un. 387 Examine Appearance of Particle to Identify Cause 388 Shapes of Common Wear articles : 389 Combining Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) withnergy Dispersive Spectroscopy (2S) 390 Alarms and Limits oo 391 (i Analysis Success Depends On Proper Salting of Limits sn 302 (ick Roference for Setting Oil Analyse Limits and Targets... . 39 tick Reference for Soting Oil Analysis Lits and Targets (continued) 334 Quick Reference for Setting Ol Analysis Limits and Targets (continued) 395 Okay ~ Lets Look as Some Actual Oil Anal Rep 396 Overview Of REPO A cnn ' 397 Overview of Report 3 nou sn senna Overview of ROE B ween n ns 399 Overview Of REPORT nro a er) ‘Overview oF REPO 6 ne 7 aon Overview of Report Sn : 402 Overview of Report 10 — sev Overview of Report 2 — ve 408 Overview of Report 1 nO, Overview of Report 9 406 Field Tests and Inspections ‘Simpify OW Analysis. Use Easy Feld Tests and Inspections. : 408 Visual Inspection f Olin a Sample Bottle vo 8 Using Oi Color as a Feld Test : vs ~ AIO Field Test fr Olland Water Separation an Visual Internal Machinery Irspection® Ald Visual External Machinery Inspections : a3 Routine inspection of Sight Slassesis Oil Analysis ae See Tank Bottoms Without Removing the Ol a AS Field Tost for Ferrous Particles. At Simple Flo etd for Preparing atch, 417 Ferro sites 7 : ct Feld Tet Blatter Spot a9 Field Test for Viscosity Measurement. 420 Fiold Tests for AN and BN sn so voc Other Sensory Inspections nn — renDR ‘Audible Bearing symptoms. ne) Using Your Sense OF TOUCH «nn Ae How to Anaize Filter Debris, nny Used Fiter Inspections son . rh26 Moisture Detection By VISION nesses 427 Crackle TestA Sight and Scuné Procedure. 428 "Measuring Moisture Using Calcium Hyde, — _ 423 Using Ol Odor asa Field Test Final Words Case Studies Workshop... Case No, 1- Paper Machine O... {Case No.2 - Lube Ol Turbo-Compressor Trai (Case No.4 -Servo Controlled Hytraulc System... ns Case No. 5~ Locomotive Diesel Crankease Oil (4 Cyele)... ase No. 6 - Large Splash Oled Gear Box Case No, 7~Floo/-ubricated Natural Gas Recip Compressor. Case No. 8- Wheel Loader Diesel Engine Case No, 8 Whee! Loader Diesel Engine Continued Case No, 9 - Steam Turbine Electro-Hydraulic Control HC) System. Case No, 10 Outboard Bering, Multistage Centrifugal Pump ‘Case No. 11 -Right-Angle Worm Gear Drive, ‘Case No. 12- Boller Feed Purp Inboard Beating Oi ‘Case No, 13 - Rotary Vane fir Compressor. 7 (Case No. 14- High Pressure Hydraulics. Case No. 15- Kelp Processing Fermenter Gearbox. ose No. 16- Motor Grader Engine Failure Case No. 17- Large Recip itegral Gas Englne/Compressor Case No. 18- Centifugal Pump Bearing. Psst Os . Mobile Device Policy + Please switch mobile devices to the off or vibrate position. + Please do not talk on your phone during class time. + Ifyou must leave the room at times other than designated break periods, please do so as quietly as possible Thank yout Notes: Sketch: e LSA iin B Video and Still Camera Policy Norla respectfully roquosts that stil digital or video cameras ot be used to record any part of the presentation unless: ‘specifically authorized by a representative of Noria Corporation. Notes: Sketch: cP Oren B Noria Corporation ‘The World Leader ir Machinery Lubrication and Oi! ‘Analysis Education and Consulting + Consulting Services + Education and Training + Magazine and Newsletters * Conferences + Online Resources + Vendor Neutral Notes: Sketch: sermon cect Samana “t + Aware + Caveuum Devlopmant + Standarés Dvelepmont Support a i i} for smatnantoe (918) 280-2980 fubrication sdeotbeornotent © Machine Labreant Analyt It © Machine Lubration Tehran 6 Latoraory Lubricant Anas Sketch: 5 2040 Changes to ICML Certification + stain anay 2088 et. Shetner Use sy ikem ae + 160 18436-4cae torte ot ea ‘ee Nose sate zn i stator su oa * Aerts ‘tno toa estan ‘enenton erty Lest st uy) Sey aati car e ricati Info@lubecouncil.org Notes: Sketch: Ree a B Brief Seminar Outline - Oil Analysis Level II + Maintenance Philosophies + Lubrication Fundamentals + Olt Analysis Fundamentals + Ol Sampling - The Vory Best Practices + Fuld Properties Analysis * Contamination Control and Proactive Maintenance + Fault Detection and Wear Particle Analysis + Fiold Tests ancl inspections + Caso Studies Workshop Notes: ‘Sketch: Maintenance Philosophies woes ra ~~ The Journey to World-class Maintenance Focesogon lmincing What Causes Fare FoeusedonEfient Matenance ae Rapa = ae Gin pen won Evolution of — Maintenance Man i Notes: Sketch: aa P Case Study ~ Nippon Steel Corporation Kimitsu Works aga ons + Kimitsu Werks achioved a GE% bearing failure rate reduction 00 ra ‘no shyoartne ped . + Noga racine 90% een nettle 2 [eee failures 1980-4088 y pe Sategy-mprovedbeation Kimitsu Works -wiane of he Total Produit Msntenance = 20 (TPM) Excotonce ote ae g Notes: Sketch: oe Case Study ~ 1994-1997 Condition Monitoring Savings - Baltimore Gas and Electric 1.10% reduction n maintenance costs inthe sverage plant creates botiomine fet ea 1.8 40%nereacein sles, t ‘Gitanaiyes and lubriston ‘mormogrepny ration Motor Testing Sketch: ‘res oe p Costs and Benefits - What to Expect + Approximate annual cost* of a well implemented oll analysis program: )> 0c. t0.2% of eauoment value Notes: " Sketch: ati F Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) memantontrbivecceraie? lies aca