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IBM India Private Limited is the Indian subsidiary of IBM and works in the area of Computer hardware,

Consulting and IT
IBM (International Business Machine) is one of the prestigious companies around the globe. It is an
American Multi-National company headquartered in Armonk New York.
1. Operations began in 1911, initially called CTR-Computing, Tabulating & Recording Company. In
1924 renamed as IBM. Operates in more than 170 countries.

2. Area of works;
A) Produces and sells Computer Hardware, middleware & Software.
B) Provides hosting and consulting services in areas ranging from mainframe computers to
C) Major research organization – it has record for the most US patents generated by a business
for 26 consecutive years. They are:
i) ATM – Automated Teller Machine – 1967
ii) Floppy Disk
iii) Hard disk
iv) Magnetic Stripe Card – Card capable of storing data – ATM card
v) Relational Data Base – A set of formally described tables from which data can be
accessed or reassembled in many different ways without having to reorganize the
database tables.
vi) SQL – Structured Query Language – used to communicate with a database.
According to ANSI, it is the standard language for relational database management
systems. SQL statements are used to perform tasks such as update data on a
database, or retrieve data from a database. Examples of relational database systems
are – Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server etc.
vii) UPC Barcode – Universal Product Code - consists of 12 digits that are uniquely
assigned to each trade item.
viii) DRAM – Dynamic random access memory
ix) IBM Mainframe – High performance computers with large memory (RAM) and
processors that process billions of simple calculations and transactions in real time.
It is critical to database, transaction servers and application that require high
reliability, scalability, compatibility and security – by system/360 during 1960-70.

3. Numbers related to IBM – Revenue: US$79.59 billion (2018)

Operating income - Increase US$13.21 billion (2018)
Net income - Increase US$8.72 billion (2018)
Total assets Decrease US$123.38 billion (2018)
Total equity Decrease US$16.79 billion (2018)
Number of employees - 350,600 (2018)

4. IBM Competitors:
A) The company is managed through segments i.e. the Global Technology Segment (GTS)
which is tasked with the provision of IT infrastructure e.g. maintenance, IT support, cloud et
B) Global Business Segment (GBS) that deals with systems integration and consulting.
C) Software Segment (SG) that primarily takes care of Operating System (OS) software and
information management solutions among other roles.
D) The Hardware Systems Segment (HSS) that is concerned with IT servers and storage and
finally the Global Financing Segment (GFS) tasked with the provision of financial solutions,
marketing, manufacturing and commercial financing.
Hewlett Packard: Hewlett Packard is an IT company that manufactures and sells Personal
computers (PCs), software, IT services and solutions to large enterprises, medium-sized companies and
individual consumers.
Accenture: Accenture was founded in the year 1989 to provide computer services and solutions
to various industries i.e. the telecommunications industry, health and Public Service, the banking and
insurance industry, the energy industry et cetera.
Oracle: The company operates through segments i.e. Software and Cloud segment that is tasked
with software updates, subscription and licensing; the Hardware Systems segment that deals with a wide
range of hardware products e.g. servers, storage, product repairs et cetera and the service business
segment that ensures that partners and clients receive maximum return on investment in Oracle
Technologies. With its strong database management and other softwares, Oracle is one of the strongest
IBM Competitors.
IBM competitors in Cloud computing
Google, Amazon, and Microsoft are some of the main IBM competitors in cloud computing.
Microsoft: Microsoft Corporation operates in the software and programming industry. Some of its
products include; server and productivity Apps, online advertising, Business Solutions Apps, Operating
Systems for phones, PCs, servers et cetera. The segments through which Microsoft operates include
business processes and productivity; personal computing and intelligent cloud. Microsoft Corporations
Inc. is ranked as one of the most valuable brands.
Amazon: Amazon was founded in the United States in 1994 to promote, advertise, market and provide
online shopping services to content creators, buyers, and sellers.
The amazon website is designed in such a way that products are grouped into categories and can be sold
by third parties and companies. It operates in three main segments i.e. the Web services segment, the
International segment, and the North America segment. The web services segment provides the required
IT infrastructure to different types of business with the other two focused on International and North
America product sales.
Google: Google Inc. operates in the IT, Software and Internet services industry. It helps connect people
with relevant information that will improve their daily lives; it also advertises content in its advertising
area that includes AdWords, Google Local, AdSense, Google Display, Google Mobile et cetera.
Google operates in two segments; Mobile and Google. The mobile segment deals with the mobile phone
business services while the Google segment takes care of the non-advertising and advertising business
sections. The company employs close to 800 people and was founded in the United States in 1998 with
headquarters in Mountain View, California.

