5KWp Building Integrated Photo-Voltaic B PDF

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Thomas’ College of Engineering &

Building Integrated Photo Voltaic (BIPV) Solar System




ROLL NO – 34


YEAR – 2013

GUIDED BY – Prof. Bidyut Roy Chowdhury



This is to certify that the project entitled “Building Integrated

Photo Voltaic (BIPV) Solar System” is up to the standard
of W.B.U.T 7th semester syllabus. The project work has been
done with precision and is quite satisfactory.

___________________ ______________________
H.O.D., EE dept Prof. Bidyut Roy Chowdhury


External Examiner
To begin with, I would like to extend my heartiest gratitude to our
respected guide Prof. B.Roy Chowdhury for her untiring endeavor and
constant enthusiasm throughout the length of the project.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the head of our
department Prof. P.K.Pradhan for providing me with the chance of
working on this interesting project under the guidance of Dr. B.B.Sen
and Prof. B.R.Chowdhury.
Prof.G.Banerjea and Dr.S.Sen owe special mention as without their
disciplined guidance and care, the completion of the project within the
given deadline would have been a distant dream.

Finally I like to thank to all the lab assistants, who have always
supported us by providing the appropriate equipments and components.
Without their help it will be not possible to complete our project within
the time.
Sl. No. Particulars Page No.
1. introduction- 1-5

2. BIPV Solar system 6-7

--- An overview

3. Overview of the project 8

4. Objective 8

5. Methodology 9-12

6. System design 13-14

7. Components/Parts of 15-25
the system- A Brief Overview

8. conclusion: future option 26-27

9. datasheet of solar panel we used 28-30

10. Solargis PV planner 31-34

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Solar power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity, either directly using photovoltaic (PV), or
indirectly using concentrated solar power (CSP). Concentrated solar power systems use lenses or mirrors
and tracking systems to focus a large area of sunlight into a small beam. Photovoltaic convert light into
electric current using the photoelectric effect.

Commercial concentrated solar power plants were first developed in the 1980s. The 354 MW SEGS CSP
installation is the largest solar power plant in the world, located in the Mojave Desert of California. Other
large CSP plants include the Sol nova Solar Power Station (150 MW) and the Andasol solar power
station (150 MW), both in Spain. The over 200 MW Agua Caliente Solar Project in the United States, and
the 214 MW Charanka Solar Park in India, are the world’s largest photovoltaic plants.

Solar power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity. Sunlight can be converted directly into electricity
using photovoltaic (PV), or indirectly with concentrated solar power (CSP), which normally focuses the
sun's energy to boil water which is then used to provide power. Other technologies also exist, such
as Stirling dishes which use a Stirling cycle engine to power a generator. Photovoltaics were initially used
to power small and medium-sized applications, from the calculator powered by a single solar cell to off-
grid homes powered by a photovoltaic array.

Sun-heat used in solar water heater Sun-light used to produce electricity in Solar panel
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Solar Energy-India
India receives a solar energy equivalent of 5000 trillion kWh/year with a daily average solar energy
incidence of 4-7 kWh/m2. This is considerably more than the total energy consumption of the country.
Further, most parts of the country experience 250-300 sunny days in a year, which makes solar energy a
viable option in these areas.

Decentralized renewable energy systems, which rely on locally available resources, could provide the
solution to the rural energy problem, particularly in remote areas where grid extension is not a viable
proposition Solar energy, with its virtually infinite potential and free availability, represents a nonpolluting
and inexhaustible energy source which can be developed to meet the energy needs of mankind in a
major way. The high cost, fast depleting fossil fuels and the public concern about the eco-friendly power
generation of power have led to a surge of interest in the utilization of solar energy. To evaluate the
energy potential at particular place, detailed information on its availability is essential. These include data
on solar intensity, spectrum, incident angle and cloudiness as a function of time.
Solar energy can be utilized in two ways:

 Solar Thermal (ST) technologies where the heat produced are used to operate devices for
heating, cooling, drying, water purification and power generation. The devices suitable for use by
village communities include solar hot water heaters, solar cookers and solar driers.
 Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) systems which convert sunlight into electricity for use applications such
as lighting, pumping, communication and refrigeration.
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The Solar Energy Program is prominent among the technology-based renewable energy programs of the
MNES. Areas covered under this program include solar thermal technology (hot water systems, cookers,
dryers, solar passive architecture etc.), solar photovoltaic technology (lanterns, fixed systems, pump sets)
as well as information dissemination, marketing, standardization of products and R&D. The support to the
program is mainly in the form of subsidies and technical support.
Currently the MNES is promoting solar PV (and other) devices through-

(a) State nodal agencies of the MNES,

(b) NGOs/CBOs,

(c) Authorized outlets of the MNES and

(d) Through local entrepreneurs.

