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re 7 a Grammar Jennifer Seidl Contents 1 2 i) 4 5 6 7 8 il 2} 13 14 15 16 17 Hello! I'm Jenny A big book for Trig Girls and boys Meet my teacher Is it Nick’s? What have the Bells got? These are mine Apicnic Tlike school Chip likes ice-creams Do you like swimming? What do you do? Slow down, Trig What is there in Merton? Can he speak English? Trig is helping Can you see them? Ican, but you mustn’t How much milk? How often do you help? Tom plays football Was Nick ill? Did Trig help? Nick lost his money What's Trig going to do? Subject pronouns; Present simple of be Articles; Adjectives ‘: Plural of nouns Possessive adjectives Possessives Present simple of have got Demonstratives; Possessive pronouns Countable and uncountable nouns Present simple with I, you, we and they Present simple with he, she and it Present simple in yes/no questions Questions with what etc.; Prepositions of time Imperatives there is /are; Prepositions of place can for ability Present continuous Object pronouns; like, love, hate + ing form can for permission; must for necessity some, any; how much, how many Adverbs of frequency Present simple or continuous? let's Past simple of be and have Past simple of regular verbs; ago Past simple of irregular verbs be going to 34 36 40 42 46 1 Hello! I’m Jenny subject pronouns; Present simple of be Hello! My name's ‘Jenny Bell. ‘And thisis Nick. He’s my brother, He's twelve, Jenny's my sister She's ni my ine. Ze ‘We're from Merton, near London. And thisis Chip. He's a good dog And what’s your name? Where are you from? = This is Trig, avery special friend. He isn’t from Merton. He's from planet Triglon. a Chapter 1 Grammar lesson. Subject pronouns Singular 1 . you he she it Plural we you they he, she or it? Apersonishe or she. A thing isit. Ananimalisit orhe/she (for example, a pet). > Jenny, Nick \. , Jey ieeteven, NOS. is teu yand Nick ae ae - are from Merton. Present simple of be Long forms Short forms Questions Singular Tam Lamnot Pm Pmnot am? youare youare not yowre —_ youaren’t are you? heis heisnot he’s. he isn’t ishe? sheis sheisnot she’s she isn’t she? « itis itisnot it’s itisn’t isi? Plural weare weare not we're wearen’t are we? youare youare not you're youaren't are you? theyare theyare not they're theyaren’t —_ are they? Also: Whatis/What’s...? My name is/My name’s... Short answers Are you from Merton? Yes, Lam. on No, P'm not. Is Nick owelve? Yes, he is. IsJenny twelve? No, she isn’t. What’s missing? 2 Hello! Write in the missing words. a Write am, is or are. Long forms Short forms Hello! T= 4M __ Nick and we are > were this 1 Jenny. heis 1 She 2___ mysister. 2 Pm We 3 brother and sister. 3 she isn’t Ths twelve and Jenny |_ youare not 4 5 eleven. we are not 5 We §______ from Merton. 6 they're Merton 7_____ near London: 7 it’s hat & POCnnannes) Tia not 3 What 8_____ yourname? - reeds mcon) a 7 Where you from: This !0___ our friend Trig. He 1_____avisitor from planet Trigion, b Now say the sentences. Chapter | Ber re ere ee 3 What’s your name? a Write the short forms. Hello! What &/S_____ your name? ] L_____ Jenny, and this is Nick. He 2______ my brother. We 3_____ brother and sister. He 4___ twelveandI 5 eleven. We © ______ from Merton. 7___ our friend. from Merton. __ from Triglon. b Now say the sentences. 4 Change the sentences Say he, she, it or they. > Jennyis eleven. | ‘She is eleven. | > Trig isn't from Merton. Heisn't from Merton. Nick isn’t eleven. Merton isnear London. Nick is twelve. Jenny isn’t twelve. Trig isa good friend. Mr and Mrs Bell are from Merton. Merton isa small town. Trig isa visitor from Triglon. Triglon isa small planet. 11 Chipisa good dog. 12 Chip is four years old. Seas) Hew % Chapter | And this is Chip. He !°____ our dog. Nick and Jenny are brother and sister. Arrange the words Write ten true sentences. Use the words in three blocks for each sentence, in the order 1, 2,3. ‘No, no, no, Trig! Like this: is or like this: » Jenny is from Merton » She is from Merton {8 eeven.] [1 They ] [7 She] [4 Nick 2 is} [1 Jenny] [5 from Trigion. | 3 fromMerton.| [1 Trig] [3 twelve. | [1 Nick and Jenny | [2 are| [1 He 6 Friends , Jenny is in the bus with Zoe and Carlo. Zoe is from Greece. She's thirteen. Carlo is from Italy. He’s twelve. Maria is from Italy. She's thirteen. George is from Greece. He’s eleven. Where are they from? How old are they? Say what is the same. > Maria and Carlo Maria and Carlo are from Italy George and Zoe Zoe and Maria Nick and Jenny Nick and Carlo Jenny and George con wen Give a short answer. > Is Nick from England? Yes, heis. > Are Zoe and Carlo in the park? No, they aren't 1 IsNickin the park? 2 IsNick with Zoe and Carlo? 3. Are Maria and George in the bus? George and Nick in the park? 6 Are Zoe and Carlo with Jenny? 7 IsCarlo twelve? 8 Are Zoe and Maria thirteen? 9. Is Zoe from Greece? 10 Is Carlo from Greece? 11. IsJenny thirteen? 12 Is George eleven? 13 Are Nick and Carlo twelve? Is Maria from Italy? 5 IsMaria from England? 16 Are Nick and Zoe from Italy? 17. IsCarlo eleven? 18 Are you from England? 19 Are you from Greece? 20 Are you eleven? Chapter 1 a 2 Abig book for Trig Articles; Adjectives Here’sa big book for you. Ivsvery thick. ‘And here's allittle book. Iesyery thin, oR Al The big book's an English dictionary A dictionary isa useful book. ‘The little book isa grammar. A grammar’san important book, too ‘Yes, adictionary’s avery useful book! ) Chapter2 Grammar lesson Articles: a/an, the a /e/ before consonant sound: > abook, a thick book > ayellow book, a useful book an /an/ before a vowel sound: > animportant book the /0e/ before a consonant sound: > the book, the yellow book the /d1/ before a vowel sound: > the English book Position of adjectives We put adjectives 1 beforeanoun: > abig book, a good dog 2 afteraverb: > The book isthick. Chip is good. Nationality adjectives Gountry ——_Adjective/Language America American Egypt Egyptian England English France French Germany German Greece Greek Italy Ttalian Spain. Spanish Turkey Turkish > an English boy Dimitris is Greek. the Turkish language Carlo is Italian. Write the country, the language and the adjective with a capital letter. 1 What’sin the picnic basket? Write a list with aor an. _ anegg 2 2 Guess the words Write the words correctly. ansye BS an eye _ a#rothes 4 brother anérm DG aes axister Se ua sia aéchoo# reso an #mbrell= 33 > > 1 2 3 a¥esson pee 4 5 6 a¥ather 7 an range es 11 askaske# 12. axootba’ 13. an *nimal 14. a%ook — 15 ansexercitse _—§ 3 Memory game Lookat the picture for one minute. Close the book. a Name the twelve things on the table, using a oran. b_Nowname the twelve things on the table, using the. Chapter 5 4 Getitright Put the words in order and make sentences, & & > (cop Lene] Chip | [is ][2] [gooa] [aoe. ] (eis) Cen, KY oa op od ; iS » Chip is a good dag 1 | Trig | [a] [ friend. special | [is 2 | not 3 frown. | [a] [Merton 4fisl 5 | The (is] [Hrigion} [2] [planes | [bis 6 [are Jenny | [ English. | [ana ] | Nick le 7 [ttalian. | [Carlo a[G fs] &) a 10 [not Ty Chapter 2 Maria| (is| [Engtish [Tig | [ame.| [an | he, 5 Whatare they? Putin aor anand a nationality adjective. Use: American Greek Egyptian Italian English Spanish French Turkish German > e é = = > Ws 4 french ___ newspaper. 7 Ws— __ banknote. 1 It’s passport. See t-g mone ___ city. 2 It’s a coin. ONE 117s HaesabseaaeHasEBESEESESCo fr 3 It’s stamp. 10 I's coin 4 Its_____EEgeamp. 11 Irs city 5 Ws flag. 12 Its stamp. 6 It's — city. Chapter 2 a 3 Girls and boys _ Plural ofnouns Who’s in the road? Tcan see a man, a woman with a baby, and two old ladies on a bench. Atthe bus stop [can see two men and two women, Also three children —a boy and two girls. The boy is Nick and one of the girls isJenny. And look - it’s Trig in the bushes! Grammar lesson 1 Making lists a Write the pluralsin the correct lists. Plural of nouns i : cupy, friend car dictionary ————_— class/ bus desk child Regular plurals ae road country woman glass Singular Plural box bush watch potato : : foot shirt girl person Ang at ee tomato city tree day os a beach bench party —_policeman Add es to ch bench benches story boy match — dog ° tomato tomatoes pen baby dish 5 bus buses sh bush bushes _ as i i box bases > Cups » classes yafterconsonant baby _ babies ries lady ladies Trvegular plurals Singular Plural child children sane man. men woman women Irregular person | people eee i tooth ~ teeth foot eal SraaESESEEGEGet AnIeRaCate STEERER Pronunciation /s/ after /p, t, ky J, 0/: shops, books /2/ after /s, Z, J, 3, t], d3/: buses, benches /z/ after other sounds: girls, tomatoes b Now read out your lists. Chapter 3 2 At the market Complete the labels. Now say the words. 3 Word square Ring the plural words. Are there 12, 16 or 20? @o ME N)eP BOY D4 ¢ 4 Inthe park Spot the differences. Write what you can see. at oe In Picture AI can see .. In Picture B I can see... >» one Woman __ » two women _ 1 6 ia 16 2 ra 12 7 3 ae 13 18, pat 4 9 14 19 5 10 = 15 20 Chapters a 4 Meet my teacher Meet my teacher. She's small and fair. Her name is Miss Mill, He's tall and dark. His name is Mr Blake. Here's our school. It’sin Park Street. Its name is Park Street School. Here are our friends. Their names are Amanda and Tom. Chapter 4 "Now meet my teacher. Possessive adjectives Grammar lesson Pronouns Possessive adjectives i my you your* he his she her it its we our you your they their > Lama good friend. My name is Trig, We are jrom Merton. Our surname is Bell. Her name is... Put in your, his, her, its or their. Jenny and Nick are from Merton. » Their surname is Bell. 1 friends, Tom and Amanda, are from Merton too. Jenny's eleven. 