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Laboratory Experiment

Binary Phase Diagrams at the Air−Water Interface: An Experiment

for Undergraduate Physical Chemistry Students
Molly C. Larsen*
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309, United States
S Supporting Information

ABSTRACT: An experiment is described where students determine the

binary phase diagram of mixed monolayer films of pentadecanoic acid
(C15H30O2) and isopalmitic acid (C16H32O2). They do this by using
Langmuir−Blodgett troughs to measure isotherms, surface pressure (π)
measurements as a function of surface area, of the mixed films above an
aqueous surface. The experiment is appropriate for third-year physical
chemistry students. Students determine the surface pressure of the start of
the phase transition between the liquid expanded (LE) phase and the tilted
condensed (TC) phase from their isotherms and use it to obtain a boundary
line between the LE and coexistence region. They also calculate the mole
fraction of the solution in the tilted condensed phase at the pressure where
the beginning of the LE to TC transition occurs to obtain the boundary line
between the coexistence region and the TC region, allowing the students to
create a binary phase diagram for the LE to TC transition. Students also integrate their isotherms to determine the free energy of
mixing of their solutions at two surface pressures. This experiment allows for several variations with different types of phase
diagrams, and students seemed to enjoy the more modern take on the classic binary phase diagram experiment.
KEYWORDS: Upper-Division Undergraduate, Environmental Chemistry, Laboratory Instruction, Physical Chemistry,
Hands-On Learning/Manipulatives, Phases/Phase Transitions/Diagrams, Surface Science

T he experiment to determine the binary phase diagram of

mixtures by measuring cooling curves is a classic third-
year physical chemistry experiment.1−3 More modern techni-
surface area is called a pressure−area isotherm. The pressure−
area isotherm is obtained by using a pressure sensor and
Wilhelmy plate to monitor the pressure of the surface while the
ques such as differential scanning calorimetery,4,5 fusion surface area available to the surfactant molecules is decreased in
microscopy,4 and Raman spectroscopy6 have also been used a Langmuir−Blodgett trough (Figure 1). A Langmuir−Blodgett
in physical chemistry laboratories to determine binary phase
diagrams of mixtures. The experiment presented here is a
variation of these experiments where the binary phase diagram
is determined for a mixture of surfactant molecules at a surface
using a Langmuir−Blodgett trough. Langmuir−Blodgett
troughs are currently used in many research laboratories to
understand the properties of surfaces and surfactant molecules
at surfaces. Understanding the properties of surfactant
molecules is important in biochemistry7,8 because of their
role as lung surfactants9−12 and in atmospheric chemistry
because of their presence in aerosols as oxidative products of
organic contaminants.13−15 In this experiment students
measure surface pressure versus area isotherms and use them Figure 1. A schematic of a Langmuir−Boldgett trough.
to understand the properties of surfactant molecules at an air−
water interface. trough is a trough made out of Teflon with movable barriers

The surface tension is the work required to create a surface
that sit on top of a solvent, such as water, that fills the bottom
of the trough. To obtain a pressure−area isotherm, surfactant
molecules are placed on the surface of the water between the
isothermally per unit area of surface. The “surface pressure”, π, two barriers and the barriers are moved closer together. As the
is a measure of the difference between the surface tension when area between the barriers is decreased, the water flows under
the surface is covered in a surfactant and the surface tension of
the bare surface.16 The plot of the surface pressure versus the Published: February 6, 2014
© 2014 American Chemical Society and
Division of Chemical Education, Inc. 597 | J. Chem. Educ. 2014, 91, 597−601
Journal of Chemical Education Laboratory Experiment

the barriers but the surfactant molecules remain confined to the continues to increase in the liquid expanded state until the
surface between the two barriers. As the area decreases, the surfactant undergoes collapse.
surface pressure increases and the phase of the surface
monolayer changes. A Langmuir pressure sensor with a
Wilhelmy plate can be used to measure the surface pressure
of a liquid. The Wilhelmy plate is a rectangular piece of filter
paper that is partially submerged in the water’s surface, and the
pressure sensor is a very sensitive measurer of the downward
force being exerted on the Wilhelmy plate. The surface pressure
is monitored as a function of surface area at constant
temperature to obtain the pressure−area isotherm. The
pressure−area isotherm provides information about the differ-
ent phases of the surfactant molecules at the surface.17
A typical pressure−area isotherm for a single component
substance is shown in Figure 2.17 When the surfactant is

Figure 3. Typical pressure vs area isotherms obtained by students for

40 μL of 1.85 mM solutions of pentadecanoic acid and isopalmitic acid
deposited on a Langmuir trough surface. The mole fraction of
isopalmitic acid in the deposited solution is represented by x.