IBM Competitors in Pc’s and Laptops

With a market capitalization of close to $14 billion and annual sales value of more than $60 billion, Dell
operates in the computer hardware industry by manufacturing, repairing and selling computers and other
related products. The company also provides IT services such as cloud storage, software, virtual reality,
hardware et cetera.
Samsung Electronics Ltd manufactures and sells electrical and electronic products such as computers and
peripherals. It operates through business divisions i.e. Mobile Communications that deals with handheld
products, digital cameras, computers et cetera; Consumer Electronics tasked with cable TVs, washing
machines, refrigerators, printers and medical devices among others and the Device Solution segment with
integrated circuits and LEDs
Apple designs manufacture and sells PCs, digital music players and mobile devices among other products.
Its operations are divided into different geographical sections i.e. Americas (South and North America);
Europe (European nations, Middle East, Africa and India); great China (Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China)
and the Asia Pacific (Australia).
Most of its customers are known for brand loyalty
Sun Microsystems
This was an American company that created programming languages e.g. java. It also manufactured and
sold PCs, software, PC components et cetera. Sun Microsystems products included Servers, Workstation
Storages, Operating Systems (Solaria), software, Identity Management Apps, Java technologies, MYSQL,
NFS et cetera.
A global IT company that also deals with consulting and development of integrated solutions essential in
obtaining business objectives. Wipro functions through divisions i.e. the IT Services section for IT
consulting, systems integration, maintenance, cloud, software design etc and the IT products division that
deals with IT products e.g. software, Operating Systems, databases, storage among others.
The company provides business solutions that enhance global business performance. Infosys primary
operating segments include financial services and insurance; manufacturing; life science and consumer
goods. Some of its services are in IT, BPO, Consulting and Engineering, infrastructure management and
systems integration among others. Infosys has over the years been recognized as a top multinational
performer, top innovative company and top in market value and asset base.
Cap Gemini
Cap Gemini provides local professional services, consulting and IT services. Its consulting services allow
clients to utilize informative programs essential for business growth and expansion. Its IT services are
geared towards systems integration, designing and implementation of innovative ideas for overall business
competitiveness. Again, Cap Gemini Outsources services that support information systems of clients and
delivers tailored IT services to local enterprises via its Local professional division. The company was
founded in 1967 in Paris, France and had a market cap of $16 billion in the year 2017.
Current Trends in IBM:
IBM researchers are working to transform the food supply chain as we know it
Within the next five years, the Earth’s population will cross the eight billion mark for the first time. Our
complex food supply chain—already stressed by climate change and a finite water supply—will only be
tested further. To meet the demands of this crowded future, IBM researchers are exploring new
technologies and devices, scientific breakthroughs, and entirely new ways of thinking about food safety
and security.
#twinning: Farming's digital doubles will help feed a growing population using less resources. Imagine a
planet where instant access to critical data on the world’s farmland could be provided to anyone that
needs it. In the next five years, this will become reality when a digital twin of the world’s agricultural
resources is readily available. Creating a digital twin or a “virtual model” of the world’s farms could help
ready agriculture for this challenge by democratizing farm data, allowing those in agriculture to share
insights, research, and materials, and communicate data on farmland and crop growth across the planet,
and connect and cross-reference with the food supply chain. With a digital twin of farms and agricultural
activity worldwide, participants at every level of the food chain will have access to more information and
resources, resulting in a more equitable farming economy. And that means one thing: more food, at a
lower cost.
IBM PAIRS Geoscope
Creating a replica of farmland also requires a system to process thousands of terabytes of data. The IBM
PAIRS Geoscope is a platform specifically designed for massive geospatial-temporal data from maps,
satellites, weather, drones, IoT, and other devices.
Groundwater extraction pattern analysis
IBM scientists in Nairobi, Kenya are developing technology that would allow sensors to provide supply
and demand patterns based on groundwater extraction data.
Hello Tractor
In Africa and parts of Asia, Agtech startup Hello Tractor is connecting small-scale farmers to equipment
and data analytics to increase crop yields and access to financial services.
IBM Watson Decision Platform for Agriculture
An important tool to help farmers and growers make better decisions is the new IBM Watson Decision
Platform for Agriculture. This platform combines data, satellites, mobile phones and sensors with AI
capabilities to collect and analyze unstructured, visual data about agricultural land use, from soil chemistry
and water supplies, to crop diseases, equipment usage and availability, impending rainstorms, heat waves,
and cold streaks - all to deliver on the promise of improved food quality and safety.

