The Front Matter: The Body of Book

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The Front Matter

1. Who is the writer?

Answer : The writer of the book is Tere Liye
2. What does the title say?
Answer : The title says Negeri Di Ujung Tanduk
3. What is the publication date?
Answer : The book was published in May 2019
4. What company published the material?
Answer : The book is published by PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama
5. Is there a preface, a foreword, and introduction?
Answer : No, there is no preface, foreword, or introduction

The Body of Book

1. What kinds of vocabulary does the writer use?

Answer : The writer uses daily language which is simple and
2. What are the writer telling you?
Answer : The writer criticize about politics in Indonesia
3. Is it about something you like? Will it help you to learn?
Answer : Yes. Because this book contains moral values that useful for
the readers
4. What kinds of aids do the writers use? Drawings? Photographs?
Charts? Tables?
Answer : This book has no aids such as drawings, photographs, charts,
or tables.

The Back Matter

1. Is there a list of selected references?

Answer : No, there is no list of selected reference in this book
2. Is there a glossary?
Answer : No, there is no glossary in this book
3. Is there an author index?
Answer : No, there is no author index in this book
4. Is there an appendix with more information?
Answer : No there is no appendix with more information in this book
5. Is there a blurb?
Answer : Yes, the blurb is on the back of the book

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