Pressure−area isotherms of mixtures can be used to obtain

the two-dimensional phase diagram of binary mixtures at the
surface. The isotherms of mixtures are similar to, but more
complicated than, the isotherms of the pure components.19−23
The surfactant molecules can be either miscible or immiscible.
If the two surfactants are immiscible, then πphasechange does not
depend on composition and the component with a lower
Figure 2. A typical pressure−area isotherm of a pure surfactant
monolayer. Cartoons of the different phases and the pressures of
phase-change pressure will still undergo the phase change at the
where the phase changes and collapse occur are shown in the lower pressure, and the component with the higher phase-
isotherm. change pressure will also undergo a phase change at the higher
pressure. If the components are miscible, then πphasechange will
vary with composition.19 For miscible films, the phase change
deposited and the Teflon barriers in the Langmuir tough are all between the liquid expanded and tilted condensed phase does
the way open, the molecules do not interact much with each not occur at a single pressure for most compositions but rather
other and they behave as if they are in a “gaseous” state. As the there is an increase in the surface pressure during the transition
barriers move closer together, the surfactant molecules begin to between these two phases.19,21 This leads to a coexistence
interact as the monolayer changes phase from the gaseous state region in the phase diagram, analogous to what is seen in phase
diagrams of non-surface mixtures.

to the liquid expanded (LE) state. In this state, there is
interaction between the surfactant molecules but both the
hydrophilic heads and the hydrophobic tails are disordered. EXPERIMENTAL OVERVIEW
Further compression causes a transition from the liquid In the physical chemistry lab at the University of Colorado,
expanded phase to the tilted condensed (TC) phase.17,18 Boulder (CU), students have a three-hour lab that meets once a
This phase change is seen as a region in the isotherm where week with two weeks allotted to complete each experiment.
decreasing the area does not cause an increase in the pressure. Students worked in pairs, and two Langmuir−Blodgett trough
In the tilted condensed phase the monolayer is less setups were available for the lab. Because the students typically
compressible than it was in the liquid expanded phase and find that the calculations for this experiment are difficult, the lab
the surfactant molecules are ordered on the surface, with their was designed so that the experiments were completed during
hydrocarbon tails pointing at an angle relative to the the first week, allowing the students to seek assistance with
perpendicular of the surface. Further compression causes a calculations the following week. Isotherms were collected for
kink in the pressure−area isotherm indicating another phase pure pentadecanoic acid, pure isopalmitic acid, and solutions of
transition to the untilted condensed state (UTC), a state where 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8 mol fraction isopalmitic acid (with the
the hydrocarbon tails are aligned perpendicular to the plane of balance pentadecanoic acid) all in hexanes. It was possible for
the surface.17 Compressing the monolayer even further leads to the students to complete all 6 isotherms in the three-hour lab
a collapse state where the pressure drops sharply (or exhibits a period, and nearly every group completed the experiment in the
sharp break) as the monolayer forms three-dimensional allotted time. If one group did not finish all 6 isotherms, they
structures because the surface is no longer stable.17,19 Some were allowed to share data between two groups.
surfactant molecules do not exhibit all the surface phases Solutions were prepared using pentadecanoic acid (Sigma
described above. Isopalmitic acid, for example, does not have a Aldrich, ∼99% (capillary GC)) and isopalmitic acid (Sigma
transition between the liquid expanded state and the tilted Aldrich, >98% (capillary GC)) in hexanes (Sigma Aldrich,
condensed state (Figure 3).20 The pressure of this surfactant mixture of isomers, ACS reagent, 98.5%). All of the solutions
598 | J. Chem. Educ. 2014, 91, 597−601
Journal of Chemical Education Laboratory Experiment

