Youthlink Magazine - April 1-7, 2014: Contributed

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The ISSA/GraceKennedy Boys and Girls Championships’ mascot, Champsy, and LIME’s Vice-President of Marketing Carlo Redwood (third right) with track stars from Calabar High
School and Kingston College, (from left) Michael O’Hara, Chadayne Walker, Javon Francis and Jhevaughn Matherson at the Champs 2014 press launch, held at the TVJ studios.


yl:office administration

Factory control office

HYACINTH TUGMAN too, need to be stocked in sufficient quantities so that the I. BATCH PRODUCTION
Contributor production process is not jeopardized. The making of a number of similar items at the same time,
HE PURPOSE of the factory office is to coordinate the

for an entire week, then moving on to something else.
activities of the production process to allow for ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT
maximum efficiency and to make quality products in the
required quantities. The size of the factory office is generally The accounting department must be involved in the II.MASS/FLOW PRODUCTION
determined by the manufacturing or production activities that estimating, costing and general budgeting activities for goods This involves the production of large quantities of goods to
take place in a company. In a large company, there is usually a production. A factory office clerk must, in some cases, record cater to a mass demand. Clothing, shoes and cars are usually
production department managed by a production manager factory workers’ hours of regular and overtime work and the mass-produced. This method is referred to as an assembly-
who oversees the: information passed on to the accounts department for line operation.
 Manufacturing of articles. payment to be prepared.
 Organisation and management of the factory. III. ONE-LINE PRODUCTION
 Factory and production planning. HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT
From time to time, factories sign contracts with customers
 Dispatch and transportation. This department is responsible for the recruitment, for the production of single, ‘non-repeated’ products as well
 Stockroom. selection, orientation and induction of workers, as well as as a few articles of a similar design, for example, a piece of
 Maintenance of good office services. their welfare and ongoing training. furniture or a piece of artwork.

RELATIONSHIP OF THE FACTORY OFFICE WITH FUNCTIONS OF THE FACTORY OFFICE Next week, we will look at the documents used in the
OTHER DEPARTMENTS factory and duties of the factory clerk. Until then, see you.
The major function of the factory office is the organisation Hyacinth Tugman teaches at Glenmuir High School. Send questions and
of production activities. This is because the office brings comments to
It is important for the factory office to maintain a close together principles and processes, staff, procedures,
relationship with the sales office so that when orders are materials, machinery and tools, company policies and
made, the sales department will check carefully and present objectives as well as statutory rules and regulations in the
them to the accountant for clearing (or verification and credit creation of articles for consumption.
worthiness). Sales invoices are then prepared, after which
copies are sent to the dispatch and transport section of the The office, therefore, has responsibility for:
factory office for processing. a. Planning and supervising all types of manufacturing.
b. Maintaining suitable procedures for the control of
c. Maintaining an appropriate level of discipline in the
It is the responsibility of the purchasing department to
obtain tools and materials for the factory. Therefore, the
d. Maintaining the factory, including power supply, plant,
factory office clerk should be in constant dialogue with the
equipment, machinery, tools and buildings.
purchasing department reporting on the status of these. If the
e. Maintaining an excellent transportation system.
factory experiences difficulty in obtaining constant supplies of
f. Suggesting ways in which improvements can be made.
raw materials from its suppliers, the ‘progress-chasing’ clerks
should work diligently with the purchasing department to
locate the materials or to find suitable substitutes. The aim is IMPLEMENTATION
to keep the production line going, thus ensuring the customer Production planning is just one major function of
of continued supplies of the commodity. manufacturing goods. Implementation requires the control of
various activities. The two important activities are:
Shawn Parkinson, vice-president of the UWI Guild,
STOCKROOM a. Instructing supervisors with regard to what is to be
hangs out with Carla Hollingsworth, brand
produced and when production is to commence.
The stockroom is essential to the production department as manager, Pepsi Jamaica, during the Integration
b. Discussing the method of how production is to be
items produced must be carefully stocked away until they are Thursday event at the UWI on March 13. Pepsi
utilised, for example:
ready to be dispatched to various customers. Raw materials, was the official beverage sponsor of the UWI
Carnival series of events.



Map reading
I AND welcome to another geography map-reading lesson. Today, we will continue

H looking at describing settlement and the relationship that it has with relief. I will be using
some small (1965) map extracts of Jamaica to demonstrate the different settlement types
and settlement patterns that exist. Additionally, I will give a brief description of these settlement

Remember that settlement location is greatly influenced by the relief and drainage of the
land. Settlement is classified as either rural or urban. They differ significantly in pattern, shape,
population size, culture, and so many other ways. MAP READING
Hi and welcome to another Geography Map Reading Lesson. Today we will con
Rural settlements may be described as having a scattered, clustered or a linear pattern. There describing settlement and the relationship that it has with relief. I will be using so
is a distinct presence of large open spaces. extracts of Jamaica to demonstrate the different settlement types and settlemen
Additionally I will give a brief description of these settlement pattern. the same o
as in last lesson along with
Remember that settlement location is greatly influenced by the relief and draina
Settlement is classified as either rural or urban. They differ significantly in patter
size, culture and so many other ways.
Rural settlements may be described as having a scattered, clustered or a linear
distinct presence of large open spaces.
Look a
black s
are us
S ll l t f b ildi b t th H th separa
Look at figure 1. The small black spots represent different dwellings or houses. Such
from th
settlements are usually located in highland regions where agricultural expanses separate each observ
settlement from the other. You will observe on a map that buildings are dispersed. Small buildin
clusters of building may be present on the map. However, these clusters are seemingly isolated Small clusters of building may be present on the map. However, these clusters
from other clusters or buildings. They usually have some public facility (postal agency, police isolated from other clusters or buildings. They usually have some public facility
station, telegraph, etc.) being the main reason for the cluster within the region. station, telegraph, etc.) being the main reason for the cluster within the region.
As you move away from these clustered settlement, along a road/rail/river/etc. (
As you move away from these clustered settlement, along a road/rail/river/etc (a linear map), buildings may be present along them. This pattern of settlement is describ
feature on the map), buildings may be present along them. This pattern of settlement is are some more pronounced Linear and Clustered patterns of rural settlement.
described as linear. Here are some more pronounced linear and cplustered patterns of rural

