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Shark skin morphology and hydrodynamic properties

Article · January 2012


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2 authors:

Bernd Daehne Burkard Watermann

Brillhygiene LimnoMar


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SPECIAL GREENTECH | Surface Technology

Shark skin morphology and

hydrodynamic properties
Biomimetic surface Shark skin has being attracted the interest of biomimetic engineering
due to its postulated drag-reducing and antifouling properties. Several companies and research
institutions have developed artificial surfaces for underwater coatings, claiming a biomimetic
approach based on the structure and function of shark skin. Upon closer look, however, most
of these surfaces have either no or only crude similarities to the skin of sharks. Furthermore,
the scientific debate on the basic mechanisms of shark skin’s function to reduce drag is still
going on. The following review by Bernd Daehne and Burkard Watermann from LimnoMar, the
Laboratory for Aquatic Research, Hamburg / Norderney, aims to address the current state of
the discussion and describe the difficulties in creating a biomimetic surface.

ast-swimming fish like ship’s hull, the application of In contrast to most fish spe- able properties with regard to
sailfish, tuna and shark coatings with a smooth surface cies, the skin of sharks is not mechanical protection, disease
have been the subject of was postulated as an optimal covered by slime but is rough prevention and hydrodynamics.
numerous investigations on condition. The development like sandpaper. It contains only
swimming behaviour, body of self-polishing polymers for few unicellular mucous cells Scales
morphology and skin topog- underwater coatings seemed to without producing a slimy layer The presence of hard placoid
raphy to reveal their hydro- fulfil the requirements of foul- on top of the scales. Neverthe- scales (dermal denticles) in
dynamic properties. Like sub- ing prevention and drag reduc- less, the thin mucous layer in the skin of elasmobranch fish
marines, animals swimming tion, creating a smooth surface. between the scales seems to has been noted for as long as
through the water experience As the mucus of fish species facilitate the vortex generation sharks have been caught and
three types of drag that impede like sailfish or tuna is one of on shark scales (Figure 1), and has served as an attractive mod-
their movement: form drag the most effective surface layers induce a ”fluid roller bearing” el for shipbuilders. Due to its
due to a difference in pressure for drag reduction (as high as effect (Bhushan, 2010; Videler, structure, shark skin has been
around the body (residual re- 60%), its hydrodynamic prop- 1995). As some shark species used as sandpaper or as a cov-
sistance in ships), drag due to erties have attracted much at- are very fast swimmers and have er for weapons. Indeed, shark
lift (ditto), and skin friction due tention by researchers seeking adapted their morphology in skin has several functions. Its
to boundary layer formation to optimise smooth coatings 450 million-years of evolution, protection against mechanical
(frictional resistance in ships). (Hoyt, 1975; Bushnell and it can be assumed that even a damage and its hydrodynamic
To achieve low friction along a Moore, 1991). “rough” surface exhibits favour- properties seem to be espe-

Figure 1: Skin near the gills of bonnethead shark (Sphyrna tiburo) with Figure 2: Skin of bonnethead shark (Sphyrna tiburo), transversal
rounded scales and mucus- producing cells (mc) between the scales section of placoid scale with riblets (arrows). psc = placoid scale,
creating the ”fluid roller bearing” effect , drm = skin, bar = 50 µm drm = skin, bar = 50 µm

