Ielts 14 Key

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Alexander Henderson (1831-1913)
Born in Scotland, Henderson emigrated to Canada in 1855 and became a well-known
landscape photographer.
[1] Alexander Henderson was born in Scotland in 1831 and was the son of a successful
merchant. His grandfather, also called Alexander, had founded the family business, and
later became the first chairman of the National Bank of Scotland. The family had
extensive landholdings in Scotland. Besides its residence in Edinburgh, it owned Press
Estate, 650 acres of farmland about 35 miles southeast of the city. The family often
stayed at Press Castle, the large mansion on the northern edge of the property, and
Alexander spent much of his childhood in the area, playing on the beach near Eyemouth
or fishing in the streams nearby.
[2] Even after he went to school at Murcheston Academy on the outskirts of Edinburgh,
Henderson returned to Press at weekends. In 1849 he began a three-year apprenticeship
to become an accountant. Although he never liked the prospect of a business career, he
stayed with it to please his family. In October 1855, however, he emigrated to Canada
with his wife Agnes Elder Robertson and they settled in Montreal.
[3] Henderson learned photography in Montreal around the year 1857 and quickly took
it up as a serious amateur. He became a personal friend and colleague of the Scottish-
Canadian photographer William Notman. The two men made a photographic excursion
to Niagara Falls in 1860 and they cooperated on experiments with magnesium flares as
a source of artificial light in 1865. They belonged to the same societies and were among
the founding members of the Art Association of Montreal. Henderson acted as chairman
of the association’s first meeting, which was held in Notman’s studio on 11 January
[4] In spite of their friendship, their styles of photography were quite different. While
Notmans landscapes were noted for their bold realism, Henderson for the first 20 years
of his career produced romantic images, showing the strong influence of the British
landscape tradition. His artistic and technical progress was rapid and in 1865 he
published his first major collection of landscape photographs. The publication had
limited circulation (only seven copies have ever been found), and was called Canadian
Views and Studies. The contents of each copy vary significantly and have proved a
useful source for evaluating Henderson’s early work.
[5] In 1866, he gave up his business to open a photographic studio, advertising himself
as a portrait and landscape photographer. From about 1870 he dropped portraiture to
specialize in landscape photography and other views. His numerous photographs of city
life revealed in street scenes, houses, and markets are alive with human activity, and
although his favourite subject was landscape he usually composed his scenes around
such human pursuits as farming the land, cutting ice on a river, or sailing down a
woodland stream.
[6] There was sufficient demand for these types of scenes and others he took depicting
the lumber trade, steamboats and waterfalls to enable him to make a living. There was
little competing hobby or amateur photography before the late 1880s because of the
time-consuming techniques involved and the weight of the equipment. People wanted
to buy photographs as souvenirs of a trip or as gifts, and catering to this market,
Henderson had stock photographs on display at his studio for mounting, framing, or
inclusion in albums. Henderson frequently exhibited his photographs in Montreal and
abroad, in London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Paris, New York, and Philadelphia. He met
withgreater success in 1877 and 1876 in New York when he won first prizes in
theexhibition held by E and HT Anthony and Company for landscapes using the
Lambertype process. In 1878 his work won second prize at the world exhibition in Paris.
[7] In the 1870s and 1880s Henderson travelled widely throughout Quebec and Ontario,
in Canada, documenting the major cities of the two provinces and many of the villages
in Quebec. He was especially fond of the wilderness and often travelled by canoe on
the Blanche, du Lièvre, and other noted eastern rivers. He went on several occasions to
the Maritimes and in 1872 he sailed by yacht along the lower north shore of the St
Lawrence River. That same year, while in the lower St Lawrence River region, he took
some photographs of the construction of the Intercolonial Railway. This undertaking
led in 1875 to a commission from the railway to record the principal structures along
the almost-completed line connecting Montreal to Halifax. Commissions from other
railways followed. In 1876 he photographed bridges on the Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa
and Occidental Railway between Montreal and Ottawa. In 1885 he went west along the
Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) as far as Rogers Pass in British Columbia, where he
took photographs of the mountains and the progress of construction.
[8] In 1892 Henderson accepted a full-time position with the CPR as manager of a
photographic department which he was to set up and administer. His duties included
spending four months in the field each year. That summer he made his second trip west,
photographing extensively along the railway line as far as Victoria. He continued in this
post until 1897, when he retired completely from photography. When Henderson died
in 1913, his huge collection of glass negatives was stored in the basement of his house.
Today collections of his work are held at the National Archives of Canada, Ottawa, and
the McCord Museum of Canadian History, Montreal.


In boxes 38—40 on your answer sheet, write
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

*Gợi ý các bước làm dạng bài này:

Bước 1: Gạch chân keywords trong câu hỏi
Bước 2: Dựa vào keyword xác định vị trí thông tin trong đoạn văn bằng cách áp
dụng kĩ thuật scanning
Bước 3: Phân tích từ vựng đồng nghĩa, trái nghĩa trong câu hỏi và đoạn văn để
định câu hỏi này là True, False or Not Given

STT Câu hỏi Đáp án Giải thích

1 Henderson rarely visited the FALSE Keyword: Press estate => Thông
area around Press Estate tin nằm ở dòng 1-3 đoạn 1
when he was younger.
“The family had extensive… it
owned Press Estate … and
Alexander spent much of his
childhood in the area…”

Bài đọc nói rằng ông Alexander

dành phần lớn thời thơ ấu của mình
ở Press Estate. Trong câu hỏi có từ
rarely mang nghĩa hiếm khi trái
với nội dung bài đọc.
2 Henderson pursued a TRUE Keyword: business career =>
business career because it Thông tin nằm ở đoạn 2
was what his family
wanted. “Although he never liked the
prospect of a business career, he
stayed with it to please his family.”

Cụm To please his family đồng

nghĩa với it was what his family
3 Henderson and Notman NOT Keyword: 1865 experiment xuất
were surprised by the GIVEN hiện ở đoạn 3 và trong đoạn này
results of their 1865 không đề cập đến đến việc
experiment. Henderson và Notman ngạc nhiên
trước kết quả thí nghiệm.
4 There were many FALSE Keyword: Henderson’s early
similarities between landscapes => Thông tin nằm ở
Henderson’s early đoạn 4
landscapes and those of In spite of their friendship, their
Notman. styles of photography were quite
different. While Notman’s
landscapes were noted for their
bold realism, Henderson for the
first 20 years of his career
produced romantic images,
showing the strong influence of the
British landscape tradition.

