Raspuns PT 11.09.2019 Si Probe

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The Registrar, European Court of Human Rights

Council of Europe
Dossier 31061/17 (56472/17) updated last in August 2018 and lodged with ECHR, published at:

I, the undersigned in my 24th month in exile political refugee and human rights defender
registered with UNHCR no 245-17C19171, with first name Tudor-Andrei, last name Raneti, mother’s
name Mariana, father’s name Viorel, legally domiciled in Romania, Bucharest, sector 3, Theodor Pallady
boulevard, no 2, M2A apartment block, entrance B, 6th floor, 61th apartment, where I don’t live since
2009 – so don’t use it as address of correspondence, identified with Identity Card series RT no 654712
emitted by SPCEP S3 bureau no 4 on 4th September 2009 and having personal numeric code
1801010394508, with the chosen address of electronic correspondence: tudor.raneti@gmail.com

formulate the following

to the ECHR falsified address from 11th September 2019

ECHR lies I have not answered the correspondence from 25th March 2019, as proven in the
attachment also published at the bold font address below. In reality my mother who I mandated to
correspond on my behalf to protect the secrecy of my location to not be assassinated by the
Romanian “state” mafia and its collaborators, sent it on 11th April 2019, and it arrived on 23rd April
2019 according to the received receipt, which I publish at the below address (in contrast with 11th
September 2019 address) as further evidence ECHR lies to cover-up Romanian Crimes against
humanity. Even if mafia agents posing as ECHR registrar destroyed it, as they illegally destroyed the
first 6 Rule 39 ECHR urgent requests for interim measures, ECHR and CoE are aware because I
petitioned them and took no action therefore this is another lie for the same purpose. Furthermore
since the correspondence is about stalling the trial under the false premise I am obligated to hire a
“state” mafia “lawyer” from Romania, I have already answered before twice I have no such obligation
- even the ECHR rules recommend it, not make it mandatory, which in my case I remind is not
recommended, for the aforementioned reason and because I am better than any lawyer in the world
at this, being a 10 year experienced human rights defender, tested perhaps on over a hundred lawyers
I contacted
I remind I published the falsified ECHR addresses at the following internet addresses:
27.11.2018: https://www.scribd.com/document/401884664/Raspuns-Pt-27-11-2018-Si-Probe
25.03.2019: https://www.scribd.com/document/406567293/raspuns-pt-23-03-2019
11.09.2019: https://www.scribd.com/document/425833654/Raspuns-Pt-11-09-2019-Si-

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In the article denouncing ECHR: http://truthjustice.x10host.com/main%20articles/ECHR.html,
along with the criminal activity ECHR and CoE are part of

There is no such thing as “amiable solutioning of the case”. I do not negotiate with the
murderous terrorist Romanian “state” mafia who this very second is looking for me to Torture, Bodily
harm and Qualifiedly Murder me as I proven in annexes 19-21 from my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request
for interim measures. Romania will pay 24.2 billion dollars in reparation I requested in annex 23 of my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures,
AND convict all who participated in the 8 Crimes against humanity against me,
AND convict all who participated in the Crimes against humanity against ANYONE,
or I will continue to destroy the false reputation of all politicians and functionaries,
institutions and corporations, national and international, involved in Crimes against humanity. Only
the ones who cannot be accused for lack of evidence at best will escape, meaning ECHR / CoE can only
if it emits effective interim measures to put a stop to the Romanian Crimes against humanity, and
initiates the internal procedures for denouncing and expunging the criminal personnel I’ve already
caught within ECHR / CoE, and no, I am not deluded into thinking that will happen, I write this for the
public setting the tone, since I am publishing everything major I discover

Since the corrupt ECHR / CoE knows that I've already answered twice to this identical illicit
mafia stalling sham - that representation is irrelevant as ECHR / CoE knew anyway, this is why ECHR
lies I didn't answer to its illicit address from 25 March 2019, to stall and attempting to fake the
circumstances to throw the case it already failed to keep secret illegally, continuously threatening
with throwing the case under an aberrant false rule of ECHR manifesting the power of will of the
claimant by declaring the claimant is not interested in the claim, after the claimant manifested his
interest by lodging the claim, which is the first logical proof of the ECHR rule aberration, and because
clearly ECHR is not the claimant, and cannot represent the claimant under the evident conflict of
interest bringing clear proof of lack of impartiality, therefore ECHR cannot declare the claimant is no
longer interested in its claim, only the claimant can do so - it’s called the fundamental right of
disposition meaning only the claimant can deliberately set the juridical circumstances of his claim and
nobody else, and nobody can deny this right including the exercise of any of the claimant’s rights as
ECHR did by denying me the right to represent myself, even aberrating I made such a request. Since
my first Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures from April 2017 which if resolved
would’ve prevented the 7th and 8th Crimes against humanity being perpetrated against me, and
would’ve prevented me becoming a permanent political refugee, ECHR illegally destroyed it 7 times,
this occurrence included, for different reasons each time although being a legally identical petition,
which proves in itself ECHR lies. I’m publishing on my site:
http://truthjustice.x10host.com/main%20articles/ECHR.html the enumeration of illegal reasons used
by ECHR to destroy my petition, such as it wasn’t on a specific form, didn’t contain an inexistent
decision, isn’t signed, I am not represented etc. ECHR even hides the original dossier number
31061/17 under the number 56472/17 to hide the major update from August 2018 that I’ve published
at: https://www.scribd.com/document/352597506/Raneti-vs-Romania-at-ECHR