48  Ship & Offshore | GreenTech | 2012

cially important, having been sublayer of a turbulent bound-
”optimised” in the evolution- ary layer by the formation of
ary process and exhibiting as- streaks. Roughly 40 years ago,
tonishing properties. Since the several authors suggested that
Reynolds number of fast sharks the reason for the assumed drag Hempel_1-2h_1-12
is comparatively high (Re ap- reduction of shark skin was the
proximately 106 – 107, calcu- maintenance and active modifi-
lated with the body length), cation of the laminar boundary
potential drag-reducing mecha- layer due to the existence of fine
nisms derived from sharks are riblets in a streamwise direction.
attracting research projects on This hypothesis was corrobo-
the development of technical rated by experimental studies
drag-reducing surfaces with ap- with V-shaped ridges reducing
plications in aerodynamics and the drag by up to 8% (Nitschke,
hydrodynamics. 1982; Bechert et al., 1985). The
A substantial body of literature generation of vortices was at-
deals with the morphology of tributed by Peng et al. (2009)
shark skin and has revealed to drag reduction as well. The
basic evidence of the following authors assume that the gener-
aspects: ated vortices and induced ex-
XX Squamation of all recent change of momentum in a tur-
and many fossil groups of bulent boundary layer produce
sharks consist of non-growing high-speed lumps approaching
placoid scales. the surface. This mechanism
XX The morphology of shark should induce shear stress that
scales essentially differs accord- removes larval stages of fouling
ing to the sharks’ mode of life. organisms and ectoparasites.
Reif (1985) differentiated four This hypothesis, however, re-
groups: (1) sharks living in mains to be corroborated as the
rocky substrates like coral reefs list of ectoparasites that can be
with knob-shaped abrasion found on the skin of sharks is
resistant scales, (2) demersal quite long (Cheung, 1992).
sharks on soft bottoms with
spine-shaped scales to prevent Streamwise and
settlement by ectoparasites, (3) perpendicular riblets
luminescent deepwater sharks In addition to the specific sur-
with scales providing spaces for face topography of scales with
photophores and (4) fast off- riblets in streamwise direc-
shore predators forming scales tion, it has become evident
with crowns and ridges (Figure 1). that fast-swimming sharks can
modify the angle of their scales
Hydrodynamic aspects in correlation with their swim-
The scales of fast- swimming ming speed. In several species
sharks have flat crowns that it could be shown that the an-
overlap each other to vary- gle of scales is modified due to
ing degrees and are covered increased tension of the skin
by sharp, V-shaped ridges and at high speed. Wainwright et
rounded, U-shaped valleys in al. (1978) confirmed previous
between. The orientation of the findings indicating that the in-
ridges is generally in the body ternal pressure increased more
axis. Depending on the size, than tenfold from slow to fast
each scale has three to seven swimming. The effect on the
ridges with spacing of 30 – skin is twofold. The spacing
100 µm (Figure 2), the spacing between the scales is slightly
varying slightly within a species enlarged, but more important
according to the body region is the bristling of scales, which
(Reif and Dinkelacker, 1982). can rise by as much as 40°.
In most of the 30 species inves- The ability to vary the angle of
tigated up to now, the spacings scales enables sharks to gen-
are under 100 µm. erate increased turbulence at
Fast-swimming sharks can reach higher swimming speeds, pre-
speeds of up to 10 – 20  m/ venting flow separation and ac-
sec, corresponding to approxi- commodating the skin surface
mately 20 to 40  knots. It has structure in relation to speed.
been hypothesised that shark Laboratory experiments with
skin interacts with the viscous riblets aligned perpendicu- 

Ship & Offshore | GreenTech | 2012   49

SPECIAL GREENTECH | Surface Technology

Bechert, D.W., Hoppe, G., Reif, W.E. (1985)
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Experiments with three-dimensional
riblets as an idealized model of shark skin.
Exp. Fluids, 28, 403 – 412.
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review. Philos. Transact. A Math. Phys. Eng.
Sci., 368, 4775 – 4806.
Bushnell, D.M., Moore, K.J. (1991) Drag red-
uction in nature. Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech. 23,
65 – 79.
Cheung, P. (1992) Parasitic diseases of
elasmobranchs. In: Stoskopf, M.K. (ed.) Fish
Medicine, Saunders, Philad. 782 – 807.
Han, X., Zhang, D.Y., Li, X., Li, Y.Y. (2008)
Bio-replicated forming of the biomimetic
drag-reducing surfaces in large area based
on shark skin. Chin. Sci. Bull. 53, 10, 1587
– 1592.
Lang, A.W., Motta, P., Hidalgo, P., Westcott,
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Lang, A.W., Motta, P., Hueter, R., Jones,
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Scale patterns of various species of fast sharks. Smith, D., Habegger, L. (2010) Experimental
studies to reveal the boundary layer con-
trol mechanisms of shark skin. IMA work-
shop, Natural locomotion in fluids and on
surfaces: swimming, flying, and sliding.
lar to the flow direction – mim- In conclusion it can be stated flect to a very simplified degree Poster.
icking the bristled scales - were that shark skin has a three di- the real topography and flexible Nitschke, P. (1982) Experimentelle Un-
performed by Scholle and Ak- mensional surface topogra- properties of the skin in living, tersuchungen der turbulenten Strömung
in glatten und längsgerillten Rohren. Di-
sel (2006). They revealed an phy that includes scales with actively swimming sharks. Even plomarb. Univ. Göttingen.
induction of vortices and re- streamwise riblets, and the with these simplified models, Oeffner, J., Lauder, G.V. (2012) The hydro-
dynamic function of shark skin and two
duction in drag. In a follow-up shark can adapt its skin to in- a drag reduction of up to 10% biomimetic applications. J. Exp. Biol., 215,
study Lang et al. (2008, 2010) creasing speed with transversal has been reported. Technical 785 – 795.
investigated in detail the effect riblets composed of erected approaches that are closer to Peng, Y.L., Lin, C.G., Wang, L. (2009) The
preliminary study on antifouling mecha-
of bristled shark skin caused by scales that lead to the genera- complex shark skin structure nism of shark skin. Advanc. Mat. Res. 79-
the erection of scales at various tion of primary, secondary and and function may result in 82, 977 – 980.