Bài đọc nói rằng dù là bạn nhưng

phong cách chụp ảnh landscapes
của Norman and Henderson khác
nhau. Nội dung câu hỏi khác với
bài đọc

5 The studio that Henderson NOT Từ khóa studio 1866 xuất hiện
opened in 1866 was close to GIVEN trong đoạn 5 nhưng đoạn này
his home. không đề cập đến studio nằm gần
nhà của Henderson hay không.
6 Henderson gave up TRUE Keyword: portraiture (nghệ thuật
portraiture so that he could chân dung) => Thông tin nằm ở
focus on taking đoạn 5
photographs of scenery
“From about 1870 he dropped
portraiture to specialize in
landscape photography and other

Từ dropped đồng nghĩa với gave

up (từ bỏ).
Specialize in đồng nghĩa với focus
on (tập trung vào).

7 When Henderson began FALSE Keyword: Intercolonial Railway

work for the Intercolonial => Thông tin nằm ở đoạn 7
Railway, the Montreal to
Halifax line had been “This undertaking led in 1875 to a
finished. commission from the railway to
record the principal structures
along the almost –completed line
connecting Montreal to Halifax.”

Bài đọc nói rằng tuyến đường liên

kết giữa Montreal và Halifax gần
hoàn thành (almost-completed)
đối lập với nghĩa đã được hoàn
thành xong trong câu hỏi (finished)
8 Henderson’s last work as a TRUE Keyword: Canadian Pacific =>
photographer was with the Thông tin nằm ở đoạn 7
Canadian Pacific railway.
“- In 1885 he went west along the
Canadian Pacifc Railway (CPR)
as far as Rogers Pass in British
Columbia, where he took
photographs of the mountains and
the progress of construction.
- In 1892 Henderson accepted a
full-time position with the CPR as
manager of a photographic
department which he was to set up

=> Năm 1885, ông Henderson chụp

ảnh dọc đường sắt Thái Bình
Dương của Canada.
Đến năm 1892, ông làm quản lí của
một văn phòng nhiếp ảnh. Do đó,
công việc cuối cùng của ông liên
quan đến đường sắt Thái Bình
Dương của Canada.

Questions 9-13
Choose one word only from the passage for each answer

*Gợi ý các bước làm dạng bài này:

Bước 1: Gạch chân keywords trong câu hỏi
Bước 2: Xác định loại từ của từ cần điền (Adj, V, N hoặc Adv)
Bước 3: Dựa vào keyword xác định thông tin trong đoạn văn
Bước 4: Phân tích từ vựng đồng nghĩa trong câu hỏi và đoạn văn để quyết định từ
vựng còn thiếu trong đoạn văn

STT Câu hỏi Đáp án Giải thích

9 - was born in Scotland in Merchant [Đoạn 1]
1831 – father was a “Alexander Henderson was born
…………. in Scotland in 1831 and was the
son of a successful merchant”
=> Cần một noun (danh
từ) đứng sau mạo từ a Ông Henderson là con trai của 1
=> Bố ông là một merchant.

10 - People bought Equipment [Đoạn 6]

Henderson’s photos “There was little competing
because photography took hobby or amateur photography
up considerable time and before the late 1880s because of
the …………. was heavy . the time-consuming techniques
involved and the weight of the
=> Cần một noun đứng sau equipment.”
the và được bổ nghĩa bởi
từ heavy. Weight đồng nghĩa với từ heavy
=> Từ cần điền là : equipment.
11 - The photographs Gifts [Đoạn 6]
Henderson sold were “People wanted to buy Montreal
………… or souvenirs to Halifax as souvenirs of a trip
or as gifts, and catering to this
=> Cần một noun vì từ cần market.”
điền tương đương với
souvenirs. Souvenirs là một
12 - Took many trips along Canoe [Đoạn 7]
eastern river in a ………. “He was especially fond of the
wilderness and often travelled by
=> Cần một noun đứng sau canoe on the Blanche, du Lièvre,
a and other noted eastern rivers”

=> often travelled by đồng nghĩa

với cụm Took many trips along
eastern river in a

13 - worked for CPR in 1885 Mountains [Đoạn 7]

and photographed the “In 1885 he went west along the
…………. and the railway Canadian Pacifc Railway (CPR)
at Rogers Pass. as far as Rogers Pass in British
=> Cần một noun đứng sau Columbia, where he took
the và bị tác động bởi động photographs of the mountains
từ photographed and the progress of

