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Succeed in Cambridge English: ecco Movers .©. a cee mnNELE Deen WEN NEM EeR tas Tete Exatn Format: Practice Test 1 Practice Test 2 Practice Test 3 Practice Test 4 Practice Test 5 Practice Test 6 Practice Test 7 Practice Test 8 Listening (approximately 25 minutes/25 items) leer ea ee Exam Format ‘The test format includes multiple-choice questions, short answers, Candidates will need coloured pencils to respond to ‘one task. Each of the five parts begins with an example. oe) Input — Ceres 1 Ustening for descriptions Peture, names and dialogue | Draw lines matching names to people 5 lated aiivanh eee ina picture 2._Lstening for speing, names [Form or page of notepad with | Write numbers or words in gaps rea) land other information _|missing words and dialogue | Listening for names, Picture sets and st of lustrated | Match pictures with ilustrated word 3 words and other \words er names and dialogues | or name by wring the corresponding 5! |___ detailed information letter in the box. 1g. [stoning fr various Kinds |Muliple-choice pictures and | Tick the box under the correc picture \of specific information dialogues with 3 options 5 |) |Listening for words, colours [Dialogue and picture ‘Carry out instructions to colour and write 5 and specific information “(ln colours: black, blue, brown, green 5 LD Sees ‘rey, orange, pink. purple, red yellow) | Reading and Writing (30 minutes/35 items) A in the Listening, this section’s focus is on the present and relevant contexts for language. Candidates will need a pen or pencil for this section. Each of the six parts begins with an example. Pare ces Input = Cry 1, Matching definitions to words [Definitions and labeled [Copy the corract words next to : ‘Writing words pictures the definitions 72. |[Resdinesdslogue and choosing the| Shore calogue with ‘Select the correct response by circling ‘correct responses imulkiple-choice responses _|a letter 6 [Writing letters Reading a text both for specific _[Cloze text, words, ‘Choose missing words and copy them 3. information and gist pictures correctly 6 ‘Copying words ‘Choose the best title for the story by itcking a box | [Reading and understanding a ‘Gapped text and 3-option |Complete text by selecting the correct 4: factual text multiple-choice questions | words and copying them into the gaps | 5 |__|opying words (grammatical words) Og [Reading a story Picture, story and ‘Complete the sentences about the 5 | 3 [completing sentences |gapped sentences _scory by writing I, 2 3 words | | Guided writing “Pictures, partial ‘Complete the sentences, answer the 6 ‘sentences and “questions and write sentences about 6 questions ithe picture Speaking (5-7 minutes pars) Fite Spanking te: tha candidate packs to one wariner for about sk minute. Tha format ofthe speaking bast aT trea ly err cea oar ioe ie png ely By ps a oe Fk tena pk ance kad execs esta ear eerie erodes Bean ss rain: Se eee eae Sed grat prccemcation and Faerecton. Part Main Skill Focus i co Response J. Descrbing two pictures using shor responses Two similar pictures "ldeniy four differences between (examiner's end candidate's) __pletures Understanding the beginning ofa story Picture sequence (4 pictures), Listen to the examiner teling the 22nd then continuing it based on a series title, names ‘beginning ofthe story and then of pictures ‘continue to tell it based on the ___ pictures 3 [Finding picture which is feren and Pictures sets Identify the odd one out and give explaining why Sieh reason {4 Understanding and responding to personal Open-ended questions about [Answer personal questions (questions ae [the candidate Centre Number Candidate Number Cambridge Young Learners English Movers Listening Practice Test 1 There are 25 questions. You will need coloured pens or pencils. My name is: .... Listen and write. There is one example. w Part 2 - 5 questions - AT THE STATION He takes the: — Place he is going to; ed -_ Day he wants to travel: oiocccceceescenee His name is: ied His age is: He lives in: .. Street 7 : Part 3 Ben is showing his mum a photo of the school Sports Day. Who did what on the Sports Day? Listen and write a letter in each box. There is one example. 