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An overview of solar insolation over the different parts of the India has shown in this image.
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Solar Energy-West Bengal

On an average West Bengal receives 1600 kWh/m2 of Solar energy per year. The climatic datas of West
Bengal :

Average number of Sunny days in a year: 250 days

Number of partial Sunny days in a year: 60 days
Total overcast days in a year: 55 days
Highest ambient Temperature in Summer: 400 C
Highest ambient Temperature in winter: 270 C
Lowest Temperature in winter: 80 C

Solar energy is being utilized in West Bengal, mainly for village electrification programme. However, there
are some applications in respect of Solar Thermal energy programme also. The State of West Bengal has
made significant progress in respect of village electrification through Solar PV route. There are about
2,000 villages in west Bengal where conventional electric line cannot be extended due to prohibitive cost.
400 villages out of these 2000 villages have already been electrified by Solar PV route. Two Types of PV
systems are being utilized for village electrification :

 Solar Home Lighting system with 40 Wp/50 Wp/70 Wp SPV Module.

 Centralised Solar PV Power Plants of capacity 25-50 kW range and setting up of mini grids in the
villages from where people get grid quality electricity.

The total Solar PV installed capacity in the State of West Bengal has exceeded 1 MW recently. There are
more than 15 Stand Alone type Power Plants in Sundarabans area of west Bengal operating for about
last 5 years in revenue-oriented mode. Micro level entrepreneurs are maintaining the Solar Home Lighting
Systems. The number of which has crossed eighty thousand. Every year about Ten thousand Solar
consumer are being added in the state. West Bengal Renewable Energy Development Agency in
association with MNES, Govt. of India is formulating a major scheme to set up about 200 nos. of SPV
Power Plants of capacity 25 kW to 100 kW for electrification of entire Sundarban Islands, which has
unique eco-system in the whole world. WBREDA has also installed a large number of Solar Street lights
in different remote areas of West Bengal, particularly in Jetties and Forest areas. The total number of
Solar PV Street Lights working in the State has exceeded 2,000. Recently WBREDA has installed some
solar street lights in the city of Kolkata.

In order to make available the Solar PV system at doorsteps WBREDA has set up a large number of
Aditya Solar Shops and Rural Adityas in different parts of West Bengal. The main Aditya Solar Shops are
being looked after by WBREDA and the Rural Aditya Solar Shops are being looked after by private

In the area of Solar Thermal, WBREDA has so far installed more than 5 lacs liters/day Solar Water
Heating Systems and sold more than 10,000 Solar Cookers in the State.

WBREDA has a plan to install 50,000 Solar Home Lighting Systems in the State during the next five
years. A large number of families in the city of Kolkata is now using Solar Water Heating system.
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Building Integrated
Photo Voltaic (BIPV)
Solar System
-A General Overview

Building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) are photovoltaic materials that are used to replace
conventional building materials in parts of the building envelope such as the roof, skylights, or
facades. They are increasingly being incorporated into the construction of new buildings as a principal
or ancillary source of electrical power, although existing buildings may be retrofitted with similar
technology. The advantage of integrated photovoltaic over more common non-integrated systems is that
the initial cost can be offset by reducing the amount spent on building materials and labor that would
normally be used to construct the part of the building that the BIPV modules replace. These advantages
make BIPV one of the fastest growing segments of the photovoltaic industry.
The term building-applied photovoltaic (BAPV) is sometimes used to refer to photovoltaic that are a
retrofit - integrated into the building after construction is complete. Most building-integrated installations
are actually BAPV. Some manufacturers and builders differentiate new construction BIPV from BAPV.


