Darul Uloom Deoband

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Analysze the contributions of Deoband, Aligrh college, anjumam himayat e islam in generating
Muslim consciousness and building momentum for the creation of pk. (1994)
2. Ulemas of Nadwah attempted to make a synthesis of modernism of Ali garh and conservatism of
deoband in their syllabus. Discuss (2002)
3. Deoband school stood for definite Religlo-political goals with limited sphere of influence. Discuss
4. Aligarh and Deoband movements had great contrast in their views and
mission and their leaders were at draggers drawn with each other. Discuss

Darul Uloom Deoband


It was started at a small town of Saharanpur. It began functioning on 14th April, 1866 in a small mosque
which had no building (chatta Masjid). Haji Muhammad Abid floated an idea to build a Madrassah to
impart religious education to Muslims by collecting funds. He collected substantial amount of fund and
established Madrassah. He then contacted with Muhammad Qasim and offered him to teach at
Madrassah. Muhammad Qasim left his government job to join Dar ul Uloom. Maulana Muhammad
Qasim remained Head of Dar ul uloom till 1880. He died on 15th April 1880 at a young age of 49 years.In
1931, 900 students were in Dar ul Uloom. A managing committee was established comprising of the

Haji Muhammad Abid (Founder)

Maulana Muhammad Qasim(First principal, Developed Madrassah )

Maulana Fazal-Ur-Rehman

Maulana Zulifqar Ali

Mulla Muhammad Mahmood

Maulana Yaqub (Appointed as Headmaster, Educationist)


Shah Abdur Rahim

Mualana Ashraf Ali thanvii
Maulana Hussain Ahmad Madni
Maulana Rashid Ahamd Gangohi(became head after death of Qasim, A sufi and
Muhaddis,died in 1905,favored participation in congress)
Sheikh ul hind Maulana Muhammad ul Hassan (became head after death of rashid
Gangohi,joined as teacher,wrote many books and translated holy Quran)
Maulana Abdul Haq
Maulana Shabir Ahmad Usmani(Most trusted companion of Jinnah)
Maulana Ubaid ullah Sindhi
Mufti kifiyat Ullah
Maulana Ahmad Ali lahori
Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi

 War of independence (1857)

 Christian missionaries threating islam
 Need to expand the sphere of islam


Purity of faith:
The main objective was to infuse true spirit of Islam and true
reverence for each other.
Religious aspects:
Ulema of Deoband are considered highly prestigious in subcontinent. Their Fatwa is considered
most authentic one.
Educational Aspects:
Disciplines of educations were
Islamic Jurisprudence
Islamic history
It spread education not only in Sub-continent but also attracted International students. Dar ul
Uloom was rated as second prestigious institution after Azhar University of Cairo. Dar ul Uloom
followed Madrassah Rahimyah established by Shah wali Ullah’s Father.
Preacher, guardian, Sufi, scholar, Mufti, religious education and:
Political Aspects:
There was one political group under Maulana Ashraf Ali thanvi and and Maulana Shabir Ahmad
Usmani who differed with congress in Political Approach. Madni group formed(Maulana
Hussain Ahmad madni and kifiyat Ullah were part) their political organization as Jamiat-ul-
ulema-e-hind and supported Political Philosophy of congress.

 Closer Public Relation

 Dar ul fateh to promote socio-economic prosperity of Muslims
 Social Development Through supporting widows and women’s rights
 Hindu movement countered
 International popularity
 New leaders like shah Kashmir and Ashraf Thanwi opposed Sir syed

DAR-UL-UlOOM and Aligrh

Dar ul uloom and Aligrh movement couldn’t see each other eye to eye.
(1). Dar ul Uloom was based upon religious theology and Aligrh was based upon
Policy of reconciliation with British. Maulana Muhammad Qasim remained
engaged with sir Syed.
(2). M Muhammad Qasim fought actively against British whereas Syed saved
many British families. He remained Loyal to British. And even for sometimes
Maulana Qasim established own Government at their own areas.
(3). Syed advised Muslims to keep away from taking part in congress but Rashi
Gangohi strongly opposed this syed’s view point.
(4). Different approach towards educational system by both. M.A.O was the hub
point to produce English language and literature.
(5).However they had mutually concerns as well
When Mahmud ul Hassan was headed Dar ul uloom Deoband, then he enhanced
mutually harmony between them.
In 1908, Jamiat ul Ansar was established at deoband. Sahiibzada aftab Ahmad
khan from Aligrh college attended the meeting of this organization. It was
agreeded that Dar ul uloom deoband would make special arrangements to teach
religious subjects to aligrh students. And same sorta set up would be established
at dar ul uloom deoband to teach English and western subjects to the students
who have completed their studies.
In view of the agreement, jamiat milla was stablished at delhi in 1920. This
institution included many features of both aligrh and deoband. But political
controversy could not lessened till 1947.

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