9, me e ™ © = “ ” LJ 2 ” 6 Nick : | hh ="? we Zz cia 3 @. | G Listen and tick () the box. There is one example. Which fruit does Alex want? - 5 questions - ‘ A | How did Lucy's cousin go to town? e A 2 What must Peter put on? A 3 Where did Sally eat lunch? | 4 Which animal did Ben like best? ¥ Al Bo c Lames - 5 Why can’t Tom go out? Centre Number Candidate Number Cambridge Young Learners English Movers Reading & Writing Practice Test 1 There are 35 questions. You have 30 minutes. You will need a pen or pencil. My name is: ....... Le Part | - 5 questions - Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example. | | | —_ ___amouse pemeeemaseea pends | | | Example This place is outside the city. There are fields, trees, and animals here. the countryside Questions | This is a game. People kick a ball around a field. 2 This makes people happy. A lot of people come to a house and eat cake and play games. 3 This is something outside that you can’t see, but it can move things like leaves on a tree. 4. This person is a kind of doctor for your teeth. 5 This small animal can run quickly and likes to eat cheese. cet Read the text and choose the best answer. Example Nick: Paul: Questions ! Nick: re ea Reading « Writing sienna aula Paul, are you sleeping? A B Cc Can you see those birds on the rock? A B 1 2 No, thank you. No, I'm not. No, | don't. Yes, | can! Me too. Yes, that’s right. Fe Nick: Paul: Nick: Paul: Nick: Paul: Nick: Paul: Nick: Paul, are you afraid? A Yes, you are. B Sodol. C No, lam not. Do you think these birds are very big? A No, | can’t see them. B No, they aren't. Cc Yes, they were. Paul, is that your towel on the sand? A No, it’s not mine. B Yes, it’s theirs. C No, these are yours. I'm hungry. Are you? A Yesterday. B On Sunday. C Lam very hungry. Well, what did you bring for breakfast? A It’s my pet parrot, Kim. B | thought you brought breakfast! C | had an egg and a banana for breakfast. SLUT a Part 3 - 6 questions - LCT re eae Read the story. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers I-5. There is one example. “What did you do for your birthday, Jane?’ Lucy asked her friend. ‘Thad a party on Saturday,’ Jane said. ‘I'm sorry you couldn't come." “I went to see my aunt and uncle on Saturday. We drove to the (!) and sailed to the island,” Lucy said. ‘We wanted to have a picnic, but it was too 2) and | didn’t have my coat. So, how was the party?” “Well, the party was good. There were lots of people and we ate cake and @) and we drank lemonade,’ Jane told Lucy. ‘And what did your mum and dad give you?” Lucy asked. ‘They gave me a brown (4) . He's very clever. He's called Skip,’ Jane said. Then Skip ran inside and jumped on Lucy's legs. ‘Look!’ Lucy said. ‘He's very (5) . He played in the grass and now he’s wet.” “Yes he is.’ Jane said. So she got a towel and the two girls cleaned Skip. Example lion ice cream lake tea puppy thirsty (6) Now choose the best name for the story. Tick one box. A day at the lake The birthday puppy Lucy's party ars Part 4 - 5 questions - Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on the lines. Se aaa Libraries Example | Every city has a library and most small towns have... ON& I are lots of books in the library and you can take them out for one or two weeks. When you are in the library, you Fi to talk quietly and you can’t shout. Sometimes libraries have 3 | got CDs and films that you can listen and watch. It’s naughty to eat in the library because it makes the books dirty, 4 | and people don’t want food on them. You can find books about plants, computers, sharks and trains. 