PV applications for buildings began appearing in the 1970s. Aluminum-framed photovoltaic modules were
connected to, or mounted on, buildings that were usually in remote areas without access to an electric
power grid. In the 1980s photovoltaic module add-ons to roofs began being demonstrated. These PV
systems were usually installed on utility-grid-connected buildings in areas with centralized power stations.
In the 1990s BIPV construction products specially designed to be integrated into a building envelope
became commercially available. A 1998 doctoral thesis by Patrina Eiffert, entitled An Economic
Assessment of BIPV, hypothesized that one day there would an economic value for trading Renewable
Energy Credits (RECs).
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Forms/ Types

Building-Integrated Photovoltaic modules are available in several forms.

 Flat roofs
 The most widely installed to date is a thin film solar cell integrated to a flexible polymer roofing

 Pitched roofs
 Modules shaped like multiple roof tiles.
 Solar shingles are modules designed to look and act like regular shingles, while incorporating a
flexible thin film cell.
 It extends normal roof life by protecting insulation and membranes from ultraviolet rays and water
degradation. It does this by eliminating condensation because the dew point is kept above the
roofing membrane.

 Facade
 Facades can be installed on existing buildings, giving old buildings a whole new look. These
modules are mounted on the facade of the building, over the existing structure, which can
increase the appeal of the building and its resale value.

 Glazing
 (Semi)transparent modules can be used to replace a number of architectural elements
commonly made with glass or similar materials, such as windows and skylights.

Transparent & translucent Photo Voltaics

Transparent solar panels use a tin oxide coating on the inner surface of the glass panes to conduct
current out of the cell. The cell contains titanium oxide that is coated with a photoelectric dye .

Most conventional solar cells use visible and infrared light to generate electricity. In contrast, the
innovative new solar cell also uses ultraviolet radiation. Used to replace conventional window glass, or
placed over the glass, the installation surface area could be large, leading to potential uses that take
advantage of the combined functions of power generation, lighting and temperature control.

Another name for transparent photovoltaics is “translucent photovoltaics” (they transmit half the light that
falls on them). Similar to inorganic photovoltaics, organic photovoltaics are also capable of being
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Our Project- A brief Overview

Why is this Project?

We have designed a 5KWp BIPV solar system to supply electricity to our Electrical Dept.’s all fans & lights
which are been located in all labs, teachers’ room, HOD room & corridors.

At first we calculate the total no. of fans & lights present in this section of college. The no.s & power ratings
are given here-

Sl. No. Items Power rating Quantity Total power

1. Fans 70 watts 46 3220 watts
2. Lights 40 watts 41 1640 watts
3. Totals 87 4860 watts

We found that total power needed to run these fans and lights is 4.62KW. but for efficient calculation & for
storage/backup energy, we made the calculation assuming the total power output of the system is 5KW p.

The main objective of the project is that to make our electrical dept. as well as our college a eco-friendly
self-sustainable from energy point-of-view.

When designing a BIPV installation, it is important to note that photovoltaic technology has the advantage
of generally matching peak demand with peak output. In other words, commercial buildings typically
reach peak energy use in the afternoons when the energy output of BIPV installations is the greatest.

The following steps have been done to complete the project:

1. Site selection
2. Solar insolation calculation
3. Solar panels’ angle determination
4. Total area required.
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1. Site Selection:
In our project we assumed to set up this power system in the roof-top of our college building.

St. Thomas' College of Engineering &Technology

4, Diamond Harbour Road, Alipore,
Kolkata, West Bengal 700023
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2. Solar insolation at the site :

Average Solar Insolation figures
1. Measured in kWh/m /day onto a horizontal surface:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

4.13 4.89 5.59 5.99 5.79 4.49

Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

4.09 3.90 3.88 4.32 4.21 4.02

2. Measured in kWh/m /day onto a solar panel set at a 67° angle:
(For best year-round performance)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

5.14 5.71 5.99 5.93 5.40 4.40

Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

3.84 3.78 3.95 4.79 5.16 5.14
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3. Measured in kWh/m /day onto a solar panel where
the angle is adjusted each month
to get optimum sunlight.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

5.49 5.89 5.99 6.05 5.73 4.50

Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

4.05 3.91 3.95 4.84 5.47 5.67

*The above cases are shown where for different tilted angles the insolations are varied from month to month of a particular year.

3. Solar panels’ angle determination:

Optimum Tilt of Solar Panels by Month

Figures shown in degrees from vertical

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

51° 59° 67° 75° 83° 90°

Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

83° 75° 67° 59° 51° 44°

Winter Spring/Autumn Summer

44° angle 67° angle 90° angle

On the 21st December, the sun will rise 80° east of due south and set 80° west of due south.