2 eyes are blue. 3 hair is yellow. 4 _ brother Nick is twelve, 5 _____ eyes and hair are brown. 6 _ dog is Chip. eyes are brown and 8 hair is black and white school is in Park Street. IUs near 40 ___ house. 1 name is Park Street School. Jenny’s teacher is very friendly, 12 ____ name is Miss Mill Nick’s teacher is nice, too. 13 ____ name is Mr Blake. What about you? What's 4____ name? whi e's 15_____ school? What's 16. name? And 17____ friends? What are 18 names? 2 Favourites Jenny Nick MrandMrsBell You Music rock rock opera 2 Singer Prince Sting Pavarotti ? Sport swimming football tennis ? Food —chocolatecake __ice-creams pizza aes Talk about Jenny, Nick, Mrand Mrs Bell and you. Use her, his, their and my. > Her favourite musicis rock.» Her favourite singer is Prince, 3 Guessing game Lookat the pictures. Look at their hair. Look at their favourite sport, food and colour Now choose a boy or girl Ask the class to guess who itis. > you — I’sagirl. c1ass Isher hairdark? vou Yes, itis. ciass Is herhair long? you No, it isn't. caass Isher favourite colour red? Mary Liz you No, itisn’t swimming — tennis swimming cuass [sit Kate? pizza chicken pizza vou Ys, itis! blue blue red eo, Gey, 6S %& fe Je $293 ) BS Ae Kate Jane Rob Alex Paul Ben Mike tennis ‘swimming football_—_basketball_ football football__basketball spaghetti chicken steak spaghetti spaghetti —_stez beefburgers pink pink green red orange blue orange 4. Ask your partner Choose a partner. Ask and answer ten questions about favourites, like this: > vot What is your favourite colour? PARTNER My favourite colours orange. Talk about colours, lessons, animals, food, drink, singers, songs, TV programmes, hobbies, sports, games. Chapter 4 5 Isit Nick’s? & IsitJenny’s skateboard or Possessives. Isit the children’s ball or the dog’s? we SA And whose exercise book is this ...? Grammar lesson Possessives 1 Use’sors’ with people and animals. Singular Is Nick’s skateboard. ox It’s Nick’s. It’s the dog’s ball. on It's the dog’s. ‘They're Jenny's cassettes. or They're Jenny's. Plural They're the girls’ bieycles. or They're the girl’. They're the boys’ skateboards. or They're the boys’. 2. Use’swith irregular plurals. > I'mthe children’s friend. Possessive Short form ofis the dog’s ball = Chip’s the dog. = the ball ofthedog —_Chipisthe dog. B Chapters Nick talks about his pictures Ring the possessives and the short forms. Then write two lists. Look, this is my best friend. Husgarme) am oat Allen. This is the@llens)house. Tom’s old bicycle. And look at Mr Allen's old car. The Walkman’s Tom's. And thisis Jenny's best friend. Her name's Amanda Todd. Amanda's twelve. This is the Todds’ house, Amanda's bicycle’s new. This is Chip’ old ball. And thisis the Todds’ car. Possessives > Allens’ Short forms > Name's 2 Whoare they? Say and write sentences. > 10 ll Mrs Allen? (mother) Mrs Allen is Tom’s mother. Mrs Todd? (mother) Mr Allen? (father) ‘Mr Blake? (teacher) Amanda? (daughter) Mr Todd? (father) Chip? (dog) ‘Trig? (friend) Amanda? (best friend) Miss Mill ? (teacher) Tom? (best friend) Jenny and Nick? (children) Names Nae the people you know. Then write sentences. > 2 x 10 1 12 sister/sisters My sister's name is Anna. or My sisters' names are Anna and Susan. English teacher brother/brothers best friend /friends father mother uncle/uncles aunt/aunts cousin /cousins doctor pen-friend pet/pets, neighbour/neighbours Chapter 5 6 What have the Bells got? Look! The Bells have got a new car. Ithas got four doors, and it’s got a radio. Has it got a sunroof? No, it hasn't. Grammar lesson Present simple of have got Use have got for possession. Long forms Short forms Ihave Tye you have you've he has he's she has she’s ivhas sor its ae we have we've you have you've they have they've Thave not got Ihaven’t got he has not got he hasn't got Questions Have [ got? Has he got? Short answers Have you gotanew car? Yes, [have. on No, Thaven’t. Has your friend gota new car? Yes, she has. on No, she hasn't No got in short answers! Chapter 6 Present simple of have got 1 What have you got? Lookat the pictures. Say what you/your family have got and what you haven’t got. Make fourteen sentenc: > I've got a watch, bull haven't got a doll. > We've got a cat, but we haven't got a deg. Say what the children have gotand what they haven't got > Jenny “Jenny has got an atlas, a paint box, ‘abrush anda pencil. She hasn't got an exercise book. Have two children got the same things? b Ask five pupils what they have got in their school bags. Make questions like this: » you — Haveyou gota pencil? pupn. Yes, PRave. on No, Ihaven't. Partner game Write six sentences with Pve got. . Use: Colours red blue green yellow white black > I've got a green sweater. > L've got a red Things sweater Tshirt pen exercise book school bag bicycle d T-shirt. ___ Now guess the things on your partner's list. Have you got a white sweater? Have you got a green sweater? > you PARTNER No, Thaven't. you PARTNER Yes, Thave. Look at Trig! Look at this picture of Trig. Use the words in the list to ask questions about him. Has he got a fat body? > You cr big small long fat funny striped Yes, he has. body ears face socks hat shirt scarf Chapter 6 ns 7 These are mine — Demonstratives; Possessive pronouns (ith Those cassettes over there are yours. Silly children's songs! I No, these are mine — Madonna, Prince... Grammar lesson Demonstratives Possessive pronouns Singular this ‘or this cassette Adjectives Pronouns that on that cassette ae ae Plural these oR these cassettes i ae those on those cassettes Vie ae this ice-cream these ice-creams her hers our ours Co your yours om TS their theirs that those > [ty book. ox It’s mine. They're her books. OR They rehers. G JL, “4 te ceapuielate Is that the Bells’ car? Yes, it’s theirs. 1 These and those Make correct sentences. > Thisis/These are my orange juice This is my orange juice. 1 These are/Those are our beefburgers over there 2. Thisis/These are Jenny's cheeseburger. 3. That’s/Thisis ‘your Coke here. 4 Thisis/Theseare ‘Tom’sice-creams 5 That’s/Those are ‘Amanda’s chocolate cake. 6 Thisis/Thav’s Chip’s bone in the garden. 7 These are/Those are her crisps over there. | 8 Those are/That’s Nick's lemonade. 9 These are/Thisis Jenny's ice-tolly. 10 And those are/theseare __Trig’s three giant milk-shakes over there! Chapter 7 2 This exercise... Put in this is or these are. > Look, this. 1s wie’ fA ona these are hinstoes SSB, 1 Ion sates oP and her school bag. Saf q ——____Nick’s cap @ ont nog 3 —______Mr Bell’s watch wnt ZS 4 the children’s books a and their snacks EG 7 ‘Trig’s scarf and —________ his boot % 3. Missing words 4 His, hers or their: Look at the table of possessive pronouns in Look at Exercise 2 and answer the questions. the grammar lesson for one minute. Are the gloves Jenny's? Cover the table. Put in the missing words. Sener ea nS Ls Yes, they're hers __ I >my > mine » Isthe jacket Trig’s? you 1 a No, it's not his. 3 4 his 1 Isthe cap Nick's? she cy 6 SS we 7 [8 2 Are the shoes Jenny's? 9 your 10 rere see SIESOIE they ML 12 3. Are the books the children’s? 4 Isthewatch Nick's? Are the snacks the children’s? 6 Isthe school bag Jenny's? } Are the socks Trig's? Chapter 7 8 Apicnic Countable and uncountable nouns T've gota banana, three apples, an orange and some biscuits, ee. some milk. T've got some orange juice and some crisps. 1 Apicnic Write a, an or some. » 4 _____milkshake > Some sugar ] _______ lemonade 2 ease patter 3 _____ sandwich & 4 eggs je jam Chapter 8 # € T've gotsome bread, some cheese and Grammar lesson. Countable nouns Banana, apple, orange and biscuit are countable. « Singular Plural abanana three bananas abiscuit four biscuits Use some with plural countable nouns: > [ve got some bananas. We've got some biscuits. Uncountable nouns Bread, cheese, milk and orange juice are uncountable, 50 nos! ‘Use some (nota/an!) with uncountable nouns. > Tvegotsome bread, We've gotsome milk. ‘The verbis singular with uncountable nouns. > Breads cheap, This milk is cold. 7 apple § chocolate 9 — biscuit 19 sweets els cherries 12 — ice-cream - 2. Right or wrong? Puta ¥ for Rightand a X for Wrong. Ch > BE 3. What have they got? Use a, an or some to write what they've got Re. (' “sp og & Jenny Ss Amanda Miss Mill Jenny’sgot Some cheese ___and » 4 apple __. Nick’s got 1 and 2 i reiggtes Amanda's got and 2 Miss Mill’s got > ____ and §__ Het Tom's got 7 and & Mr Blake's got © __ and _ a Hs Timsagou re 4 fe | 18 u i 15 Chapter 8 a 9 Tlike school On weekdays Jenny and Nick get up at seven thirty, They walk to school every day. ‘They wear uniforms. Idon’t like school. Thate Maths and English. They go home at three thirty. Then they do their homework —well, not always. After dinner they watch television. They don’t go to bed until nine o'clock. Grammar lesson Present simple with I, you, we and they I I you |, you | donot or we f lke we [ don'tlike they they Use the presentsimple 1 forrepeated actions, often with time phrases such as on weekdays, every day/week/Saturday: > On weekdays they get up at seven thirty. They walk to school every day, 2 for facts which do not change: > The children wear uniforms. 