Physiqz Hypertrophy and Mass Program

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Physiqz Hypertrophy and Mass Routine

This program does not pre-populate the weight amounts you'll need based on a 1RM. Instead, it uses the RPE System.
The workouts are all centered around the compound lifts: squat, bench press, deadlifts, and overhead press,
which make up the foundation of each session.
But that doesn’t provide enough stimulation to encourage maximal hypertrophy which is absolutely critical
for gaining mass. Because of this, you must pick the best exercises for the job that target multiple muscle groups
while still making sure each is sufficiently stimulated for growth.

Because this plan is specifically designed to be used in a bulking phase, there is a large amount of volume
with a planned overreaching phase at the end (RPE 10).

RPE Ratings:
6 = warm-up weight
6.5 = “heavy” warm-up weight (anything more would be a working set)
7 = could have done 3 or more reps
7.5 = maybe could have done 3 more reps
8 = could have done 2 more reps
8.5 = maybe could have done 2 more reps
9 = could have done 1 more rep
9.5 = maybe could have done 1 more rep
10 = maximum effort, almost failure

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nstead, it uses the RPE System.
eadlifts, and overhead press,

y which is absolutely critical

get multiple muscle groups

a large amount of volume

d be a working set)
Remember that all of the weight you will use is determin

Week 1 RPE: 7
Monday Sets Reps Tuesday Sets Reps
Squats 5 12 Bench Press 5 7
Stiff Leg DL 5 12 Barbell Rows 5 12
Front Squats 5 12 Dumbbell Pull Overs 5 12
Abs Dumbbell Fly 5 12
Reverse Dumbbell Fly 5 12
Accessory Choice

Week 2 RPE: 8
Monday Sets Reps Tuesday Sets Reps
Squats 5 10 Bench Press 5 5
Stiff Leg DL 5 10 Barbell Rows 5 10
Front Squats 5 10 Dumbbell Pull Overs 5 10
Abs Dumbbell Fly 5 10
Reverse Dumbbell Fly 5 10
Accessory Choice

Week 3 RPE: 9
Monday Sets Reps Tuesday Sets Reps
Squats 5 8 Bench Press 5 5
Stiff Leg DL 5 8 Barbell Rows 5 10
Front Squats 5 8 Dumbbell Pull Overs 5 10
Abs Dumbbell Fly 5 10
Reverse Dumbbell Fly 5 10
Accessory Choice

Week 4 RPE: 10
Monday Sets Reps Tuesday Sets Reps
Squats 5 6 Bench Press 5 3
Stiff Leg DL 5 6 Barbell Rows 5 8
Front Squats 5 6 Dumbbell Pull Overs 5 8
Abs Dumbbell Fly 5 8
Reverse Dumbbell Fly 5 8
Accessory Choice

Copyright © 2019 All Rights Reserved.

ill use is determined by the RPE rating system

Wednesday Sets Reps Thursday Sets Reps Friday Sets Reps Saturday
Snatch Grip DL 5 12 Squats 5 12 Bench Press 5 7 Rest
Stiff Leg DL 5 12 Barbell Rows 5 12 or
Front Squats 5 12 Dumbbell Pull Overs 5 12 Biceps Only
Dumbbell Fly 5 12
Abs Reverse Dumbbell Fly 5 12

Wednesday Sets Reps Thursday Sets Reps Friday Sets Reps Saturday
Snatch Grip DL 5 10 Squats 5 10 Bench Press 5 5 Rest
Stiff Leg DL 5 10 Barbell Rows 5 10 or
Front Squats 5 10 Dumbbell Pull Overs 5 10 Biceps Only
Dumbbell Fly 5 10
Abs Reverse Dumbbell Fly 5 10

Wednesday Sets Reps Thursday Sets Reps Friday Sets Reps Saturday
Snatch Grip DL 5 8 Squats 5 8 Bench Press 5 5 Rest
Stiff Leg DL 5 8 Barbell Rows 5 10 or
Front Squats 5 8 Dumbbell Pull Overs 5 10 Biceps Only
Dumbbell Fly 5 10
Abs Reverse Dumbbell Fly 5 10

Wednesday Sets Reps Thursday Sets Reps Friday Sets Reps Saturday
Snatch Grip DL 5 6 Squats 5 6 Bench Press 5 3 Rest
Stiff Leg DL 5 6 Barbell Rows 5 8 or
Front Squats 5 6 Dumbbell Pull Overs 5 8 Biceps Only
Dumbbell Fly 5 8
Abs Reverse Dumbbell Fly 5 8
Biceps Only

Biceps Only

Biceps Only

Biceps Only

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