isthe systema proces used = Se ec {woptiizeapeatisal ea and i ‘espectio operational equrents Notes: Sketch: lomentsf the Lube FECA Some Lubicanteatd Faire Modes + “lubrication fale" sarosdtem + Suddenvolumeticlass + Fusl/chomical ition + creates be specie FHEA + Lowterts + Coolant contamination 1+ dont tfectve detection + Weongtave + dive depletion rmachento + Desradaton + Foaming ese + Patttecontaminstion + Uneov/over teasing + Moisture contamination + ote Titi a i erie ia 2 ea , tine peat "doen or Pte See tt et enya EER) j Notes: Sketch: Reasas) i ponent Bypassor transplant ‘sneer, St) P The Pareto Principle - Maintenance’s 80:20 Rule + 20% ofthe causes of ature ar responsible for 0% ofthe cesurence offre + 20% ofthe machines cause 80% othe downs ‘The Critical Few + 20% or mapeopieae 180% ofthe work Wiis ‘Sketch: Beas. P Tribology Influences Machine Reliability and National Economy *Six to seven percent ($795 billion*) of the Gross National Product {is required just to repair the damage caused by mechanical wear.” Profesor net atin i Sketch: Notes: she me See * Rebuild + Remove - rs Cutting Here Means — _ the 4 Teetment, y . oat Pulling Here Means ‘The 5+ Treatment Notes: Sketch: Problem Repeats Problem Eliminated Modern Maintenance Technologies Tce Wien == See ([aamommmetrns EERE | coven seins [RDS TER vienarauasisaene | "ear (hain iene mtceenenele Benefits sought arr Detection of Fouts pelea om) watonivar [eigen Sketch: Notes: SRS Proactive Maintenance Reduces Vibration Misses by 70% is i [Sees Nome of Miran Samles/ea! Pa Ona Detection Correction Screening ‘i Rogtease out Faut Foul "Scan saeond _steen2 seven oust | rere oenay | Sepentlen | veates Ft ‘ee Fagg | se, a =) a 7 0 q 8 o, _0 Sketch: P Success Elements to an Integrated Condition-Based Maintenance Program @ faut onarationnte reduction gy, [rasa etree ra sin ores ack Somes @ Warmietoutdeseionsontety 5, [rome ‘operon re — 1 ris | | io ne Inerease ou lteton sta a ‘and frequency a> | “Hous itne wa, open 4 Notes: Sketch: 21 Lubrication Fundamentals Tra one B Industry Rides on an Oil Film of About 10 Microns Lubricating Oi! Functions => Separates Moving Surfaces (eer gontrot _orrsion Conta, [Temperature contol Contamination Power Transmission Notes: »> =» =» =» =» Recuees Abrasive West Protests Swtacee ont Conese Substances ‘sorts end Torsten Heat Tanapona Fates pa Or ontario itt Soper Tn yarales, Tanaris Force ar Motion Sketch: 2 Most Lubricating Oils Come From Petroleum (about 95%) J Bios = Pen Benard — So ls 27 : enosmee 43% Gu Coo lag Serroee eu gg 1 00% Ire eceuton mete Sketch: 24 se ha 5 How Lubricant Oils are Formed Formulated ol Notes: Sketch: Te bast 25 P Base Stock Physical Properties These Tests Help Describe Key Physical Characteristics of New Base 0i mmr ty | Ft sete Say BRR Notes: Sketch: 26 = Mineral Oil Properties ‘Common Mineral Oil Molecules Fe a kn Sketch: Notes: O Sau er (Synthetic Lubricants are Man-made Fluids Like Liquid Plastics + Scientifically designed molecules + Molecules have icentical structure + Fluid properties are very predictable and consistent + Made by polymerization jocales ‘chemical g 2 Neombite,, > = 40form 4 Baca | "en Notes: Sketch: a ratte p Molecular Comparison see fe a ; es i es = 2 _nitrogen, str, war Seni rospmutninatoa (PAO? oe rip hyaoscee a feo int tntoenetnnion LE erat = Notes: Sketch: —Tarba wi md pm Spader a fAC# Esto = Bacall en bac Sketch: ral rsa F Properties of Common Synthetic Base Oils tees eect et Notes: Sketch: 31 J Lubrication Regimes ane — peattnetnreicesnte Bee Boundary lubrication: Protection essentiy ‘pendent on Boundary ‘antierfir. 4 Starts, Stops an shock Toad Conditions Notes: | Mixed — ee ‘Mixed film lubricant: Both he bulubleant and boundary fm play le {anor vaat pret (icon otto Sketch: Fluid fm tubrication: ‘Surfaces separate by blk Iuoicant i, aoc by cost oad and speed Lo Full speed Conations é | l Pos abs 5 Types of Lubrication Films SET Line of le fre A Becta Aelbbivee) asco oll Fins | | SotlaSuspension i | | chemica on rims | oles gens yas + Ze iabiaino- Ad juss papa A) + Tae Possate aN) + uta Phosphor EP + otyesonum Diautide + Graphite + Teton TF) HLF ep Bou Notes: Sketch: Rules ca OA ' Hydrodynamic Lubrication - Sliding Thick-ilm Lubrication Jura Boring Notes: Fadl TtingPad Boon ‘Speedaps,ocootng, toed redueven ‘Coast downs, cl heating. toostnerone Sketch: + ni spendin 18200 moons) onde itttomel cna, + temple pteatons nc un Sere one ane Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Under Rolling Conditions ss = am ‘Gam Roller @ Seam tbenn eran anager e) astety + ost as ethan Lon you wanton ‘huts 2k you teen cst ok + scala comet rosie 9 0 600.000 te al ‘nto soni Notes: Sketch: Pasa en Oil Film Thicknesses In Machine Dynamic Clearances Toth side Pato Notes: Sketch: st lt Pees Pr actives Detergents ust ohititors Comesion nnbiors Dispersants Extreme Presse Agbats Pou Pont Depressants ness Agons ridation inoors Ancor Agents anvoam ation Mediers seo Index Inprovers Notes: Sketch: 37 Pie ree P "Additives - What They Are + orc anon crgends seaeseeacetrrat tooat emioin + canepeen fom 930% oe fear of fomulted a valine ears pA, an, Iseperets + Monitoring adie heath 99 Inport goto ol ana aa crn nt perp iditive Roles, ‘oreo action aie [ aoa | Patel Saou eta Desens “eciness Aunts Notes: Sketch: ‘et rhe Characteristics of Polar Additives ‘Adltive Polarity: The natural directional attraction of adlitive molecules to other polar to. Sa “Things thatarepols: Things that arena por ‘Water, sponge as, it, Toon, mineral ol bse stocks, och Wi ‘etal srfece, wood ply way ducks bac, water repellents Eas ‘materials in contact withthe oll, eee on Aastiveclingst© eta deacthators, Ponce Eoveloving Gari surface detergents and drprsonts ust inhibitors, AW an EP ‘dies sector te “ture, ences agent, Metal Weting ot ace fd eaeson toe Notes: Sketch: GUILE wel TF 39 Wear and Friction Control Additives Form Chemical and Solid Lubrication Films Sketch: oe Notes: 5) > Te preter the has eres be ah qos by oe yee —_—s cy w 5 ‘ot iene macs Sketch: a rene B How Anti-oxidants Alter Oil Life Notes: The Onset of Oxidation Cannot Bo Provented, Only Delayed, By Antioxidants Sketch: 42 P (Capers i) Maximizing Soot Particle “Hang Time” moat fede engine (cept Sketch: R ~~ Important Distinctions Between Soot Load and Soot Dispersancy Set ton (seen 00s (ae Dap Ws DispersancyDisrention vente Fact ot nat oatoe Inuoning Factors 1 fe {yea ft a sean Notes: Sketch: 44 ae ain tap Over-base Detergents Additives » Er2u~ vil | Listen yous Functions: () /7§ Dept contol 72 Aol eutraietion Water Water sil cD leap Sade Dione” tide 9 Over-base Corrosion Control Additives overbased Corrosion Risks Aadlitve Types: in Engines: + betta + ngs + Dipesantsome) + nee + inpoes(ane) + Beings + usta eme) + Yoo stome SERS [lms eg =— nie combat Boy Notes: 46 ta Fa oO Corrosion Inhibitors ust ohio apt ht hrs ‘elandeattensrne Te fan ona alr ‘ita rman oman Ru nibs + Engines: santos) + R40 an otha neat Lubes: ‘alion phenol utes an fong chain ity ode Comosion bos tc ‘sd beng sas ty aon ‘Sain sovacs om conse th tar an Common Corrosion nites: ‘vated ners, ater sspong degre Sehnert te “earns linge (eta eae) ‘erm et rar totsen ‘ie otr nab nes Sketch: 47 es irwpreyet I Viscosity Index Improvers Deseiton: Conger otros Uso {1 RaatPtsapeno(ste taped) 2. Poisnutyen 8) 8. Poetics (8) 4 ottneopatmn(0or) Notes: 48, en Improver (VIl) Notes + Concentration nfniehadol 42% + Designed to minimiztekaning at ow ‘empeatre(pumpabliy and cankabity forengnes) + Balter shear stabity wih lower molecule = ‘weit Vl ptymers * + Wits ate sometimes usin groasto ~ a + Shoar stably important to prevent engine ol fem fling ut of icosty ade + Poymer expand at high temnporatnes and contrat at ow temperatures Pwavt m7 Sketch: Notes: 49 ee] VI Improver Polymers — Viscosity and Shear Effects ___ Permanent Sear Ting ‘Temporary Sear Thinning jE @-e-@ ees ar wetting Mea ao cose, =, a ES sz ‘| Bem \ [EP Ea ES tae i Notes: Sketch: = ES oll ARE Ml Ut cursus Sclewote on [Vice “ds Honey and Mayonnaise Notes: Sketch: 51 " PER ME Poe Defoamants - How They Work SERIO ae Src, + compounds used neatenane mi Z at Th stl Peck f6 common used In engine ol at 100 pm, PMA defoamants ween, ther appeaons a 100200 pm. + fubles weaken thee high norte ‘te dtoamant (2028 dyes/em + Water soap, te. ower an os surface tension, roduc he paformance of defonants al Notes: Sketch: pele ik ell Sur eration Problems Notes + Foam in owataenty ols consist fare bubios tat bresk easily Foam a gh visoosiy of cont of smal stcpe mans bubbles that re ato ek. + Water s09p ot. toworan suracstonson,redveng performanceofdefoamants. + Greasein clean cause large sty alr bubbles, + Sold suspensions tke mot ean causo alr bubbles to "sed" sees Sketch: e occa and conga ‘sng hn pour Notes: ; Pour Point Depressants ot wih Pour Pont Doprossants Desressns wnt conpttin te wont orcas ‘hepourpan tempera Satie sth Sketch: 54 P Friction Modifiers (Additive) + a AWE adives ha work the Bagonng of mixes ubcation + Thoy wot at temperatures wher aon [AWEP adios are nt sete + Physeay adsorbed motcarlayer * Lowers tion reduces eer consumption, rovents ie sp osclton oie. They rdico flcton gales of wheter wears imohved + Typlealepptcatons 6 Motor os -eneay conserving © AIF tide -sntiegeawie © bitlerenaane hes © Tatar ois Notes: i + tyes + sles rn aoe Pee + Cabwte ser nathaieteta raes) ih st tha Solid Additives Used for Wear and Friction Control Notes: Sketch: 56 ET Notes: Sketch: 87 oe ast ta I ~ How Lubricant Properties Change (Irreparably) Toes ‘sue Notes: Sketch: Oil Analysis Fundamentals » Oil Analysis Your Oilis Talking. But are You Listening? Sketch: 60 A Good Doctor Asks Lots of Questions. Are You Listening to Your Oil? + Where doos it hurt? + Do you have a sour stomach? + Have you been running a temperature? + Any scrapes or bruises? + Have you been taking your vitamins ‘nd getting exercise? + Have you been eating and drinking the wrong things? + Do you fee! tired and run down? th- Fees eee ote Aes bese Tegel ——— = ca ae ett er } Interrogate Your Oil Design Your Ot Anal Program by Listing ‘the Questions You Want Answered + Questions tlatingte abant sual and type + Questions relating sores uit healthconon + Questions relating ubeant “ontamination + Questions latingtoabnomat machin woot + Questions relate miscalancous fale reoteateo + Questions regandhngmantenance and operations Notes: Sketch: ' What Oil Analysis Can Tell You a Notes: Sketch: B Types of Oil Analysis Laboratory ciated Bottles are sent to imhouse or ‘commercial tab | Portable Instruments are used at machine without bottle sampling ¥ Routine Sketch: 64 l LGD Sensors are permanent and dedicated to a