3. with verbs such as love, hate, like, dislike: » Idon’tlike school. [hate Maths. = Chapter 9 1 1 Present simple with I, you, we and they Jenny and Nick’s day Putin do (x2), getup, go (x2), have (x 2), play, start, walk, watch, Jenny and Nick> get up atseven thirty. They 1 breakfast at eight. They 2 to school. Lessons atnine o'clock. ‘The children #___lunch at school. They ® more work after lunch, orthey § games. They 7____ home at three thirty. 8___ their homework before dinner. After dinner they 2___ television, and they 10__ to bed at nine o'clock. Your day Compare Jenny and Nick’s day with your day. Say what you do. > Jenny and Nick get up at seven thirty. T get up at seven o'clock. OR I get up at seven thirty, too. 1 Jenny and Nick have breakfast at eight o'clock. 2. They walk to school 3. Their lessons startat nine o'clock. 4 They work from nine to one. 5 They have lunch at school. 6 They play games in the afternoon. 7 They go home at three thirty. 8 They do their homework before dinner. 9 After dinner they watch television. 0. They go to bed at nine o'clock. 1 They read comics in bed. 2 They goto sleep atnine thirty. 3 Nick’s class a Say what the pupils like and what they don’t like. © ® Maths 5 15 English 14 6 Geography 11 9 History 12 8 Science 10 10 Games 18 2 Music 13 7 Art 16 4 > Five pupils like Maths and fifteen pupils don't like Maths. b Now say what you like and what you don’t like. > like English, but Idon't like History. 4 Hobbies and interests Say what you do and what you don’t do in your free time. » read magazines Tread magazines. » go fishing I don't go fishing. read books watch television read comics listen to the radio collect stamps play the piano play football go swimming read newspapers collect posters collect stickers play the guitar listen to music play baskethally go riding 16 play tennis REBRES cay soUawne 5 Nature quiz ye ey ef Oe, These sentences are wrong. Correct them like this: » Biedetlyonderwaten MOM2: Birds don't fly under water. They fly in the air. aa 1 Pandas live in Africa. 2. Fish swim in the air. 4 Kangaroos live in India. 5. Peanuts grow on trees. 6 Penguins live at the North Pole. 7 Koalas eat fish intheground __ leaves in Australia at the South Pole under water in the air/ in China in hot countries Chapter 9 10 Chip likes ice-creams Present simple with he, she and it 1 Make lists Chip likes ice-creams and smelly bones. He buries his bones in the flower beds. He watches cartoons on television. Unfortunately, he doesn’t like Fluff, the neighbours’ cat. He chases her every day! Grammar lesson Present simple with he, she and it he he Ayer - she > likes she gos BOL OR ie it. J doesn’tlike Rememberthes likeS afterhe/she/it! doeSn’tlike » Chip likes ice-creams and smelly bones. Hedoesn’tlike the neighbours’ cat. Add esto ch, 0, s, shand x. watch he/she/it watches do he/she/it does iss he/she /it misses wash —_he/she/it washes mix he/she/it mixes yafter consonant + ies: tury he/she/it buries carry __he/she/it carries try he/she/it tries do > does /daz/ go —* goes /gauz/ say — says /sez/ EH Chapter 10 These verbs have got different endings with he/she/it. Write them in three lists. play try hurry go do watchv¥ buy lefrn start _—_teach carry miss say dry fix see walk mix come wash bury cry fry s es ies > Watches » carries > plays Daily timetable Write your name and the times. Name > I get up I eat breakfast I go to school I leave school Z eat lunch tilt ie do my homework at X eat dinner at I watch television at Z go to bed at I fall asleep ements Exchange books with a parmer. Read out to the class what your partner does, like this: > He/She gets up at seven o'cloch. > He/She eats breakfast at seven thirty. we Chip likes to help Put in the verbs with the correct endings. sleep In summer Chip » S/€€PS__ in the garden. wake He | up very early, bark, make He 2__ at the birds and 3 a lot of noise, do He 4 _____n’'tlike the postman. He sometimes tear 5 _____ histrousers. dig He 6 _ holes in the flower beds and bury z his smelly bones. chase Every dayhe 8____ Fluff, the neighbours’ cat, catch buthe never 9 heer. go He 10 ___ to the shops with Mrs Bell. carry He 1 her shopping bag or newspapers in like hismouth, He 12___ shopping. Unfortunately chew he 13 _ the newspapers, and when he see,drop 14 __acathe 15 ___ the shopping bag run, love and 16 off, He 17_ to help! Food 5 Class game Say what they like and what they don’t like. Have you gota good memory? > Jenny likes peaches, but she doesn't like plums. Play this game round the class. Nick likes plums, but he doesn't like peaches. Say what you don’t like. Trig likes peaches and plums. Chip doesn’t like peaches or plums. Jenny Nick Trig pean plums x carrots v spinach x milk-shakes / fizzy drinks exes xe pizza v steaks v x smelly bones x » pupa Idon't like snakes. puri. BA doesn't like snakes, and Idon’t like spinach. puptt. ¢ A doesn't like snakes, B doesn't like spinach, and Tdon't like horror films. purtt. > A doesn’t like snakes. . Ifyou don’t know the words, ask your teacher. a | | Be Chapter 10 11 Do you like swimming? Present simple in yes/no questions Do you like swimming, Jenny? Yes, Ido. Does Nick like swimming? Yes, he does. Very much. And what about Trig? Does he like swimming? No, he doesn't. He doesn’t like water! Grammar lesson a ) What do they do? Putin Do or Does. Present simple in yes/no » Po___ Nickand Jenny get up early? questions » BOes _ Trig like fizzy drinks? Do with Does with 1 _— the children walk to school? Hyquive andithey. Nau neced it 2 lessons startat nine o'clock? Pe Re 3 _____ Trig go to school? poy we (eed eee { ets | ie 4 _____ Jenny like school? they :, 5 Nick like school? Short answers 6 they have lunch at school? ee fizzy drinks? 7 _______ lessons finish at three thirty es , every day’ Does Chip like fizzy drinks? : isis, 8 ______ Trig play games? Does Trig like fizzy drinks? 9 the children watch television in No, he doesn’t. the evenings? 10 ______ Trig watch space films on television? 11 ______ hiego w bed atnine o'clock? 12 Nick and Jenny go to bed at nine o'clock? 18 ______ theyread comics in bed? 14 ____ they goto sleep atnine thirty? 15 _____ Trig go to sleep atnine o'clock? 16 _____ he read comics? 2 Aquestionnaire Make a questionnaire about hobbies and interests. Begin with Do you. ..? Here are some ideas. Ask about: Sports swimming, football, tenni Collecting stamps, posters, s basketball ickers Musical instruments the piano, the guitar, the violin Activities at home television, radio, records, books, comics Places to go the cinema, the theatre, the park Questionnaire Do you play football? Collecting Do you collect stamps? __ eres oe es musical instrments Be Weetotee fhe ienors 2am Now ask your partner the questions. 3 About you Give short answers. Do youlike dogs? Yes, Ido. Do you like snails? No, Idon't. > > 1 Doyoulike cats? 2 Do you play football? 3 Do you watch space films on televis 4 Doyou play computer games? 5 6 7 8 9 Do you buy chewing gum? Do you go to bed late? Do you spend pocket money on sweets? Do you like horror films? Do you help with the housework? 10 Do youwear glasses? 11 Doyougo to sleep in lessons? 12 Do youride a bicycle? 13 Doyoukeepa pet? 14 Doyoulike spiders? Do they like these things? Ask questions round the class. >» puri A Dees Jenny like milk-shakes? puri. m Yes, she does. purit. € Does Nick like peanuts? puri. D No, he doesn’t Jenny chocolate, sweets @ chewing gum, popcorn, crisps, peanuts Nick © popcorn, chewing gum, chocolate, Coke @ pean 2 pizza, crisps, ice-lollies ets, 5 Glass game: guessing jobs Here are sixteen jobs. waiter/waitress secretary architect shop assistant electrician teacher TV newsreader carpe doctor policeman mechanic _ pilot hairdresser busdriver farmer nurse Play the game like this: a, Choose ajob from the list. Mime an action from the job. b. The class asks questions about the job with Doyou...? c. Answer: ¥es, 1do. ox No, Idon't. d. After six questions, the class guesses your job: Are you a/an... ? Here are some useful questions: Do you work with other people? Do you work indoors/outdoors? Do you work in an office? Do you work at night? Do you help people? Do you repair things? Do you use languages? Do you travel? Write more questions before you start the game. Chapter 11 12 What do you do? MR BELL Do you play agame, Tom? What do you play? When do you practise? Where do you practise? When’s the next school match? Good luck. a Chapter 12 TOM Yes, of course. Football. 'm in the school team. On Tuesdays and Fridays, Inthe afternoon. Atfour o'clock. Atschool. Outside in summer and in the gymnasium in winter. InJune. On the tenth, Thanks! Questions with what etc.; Prepositions of time Grammar lesson Questions with what etc. Some question words: what who whattime why when how where how often Does What does When = does Where does When is Subject Tom _ playagame? he play? he practise? he practise? the next match? Prepositions of time in amonth ayear aseason atime of day on aday adate at aclocktime inJune in 1995 inwinter, in summer in the afternoon(s) in the evening(s) on Tuesday(s) on Saturday afternoon(s) on the tenth (of June) at four o’clock aspecial time at Christmas, at Easter ofthe year 1 What's wrong? Trig wants to write some sentences with question words, but they are mixed up. > [do] [What] [play] [you] ? What do you play Z 1 [do] When | [play] [you] 2 2 [you] [Where] [practise] [do] * i mele 4 me the| | team | | does = ? 