Compared to rural settlements, one notable distinction in the patterns of urban settlements is
the highly dense clusters of building occupying a large geographical area. Outside of that function as towns, to supply services such as churches, hospitals, markets and transportation
visual distinction, here are some other noticeable differences on a map. Comparing Kingston to terminals, or as cities, which are larger and have a variety of functional buildings.
Manchester or Clarendon, you will notice that a linear feature like streets form planned,
geometrical patterns, like rectangular or grid pattern, rather than organic patterns of rural See if you can identify any other differences between rural and urban settlements. With that
settlements. Between these many streets are large and dense or compact clusters of residential said, I will conclude this lesson. I hope it was useful, see you next week.
buildings, commercial and industrial offices, and manufacturing firms. These buildings are
Meshech Green teaches at Glenmuir High School. Send questions and comments to
arranged in large groups and the buildings run along both sides of the roads. Urban areas


yl:english language


Persuasive Statements such as those given by doctors or dentists (for

example, Crest toothpaste).

A statement suggesting that everyone is using a specific

advertisements product (nobody wants to be left out – for example, Nike).

Creating strong feelings about a situation or product.

I have provided some examples of advertisements which

NATASHA THOMAS-FRANCIS  To experience financial security.
 To be associated with a popular group. use the above-mentioned techniques. Try to think of other
ELLO, STUDENTS. Last week we concluded our examples.

 To be perceived as sophisticated.
discussion of persuasive writing and I left you with a  To feel beautiful or handsome.
persuasive advertisement. This week, we shall be  To live a comfortable life. Take a look at the following advertisement. After you have
taking a closer look at this medium of persuasion. The study  To be attractive to the opposite sex. read it at least twice, answer the following questions:
of advertising techniques is particularly useful for the Can you think of any advertisements to which these desires 1. To which target audience does the advertiser appeal?
comprehension section of Paper 02 as well as the multiple- are applicable? 2. What is the main desire being appealed to in the
choice paper (Paper 01). advertisement?
3. Identify two persuasive techniques utilised and provide
There are several interesting and creative advertisements an example of each.
Advertisers will use particular techniques to persuade their
seen on television, heard on the radio and read in newspapers 4. List three emotive words and explain their effectiveness.
target audience. These techniques include:
and magazines. Which advertisements are your favourite?
What is appealing about the advertisements? SLOGANS Until next week, be good and remember that the CXC
A catchy phrase/statement (for example ‘Nobody does it season will be here in the blink of an eye!
Let us take a look at the purpose of advertising, the desires better’).
to which they appeal and the techniques used to persuade the Natasha Thomas-Francis teaches at Glenmuir High School.
Send questions and comments to
consumer to purchase an item or use a service. You have, REPETITION
most likely, studied advertising at an earlier grade level. It is Used to ensure that
one of the most important means of communication you you remember the
encounter daily. name of the product.
Persuasive advertisements have two main purposes: These normally
”‡ƒ›…‘…‘ƒ „—––‡”Ž‘–‹‘ •‡‡•†”›ǡ ƒ•Š› –›’‡–‘
1. To provide information about a product or service. contain rhymes and an
2 To persuade someone or a group to purchase a product appealing rhythm. ’ƒ’‡”ƒ†”—„‡Ž„‘™•™‹–ŠǤ
or service.
BOLD PRINT ǯ •‘ˆ–‘ •—Ž‘˜‡”•ǡ‡ƒ•›‘ ™ƒŽŽ‡–•Ǥ
APPEALING DESIRES Normally found in
Advertisements also appeal to several human desires. printed advertisements. Ž‹––Ž‡ˆŽƒ›ǫ
Advertisers tend to take advantage of people’s emotional
Šƒ–ǯ•‘ƒ›Ǥ‡…ƒ•–‹ŽŽ‰‡–‘ˆˆ–‘ƒ•‘‘–Š •–ƒ”–Ǥ
needs, desires and fears. Some of the desires to which TESTIMONIALS
advertisers appeal are listed below. First-hand
experience such as the ‘‹•–—”‹•‡•–‘Š‡ƒŽƒ†’”‘–‡…–†”›•‹Ǥ
The need: ones given in the ‘”ƒŽ‘–Ž‡••Ǥ
 To feel secure.
 To achieve success.
advertisements. $:,;0


yl:information technology


Top-down design Programming languages fall into the following categories:

1. Machine language/1st Generation
2. Assembly language/2nd Generation
3. High-level language/3rd Generation
NATALEE A. JOHNSON 4. Fourth-generation language
GOOD DAY, students. This is lesson 25 in our series of lessons. This week, we will look at These languages can be further categorised as being either low-level or high-level
modularity/top-down design and programming languages (the beginning of a new unit). languages.


