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Andrei A Cabugayan

1. Concept- ideas and mental images that help to describe phenomenon.
 Concrete concept-are directly experienced, sensed and touched.
 Abstract concept- are mentally constructed independent or had no physical
2. Theory- a group of ideas that serve as a guidance to help to answer a question.
3. Principle- morally knows what the right thing to do.
4. Phenomenon- recognize important changes in the recent occurrences, and use a good
5. Science- use scientific method to resolve health problems and they use biology,
chemistry, and psychology.
6. Knowledge- should know what to do or have expertise and knowledge to apply it to
their work.
 Personal- refers to the knowledge we have of ourselves and what we have seen
and experienced.
 Empirical- this knowledge is through the use of evidenced based.
 Ethical- sense of knowing what is right and wrong
 Aesthetic- knowing makes nursing an art, like an artist when you discover about
the meaning behind the painting.
7. Meta paradigm- is a set of theories or ideas that provide structure for how a discipline
should function.
 Person- focuses on the receiver of care, how you aid them to gratify their needs.
 Health- refers to the extent of wellness and health care of the patient if he/she
was given a right need.
 Environment- focuses on the surroundings that affect the patient if he/she is
pleasant with the environment the faster they feel better.
 Nursing- applying what you learn in a real-life situation to give them a better
health outcome and assisting them with high quality service.
B. Component of Theory

PURPOSE- theory is formulated to explain, describe and predict a certain a case to

attain more knowledge.
CONCEPTS- ideas and mental images that help to describe phenomenon.
DEFINITION- convey the general meaning of the concepts.
THERORITICAL STATEMENTS- statement that explain the relationship between
the two concepts by connecting to conceive a theory.
STRUCTURE- the arrangement of ideas and consists of parts that are connected
ASSUMPTIONS- to hypothesized a statement that to believe is true but without
evidence or proof.

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