were 1.85 mM of total surfactant molecules. Solutions were the hexanes on their skin. Pentadecanoic acid and isopalmitic
provided for the students because it was more cost efficient to acid can cause skin and eye irritation and may cause respiratory
make all the solutions in one batch given the high cost of the irritation. Solutions should be made in the fume hood, and
isopalmitic acid. Distilled water was used to prepare the HCl nitrile gloves should be worn when making and working with
solutions, to clean the trough, and to test that the trough was the solutions. Pentadecanoic acid is also harmful to aquatic life
clean. Details of how the solutions were prepared are provided and should not be put in the sink. Avoid contact with bases,
in the Supporting Information. The Langmuir−Blodgett trough oxidizing agents, and reducing agents. The needles should be
setup consists of a Teflon Langmuir−Blodgett trough, a surface cleaned with hexanes in the fume hood. Students should be
pressure sensor that uses a Wilhelmy paper plate to measure careful not to poke themselves with the needles. Goggles
the surface pressure, a microprocessor interface unit, and a should be worn throughout the experiment.
computer for collecting the data.24 The trough is covered with a
plexiglass box to prevent air currents in the room from
disrupting the pressure sensor and to help keep dust off the
This experiment was performed for three semesters by 10
trough surface. This plexiglass box has notches cut in it at the different groups, and all the students who performed the
bottom through which the cords that attach the pressure sensor experiment were able to obtain isotherms with the correct
and the trough to the microprosessor feed. These cords are shapes. Details about the reproducibility of the results are
taped to the table to stabilize them. Concentrations of the presented in the Supporting Information. Typical isotherms
surfactants were chosen so that good isotherms were obtained from a student’s experiment are shown in Figure 3. The
when the trough had an area of ∼330 cm2 when the barriers pressure obtained for the phase change between the LE phase
were all the way open and ∼50 cm2 when the barriers were all and the TC phase is lower than what was seen in the
the way closed. Scans were run with a compression speed of 75 literature.28 This is likely because of the calibration of the
cm2/min. The pressure sensor and the trough interfaced with pressure sensor; however, this difference did not qualitatively
the computer through a microprocessor interface (IU4) affect the results.
purchased from KSV NIMA. The computer also ran software For the pure pentadecanoic acid, the phase change from the
purchased from KSV NIMA.25 However, the entire Langmuir− liquid expanded phase to the tilted condensed phase occurs all
Blodgett trough system can be purchased from KSV NIMA.26 at one pressure (πeq) because for the pure surfactant there is
Students began by determining that their trough was clean by only one degree of freedom during this phase transition.
collecting an isotherm of distilled water and confirming that it Transitions between the TC phase and the untilted condensed
was flat (the pressure did not increase or decrease by more than phase (UTC) can also be observed for the pure pentadecanoic
0.2 mN/m over the area range of the trough). Students then acid solutions as a kink in the isotherm at ∼25 mN/m (Figure
vacuumed the water off the surface using a glass pipet attached 3). Students use this isotherm to obtain the zero pressure area
with tubing to a vacuum pump27 with a large Erlenmeyer flask of all three phases of this surfactant giving them an idea of the
as a primary trap and a second trap surrounded by an ice water size of the surfactant molecules and how the surface area per
bath to prevent any water from getting into the pump. This molecule changes with phase. For the pure isopalmitic acid and
pump could be replaced by a water aspirator, which was found for the solution that has an isopalmitic mole fraction of 0.8, no
to work just as well. The students then replaced the water with phase transition between the LE and TC phases was observed.
a solution of 0.01 M HCl and again confirmed that the surface This surfactant exists in the LE phase until collapse occurs.20
was clean. The 0.01 M HCl solution was used instead of water This is likely because the branched tails of the isopalmitic acid
because the fatty acids are less soluble in the subphase at this molecules do not allow for the good packing necessary to form
pH resulting in a more stable film.20 Students then deposited the TC phase.20,29 Therefore, there is only one phase in the
40 μL of one of their solutions onto the trough between the phase diagram seen for the higher mole fractions of isopalmitic
barriers using a 50 μL syringe and needle. The students then acid.20
waited 5 min for the hexanes to evaporate and collected For the surfactant mixtures where a phase change between
another isotherm. Once the isotherm showed evidence of the LE and TC phases occurs, the phase change between the
collapse (as indicated by the pressure decreasing with LE and TC phases starts with an abrupt change in the slope of
decreasing surface area), the students stopped the scan, opened the isotherm. The pressure where this abrupt change of slope
the barriers, and saved the data. The trough was cleaned by occurs is called the equilibrium surface pressure, πeq. The
removing all the solution from the trough, replacing it with pressure continues to increase as the phase change occurs as
water, removing the water, then covering the trough with a new there is an added degree of freedom in the mixture.19 The
0.01 M HCl solution and checking that the trough was clean. If pressure where the TC phase has completely formed is difficult
the trough did not appear clean, it was likely because the to determine directly from the graph as there is no abrupt
students did not wait long enough for the Wilhelmy paper plate change in slope. Therefore, instead of finding the pressure
to be completely wetted by the HCl solution. This issue was where the coexistence region ends, students use the following
usually resolved by having the students wait 5 min with the formula19−21 to find xtci , the composition of component i in the
paper in the solution before once again checking that the mixture in the tilted condensed phase at the surface pressure
surface was clean. Further details of how the experiment was πeq:
done are provided in the student handout in the Supporting
Information. (Atc − Ale)xile(1 − xile) ⎛ ∂π eq ⎞