On the 21st March/21st September, the sun will rise 91° east of due south and set 91° west of due south.

On the 21st June, the sun will rise 102° east of due south and set 102° west of due south.
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4. Total Area Required:

For calculating the area, at first we have to consider the solar panel’s dimension. In this project,
we selected M6-36 Titan Energy solar panel (140Wp). Its dimension is 1480x650 mm2. We take
total 36 solar panels.

So we need 1480x650x36 mm2 or 34.63 m2 area for placing the solar panels. But in practice we
need around 45 sq. Meter area (because of pacing between the panels)

Here we also have to consider the area for inverter and protection equipment.

Overall area required (estimated) is 50m2 for this solar power project.
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System Design
The overall system design using block diagram & Single Line Diagram (SLD) has shown in this
documentation. But first a brief discussion of the system is needed. This follows here:

1. Capacity of the system

Total capacity or output of the system is 5KW p.

2. Type of the system

The system we have designed is BUILDING INTEGRATED PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR SYSTEM where the
solar panels are placed at the roof-top of the building.

3. Components/instruments used

The system parts are:

A. Solar panel
B. Charge controller
C. Grid-tie inverter
D. Protective gears
E. Combiner box
F. Data logging system/computerized monitoring system
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A block diagram representation of the system with data logging system has shown here:

A Single Line Diagram of the system shown here:

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Components/Parts of the system

Solar Panel:
We selected the Titan Energy’s M6-36 type module which has the output rating of 140Wp.

Here some points and characteristics about solar panels are discussed.

Solar PV Technology
This section gives a brief description of the solar PV technology and the common technical terms
used. A solar PV system is powered by many crystalline or thin film PV modules. Individual PV
cells are interconnected to form a PV module. This takes the form of a panel for easy installation.

Mono-Crystalline Silicon PV Cell Poly-Crystalline Silicon PV Cell

Figure 4. Mono-and Poly-Crystalline Silicon PV Cell

PV cells are made of light-sensitive semiconductor materials that use photons to dislodge
electrons to drive an electric current. There are two broad categories of technology used for PV
cells, namely, crystalline silicon, as shown in Figure 4 which accounts for the majority of PV cell
production; and thin film, which is newer and growing in popularity. The “family tree” in Figure 5
gives an overview of these technologies available today and Figure 6 illustrates some of these
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Figure 5. PV technology family tree

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Crystalline Silicon and Thin Film Technologies

Crystalline cells are made from ultra-pure silicon raw material such as those used in
semiconductor chips. They use silicon wafers that are typically 150-200 microns (one fifth of a
millimetre) thick. Thin film is made by depositing layers of semiconductor material barely 0.3 to 2
micrometres thick onto glass or stainless steel substrates. As the semiconductor layers are so thin,
the costs of raw material are much lower than the capital equipment and processing costs.

Conversion Efficiency
Technology Module Efficiency

T able 1. Conversion efficiencies of various PV module technologies

Apart from aesthetic differences, the most obvious difference amongst PV cell technologies is in
its conversion efficiency, as summarised in Table 1. For example, a thin film amorphous silicon PV
array will need close to twice the space of a crystalline silicon PV array because its module
efficiency is halved, for the same nominal capacity under Standard Test Conditions1 (STC) rating.
For crystalline silicon PV modules, the module efficiency is lower compared to the sum of the
component cell efficiency due to the presence of gaps between the cells and the border around
the circuit i.e., wasted space that does not generate any power hence lower total efficiency.

Effects of Temperature
Another important differentiator in solar PV performance, especially in hot climates, is the
temperature coefficient of power. PV cell performance declines as cell temperature rises. For
example, in bright sunlight, cell temperatures can reach over 70ºC, whereas PV modules are rated
at a cell temperature of 25ºC. The loss in power output at 70ºC is therefore measured as (70 - 25) x
temperature coefficient.
Most thin film technologies have a lower negative temperature coefficient compared to crystalline
technologies. In other words, they tend to lose less of their rated capacity as temperature rises.
Hence, under Singapore’s climatic condition, thin film technologies will generate 5-10% more
electricity per year. A PV module data sheet should specify the temperature coefficient. See Table
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Table 2. Temperature coefficient of various PV cell technologes

Figure 7. The effects of a negative temperature

coefficient of power on PV module performance
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Connecting Solar Panels:

 Series connection to increase voltage
 Parallel connection for increasing current
 Terminology
– Module
– String
– Sub array
– Array

PV Array Diagram
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This unit converts DC current from solar panels to AC current and feed to the grid .
The system uses 50 Hz voltage waveform from grid line as a reference signal
and feed current to the grid line. Before connecting, the inverter will check
property of grid line according to following conditions :-
• Voltage level
• Frequency range
• Phase of signal
If all conditions are within specified range and synchronized with internal
generating frequency, the inverter will be connected to the grid
In case there is some abnormal condition with the grid, inverter should
disconnect itself for both safety to human life and safety to the system.