You have learnt in previous lessons the way in which you solve a problem on the computer,  Machine language
and you have been learning thus far how to write your pseudo-codes and how to construct your  Assembly language
flow charts. Now you are going to learn about a technique that can be employed when you have
a big program to code or problem to solve. This method is called the top-down design HIGH LEVEL
approach to programming.
 High-level language
 Fourth-generation language
The top-down design approach, or modular programming as it is sometimes called, involves Let us now examine each of these languages.
breaking a problem into a set of smaller problems, called sub-problems or modules, followed MACHINE LANGUAGE
by breaking each sub-problem into a set of tasks. This is called a divide-and-conquer
This was the first language available for programming. At the machine level the instructions
approach. When faced with a complex problem, it is easier to break the problem down into
are written in ones and zero (binary digits). This is the only language that the computer
smaller, more manageable sections and tackle each section as a separate entity rather than
understands. See diagram below.
trying to solve the large problem in one go.

Let’s assume you were creating a program to simulate the basic operations of a calculator. ADVANTAGES
Below is a diagram depicting a typical top-down design or modularity approach to  Programs execute fast.
programming for the calculator scenario.  Efficient use of memory.
for the calculator scenario. ϭϬϭϬϭϬϭϬ ϬϭϬϭϬϭϬϭ
Calculator  Programming is slow and tedious.
 Code difficult to learn, read, understand
and correct.
Sub_task_1: Sub_task_2: Sub-task_3: Sub-task_4:  Code is machine-specific – that is, it cannot be used in the same form on other
performing Performing Performing Performing
calculations to add calculations to calculations to calculations to computer models.
numbers subtract numbers multiply numbers divide numbers

Task 1 Task n Task 1 Task n Task Task These were developed to replace
the zeros and ones of machine >K y͕z
As you may observe with the diagram above, there is a major problem which has been language with symbols that are  y͕z
broken down into two sub-problems. The sub-problems are then broken down into respective easier to understand and ^dKZ 
tasks of which certain specific action(s) will be carried out. remember. It uses special codes
called mnemonics (words that
A sub-problem is a set of related tasks. A task is a set of related actions. An action is a basic suggest meaning) to represent
instruction that needs no further refinement. For example, an action may be a simple machine-language instructions.
instruction such as subtract two numbers. The process of dividing the problem into sub-
See the diagram below.
problems, or modules, and breaking them down into smaller units is called stepwise
An assembly language is translated into a machine language by using a translator program
One advantage of modular programming is that when a problem has been decomposed into called an assembler. However, both the machine-language and assembly-language programs
smaller sub-problems, each sub-problem can be solved as a single entity. However, the are machine dependent – meaning that the way the program is written depends on the
solution of each individual sub-problem does not necessarily solve the larger problem. There operation of the computer.
must be cohesion between the modules. That is, there must be a mechanism for
communicating between the different sub-problems.



4OH-(aq) === 2H2O (l) + O2(g) + 4e

Reaction: 2Cl-(l) === Cl2 (g) + 2e
If the solution is concentrated, then Cl- ions are discharged
preferentially and in this case a carbon electrode is used
instead of platinum as they are resistant to attack by chlorine.
2Cl- (aq) == Cl2 (g) + 2e


Ions present: H+, Cu2+, OH- and SO42-.
 IN THE electrolysis of molten substances, only two kinds Ions present are H+ and OH- from water and H+ and SO42-
from sulphuric acid. At the cathode: Cu2+ and H+ ions migrate towards the
of ions are present and both are discharged. The cation is
At the cathode: H+ ions migrate towards the cathode and are cathode where the Cu2+ ions are discharged in preference to
discharged at the cathode where it gains electrons (reduced)
discharged as hydrogen gas. 2H+(aq) + 2e == H2 (g) H+ ions as it is lower in the series.
and form atoms. The molten metal generally coats the cathode.
The anion is discharged at the anode by losing electrons Cu2+(aq) + 2e === Cu (s).
At the anode: OH- and SO42- migrate towards the anode but
(oxidised) and forming atoms. This copper is deposited on the cathode which gets thicker.
the OH- ion is discharged in preference to the SO42- ion.
4OH- (aq) === 2H2O (l) + O2(g) + 4e The blue colour of the copper sulphate solution gradually fades.
 When electrolysing aqueous solutions, the ions of the
substance being electrolysed and water are present. The
NOTE At the anode: Two reactions can occur at the anode
discharge of ions at the electrodes will, therefore, be
dependent on the position of the ion in the electrochemical Since four mol of electrons are produced at the anode, then depending on the type of electrode used. Using Pt/C
series, concentration and the type of electrode being used. these four mol of electrons must be used up at the cathode. electrodes, OH- ions are discharged in preference to SO42-.
(Please review last week’s lesson to understand this concept.) So, in this reaction, for every one mol of oxygen gas produced, 4OH- (aq) == 2H2O(l) + O2(g) + 4e. The solution becomes
two mol of hydrogen gas are formed. acidic as Cu2+ and OH- ions are removed leaving H+ and SO42-
Write electrode reactions for the electrolysis of molten ions.
USING PT/C ELECTRODE Using copper electrode as the anode results in the copper
In a molten substance such as NaCl (l), two ions are present; Ions present: Na+, H+, OH- and Cl-.
a positive ion (cation) Na+ and a negative ion (anion) Cl-. from the electrode being converted to copper ions (a process
At the cathode: Na+ migrates towards the cathode (negative which requires less energy) and the anode dissolves and gets
At the cathode: Na+ and H+ migrate towards the cathode but
electrode) and gains electrons to form Na, which is deposited thinner.
H+ is discharged in preference to Na+ (lower in
on the electrode. Cu(s) === Cu2+ (aq) + 2e. The concentration of the solution
electrochemical series). 2H+(aq) + 2e == H2(g)
Reaction: Na+(l) + e === Na (s) is unchanged (the blue colour remains the same).
At the anode: OH- and Cl- ions migrate towards the anode. If
At the anode: Cl- ions migrate towards the anode (positive the sodium chloride solution is dilute, then OH- ions are Francine Taylor-Campbell is an independent contributor. Send questions
electrode) and lose electrons to form chlorine gas. discharged in preference to Cl-. and comments to