5 Ez do] [ike] | football ah 6 lla When | [next] [ game] 7 —— does | [start | it] ? 9 [Tom Howoften | ? 10 a he | | does he = Questions, questions, questions! Complete the questions with Where, When, What, How. Where _ doyoulive? ______ doyouget up? _— do you have for breakfast? ____. do you leave home? wAwrmey do you go to school? By bicycle or by bus? o ___ dolessons start? do you have lunch? Athome or at school? 7 _____. doyoulike best at school? Games? _______ doyou go after school? do you do your homework? Before or after supper? Toe and Sunday? ca do you do on Saturday ___ doyou have holidays? 12 ______ doyouwear to school? 13 see __ doyou wear for games? u do you carry your books to school? Ina school bag? 15 do you want for your day? Now ask a partner these questions. —— 1 What’s wrong? 2 Questions, questions, questions! ‘Trig wants to write some sentences with Complete the questions with Where, When, question words, but they are mixed up. What, How. Please help!) 0 « f ool doyouget up? 2 _____. doyou have for breakfast? » [do] [What] [ play | [you] ? See 3 —______ doyou leave home? 4 » Where — doyoulive? What do you play? _____. doyou go to school? By bicycle or by bus? i to) Weheny | Iplaya | yous 5 do lessons start? do you have lunch? | 2 [you] [Where] | practise ][ do] ? B omeoratechool? 7 doyou like best at school? Games? 8. [Howoften | [ play | [do] [you do you go after school? do you do your homework? a Before or after supper? 4 [When] |the| | team | [does] [practise] ? 9 Asche on Gamtag oe and Sunday? | 5 [you] [do] [like] [ football] [Why eg 10 you hare holidays? 12 _____ doyouwear to school? | aa ——— 13 ___ doyou wear for games? | 6 [is] [me] [When | [next] [ game] ? 14 _______ doyou carry your books to school? In a school bag? 15 _____ doyouwant for your 7 [Whattime | [does] [start] [it] birthday? Now ask a partner these questions. | 8 | finish | [it] | does] | when ] ? | ° Tom | [does] [play | | How often 10 | play | [he | |does | [Where | ? Chapter 12 3. Free time activities b A friend does these things. You want to know more. Ask questions with question words. » watch television. (When) When do you watch it? 1. Tread comics. (How often) 8 take my sister to school, (What time) 2 Iplay games. (What) 9 Igo toasports club. (When) 3 Igo outat the weekend. (Where) 10 Iwateh cartoons on television. (When) 4 [swim at the pool. (What time) 11 Ttake my dog forawalk. (When) 5 [collect things. (What) 12. Igo toayouth club, (How often) 6 write to pen-friends. (How often) 18. [goto piano lessons. (What time) 7 [play football. (Where) 14 Igo shopping. (Where) About Tom Complete the sentences with in, on or at Atschool Tom likes Games best. That’s* 04 Tuesdays and Fridays » at twoo'clock.1___ Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays he’s glad when school finishes 2___ three thirty. He hates Maths because the teacher gives homework every day, He does the homework in the bus on the way to school! There is no school 3___ Saturdays, so4 the afternoon he goes swimming with his friends. 5 ____ the evening he watches television or plays with his model railway. He likes the long school holidays ____ summer and the holidays? _ Christmas and Easter. His birthday is8 the twenty-fifth. So he gets alotof presents !0__ Christmas. December 2 Now answer these questions about Tom, 1 What does he like best at school? 7 When does he play with his model railway? 2 When does he have Games? 8 Whenare the school holidays? 3. Why does he hate Maths? 9 Whenis his birthday? 4 Where does he do his Maths homework? 10 Why does he geta lot of presents at 5 When does school finish? Ch - 6 Where does he go on Saturday afternoons? Chapter 12 5 Favourite television programmes a Lookat the list of television programmes and answer the questions, Children’s programmes 10-15 September Monday Thursday 5.00 Animal World 430 The Last Fro 6.00 Cartoon Time 5.00 Animal World 7.00 Galaxies 6.00 Ghost Train 7.30 Young Detectives 6.30 Freddy Tuesday Friday 4.30 TheLastFrontier 5.00 Video Club 5.00 Video Club 6.00 Laserman 6.00 Walton Road 6.30 School's Out 6.30 Freddy 7.30. Friday Cinema Wednesday Saturday 4.30 What's Next 12.00 Junior Scientist 5.30 The Martins 1.00 Questions and Answers. 6.00 Cartoon Time 1.30. Sports World 7.00 Seven Seas 2.30 Space 4000 » When is Animal World? Animal World is on Mondays and Thursdays at five o'clock. 1 WhenisSports World? 10 When is Seven Seas? 2 When is Galaxies? 11 When is Questions and Answers? 3 When is The Last Frontier? 12. When is Freddy? 4 When is Cartoon Time? 13. When is The Martins? 5 When is Friday Cinema? 14 When is Laserman? 6 When is Space 4000? 15 When is School’s Out? 7 When is Young Detectives? 16 When is Walton Road? 8 When is What's Next? 17. Whenis Junior Scientis 9 Whenis Video Club? 18 When is Ghost Train? b Ask three pupils in the class about their favourite television programmes, like this: > vou — When isyour favourite television programme? puri, It’s on Wednesdays at seven o'clock. 13 Slow down, Trig _ imperatives Slow down, Trig. Don't go so fast. Don't fall. Be careful! Look out! Jump off the skateboard. 1 What do they say? Your teacher Your mother Don’t hit the dustb... Say what your mother or teacher says, like this: > You don’tdrink your milk. My mother says, Drink your milk.” y ‘You talk in class. My teacher says, Don't talk in class.” 1 Youdon'tgetup. 2 You eat chocolate before lunch. 3. Youdon’tclean your teeth. 4 You make anoise in class. 5 You don'twash your hands before meals 6 You don'teat your vegetables. ia 8 9 10 You play loud music on the radio. f You eat your lunch in class. aks You don’t help with the washing up. You don't tidy your room. h Tate... > Poon Ne 11 Youread comics in class eo = 12 Youjump on your bed. ..and poor dustbin! 13 You don’t do your English exercises. 14 Youdon'tgo to bed. 15 You play ball in the kitchen. 16 Youdon't make your bed. 17 Youfightin class. 18 Yousleep in class. 19 Youdon’tfeed the goldfish. 20 Youwhistle in class. 21 Youwrite levers in class 22 You make paper aeroplanes in class. 23 Youdon’thavea bath. 24 You hit your brother. 25 You watch television all day. | Chapter 13 2 Class instructions Complete the teacher's instructions with these verbs and Don't, where necessary. Sometimes two or three verbs are possible. Use: answer, find make speak close/ go open stand come learn play talkv¥ disturb listen read work eat look sit write » Don't talk in class. » Close your books. 1 im pairs. 2 your books at page 12 Si uae __ sweets in class. 4 __ atyour neighbour's book. 5, with a partner. _ to the blackboard. sentenceswith these words. 8 ___ outof the window. 9) aa the questions. 10 ________ down theanswer: Wd this game. 12 the missing words, Pit niseanacaik to the cassette. 14 _ down. LB a aureeiaees up. 16 ____ these new words. 7 ____ the other pupils 18 two teams, 19 eae 20 so much noise. Signs Say what the signs mean, Use these verbs with or without Don’t: drink lightfires turn right droplitter overtake go straighton go smoke pick flowers park touch play music stopV turnleft take photographs talk @ cS Don't turn right. @ Ng a @)) ZS Ml @QB@O@CH 14 Chapter 13 14 Whatis there in Merton? _ there is/are; Prepositions of place ‘There’s a school in Park Street. Next to the school there’s a small park. ‘There are trees and flowersin the park, and there’s also a children’s playground. ‘There are two supermarkets and some other shops. Behind the shops there’s alibrary. It's between the post office and the bank. Chapter 14 Grammar lesson } there is/are Prepositions of place Singular Where’s Trig? ‘There is a school in Park Street, ‘There's a park next to the school. ‘There isn’t a cinema. Plural ‘There are some supermarketsand restaurants. ‘There aren’t many cafés. He’sin the box. He’s on the box. Questions Is there a cinema? ‘Are there many shops? Shortanswers ‘Yes, thereis. No, there isn’t. Yes, there are. No, there aren't. He’snextto the box. _ He’s between two boxes. He’s behind the box. He's under the box. Merton Look at the map of Merton again. Putin there’s, there isn’t, there are, there aren’t, is there or are there. » There's a school in Park Street, and next to the school 1________— asmall park. In the park2_____— a children’s playground. a_§ two supermarkets and many other shops, 4___a post office and 2 — a library, too. 6 ___~_ some restaurants, but? —__—_— many cafés. Unfortunately, 8 a cinema. No, 10 —, but asports centre? _______— a football pitch in the park. How many cinemas!2_______—in your town? How many schools 14 aes ‘a supermarket? N Homeno @) Littletown Look at this street map of Littletown, near Merton. LOTR oF pigenre ben ra KING STREET ‘SouTn Steer é Where are these things? Write twelve sentences with There is or There are. Name the street, or use next to. Pahoa There is a school in Wood Street iT There are houses next to the park vy hotel Testaliranit || -Wveesenslssvapesis eee See one qe) wow ne supermarket, ——— "+ sports centre. ———— post office 6 7 busstops 8 garage ere 9 shops 10. cafés 11 library honing pmo ys nF et 12. banks 3. Where you live Answer the questions. Say Yes, there is/are. ox No, there isn’t /aren’t. 1 Isthere a cinema in your town? 8 Are there many trees in your street? 2. Is there a park near your home? 9 Are there many office blocks in your town? 3. Are there many shops near your home? 10. Isthere a children’s playground near your 4 Isthere a sports centre in your town? home? 5. Isthere a bus stop in your street? 