E-Procurement ISM 2001

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T.M. Rajkumar

E-procurement is changing the way businesses purchase goods. This article reviews
the technologies for E-procurement, discusses business issues in implementing
E-procurement, presents life cycle for implementing E-procurement, and outlines the
steps needed for implementing MRO goods E-procurement.

HERE HAS BEEN A LARGE SHIFT OVER Most E-procurement activities of compa-
T the years in how companies view pur-
chasing, and the Internet with THE
nies are currently centered on nonproduction
— mostly maintenance, repair, and operating
advent of electronic commerce is one supplies (MRO) goods. MRO goods spending
element that has helped cause the shift. The accounts for as much as 60 percent of total
purchasing profession has undergone a trans- expenditures for some companies. The
formation from merely a necessary function Aberdeen group identifies transaction cost sav-
to one that has become more strategic and ings of up to $70 and reduction of cycle times
focused on generating competitive business to two days from seven days when MRO
advantage. Information technology has been goods are procured via the Internet.2 Croom3
a key enabler in purchasing’s evolution into a identifies both operational and strategic bene-
more strategic business function, by reducing fits to using electronic commerce for purchas-
the time taken to complete mundane tasks ing MRO items. The operational benefits
and allowing purchasing agents to focus on include reduction of administrative costs in the
more value-added activities. procurement process and improved audit trails
The Internet and electronic commerce of each transaction throughout the process.
especially have much to offer in the way of Strategic benefits include having greater influ-
increasing the efficiencies and competitive ence and control over expenditures, raising the
advantage of purchasing.1 Many companies are profile of the purchasing function, and having
developing plans to integrate some form of a greater opportunity to manage the supply
Internet-based electronic commerce into their base. Many purchasing executives believe that
supply chain management practices that will the long-term benefit of E-procurement will be
enable them to develop and maintain a com- the freeing of purchasing resources from trans-
T.M. RAJKUMAR is an petitive advantage. These advantages are typi- action processing to refocus them on strategic
associate professor of
cally in the form of reduced costs, increased sourcing activities.
MIS at Miami
University, Oxford,
efficiencies, a greater degree of accuracy, and Historically, a significant portion of
Ohio. speedier processing and delivery. supply chain and business-to-business (B2B)

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EXHIBIT 1 B2B Purchasing System

Company A Company B

Purchasing E-commerce
Software Internet Server


purchasing has been via electronic data inter- work, both company A and B must integrate
change (EDI) proprietary purchasing systems their back-end systems with the Web. Many
and e-mail. Traditional EDI is expensive, smaller suppliers are less inclined to integrate
because of the proprietary networks required. their ERP system with their E-commerce Web
In addition, EDI has stringent syntax require- servers, preferring instead to reenter the data
ments that necessitate a custom integration manually into the ERP system. In such cases
between each pair of trading partners. The the benefits of using E-procurement technolo-
Internet has made the difference in that there gies are not fully realized.
is a standard, reliable, and secure universal There are various purchasing software
communication system that companies can technologies. The following are the most
use to transact business, instead of a set of important:4 E-procurement (buyer software),
expensive, complicated links and proprietary E-catalog, auctions, and marketplaces — also
networks. known as net markets/exchanges software.
The objective of this article is to discuss the However, companies’ solutions many times
technical and business issues in implementing straddle more than one of these options. A
E-procurement systems. The next section pro- brief description of each of these technologies
vides an overview of the technologies and the follows.
difficulties associated with them. The key suc-
cess factors for implementing these systems E-Procurement
are discussed next, followed by the E-pro- Buyer software enables users to automate
curement systems development life cycle. The transactions and focus on the buying organi-
article concludes with a look at issues associ- zation’s activities, such as order placement,
ated with E-procurement systems. catalog management, payment, reporting, and
so on. Most of these systems currently handle
E-PROCUREMENT TECHNOLOGIES MRO products. Users typically access the
client software on their desktop, providing
B2B Overview access to E-catalogs that are customized for
Exhibit 1 shows an example of a B2B pur- their organization. Users typically source from
chasing system. A customer with Company A preferred suppliers listed on their catalogs,
uses the purchasing software and places an within limits enforced by purchasing manage-
order on company B’s system. The order is ment.5 If a person purchasing an item does not
received by an E-commerce server, which is have the authority to buy it, these systems
integrated with the back-end ERP/DBMS sys- route the document to appropriate channels
tems. Similarly, Company A’s system is also and manage the workflow. The purchasing
integrated with its ERP system to enter its data limits and approval routings are stored as pro-
into the accounting and planning systems. The files for users within the system. Systems such
communication between the two systems as Ariba and Commerce One typically fall in
takes place via the Internet. For this system to this category. Such systems can be integrated

