Music Makes People Happy

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Music is heard everywhere. It plays a very important role in human society.

It gives
entertainment and emotional release, and it is used in different activities ranging from dances
to different kinds of ceremonies.

Dearly beloved parents, my name is Mr Ludwig, and I am the Music teacher of EMASI Schools…

As a performer and musicologist, my personal goal is to bring music to life in different ways.
That’s why I opted to be a teacher. Teaching and learning music touches all aspects of learning,
that includes the psychomotor (the development of skills), the cognitive (the acquisition of
knowledge), and, in particular and significant ways, the affective domain (the learner's
willingness to receive, internalize, and share what is learned), and that is through music
appreciation and sensitivity.

Training in music from preschool through secondary education is common in most nations
because involvement with music is considered a basic part of human culture and behavior.
Researches show that Music is a very important subject for all children to learn, because it can
lead to better brain development, increases in human connection, and even a stress relief. If
music will be removed from schools, children will no longer receive these benefits unless, of
course, they enroll in private lessons, which is much too expensive nowadays. We are just very
lucky that EMASI Schools are giving us this privilege.

There are 4 simple things that I want you to think of why we study Music…

1. Music makes people happy

The most important reason why a person should study music is that it makes us happy. There
is a strange feeling - a mysterious joy- a person feels while playing a musical instrument;
strange because you can’t get it from any other activity, and mysterious because it can never
be totally described or explained. If you’ve ever seen the joy on a child’s face as they realize
that they’ve mastered a melody on their instrument, you know how powerful music can be in
raising the spirits of a young person.

2. Music brings us together

If a child is playing music at school, they’re likely to be performing in some-kind-of-a-group.

Whether it be a string quartet, a marching band, a jazz band, a choir, or a rock band, a music
group brings children together to work towards achieving a common goal. These types of
groups promote friendships and teach important values of teamwork. When a group plays
together in harmony, a child will realize that a group of individuals who are working together
effectively is far more than the sum of its parts. This is a priceless lesson that applies not only
to music but to all walks of life.

3. Music teaches us about the world

It is impossible to study music while it is limited to one culture alone. Music, compared to any
other forms of art, contains elements from a vast array of cultures. If a student is learning
about the fundamentals of Rock and Roll music, they’ll be taught that Rock derives from the
Blues, an American genre which in turn derives from African music. If a student is learning a
Waltz, they will learn that the form derives from German music. There are countless examples
of this. Music makes lessons about different cultures fun and memorable.

4. Music makes us smarter

Studies have proven that learning music at an early age will improve executive brain function.
In one study, a small group of seniors at a nursing home were instructed to take piano lessons
for six months. By the end of their training, the group’s multi-tasking and decision-making
abilities had vastly improved. In addition to improving these brain functions, playing music
can relieve stress, improve communication and increase efficiency, all of which make learning

Truly, Music has many benefits to people of all ages. It’s important for us to know why, so that
we will encourage our children and our children’s children to inspire making more music and
continue to be an advocate for keeping music education in our schools! EMASI Schools believe
in this advocacy… before I leave you, let me show you a video clip of one of the Music sessions
in our school.

Thank you and good afternoon…

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