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ECHR / CoE knows even better than me that all lawyers Romanian or international refuse to
represent me because the "state" mafia pressures everybody to throw my case (as if that were
possible since I represent myself better than any lawyer hence I don’t need any), and the lawyers fear
dealing with the mafia at this ultimate scale, which is proof in itself all lawyers are really mafia
associates since they are aware of it and do not denounce it but collaborate with it. In fact it is not
possible to practice the lawyer profession without proving oneself a mafia collaborator - I was
illegally arrested and tortured for the purpose of being assassinated even before I graduated Law
College in Romania as I’ve proven in my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures. This is
the third time I prove this to ECHR, including by the fact they refused to represent me even before my
dossier existed at ECHR, and misrepresented me at the mafia's orders, as they were allocated by the
Romanian “state” mafia to my case to fake the existence of representation, which although required
by the law, it does not replace my free manifestation of will and lack of consent to be represented by
mafia "lawyers" and be deprived of the right to have access to the 4 penal dossiers falsified by the
"state" mafia against me as pretext and cover-up for the 8 Crimes against humanity it perpetrated
against me to stop me from denouncing its criminal activity. ECHR's silly illegal demands are for the
same purpose, a deluded impossible attempt to separate me from the dossier I created. I have in fact
about a dozen lawyers inculpated in a penal dossier which the Romanian "state" mafia hides ever
since with no "solution" of any kind (which I will publish soon on my site, but after the dossiers of the
Romanian “state” mafia capo regimes such as the Constitutional Court members who falsified
decision 25 from 19th January 2017 declaring that anyone can be illegally arrested from his home or
the street and assassinated under the pretext of penal security measures without a penal
indictment and condemnation, since "lawyers" are merely mafia associates), and when I hired two
lawyers by addressing the national bar for the 2nd Crime against humanity committed against me in
the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, they did nothing and both disappeared. Furthermore
because the "state" mafia continuously hunts to assassinate me since 2017, proven by the continuous
existence of its illicit order 12718/231/2017 to do so under the guise of penal security measures for
the supposed crimes of an unrelated to me person named Vasilache Daniel as proven in annex 19 of
my ECHR dossier, although missing even an indictment not to mention a conviction for penal security
measures to even begin to be legal, it is again proven and reminded why my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures exists, which ECHR destroys repeatedly to cover-up the Romanian
Crimes against humanity. Lastly, being a political refugee I am no longer Romanian but stateless, in
practice in the 24th month in exile under threat of torture and death, proven beyond all reasonable
doubt neither Romania nor EU / CoE / ECHR has any intent to protect me, so ECHR's demand that I
hire expressly a Romanian "state" mafia "lawyer" to throw my case is risibly evident and illicit, as well
as ECHR's empty threat to illegally throw my case which it continuously tries to hide under number
56472/17 when it's really 31061/17, which ECHR already destroyed illegally 6 times, so destroying it
again makes no difference, I will lodge it again, and again, and continue denouncing ECHR's criminal
activity to the world

ECHR abuses a recommendation to have representation to stall convicting Romania or

issuing an illegal decision against me, and hopes the Romanian "state" mafia would kill me to
sweep the case under the rug clandestinely, as if it could after I raised awareness globally what ECHR

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/ CoE stands for - organized crime that is, as if representation is mandatory and eliminates free
manifestation of will which can not by fundamental justice principle (and as if ECHR could hide it
destroyed illegally 6 times my 24.2 billion claim for 8 Crimes against humanity, 7 counting the current
ECHR attitude that fools nobody, even withholding evidence such as Romania's answer to my claim to
which I already answered it can only be falsified if contradictory to my claim and the law)
ECHR is so mentally alienated as to believe I would gratuitously hand over my manifestation of
will, my juridical right to act, to one of their mafia associated “lawyer” goons, and it believes so
obstinately because... mental alienation
Even more, ECHR personnel is so mentally alienated that it hallucinated in its address from
25 March 2019 that I requested the right to represent myself, which I didn’t, which is ludicrous since
everyone has this right as of fundamental judicial principle, and requires no request to start with, nor
can be denied as the ECHR personnel declared infringing thus on the same fundamental judicial
principle, proving itself both incompetent and criminal by attempting uselessly to cover-up Romanian
Crimes against humanity

