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Eloquent Ruby Russ Olsen This book eloquently describes the Ruby programming
language and does not put you to sleep in the process! Whether you are new to Ruby
or have programmed in Ruby before, you will find �Eloquent Ruby� useful.

Programming Ruby Dave Thomas, Andy Hunt, and Chad Fowler The famous �Pickaxe�
book, called so because of the pickaxe appearing on the cover. Complete Ruby

Beginning Ruby Peter Cooper Excellent coverage for many Ruby topics.

Head First Ruby Jay McGavren This book just recently came out and everyone
is talking about it! I am personally a huge fan of the Head First series - they
explain stuff well and get you excited about learning in the process, so you don't
fall asleep.

Learn To Program Chris Pine Great for Ruby beginners. Nice build up that won't
overwhelm you. Some great examples of using Ruby in everyday life.

Ruby Cookbook Lucas Carlson, Leonard Richardson Lets you break your learning
of Ruby down into chunks (recipes).

The Well-Grounded Rubyist David A. Black David Black knows his Ruby cold and
is great at explaining it to others. The book has great reviews on Amazon.

Metaprogramming Ruby Paolo Perrotta A book about the cool �don�t-try-this-at-

home� Ruby features. :)


ASSIGNMENT 1 (module 2):

The overall goal of this assignment is to implement a program control mechanism

using Ruby that

properly tests for object equality

properly tests for a nil value
properly tests for a boolean true/false value
implements these tests using a case statement

The functional goal of the assignment is to rewrite a provided if/else statement

using a case statement.

Please access the full description of the assignment and bootstrap files on github:

Bootstrap files:

ASSIGNMENT 2 (module 2):

The overall goal of this assignment is to manipulate collections to derive a


The functional goal of the assignment is to chain a series of functions together to

locate selected values within a collection.

Please access the full description of the assignment and bootstrap files on github:

Bootstrap files:


ASSIGNMENT 3 (module 2):

The overall goal of this assignment is to implement a Ruby class with

class attribute(s)
class method(s)
initializer method(s)
instance attribute(s)
instance method(s)

The functional goal of the assignment is to write a Person class that will maintain
state thru instance and class attributes and provide access thru instance and class

Please access the full description of the assignment and bootstrap files on github:

Bootstrap files:


Programming Assignment: Calculating Maximum Word Frequency

You have not submitted. You must earn 100/100 points to pass.

The overall goal of the assignment is to write a Ruby class and work with
attributes, methods, hashes, and arrays.

The functional goal of the assignment is to read some text from a file and find the
word or words that appear the most. However, the way we are instructed to measure
"the words that appear the most" is by

finding highest frequency word(s) per each line

finding a highest frequency line(s) whose words then become the "highest
frequency words".

Please access the full description of the assignment and bootstrap files on google

Bootstrap files:

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3 Length Date Time Name

4 --------- ---------- ----- ----

5 1512 09-01-2015 21:07 module2_assignment.rb

6 447 08-24-2015 22:44 solution.rb

7 --------- -------

8 1959 2 files

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