Immigration schemes

1. THE DESIRE TO SUPPRESS WAGES Full emancipation resulted in the flight of labour from the
1. LIST FOUR countries from which British Caribbean plantations. Apprentices had now gained their freedom and
planters derived labour in the post-emancipation period. The planters introduced immigrant labour as they believed many were reluctant to work any at all on the plantation. In
2. Discuss two reasons why the planters turned to labour this would have helped to keep the wages down. Blacks had the smaller territories where the ability to access land was
sources in the British Caribbean in the post-emancipation demanded adequate remuneration, but the planters found limited and alternative occupations were also limited, ex-
period. that they could suppress wages if they could introduce cheap slaves had no choice but to continue plantation work. For
3. Discuss the push-and-pull factors that led to the foreign labour. This, in essence, would reduce the demand example, planters in Barbados and St Kitts had very little
migration of liberated Africans and Europeans to the power of the blacks because, if they refused what was being difficulty in accessing labour in the post-emancipation
Caribbean in the 19th century. offered, an immigrant was quite able to fill the position.


ADVANTAGES In contrast to a compiler, an interpreter does not translate the whole program prior to
 Programming faster and less tedious than for machine language. execution. Rather, it translates the code, line by line during the execution of the program. With
the compiler, all the translation is done and then the object program is executed. They are not
yl:information technology (continued)
 Code is easier to learn, read and understand than for machine language.
 Execution faster than high-level languages. machine dependent. Examples of high-level language are Basic (Beginners All-Purpose
Symbolic Instruction Code), Pascal (which is the programming language you will learn for
CSEC), COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language), JAVA, C Programming and so on.
 Programming slower and more tedious than high-level languages. Code is machine ADVANTAGES
specific.  Programming faster and less tedious.
 Code is easier to learn, read, understand and correct.
HIGH-LEVEL LANGUAGE  Language is more English and math like.
These differ from low-level languages in that they require less coding details and make
programs easier to write. They are closer in appearance to natural language, for example, DISADVANTAGE
English and French. Programs written in high-level language is called source code, while the  Program executes slowly.
translated version is called object code. These programs must be translated to a form which
can be accepted by the computer. This is achieved by means of a special translator programs
called compiler and interpreter.
They are often described as very high-level languages and referred to as 4GLs. They are
easy-to-learn, easy-to-use languages that enable users or programmers to code applications
Here’s a diagram illustrating the relationship between the source code and the object code.
much more quickly than they could with lower-level languages. Two examples of 4GLs are


 Useful for generating reports.

INTERPETER ;ƐƚŽƌĞƐĐŽĚĞŝŶ  Can be very wordy.
We have come to the end of this lesson. See you next week, when we will look at some key
programming terms and the Pascal language. Remember that if you fail to prepare, you should
be prepared to fail.
Natalee A. Johnson teaches at Ardenne High School. Send questions and comments to

period. It was in the large territories such as Jamaica, British the Caribbean. They primarily went to British Guiana and approval of this scheme as it seemed to be a revival of the slave
Guiana and Trinidad that planters faced such difficulty and had Trinidad and a few to the Windward Islands. They were brought trade. However, in 1840, approval was granted. At first they
yl:history (continued)

to turn to immigration schemes as an alternative labour source. in by government bounty. Most came during periods of famine were recruited privately but the British government assumed
The hope was that immigration would provide a permanent in Madeira (1846-1847). Their numbers decreased after 1847 direct control two years later.
source of labour for the plantations. until the scheme ended in 1882.
THE EUROPEANS PROBLEMS WITH MADEIRAN IMMIGRATION 1. Very few Africans were willing to travel to the Caribbean.
Due to a decline in the white population, planters sought The Madeirans died in large numbers. They suffered severely There were no catastrophes in Africa which would make them leave.
European immigrants to increase the size of the white population. It from yellow fever, malaria, overwork and inadequate food. The 2. Many who came to the Caribbean did not remain on the
was hoped that Europeans would set an example of industry to ex- scheme was very irregular and most of them went into trading plantations. Rather, they followed the ex-slaves and settled on
slaves and eventually develop into a middle class. They would as soon as their contracts ended. In addition, the Madeiran lands and became peasant farmers.
settle on available land in the interior, thus, forcing ex-slaves off the government objected to the scheme, since so many of its
land and back to the plantations. Jamaica imported the largest citizens were leaving, and implemented measures which made
it difficult for their recruitment.
number. Europeans also went to Trinidad, British Guiana and St The largest number of Africans who came to the British
Kitts. These immigrants were mainly Scots, Irish, French and Caribbean were ‘rescued’ by the British Navy from slave ships
Germans. They were recruited under a bounty system. THE AFRICANS bound for Cuba and Brazil. These Africans were forcibly
There were two distinct groups of Africans that were used as indentured for up to five years in the Caribbean, primarily in
labourers in the post-emancipation period. These were the free British Guiana, Trinidad and Jamaica.
PROBLEMS WITH EUROPEAN IMMIGRATION Africans and the liberated Africans. The free Africans were
Europeans were unsatisfactory as most died from tropical persons who willingly opted to work on the plantations in the
diseases, heat stroke and by drinking themselves to death. They Caribbean. The liberated Africans were persons freed by British PROBLEMS
also refused to work on the plantations with blacks. Many asked naval personnel from vessels illegally transporting them to the 1. The number of liberated Africans was too small to make a
to be sent home or migrated to the United States. Planters also Caribbean as slaves. difference to the labour situation. This scheme ended when Cuba
failed to supply proper food, shelter and medical facilities. and Brazil abolished slavery in 1866 and 1888, respectively.
Like the blacks, they abandoned the estates and settled on land.
THE PORTUGUESE Attempts were made to obtain Africans from the Kru Coast Debbion Hyman teaches at St Hugh’s High School. Send questions and
Madeirans were attracted to the higher wages being paid in and Sierra Leone. The British government was reluctant to grant comments to



