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Ask Dr Gramadeg: Ateb Cwestiynau / Answering


Mae ateb cwestiwn uniongyrchol yn Gymraeg yn debyg i ateb cwestiwn yn llawn yn Saesneg.

Answering a direct question is generally like answering in full in English.

Questions beginning with: Answers

Bod (to be) - Present and Perfect (wedi) Tense
Ydw i? Am/do I..? Wyt/Nac wyt (nagwyt) Yes you are/do/No you aren’t/don’t.
Wyt ti? Are/do you..? Ydw/Nac ydw (nagw) Yes I am/do/No I’m not/don’t.
Dych chi? Are/do you..? (sing.) Ydw/Nac ydw (nagw) Yes I am/do/No I’m not/don’t.
Dych chi? Are/do you..? (plur.) Ydyn/Nac ydyn (nagyn) Yes we are/do/No we aren’t/don’t.
Ydy e/hi? Is he/she/it..? Ydy/Nac ydy Yes he/she it is/does/No he/she it
(nady/nagyw) isn’t.
Ydyn nhw? Are/do they..? Ydyn/Nac ydyn (nagyn) Yes they are/do/No they
aren’t/don’t .
Oes? Is/are there..? Oes/Nac oes (nagôs) Yes there are/No there aren’t/don’t.

Bod (to be) - Imperfect Tense

O’n i? Was I..? O’t/Nac o’t (nagôt) Yes you were/No you weren’t.
O’t ti? Were you..? (sing.) O’n/Nac o’n (nagôn) Yes I was/No I wasn’t.
O’ch chi? Were you..? (plur./form.) O’n/Nac o’n (nagôn) Yes we were/No we weren’t.
Oedd e/hi? Was he/she/it..? Oedd/Nac oedd (nagôdd) Yes he/she/it was/No he/she/it
O’n ni? Were we..? O’ch/Nac o’ch (nagôch) Yes you were/No you weren’t.
O’n nhw? Were they..? O’n/Nac o’n (nagôn) Yes they were/No they weren’t.

Bod (to be) - Future Tense

Fydda i? Will I (be)..? Byddi/Na fyddi Yes you will (be)/No you won’t (be).
Fyddi di? Will you (be)..? Bydda/Na fydda Yes I will (be)/No I won’t (be).
Fyddwch chi? Will you (be)..? (sing.) Bydda/Na fydda Yes I will (be)/No I won’t (be).
Fyddwch chi? Will you (be)..? (pl./form.) Byddwn/Na fyddwn Yes we will (be)/No we won’t (be).
Fydd e/hi? Will he/she/it (be)..? Bydd/Na fydd Yes he/she/it will (be)/No… won’t
Fyddwn ni? Will we (be)..? Byddwch/Na fyddwch Yes you will (be)/No you won’t (be).
Fyddan nhw? Will they (be)..? Byddan/Na fyddan Yes they will (be)/No they won’t
Bod (to be) - Conditional Tense
Fyddwn i? Would I (be)..? Byddet/Na fyddet Yes you would(be)/No you
Fyddet ti? Would you(be)..? Byddwn/Na fyddwn Yes I would(be)/No I wouldn’t(be).
Fyddech chi? Would you(be)..? (sing.) Byddwn/Na fyddwn Yes I would(be)/No I wouldn’t(be).
Fyddech chi? Would you(be)..? (pl.form.) Bydden/Na fydden Yes we would(be)/No we
Fyddai fe/hi? Would he/she/it(be)..? Byddai/Na fyddai Yes he/she/it would/No he/she
Fydden ni? Would we(be)..? Byddech/Na fyddech Yes you (be) would /No you
Fydden nhw? Would they(be)..? Bydden/Na fydden Yes they would (be)/No they
Cael (to get/to have)- Future/Present Tense
Ga(f) i..? May I (have)..? Cei/Na chei (singular) Yes you may (have)/no you may
Ga(f) i..? May I (have)..? Cewch/Na chewch Yes you may (have)/no you may
(plur/form.) not.
Gaiff e/hi..? May he/she (have)..? Caiff/Na chaiff Yes he/she may (have)/no… may
Gawn ni..? May we (have)? Cewch/Na chewch Yes they may (have)/no they may
Gân nhw..? May they (have)? Cân/Na chân Yes they may (have)/no they may
Gwneud (to do/make) - Future Tense
Wnei di? Will you..? Gwnaf/Na wnaf Yes I will/no I won’t
Wnewch chi? Will you..? (plur./form.) Gwnaf/Na wnaf Yes I will/no I won’t

Dim ond dwy eithriad sydd, lle bydd atebion Cymraeg yn wahanol i atebion llawn Saesneg:

1) Yr Amser Gorffennol

Est ti mas? Welon nhw’r gêm? - Do / Naddo

Did you go out? Did they see the game? - Yes / No

2) Cwestiynau Pwysleisiol

Mas est ti? Nhw yw’r gorau? Nyrs yw e? - Ie / Nage

Out you went? THEY are the best? A nurse he is? - Yes / No

There are two exceptions to Welsh answers being like full English answers:

1) Past Tense yes and no, e.g.