single machine or ‘group of machines + Realtime we / Bpplications for Oil Sampling and Analysis Now Lubricants Stored Lubeants Notes: Sketch: 65 ot nie e Categories of Oil Analysis @ Pinaryvente — Q terra Notes Onn 100 psi; 7 bar) Sketch: a1 Oil Sampling Procedure High Fluid Pressure (> 100 psi; 7 bar) Notes: Sketch: G a Sketch: ce Oa, A y Oil Sampling Procedure Atmospheric Pressure 6 ~e Skew Sketch: 84 ed B Drop-tube Vacuum Sampling The eins ito a Iilpot or ipstck pat Not This practic does not ensure sampling consistancy (iseterto use atvezone sampling port with the ‘hina unin isks/Drawbscks \ Sune ond eae piled {nosso ‘iain cabin esa pathy + tits onsen rm ext oe plat sn + btu sgt wie cine ong sein mots cut ot ating Purp pulls vacuo raw the ito the bate Sketch: 85 B Drop-Tube Vacuum Pump Sampling Best Appleton: Worst Appations: + date aig ss + eis spon: * ore vont trp bent, ‘There is always a better way to take a samp than the drop tube method. Notes: Sketch: + the en metas ttvapiocee. + Ponoteuse tates Pastas {ough al toe ate. + orvicovs gets vcr + Ferzaneae pst smo ‘Sh shat 1" han In tab bot shore i Notes: + Asami ert um to stow ain + Hear kent ier chen ah Undoing + Remove te yeti Petts mb Sketch: tat leas, 2) Osponeofused os, 2 feepacean bot oeaded Seco otto 2) Swe necking 87 Drop-Tube Vacuum Sampling of Reservoirs and Tanks + Inctulatngsystons sample as cee tothe ‘otum in aspesible-ntvaysin the “short ul” + Instato tanks, sample at tho midpoint between ‘fre and oto aay rom wal + Use wot or red t aloe smescuredsaniot, + Sample during types poating condtons, 2 consent oe Notes: Sketch: 88 ith TRA aR ae P Pathway Flushing e HW | Botte ap cot ‘Vacuum excep ring Sortrtae ‘cho é o a ~/ roe teat me Skin ant rere) ser 5 Praraoyox) “et af occas coon Shmplng Dees a Notes: ‘Sketch: ue: xo nae inehss hn sure abies nt ae in coat, aan cnt mi 20 BE Sample Bottles ee ese + Sabot (0.0, ‘naga a 20m (408) | rate oops ny rent gt 22009 = 19 gy Samal beteise [da bie Sketch: ot umberfParles han 20 pry Ina s00mt bate {lean ~ 30,000 partiles> 40 ym (5038/15/32) ‘super Gean = ,000 > 10 ym (s016/12/9) ‘tra clean = 200 > s0 ym (8033/08/08) Notes: Sketch: Pl One 6 Clean Oil Sampling Procedure > Best Practice Required in very diry environments or where. vety low target cleanliness levels have been set 4. In leanalrenuonmet lace capped bt into a clean plock hag ands 2 Place invual bags no arg ip ck bg, elu sampling aves, 3 Priort samplingandaterfshing, remove Bote cap whet opening bo 44 Thea ote onto prebe-on or vacuum samping dec, witht opening be = 5. After sampling plcecaptghty ono botto without opening bag. 6, Remove batt fem kg, bel bt, ase of ba. Notes: Sketch: 98. a — Pp... Sampling Location - Wet Sump Circulating Systems ‘Sample after pump and bofore filter ol ‘Applications: Typical examples: + Whon dain or tim ines ae insecssibie Diesel engines, eating + Mule returns ~ no aio sparing, culating compressors + When ol pstastaigt to sump oncaeid Notes: Sketch: as 95 I " Diesel Engine Oil Live Zone Sampling Ports ‘OEM Installed Notes: Sketch: 96 eB ~ Drain Line Oil Sampling Traps co go Raa Sketch: 97 + Unflooded bearing drain lines + Foreffective bearing fault detection + Representative besring wear metals ‘and moisture levels, + Live zone sampling P Sampling Points for a Dry Sump Forced Circulating Lube Oil System With Off-line Filtration ‘rising ‘ica eampte: te ean Sketch: iy eS B Case Study: Paper Mill Calendar Bearings wn v100% aman nn thir * nt de pate a ikon) i eee | “auger a 2tearngn bala shoved 5400001, ‘hyip cour eoptn terse tr ono nto ane ‘area tarepar msm ‘ TT B ~ Sampling Points for a Hydraulic System with Return Line Filter "ior That canine try Sarin et = 1506/2 fo ramets Simple S. Someetes Simple Sketch: F Six Options for Sampling Splash/Bath Lubricated Machines Notes: Sketch: 101 es] ig PH An Falk Splash Lubricated Gear box ~ Where Should you Sample? Best practice is to use a Tfiting so that the sump can be drained without removing the sample valve ge p Off-Line Sampling + Ideal for bath and splash + Place livezone sampling lubricated machines with valve between pump and offline filtration filter Notes: Sketch: 103 Filter Cart Sampling with Mobile Equipment | IN Apotcatons: + Axl Lube ial, feet Searing) + Hydrolcresenie + Tansizon| Notes: Sketch: _ ] B Sampling Hard-to-Reach Machines / \\, other exrptes | + Resctreaotant pump uclear Powe + Paper lanine Beha Baring Paper Making) + stm tube bearing arin) Fan blades Notes: Sketch: 105 Oil Sampling Valves ~ What's Wrong... What’s Right Bearing Return Drains Oil Sampling Valves - What's Wrong... What's Right Can You Find the Correct Sampling Locations? Pressure Circulating ema, System for Multiple uy Goar Units er © 4 x on —F ql ae Sketch: Fal dar B Can You Find the Correct Sampling Locations? Bath Oilers Notes: Sketch: 109 th ~ Can You Find the Correct Sampling Locations? + Singe primary sample plat *Tankolqualy pole Tank bottom condition Notes: “A ‘What at ubcaton component is missing? Sketch: 110 ae Grease Sampling + Post-mortem analysis: sampled disassembly of parts and removal of grease or residue from failed areas + Inservice gears or bearings: clean straw, tongue depressor, etc. Usually placed in oil sample bottle + Tubing or syringe method: grease is not effectively suctioned, difficult to extract from tubing and