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Why don't we use high voltage DC lines?

Oh, but we DO use HVDC. Where did you hear that?

It is true that AC is used overwhelmingly in power transmission.

But DC makes more sense when it comes to extra high (EHV) and ultra high (UHV) power
transmission (500,000V and up) for the following reasons:

It is asynchronous. That is, because DC has no frequency, it can be used to connect two
different systems without worrying about having to synchronize the systems.

The DC connection is an open circuit to AC systems. This is important when it

comes to system stability-having that isolation helps to separate two separate systems in the
event of a electrical fault event, such as lightning or equipment failure. The DC circuit limits
the fault's path, essentially protecting the unfaulted part of the system it is connected to.

For long distances, it is more economical. DC transmission towers take up less space
which means less land can be used for right of way. Since DC only needs two poles at a
maximum (sometimes one pole is used, and the ground is used as a return), less wire is
needed. Towers are also more economical since they don’t have to carry three separate

Less Losses. With a DC system, there are less losses-there is no reactive component to a
DC circuit, so AC system related losses like capacitive, inductive and skin effect are
nonexistant. Again, because there is no AC, losses and other issues associated with electrical
coupling/induced currents are not an issue. There are only resistive losses, as opposed to
AC, which has both reactive and resistive losses.

Easy to transfer large blocks of power. With DC, direction of power can be switched
easier. This makes DC indispensable for areas where summer loadings and winter loadings
are opposite — for example, a state that is cooler in winter in one area and warmer in
summer in another area. The DC circuit could be used to export power to the colder region
in the winter from the warmer region, and from the cooler region to the warmer region in
summer. Inverters are used to change the direction of power instantaneously, as well as the
amount of power transmitted.

Now, even though DC makes sense for the very high voltages I’m talking about, there are
reasons we don’t overwhelmingly use it in the US. The disadvantages are:

Cost. DC installations are very expensive, which is one reason why they don't really get
used below transmission voltage level. A DC substation requires more equipment than an
AC substation would require, partially because the conversion process requires not just the
equipment to convert the AC to DC, but that will eliminate harmonics that are created. This
is very inefficient for sub-transmission and transmission voltages below 500kV (500,000V).
AC power is easier to step up and down. There is no such thing as a DC transformer,
since transformers require a magnetic field to work. DC current, since there is no frequency,
cannot produce the induced current in the secondary coil of the transformer.
Transformation is an essential part of the AC power system, so this inability is a very
significant negative.

Because of the disadvantages, DC transmission in the US is still not common; it is very

limited in scope, and is not generally used for voltages below 500kV. But in Europe it is
decidedly more common. The asynchronous nature, as well as the particular areas, make DC
connections a more suitable choice there than here in the US.

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