Est ti mas? Welon nhw’r gêm? Do/Naddo

Did you go out? Did they see the game?
2) Emphatic yes and no, e.g.

Mas est ti? Nhw yw’r gorau? Nyrs yw e? Ie/Nage

Out you went? They were the best? A nurse he is?

Dyw cwestiynau pwysleisiol ddim yn dechrau gyda berf. Yn syml, byddwch chi'n gwneud
cwestiwn pwysleisiol mewn unrhyw amser, drwy symud rhan y cwestiwn byddwch chi eisiau
ei physleisio i ddechrau'r frawddeg. Pan fydd hyn yn digwydd, Ie / Nage fydd yr atebion, ni
waeth beth fydd yr amser, e.e:

Y Presennol
Wyt ti’n nyrs? Are you a nurse? Ydw/Nac ydw

Y Presennol - Gyda phwyslais

Nyrs wyt ti? A nurse you are? Ie/Nage
(enw yn gyntaf – 'nyrs' / 'nurse')

Y Gorffennol
Aeth Ffred? Did Ffred go? Do/Naddo

Y Gorffennol - Gyda physlais

Ffred aeth? Ffred went? Ie/Nage
(enw'n gyntaf – 'Ffred')

Yr Amherffaith
Oedd e yn y dre? Was he in town? Oedd/Nac oedd

Yr Amherffaith - Gyda phwyslais

Yn y dre (r)oedd e? In town he was? Ie/Nage
(adferf yn gyntaf - ‘lle’, hynny yw 'yn y dre' / 'in town')

Emphatic questions are those which do not start with a verb. An emphatic question can be
formed in any tense by putting what you are emphasising first. When this happens the
answers are always Ie/Nage regardless of the tense, e.g:

Wyt ti’n nyrs? Are you a nurse? Ydw/Nac ydw

Nyrs wyt ti? A nurse you are? Ie/Nage
(noun first - nurse)

Aeth Ffred? Did Ffred go? Do/Naddo
Ffred aeth? Ffred went? Ie/Nage
(noun first - Ffred)

Oedd e yn y dre? Was he in town? Oedd/Nac oedd

Yn y dre (r)oedd e? In town he was? Ie/Nage
(adverb 1st - ‘where’)

* Rhagor o Enghreifftiau / More Examples

1. Aethoch chi mas i weld y sioe neithiwr? Do / Naddo.
Did you go out to see the show last night? Yes / No.

2. Aethoch chi mas i ymweld â mam-gu neithiwr? Do / Naddo.

Did you go out to visit grandma last night? Yes / No.

3. Mas aethoch chi i ymweld â mam-gu neithiwr? Ie / Nage.

Did you go *out* to visit grandma last night? Yes / No.

4. I ymweld â mam-gu aethoch chi mas neithiwr? Ie / Nage.

Did you go out *to visit grandma* last night? Yes / No.

5. Neithiwr aethoch chi mas i ymweld â mam-gu? Ie / Nage.

Did you go out to visit grandma *last night*? Yes / No.

6. Mas i ymweld â mam-gu neithiwr aethoch chi? Ie / Nage.

Did you *go out to visit grandma last night*? Yes / No.

7. Ni yw’r gorau? Ie / Nage.

It's us who's the best? Yes / No.

8. Ydy e'n athro? Ydy / Nac ydy.

Is he a teacher? Yes / No.

9. Athro yw e? Ie / Nage.
Is he a *teacher*? Yes / No.
10. Wyt ti’n ddeintydd? Ydw/Nac ydw.
Are you a dentist? Yes / No.

11. Deintydd wyt ti? Ie/Nage

Are you a *dentist*? Yes / No.

12. Brynodd Sandra y twrci? Do / Naddo.

Did Sandra buy the turkey? Yes / No.

13. Sandra brynodd y twrci? Ie / Nage

Is it *Sandra* who bought the turkey? Yes / No.

14. Oedd yr athro yn y 'stafell ddosbarth? Oedd / Nac oedd.

Was the teacher in the classroom? Yes / No.

15. Yn y 'stafell ddosbarth roedd yr athro? Ie / Nage.

Was the teacher in the *classroom*? Yes / No.

       

Rheolwr y prosiect / Project manager: Neil Rowlands

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