prepare for analysis + Grease thief method enables grease extraction from active lubrication zone + ASTM Work Practice for grease sampling under development + EPRI method using plastic tubing at gears or adjacent bearing cavity + Grease removed end visually inspected + Kits made utilizing known consistency greass for comparison to obtained sample + Sampling method has poor repeatability, ot always representative 112 B Grease Sampling + New analysis methods support smaller sample quantities. + Threads at open end can be threaded into bearing drain for purged grease capture. + Thread at handle end used to hold in extension T-handle; allows remote actuation and grabbing of sample. uw Notes: Sketch: 1 13 a Grease Thief Sampling Techniques + Gearbox + Pillow Block Bearing, Notes: Sketch: 114 - B In-Service Grease Analysis + Losktor meso tintin) + aoe delton \ "© Diencion i) 2 Speasenreadnatid (iF mete Pato heer © iota amaze 056) © Thomal paints 708) Grate ton et ‘thera tla) Notes: Sketch: 115 + Water content + ROE lament ana (ate, calcu, seam, et) + Cleanliness © Meza ame (erns00s-) Notes: Sketch: 116 | B In-Service Grease Analysis (Cont'd.) Moarpabieareyae + Foous Deny © Forous Wheel toet © Hatletectoster + ROE cement Aras + Fengaphie ana © Araiytiat ferogrpty by soxhlet orton (eg, petener, hen tovene) Notes: Sketch: a | 17 | eA em ~~ SKF Portable Grease Tester Consistency spreads under constant load Boter paper af 80°C Notes: Sketch: 118 zr P Factors Influencing Sampling Frequencies ineromeg swatyoe : ty Sketch: ea Ezonomle Peay of Fire 119 Sketch: Ge Sample Frequency Generator Sample Frequency Generator 1. Select “Best Fit” Default Frequency 2. Score Applic rom orcas os ion Adjustment Factors Sketch: 121 B Sample Frequency Generator (continued) a aaa ED rs ‘ung an Meter ‘Ose or 2020 2020. 45 4D 05 tas at Pee oan 3. Sample Frequency = Default x Adjustment Factor (\OAone — —4 Notes: Sketch: BP Case Study: Chevron - Sample Frequency Affects Failure Detection Efficiency 4 Motor & Pump Bearing Fallures “ Using Vibration Analysis. 4 Percent OF Faults j Pacem one | 65% frequency would you choose for vibration analysis? i analysis? Notes: Sketch: 128 ae Machine and Lubricant Sample Documentation Doctors need a complete personal health history... so do oll analysts Y Wiven wegistering equipment for bicant analysis: “Accompanying lubricant samples: + itp amponent at bong samp) + samp Poit + Manat an ds chine Component + Dae Sopet + lan Mate aban To ame) and {tae 80 oS orate Open Cantons ines, ck. thy ‘ve ayo eer eto Rang zon ‘th ings mie ste see Hp ation + Laxton sta Fw At ‘tract eel ose atypia entangle pd, ‘Stones ghoatrit a) + lua Agpentn tgp — Ts woul nde LGeletetnn aptngatenpentan, ena + Regus Tet St lng soon ‘easier oaplon ee Notes: Sketch: ast jr ee, Rept or Onn + Latter change ep ttne/ Fa mare by petor —o TL // Summary: Oil Sampling “Best Practices” But soye Data =f | Tecate a ae curva Dota cen e meereetie aria — «peter encdenceet eee (nine cempenat + Droptubesampling \ Ranatvergngarenvenoig | | oumutenemed amet hangs ~ Senile beer + oan peereprenarirae ll Secamasioet Sane Pees ++ Report make-up tid vchume added = Separate a : mage ean ee + Sampies forwarded imrodtly flab Notes: Fluid Properties Analysis 4s Category of Oil Analysis: Fluid Properties Analysis Condition-based Oli Change | t ™I | V omciy i | . -—+—+ satin i tie ho r 3 | Ay | | ost | eee Pa | onion, contig and trong itl pysial and chemical proertis ofa bean Notes: Sketch: P The Oil Aging Process...No, It Doesn't Last Forever Causes of Oil Aging ‘Aging Mechanisms henna ning nt \ Which Alter Fluid Properties yom ‘And Decrease Useful Life Notes: Sketch: 128 corerremaara 3 Peat tt // Oxidation Root Causes These root causes whon occuring together wl hove a marked otfeeton the beat lng proces, Two ofthese oot causes ae detectable by oie ol analy Water tn acon seven tan 20 te ‘Sketch: ta ae p Dual Course of Oxidation ‘dation the permanent eeadaton [As Oxidation Progressos.. ofa lbleant by chert ection + tongtain melee ar roduc, inewngaueen shad gt nd ah + eid re produsnd, whichlesds ‘econo. Increasing : I Increasing viens 7 6S & Notes: Sketch: 130 ae al th F Common Oxidation Indicators “" Notes: Sketch: 131 '- How To Detect the Aging Oxidation Life of an Oil Sern = Two Common Measures for Viscosity Absolute Viscosty J mst (eicieenion An oll'sresistance toflow An ol’ esistancet0 flow aretshea (toma tony Sea ‘and shear by the forces be at t= THe spinel of want iy fob anata welsh inPors) j ‘Common ni Cantos 5) - ‘om Atle Honma» specie — iecoty * cavity ew Kinematic. Absolute. Specific ms iy Micon’ ™ Weconty * Gany Absolute viscosity 3 >) Sx. prefered forthe analyis of, A ‘specific gravity can used ois. introduce errors in == | Viscosity trending. Notes: Sketch: 133 p “ Measurement of Kinematic Viscosity Sante, Se coer ° 4 ‘sop mate(etartene) i= Notes: Sketch: + Typically ost to ASTM D445 or modified standard + Most labs used separate viscometers for 40°C and 100°C testing + Some are highly automated, self cleaning, calculations by computer + Accuracy typically +/-2 percent + Range: 6 to 600 eSt at 40°C Sketch: F Measurement of Absolute Viscosity + Torque of pine etermines vost Incontipobe (3) + Glas tube required + Goodtortew: temperate testing + Good oriabortoy ‘sed ol monitoring Notes: Sketch: wa: ree Piso