=> took photographs đồng

nghĩa với photographed

Back to the future of skyscraper design

Answers to the problem of excessive electricity use by skyscrapers and large
public buildings can be found in ingenious buy forgotten architectural designs
of the 19th and early 20th centuries
A The Recovery of Natural Environments in Architecture by Professor Alan Short is
the culmination of 30 years of research and award-winning green building design by
Short and colleagues in Architecture, Engineering, Applied Maths and Earth Sciences
at the University of Cambridge.
“The crisis in building design is already here,' said Short. 'Policy makers think you can
solve energy and building problems with gadgets. You can't. As global temperatures
continue to rise, we are going to continue to squander more and more energy on keeping
our buildings mechanically cool until we have run out of capacity.
B Short is calling for a sweeping reinvention of how skyscrapers and major public
buildings are designed - to end the reliance on sealed buildings which exist solely via
the 'life support' system of vast air condifioning units. Instead, he shows it is entirely
possible to accommodate natural ventilation and cooling in large buildings by looking
into the past, before the widespread introduction of air conditioning systems, which
were 'relentlessly and aggressively marketed' by their inventors.
C Short points out that to make most contemporary buildings habitable, they have to be
sealed and air conditioned. The energy use and carbon emissions this generates is
spectacular and largely unnecessary. Buildings in the West account for 40-50% of
electricity usage, generating substantial carbon emissions, and the rest of the world is
catching up at a frightening rate. Short regards glass, steel and air-conditioned
skyscrapers as symbols of status, rather than practical ways of meeting our requirements.
D Short’s book highlights a developing and sophisticated art and science of ventilating
buildings through the 19th and earlier-20th centuries, including the design of
ingeniously ventilated hospitals. Of particular interest were those built to the designs of
John Shaw Billings, including the first Johns Hopkins Hospital in the US city of
Baltimore (1873 - 1889). We spent three years digitally modelling Billings' final
designs,' says Short. We put pathogens in the airstreams, modelled for someone with
tuberculosis (TB) coughing in the wards and we found the ventilation systems in the
room would have kept other patients safe from harm.
E We discovered that 19th-century hospital wards could generate up to 24 air changes
an hour - that’s similar to the performance of a modern-day, computer-controlled
operating theatre. We believe you could build wards based on these principles now.
Single rooms are not appropriate for all patients. Communal wards appropriate for
certain patients - older people with dementia, for example - would work just as well in
today's hospitals, at a fraction of the energy cost. Professor Short contends the mindset
and skill-sets behind these designs have been completely lost, lamenting the
disappearance of expertly designed theatres, opera houses, and other buildings where
up to half the volume of the building was given over to ensuring everyone got fresh air.
F Much of the ingenuity present in 19th-century hospital and building design was driven
by a panicked public clamouring for buildings that could protect against what was
thought to be the lethal threat of miasmas - toxic air that spread disease. Miasmas were
feared as the principal agents of disease and epidemics for centuries, and were used to
explain the spread of infection from the Middle Ages right through to the cholera
outbreaks in London and Paris during the 1850s. Foul air, rather than germs, was
believed to be the main driver of “hospital fever”, leading to disease and frequent death.
The prosperous steered clear of hospitals. While miasma theory has been long since
disproved, Short has for the last 30 years advocated a return to some of the building
design principles produced in its wake.
G Today, huge amounts of a building's space and construction cost are given over for
air conditioning. 'But I have designed and built a series of buildings over the past three
decades which have tried to reinvent some of these ideas and then measure what
happens.“To go forward into our new low-energy, low-carbon future, we would be well
advised to look back at design before our high-energy, high-carbon present appeared.
What is surprising is what a rich legacy we have abandoned.
H Successful examples of Short's approach include the Queen's Building at De
Montfort University in Leicester. Containing as many as 2,000 staff and students, the
entire building is naturally ventilated, passively cooled and naturally lit, including the
two largest auditoria, each seating more than 150 people. The award-winning building
uses a fraction of the electricity of comparable buildings in the UK. Short contends
that glass skyscrapers in London and around the world will become a liability over the
next 20 or 30 years if climate modelling predictions and energy price rises come to
pass as expected.

I He is convinced that sufficiently cooled skyscrapers using the natural environment

can be produced in almost any climate. He and his team have worked on hybrid
buildings in the harsh climates of Beijing and Chicago — built with natural
venfilation assisted by back-up air conditioning — which, surprisingly perhaps, can be
switched off more than half the time on milder days and during the spring and autumn.
Short looks at how we might reimagine the cities, offices and homes of the future.
Maybe it’s time we changed our outlook.

Question 14-18
Reading Passage 2 has nine sections, A - I
Which section contains the following information?

Đây là dạng bài tập tương đối khó, yêu cầu thí sinh tìm một thông tin cụ thể trong
đoạn văn. Đối với dạng này bạn phải vừa phải hiểu ý nghĩa và xác định keywords
của từng câu hỏi. Sau đó tìm cụm từ đồng nghĩa (synonyms) của nó trong đoạn văn
chứ không phải là từ y hệt hoàn toàn.

Vì vậy lời khuyên là làm bài tập này sau cùng vì nó sẽ giúp bạn tiết kiệm được nhiều
thời gian vì bạn đã hiểu được nội dung đoạn văn sau khi làm các dạng dễ khác.

STT Câu hỏi Đáp án Giải thích

14 Why some people avoided F “Much of the ingenuity present in
hospitals in the 19th century 19th-century hospital and building
design was driven by a panicked
public clamouring for buildings
that could protect against what was
thought to be the lethal threat of
miasmas - toxic air that spread
-> Đoạn văn giới thiệu không khí
độc hại làm dấy lên mối lo của dân
chúng cho các tòa nhà.

“Foul air, rather than germs, was

believed to be the main driver of
“hospital fever”, leading to disease
and frequent death. The prosperous
steered clear of hospitals.”

-> The prosperous steered clear of

hospitals: bệnh viện không còn
phát triển phồn vinh
=> Mọi người tránh xa bệnh viện
15 A suggestion that the C “Short points out that to make most
popularity of tall buildings contemporary buildings habitable,
is linked to prestige. they have to be sealed and air

Short regards glass, steel and air-

conditioned skyscrapers as
symbols of status, rather than
practical ways of meeting our
- Từ status đồng nghĩa với prestige
: danh tiếng
- symbols of gần nghĩa với linked
16 A comparison between the E “We discovered that 19th-century
circulation of air in a 19th hospital wards could generate up to
century building and 24 air changes an hour that’s
modern standards similar to the performance of a
modern-day, computer-controlled
operating theatre”

- air changes đồng nghĩa với

circulation of air
- that’s similar to đồng nghĩa với
- 19th-century hospital wards
tương đương với 19th century
- a modern-day, computer-
controlled operating theatre
tương đường với modern

17 How Short tested the D Mở đầu đoạn tác giả giới thiệu cuốn
circulation of air in a 19th- sách của Short làm nổi bật nghệ
century building. thuật và nghiên cứu về các tòa nhà
thông gió, trong đó bao gồm thiết
kế của các bệnh viện có hệ thống
thông gió tinh xảo.

“Short’s book highlights a

developing and sophisticated art
and science of ventilating buildings
through the 19th and earlier-20th
centuries, including the design of
ingeniously ventilated hospitals”
Đoạn sau tác giá đưa ra nội dung
của thiết kế này:
“We put pathogens in the
airstreams, modelled for someone
with tuberculosis (TB) coughing in
the wards and we found the
ventilation systems in the room
would have kept other patients safe
from harm.”
18 An implication that B “…the widespread introduction of
advertising led to the large air conditioning systems, which
increase in the use of air were 'relentlessly and aggressively
conditioning marketed' by their inventors.”