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with back-end ERP and database systems. In This solution overcomes the data access and
such cases these systems will perform general integration problems and allows a more prod-
ledger updates, payment, and so on. uct-centric search. It is costly, however, due to
E-procurement systems generally must be the high set-up and maintenance costs. Since
capable of integrating multiple supplier cata- it costs a lot to aggregate suppliers, the fre-
logs into an aggregated, buyer-managed view quency of orders must be high enough to cost
V irtual
of the catalog. They enable review of product
purchase patterns and deliver knowledge that
justify the inclusion of some supplier data.
These aggregation technologies assume that
catalogs can be used to facilitate supplier negotiations. suppliers will provide information to the pur-
dynamically These systems enable purchasing to automate chasing organization in a particular format.
most of the transaction processing, as well as The data that suppliers provide must not
retrieve to reduce cycle times, limit reductions in off- only be readable, it must be machine under-
information catalog buying, and free purchasing to focus stood so that search engines can find the
from multiple more on activities such as strategic sourcing. product and comparisons of specifications and
However, these systems have their own draw- prices can be done. Unfortunately, most sup-
catalogs and backs. They are fairly costly (as much as a few plier-provided catalogs do not meet both these
present the million dollars) to implement, and it is cum- criteria.6 The solution is in using virtual cata-
data in a bersome to maintain catalogs.5 Still, many logs, wherein individual online supplier cata-
companies choose to implement them since logs are not aggregated or duplicated. Virtual
unified they give purchasing the opportunity to catalogs dynamically retrieve information from
manner with reengineer the buy process for MRO items. multiple catalogs and present the data in a
its own look Similar to buying organizations having unified manner with its own look and feel —
E-procurement software, suppliers need soft- not that of the source catalog. Virtual catalogs
and feel — ware on the sell side that can cater to these do not actually contain any product informa-
not that of the buyer systems or exchange information with tion on their own. Rather, they contain infor-
source marketplaces. For example, the sell-side sys- mation pertaining to the contents of online
tems need to provide information in the for- supplier catalogs and linkages to the actual
catalog. mat needed by the buy system catalogs. product information contained therein. Once
this communication protocol has been estab-
E-Catalog lished, it is possible to answer user inquiries
The E-catalog is the most widely used of the with responses combined, in a consistent
purchasing technologies. At its simplest, it manner, from separate online sources.
automates customized, printed supplier cata- An organization using a virtual catalog will
logs. E-catalogs provide a better audit trail and configure the system to allow users access
may actually be tied to legacy systems for data only to approved products from established
capture from transactions, or linked to work- suppliers, while allowing the purchasing pro-
flow systems for approval routing. Use of indi- fessionals to access any Internet-based cata-
vidual supplier electronic catalogs does, log. Legacy systems and workflow linkages
however, have its practical limitations. are established only once. The virtual catalog
In environments where end-users are free eliminates the effort and expense associated
to choose from among many suppliers, access- with catalog aggregation, offers the flexibility
ing multiple, disparate electronic catalogs and of allowing access to product information
choosing among them can be problematic. from a diverse array of sources and data for-
Users must not only know which suppliers mats, and provides only the most current
can provide the needed goods or services, but product-centric information directly from its
also be familiar with a wide variety of catalog source.
formats and data access mechanisms. In addi-
tion, product specification and cost compar- Auctions
isons may not be easy. A drawback from the E-procurement technologies come with the
purchasing organization standpoint is that ability to hold auctions. Both forward and
multiple linkages must be established to cap- reverse auctions are feasible. In a forward auc-
ture the transactional data from different sup- tion, sellers post the goods or services they
plier catalogs. want to sell, and buyers then bid for the ser-
The most common deployed solution for vices or goods. Excess capital equipment or
such environments is catalog aggregation; that inventory is typically sold via forward auc-
is, combining the offerings from all approved tions. In a reverse auction, buyers post a
suppliers into a centrally maintained catalog. request for quotes for items they want to buy,