Viscosity Grades (ISO 3448) Notes: Sketch: EP SAE J-300 Engine Oil Viscosity Classification = maigadetatc ot sae ven "bps 2000 cerontnoneans) [se 20 190-7 se 01220-F1= she ae" ‘ars sprinatahy 20°F te "7" lone nsae ae ‘Tocomrt Stto SUS multiply “50S « SSU- Sayolt Unless Seconds Stby 4.682 © 100°F or 4.664.0:210°F ee —— a Notes: Sketch: 139 p _ Best Practices for On-site Viscosity Analysis Notes: Sketch: 140 ae » Viscosity/Temperature Chart a Notes: Sketch: P What is Viscosity Index? Notes: Sketch: ‘si inn B What Temperature Should Viscosity be Measured and Trended at? Po oan an - neat a cn - Sonus eee ste reba Secicereerueet eee era ‘vice 20-Co" 25°C these {age rotors ainda ‘Srey Notes: Sketch: Thermaloreekingoto! molecules Soar thinning of Vmprovers ress Non-orectble change ‘Correctable by removal othe contaminant it tesiie Notes: Sketch: Ptr oops Viscosity Trends of Diesel Crankcase Oils Sanam erm aa ree femecaamed : See See See = =e Notes: Sketch: cit oop System Effects of Wrong Viscosity sees) (icine + Host generation forming onan, + ait os, mechanical contact ssodetiege ome sted encesie wear * aviation rom vecous rain + Hign mochania ton, energy Solon ines “ tole + Inadequate ow obecings, oe + Hign machanical fetion, heat Setolieresttanee fenortion axa, + lpn jor bangs nate + Intral o extematteaage wei) + ncraged aystem sealtty to + Energy onsuptin en Dale contamination + Poot defoaming ond deus ‘hones ne ‘oot ine restanee grain ies + Pocrcoldstart pumpebity Notes: Sketch: 146 B How to Set Viscosity Limits WGrahkecee | nauettiy thats sins Critical 42036 (upper) Sc et ae + ch te or wi Wings *"Saneac isso on ets naa osname 40° Nom Sv connate ae tbh fr hm an ie Sgn Notes: Sketch: a7 am Pease Study: Viscosity Trending of an ISO 68 Bearing Oil Coutlon Donat use ube Spee sheet coats fr . ting bases. Notes: ‘Sketch: Notes: Sketch: pe Tydagbed Evel pare ® Trending Acid and Base Numbers." “* Bate ‘eutalie coos cls fg + As we piety ort chs iste for one reine os (elon nig) + Allan BN ted the depen of ‘eta ates suchas 2007, ‘overbase detergents and nist ee into 2 + tentitesthe onset of basetock ‘vation ing AN) + Mossuresthe concentration of (a escens «her tnt mai os ality (BN fem cote ‘vere aves Notes: Sketch: ‘Time 150 P Transitional Movement of Acid Numbers and Base Numbers. Agta ond no oot thar tostaebarea otanen ‘Acid number ‘omeronoans ee ‘cere sates ororime Engin ot 2 * ate * ae Sketch: rl ana t stoerta ren + hetatentonvunserven re aety ctr opap ats * Pci. 0604 7 reesnlty 95% ontaens 05H sor me nd te Oe er — ‘emer neem 3 Precis us. Accuracy | Notes: Sketch: sith p Use AN to Detect these Corrosive Acids Lid THBP SOUICE mn fouew | Ot oxidation product ‘Allsovere lubrication onronments Lc crore ama a Contning test: 2. Yuzu thing 5. Hemenway pos Notes: Sketch: il 153 Variations in AN Trends by Oil Type br he a ts Z Notes: ‘Sketch: 154 i AN Trends with AW and R&O Oils wera aptbie v= toa tele isoni!—R40& Osn WNed Notes: Sketch: 185 ewe. AL re Notes on AN Monitoring 3K. + Fernanatvometu dine oan intesnin AN ott 10119 0.03merotam my been for concn, thor stsfor ae cepiton a ontaen sly sel Dovecot coon ‘+ In hightemperature ois, acids from oxidation ean vaporize pease SE Pesca af + Waters often the cause of al formation Adltnsty hen waters mic with ol esto cs greatest ‘onsion potenti + AN measures aid concentration no ost + For mineral acl aumbersabove fou are considered igh corse Notes: Skete! | | | 18 | ee P AN Trends for Phosphate Ester Steam Turbine EHC Fluid © Unita, os Unk iB oie lve ane "2300 pom os Aunt 2 a Sketch: ~~ How to Monitor AN Trends (aii So it sens Notes: Sketch: no 158 i ERE rs 8 _7 How BN Trends are Influenced Pa Notes: Sketch: rre3 How BN Trends are Influenced Increases in BN + Makeup Olt Adkiod + High BN of Maoup oi + Less of Base Oi Volatiles + Addition of overbaso retrofit additives Notes: Sketch: 160 Fuel/water dilution ‘Thermal/Oxidation Degradation of Ol Ingress of Environmental Contamination (Acidic) Reaction with acidic blowby combustion products Addition of a non- alkaline makeup oil LLL TE B Trending BN’s with a Crankcase Oil Foxes ee oto wih starting at 940, 9 tnd dod {sito street stato ney et the DN aaa te Warne ety 11035 desing incase g Notes: Sketch: 161 BN Trends of Diesel Crankcase Oils I. eee court + rie it pe | et (eda ong pemmnorcd” « poteeamyand . ott ie wee php sont Notes: Sketch: 162 Sketch: 163 EL ~~ Machine Diagnostics Using Neutralization Numbers Lo manan | [tow on Yee |e ioe Notes: Sketch: el B Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) + tne specvonspy and oy 0 nates pees a Che bar i hn sete cnaon and Snorting petals Stone on eed tcc ‘et nr ai eo Sree ort pert. SSeS Sketch: Ethylene glycol (Molecule) ‘toms ore the building blocks of Elemental Spectroscopy —+ Atoms Infrated Spectroscopy —> Molecules Notes: Sketch: 166 B FTIR - How it Works bee eed nee abahed by water 8-8 ‘Thomarewatr te moreso ‘Sketch: 167 a ss B Your Oil Analysis Report Might Show One or More of these FTIR Units ‘Aeortont® Aart ere ed ag anatn cae! ete ‘oaccaat hepa amaoreunos ‘Shiets esos ‘tnt Waren eso Pops ton ote Pte +n => Sn ‘eyo Sette Sulfation Seales + Fut amma Notes: Sketch: UG ls per p FTIR Using Spectral Subtraction sed ot spoctum FTIRrequiesa correct new oll i a me. =e a we : Sketch: a he Pn Typical Absorption Wavenumbers (cm) for FTIR ‘esse sot eee aos, yea onan entero omen sooo neem al Notes: Sketch: eal ~ Oxidation Trend Using FTIR xidai ——=— cet init auton Lint ‘Sketch: 1” eat an : Using FTIR to Detect Common Base Oil Problems Hydrolysis of estorbased Cross mixing of incompatible ols synthetics (dF-ester, polyol ‘esters, phosphate esters) Notes: Sketch: 172 Posen an FTIR Application Considerations Disadvantages + Contaminants such edt, ec, ad melt mask ‘ter properties oad band absorption) Advantages + Short est time + Mutporameter resus atmoleclor tovel + Now ot reforenco is equod, ‘even on makeup ll + Adv chemistry avays ‘hanging ference ‘nismatah + No chemi eater han ‘leaning solvents + Can identity certain wc” aetna marcato [220° ___lestoneyeenine | Stemainaee Notes: Sketch: era "Rotating Pressure Vessel Oxidation Test (RPVOT)* 5 ‘etn tp ot. + Rests re mints ote) + Mestre sn wesw lag one ‘trope Notes: Sketch: 174 F Rotating Pressure Vessel Oxidation Test (RPVOT)* — AS02272 ony mim Mn Rapid Oxygen Uptake Terminates Tes vw Se [zoeo] seas] os] vee [acs | sas | v2 | 200 | aon | 28 | 20s [ as | tostropentatiy. 222% Notes: ‘Sketch: 175 Case Studies: Trending an Oil’s RPVOT Life_ ‘Slow ped Yotr Bean pvor-tante al vlume) auton = Baseline x 0546 06 Citen=Basotnex 0.4 1002 Acta alas vary depending {pon enironment severity and tank volume, Donated sons yogi dept tte —. ef Notes: Sketch: 176 ) e _Mow to Monitor RPVOT Trends Notes: Sketch: e Aging Oxidation Life-Cycle of an Oil a Mihi ekertaarn! COCO eC 0 Mecony(es) bo ‘byost en Notes: |___. Sketch: or" oi Caceming Git PEPE” { fev Iu 178 ae ~~ Predictive and Deterministic Oxidation Trends oo + Falting RPVOT . + Antioxidant Additive wo Depletion ' + FTIR Oxidation 3 : * Rising AN : + Rising Viscosity Ps + Oxide Insolublos Sketch: » Linear Sweep Voltametry (Measures additive depletion) [L~\\-er nga + asim 0790 + astm o6ors, + asim pse10 + Mreoig tn thn tla Init ons aan Ina pea eso 2060 + ent soudant epotn tons Notes: Sketch: For every 18°F (20°C Inrese ot ‘operation teperatue, ot sein ha (Beenie Rate Rl Dt push down the ‘ora geet High Oil Temperature Accelerate Oil Degradation ae inet a | ‘is most pronotothermatxidate degradation + Solontefned mineral als (containing aromas, sulurand ong compounds). + Contaminated ol water, et, meta parle, aeration + Tuulono and high ol pressure Sketch: 181 a] ; : Oil Analysis Oxidation Pointers Notes: Sketch: Sketch: 183 Notes: Spark Discharge in a Test Rig oe Discharge ina Test Rig 184 ve pical Sequence of Events Leading to Varnish sont stg ‘ttre nd rvennatot oc tetera Notes: Sketch: 185 Why Varnish, Sludge and Deposits are a Problem Problems + Fow estrone colin ‘and startin problome + Rostcted ports moveran, stein tac + tmpaveaneot taster + Increase energy consumption actin) + Promstuo ter pugs ‘Fushing reauiroment + Aadive Soup Impaired Oil Flow and Parts Movement CA, ees LLL LLL oer conor cine (mameasancs) Teor a re Sketch: | ona ee B Visual Evidence of Oxidation-induced Varnish Potential Notes: Sketch: 187 En) eel — pew oe: ais dest. Pte Membrane Patch Colorimetry fy Varn as (Pending ASTM Standard) + Easy, inexpensive tost to run on site or in the lab + Widely adopted “varnish test” by dozens of commercial laboratories, + Indicates the amount of oll degradation products in the fluid “The MPC Process 1 he otter 72h + Sno Somtsont ge + itedtough O4tymatocaoe pat + Srtn paiatny ‘Sstotonee + Rent etc a ora Pach Tea Serco Note: Sketch: An Example of MPC Values seat AE=50 ates Notes: Sketch: 189 Pee > Ultracentrifuge (UC) - Detection of Carbon and Oxide Insolubles US Tube Ratings + Tabas re conttuged at 20,000 Re + 20minutes + creates 34,800.68 + Inleatos vanish potent (conta fore separates ‘ndeinelutas rom the al) ° Bordentne Notes: Sketch: 190 Pasa tn P Comparing Thermal and Oxidative Oil Failure cas ing ‘lone [peerang cst trogen Nb agbas haa 191 | em Neutralization | otto | = loans J nua Shear Dom eh oh a ceniaieiel Gh cho ch Hydrolysis, | ch, ch, Decomposition” Additive Depletion oxidation ete |+ Ss Thermal Degradation | oor + waters Heat 3) eens [| Het | a ote Ades that re hein alu: | ute a toon ut ‘improves pur it preset ontonm gens ae airs, domutiers andtckness agent. Notes: Sketch: 192, Ccondenstion Setting - Adve becomerinolble andsetes Fitton Sat or reso sas condensed ad ‘tered out ofthe i = 193 paration” Additive Oana oes transfer) ives re Sopra outor ot paporaion= oc dehyratrs roporateadelves® (pot common) ‘centitton~ High ‘ay orzanemore ‘athe Boome Separated under high contig forces arn nts ng Sketch: mene — atte — e “Adsorptive” Additive Depletion) mass wanster))) Particle Scrubbing Rubbing Contacts Pale rape Polar EP and Aw! ‘ate ntitor aes form soap- or drags tt ho houndary ins simp floor ‘Surface Adsomption Water Washing, Polar altos Water rags adhere to machine 3 thos ssaces ‘sump oor ‘Additives Take a Ride on Particles or ‘Water Droplets or Ad | Notes: 194 Ca B ~ Mechanism of Depletion for Common Additive Types Sketch: bir, "How to Find Additive Depletion Data on an Oil Analysis Report Notes: Sketch: a aot P How to Use Elemental Analysis to Monitor Additive Depletion eae Hah) ‘Some ade mires ar rents th°/AW ie xen bits AEA st of ang abc Hee re + Asa precision + to ot AW perrance 1 er ot demanving peatie * Redon fsa tty + tose storages Howto Aaa Hame Bove * estate ogeenoy tr ee Conecae pes “esta