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A Time adverbs used with the simple present tense

fixed habits or routines – things that don’t change.

1. How often:

always, usually, seldom, never, sometimes, often, frequently, generally, habitually, occasionally,
once, twice, thrice, hardly ever

2. 'every' + period of time:

 every morning
 every day
 every Tuesday
 every week
 every month

3. on Wednesdays

 I drink a cup of coffee every morning. (NOT I am drinking a cup of coffee every
 My father never tells lies.
 I usually spend my evenings with my children.
 My watch never keeps right time.

B Time adverbs used with the present continuous tense

actions and situations that are in progress at the moment of speaking

today, at present, at the moment, still, now, today, these days, nowadays etc.


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