- Từ market đồng nghĩa với


Questions 19-26
Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer

* Gợi ý các bước làm bài này:

Bước 1: Gạch chân keywords trong câu hỏi
Bước 2: Xác định loại từ của từ cần điền (Adj, V, N hoặc Adv)
Bước 3: Dựa vào keyword xác định thông tin trong đoạn văn
Bước 4: Phân tích từ vựng đồng nghĩa trong câu hỏi và đoạn văn để quyết định từ
vựng còn thiếu trong đoạn văn

STT Câu hỏi Đáp án Giải thích

19 Professor Alan Short design(s) Từ khóa: Professor Alan Short
examined the work of => thông tin ở Đoạn D
John Shaw Billings, who
influenced “Short’s book highlights a
the Architectural developing and sophisticated art
…………. of hospitals to and science of ventilating
ensure they had good buildings through the 19th and
ventilation. earlier-20th centuries, including
the design of ingeniously
-> Cần một noun liên quan ventilated hospitals. Of
đến kiến trúc bệnh viện. particular interest were those
built to the designs of John
Shaw Billings.”

- Cụm “the design of

ingeniously ventilated
hospitals” trong đoạn tương
đương với Design of hospitals
to ensure they had good
20 He calculated that 20. [Đoạn D]
& …………. in the air pathogens “We put pathogens in the
21 coming from patients 21. airstreams, modelled for
suffering from tuberculosis someone with tuberculosis (TB)
………….would not have coughing in the wards and we
harmed other patients. found the ventilation systems in
the room would have kept other
-> 21: Cần một noun: một patients safe from harm.”
thứ gì đó trong không khí
-> 22 : Cần một noun: Một -> airstreams đồng nghĩa với
căn bệnh các bệnh nhân đã air
chịu đựng. -> kept other patients safe from
harm tương đương với would
not have harmed other

22 He also found that the air wards [Đoạn E]

in “We discovered that 19th-century
…………. in hospitals hospital wards could generate up
could change as often as to 24 air changes an hour -
in a modern operating that’s similar to the performance
theatre. of a modern-day, computer-
controlled operating theatre
23 He suggests that energy communal [Đoạn E]
use could be reduced by Communal wards appropriate for
locating more patients certain patients - older people
in…………. areas. with dementia, for example -
-> Cần một tính từ hoặc would work just as well in today's
danh từ bổ nghĩa cho areas hospitals, at a fraction of the
energy cost.

- at a fraction of the energy cost

tương đương với energy use
could be reduced.
- wards đồng nghĩa với areas
(khu vực)
24 A major reason for 24. Public [Đoạn F]
& improving ventilation in Much of the ingenuity present in
25 19th-century hospitals was 25. 19th-century hospital and
the demand from the Miasmas building design was driven by a
…………. for protection panicked public clamouring for
against bad air, known as buildings that could protect
………….. . against what was thought to be
the lethal threat of miasmas -
toxic air that spread disease

-> was driven by tương đương

với a major reason for
-> clamour (n) đồng nghĩa với
-> toxic air đồng nghĩa bad air

26 These were blamed for the cholera [Đoạn F]

spread of disease for Miasmas were feared as the
hundreds of years, principal agents of disease and
including epidemics for centuries, and were
epidemics of ..................... used to explain the spread of
in London and Paris in the infection from the Middle Ages
middle of the 19th century. right through to the cholera
outbreaks in London and Paris
during the 1850s

-> outbreak: cơn,bùng phát

Why companies should welcome disorder
A Organisation is big business. Whether it is of our lives — all those inboxes and
calendars — or how companies are structured, a multi-billion dollar industry helps to
meet this need.
We have more strategies for time management, project management and self-
organisation than at any other time in human history. We are told that we ought to
organise our company, our home life, our week, our day and even our sleep, all as a
means to becoming more productive. Every week, countless seminars and workshops
take place around the world to tell a paying public that they ought to structure their lives
in order to achieve this.
This rhetoric has also crept into the thinking of business leaders and entrepreneurs,
much to the delight of self-proclaimed perfectionists with the need to get everything
right. The number of business schools and graduates has massively increased over the
past 50 years, essentially teaching people how to organise well.

B Ironically, however, the number of businesses that fail has also steadily increased.
Work-related stress has increased. A large proportion of workers from all demographics
claim to be dissatisfied with the way their work is structured and the way they are
This begs the question: what has gone wrong? Why is it that on paper the drive for
organisation seems a sure shot for increasing productivity, but in reality falls well short
of what is expected?
C This has been a problem for a while now. Frederick Taylor was one of the forefathers
of scientific management. Writing in the first half of the 20th century, he designed a
number of principles to improve the efficiency of the work process, which have since
become widespread in modern companies. So the approach has been around for a while.

D New research suggests that this obsession with efficiency is misguided. The problem
is not necessarily the management theories or strategies we use to organise our work;
it’s the basic assumptions we hold in approaching how we work. Here it’s the
assumption that order is a necessary condition for productivity. This assumption has
also fostered the idea that disorder must be detrimental to organisational productivity.
The result is that businesses and people spend time and money organising themselves
for the sake of organising, rather than actually looking at the end goal and usefulness of
such an effort.

E What’s more, recent studies show that order actually has diminishing returns.
Order does increase productivity to a certain extent, but eventually the usefulness of the
process of organisation, and the benefit it yields, reduce until the point where any further
increase in order reduces productivity. Some argue that in a business, if the cost of
formally structuring something outweighs the benefit of doing it, then that thing ought
not to be formally structured. Instead, the resources involved can be better used

F In fact, research shows that, when innovating, the best approach is to create an
environment devoid of structure and hierarchy and enable everyone involved to engage
as one organic group. These environments can lead to new solutions that, under
conventionally structured environments (filled with bottlenecks in terms of information
flow, power structures, rules, and routines) would never be reached.

G In recent times companies have slowly started to embrace this disorganisation. Many
of them embrace it in terms of perception (embracing the idea of disorder, as opposed
to fearing it) and in terms of process (putting mechanisms in place to reduce structure).
For example, Oticon, a large Danish manufacturer of hearing aids, used what it called a
‘spaghetti’ structure in order to reduce the organisation’s rigid hierarchies. This
involved scrapping formal job titles and giving staff huge amounts of ownership over
their own time and projects. This approach proved to be highly successful initially, with
clear improvements in worker productivity in all facets of the business. In similar
fashion, the former chairman of General Electric embraced disorganisation, putting
forward the idea of the ‘boundaryless’ organisation.
Again, it involves breaking down the barriers between different parts of a company and
encouraging virtual collaboration and flexible working. Google and a number of other
tech companies have embraced (at least in part) these kinds of flexible structures,
facilitated by technology and strong company values which glue people together.