irs tit cmt +e 08,0071, 10/60, ry ‘Sse es ety ROT ge Stat seein tn stent, ‘na hat + Grae 7525 25:75 cnttng op no rt typ engna ota enough | Seeceeioe | P Incompatibility of Lubricant Mixing alo sco ab te eta atnce Diset tne te B40 6170 enous Joma esting ot ‘is Chewon Brand Sketch: Contamination Control and Proactive Maintenance E Contamination Control - Building Reliability wate Fluid contamination control targets the primary cause of wear and lubricant failure, forming the contral strategy of a proactive ‘maintenance program. Notes: ‘Sketch: 201 Bae ‘Sketch: PE Describing Particle Destructive Potential Notes: Sketch: eee P The Silent Destruction of Rogue Particles yar Notes: Sketch: 204 ih ree Ways to Measure the Life of a Machine 4. Contaminant Life 2, Wear Debris Life 3. Time Life &) (aa HOUR METER (‘cara | ‘neat ows| \ rtane oroactio 7 ‘Maintenance Notes: Sketch: 205 an — ~ Reliability’s Dirty Little Secret “ia tree falls in the woods, does it make a sound if nobody is there to hear it?" “The system shal be considered clean when suc foreign mater a ele rst ‘mata shovings and snd are nat ale {othe ey and tines snot detectable IS 6343002 ti Sst Gear Otclentness "Must oof vib suspendodor felled contaminant tthe tie le Insallogfor uso” xennaoeoete 20m) Sketch: “ityou can't see or foot particles, are they there, ‘and do they impart harnn?" to eons more frequents Invisible partes tat use the most an, — ©" SKF Speaks Out on Contamination a eee a _—— Gee smenanienn e mecotanoeos SS e Fl "Ecaings ean have an infin fe wien paces lager than the lubleant fim are emored” = SKF ne di Sketch: 207 Qemanee B "National Research Council of Canada - What Causes Wear? Notes: Sketch: 208 ~~ Return on Hydraulic Pump Contamination Control Investment © oicteantness 000 ~ Level of partes > 10 unm) ne nit ofimproved loantness ‘ta tem tests on hanes ‘of arte pumps © Notes: Sketch: 209 400 {© Machine Lite (ours). eproeuces fio units of ‘machine ie wension AON Notes Sketch: 210 P Appearance of Common Particles in Oil ER) ros Notes: Sketch: F 1SO Solid Contaminant Code 150 440699 Ry/Re/Rog 2 at a ata Sees [rot 19 15/P- 16 78/18 Viel w/v 212 Notes: Sketch: 2138 ote tend eplcas AS 4598 Note: Sketch: ee F How Much Is One part Per Million (4 ppm)? Divide Itinto © two one reskin — @ensniimarowser @ OMe Mao “25m (4 e a a bmp Om oft Parts in a Liter rae cate aaa J olsyetems Notes: Sketch: 215 | gi Onn The Danger of “Silt” How Silt is Formed reece ace i Sit-Parieesosos | Miconein Sie rata ‘yet Patele ore Notes: Sketch: y Small parks ler Het ere 216 Pri Oo B How Silt Affects Bearings etn ng spting en teson Prosi in Notes: Sketch: ‘ays fn Which Sit Cate You Maney + stows wouston ut suggsh regen suit ces meron, 4g es + ative So eemeee + Parts Le : s ton I. 0m + amaarceomes see a re Sketch: 218 Notes: Sketch: 219 ee eS Proactive Maintenance in Three Easy Steps @ ss eeonines Tre “Target Cleantnes eve ‘Should Reet Ret ste By 7D) Take Spectc Actions 0 eho 2. improve Fitton Measure Contaminant anes Levole Fequonty A. What Gots Measired ‘ets Done Stop 2) ey 2.Post Conta chatsot | Measured Results & Notes: ‘Sketch: 220 ake Clsniness” ‘Foca Point Intubation ‘ot, Focus on Reducing the Cost of cleanness + Keop Numbers Conspicuous + Deploy the nisi Fier + lmestgate Hor contrming Partie Counts = Bak Why? & Conspicuous Charting is Key to Proactive Maintenance Success Notes: Sketch: pe see Pron ~~ Case Study: Nippon Steel i o cnt Bad » rs _ dn i omepoolemen yee 24, homagaou) PO blemant : “a Seago Be o + a reuctenn i © a tracts a * penuh i a i: ho ma i vo ¥en Notes: Sketch: 222 Case Study: Kawasaki Steel ton | fot 0% Jaton Poe Bl i conston ioivortne tes saan Pqtncy Notes: Sketch: 228 B ~~ Port of Tacoma Slashes Engine Rebuild Costs by 66% on 24 Straddle Carriers Summary tere poeanes ng eter vito = $702,304 Sketch: E BHP Decreases Failure Rate and Turns Up the Speed with Effective Lubrication Management + BHP as eng te re = Toot aston ston te ‘ele goa + Contamination ws fxd bo tho ean eoute of mecha! fare [Bereecum Jomspeeg mys —— sawing Falire pace + Pracsonhabeation management ‘chiood decreased fare rate ‘espe nressed mil speed Notes: Sketch: A om Case Study: General Motors Testing on the Influence of Filter Performance on Engine Life (gasoline and diesel engines) ero Abo evar auld cn | Notes: Sketch: ‘haere obs re 28 tep No. 4. - Set Target Cleanliness Levels ) g oT Oo + Stuart tigolnond tama run 1/33 seni menal + tenor ett ting sede) Poti sayit ee eos + Seto venson Gente) H ‘eee chan Stare nan bt 43/50 saety goals 4 12/9 Environment severity Moke Ita personal decison, because ‘uu are the one paying the cost of {allure not tho machine supp, “suppl, or supple, bearing supplier o ol analysis ab, Notes: ie SS Ss P Setting Cleanliness Targets = Relates Directly to the Definition of Risk) Risk ~ Probability of Failure X Consequences of Fallure Prot of Fre cansaqueoes Fe = eh Hs High Needed i 3 i Target i 5 Cleantiness i i i Level $ 3 i iy iG ‘ ao. st Notes: Sketch: ae ec Lae an Aaj to caaner ve for dy ‘id ype or example, water ity machine etait and ately concems: Notes: Sketch: 229 er Field Particle nee Averages of 25,000 Samples [eal aa aaa Bi ‘eto year Gn Notes: Sketch: ee 230 Gears at Increasing eat (nae for eliaiy) Soe Serb hentoiemctanto Notes: Sketch: 231

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