11. Are there many restaurants in your town? 6 Are there many blocks of flatsin yourtown? _—-12._ Are there many cafésin your town? 7 Istherea telephone box in your street? Chapter 14 Write where these things are. > Hissocks are on the lam in >» Hiscomics are on the floor under the desk on ; “Suef pt) nextto 1 Hisbooks —— <__bhcisiittieny “oi eh Mie hetween 2. His guitar 2 po behind : under 3. Hisskateboard basket 4. Hiskeys een, aw ory “nce Wing eagnias 5 Hisalarm clock dos fue tal onto Maen chi - - cupboard 6 His tennis racket —__ GR 7 Hisshoes — _ 2. (SS doorknob 8 His suitcase a ee eres Boor (a? 9 His school bag 10. His cap and scarf 1. His jacket —— 12 Hisradio 5 Memory game Jk at thé picture of Nick’s room again for one minute. ‘er the picture. Answer these questions > Where are hissocks? They reon the lamp. > Where's his suitcase? 11's on the floor between the bed and the cupboard. 1 Where’s Nick's school bag? 5 Where are his cap and scarf? 8 Where’s his skateboard? 2) Where’s his tennis racket? 6 Where's his jacket? 9 Where's his guitar? 3 Where are his comics? 7 Where are his books? 10 Where are his keys? 4 Where’s his radio? Chapter 14 a 15 Can he speak English? can forability Can Trig ene nd English? 1 Things you can do Say what you can and cannot (or can’t) do. Make eight sentences. > Ican speak English but I can’t speak French. > Lean play football arid I can play table tennis. ee ea ae aS GREEK Can you understand Trig’s language? Oh no, we can’t. Notaword! 00 & we Grammar lesson can for ability 1 I you you he he shee she | cannotor it ea. it can’t we we you you they they Questions Can I? ‘Can he? Short answers Can you speak English? Yes, Tecan. Can Trig speak English? No, he can’t. Can you speak his language? No, we can’t. ie Chapter 15 2 Can elephants fly? Which is right and which is wrong? Write sentences. Use can or can’t. > Elephants can fly. Wrong. Elephants cant fly > Dogs can swim. Do: an_Sh 1 Penguins can swim, 6 Dogs can climb trees. 7 Parrots can fly. 8 Catscan fy. 2 Penguins can fly. 3 Horses can swim. 9 Camelscan run, 10 Bears can catch fish. “4 Lions can climb trees. 5 Elephants can catch fish. 11 Spiders can swim. 12 Sheep can jump. What can they do? Say what they can and cannot (or can’t) do, like this: > Jenny, Nick and Tom can swim underwater Amanda can't. Jenny Nick Tom Can they... > swimunder water? rd v 1 an x 2 putupatene x v x 3. rowa boat? x fa 4 makeacampfire? X v x 5 sewona button? v x x 6 makeanomelette? x v 7 ticknots? * =X v v 8 do firstaid? 7 v x 9° climba rope? x v v 0 read amap? vx v NSN GS NS SGX Now work with a partner. Ask questions and give shortanswers. > you Can you swim under water? PARTNER Yes, Fcan. on No, Ican'. Amanda Chapter 15 a 16 Trig is helping I's Saturday afternoon. What are the Bells doing? Are they working? The sun’s shining, Mrs Bell is hanging the clothes on the line, It isn’t raining today, so Mr Bellis digging in the garden. ‘ ilieauas ats ed a a Chip’s having fun. At the moment he’s running after the neighbours’ cat Jemny and Nick are washing the dishes in the kitchen. And what’s Trig doing now? Oh, dear! He’s helping! He's hanging the dishes on the line... G Chapter 16 Present continuous Grammar lesson Present continuous ‘Make the ing form whth the verb + ing, do > doing, work > working, help ~* helping. But 1 take away a final e: shine > shining, have» having 2 after one vowel | one consonant, double the consonant: dig > digging, run + running Use be + ing form for the present continuous. . Long forms Short forms Tam Ym youare you're heis he’s es caren eee working iis it’s we are we're you are you're theyare they're Iamnotworking —_I’mnot working you arenot working you aren’t working. heisnotworking he isn’tworking Questions ‘Am I working? ‘Are you working? Ishe working? Short answers ‘Are youworking? Yes, Tam. Is she working? No, she isn’t. ‘Arc they working? No, theyaren’t, Use the present continuous for something that is happening now. Often with now, at the moment, today. 1 Whatis he writing? ‘Trig is writing ing forms, but whata mess! Help him, like this: > wash Washing cic atone > write writing 10 help el look > run Cunning 1 put ut 22 go = 1 have 6 1) ___-_ cal Piread @¢0mno! 98 drap eee 2 swim acai got Seal get ae 24 chase > $ take tabinn ss) “e Beitae watch = - 25 walk — Gua 4 stop <3 —= 15 'come ea = 26 bake 5 fly et 16 learn — 27 kick 6 speak — 17 catch Sobor OB Iklan eee 7 use Eee rcerreeresoeey nen] He 3 eames 20) carry eee 8 make —_~ 19° rain 30 give — 2 Athome with the Bells Putin the ing forms, The Bells are athome today. Itisn'1 raining _, Thesun’s! shiv > so Mrs Bell is 2 the clothes on the line. The children are ___ the dishes. Mr Bellis! ___in the garden. What's Chip > ____ now? Oh, dear! He's 6* after the neighbours’ cat. And what's Trig 7 He's =. Oh nol He's 8 esta the dishes on the line. Chapter 16 a 3. Whatare they doing now? It’s Sunday afternoon. The Allens are visiting the Bells. @ Sayand write what they are doing. Use: 2 drink look sit cat play sleep e have run stand hide shout¥ talk (x2) Jenny &1S Shouting a Chip! Mrs Allen | __________ under the big tree. She 2__________ to Mrs Bell. They 3. __________ tea. Nick 4 —______________ ball with Tom. Tom * ——___ asandwich round the garden again. The neighbours’ cat 8 —_______________ behind a bush. Mr Bell 2 the flower bed. They toMrAllen. They 10 next to at the roses. Trig 12 in the tree. Now answer these questions. IsJenny hiding? No, she isn’t, She's shouting. > 1 Are Mrs Allen and Mrs Bell standing? 2 IsChip sleeping? 8 Are Nick and Tom sitting under the tree? 4. Isthe catrunning round the garden? 5 Is Trig eating a sandwich? 6 Are Mr Bell and Mr Allen playing ball? 7 Is Tom drinking tea? Bee Chapter 16 4 Trig’s first football match Trig is watching his rst football match with Tom, Trig doesn’t understand what is happening. hy Help him. to make questions with Why. a Use words from each box. are | they he she running? holding the ball? / kicking the ball? shouting? jumping up and down? blowing the whistle? sleeping? hitting the ball with his head? clapping? sas singing? 7 carrying a player? wi al gC oa SERYY 3 8 4 10 5 Miming game Think of an action (for example, opening or Tiere ave some ideas closing a window) Mime the action in front of the class. playing table tennis/basketball orescence one cleaning your bicycle/shoes/the carpet/ answer like this: the windows writing alewer > cass Areyet cleaning something? fae aeooneek you No, I’m not. Eee iacaeraet, akira yous inca Soe ueru cling ae rawing/painting a picture CLASS Areyou openinga window? you Yes, Lam. Chapter 16g 17 Can you see them? Object pronouns; like, love, hate + ing form Where's Trig? Can you see him? No, I can’t. And where’s Chip? Ican’tsee him either’ J Mum, we're looking for Trig and Chip. Do you know where they are? Don’task me. Tdon’t know. But here’s Chip’s ball. ‘Take itwith you. Trig and Chip love hiding. Can you see them? Grammar lesson Object pronouns like, love, hate + ing form Subject Object We often use the ing form after like, love pronouns pronouns and hate. >” Chip likes chasing the cat next door ae a Chip and Trig love hiding. 2 re Nick hates doing homework. she | her it it we us you you they them Use object pronouns after verbs and after prepositions. > Ican'tseehim. Thate looking for them. Ask her. ‘Take the ball with you. Chapter 17 1 Missing things Putin me, you, him, her, it, us or them, JENNY Ican’tfind my coloured pencils. Have you got ® thent _ nick No, [haven’t, And my cap is missing. Can you see ! ? jexxy Sorry, no, I can’t, Amanda’s waiting for 2. ___ downstairs. ‘Tell 3___ I'm looking for my pencils. Nick Stupid cap! Who's got ¢____? I'm late for school again. Help2 +, Jenny! JENNY Tcan’thelpS____. I’m looking for my pencils. Can you see 71 Oh, no, my school bag’s missing as well! Are you hiding 8 {1 ___? No, I'm not! You're lying. Give it to 9a. I'mtelling 10 the truth! Well, Mums in the kitchen, Ask | ___ Perhaps she can tell !2 _ where our things are. Nick By the way, where’s Trig? Can you see !3 Where are the missing things? Do you know who’s got !4 2 Jenny’s list Look at Jenny's list and answer the questions with him, her, it or them. Ah > Does she like the headmaster? Je J Bell Ae School. Yes, she likes him. z > Does she like Jill and Ben Potter? No, she doesn't like them. I like © I don't, like © 1 Does she like Ann Fox? 2 Does she like John Green? fit eae 3 Does she like school meals? 5 = 4 Does she like Miss Mill? English History 5 Does she like Histor is =i 6 Does she like exams? ps Mudioite 7 Does she like the Walker twins? Ann Fox John Green 8 Does she like Mr Barker? % 9 Does she like Kate Robbins? The Walker twins Jill and Ben Potter 10 Does she like Jimmy Leech? the headmaster schoo] meals ¢ 11 Does she like English? ri 12. Does she like Art? Timmy Leech Kate Robbins Do you like English? Chapter 17 3. Sports 1 eee ee a Hereisa list of Nick's sports favourites. Tom likes (V/) some of them but doesn’t like (X) others. ae NICK TOM female sports star Steffi Graf ve male sports star Carl Lewis x sports team Manchester United x iam sport Foot ball v individual sport GONE x | sports cars Ferraris a Make sentences about Tom and Nick like this: > Nick likes Steffi Graf and Tom likes her too. > Nick likes Carl Lewis but Tom doesn’t like him. b Make your own list and exchange it with your partner. Your name: Your partner’s name female sports star z £ male sports star a : : individual sport ” ins ae Then write sentences like this: » Like Steffi Graf and Tom likes her too. > Like Carl Lewis but Tom doesnt like him. ao kee a Chapter 17 J 4 Inyour free time Write true sentences about yourself with like, love or hate. > drawing T like drawing. 