H A word of warning to others thinking of jumping on this bandwagon: the evidence

so far suggests disorder, much like order, also seems to have diminishing utility, and
can also have detrimental effects on performance if overused. Like order, disorder
should be embraced only so far as it is useful. But we should not fear it — nor venerate
one over the other.
This research also shows that we should continually question whether or not our existing
assumptions work.
A word of warning to others thinking of jumping on this bandwagon: the evidence so
far suggests disorder, much like order, also seems to have diminishing utility, and can
also have detrimental effects on performance if overused. Like order, disorder should
be embraced only so far as it is useful. But we should not fear it — nor venerate one
over the other. This research also shows that we should continually question whether or
not our existing assumptions work.

Question 27-34
Reading Passage 3 has eight sections, A-H. Choose the correct heading for each
section from the list of headings below.
Write the correct number, i-ix, in boxes 27—34 on your answer sheet.

List of Headings

i Complaints about the impact of a certain approach

ii Fundamental beliefs that are in fact incorrect
iii Early recommendations concerning business activities
iv Organisations that put a new approach into practice
v Companies that have suffered from changing their approach
vi What people are increasingly expected to do
vii How to achieve outcomes that are currently impossible
viii Neither approach guarantees continuous improvement
ix Evidence that a certain approach can have more disadvantages than

* Gợi ý các bước làm bài này:

Bước 1: Đọc từng tiêu đề (headings) và gạch chân keyword của các tiêu đề. Tránh
mất nhiều thời gian vào đọc chúng vì một số tiêu đề không được sử dụng.
Bước 2: Đọc đoạn văn đầu tiên. Đọc nhanh lấy ý chính toàn đoạn.
*Tips: Đọc dòng đầu tiên và dòng cuối cùng để tìm ý. Đáp án thường nằm ở các
dòng này.
Bước 3: Tìm tiêu đề phù hợp với đoạn văn nhất. Nếu không chắc chắn giữa 2 tiêu
đề ví dụ tiêu đề i và ii, hãy viết i và ii bên cạnh. Bạn quay lại sau khi làm những câu
Bước 4: Chuyển sang đoạn văn tiếp theo và nhắc lại quy trình.
Bước 5: Quay lại những câu bạn chưa quyết định và tìm đáp án đúng.

* Lời khuyên: Đối với dạng bài tập này bạn nên để làm cuối cùng sau khi đã hoàn
thành xong các dạng khác. Điều này sẽ giúp bạn tiết kiệm được nhiều thời gian vì
bạn đã hiểu được nội dung đoạn văn sau khi làm các dạng dễ khác.

STT Câu hỏi Đáp án Giải thích

27 Section A vi What people are “…The number of business
increasingly expected to do schools and graduates has
massively increased over the past
50 years, essentially teaching
people how to organise well.”

-> Đoạn văn muốn nói số trường

doanh nghiệp và sinh viên tốt
nghiệp dạy mọi người cách tổ chức
tốt đang ngày càng tăng.
-> has massively increased tương
đương với cụm are increasingly

28 Section B i Complaints about the “A large proportion of workers

impact of a certain from all demographics claim to be
approach dissatisfied with the way their
work is structured and the way
-> Keywords: Complaints, they are managed.”
impact, approach
-> Đoạn văn hàm ý là các công
nhân không hài lòng với cách thức
của công việc.
29 Section C iii Early recommendations “Writing in the first half of the
concerning business 20th century, he designed a
activities number of principles to improve
the efficiency of the work process”

-> in the first half of the 20th

century tương đương với từ early
-> principles đồng nghĩa
-> the work process đồng nghĩa
với business activities
30 Section D ii Fundamental beliefs that “New research suggests that this
are in fact incorrect obsession with efficiency is

-> obsession đồng nghĩa với

-> misguided đồng nghĩa với
31 Section E ix Evidence that a certain “recent studies show that order
approach can have more actually has diminishing returns”
disadvantages than “if the cost of formally structuring
advantages something outweighs the benefit
of doing it, then that thing ought
not to be formally structured”

-> Evidence đồng nghĩa với

-> More disadvantages than
advantages đồng nghĩa với the
cost outweighs the benefits
32 Section F vii How to achieve “These environments can lead to
outcomes that are currently new solutions that, under
impossible conventionally structured
environments (filled with
bottlenecks in terms of information
flow, power structures, rules, and
routines) would never
be reached.”

-> new solutions tương đương với

How to
-> would never be reached tương
đương với currently impossible

33 Section G iv Organisations that put a “In recent times companies have

new approach into practice slowly started to embrace this

-> companies đồng nghĩa với

-> embrace disorganisation tương
đương với cụm put a new
approach into practice

34 Section H viii Neither approach “the evidence so far suggests

guarantees continuous disorder, much like order, also
improvement seems to have diminishing utility”

-> disorder tương đương với

-> diminishing utility tương
đương với neither .... continuous

Question 35-37
Complete the sentences below.
Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in
boxes 35-37 on your answer sheet.

Bước 1: Gạch chân keywords trong câu hỏi

Bước 2: Xác định loại từ của từ cần điền (Adj, V, N hoặc Adv)
Bước 3: Dựa vào keyword xác định thông tin trong đoạn văn
Bước 4: Phân tích từ vựng đồng nghĩa trong câu hỏi và đoạn văn để quyết định từ
vựng còn thiếu trong đoạn văn

STT Câu hỏi Đáp án Giải thích

35 Numerous training productive Keyword: training sessions =>
sessions are aimed at Thông tin nằm ở đoạn A
people who feel they are “We are told that we ought to
not................enough organise our company, our home
life, our week, our day and even
-> Cần một Adj our sleep, all as a means to
becoming more productive. Every
week, countless seminars and
workshops take place around the
world to tell a paying public that
they ought to structure their lives
in order to achieve this.”