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and allow sellers to bid. In general, when pur- demand aggregation, and analytics that help
chasing agents want to buy direct material suppliers position their product better in the
through auction techniques, they use a reverse market.
auction. The agents prepare by doing basic Marketplaces were started by neutral firms
sourcing and narrowing down their sources to that control the supply chain and industry con-
four or five suppliers. The agents then request sortiums. For example, General Motors uses
M arket-
quotes for auction from these five suppliers.
There are also exchanges where auctions can
Commerce One software and created its own
catalog. GM has two Web sites: MarketSite is
places take place that are neutral to both buyers and intended for its own internal use, and
manage the sellers. The software is pretty flexible, allow- SupplyPower provides a range of parts, prod-
ing different types of auction rules (Yankee, ucts, and services for GM’s suppliers.7 GM also
participants’ Dutch, etc.), in terms of open or closed bids, posts the excess steel that it buys, passing on
information what details can be seen, reserve prices, etc., its savings to its suppliers. In contrast, Boeing
and business which are all specifiable by the organization. provides an intermediary site for customers to
buy replacement parts that are directly shipped
process (both Marketplaces by its suppliers.7 Industry consortiums are also
buy side and Organizations find that it is costly to maintain players in this field. For example, GM, Ford,
sell side), as E-catalogs inside their organization, and any and Chrysler have an initiative (Covisint) by
transactional costs that may be saved are which purchasing for these companies worth
well as the wiped out. Marketplaces (also known as net over $240 billion per year is expected to be
transaction. markets) have emerged to meet this need. consolidated at one site.8
These organizations specialize in aggregating Feldman8 describes a few requirements for
the data of different suppliers and provide marketplaces. Marketplaces manage the par-
overlaying filters so that customized views of ticipants’ information and business process
prices, terms, and so on are obtained for each (both buy side and sell side), as well as the
purchasing organization.4 However, even transaction. It is also necessary that market-
these specialized companies have problems of places support security, liquidity, transparen-
their own. There are so many of these mar- cy, efficiency, and anonymity. At times, users
ketplaces — each with its own format needs may want to be anonymous, or have their
— that suppliers have trouble meeting indi- details hidden, or ensure that their histories
vidual marketplace requirements. Also, differ- and trading activities are not revealed to other
ent companies call the same item by different parties. This must be balanced with the need
names, so that comparisons are not easily for reliable information, so every participant
made. This is complicated by the fact that dif- trusts them. Because marketplaces are basical-
ferent industries might use the same term with ly services, the services may have to evolve.
different meanings. Finally, these problems For example, services that are not common
are compounded for direct materials, which such as yield management (a service that air-
might need blueprints and other detailed tech- lines use for assigning seats) might have to be
nical descriptions to go with the system. A supported for everyone.
number of intermediary firms are arising to Marketplace exchanges such as freemar-
meet these needs. kets.com also support auctions. Most organi-
Marketplaces may be independent trading zations are currently focusing on exchanges
exchanges, vertical markets, or portals. Pri- with fixed auction rules applied to simple
marily these marketplaces allow collaboration goods and services.8
and data sharing within or across industries.
The nature of services can go beyond cata- Integrated Frameworks
loging to transaction management. Sites such Exhibit 2 shows an integrated framework,
as Ariba.net, VerticalNet, and so on fall under depicting how the various technologies
this category. They are attractive to both buy- described are interrelated and used by compa-
and sell-side organizations for different rea- nies. On the buy side, a customer uses buyer
sons. On the buy side they provide demand software to search the companies’ internal cat-
aggregation, enable quick and easy supplier alogs (which contain an aggregated list from all
comparisons, and allow activity reporting, suppliers that is a virtual catalog), or to search
strategic sourcing, and so on.4 On the sell side, an intermediary marketplace site and place an
they provide low-cost introduction to cus- order. The order will go through the market-
tomers, better capacity management and effi- place only if the customer searches for the lat-
cient inventory, production management via ter and places an order there. Otherwise, the
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EXHIBIT 2 Framework

