Factsheet Tetanus PDF

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Quick facts: Tetanus is a medical emergency requiring
 Hospitalization  Drugs to control muscle spasms
 Immediate treatment with human tetanus im-  Aggressive wound care
mune globulin (TIG) (or equine antitoxin / TAT)  Antibiotics
 Tetanus vaccine
Pathogenesis globulin is not available), a tetanus toxoid (TT) booster,
Clostridium tetani spores usually enter the body agents to control muscle spasm, and aggressive wound
through a wound or breach in the skin. In the presence care and antibiotics. If immunoglobulin is not available,
of anaerobic (low oxygen) conditions, the spores germi- tetanus antitoxin (TAT; equine origin) in a single large
nate. Toxins are produced and disseminated via blood dose should be given intravenously, after testing for
stream and lymphatic system. Toxins act at several hypersensitivity.
sites within the central nervous system, including pe- Depending on the severity of disease, mechanical ven-
ripheral motor end plates, spinal cord, and brain, and in tilation and agents to control autonomic nervous system
the sympathetic nervous system. The typical clinical instability may be required. An adequate airway should
manifestations of tetanus are caused when tetanus be maintained; tracheostomy, nasotracheal intubation,
toxin interferes with release of neurotransmitters, block- and/or mechanically assisted respiration, may be life-
ing inhibitor impulses. This leads to unopposed muscle saving. Sedation and muscle relaxant drugs should be
contraction and spasm. Seizures may occur, and the used as indicated to control muscle spasms. Active im-
autonomic nervous system may also be affected. munization may be initiated concurrently with treatment.

Symptoms and Diagnosis After a Disaster

Tetanus is a clinical syndrome without confirmatory The risk of tetanus among disaster survivors and emer-
laboratory tests. The disease is characterized by painful gency responders can best be minimized by following
muscular contractions, primarily of the masseter and standard immunization recommendations and providing
neck muscles, secondarily of trunk muscles. A common proper wound care. Tetanus may be more commonly
first sign suggestive of tetanus in older children and reported in older persons who are less likely to be ade-
adults is abdominal rigidity, although rigidity is some- quately vaccinated than younger persons or children.
times confined to the region of injury. Generalized Patients without a clear history of at least three tetanus
spasms occur, frequently induced by sensory stimuli. vaccinations who have any wound other than clean and
History of an injury or apparent portal of entry may be minor need tetanus immune globulin (TIG); not just a
lacking. The organism is rarely recovered from the site tetanus toxoid containing vaccine.
of infection. TIG provides longer protection than antitoxin of animal
The incubation period ranges from 3 to 21 days, usually origin (TAT) and causes few adverse reactions. The
about 10 days. In general, the further the injury site is currently recommended prophylactic dose of TIG
from the central nervous system, the longer the incuba- (Human) for wounds of average severity is 250 units
tion period. A shorter incubation period is associated intramuscularly. When tetanus toxoid and TIG (Human)
with more severe disease, complications, and a higher are given concurrently, separate syringes and separate
chance of death. In neonatal tetanus, symptoms usually sites should be used.
appear from 4 to 14 days after birth, averaging about 7 It is advisable to use diptheria tetanus toxoids vaccine
days. (DT) (for pediatric use – 6 years of age and younger) or
tetanus diphtheria toxoids vaccine (Td) (for adult use –
Treatment 7 years of age and older) in wound prophylaxis instead
Tetanus is a medical emergency requiring hospitaliza- of tetanus toxoid (TT) alone in order to also maintain
tion, immediate treatment with human tetanus immune adequate levels of diphtheria immunity.
globulin (TIG) (or equine antitoxin if human immune
WHO current recommendations for treatment of tetanus during humanitarian emergencies.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Health Cluster Contacts
National- Manila: haiyanhccmanila@wpro.who.int
Sub-national- Tacloban: haiyanhcctacloban@wpro.who.int; hcctacloban@gmail.com
Sub-national- Cebu: haiyanhcccebu@wpro.who.int
Health Cluster Website: http://www.wpro.who.int/philippines/typhoon_haiyan/en/

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