Meanwhile , the Romanian "state" mafia proved again its true colors during the notorious
Caracal case, protecting the prostitution and pedophilia rings it entertains for Americans from the
nearby base at Deveselu, case in which the mafia soldier “police” waited outside the domicile of their
serial killer and abductor for their prostitution and pedophilia racket, illegally claiming they needed a
mandate, while they illegally broke into private property and illegally arrested me illegally without a
mandate 6 times.
I have obtained again the kind of evidence the "state" mafia tries to kill me for, that it
forcefully drugs in 2019 229 orphans in Vrancea county alone (where the 8 Crimes against humanity
were perpetrated against me), and Romania has 40 counties...
Furthermore a George Soros NGO published the truth I already proven and thus predicted
logically, that 1447 persons were exterminated in the Romanian "psychiatry" charlatanry gulags in the
year 2017 alone when I nearly became no 1448. This means a massacre in the past 30 "democratic"
years. See this article: http://www.crj.ro/harta-deceselor-in-spitalele-de-psihiatrie-centrele-de-
plasament-si-centrele-de-protectie-a-persoanelor-cu-dizabilitati/, which I believe is a cover-up being
the official data from the Romanian “state” mafia who has an interest in covering up its criminal
activity naturally
The CIA secret torture prisons in Romania condemned by CoE to save appearances are old
Wikileaks news, and the condemnation only exists to cover-up the collaboration between CoE and
CIA, proven otherwise by the fact the prisons existed for a long time under the awareness of CoE.
I am another Assange, my curriculum only missing denouncing Crimes of war, and I already
exposed the criminal activity of USA, NATO, UN, EU, CoE, ECHR, ICC and INTERPOL just to name some
of the biggest. Good luck charging me with hacking reality, I look forward to it, I’ll publish it here along
with the rest of the mafia’s criminal activity: http://truthjustice.x10host.com/

ECHR is so deluded it can't even acknowledge I cut off its jurisdiction and legitimacy by
accusing it in the very dossier it stalls that it destroyed it illegally 6 times before, infringing thus on the
fundamental principle nemo iudex in sua causa, therefore all its acts in the dossier are void of right as

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is ECHR and CoE. Not even if I “win” I will not stop hunting down for justice the ones who destroyed
my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures permitting the 7th and 8th Crimes against
humanity to be committed against me, or the ones who tried to kill me since the beginning. Now you
knows why the Romanian "state" mafia desperately tries to assassinate me - ECHR cannot weasel its
way out against me because while it callously stalls, thousands die horrendously and it's ECHR / CoE's
fault as well because it refuses the interim solutions I proposed, and I'll paint ECHR / CoE publicly
with the blood of its victims, Romanian and otherwise. Keep stalling, destroying dossiers, whatever.
Keep killing people. ECHR / CoE doesn’t seem to understand that not even the 24.2 billion dollars I
righteously demand, no amount of money I get from "justice" can buy the life "justice" destroyed, but
whatever the mafia does against me I use to bring the mafia down with me. This is about revenge for
all the lives you destroyed, as I can't wait to see you all in hell. As Henry Charriere once put it, I
wouldn’t soil my spit on ECHR / CoE and French obtuse “justice” which was copied by Romania, then
“perfected” in its atrocities by the wild occidental culture that praises criminals, which was installed in
1989 by CIA and USA allies, and is far worse than communism ever was

14th September 2019

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Curtea Europeana a Drepturilor Omului

Quatrieme section

CEDH-LF5.3aR (mod)

Requete no 56472/17
T.R. c. Roumanie

Strasbourg, le 29 aout 2019

Recommandee avec A/R

Rețin / constat că nu ați răspuns la scrisoarea noastră din 25 martie 2019 prin care vă cere să numiți un
reprezentant în prezenta procedură în fața Curții. Veți găsi atașat o copie a acestei scrisori, în caz că nu ați

S-a decis să vă acordăm un nou termen pentru numirea unui reprezentant în conformitate cu articolul 36
litera (a) din articolul 36 din norme și să îmi returnați formularul atașat, completat și semnat corespunzător.
Noul termen limită pentru depunerea acestor elemente este, prin urmare, fixat pentru 10 octombrie 2019.

Vă atrag atenția asupra articolului 37 alineatul (1) litera (a) din Convenție, potrivit căruia Curtea poate
scoate o moțiune din listă în care circumstanțele sugerează că partea solicitantă nu intenționează să-și
păstreze cererea.

Vă rugăm să acceptați, domnule, asigurarea distinsei mele considerații.

Andrea Tamietti
Secția adjunctă Grefier
P. J.

je constate que vous n`avez pas repondu a notre lettre du 25 mars 2019 vous demandant de designer un
representant dans la presente procedure devant la Cour. Vous trouverez ci-joint une copie de cette lettre,
au cas ou vous ne l`auriez pas recue.

Il a ete decide de vous accorder un nouveau delai pour designer un representant conformement au
paragraphe 4 a) de l`article 36 du reglement et pour me retourner le formulaire ci-joint, dument rempli et
signe. La nouvelle date limite por la communication de ces elements est donc fixee au 10 octobre 2019.

J`attire votre attention sur l`article 37 & 1 a) de la Convention, aux termes duquel la Cour peut rayer une
requete du role lorsque les circonstances donnent a penser que la partie requerante n`entend pas
maintenir sa requete.

Veuillez agreer, Monsieur,

l`assurance de ma consideration distinguee.
Andrea Tamietti
Grefier adjoint de section

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