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HARD BODY BLUEPRINT;Level\1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction: What is FST-7? Who is Hany Rambod? Who is Jeremy Buendia? FST-7 Training Warning Training Split Key Points Dynamic Warm-Up Protocols FST-7 Blueprint Weeks 1 & 3 FST-7 Blueprint Weeks 2 & 4 Blueprint Nutrient Timing 101 Blueprint Diet & Supplement Plan What Does Evogen Elite Mean? More FST-7 Information CREATED BY HANY RAMBOD SOB oreP Noses S seta asetenlncteReiert INTRODUCTION WHAT IS FST-7? eee ace ea Se cone of the most successful physique transformation systems rae ee ose ey Bee a ee een a se a rational, international and Olympia titles. Without question, eC Curia acd FST stands for Fascia Stretch Training and the 7 refers to the seven sets performed usually as the final exercise for a target body part. Howevey, "sevens" are more than just a pump set. They are one detail ofa full system designed to elicit maximal hormonal response and muscle hypertrophy. When skeletal muscle experiences significant tension that damages the integrity of muscle fibers, it can cause an in- The increases in contractile proteins in turn increase the cross sec- tional area of the muscle leading to strength and mass gains. Furthermore, the increased metabolic demands and me- ieee Ee mca in an increased production of anabolic hormones. This is what separates FST-7 from many other training systems coe ee econo ee ae em ae | Sn cae ae Deed ane eo Ce lated to a high degree. Ths is especially true when proper diet, supplementation, and recovery are allowed for which is Pea eae ee ats eR ane ne eer} Ce eae a eee mes Pe Ru ee el ma a Ce eae ae ee Se a) control the eccentric [negative] portion of the motion This ec- Cre ee eee en eT a pertrophy. Controlled, eccentric movements have been shown to recruit fast twitch over slow twitch muscle fibers whichis a Pee eta This key factor forces muscle motor units to manage larger amounts of tension which creates an increased capacity for hypertrophy. Machines and cables are a good idea, and free weights, such as barbell curls and skull crushers, also work Ce ee ees | of the workout for that muscle group. The stimulation and pumps are insane but FST-7 doesnt stop there The goal is to bring as many vitamins, minerals, amino acids, blood, oxygen, ete into the muscle and stretch the fascia surrounding it to help encourage maximal muscle growth. Ths is where nutrition and supplementation become a ciitcal factor for physique acceleration. In tur, the fascia Ba ee een tetas ‘muscle will grow only as much as there is room for it to do s0. This taining system is targeted at stretching the fascia Se ae er Restricting the "seven sels” to your last exercise is recom= ages en oe ‘you to lft heavy for the first few exercises before taking the ee Cee eae vanced users, including "front-loading the seven sets” which can be utlized to shock and further stretch the fascia and een » CREATED BY HANY RAMBOD WHO IS HANY RAMBOD? Nicknamed "The Pro Creator,” Hany Rambod has been constructing championship-winning physiques for over 2O years. His ground-breaking FST-7 system has helped his cients win a CCR an ea Ca eae one aoe Figure Olympia winners, 202 Olympia Winner as well as two-time Physique Olympia winner Pecan) When Rambod is not busy coaching many of the world’s elite he serves as the CEO of Evogen Nutrition. Putting his Bachelors degre in Biology with an emphasis on Neurophysiology to fe eee nc ne nc ec a eer a elite athlete roster, and only in the past few years have they been made available to the public. Rambod prides himself on bringing only quality innovations to his customers around the world. The formulations within the Evogen Nutrition supplement line are crucial to the success of any FST-7 program because of ther effec. on growth, repair, and muscle volume WHO IS JEREMY BUENDIA? Rue Cee a Cle cme) er eee ed Dee eer CE CT uC and is known for his dramatic shoulder-to-waist ratio with razor-sharp defition. Originally a bodybuilder, Buendla tran- Ea ee eM cn ore ee cae ne ee ae Ce er ee oe a ae and dedication, but also serves as the best example of what FST-7 and Evogen Nutrition supplementation can achieve 2X Physique Olympia Champion JEREMY BUENDIA with COACH HANY RAMBOD Bae OCI eRe eat ON een act) FST-7 is not meant to be taken lightly and =7. When undertake © is a