5 | There are stories about football and stories about treasures on the beach. Libraries are great! Example There has many plays having with no Playing both Their from any played LET ye: aka Part 5 - 7 questions - Look at the pictures and read the story. Write some words to complete the sentences about the story. You can use I, 2 or 3 words. Last week, Vicky went to see her grandparents. She took a train to the countryside because her grandparents live on a farm. They live in a big red house next to a river. When Vicky saw her grandparents, she said, ‘Hello, | brought you something. Look in the box.” She smiled and gave them a box. There was a painting in it. ‘I painted it for you. It’s a whale,’ ‘Thank you!" said Grandma and Grandpa. Examples Vicky took a train to her grandparents’ house. Vicky's grandparents live on a farm Questions | Her grandparents’ house is near a 2. Vicky brought her grandparents a voces ia DOK. Grandma made vegetable soup for lunch and gave Vicky a glass of milk to drink. After lunch, Grandma went to the kitchen to clean the bowls and glasses. ‘Oh!’ She shouted. There's a mouse in the cupboard!” Grandma climbed up on a chair. Vicky was afraid, too. But Grandpa opened the door and the mouse ran outside and hid in the grass. 3 Grandma cooked . for lunch. 4 Grandma cleaned the . : : ... in the kitchen. 5 The mouse was in the . when Grandma saw it. ‘The chickens are in there,’ Grandpa said. ‘Would you like to get their eggs?” he asked. ‘OK,’ Vicky said. She found four eggs. After that, Vicky and her grandfather went to the field opposite the river. There, they planted carrots and beans. “You have a lot of animals,’ said Vicky. She thought about the mouse. ‘But you need a cat, too!” ee from the chickens. 7 Vicky and her grandfather planted _ — _ in the field opposite the river. Blank Page = 6 questions - Look and read and write. The man is giving the girl some What is the blonde girl wearing? | Complete the sentences. | The boy who is sitting in the armchair is watching 2. The doctor is wearing blue Answer the questions. 3. What is the nurse giving the child? 4 What is the boy with black hair doing? Now write two sentences about the picture. 5 6 a eo g < o 5 = a eo £ 6 vv £ a 00z 9y3 3e Ae A035 2.1N7231g ‘2+ Oe Xs @ SY — Centre Number | Candidate Number Cambridge Young Learners English Movers Listening Practice Test 2 There are 25 questions. You will need coloured pens or pencils. My nameiss= Par 0 = 5 questions - Listen and draw lines. There is one example. May Pat Jack Peter = - 5 questions - Listen and write. There is one example. LAKE TOWN SPORTS CENTRE He goes to the sports centre: wa. Every Saturday || His name: | 2 | His age: 3 Sport he wants to play: 4 He needs this to play: co 5S Mrs River is: hls, Jill is telling her mum about a ‘Show and Tell’ lesson she had at school today and things her classmates brought to class. What did each child bring to class? Part 3 - 5 questions - Listen and write a letter in each box. There is one example. = () | Alex Vicky Fred Jill Anna Sally L ec] caee i ey eta) ae sas - 5 questions - Listen and tick () the box. There is one example. Which dress does Vicky choose? A aa e[¥] c | What does Nick see in the tree? ‘ é aL Tt] : 2 What has Miss Daisy got? er map 3. What does Mary like to do on Saturday afternoon? ae al 4 What is Sam's mum cooking for dinner? og a || 5 What can’t Fred find? Z | Centre Number | Candidate Number Cambridge Young Learners English Movers Reading & Writing Practice Test 2 There are 35 questions. You have 30 minutes. You will need a pen or pencil. My name is: 0... Reading « Writing Reading & Writing = - 5 questions - Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example. a waterfall 3 a pool 4 [ | 5 a bag a helmet a village feet Example You carry your things in this when you go to school ‘or work. : abag Questions | This is a small town. There aren’t a lot of houses in it. 2 You drink this hot in the morning. 3 This person helps people who aren't well. 4 This is the part of the body at the end of a person’s legs. 5 Aplace for people to swim in. = 6 questions - Read the text and choose the best answer. Alex: Alex: What a nice boat you've got, Alex! A B c No, you haven't. Here you are. Thank you Where are you going in your boat? A B Cc To Hippo Island. To the hospital. To the lift Sam: Alex: Sam: Alex: Sam: Alex: When did you buy the boat? A From Peter. B Last Wednesday. c To sail to an island. Did you paint it? A Yes, and my friend Paul helped. B_ I'mred and yellow. € | saw the painting, too. And what's the boat called, Alex? A It’s my first boat. B | found it on the beach. C ‘Star of the Sea’. It’s cold here at the lake, A Sodol. B Yes, it is. Cc Yes, you are. How about going to the cafe for a hot drink? A Yes, let's get a cup of coffee. B Yes, | would like some fruit. C No, it’s next to the library. Reading « Writing eT ata (aa Part 3 - 6 questions - Read the story. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers I-5. There is one example. After school, Sally said to Bill, ‘The teacher didn’t give us any ..NomeWorlK today. How about going to the (|) r “Yes,’ he said, ‘Which film do you want to see?” Sally said, ‘I want to see “Rainbow Fish”.’ ‘Me too,” Bill said. ‘But | must ask my mum. Let's go to my (2) now.” The children went to see Bill's mum, She said to Bill, ‘Before you go, you must give some food to your rabbit.’ Bill said ‘OK’, and put some carrots and apples in the rabbit’s (3) . ‘See you!” he said to his mum and his rabbit. Sally and Bill waited to (4) their tickets for the film. But the man who worked there told the children, ‘Sorry, we don’t have tickets for “Rainbow Fish”. Would you like to see “Motorbike Mouse"?” “Well, what's it about?” Sally asked. ‘It’s a story about a mouse who rides his motorbike down the (5) and sees jungles and mountains,’ the man told them. ‘OK, let's see it!’ Bill said. The children watched the film and they laughed a lot. we .s ay homework cage house road buy : ] Posy q | play cinema ©) Now choose the best name for the story. Tick one box. Bill's motorbike Rainbows and fish Watching a film LS eXelTay mem aa Cal ayd is Pete aa aad Part 4 - 5 questions - Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on the lines. Dolphins like Example | Dolphins are clever animals and they to play. They are grey and they have round, black eyes and long noses. ! | They like to fish. Dolphins don't live in houses. 2) They live in water and they play near boats when people are fishing. 3 | Dolphins are very good swimming. 4| They can swim more than people. The most famous dolphin was called ‘Sky’. He was on TV and 5| he very funny. eating ever quicker ACETAL Part 5 LST Tay a-ak ad - T questions - Look at the pictures and read the story. Write some words to complete the sentences about the story. You can use |, 2 or 3 words. Jane and the fish Yesterday morning when Jane woke up, she was happy. It was Saturday and she liked Saturdays. She went downstairs and her mother made eggs and sausages for breakfast. Her father played the piano and Jane and her sister sang and danced. The weather wasn't very cold, but it was cloudy. Jane put on her jacket before she went outside. She climbed on a rock and looked at the countryside. Examples Jane was happy because she ..... liked Saturdays, 3 Jane ate. °gg8 and sausages _ for breakfast. 4 s Questions | Jane danced when her father 2 Jane wore her when she went outside. “Well, Jane, what would you like to do today? her parents asked. ‘I want to go and see my friend May,’ Jane said. ‘Is she the one who lives near the river?’ her mother asked. ‘That's right. You know her father. He works at the school,’ Jane said. Jane phoned her friend, and then her mother drove her to May's house. ‘Hello,’ said May. ‘Let's fish!’ The girls ran to the river. 3. May lives near the ... 4 Jane's mother knows May's father because he works ........ 5 Jane's mother ... .. her to her friend's house. The girls sat on the grass and started fishing. Then May shouted, ‘I think I've got a fish!” She caught the fish and took it out of the water. The fish jumped and then it was in May's curly red hair! Jane laughed. ‘Oh dear, now | need to wash my hai,’ May said. ‘But you caught a fish!” Jane said. May's mother cooked the fish with lemon and they ate it for dinner with rice. May has hair. May needed to wash her hair because jumped in it. Blank Page Part 6 Lee mass - 6 questions - Look and read and write. Examples What colour is the snake? ...."ed and black The tiger is sleeping on the ..... ground Complete the sentences. | The man is wearing grey 2 There are two fish jumping down the little Answer the questions. 3 What is behind the tiger? 4 What are the monkeys doing? Now write two sentences about the picture. 