Osmosis in animal cells

MONACIA WILLIAMS animal cells undergo crenation. The condition in animal cells
Contributor can be demonstrated in the laboratory using red blood cells.
OOD DAY, students. How are you? I hope last week

G was a good one for you and that this week will be even
better! Remember that you need to take care of
yourself, eat right, take your vitamins and exercise regularly.
In light of what you have just learnt, can you see why it is
important for you to keep the concentration of the blood
plasma (the liquid portion of the blood) constant? Think of
what would happen if the plasma became too watery? Think of
Did you learn anything from the experiment that was what would happen if it became too concentrated? These are
carried out last week? Were you brave enough to try and do it not pleasant thoughts, are they? Thank heavens for the
at home? Look carefully at how it was written up; this is how kidneys! They are responsible for water balance in the body.
you should write up your experiments in order to get good
scores for your labs. Look at the diagram below. It shows what happens when
the red blood cell is placed in the different solutions about
This week, we will continue our study of the movement of which we spoke. What happens in the isotonic solution? Was
substances as we look at osmosis in animal cells. Do you your answer “There is no osmosis”? If so, then you are
remember the definition for osmosis? If you don’t, go back to correct and it means that you have grasped the concept! The
the relevant lesson and remind yourself. Always bear in mind cell and the solution are in equilibrium. Notice that the water
that when the word osmosis is used, it is used in reference to molecules do not stop moving, but look at the arrows;
the movement of water molecules only (all other movement is in both directions. There is no gradient because
particles/molecules move by diffusion) and that a the concentration of water molecules in the cell is equal to the Do you remember that single-celled animal, the amoeba?
concentration gradient must exist for osmosis to take place. concentration in the solution; osmosis stops when this Why doesn’t it burst? Doesn’t water enter it? Well, yes, water
occurs. does enter into the amoeba but, when it does, it goes into a
Do you remember what happened when plant cells were special structure known as a contractile vacuole. When the
placed in different solutions? Of course, you do! When they vacuole becomes filled with water, it moves to the surface of
were placed in a hypotonic solution (large number of water the cell and it bursts, releasing the water that entered by
molecules), the plant cells became turgid. Despite the fact that osmosis (Figure 2). After this, the process begins all over
they became swollen due to the entry of water molecules, they again.
did not burst because the cell wall resisted the force of the
liquid against the cell membrane and held everything in place.
When the plant cells were placed in a hypertonic solution,
water molecules left the cells but they did not lose their shape
because, again, the cell wall was not affected; instead they
became flaccid.

In the animal cell there is no cell wall, so what do you think

is going to happen when the cells are placed in a hypotonic
solution? That is right! Water is going to enter the cells; they
are going to swell up and, eventually, the cells are going to
burst. This condition is known as lysis.

When they are placed in a hypertonic solution, water

molecules are going to leave the cells and enter into the
solution. When they do, the cells shrink and lose their shape FIGURE 2
and are said to be crenated. Remember now, the same thing Have a great time until we meet again! Find ways to enjoy
happens in both plant and animal cells. However, the terms your work!
used to describe what happens are different! In hypotonic &ŝŐƵ
solution plant cells become turgid, animal cells undergo Monacia Williams teaches biology at Glenmuir High School. Send
lysis; in hypertonic solutions, plant cells become flaccid, ŽƵ ƌĞŵĞŵďĞƌƚŚĂƚƐŝŶŐůĞĐĞůůĞĚ ĂŶŝŵĂůƚŚĞ ĂŵŽĞ questions and comments to


yl:principles of accounts


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ĐŽŵƉƵƚĞ ŶĞƚ ƉƌŽĨŝƚ ĨƌŽŵ͗
Contributor dŽƚĂů ƐƐĞƚƐʹ>ŝĂďŝůŝƚŝĞƐнƌĂǁŝŶŐƐʹĂƉŝƚĂůďĞŐŝŶŶŝŶŐ