PV/Grid Energy System Inverter


 Large Single Inverter Type (Central Inverter)

 Multiple Small Inverter Type (String Inverter)
 DC Bus (Multi-string Inverter)
 “AC” Module
We are using string inverter for the design. A brief detail of string inverter is stated
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Grid-Connected PV Inverter (String Type)

Some important facts about String Inverter

 One inverter per string

 Panels grouped into smaller inverter –rated power of Inverter (0.7-5kW)
 Not so badly affected by shading
 Not badly affected by inverter failure
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A circuit diagram representation of string Inverter follows here:

Inverter characteristics
 Efficiency
 Efficiency is the most important parameter for grid-connected PV
 Depends on whether galvanic insulation transformer is used between the
AC on the grid side and the DC generated on the PV side or not.
 Transformer can be either 50 Hz LF transformers, or HF transformers.
 The presence or absence of LF or HF transformers in the inverters
influences not only the size, weight, ease of installation and material costs,
but also the earthing and safety measures to be adopted in the PV system,
and the control of DC injection feed into the grid.
 Inverters with an LF transformer can achieve DC-AC efficiency of 92%,while
those with an HF transformer typically achieve a maximum efficiency of
 Normalized efficiency, ηE, and is valid for irradiance levels in India. It is
defined as a function of the efficiency at defined percentage values for
nominal AC power. This is shown in the following equation:
ηE = 0.03η5% + 0.06η10% +0.13η20% + 0.1η30% + 0.48η50% +0.2η100%
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 Fault current contribution:

 Battery-less systems can only deliver what the energy source can deliver
-for PV this can be very little to a maximum of 1.2 times rated current
-wind is extremely variable
 If a battery is present the fault current contribution is limited by the
 Typically in the range of 100% to 200%

 Synchronization:
 Performed automatically
 Typically uses zero crossing detection on the voltage waveform
 Can be instantaneous on the next zero crossing
 If phase locked loops are used it could take a up to few seconds

 Frequency control:
 Locked to the grid
 May have a bias to drift in the event of grid failure
 Lock range may be limited
– Germany 49.8Hz - 50.2Hz
– Australia 48Hz - 52Hz
– India 47Hz - 53Hz

 Power factor:
 Traditionally poor due to
– displacement power factor
– harmonics
 Present technology is very good
– Maintain close to unity without great difficulty
– Can regulate power factor or reactive power for voltage control or power
factor correction applications

 DC Injection
 Is possible if an output transformer is not present
 Control systems can be added to prevent excessive injection Is regulated by
standards Limits of 5 mA (0.025% of the rms output current for a 5 kW
system, based on the IEC 61000-3-2) or 0.5% (UL1741) are being adopted in
the UK and US respectively
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Cable Sizing
Size for volt drop
– Maximum of 5% recommended

Size for current rating

– Note that energy can typically feed from both the array and the power conditioner
– Current rating of the cable is the rating of the protective device, not the PV output
– Consider cable exposed temperature when sizing for current rating

Protection gears & measurements

Module protection – Bypass diodes

String protection
– Blocking diodes
– Fuses

Array protection
– Overcurrent protection
– disconnection

Breaker trip current to be between

– 1.25 x Isc
– 2 x Isc
Isc is for the section feeding through the trip device. Cable is then sized to the breaker

Over current protection

– Must be DC voltage rated
– DC arcs are hard to extinguish

– Distinguish between isolators for breaking down the array and load break isolators for
disconnection under load
– Plugs and sockets can’t be separated under Load

Blocking diodes
– Are not considered a fuse
– Cannot be relied upon to block reverse current
– Make sure they meet the voltage rating requirements of the system
– They can get hot, keep them cool
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Operations of Solar PV Systems

The most practical indicator of the performance of the solar PV systems can be
obtained from the remote monitoring and data logging software supplied
by most inverter manufacturers.