- all as a means to becoming more

productive tương đương với feel
they are not productive enough

-> countless seminars and

workshops tương đương với cụm
numerous training sessions

36 Being organised appeals perfectionists Keyword: Being organised =>

to people who regard Thông tin nằm ở đoạn A
themselves as...........
-> Cần một Noun chỉ “This rhetoric has also crept into
người the thinking of business leaders
and entrepreneurs, much to the
delight of self-proclaimed
- Appeal đồng nghĩa với delight
- self-proclaimed đồng nghĩa
regard themselves as
37 Many people dissatisfied “A large proportion of workers
feel................with from all demographics claim to be
aspects of their work. dissatisfied with the way their
work is structured and the way
-> Cần một Adj đi với they are managed”
giới từ with
-> A large proportion of workers
gân nghĩa với Many people
-> the way their work is
structured and the way they are
managed tương đơn với aspects of
their work

Question 38-40
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 3?
In boxes 38—40 on your answer sheet, write
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

Gợi ý các bước làm dạng bài này:

Bước 1: Gạch chân keywords trong câu hỏi
Bước 2: Dựa vào keyword xác định vị trí thông tin trong đoạn văn
Bước 3: Phân tích từ vựng đồng nghĩa, trái nghĩa trong câu hỏi và đoạn văn để
định câu hỏi này là True, False or Not Given

STT Câu hỏi Đáp án Giải thích

38 Both businesses and TRUE Keyword: businesses and people =>
people aim at order Thông tin nằm ở dòng 1-3 đoạn D
without really
considering its value. “The result is that businesses and
people spend time and money
organising themselves for the sake of
organising, rather than actually
looking at the end goal and usefulness
of such an effort”

-> for the sake of organising tương

đương với aim at order
-> rather than actually looking at the
end goal and usefulness of such an
effort tương đương với without really
considering its value.
39 Innovation is most FALSE Keyword: Innovation => Thông tin
successful if the people nằm ở dòng 1-3 đoạn F
involved have distinct
“when innovating, the best approach is
to create an environment devoid of
structure and hierarchy and enable
everyone involved to engage as one
organic group”

- devoid of mang nghĩa là không có

- Đoạn này nói rằng khi đổi mới cách tốt
nhất là tạo một môi trường không có cấu
trúc và phân cấp, mọi người có quyền
tham gia vào một bộ phận chung (one
organic group)
=> Ngược với thông tin câu hỏi nên

40 Google was inspired to NOT Keyword: Google, General Electric =>

adopt flexibility by the GIVEN Đoạn G
success of General Đoạn văn có đề cập Google “embrace
Electric. flexible structures”, và General Electric
“embrace disorganisation”, nhưng
không hề nói rằng Google được
“inspired” bởi sự thành công của
General Electric.
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time is the loss of
particular species of plants and animals. Others say that there are more
important environmental problems.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

Đây là dạng bài “Discussion and Opinion”, yêu cầu thí sinh phải bàn luận cả 2 vấn đề và
nêu ra được quan điểm cá nhân. Đối với dạng bài này, ta có cấu trúc như sau:
1. Mở bài (2 câu)
- Câu 1: Giới thiệu được chủ đề. Bạn có thể bắt đầu với “People have different views
- Câu 2: Đề cập cả 2 quan điểm và nêu ra bạn đồng ý với ý kiến nào hơn.
2. Thân bài: (2 đoạn)
- Đoạn 1: bàn luận quan điểm 1
- Đoạn 2: bàn luận quan điểm 2 (trong đoạn này bạn làm rõ thiên về quan điểm này hơn)
3. Kết bài: (1-2 câu)
Nhắc lại 2 quan điểm và ý kiến của bản thân.

Bài mẫu
People have different views about whether or not the disappearance of flora and fauna is a
major environmental issue of our time. Although biodiversity effects on Earth are quite
considerable, I still believe there are other global threats that require more urgent attention
at present.

The loss of species has been an alarming issue since it causes significant impacts on every
living thing on Earth. In particular, the disappearance of predators such as lions and wolves
has led to prey overpopulation which can destroy forests and spread diseases. As a result,
humans are more at risk from diseases as biodiversity disappears. Another effect is that the
loss of species like insects may decrease the productivity of farm as these species can help
crops avoid pest and diseases. In addition, the reduction of plants and animals means sources
of food or medicinal and genetic resources will decline.

However in this day and age there are more urgent environmental problems we also should
keep an eye on. One of the greatest problems that the world is facing today is environmental
pollution which is causing disastrous consequences to the natural world and human society.
An increasing number of people have suffered respiratory diseases or cancer due to the
pollution. This issue also makes the environment toxic for animals to live in and plants to
grow. Another global threat which should be worried about is the climate change. This
phenomenon is the major cause of natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods which
have had long-term damages on people and properties. What’s more, melting glaciers,
accelerated sea level rise and intense heat waves are the results of global climate change.
To sum up, people are facing a wealth of challenging environmental problems every day.
The loss of biodiversity is a matter of concern yet I would argue that other global issues
such as pollution or climate change should also be considered.
[294 words]

Từ/ cụm từ nổi bật:

The disappearance of flora and sự tuyệt chủng của các loài động
fauna / The loss of species thực vật.

Biodiversity effects (n) tác động của đa dạng sinh học

Urgent attention (n) sự chú ý cấp thiết

An alarming issue một vấn đề đáng báo động

Prey overpopulation quá tải số lượng con mồi
Spread diseases (v) lan truyền dịch bệnh
Keep an eye on (v) chú ý, để mắt
Disastrous consequences hậu quả thảm khốc
Respiratory diseases các bệnh viêm phế quản

Toxic (adj) độc hại

Long-term damages (n thiệt hại lâu dài
Melting glaciers (n) hiện tượng băng tan
Accelerated sea level rise (n) mực nước biển dâng
Intense heat waves (n) đợt nóng khắc nghiệt
A wealth of something rất nhiều
A matter of concern (n) vấn đề đáng quan ngại.
The examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home, work or studies and other
familiar topics
Social media
- Which social media websites do you use?
- How much time do you spend on social media sites?
- What kind of information about yourself have you put on social media? [Why/Why not]
- Is there anything you don’t like about social media? [Why]

Câu trả lời mẫu:

1. Which social media websites do you use?
Bạn hay dùng những trang mạng xã hội nào?
Đối với câu hỏi này, hãy kể ra 2 đến 3 trang mạng xã hội bạn hay dùng và đưa ra những
lý do vì sao dùng những trang web đó.