On January 1, 2012 James Marshall’s financial position was: ΀ǁϰ΁ ĂƉŝƚĂůĞŶĚс ƐƐĞƚƐĞŶĚʹ>ŝĂďŝůŝƚŝĞƐĞŶĚ
Fixed assets $39,400 сΨ;ϯϳϰϬϬн ϰϯϬϬϬͿ ʹ ;ϰϬϬϬн ϮϲϲϬϬͿ
Current assets $34,200
Current liabilities $25,600 SOLUTION
There were no long-term liabilities. James Marshall
Balance Sheet as at December 31, 2012
During the year 2012, he bought fixed assets for $4,600 and borrowed $4,000, repayable in Ψ Ψ
2023[>1]. At the end of the year, his current assets were $43,000 and current liabilities were &ŝdžĞĚƐƐĞƚƐ΀ǁϭ΁ ϯϳϰϬϬ WƌŽƉƌŝĞƚŽƌƐŚŝƉ
$26,600. He had taken drawings of $24,000 during 2012 and his fixed assets had depreciated ƵƌƌĞŶƚƐƐĞƚƐ ϰϯϬϬϬ ĂƉŝƚĂů:ĂŶ͘ϭ͕ϮϬϭϮ΀ǁϮ΁ ϰϴϬϬϬ
by $6,600. ĚĚEĞƚ WƌŽĨŝƚ ΀ǁϯ΁ ϮϱϴϬϬ
ĂƉŝƚĂůĞĐĞŵďĞƌ ϯϭ͕ϮϬϭϮ΀ǁϰ΁ ϰϵϴϬϬ
a. Draw up a statement, which may be balance sheet form, to show the net profit for 2012. [>2] ͺͺͺͺͺͺ ƵƌƌĞŶƚ>ŝĂďŝůŝƚŝĞƐ ϮϲϲϬϬ
b. Calculate as at December 31, 2012 for James Marshall the:
ii. Capital owned
iii. Capital employed (that is the long-term funds employed in the business). Capital end= Capital beginning + Net Profit - Drawings
Net Profit = Capital end - Capital beginning + Drawings
c. The current assets and the current liabilities employed at the end are:
Current assets:
Stock $29,000 James Marshall
Debtors $12,200 Statement to compute net profit for the year 2012
Cash $ 1,800 Ψ Ψ
&ŝdžĞĚƐƐĞƚƐ΀ǁϭ΁ ϯϳϰϬϬ
$43,000 ƵƌƌĞŶƚƐƐĞƚƐ ϰϯϬϬϬ ϴϬϰϬϬ
>ĞƐƐ>ŽŶŐdĞƌŵ >ŝĂďŝůŝƚŝĞƐ ϰϬϬϬ
Current liabilities: ƵƌƌĞŶƚ>ŝĂďŝůŝƚŝĞƐ ϮϲϲϬϬ ϯϬϲϬϬ
Trade creditors $25,000 >ĞƐƐĂƉŝƚĂůĂƚ ďĞŐŝŶŶŝŶŐŽĨ LJĞĂƌ ΀ǁϮ΁ ϰϴϬϬϬ
Accrued expenses $ 1,600 ϭϴϬϬ
$26,600 ĚĚƌĂǁŝŶŐƐ ϮϰϬϬϬ

Explain what these figures tell you about James Marshall’s financial position at December 31, b. i. Working Capital = Current assets - Current liabilities
2012. = $43,000 - 26,600
REASONING = $16,400
[>1] Loan repayable in 10 years’ time is a long-term liability.
b. ii. Capital owned = Total assets - Total liabilities
[>2] Net Profit = Capital end - Capital beginning + Drawings.
= $80,400 - 30,600
Where Capital = Assets - Liabilities.
= $49,800
[>3] Compute the necessary and useful ratio then comment on the individual figures.


yl:social sudies

Sustainable development
MAUREEN CAMPBELL POPULATION SIZE POPULATION PYRAMIDS the proportion of the population in each age
Contributor This is determined by the number of people When the base is very wide, it indicates a group is important in every country for
CONCEPTS RELATED TO HUMAN born, the number of people who die and the very high birth rate. If the width drops off very development purpose. It influences whether a
RESOURCES difference between the numbers entering and quickly, it means that there are not many population will increase in size. High growth
leaving the country. people living to very old ages; very few reach rates mean more young people. The age
POPULATION, BIRTH rate, death rate,
old age. A large base means a high birth rate distribution represents its most significant
natural increase, life expectancy, infant
but a wider and taller pyramid means that compositional variable for a population as it
mortality rate, fertility rate, migration, BIRTH RATE
more people are living to older ages. A more suggests whether a country has a young or an
immigration, emigration, net migration, brain This is the number of babies born in a year
dome-shaped pyramid means that many old population.
drain, urbanisation, depopulation, population for every 1,000 people in the population. The
people are living to older ages as the quality of
density, population distribution, dependency higher the birth rate, the more babies are born.
life improves. There are also proportionately
ratio, employment, unemployment, SEX
fewer births. There may also be a very small
Populations can be divided into male and
underemployment, unemployable, labour FERTILITY RATE base due to the very low birth rates and death
female. More women than men live to an old
force, sustainable development, population This is the number of children born for rates displayed in the wide top. With this,
age. The over-80 age group is predominantly
census, resource and human resource. every 1,000 women of childbearing age there are serious implications about providing
female. This is stated as the number of males
(approximately 15 to 40 years of age). for the elderly population as there is an
increasing cost of health care and the need for to 100 females.
more pensions, especially as the working
population becomes proportionally smaller. OCCUPATION
Development, environment, conservation, This is a way of displaying the age/sex
People change their occupation as they
energy, renewable resource, natural resource, structure of a population. We can analyse it to
POPULATION COMPOSITION progress from young children to students then
non-renewable resource, renewable resource, predict the future and plan accordingly.
Population composition refers to the from one job to another as their career
infrastructure, food security, pollution,
combined demographic characteristics of develops unto retirement. The working
conservation, global warming and green DEPENDENCY RATIOS person within a geographic area. Major population may be divided into different
house effect. This is a ratio that compares the percentage
characteristics of a population include age, industries such as agriculture or mining.
of population available for work (15-64) to that
sex, occupation, ethnicity, religion,
of those who are economically inactive. To get dependency ratio. Age, sex, race and ethnicity,
this ratio, we look at the number of all children RELIGION
to an extent, are all ascribed characteristics at
POPULATION STRUCTURE 14 and under plus those aged 65 and over Christianity is the dominant religion to be
birth and, in most cases, are not amenable to
The correct term for the study of the then divide by the number of adults aged 15- found in the region; a legacy of plantation life.
population is demography. This is the study of 64. However, as a population we must realise Islam and Hinduism are the legacy of
the changes in the composition: the size, age, that the higher the ratio the more potential indentureship and there are various religions
ETHNICITY associated with our mixed cultural base.
distribution, sex balance of the population. problems for the future. ‘Out of Many, One People’. This illustrates
the racial mixture in the Caribbean. There are
Population structure is the population two distinct factors which influence the size of ACTIVITIES
make-up of a country. It is commonly This is the age/sex balance that exists. As families across ethnic groups: culture and age 1. Why is it necessary to study a country’s
described using a population pyramid. A mentioned before, the usual way to show this composition of the ethnic group. This is so as population?
population pyramid wide at the base means is with a population pyramid. This is simply a ethnicity has its roots in common cultural 2. What are the major components of a
that there is a large proportion of youths. This combination bar graph showing the heritage. population and why do we need to study
is the structure of a developing country and it percentage of males at different ages and the them?
includes various aspects of the society, percentage of females at different ages. It can, AGE
Maureen Campbell teaches at St Hugh’s High School.
including the population density, distribution, however, tell a lot more about a country and its The greater the numbers of younger people Send questions and comments to
size and stratification. development. in a society, the higher the birth rate. Knowing