risk of inju i familiar w light headad ath, oF dis er health care ps FST-7 HARD BODY BLUEPRINT, Level 1 Se Berg ie eee) ees ey erat FUELED BY EVOGEN NUTRITION Remember, FST-7 sets the standard for you optimizing your physique's genetic potential. This incredible system eer eee re a ad CEO Hany “The Pro Creator’ Rambod with a purpose Its going to require aleve of dedication you're probably not use to, so if youre the type of athlete that quits easily, just stop er Ree ee a aed type of athlete whos got what it takes and holds yourself to a higher standard —the Evogen Elite standard —then lets get this going and keep reading FST-7 BLUEPRINT TRAINING SPLIT MONDAY Pe emese) TUESDAY SHOULDERS + BICEPS Risen esc Eras) Rinesiea Coenen Net ily Pies eeauese) Berd OFF BUN elag KEY POINTS TO REMEMBER Meee ean ca rd parts that can be potentially echausted when focusing on an- other muscle group (triceps vs. chest), prioritize the training of the weaker body part. This particular blueprint is designed to prioritize arm training over four weeks NSU RB SE cena CO Rae a EU ca er Cell KEM with plenty of water is crucial to success. FST-7 eee eg a eee) ee ars cee ee ace cng during the day as well as an intra-workout. drink. Often referred to as the “negative” portion ofthe exercise movement. By slowing down the eccentric portion of the motion, you'e able to stimulate the muscle in a much more dramatic fashion. For example, the hamstrings primarily consist of type | muscle fbers (fast twitch), so to accurately stimulate their growth, apply loads in a slow and controlled manner to shock them. Slow, controlled reps Coat aac ae ee ae integrating these where you can to increase the intensity You a ot ee cen technique properly can help establish a strong mind/muscle a ee ay Caen) apply these as part of his Chaos Methodology. While Seon a ee Ea ea Cee ec Me ome er Pea ce ae eT) OE eee a ea ee cen extreme manner. There's a reason FST-7 works on the best physiques out there, and ths is one of the principles used to Pere ere ea) eae Rae knowledgeable training partner. MIC WARM-UP PRi COLS ‘Ackey element to FST-7's success requires maximizing blood flow to the working muscles. Without maximal blood flow and fluid volume in the muscle itis impossible to experience the dramatic effects of fascia stretch training, Another erucial factors being able to apply the proper loads to your working muscles. In order to achieve this, you must be properly warmed up. These simple dynamic warm-up protocols will get the blood flowing and prime your muscles and joints for FST-7. While you may have your coun protocol, tis important that these specif protocols are utilized as well POAT WARM-UP PROTOCOL MOVEMENT SPEED/MIME MOVEMENT SPEED/TIME ee Ech ee eon 3 ROUNDS 3 ROUNDS es een Push ups 3 [10 reps ae ot Light banded upright rows | 10 reps Hyper extensions Soe Underhand lat pull downs 10 reps RTT enrast i ‘IVD B) wt FST-7 BLUEPRINT > WHEY PROTEIN FATA ay eae gold] fan seenlelocy a eee ee 1g Carbohydrates Per Serving ey) keer) ISOJECT™ Reverse Grip Pull Down ef Nemes A eed Ei 8-10 RCL At ca 2 8-10 Tete cm i oP) eee ee ea Paes eee Fue?) Close-Grip Bench Press nesta) RAC Wm ‘i 3 8-10 eRe kena c eae @ 8412 “Rest 30-45 second between ses Adl ve partial reps your lst et. Epreaipcnasr senor 5 Sate pee 70 SECONDS ON Se od 10-12 Bec ad 4 810 ORT as etc Nmsctlesr te ean Ey 8410 Q PSC a sn BC Ley SSW ee be ard — | new tip-of-the-week on the SAS eee me us 10-12 font CC Ce ea eet 3 | 840 eB eee eB os) ee E 8-10 SR ssc csc Lc! FST-7 Rope Hammer Curl" = 7) Perch stu cl “Rest 30-45 seconds between sets, ““Aad five partial reps your last set. 1 Advanced users contract the muscle during FST-7 “est” period FST-7 BLUEPRI EXERCISE SETS REPS een ra = oe 3 | B40 eis Pm =) Sede ew 7_| 15-20 Seated Leg Curls Em ES Sie eet Ema =r) FST Lying Leg Curls" 7) [eeee si 4 | 1420 ene e ee 4 | 1420 RAV 4 | 1420 Mountain Climbers Eu Cee ee eee ee ae ee ‘are on done in a ruit with no rest between sets with ane minute rest ater each com- Pe ae ee ee eee EXERCISE SETS REPS Hammer Strength Incline Press™ ae) aed 3. | bo renner eae 3 | eto cere FST-7 Standing Cable Fly" 7_| 10-2 Pea eiete Standing Calf Raises 4 | 1520 phe cng sect ch ory eed 4 | 15-20 POEs ace MEBs tect eee 7_| 15-20 Pe ee een ener) Cn ee en ene eee 1 Advanced users contract the muscle during FST-T “est” period my body works and