Sample answer Vocabulary

In general, I would have to say that Facebook my beloved ones Những người
is one of my most visited websites since it (n) thân yêu
enables me to keep in touch with my beloved
ones or keep myself updated with the latest
news. As well as this, I’m currently having a (to) keep myself Cập nhập
love affair with Instagram which I can post updated with
my personal pictures or expressions on. (to) have a love Rất thích, mê
affair with

* Các từ/cụm từ giúp diễn đạt tự nhiên (Redundant language):

- In general, I would have to say
- As well as this

2. How much time do you spend on social media sites? [Why/Why not]
(Bạn dành ra khoảng bao nhiêu thời gian để sử dụng các trang mạng xã hội?)
Thí sinh có thể mở rộng câu trả lời cho câu hỏi này bằng cách nói về bản thân (bản thân
có thích dùng mạng xã hội hay không) hoặc đưa ra một sự so sánh so với số đông người
dùng. Cụ thể trong câu trả lời này:

Sample answer Vocabulary

Well, let me begin by saying that I’m a social A social media Một người
media addict. I think I spend an average of 2 addict (n) nghiện mạng xã
hours per day browsing these websites hội
throughout the day. I believe this is a norm in
my country. An increasing number of (n) an average of trung bình
(to) browse Lướt web
Vietnamese people use social media A norm (n) Chuyện bình
nowadays. thường
An increasing Có rất nhiều
number of

* Các từ/cụm từ giúp diễn đạt tự nhiên (Redundant language):

- Let me begin by saying that
- Well

3. What kind of information about yourself have you put on social media? [Why/Why not]
Bạn đã chia sẻ những thông tin gì về bản thân trên mạng xã hội? Tại sao và Tại sao không?

Sample answer Vocabulary

Actually, I have basically uploaded (to) upload Đăng tải
information about my educational
background, work experience or leisure (n) educational Trình độ học vấn
activities. I rarely let the public have background
knowledge of my feelings or expressions.
(adv) rarely Hiếm khi
(to) have = know : biết
knowledge of

* Các từ/cụm từ giúp diễn đạt tự nhiên (Redundant language):

- Actually = To be honest

4. Is there anything you don’t like about social media? [Why]

Có điều gì bạn không thích về mạng xã hội không?Tại sao?

Đối với câu hỏi này, nếu thí sinh trả lời “Yes” thì nên đưa ra những lí do hay chính xác
hơn là những ảnh hưởng tiêu cực của mạng xã hội. Nếu thí sinh trả lời “No” thì phải đưa
những lợi ích của mạng xã hội. Trong trường hợp này, câu trả lời Yes sẽ giúp ta dễ dàng
triển khai ý hơn.

Sample answer Vocabulary

Of course, one of the most troubling things (adj) troubling đáng lo ngại
about social media is its correlation with
anxiety and depression, particularly in (n) correlation Sự liên quan
people who spend a lot of time on Internet. In
addition to this, the networks like Facebook,
(n) anxiety lo âu
Instagram are the cause of fear of missing
out – a phenomenon that people experience (n) depression Sự suy nhược
when they’re scared of missing out on
positive experience that someone else is
getting. fear of missing Hội chứng sợ bỏ
out lỡ
phenomenon Hiện tượng
* Các từ/cụm từ giúp diễn đạt tự nhiên (Redundant language):
- Of course (thay cho câu trả lời “Yes”)
- In addition to this
Describe something you liked very much which you bought for your home.
You should say:
What you bought
When and where you bought it
Why you chose this particular thing
and explain why you liked it so much

Đây là dạng đề mô tả đồ vật. Thí sinh phải giới thiệu được món đồ đã mua cho nhà. Thí
sinh dựa vào câu hỏi gợi ý để làm rõ ý tưởng. Lời khuyên là bạn hãy chọn ra một đồ vật
phổ biến dễ mô tả như máy giặt, tủ lạnh hoặc TV thông minh.

Sample answer Vocabulary

Well, I’m going to describe the present I (adj) brand Thương hiệu
bought for my home at the time I got the first
salary. It is a Samsung smart TV – one of the (to) obtain = buy
biggest TV brands on the market.
(n) home Cửa hàng gia
The first thing I wanna say is I obtained this
appliances shops dụng
TV at a popular home appliances shop in my
hometown. To be honest with you I opted for (to) opt for = choose
this model due to the fact that it is one of the
most trustworthy names in the world. Trustworthy Đáng tin cậy
Besides its super picture quality and (adj)
fantastic sound, the TV offers a range of Super (adj) = amazing: tuyệt
online features which help us get more out of vời
your television. You know, it has an ability to picture quality Chất lượng hình
connect popular apps like Youtube, Facebook (n) ảnh
or access to the streaming devices like fantastic sound Âm thanh sống
Netflix. It enables us to not only experience a (n) động
variety of channels or programs but also online features
carry out other tasks we would have Streaming Thiết bị phát trực
traditionally required a computer for. What an devices (n) tuyến
ingenious gadget! Ingenious (adj) = smart
Gadget (n) = device
The last thing I would like to mention is that I
am extremely pleased with this tool. It’s really
convenient and ideal for a great entertainment
experience. My parents have enjoyed it a lot.

* Các từ/cụm từ giúp diễn đạt tự nhiên (Redundant language):

- Well,
- The first thing I wanna say is
- To be honest with you
- You know
- The last thing I would like to mention is

Discussion topics
Creating a nice home
Example questions:
Why do some people buy lots of things for their home?
Do you think it is very expensive to make a home look nice
Why don’t some people care about how their home looks?

Different types of home

Example questions:
In what ways is living in a flat/apartment better than living in a house?
Do you think homes will look different in the future?
Do you agree that the kinds of homes people prefer change as they get older?

Đối với phần thi nói Part 3, các câu hỏi thường có độ khó cao hơn, mang tính xã hội hơn
vì vậy yêu cầu câu trả lời chi tiết hơn, nêu ra được quan điểm của bản thân và làm sáng tỏ
quan điểm đó.
*Các bước giúp bạn trả lời phần speaking part 3:
1. Đưa ra câu trả lời trực tiếp đến câu hỏi (Answer the question directly)
2. Đưa ra giải thích (Explain why)
3. Cho ví dụ (Give an example)
1. Why do some people buy lots of things for their home?
Tại sao người ta hay mua sắm quá nhiều đồ đạc trong nhà?