Length of a vector
While the aspects of vectors presented below are relatively simple, the points noted are
sometimes missed by students to their detriment. Please review and note them well.


AT THE outset, let us review the homework given last week.

The diagram below shows vector b and vector c.

Express in the form :

(i) b (ii) c (iii) c + b (iv) c - b

(iii) b + c = 2 + –5 (iv) ) b - c = 2 – –5
(i) b = 2 –1 3 –1 3

(ii) c = –5 = 2 – –5 = 7
3 = –3 –1 –3 –4 In the diagram above, A and B are points such that OA = a and OB = b. The point P
(not shown) is such that OP = ò a + b,

(i) Write OP in the form x


(ii) Determine the length of OP.


(i) From the diagram, the coordinates of A = (6, 8) and B = (5, 11)
It was illustrated in last week’s lesson that if the coordinates of A is (6, 8), then the

position vector OA = 6
∴position vectors
a= 6 and b = 5
8 11

Since OP = ½a+b

then ½ 6 + 5 = 3 + 5 = 8
8 11 4 11 15

∴OP = 8
I do hope that you realize that the coordinates of the point P are (8, 15).
The vector AB = 4 may be
illustrated on the CARTESIAN DIAGRAM (ii) Using the formula for length-:
2 2 2
as follows: OP = x + y [Using Pythagoras’ theorem]
2 2
= 8 + 15 = 64 + 225 = 289
As ACB is a right angled triangle ∴length of OP = √289 = 17
then using Pythagoras' Theorem
AB2 = AB2 + CB2
∴ AB2 = 42 + 32 = 16 + 9 We will continue next week.
∴ AB = ¥25 = 5

It follows that for AB = x , then the length of AB2 = x2 + y2 Clement Radcliffe is an independent contributor. Send questions and comments to


yl:principles of business
AT THE end of this lesson, students should be able to:
1. Identify potential sources of conflict within an
2. Identify strategies for the resolution of conflict
Internal conflict This is where everyone involved in the conflict
agrees to a mutually acceptable solution. Everyone
involved personally contributes to the decision and
it is the preferred method of conflict resolution.

within an organisation.
the actions of any one person or group undermine  Job dissatisfaction in terms of : WIN/LOSE STRATEGY
the goals of the organisation. What, though, are the (a) Pay This is the most dangerous approach to conflict
Hi, everyone. Conflict within organisations is a resolution. This strategy is one in which no one
potential sources of conflict within an organisation? (b) Promotion prospects
real problem. Managers and employees have compromises, thereby resulting in one person
(c) Working hours and times of attendance
personal contact with each other as well as with winning and one losing. The win-lose situation is
POTENTIAL SOURCES OF INTERNAL (d) Holiday arrangements
other managers and employees hundreds of times destructive and management should always attempt
CONFLICT (e) Job security
each week. At times, people disagree with each to prevent them.
(f) Friendships and relationships between
other. Most job disagreements are likely to be  Lack of communication and/or poor
temporary and are easily settled. Disagreements, communication.
however, become concerning to a business when  Poor judgement and problems not dealt with OTHER STRATEGIES
Now we know some of the many sources of There are some specific strategies that the
they lead to conflict. effectively by management. internal conflict. Since, however, these conflicts principles of business requires us to consider:
 Inconsistencies and violation of work rules. may arise from time to time, how are they to be
 Lack of motivation or encouragement by  mediation
WHAT IS CONFLICT? resolved?  arbitration
Conflict is a situation that develops when one management.
 trade union representation
person interferes with the achievement of another’s  Harsh leadership styles and/or inappropriate
goals. Conflicts usually occur between two people leadership styles. You can do some research on these for next
Each situation differs and it is necessary to
but they may also occur between an individual and  Lack of corporation or lack of willingness week. I will begin that lesson by briefly considering
decide which type of strategy will best resolve the
a group or between groups. Since a conflict can be among workers and management. these and then move on to consider the guidelines
conflict. Here are some suggestions:
an obstacle to job performance, managers need to  Dishonesty among workers and managers. for establishing good relations between managers
be concerned about it.  Work not done properly. and employees.
 Lazy workers and managers. AVOIDANCE STRATEGY
A modest amount of conflict is sometimes This is where a neutral position is taken or one
 Inflexibility. See you all next week. Keep safe until then.
beneficial because it may challenge employees and agrees with another’s position even though it differs
 Poor decision making.
stimulate new ideas. However, while some conflict from his or her personal belief. However, if a
 Hostility and suspicion. Yvonne Harvey teaches at Glenmuir High School. Send
in organisations may be healthy, too much conflict disagreement involves extremely important issues, questions and comments to
 Misunderstandings. an avoidance strategy may not be advisable.
can be harmful. Undesirable conflict results when