Buy Side Sell Side

Company A Market Place Company B
(Net Markets)
Buyer E-commerce
Search/ Server

Catalog Catalog
Internet Internet ERP/DBMS
ERP/ Customization

Auctions Company C

Company D E-commerce

Catalog ERP/DBMS


order will be placed directly with the supplier. likely to benefit the company and provide it
The supplier’s E-commerce server confirms the competitive advantage. The company must
order and updates its own back-end systems. identify its core competencies and how pro-
When the buyer software receives a confirma- curement processes can support the core com-
tion from the supplier/marketplace, it updates petencies. The technology strategy must be
its back-end systems. developed around supporting these core com-
When the marketplace is used, it contains petencies. The technology group must also
aggregated content from all suppliers that can identify directions in which the technology is
be searched. It also provides customized heading, such as back-end integration, and
views for specific buyers. Auctions are gener- move the company to the technology forefront
ally conducted using marketplace software. in support of the procurement processes.
Reengineer the Procurement Processes
Business Issues The benefits of E-procurement technology will
Significant planning is needed to achieve the not be apparent if there is simply an automa-
savings promised by E-procurement. Enter- tion of existing methods of working. To gain
prises must focus on certain key critical suc- the benefits of reduced costs, better sourcing,
cess factors. and so on, it is essential that a reengineering
of the procurement process be undertaken.
Critical Success Factors As a result of implementing Internet-enabled
Define an E-Procurement Strategy procurement technologies, organizations have
For an organization to become an E-enterprise found that their supplier relationships are
and compete in E-commerce, it is not suffi- redefined, and that, in general, the number of
cient for its information technology and busi- suppliers is reduced.3 Hence, supplier consol-
ness strategies to be aligned; they must merge. idation, etc. must be planned for prior to the
The E-procurement strategy must include a implementation of the E-procurement technol-
combined technology and business strategy. ogy. Companies should gather input from
The vision and leadership must come from the stakeholders throughout the organization,
purchasing department and identify the areas since they are likely to be affected by the
in which procurement technologies are most reengineering of the procurement process.

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Companies should also communicate to the and may be limited to a small percentage (as
stakeholders that this might be a difficult low as 10 percent) of MRO items in the initial
process for everyone. pilot implementation. As acceptance of the
Involve Key Stakeholders technology within the organization increases,
Procurement affects every facet of the organi- the percentage of MRO items available will
also increase.
M any
zation; therefore key stakeholders from every
affected department must be brought into the
new system’s planning process. Management Cost/Benefits
purchasing must confer with these various groups, taking Organizations should be aware that the costs
executives their inputs into consideration, as it carefully to implement the solutions are significant, and
assesses those problems the company wants the benefits from the investment may not be
believe that apparent for a two- to three-year period —
to address and the system’s goals. It is also
the long-term essential to bring key stakeholders on board until the entire system is implemented. Many
benefit of E- early in the process, involving them from the companies have a difficult time estimating the
very beginning. If the stakeholders are not costs. Vendors are moving away from tradi-
procurement tional licensing and maintenance fees as they
behind the effort, users might not use the sys-
will be the tem, continuing to use existing legacy meth- try to establish market share and are moving
freeing of ods for procurement instead. to a transaction-based fee structure. In addi-
tion, there are many less visible costs (that
purchasing Focus on Segments
make up as much as five to ten times the cost
Currently there is no single vendor offering
resources of software) that are not included (for exam-
solutions in the entire procurement arena
from ple, the cost of consultants, integration, cata-
(from E-procurement to exchanges). Solutions
logs and search engines, transaction costs, and
transaction from many vendors currently concentrate on
user training). Similarly, the benefits are not
MRO and indirect goods such as office sup-
processing to easy to measure. Benefits come from three
plies, IT equipment, and professional services.
refocus them areas: compliance, leverage, and process
Many offerings do not provide support for
on strategic direct goods, or for integrating suppliers
across the supply chain. Enterprises might
sourcing Integration with Back-End Systems
have multiple procurement strategies: one for
activities. The system will have to integrate with back-
direct material and one for MRO items. No sin-
end office systems such as ERP and database
gle E-procurement tool from a vendor will
systems. Applications that run at the back end
meet an enterprise’s strategy correctly. It is
must also be integrated.
necessary to segment and choose the vendor
for each procurement strategy separately. For
Impact on Suppliers
example, an organization must choose one
The organization should assess the impact of
vendor for MRO items and another to support
the system on suppliers and their technologi-
direct goods.
cal readiness to implement the system at their
Identify Useful Measures end, and should provide the services neces-
Organizations should identify useful measures sary for the system to succeed. For example,
in terms such as cost per transaction for MRO suppliers must be able to provide the catalog
items, cycle time from requisition to fulfill- information for their products into any system
ment, etc. They should use measures that can that is designed. It is necessary to put togeth-
be measured and are useful in predicting the er a supplier adoption team, train the suppli-
success or failure of the system. ers, and get them ready concurrent with the
Manage Expectations organization’s implementation.
Organizations should manage the expectations
of the users and stakeholders by telling them E-Procurement Project Life Cycle
the truth. The technology is still in a develop- Once the business issues have been sorted
mental stage and the functionalities may be out and a decision has been made to imple-
incomplete. Everything that was possible with ment E-procurement technology, a standard
legacy systems might not be immediately fea- life cycle (Exhibit 3) must be followed.
sible with the new environment. For example, ❑ Plan/Analyze: Gather the detailed require-
in many instances changes to orders are hard- ments for the system. The input should be
er to process with new technologies. In addi- gathered from key stakeholders and users
tion, the goods ordered with this technology alike. Generate a request for proposals and
might be limited to noncoded and MRO items
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EXHIBIT 3 E-Procurement Life Cycle