1 swimming 2 running 3. going to the theatre 4 dancing * shopping a 6 learning poetry playing the piano 8 painting 9 watching television 10. singing 11 reading science fiction 12 going to pop concerts 13. visiting museums 14 cooking 15 playing football What do you like? Work with a partmer. Ask your partner if he or she likes doing these things. Answer with love or hate, > playing tennis you Do you like playing tennis? PARTNER Yes, [love playing tennis, on No, Ihate playing tennis. doing Maths homework travelling, camping buying clothes babysitting having your hair cut going to the dentist taking medicine staying up late 10 getting up early 11 fighting 12 cleaning your shoes 13. going on holiday 14 tidying your room 15. speaking English 16 shopping for food 17 telephoning 18 writing letters 19. cleaning your teeth 20. eating in restaurants COIAT AWE Chapter 17 18 I can, but you mustn’t Can I goto the cinema with Tom, Grammar lesson can for permission > Can Igo to the cinema? No, you can’t. Can Tom come this afternoon? Yes, he can. Can he stay till midnight? No, he can't! must for necessity Mi: 1 you you he he she she must not oR it i eaee sit mustn't we we you you they they No swith he/she/it, No to after must. > Tvegata cold. Imust stay in bed today. You must tidy your room. Trmusin't forget to tidy my room. You mustn't go out with a cold. a Chapter 18 can for permission; must for necessity Your room’sin a mess again. You must tidy it. And yon'ye gota cold Youmubtn’t go outwith a cold You can go to the cinema next week. Can you or can’t you? Ask permission with Can I Then give the probable answer. Youwantto.. >... goto see a horror film. Ask your father. Can I go to see a horror film? No, you can’t! 1... invite ten friends to lunch. ‘Ask your mother. 2 ...go camping in the woods. Ask your mother. 3. ... have some extra English homework 4. ...cat sweetsin bed. Ask your dentist. cook lunch on Sunday. Ask your mother. 6... go swimming with a bad cold. Ask your doctor. 7 ...wash the car. Ask your father. 8... have more pocket money. Ask your mother. watch television until midnight Ask your father. 10. ...do this exercise again. ‘Ask your teacher. 2 Ask your partner You want to borrow some things from your partner. Ask him or her, like this: > pencil you Can I borrow your pencil, please? Partner Yes, you can, OR No, you can’t. 1 ruler 7 dictionary 2 pen 8 feltpen 3 rubber 9 coursebook 4 pencil sharpener 10_ sticky tape 5 scissors 11 atlas 6 grammarbook 12. glue Classroom rules Putin We must or We mustn't. Make true sentences. >» We must sit still. > We mustn't _ jumpon the desks. fight. 2 _ do what the teacher says. 3 ____ gotosleep. 4 be quiet. 5 -\ play football 6 Took at the blackboard. 9 _ eatexisps. 8 draw on the desks. 9 listen to the teacher. 10 Sees give answers, WS read comics. 12 make alotof noise. 13 ______ look at the teacher, 14 ss jump ontof the windows. — listen to Walkmans. 16 ___. | __ write letters to friends, Necess ty Putin must or mustn’t. > Trig, youmustn't _ squirtyour water pistol at people. 1 It’sasecret. You ce ee Jenny or Amanda. 2 Shhh. Dad's asleep. We. be quiet. 3 Nick, you _____ spend all your pocket money atonce. 4 Wem! write to Grandmother, It’s her birthday tomorrow. 5 Trig,you squirt toothpaste at Chip. 6 Iu forget my homework again. Mr Blake gets angry. 7 You \ eat so much, Trig. You are too fat. 8 Chip, you chase Fluff. She’sa sweet little cat 9 Youreally tidy your room, Nick. I can’t open the door! 10 Chip, t the postman’s trousers. 11 Chip,you usin t in the flower beds. ou wit ‘tear bury your bones 12. IWssix o'clock. 1 gohome now, Jenny. 13. Nick, you say ‘Shut up’ toadults. 14 Trig,you__p earn some new English words every day. 15 Trig, you're dirty. You really awe have a bath! Chapter 18 a 19 How much milk? Nick and Jenny want to make a cake for their school party. JENNY We need some sugar, some flour, some eggs, some butter and some milk. nick Milk? We haven't got any! How much milk? jenny Not much. Butwe can use water. Nick Well, atleast we've gotsome water! And how many eggs do we need? Have we gotany? Where are they? Ask Trig! ig Chapter 19 some, any; how much, how many Grammar lesson some and any 1 Use some and anytwith plurals and with uncountable nouns > We've got some lemons. We've gotsome butter We haven't got any eggs. We haven t got any milk. Have we got any apples? Have we got any sugar? 2 Use some in affirmative sentences. > Weneed some eggs. We've got some water 3 Use anyin negative sentences. > Wehaven’t got any eggs. There isn 'tany milk. 4 Use any in most questions > Are thereany eggs? Have we got any milk? how much and how many 1 Use how much with uncountable nouns. > How much milk have we got? How much flouris there? 1 ‘Use how many with countable nouns. - > How many eggs have we got? < How many lemons are there? Making a cake Putin some or any. Jenny and Nick want to make a chocolate cake. They've got > Some _ flour. Isthere 1 Nick? ‘margarine or butter, They've got + sugar, but what else do they need? Well, they need 5 eggsand 6 milk, Unfortunately, milk, butat water! And have they haven’t got 7 least they've got 8 they got 9 cocoa? Oh, dear. There isn’t 10 There isn’t 2 margarine, but there's 3 butter in the fridge, Memory game 3. Is there any? Look at the things on the kitchen table for one minute. Close the book. Name what's on the table. Use a, an or some. > some meat, a banana, some cherries . Look at the picture in Exercise 2 again. Aska partner questions with any. The partner answers with some or any, like this: > rice? you Is there any rice? PARTNER Yes, there's some rice. > oranges? you Are there any oranges? PaRtNER No, there aren'tany oranges. 1 coffee? 9 tomato 2 bread? 10. tea? 3 cheese? A flow 4 apples? 12. chocolate? 5 orangejuice? 13. cherries? 6 potatoes? 14 sugar? 7 milk? 15. grapes? 8 meat? 16. dates? Chapter 19 4 More cooking You want to make these things. Write what you need and what you don'tneed. ‘Use some and any. » vegeubiesoup YRS ASE. GH ors DO = I need some onions, some salt, some carrots and some peas. I don't need any pineapples or any peaches. 1 strawberryjamn Sasa SODO® & os 2 seme omens Sea SB ED) pocket money do you get every week? How much pocket money do you get every week? » brothers and sisters have you got? How many brothers and sisters have you got? Sowu sHmene comics do you buy in a year? money do you save every week? sweets do you buy every week? chocolate do you eat every week? milk or cocoa do you drink every day? pets have you got? pen-friends have you got? letters do you write every week? time do you spend on homework every day 6 Puzzle Complete the sentences to solve the puzzle. ge, HF PLS 6 aa 1] » OP t =a : (oo > Ge) @ Across Down 1 How® ang _ books have you 1 How_t rain falls in England gor? oe 4. Theyare poor. They hayen’tgot much 5 We need some pizza. tomakea a Iwant some fruit, Have you got any 10 Nick’s gota toffee and a bar of chocolate but Jenny hasn’t got any 12 Howmuch. do you drink every day? 2 Heis hungry. He wants_—_____ bread, @ She is late. She hasn’t got much 6 Wehaven't got any —__ We can’t make an omelette, 8 They haven’t got stamps. I can’t post my letter. 9 Talways like some» in my coffee. 11 Jenny is thirsty. She wants some. Chapter 19 a 20 How often do you help? AMANDA, NICK JENNY NICK How often do you help in the house, Nick? ‘Oh, I often do things. I tidy y room three times a week, That's lic, You never tidy your room, You are always too busy. Mum doesitevery _ Monday. Thav’s not fair, Jenny! Isometimes do it—at least twice a year. Adverbs of frequency Grammar lesson Adverbs of frequency Adverbs of frequency tell us how often something happens. never, often, always etc. never rarely sometimes usually/often always 0% 100% ‘We putnever, often, always etc. 1. before a full verb: > You never — tidy yourroom. I often do things inthe house. Mum always does it. 2 after the verb be: > You are always tov busy! once a week, every Monday etc. How often do you tidy your room? once aweek twice aweek three times a week every Monday Also: once an hour/amonth/a year; every morning/night/year/Christmas etc. Look where they usually stand in the sentence, > tidy my room once a week. ‘Mum tidies your room every Monday. 1 Tell the truth! Put in never, rarely, sometimes, usually, often or always, Pee este do bad things! ‘Oh, Trig! Are you telling the truth? 1 Time lose things. 2 12.) do my English © homework 3 [is + borrow money, 41 ___ break things. 51 fight. 6 Tu help my parents. 7 14 make a messin my room. 8 [i+ __spendall my pocket money. 9 1__._gotobed late. 10 1b uy ___ tell the truth. 2 Tell the truth - again! Write the sentences, putting in never, rarely, sometimes, usually, often or always. > Teat sweets. ‘Trig? Are you sure? Tnever eat sweets. Oh, all right! GO} © £ 2 Ciinsines) eat sweets. <= e 1 Tread comics in bed, F 2 We go camping atweekends. 1 3 buy chewing gum. 4 Wegotothezoo, 26 ty 5 [buy cassettes. 6 Igotopopeconcerts, 7 We get upatsix on Sundays. 8 Iplaybasketball. kod 9 [forget things. 