The data logging software will record daily, monthly, and annual output
for comparison of the actual system performance against the expected
system performance.

examples of performance monitoring displays (Courtesy of Phoenix Solar)

Solar PV systems require minimal maintenance, as they do not usually have

moving parts. However, routine maintenance is required to ensure the solar
PV system will continue to perform properly.

It is a good practice for contractors of solar PV systems to provide an

operation & maintenance (“O&M”) manual for the client. The manual
should include basic system data, test and commissioning data, O&M data,
and warranty information.
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Future Prospect of this Project:

We designed this 5KWp Building Integrated solar power generation system for future
implementation. The benefits of such a system are briefly described here:

Direct economic importance of BIPV system

A BIPV installation can furnish a direct economic incentive to the owner by the value of
the electricity produced. Other economic impacts include possible fiscal or subsidy
advantages or benefits.

Indirect economic importance of BIPV system

A BIPV Installation can indirectly influence also the budget. For example a reduction of
environmental emissions associated to the savings from the lowering the use of fossil fuel
can be positively valued in the case of the introduction of a CO2 emissions tax. This could
have a hidden economic effect not included in the initial analysis of the investment.

Qualitative Importance
The following, deals with subjective benefits and therefore difficult to quantify. It gathers
all the benefits that cannot be directly associated to an economic profit, but that increase
the benefit of the BIPV installations. BIPV or Building Integrated Photovoltaic system in
New Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida, Faridabad, Ghaziabad, Mumbai and states of Maharastra,
Karnataka, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh can be of good
useful to the consumer.

Energy Importance
The way added value can be identified is by the energetic values like emergency power
supply, energy for isolated houses , reduction of transmission and distribution losses,
improvement of grid reliability.

Green values
Contribution to green house effect reduction and nuclear waste, Architectural values
(multi-functionality, use of innovative construction materials, transparency, fire
protection, electromagnetic wave protection, thermal isolation, waterproofing,
maintenance reduction) as well as socio-economic values (development of new local
industries with the relative products and markets, reduction of fuel transportation cost,
collaboration and long term aid to developing countries).
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Applications of Solar BIPV power system

 Solar cells can be incorporated into the facade of a building, complementing or

replacing traditional view or spandrel glass. Often, these installations are vertical,
reducing access to available solar resources, but the large surface area of buildings
can help compensates for the reduced power
 Photovoltaic may be incorporated into awnings and saw-tooth designs on a building
facade. These increase access to direct sunlight whiles providing additional
architectural benefits such as passive shading
 The use of PV in roofing systems can provide a direct replacement for batten and
seam metal roofing and traditional 3-tab asphalt shingles
 Using PV for skylight systems can be both an economical use of PV and an exciting
design feature

However, for next semester, we will make a solar-wind hybrid power

generation model. In this project, we will make a very small wind mill from which we will
extract the wind energy (in electricity form). At the other end, by using solar panel we’ll
produce power and adding these two powers (solar+wind) fed to input terminal of an
inverter from where we will produce the AC power.
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Datasheets & Calculation Details

The details of the solar panel we used in this design & an estimation calculation this
power generation system attached here.

Typical Electrical Characteristics

Type TITAN M6-36
Max-Power Pmp (W) 140
Power Tolerance (W) +0 to 4.9Wp or ±2.5%
Max Power Voltage Vmp(V) 18.05
Max Power Current Imp (A) 7.77
Open Circuit Voltage Voc (V) 22.24
Short Circuit Current Isc (A) 8.43
Electrical parameters tolerance ±5%
Max System Voltage VDC 1000
Number, type and arrangement of cells 36, Multi-Crystalline, 9 x 4 Matrix
Cell Size 6” x 6” / 156 x 156 mm
No. of By-pass Diodes 2
High Efficiency PV Modules
Max. Series Fuse (A) 15
Pm Temperature Co-efficient (γ) (%/°C) -0.35
Isc Temperature Co-efficient (α) (%/°C) +0.04
Voc Temperature Co-efficient (β) (%/°C) -0.32
• Positive power tolerance NOCT at STC (°C) 45±1
• High Efficiency Multi Crystalline Modules
• TUV Certifications: Mechanical Characteristics
EN IEC 61215 : 2005 Junction Box ZJRH
EN IEC 61730-1 : 2004 / 2007 Type of connector MC4
EN IEC 61730-2 : 2004 / 2007
Dimensions (L x W x Th) mm 1479 x 659 x 42
• Withstands heavy loading due to snow & ice; Weight Kg 11.2
Has higher safety margin for storm weather
No. of Drain Holes in Frame 8
and gale winds
Glass Type and Thickness 3.2 mm Thick, Low iron, Tempered