Đối với các câu hỏi “Why”, thí sinh phải nêu được lý do và giải thích lý do đó.

Sample answer Vocabulary

(Dẫn dắt câu trả lời) Well, there are several Houseowner (n) Chủ nhà
reasons why people buy new products for
their home. (Lý do thứ nhất) The first one is for the sake of = in order to
that houseowners shop for the sake of
vanity and confidence (explain) because
Vanity (n) Tự cao
products will increase self esteem. (Example)
For example, some people love collecting Self-esteem (n) Sự tự trọng
pricy paintings and exhibiting them in the
living room so that they can show them off to Outdated (adj) = old
their guests. (Lý do thứ 2) The second reason
I reckon is people probably want to replace
outdated or broken stuffs with the better
quality items.
* Các từ/cụm từ giúp diễn đạt tự nhiên (Redundant language):
- Well
- The second reason I reckon is
2. Do you think it is very expensive to make a home look nice?
Bạn có nghĩ là việc giúp ngôi nhà trông đẹp hơn sẽ tốn nhiều tiền không?
Đối với dạng câu hỏi Yes/ No question, thí sinh phải đưa ra câu trả lời CÓ hoặc KHÔNG.
Từ đó giải thích cho câu trả lời của mình, kèm theo ví dụ để câu trả lời được thuyết phục.

Sample answer Vocabulary

(Trả lời) For me, frankly speaking, the answer Elegant, = nice
is obviously no. I don’t think we need to awesome (adj)
spend lots of money on creating an awesome Affordable (adj) = cheap
looking home. (Giải thích) Actually, there are
several ways you can make your home look
natural light (n) Ánh sáng tự
elegant on a budget. (Ví dụ) One of the most
affordable ways is to clean regularly or let
natural light into home. It will make home Bright (adj) Sáng sủa
appear bright and welcoming. Also, you can
cut costs by shopping at smaller stores such Welcoming (adj) Thân mật
as secondhand shops or flea markets. cut costs (v) Save money
flea markets (n) Những khu chợ
ngoài trời
on a budget Với một ngân
sách eo hẹp

* Các từ/cụm từ giúp diễn đạt tự nhiên (Redundant language):

For me, frankly speaking

3. Why don’t some people care about how their home looks?
Tại sao nhiều người không quan tâm ngôi nhà họ trông như thế nào?

Sample answer Vocabulary

Well that’s a tough question, (Câu trả lời nêu major concerns Mối quan tâm
ra quan điểm) I suppose it’s mainly because (n) quan trọng
people have different or more major Loving (adj) Đầm ấm yêu
concerns in their life. (Giải thích qua điểm) thương
For some people, having a loving family and
The exterior (n) Bề ngoài
successful life is more important than the
exterior of the house. For some others, they good-quality Chất lượng tốt
would rather put money into shopping the (adj)
good-quality appliances than build a Appliance (n) Thiết bị gia dụng
splendid expensive house. Put money into Đầu tư vào
Splendid (adj) Nguy nga, lộng
* Các từ/cụm từ giúp diễn đạt tự nhiên (Redundant language):
- Well that’s a tough question
4. In what ways is living in a flat/apartment better than living in a house?
So với sống trong một ngôi nhà riêng thì việc sống trong một căn hộ thuận lợi hơn ở điểm

Đối với câu hỏi này, thí sinh cần kể ra nhiều hơn 2 ưu điểm của việc sống trong căn hộ
hơn là ở trong một ngôi nhà. Thí sinh cần thêm ví dụ để câu trả lời được chặt chẽ hơn.

Sample answer Vocabulary

Well I personally think that (Ưu điểm 1) security guard Bảo vệ
choosing to live in a flat can be a great decision (n)
due to the fact that flats allow us to live closer In terms of Xét về mặt
to the city center. (Ưu điểm 2) Also, the price is
more relatively affordable. (Ưu điểm 3) In
Ensure (v) Đảm bảo
terms of security, apartments seem to be the
better choice. (Ví dụ) Most apartments offer Bright (adj) Sáng sủa
security guards to ensure residents’ safety and
there are many neighbors everywhere around so A potential thief Một tên trộm
it’s less likely for a potential thief to go (n) đáng nghi
unnoticed. Go unnoticed (v) Không bị phát
It’s less likely Ít có khả năng

* Các từ/cụm từ giúp diễn đạt tự nhiên (Redundant language):

Well I personally think that

5. Do you think homes will look different in the future?

Bạn có nghĩ những ngôi nhà sẽ trở nên khác đi trong tương lai không?

Sample answer Vocabulary

(Trả lời trực tiếp) Sure definitely. (Giải thích) friendly- Thân thiện với
You know in this day and age where environmental môi trường
technology is like all the rage, all the hype, so (adj)
I imagine future houses will be smarter and Be equipped Được lắp đặt
friendly-environmental. They will be with
equipped with advanced energy conservation Solar panels (n) Pin mặt trời
such as solar panels and solar windows. (Ví industrialized Những nước phát
dụ dẫn chứng). In fact, such high-tech houses countries (n) triển
recently have been constructed in
industrialized countries like America or

* Các từ/cụm từ giúp diễn đạt tự nhiên (Redundant language):

You know
6. Do you agree that the kinds of homes people prefer change as they get older?
Bạn có nghĩ rằng sở thích về các ngôi nhà của con người sẽ thay đổi khi họ già đi không?

Sample answer Vocabulary

(Trả lời trực tiếp) Well, absolutely, I believe Alter (v) = change
people’s interest in home types will alter by
time. (Giải thích) This is mainly because Youngsters (n) = young people
people of different ages and at different stages
of life have specific tastes and demands. (Ví
Bustling (adj) = noisy
dụ) For instance, some youngsters are keen
on choosing flats or apartments which are (to) reach a Đến tuổi trung
located in bustling cities. Yet, when reaching certain age niên
a certain age, people are likely to prefer a
more spacious house with private space. Private space (n) Không gian riêng

* Các từ/cụm từ giúp diễn đạt tự nhiên (Redundant language):




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