5 Picture Story Ave (cpa EME i ¢ Peereel ° = @ | | eo a Centre Number Candidate Number Cambridge Young Learners English Movers Listening Practice Test 3 There are 25 questions. You will need coloured pens or pencils. My name is: .... rn fe ) - 5 questions - Listen and draw lines. There is one example. Mary Nick Kim 5 = 5 questions - Listen and write. There is one example. AT THE DOCTOR’S Girl’s name: Ann Moon | | Doctor’s name: 2 Problem with: 3 Breakfast: coos f@MON, 4 Anna’s age: 5 She lives in: ee Be Bill is telling Peter about a birthday party he went to last weekend. How did each person dress up for the party? Part 3 - 5 questions - Listen and write a letter in each box. There is one example. ° a © Bill his sister his cousin his aunt his uncle his brother - 5 questions - Listen and tick (V) the box. There is one example. Which woman is Jane's aunt? = 8 zy g 3 2 2 = > 2 & = 3 g og, 6 z 32 3 What is May painting? @@ aL] . c 4 What must Alex bring to school? Hs 4,|\| 2 | i a Lo 5 Which vegetable does jill choose? xs A i B| | cl | eel | Centre Number Candidate Number Cambridge Young Learners English Movers Reading & Writing Practice Test 3 There are 35 questions. You have 30 minutes. You will need a pen or pencil. Mynameis: etl: acne Part | - 5 questions - Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example. a supermarket fm Example This is white. You see it outside when it is very cold. Questions | You go there to have a picnic. 2 Aplace where many kinds of animals live. They are there for people to see. 3. This animal lives in the sea. It is grey and it has very big teeth. 4 Aplace where children can play, at a school or in a park. 5. This is a place where lots of people live. There are lots of shops and many cars in the street. LTT at aad ing Part 2 - 6 questions - Read the text and choose the best answer. Example Mum: Pat: Questions 1 Mum: Pat: How was school today, Pat? A Not today. B) Fine, thanks. C My homework. Would you like some chicken and pasta for dinner? A Yes, please. B No, | would like chicken. C Yes, you do. Mum: Pat: Mum: Pat: Mum: Pat: Mum: Pat: | asked your uncle Bill to come for dinner. A Tomorrow. B Lasked you, too. C Oh, that’s good! Would you like to help me cook? A Yes, | would. B Yes, you did. c Yes, he does. Please go and wash your hands. A You washed it. BOK, Mum. C — Myhands aren't cold. Shall we have these apples and pears after dinner? A like dinner. B | haven't got any apples. C Yes, let's put them in this bowl. Oh, here comes uncle Bill! A Yes, he is. B I can open the door for him. C Yes, it does. LEN haem aC) —— [eee mde Part 3 - 6 questions - Read the story. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers I-5. There is one example. On Thursday evening, Jack was very tired. He got in his bed but he was cold. He found another ...... blanket, and put it on his bed. Then he saw a rabbit with big brown (I) .. ‘Come on!’ said the rabbit. ‘Let's go to town!” Jack was very (2) "You can talk!’ he said. “Yes,’ the rabbit answered. Then the rabbit opened the (3) ......... .... and went out. They went to a cafe in town. A kangaroo worked at the cafe! The kangaroo brought them cakes and two (4) .... a hut s PLANTS: ™~y yo “4 Examples The woman is giving the girl a book How many children are waiting at the library desk? four ‘Complete the sentences. | The woman and the boy in the red T-shirt are both wearing 2 Some children are sitting on Answer the questions. 3 How many books are on the library desk? 4 Where is the clock? Now write two sentences about the picture. 5 kep peq 7 Ayes, 41035 9.1N}21d Succeed in pseyrgc Yate fe) Pye Lei ert vers ii datasets sets) complete Practice Tests for young lean for the revised Cambridge English: exam * The tests consist of full-colour attractive illustrations and fun activities that are appealing to young learner: % The accompanied Audio Scripts & Answers booklet includ information about tt he to all th exercises, the examples of the type of interaction expected in the and the The CD includes the audio files for the Listening section for al nentary (cross-platform compatible). 8 tests, as well as the compl SBN; 978-604-5i : Vii!

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