helped me Reeth eens Pen Se soe een tt Nene ee teLo tatty EXERCISE SETS REPS COSC UC ES Rags rn eee ene kenn mE) Pee nto e asc Boag Incline Dumbbell Curls” 3. | bo ene eee ce! Meme ket 3 | B10 eR SAC eR Le ce ee eas mee cae ES) Doran eta be Reverse Grip Cable Extension’ 3. | to-2 (eos nen gcc R Tag ec eae Pas) Peeters) nese asEel leh ctelet aying Overhead Ext. Cambered Bar 3 Ele} CCR ae Rostra ast) ede oa mr Pe ae *Rest 30-45 seconds between sets **Add five partial reps your last set See ate ne ee ee em FST-7 BLUEPRI PRE-WORKOUT Coven ae ae Dd Nara era Emaar) Covered Emm) \V-Bar Cable Row” Ema mond) eee eee ea) Cees Ema mon) Close-Grip Bench Press 3. | B10 AWC ee 3__| 8410 CeneeNe Re ree er oie tee tre omen ee oa eae ete ae rar Src men mcd 4 el Cer eee Emme) eas ea ee FST-T Straight-Bar Spider Curls” PEED perten a 3_ | B10 Incline Dumbbell Curls” E 8-10 FST-7 Standing EZ-Bar Curls cd peed *Rest 30-45 seconds between sets WAdd fe patil rps your lst set 1 Advanced wer contrat the muscle during PST? "est period FST-7 BLUEPRIN EXERCISE SETS = REPS Pema Eas) otro 3 | B40 ae 3 | B40 FST-7 Leg Extensions’ 7_| 15-20 (eet EM esr) Stiff-Leg Deadlifts 3__| B40 FST-7 Seated Leg Curls" cu ard era 4 | 14-20 Oe eRe od ieee) ner nee 4 | 1420 Nad ile EJ uid Cae er ete eneaetenien ete ere nd eae te eta ee eee plied crew. Advanced users contact the muscle ving FST7 ‘rest period EXERCISE SETS — REPS acu 4 10-12 Dam ES 8-10 Hammer Strength Low Press Ee} 8-10 Ue sae 7 iesrs (tee ad 4 | 16-20 Aud enue 7 16-20 ee ey eet he rede) Foy oa esate ee eee Lae aro EXERCISE SETS REPS. FST-7 Straight-Bar Spider Curls th ems Incline Dumbbell Curls" 3 | 810 Da eden ES 810 FST-7 Seated Dumbbell Curls" Pam err) ‘Close-Grip Bench Press Ee} 10-12 PS ed n 810 ‘Laying Overhead Ext. Cambred Bar Emme) FST-7 Overhead Rope Extensions"! a er) eee re ee a eee eee See eee ee re ee ear ar NUTRIENT TIMING 101 BLUEPRINT DIET & SUPPLEMENT PLAN IF your diet isnt on point, FST-7 will not be suecessful whether you are cuting or bulking. In order to achieve rece ee ee ee a However, supplementation is also critical to your success when maintaining a full blown "3D" appearance while training with FST-7. The key to success with this program is jn the timing of your whole foods and when i — Eee Tit SEVOSEN — > EVOGEN BLUEPRINT STACK Product | Servings | Timing | EVP® Plus See ag ea Increases energy, muscle volume, ete ‘Aminoject™ Stack with EVP Plus | Pre-loads the body with BCAAs and electrolytes, Pre-training unhile shutting down catabolic pathways Cell KEM™ ‘Accelerates anabolic pathways, recovery, nitric oxide deliv and power output while traning, Tale” [12 | Pont aning | Pot werkt protein lates coy > DIET & SUPPLEMENT PLAN Multivitamin, 6 egg whites 1 omega egg 3/4 cup oatmeal 2 pe tarkey bacon, 1/2 cp bees MID-MORNING SNACK | 1 tbsp natural peanut butter 1-2 sewing sleet protein powder Handi Almonds 8 oc turkey breast, 2 cups mined greens 1 cup brown tce MID-AFTERNOON MEAL | 8 0z chicken breast, 68 oz yany 1 cup mised greens PRE-TRAINING 1-2 servings EVP Pls 1 senving Arinoect DURING TRAINING rings Call KEM POST WORKOUT 1-2 servings lect protein ponder DINNER. ‘Multivitamin 82 salmon (alternate daly with chicken) 1 cup asparagus, cup brown rice FST-7 HARD BODY BLUEPRINT, Level 1 IREATED BY HANY RAMBOD W DOES EVOGEN EL: MEAN? A key group of athletes whose sole desire is to take their bodies to CEU Bev see CBee Sse Reem cots oB eerie JU WANT Ti Its pretty simple. If you display the type of enthusiasm and commitment day in and day out Boa a a a ed eee ae ney) Pe ee Ren eee cal Cea ad physique perfection, feats of strength, or your progress we will be watching, ts a great way to CO eC n aa eae ci Prioritize your arm training with this hyper-intense technique for explosive biceps and triceps growth > Shred Like Buendia FST-7 Arms Powered ky Evogen Co Rea eae Ateneo a TS Filmed approximately 6 weeks out from the 2015 Mr Olympia, Jeremy gives you an intense workout featuring Pro Creator Hany ee eee ee ae Pala ee Teed en Ae eee Training 16 days out from the 2014 Mr. Olympia, Bala Mma ma accu cel PENS Marae 2) eae eee ga Mg Rae eae ‘on upper lats inckiding tips on how to create a V-taper. cee Lea? ts have not been evaluated bythe Food an emo aneert vere ee ee code Evogen sa registered trademark of Erogen Nutiton, inc

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