that office was typical of how the poor ordinary folk were treated and

Let’s continue that it angered him enough to walk away. The behaviour of the clerk
may have solidified the idea in his mind that people of his class were
still being treated badly; just as badly as how the Spiritual Baptists had
been treated before he had been sent to prison. How else can we
yl:english literature
he could not, despite his taunts, stir the manliness of any to face him.
Contributor explain his treatment of the men and women, of the engineer to whom This seemed to have been the last straw for him. He had to admit the
he applied for a job and of Mitchell, of Mitchell in particular? fact that his people had become weak, spineless and that they would
HE WHOLE district of Bonasse must have been rocking with the

T news of the incident between Corporal Prince and Bolo. Not

surprisingly, Bolo was sent to prison and when he returned home,
he was a different person. What did you expect? Did you think that he
He was very restless, even leaving the village from time to time but
always returning. He told Buntin, ‘I feel as if time flying away and
leaving me.’ Eva was to say too that he (Bolo) seemed to be searching
accept anything from him. It was after this that his reign of terror
began. He was always looking for a fight, constantly pushing and
prodding at others. So he drinks Mitchell’s liquor without paying,
causes the failure of the man’s business, eventually smashes his bar
would have been happy knowing that his church community had not
for his life. Carnival that year brought his rage to a boil. His concern for goods and furniture, terrorises the gambling club, takes goods from
defended itself or that no one had come to his help when the policemen
others as well as his contempt for cowardice drove him into savagery. whoever he chooses without paying, takes women, married or single
beat him into submission? I would like you, at this point, to list the Picture the incident, please. In fact, you could dramatise it. In a and gets respect from the police. I wonder whether you would agree
possible feelings that Bolo must have had. I see him as angry, celebratory mood, the people gather for, let us call it an exhibition in with me that Bolo does what he does to challenge the men of Bonasse
frustrated, disillusioned, bitter and even uncaring. And now you are stick fighting. Some of the well-known fighters are there, many who to be men. It seems to me that he is ashamed of their resignation, their
probably asking about my use of the word ‘uncaring’. If the reason is were now old and no longer in the game. We must bear in mind that acceptance of things as they were and refusal to stand up for
not immediately clear to you, I want you to remember how he treated this was one way that men tested themselves as warriors, showing their themselves. His action shows that he refuses to be like them.
Mitchell and Primus’ two daughters. We will get to that, though. manliness. On this occasion, Matthew Raymond dominated the
proceedings as he easily disposed of whoever faced him in the ring. He Eva Dorcas, our storyteller sees him as a Christ-like figure. She
Before Bolo went to prison he commanded respect. When he comes was no Bolo though, for he lacked grace and style. The best efforts of sees him as the one who was willing to go up against the status quo.
out, he is determined to get it again. This time, however, it is not the chantwells failed to stir the pride of the stick fighters, failed to get You do not have to agree with her. Remember, this is literature and
through his stick fighting prowess but through his disregard for the them into the ring until a 17-year-old boy stepped in and then, only your interpretation is also valid as long as the text substantiates it. Her
feeling of others. It is now as if he has to prove to the people that he is then did the experienced men want to fight. Innocent opposes the boy, husband’s belief is that he had gone too far when he took the girls to
still a man, someone with whom they had to reckon. His decision to go Lester, and taking advantage of the boy’s inexperience, toys with and live with him; that he was one man against many and could not be
into farming may have made a difference in his life. After all, if he had then injures him. Bolo in that instant reverts to his former role as allowed to continue his rampage. Do you think Bolo wanted to die?
got the piece of land he could have spent his days working hard and champion of the people and rushes in to face Innocent who, you will Were the confrontations not only because he wanted to shock others to
earning his livelihood. Unfortunately, when he witnessed the way the agree with me, was anything but innocent. respond to him or was he tired of being part of the society? These are
clerk in the agriculture office behaved, he walked out and did not go
questions I leave you to ponder.
back. We could say that he was impatient and, perhaps, he did not I believe that you know what happened then; how shamefully
really want the land and the opportunity that it represented. We could Innocent conducted himself, grinning like a clown and pretending to be Beryl Clarke is an independent contributor. Send questions and comments to
also say, though, that the cold and disrespectful attitude that he saw in joking and then slinking away into the crowd. No one would fight Bolo;


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