perform a market search. Analyze various necessary for authorization, procurement

tools available on the market and research rules, etc., must be enunciated for the prod-
their suitability for the organization. uct to be configured. Programs must be
Establish criteria for suitability and fitness of written to add/modify the functionality that
the product for your organization. Evaluate exists within the standard tool that has been
the tools against the criteria and have the chosen. Each of the programs must undergo
main vendors or possible candidates unit and system tests, following which user
demonstrate their product in your company. acceptance testing on the product is con-
❑ Define/Design: Once you have picked a ducted.
product, conduct a gap analysis to identify ❑ Implement/Deployment: Once the cus-
the gaps between requirements and the tomizations have been developed and test-
tool’s standard functionality. Have the ven- ed, the system is ready for pilot deployment.
dor demonstrate all the key functionality Train the users on the usage of the system,
that will be required, so that you know and test the pilot implementation. Modify
clearly what is not within the tool’s realm. the system based on the pilot, test it, and
The gaps identify the customization neces- then deploy the system at all locations.
sary to implement the product in your orga-
nization. Prioritize the gaps and develop a Implementation of E-Procurement
cost estimate for the customizations, so that for MRO Items
you can decide on which customizations It is first necessary to have a clear understand-
will be taken up first. Develop functional ing of the business process that needs to be
specifications on the customizations neces- automated and the exact areas that are being
sary for the tool that has been chosen. automated. This should be laid out clearly. For
❑ Develop/Construct: The technical architec- example, the federal government in a pilot for
ture of the procurement system must be electronic catalogs9 developed a diagram
designed and set up. Workflow rules that are (Exhibit 4) identifying the procurement
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EXHIBIT 4 Federal Government Procurement Process

processes. This six-step process identified and systems.