10 Wewatch television, 6 sin ue \ : f Chapter 20 "| Holidays Copy the sentences but put in the words in brackets () > The Bells goon holiday in August. (always) The Bells always go on holiday tn August . is = > The weatheris good. (usually) The weather is usually good, 1. They stay in England. (rarely) Too. E 2 They drive to Scotland or Wales. (sometimes) 4) é 3. In August there isa lot of traffic on the roads. (often) 2 4 Theygot Greece or Spain. (sometimes) 5 In August the weather is wonderful there. (usually) = 6 They take the car abroad. (never) 7 Before the holidays Nick and Jenny are excited. (always) = 5 i 8 Chip goes with them to Scotland or Wales. (always) (iu afuiGis, 9 When they go abroad, he stays with the Allens or with the Todds. (usually) isn'ta good dog. (always) aa we q 10 But unfortunately hi a Chapter 20 How often do you...? Write answers to these questions, Use: 5. clean yourshoe: once (or twice or three times) with aday, a week, amonth, a year every with 6 morning, day, evening, week, year 4 How often do you . > wash: yowee E nash iy fe 7 gotothedentit'? 1 aia the three times a day. ! 1 comb your hair? 2 wash yourhair? —) 5 OSgctpresenis) 1 We SS 3. brush your teeth? —__ a ¢ ¢ cas ¢d 4 havea bath ora shower? < as Class game a. Write an action on a strip of paper, like this: d. Nowwrite, for example, ‘once a year, twice a week three times a month, ten times a day. san my shoes I clean my e. Read the sentences to the class. 1 1 t = Possible sentences: b, Fold the paper so that your action is at the back, like thi i 1 : ¢. Exchange papers with a partner. Don’t read what’s on the paper! Chapter 20 21 Tom plays football _ Present simple or continuous? let’s Let’s talk about Tom. Tom loves football. He plays four times aweek. He’s playing now. Let’s watch Let’s talk about Nick. But he does it every day. the moment. ‘And [ove chasing that stupid cat next door. Lehase her every day. But look! I’m not chasing her just now notyet PUR Chapter 21 Nick hates homework. Look! He’s doing his homework at Grammar lesson Present simple or continuous? 1 We use the presenssimple for repeated actions— things that happen (or don’thappen) many times or all the time, ‘We often use it with always, never, once aweek, every day etc. > Wedo homework every day. Tomusually plays football four times a week. We also use it for facts which do not change. > Nick hates homework 2 We use the present continuous for something that is happening at the moment of speaking. We often use it with now, at the moment, just now. > Look! Tom’s playing football now. Nick’s doing his homework at the moment. Chip isn’t chasing Fluff just now. let’s We use let’s (orletus) for a suggestion. > Let's talk about Tom. Let's watch. What are they? What are they doing? Look at the pictures. Write and say what the people are and what they are doing. Use the words in the list anurse/ boys areporter adoctor afarmer__ pilots. dancers apoliceman astronauts >» She is a nurse. She_is eating. Chapter 21 bi 2 It’s the wrong day It’s Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Bell are doing things today that they usually do on other days. Write what they are doing, and when they usually do it. MR BELL MRS BELL, Wednesdays plays chess / Mondays Thursdays writes letters Wednesdays Fridays plays golf ‘Thursdays Saturdays mows the lawn Fridays Sundays washes the car Saturdays » He's playing chess today, but 5 he usually plays on Wednesdays does thg shopping goes to her art class does the ironing washes her hair plays tennis Chapter 21 3 Zoe and Anna 4 a Youand your partner read about Zoe. Ask your partner ten questions about Zoe. Use the present simple and the present go swimming Let’s... Make suggestions with Let's. Use: read them in bed emartes putonthelight ask her 7 hurry play football » you Isshe studying English in Greece? close the window chase Chip Partner No, sheisn't, She's studying look for him have something to drink English in England, watch television make some sandwiches you Does she like speaking English? go by bus PARTNER: Yes, she does. > It’svery hot today. Zoe OE Be Let's go swimming. £s is Zoe. She is from Greece. She is thirteen years old. She is studying English ~ in England. She likes England and she likes 3 speaking English, She's got a lot of English books. She doesn’t like music, She plays volleyball. Itis raining today. Zoe and Jenny are speaking English in the house. Zoe is & making mistakes. They are laughing. o b Now you and your parmer read about Anna. Your partner asks you ten questions about Anna. 7 lei : 9 This is Anna. She is from Greece. She is thirteen years old. She is visiting England 10 with her class. She doesn’t like England. She hates speaking English. She hasn't got any English books. int She plays tennis, She plays the piano. Itisn’training today. Anna and Amanda are playing tenis in the park. Annaislosing, She is making mistakes, She isn’t laughing She isn’t having fun. 12 I'm hungry, —___ Iv’sraining. We can’t play outside. It’s dark in here. Iv’snice weather today. Ivscold in here. I'm thirsty. We're late for school. Trig is hiding I’salong way. Here’s Mum. Chip’s chasing the cat. Here are some comics. Chapter 21 22 Was Nick ill? _ Pastsimple of be and have Nick Hello, Mr Blake. I'm phoning about Nick Bell. He wasn’t at school yesterday. He was ill. MR BLAKE Oh, dear. Was he in bed? NICK Yes, he was. He hada sore throat and a headache. MR BLAKE Did he have a temperature, too? nick No, he didn’t have a temperature, but he had a sore toe, a sore finger and toothache as well! MR BLAKE Qh, did he? Who is that speaking, please? NICK This is my father. Grammar lesson Past simple of be Twas Twas not or wasn’t was I? youwere — youwerenotoxweren’t were you? he was he was not ox wasn’t was he? shewas _ she was not on wasn’t was she? itwas it was not on wasn’t was it? we were we were not OR weren’t were we? youwere youwerenotorweren’t were you? theywere theywerenot onweren’t _ were they? Also: therewas there was not onwasn’t _was there? therewere there were not orweren’t _ were there? Short answers Was Nick ill? Yes, he was. Was he reallyill? No, he wasn’t. FE Chapter 22 Past simple of have 1 ¥ you you he he she had she} didnot ox didn’t have we we you you they they Questions Short answers Didlhave? _Did you havea temperature? Didhehave? _ Yes, I did. ox No, I didn’t. Did your brother have a headache? Yes, he did. on No, he didn’t. | Where were they yesterday? Say where they were. Use was or were. > Peter was at the theatre. cacus SPORTS CENTRE > Hehad a sore throat yesterday. Did he have a temperature, too? No, he didn’t hae a temperature. Learn also: have breakfast, lunch, suppers ameal, a shower, a bath SWIMMING POOL THEATRE Chapter 22 2 Famous people quiz Say who they were. Use was or were. > Albert. » George Washington and John F. Kennedy ct Sy were US presidents. “ ue %, A 2 Homer Virgil stein was a scientis Columbus John F Kennedy Sa a US presidents composers ‘scientist artists inventor 2 explorer writer é 8 poets Charlie Chaplin film actor singer philosophers Picasso Elvis Presley Albert Einstein Plato Marconi a Chapter 22 Van Gogh Socrates i Yesterday Putin have, had or didn’t have. > Nick didn’t go to school yesterday Did he have a temperature? > Yes, poor boy. He Aad____a sore toe and asore finger aswell. 1 Did Nick aheadache and asore throat yesterday? 2 Yes, and he— toothache as well. 3. What time did Nick and Jenny breakfast? 4 Nick wasn’t hungry, so he abig breakfast. 5 Jenny — ashower, Itwas too late, 6 Trig was rather late with breakfast, too. He itattwo-thirty. 7 He ashower, because __ he hates water 8 When did Trig lunch yesterday? 9 He —— hunch at four o’clock and he ——____ another snack at five o’clock. 10. The family supper at seven o'clock, as usual. 11 Did Jenny — abath at nine o'clock? 12 Trig a midnight snack in bed, as usual Question time Write short answers. > Were you at school yesterday? Yes, Twasox No, I wasn't ___ > Did you have a big breakfast this morning? Yes, L did. ox No, I didn't. 1 Were you at home yesterday? 2 Were you ill? 3 We your friends at school yesterday? 4. Wasyour father atwork yesterday Were there any letters for you yesterday? 6 Was there a parcel for you? Did you have lunch at home yesterday? 8 Was there a foothall match on television yesterday? 9 Was your favourite programme on television last night? 10 Did you have a bath last night? 11_ Did you have cornflakes for breakfast this morning? 