angles. They tried to build rep- tertiary vortices. higher degrees of drag reduc- Reif, W.E. (1985) Morphology and hydrody-
namic effects of the scales of fast swim-
licas of the skin of adult short- To avoid this complexity, some tion but are unequivocally very ming sharks. Fortschr. Zool., 30, 483 – 485.
fin mako (Isurus oxyrhinchus) investigators used the skin of difficult to achieve (Oeffner Reif, W.E., Dinkelacker, A. (1982) Hydrody-
with scales bristled perpendic- dead sharks with flattened scales & Lauder, 2012). Up to now, namics of the squamation in fast swimming
sharks. N. Jb. Geol. Paleont. Abh. 164, 184
ular to the skin. Experiments as a template to create hard shark skin serves as a model – 187.
modelling this extreme angle PMMA ”negatives” and PDMS or delivers the brand name for Scholle, M, Aksel, N. (2006) Shark skin ef-
of bristling confirmed the for- soft ”positives.” Even this simpli- several products claiming to fect in creeping films. Physics. Fluid Dyn.
May, 1 – 4.
mation of embedded vortices fied shark skin displayed a drag- be biomimetic. A close look at Videler, J.J. (1975) Body surface adapta-
within the inter-denticular cav- reduction effect of 8.25% in wa- most of these products or coat- tions to boundary-layer dynamics. Symp.
Soc. Exp. Biol., 49, 1 – 20.
ities. The authors suggest that ter tunnel experiments (Han et ings reveals quite simplified
at low Reynolds numbers flow al., 2008). As mentioned above, adaptations of complex shark Wainwright, S.A., Vosburgh, F., Hebrank,
J.H. (1978) Shark skin: function in locomo-
over d-type surface roughness, other researchers created mod- skin, if similarities exist at all. tion. Science 202, 747 – 749.
embedded vortices may reduce els with extremely erect scales
skin friction drag through the (90°), observing drag-reducing
”fluid roller bearing” effect effects as well (cit. op. Lang et
(Figure 3). The mucus between al., 2008). To combine all con-
the scales supports this drag- ditions in which living sharks
reducing effect (Figure 1). Thus can shape their skin according
these embedded vortices, anal- to speed is hard to achieve. Fur-
ogous to the dimples of a golf thermore, the boundary layer of
ball, may work as a boundary a swimming fish is complicated
layer control mechanism to de- due to the permanent undula-
lay or even prevent flow sepa- tion and definitely different
ration. Bechert et al. (1985, from one over a rigid plate, e.g. Figure 3: Primary,
2000) pointed out, in contrast a rigid skin model or structured secondary and terti-
to statements in many popular hull surface. ary vortices genera-
publications, that enhanced Summing up some aspects of tion on a placoid scale
model with perpen-
mixing does increase shear the current discussion, it must dicular orientation to
stress and drag reduction; it is be stated that the shark skin the surface
exclusively achieved by avoid- models created as technical so- (Lang et al., 2010)
ing flow separation. lutions for ship hulls so far re-

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