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Throw kindness around like confetti!!!

Life is composed with happy and sad days and certainly these days will come for every one
within a massage, no matter how rich or poor, strong or weak. They will experience these days.
Undoubtedly accepting a sad massage is not possible except without being hopeful toward better
days and better massages. This hope is result of our expectation toward a change and our
previous behavior toward nature, human and environment can create this expectation. If someone
has done something positive or being generous to its environment can expect nature and its
kindness otherwise he/she may be disappointed. I believe kindness toward others is like yielding
at mountain, which will back to you after a short period. The third rule of Newton can confirm
this statement, too. "Any action has a reaction with the same amount, parallel but in opposite

Moreover, all of us have some one that we are interested in his/her faith and we would like to
guarantee his/her future when we are not alive. I think the best and the safest procedure is
expanding the culture of friendship and being generous toward each other, without any
expectation. Definitely, he/she will benefitted from kindness of others.

Finally, happy society is result of happy families and being kind toward each other is the most
certain way to create the society.

In summary, kindness is a cheap way for spreading happiness in society and its impact on
increasing success and creativity is unbelievable so don’t think about who will be benefitted just
do it!!!

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