Packing Configuration
Product Guarantee : 5 years Packing Configuration 23 Modules in each pallet
Limited Power Warranty : 90% @ 12 Years 1 * 20 Ft 336 Modules
80% @ 25 Years 1 * 40 Ft STD/HQ 672 Modules
Absolute Ratings
Operating Temperature (°C) -40 ~ +85
Storage Temperature (°C) -40 ~ +85

NOTE: The data presented may change due to further improvements in the product.
PV Module TITAN M6-36

I-V Curves

2 O
1000 W/m at 25 C

2 O
800 W/m at 25 C
Current (A)

2 O
600 W/m at 25 C

2 O
400 W/m at 25 C

2 O
200 W/m at 25 C

2 O
1000 W/m at 50 C

Voltage (V)

Current/voltage dependence on irradiance and module temperature.

These I-V curves indicate the effect of temperature and light intensity on module Performance.


Terminal Box

DATA Label

Warning Label


4.5 mm Ø Drain
Holes - 8 nos

1479±1mm 8 X 12 mm MOUNTING 737±1mm 1479±1mm

HOLES - 4 nos
(2 on each long member)


4 Sq mm Cable, 1Mtr Length

with MC Connectors


659±1mm 42±0.5mm

Report number: PV-2459-1211-1
Issued: 19 November 2012 07:59 CET (GMT +0100)

1. Site info 2. PV system info

Site name: Kolkata Installed power: 5.0 kWp
Kolkata, West Bengal, India Type of modules: crystalline silicon (c-Si)
Mounting system: 1-axis tracking, vertical axis
Coordinates: 22° 32' 22.57" N, 88° 19' 46.93" E Inclination: 40°
Elevation a.s.l.: 11 m Inverter Euro eff.: 97.5%
Slope inclination: 1° DC / AC losses: 5.5% / 1.5%
Slope azimuth: 82° east Availability: 99.0%

Annual global in-plane irradiation: 2079 kWh/m2 Annual average electricity production: 7931 kWh
Annual air temperature at 2 m: 26.4 °C Average performance ratio: 76.3%

Location on the map: http://solargis.info/imaps/#loc=22.539602,88.329703&tl=Google:Satellite&z=14

3. Geographic position

Google Maps © 2012 Google

4. Terrain horizon and day length

Left: Path of the Sun over a year. Terrain horizon (drawn by grey filling) and module horizon (blue filling) may have
shading effect on solar radiation. Black dots show True Solar Time. Blue labels show Local Clock Time.
Right: Change of the day length and solar zenith angle during a year. The local day length (time when the Sun is above the
horizon) is shorter compared to the astronomical day length, if obstructed by higher terrain horizon.

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Site: Kolkata, India, lat/lon: 22.5396°/88.3297°
PV system: 5.0 kWp, crystalline silicon, 1-axis vertical, inclination. 40°

5. Global horizontal irradiation and air temperature - climate reference

Month Ghm Ghd Dhd T24

Jan 126 4.06 2.19 19.0
Feb 138 4.91 2.37 22.5
Mar 178 5.75 2.67 27.2
Apr 187 6.22 3.12 31.4
May 180 5.82 3.32 32.5
Jun 136 4.55 3.04 30.9
Jul 133 4.30 2.90 28.8
Aug 128 4.13 2.80 28.1
Sep 125 4.16 2.60 27.6
Oct 131 4.23 2.35 25.9
Nov 126 4.19 2.16 22.7
Dec 120 3.86 2.09 19.6
Year 1708 4.68 2.64 26.4

Long-term monthly averages:

Ghm Monthly sum of global irradiation [kWh/m2]

Ghd Daily sum of global irradiation [kWh/m2]
Dhd Daily sum of diffuse irradiation [kWh/m2]
T24 Daily (diurnal) air temperature [°C]