Blockchain will prevent more food from going to waste.

Within five years, we’ll eliminate many of the costly unknowns in the food supply chain. From farmers to
grocery suppliers, each participant in the food ecosystem will know exactly how much to plant, order, and
ship. Food loss will diminish greatly and the produce that ends up in our carts will be fresher—when
blockchain technology, IoT devices, and AI algorithms join forces.
IBM Food Trust and Blockchain
Launched in October 2018, IBM Food Trust is a highly secure digital ledger that utilizes blockchain
technology to connect every member of the food supply chain through accurate, shared information.

Mapping the microbiome will protect us from bad bacteria.

Millions of microbes coexist within the food supply chain – some are healthy for human consumption
and other are not. Those that cause food-borne illnesses account for $9 billion in medical costs and
another $75 billion in recalls and destroyed food annually. What’s more, food-borne illnesses cause
128,000 hospitalizations and 3,000 deaths every year in the U.S. alone. Traditional culture test could take
days to perform and may only indicate the existence of one target problematic bacteria. This inability to
proactively sound an alarm bell about a potential anomaly in a microbiome costs governments and
companies billions of dollars. Within five years, food safety inspectors around the world will gain a new
superpower: the ability to understand how millions of microbes coexist within the food supply chain.
These microbes—some healthy for human consumption, others not—are everywhere –in foods at farms,
factories, and grocery stores. The ability to constantly and cheaply monitor the behaviours of microbes at
every stage of the supply chain represents a huge leap in food safety.
Using DNA and RNA sequencing, researchers may soon be able to profile microbiomes everywhere that
food production or food delivery occurs. These analyses can be used to detect anomalies in the
microbiome¬—for example, a sudden and unanticipated uptick of a pathogenic bacteria within a pork
sausage sample, or a shift in the overall microbiome composition
Dinner plate detectives: AI sensors will detect foodborne pathogens at home.
Within five years, the world’s farmers, food processors, and grocers—along with its billions of home
cooks—will be able to detect dangerous contaminants effortlessly in their food. All they’ll need is a cell
phone or a countertop with AI sensors.
A radical new recycling process will breathe new life into old plastic.
Plastic waste is plaguing our planet. In total, people have produced more than 8 billion metric tons of
plastic. Half of all newly manufactured plastic becomes trash in less than a year. By 2050, there is
projected to be more plastic in the ocean than fish
In five years, the disposal of trash and the creation of new plastics will be completely transformed.
Everything from milk cartons and cookie containers to grocery bags and clothing will be recyclable, and
polyester manufacturing companies will be able to take in refuse and turn it into something useful again.
Advancements in plastics will enable plastic bottles, containers, and PET-based fabrics are collected,
ground up, and combined with a chemical catalyst in a pressure cooker set to above 200 degrees Celsius.
With heat and a small amount of pressure, the catalyst is able to digest and clean the ground-up plastic,
and the process separates contaminants (e.g., food residue, glue, dirt, dyes, and pigments) from material
that is useable for new PET. The useable matter (called a monomer) takes the form of a white powder,
which can be fed directly into a polyester reactor to make brand new plastics.
Volatile Catalyst (VolCat)
IBM researchers have discovered a catalytic chemical process that digests certain plastics (called
polyesters) into a substance which can be fed directly back into plastic manufacturing machines in order
to make new products. The team of researchers behind VolCat imagines the system being used at
recycling and polyester manufacturing plants worldwide. Currently, polyester reactors are fed ingredients
derived from petroleum. In five years, recyclers could cut out the fossil fuels, and simply attach a VolCat
system to the assembly line and make new plastic directly from the old.

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