12. Were you late for school this morning? b Nowaska partner these questions. Chapter 22 23 Did Trig help? NICK A few days ago Trig wanted to work in the garden. First he watched Dad. Then he filled the watering-can and carried it to the flower-beds. Dad was so pleased. He stopped his digging and smiled. Buthe didn’t smile for long. Tom Oh, agail car. Did Trig ‘help’ NICK Oh, yes. He certainly tried. He pulled up all the flowers and watered the weeds! Grammar lesson Past simple of regular verbs Most verbs are regular. Add ed or d to the base form for the past simple affirmative: help helped smile -> smiled After did, did not or didn’t, use only the base form. > Trigwanted to help in the garden. Did he help? ‘Dad dlin'tsmile for long. aE 1 you you he he she she | didnot ox it tmelbred th sip didn’t help we we you you they they Questions Did I help? Did he help? Short answers Did youhelp? Yes, Idid. Did they help? No, they didn’t. CH Chapter 23 Past simple of regular verbs; ago ‘We use the past simple for actions that started and finished in the past. We often use them with a time expression. > Afewdays ago Trig wanted to work in the garden. First he watched Dad. Spelling 1 wy > tried carry > carried (yaftera consonant ied.) 2 stop -*stopped plan planned (One-syllable verbs ending in ‘one vowel + one consonant double the consonant.) ago Anhour ago means ‘an hour before now’. Look where ago stands. > It’ssixo'clock. Tom arrived an hourago. (=at five o’clock) Also: a week ago, three days ago, two years/months ago, afew minutes/hours ago. 1 2 plan study dance clap ary like ay empty double consonant + ed Make lists Write the past simple forms of these verbs Put them in the correct lists. love WY hate tidy fill bury help¥ walk use arrive’ want stop pullup. carry grap. smile uy water look hurry shop a ed ied > loved _ whelped A busy week ‘Say and write what the Bells did last week. » mend the fence MR BELL 8 Mr Bell mended the fence, ___ 1 oilhis bicycle NICK 9 2 wash the car oO 3. Study fora Maths test _ a i il 4 ean thewindows 7 eee i 12 fa the bedrooms mom «=| 6 6 empzyall the rubbish bins Nick 14 = buryasmelly bone cu dust the rooms. paint the bathroom cooka cheese omelette work fora History exam bake some cakes help in the garden water the weeds JENNY MRS BELL, JENNY MRS BELL Chapter 23 Famous people Who was it? Write in the correct names from the list. > Grace Kell lived in America and Monaco. She acted in films She married a prince, She died in 1982, 1 lived in England and America. He composed many famous songs. He died in 1980. i 2 lived in England and Ameri He acted in funny films. He died in 1977. 3 th aa lived in America. He created Mickey Mouse. He died in 1966. 4 Le _____ lived in Italy. He painted the ‘Mona Lisa’, He died in 1519. 5 ___ lived in Russia. She danced in ballets She died in 1931 6 th lived in Egypt. She ruled the Egyptians. A She died 2,000 years ago. Cleopatra Anna Pavlova Grace Kelly V Walt Disney John Lennon Leonardo da Vinci charlie Chaplin Now correct these wrong statements, > Walt Disney lived in England. He didnt live in England. He lived in America > Anna Pavlovaacted in films. She didnt act in films. She danced in ballets. 1 Cleopatra lived in France 2 John Lennon died in 1970. 3 Walt Disney created Asterix. Ey Chapter 23 4 Anna Pavlova lived in Spain. 5 Grace Kelly danced in ballets. 6 Anna Pavlova died in 1920. 7a arlie Chaplin painted the ‘Mona Lisa’ 8 Cleopatra died in 19 : 9 Charlie Chaplin lived in Russia : eae ; ae 10. John Lennon directed films ee —_ ‘ I Leonardo da Vinci created Mickey Mouse. 12 Walt Disney composed songs. Did she? Did he? on What about you? With a partner, ask or answe about the famous people in Give short answers, juestions Answer the questions with ago. xercise 3, > When was your birthday? About three months ago. oR Two weeks ago. > Did Grace Kelly live in Monaco? 1 When was your best friend’s birthday? Yes, she did. 9 y : ee 2 When did you learn to swim? Neo ce 3 When did you get your first bicycle? Dee When did you start school? 5 When was your last visit to the 2007 6 When did you get your last pocket money? When was the last school holiday? When was your last English te When did you last go to the dentis When did you get your watch? Soar Chapter23 24 Nick lost his money _ Pastsimple of irregular verbs Nick can’t find his money. jenny Well, where did you go yesterday? Nick I went to the sports shop on the bus. [bought some new wheels for my skateboard, jenny Perhaps you left your money in the bus, nick No, didn’t. I paid for the wheels jenny Perhaps you lost itin the shop. wick No, I didn’t lose itin the shop. jenny Did youspenditall ona present for me ...? Grammar lesson 1 Pairs Past simple of irregular verbs Itaslem licens In the past simple, irregular verbs have eae form Pereeels special affirmative forms. You must learn sprlose lost these forms. There isa list at the back of — sh this book. We make the negative and the question formswith did not or didn't and did... + base form, as for regular verbs. = = —_ I I ae fee you you £ eae ie he he she (ven: she‘ didnotor aa Gases it it didn’t go — —____ _—— we we you you ote pee they they Se Questions ase aa = Did 1 go? a Did he go? shotannes lose found paid come Didyougo? Yes, Idid. sing give gave build Did he go? No, he didn’t. came bought —_ pay find spent «buy left go sang ran spend went run leave built lost V a Chapter 24 2 More pairs Find and say pairs. > make, made > get, got Base form Past simple Base form Past simple make: fell b dig did get brought drink¥ stood fly broke thinky, was break © sat do ¥ told fall swam tell had bring y got stand y began write wrote be thought take took have knew sit flew know 7 dug swim made begin ¥ drank see V ate eat saw Asummer holiday Putin the past simple forms. Use all the verbs from Exercise 2a, like this: Lastycar the Bells» flew to Greece on holiday, They the Parthenon and many other buildings and they 2__ alotof Greek food. They ___ on the beach in the sunand 4 in the warm sea. Nick and Jenn Greek friends. They & some alotof postcards to their friends in England and they 7 They all 8 alotof photographs. sunburned. Unfortunately Mr Bell © down the hotel stepsand i. hisarm! Buthe |!______ home many other souvenirs as well, Chapter 24 a 4. Trig can do it. Can you? Try to write correct sentences. » [adid) [Where] / go] last year] [the Bes | ? sce] | they || Did] { the Parthenon] ? [hers (ai Ore Where did the Bells go last year? 1 [they |{ sit} [Di id] [on the beach | ? 2 | Whar] | they eat] [did ? 4 [they || Dia get| [sunburned |? 5 [postcards |{ many |[Did] | write |{ they 6 [Dia] [take || photographs] | they ] ? a they [swim ] [aia] ? 8 | did] | What Mr Bell | break| ? 9 | fall || Where he| {aid ? 10 [Did] | bring | home| | he]| other souvenirs Chapter 24 i504 WY o 200 Did they see did] [on the beach | [ Nick and Jenny | ? the Parthenon? 5 Your holidays a Answer the questions with full sentences. > we 9 10 ra 12 13 14 Did you go on holiday last year? YeS, I went on holiday last year. How many presents or souvenirs did you buy?-Z bought two presents for my best friends ,Jane and Sarah. * When did you last go on holiday? — How did you travel? By car or by train? —____ Did you fly? Where did you go? Where did you stay? In a hotel or with friends? Did you go with your parents? ___ What did you do during the day? What did you do in the evenings? _ What did you see? Did you write postcards to your friends at home? How much money did you spend? Did you make new friends? __ What did you eat? Did you fall and break an arm or a leg? b Now give a short answer where suitable. Chapter 24 fy 25 What’s Trig going to do? _ begoingto jenny Look, there’s Trig. What’s he going to do? @yvammar lesson Nick He’sgot the lawn mower: He’s A going to mow the lawn. And be going to look at those clouds! It’s going 1. Use be going to* base form fora torain. future intention or plan. lam youare going to mow the lawn. weare youare theyare J > Tam notor I'm not going to mow the lawn. “Are you going to mow the lawn? Short answers Ishe going to mow the carpet? Yes, he is. oR No, he isn’t. jenny Look. He isn’t going to mow 2. Use be going to fora prediction, the lawn, He’s pushing the when something in the present tells lawn mower into the house. us about the future. x > Look at those black clouds! 7 q NICK Oh no! Is he going to mow Its going to rain. the carpets? hapter 25 1 Whatare they going to do? Match sentences from the qwo columns. ‘Then write new sentences with be going to. > MrBellis hot. 1 Chip’s thirsty, 2 Jenny’s tired. 3 Mrs Bell’sill. 4 Nick’s bored. 5 Chip and Trig are hungry. 6 MrTodd’s cold. 7 Amandaand Mrs Todd are wet. 8 Tom can'tdo his homework. 9 It’sdark. Tom can’tsee. 10. Is loud. Mrs Todd can’t hear, 11 Tom’sgota broken leg. 12 Jenny can’tfind Chip. 13. Mr Bell can’tstart the car, 14 Nick’s gota toothache. go to bed e: watch television have a drink . ask his mother look for him in the garden have acold shower puton the light turn down the radio miss the next football match getsome food from the fridge have ahot bath see his dentist dry their clothes take some tablets telephone the garage > Hes going to have a cold shower. Chapter 25 2 Atthe weekend Say what you are going to do, or are not going to do, at the weekend. > visita friend Fm going to visita friend, > wash my hair T'mnot going to wash my hair tidy your room? visitan auntoruncle? siti the sun? sleep late? drive to the sea? play football? watch television? help in the house? write letters? phone your friends? playcomputer games? _go shopping? 3 Future plans ‘These pupils already have plans for their future jobs. Match what they like or can do with what they are going to do. ‘Then write new sentences with be going to. > Barbara likes animals. becomea pilot 1 Mark is good at Maths. become a kindergarten teacher 2 Pam likes cooking. work ina bank 3 Sam loves aeroplanes. become avet 4 Jane loves small children. become a train driver 5 Scott loves trains. study art 6 Sarah is good at painting, study medicine 7 Patwants to be a doctor, buya restaurant 8 Ann loves compute become an author 9 Paul likes writing stor become a sports teacher 10. Bill loves sports._ study computer science Barbara’ going to become a vet. eset Remy | a 10 BEB Chapter 25

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