had a goal of automating all portions of the ❑ Service and Support: An evaluation must be
process, from accessing and searching the cat- made of the support provided by the ven-
alog to evaluating the result, placing the order, dor. Does the company and the solution
receiving the items, and processing the pay- offered have long-term viability? Will the
ment. A clear depiction enables everyone to product be enhanced as new standards and
understand what business processes need to developments come in the area?
be accomplished by the system. From this, the Once a system is picked, the system is
requirements and specifications for the system implemented following the E-procurement life
can be identified. cycle discussed in the previous section. The
Not only must the system requirements in rules for procurement for different users and
terms of functionality be specified; the inte- items are developed. Any workflow that is nec-
gration that is required with back-end systems essary is identified, and the system is config-
must be specified. How is the order integrat- ured with the business rules of the
ed with existing ERP or database systems? organization. Customization requirements are
How is the processing of payment integrated identified, prioritized, and the system cus-
with the existing ERP system? What is the inte- tomized for your needs and tested thoroughly.
gration with the applications running on these The users are trained on the system and the
ERP systems, etc.? All these must be specified. system is deployed. The analytic tools available
Once the specifications and integration with the system are used to measure the ben-
requirements are written out, a request for pro- efits of using the system versus the traditional
posals is sent. The proposals that are returned way of procurement. A comparison of the
must be evaluated on the following criteria: actual benefits to estimated benefits should be
❑ Functionality: Does the proposed system made and surveys of various stakeholders
have the functionality that is required? For done to ensure that the system is a success.
example, in the above case, the system must
be able to aggregate and integrate the cata- Issues with E-Procurement Systems
logs of multiple suppliers. Does it support Experience by companies implementing E-pro-
payment processing via procurement or curement suggests that it is not without prob-
credit cards, etc.? These factors must be lems. Current E-procurement products have
evaluated. An evaluation of the functionality less functionality than traditional purchasing
must be made from different buy perspec- products or purchasing modules of ERP sys-
tives: buying of an MRO item to buying of tems. Some users are turned off by this and
services; buying with a procurement card to are hesitant to use the E-procurement prod-
buying with a credit card, etc. ucts. This is because E-procurement products
❑ Technical Architecture: What is the architec- are still in the early stage of their evolution and
ture of the product? Is it a solution from a the functionality will continue to improve.
single vendor or is it built from components Current E-procurement products mainly
of different vendors? Can the system be support noncoded/nonstock MRO materials
extended, and is it flexible? How intuitive is only. Although stock MRO material purchas-
the user interface, and how easy is it to use? ing is possible through extensive back-end
Is the performance of the system adequate? integration, most companies are sticking to
Will the system scale from a few transactions noncoded/nonstock items such as supplies
to a large number of transactions? (paper, pencil, furniture, etc.). The main issues
❑ Cost: What is the total cost of ownership of are integration back to the ERP, inventory
the product. It must be recognized that the management system, and the lack of access to
acquisition cost is small compared to the information stored in item master files or data-
overall cost of implementing many of these base systems for coded items. For companies

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that have visual inventory management sys- Companies wishing to integrate and imple-
tems such as KANBAN, current E-procurement ment E-procurement systems must follow the
products might be a better fit. E-procurement system life cycle depicted in
Direct material procurement requires a lot Exhibit 3. Specifically, the objectives of the pro-
more back-end integration than indirect mate- ject such as the details shown in Exhibit 4 must
rials and is very much more complex. There be determined. This must include the products
U sers are some direct material products available,
but companies are hesitant to try them, as the
and services as well as the processes that are
affected. This is followed by a request for pro-
typically functionality does not cover all the require- posals and a careful selection of the vendor
access the ments. In addition, the standards are continu- providing the solution. The solution proposed
ing to evolve. Unlike indirect, direct material must be evaluated for its technical issues such
process has linkages to planning, engineering, as the model for catalog content, as well as
software on and sales systems, making it problematic. integration with ERP and other back-end sys-
their desktop, Catalog content development remains a tems. In addition, issues such as the total cost
major problem. Several suppliers think they of ownership and the service and support pro-
need to invest a lot of time and money to con- vided by the vendor must be considered during
access to vert the information from their internal format the implementation. Once a vendor is picked,
E-catalogs to meet different customer and marketplace the procurement rules and workflow rules must
catalog formatting requirements. Suppliers do be implemented and tested.
that are
not believe they reap the benefits for their Internet-based procurement technologies
customized investments and view the benefits as being are fundamentally changing the way purchas-
for their primarily on the customer or buy side for ing buys both its MRO goods and direct
which they have to bear the costs. Hence, sup- goods. Automated exchanging of data
pliers are reluctant to satisfy all except their between suppliers and buyers is accomplished
biggest customers. with these technologies, resulting in tighter
relationships between suppliers and buyers.
CONCLUSION Fewer errors and higher data quality are filled
Companies both big and small can now reap into back-end ERP systems as procurement
the benefits of E-procurement technologies by technologies get integrated with ERP and
automating the purchasing operations such as other back-end systems. ▲
catalog search, supplier selection, and pur-
chase order processing. These activities can be References
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Phase-2 Report, May 2000.

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