6. Global in-plane irradiation

1-axis tracking surface, inclination. 40°

Month Gi Gi Di Ri Sh
m d d d loss
Jan 177 5.72 2.60 0.06 0.0
Feb 187 6.67 2.78 0.07 0.0
Mar 224 7.20 3.03 0.08 0.0
Apr 217 7.23 3.39 0.09 0.0
May 198 6.38 3.43 0.09 0.0
Jun 143 4.77 3.00 0.07 0.0
Jul 141 4.55 2.86 0.06 0.0
Aug 137 4.43 2.79 0.06 0.0
Sep 142 4.74 2.70 0.06 0.0
Oct 166 5.37 2.60 0.06 0.0
Nov 175 5.85 2.55 0.06 0.0
Dec 172 5.56 2.50 0.06 0.0
Year 2079 5.70 2.85 0.07 0.0

Long-term monthly averages:

Gim Monthly sum of global irradiation [kWh/m2] Shloss Losses of global irradiation by terrain shading [%]
Gid Daily sum of global irradiation [kWh/m2]
Did Daily sum of diffuse irradiation [kWh/m2]
Rid Daily sum of reflected irradiation [kWh/m2]

Average yearly sum of global irradiation for different types of surface:

kWh/m2 relative to optimally inclined

Horizontal 1708 100.0%
Optimally inclined (0°) 1708 100.0%
2-axis tracking 2129 124.7%
Your option 2080 121.8%

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Site: Kolkata, India, lat/lon: 22.5396°/88.3297°
PV system: 5.0 kWp, crystalline silicon, 1-axis vertical, inclination. 40°

7. PV electricity production in the start-up

Month Esm Esd Etm Eshare PR

Jan 140 4.53 702 8.8 79.1
Feb 143 5.14 720 9.1 77.0
Mar 167 5.40 836 10.5 74.8
Apr 159 5.32 798 10.1 73.6
May 146 4.71 730 9.2 73.9
Jun 107 3.57 536 6.8 74.9
Jul 107 3.47 538 6.8 76.1
Aug 104 3.38 524 6.6 76.3
Sep 108 3.62 544 6.9 76.4
Oct 127 4.13 640 8.1 76.8
Nov 136 4.55 683 8.6 77.9
Dec 136 4.40 682 8.6 79.1
Year 1586 4.35 7931 100.0 76.3

Long-term monthly averages:

Esm Monthly sum of specific electricity prod. [kWh/kWp] Eshare Percentual share of monthly electricity prod. [%]
Esd Daily sum of specific electricity prod. [kWh/kWp] PR Performance ratio [%]
Etm Monthly sum of total electricity prod. [kWh]

8. System losses and performance ratio

Energy conversion step Energy output Energy loss Energy loss Performance ratio
[kWh/kWp] [kWh/kWp] [%] [partial %] [cumul. %]
1. Global in-plane irradiation (input) 2080 - - 100.0 100.0
2. Global irradiation reduced by terrain shading 2080 0 0.0 100.0 100.0
3. Global irradiation reduced by reflectivity 2030 -50 -2.4 97.6 97.6
4. Conversion to DC in the modules 1765 -265 -13.1 86.9 84.9
5. Other DC losses 1668 -97 -5.5 94.5 80.2
6. Inverters (DC/AC conversion) 1627 -41 -2.5 97.5 78.2
7. Transformer and AC cabling losses 1602 -25 -1.5 98.5 77.0
8. Reduced availability 1586 -16 -1.0 99.0 76.3
Total system performance 1586 -494 -23.8 - 76.3

Energy conversion steps and losses:

1. Initial production at Standard Test Conditions (STC) is assumed,

2. Reduction of global in-plane irradiation due to obstruction of terrain horizon and PV modules,
3. Proportion of global irradiation that is reflected by surface of PV modules (typically glass),
4. Losses in PV modules due to conversion of solar radiation to DC electricity; deviation of module efficiency from STC,
5. DC losses: this step assumes integrated effect of mismatch between PV modules, heat losses in interconnections and cables, losses
due to dirt, snow, icing and soiling, and self-shading of PV modules,
6. This step considers euro efficiency to approximate average losses in the inverter,
7. Losses in AC section and transformer (where applicable) depend on the system architecture,
8. Availability parameter assumes losses due to downtime caused by maintenance or failures.

Losses at steps 2 to 4 are numerically modeled by pvPlanner. Losses at steps 5 to 8 are to be assessed by a user. The simulation
models have inherent uncertainties that are not discussed in this report.

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