United Health Group Interview Topics

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United Health Group Interview Topics:

1. Complete Data Structures Implementations in any language

2. SQL
3. Data Modeling
4. Java Coding Patterns (Pyramid etc)
5. Basic Electronics
6. Flow Charts

Coding Questions:

1. Sum of all the digits of a number until sum is of one digit.

2. Given a number n, find the number of cards required to make a card pyramid of level n.
3. Simple password checker with given constraints like atleast one capital, atleast two
numbers and a special character, etc.
4. Rotation of a linked list in groups of k.
5. Reverse a linked list in groups of size k
6. Find the occurences of a digit d in a given range from 0 to n.
7. Inversion Count
8. Password checking based on the conditions given
9. Sort the array pair wise
10. Mirror of the binary tree
11. longest common subsequence
12. Find the largest palindrome in a given string.
13. Implement queue using two stacks.
14. Find the middle element of the linked lists in a single pass (you can only traverse the list
15. N numbers ranging From 1 to N are given, there is exactly one number missing and
exactly one is repeated find the repeated and missing number.

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