xitc = xile + ⎜⎜ le ⎟⎟
kT ⎝ ∂xi ⎠ (1)

The solutions of HCl used in this experiment are dilute, but where i denotes the component (pentadecanoic acid or
students should avoid skin contact. Students should avoid isopalmitic acid) with the mole fraction x, xlei is the composition
inhaling hexanes and should wear nitrile gloves to avoid getting of component i in the liquid expanded state at πeq (same as the
599 | J. Chem. Educ. 2014, 91, 597−601
Journal of Chemical Education Laboratory Experiment

starting solutions), Ale and Atc are the mean area per molecule has also been an excellent exercise in unit conversions as
of the liquid expanded state and the tilted condensed state of students had to convert back and forth between microscopic
the mixture, respectively, at the pressure πeq, k is Boltzmann’s and macroscopic units. The data analysis in this experiment was
constant, T is the temperature, in absolute temperature units, mathematically rigorous in that it required students to do
and (∂πeq/∂xlei )T,P is the derivative of the equilibrium surface numerical integrations, fit data, and take derivatives of the data
pressure, πeq, with respect to the composition of the liquid they had fit. For all the calculations though it was possible to
expanded state at constant temperature and external pressure. look at the raw data to determine if the answer they obtained
Details of how to obtain Ale and Atc from the isotherms are was at least the correct order of magnitude, which allowed the
presented Figure 4.20,30−34 Students who did their calculations students to make corrections if there were errors in their
correctly found phase diagrams similar to what is expected from calculations.
the literature.20 There are several simple ways to modify this experiment. The
phase diagram for the surfactants chosen here did not have an
azeotrope nor eutectic point,20 but many other surfactant
mixtures do.19,21 If time allowed, it would be possible to have
students try several different mixtures to try to understand what
type of interactions lead to ideal or nonideal mixing. Also, with
the availability of temperature dependent troughs, temperature
dependent phase diagrams can be determined.17 These
modifications would be easy to make, leading to large changes
in the scope of the experiment with the only added cost being
the cost of the surfactant chemicals.

S Supporting Information

Experimental handouts, discussion on reproducibility of the

experiment, instructions for setting up the instrument, and
instructions for making the solutions. This material is available
via the Internet at
Figure 4. Schematic of how the mean area per molecule of the liquid
expanded state (Ale) and mean area per molecule of the tilted
condensed state (Atc) are obtained from a typical mixture isotherm.
Corresponding Author
Finally, if the students assume that the surface consists only Notes
of pentadecanoic acid and isopalmitic acid molecules (and the
The authors declare no competing financial interest.
presence of the water is ignored), then ΔGπmix, the free energy
of mixing at a given pressure, can be calculated using the
following equation19,21,35
I would like to extend thanks to the CIRES/Department of
ΔGmix = RT (x1 ln(x1) + x 2 ln(x 2)) Chemistry and Biochemistry electronics and machine shop at
π the University of Colorado, Boulder, for building and
+ ∫π→0 (σ12 − x1σ1 − x2σ2) dπ (2) maintaining the Langmuir troughs and to Veronica Vaida and
Jessica Gilman for initially setting up the troughs at CU for use
where x1 is the mole fraction of component 1, x2 is the mole in the student laboratories. I would also like to thank Alan
fraction of component 2, σ1 is the area per mole of pure Foster for loaning the advanced laboratories the trough setups.

component 1, σ2 is the area per mole of pure component 2, and
σ12 is the area per mole of the mixture. Students calculate this REFERENCES
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(24) The Langmuir−Blodgett troughs and surface pressure sensors
were built in the University of Colorado CIRES/Department
Chemistry and Biochemistry electronics and machine shop.
(25) The software used was Nima516 version of the NIMA software.
This is the version of the software that the instructions are given for in
the handout. Different versions of the software will have slightly
different instructions.

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