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Program sections[edit]

 KID Scouting (Kabataang Iminumulat Diwa) is for boys 4 to 6 years old (in pre-school). They
wear a light blue neckerchief.
 KAB Scouting (Kabataan Alay sa Bayan) is for boys 6 to 9 years old (grades 1 through 3). They
wear a yellow neckerchief.
 Boy Scouting is for boys 9 to 12 years old (grades 4 through 6). They wear a green neckerchief.
 Senior Scouting is for boys 13 to 19 years old (grades 7 through 12). They wear a red
 Rover Scouting is for young men 18 to 26 years old (grades 11-12 and college level). Rovers
aged 24 and above are called Rover Peers. They wear a navy blue neckerchief.
KAB Scout advancement program[edit]
 Young Usa
 Growing Usa
 Leaping Usa
Boy Scout advancement program[edit]
 Membership Badge
 Tenderfoot Scout
 Second Class Scout
 First Class Scout
Senior Scout advancement program[edit]
 Membership Badge
 Explorer
 Pathfinder
 Outdoorsman / Airman / Seaman
 Venturer / Air Venturer / Sea Venturer
 Eagle Scout
Rover advancement program[edit]
 Yellow Quadrant
 Green Quadrant
 Red Quadrant
 Blue Quadrant
 Chief Scout's Nation Builder
All ranks wear the organizational badge, with elements from the Flag of the Philippines (the national
flag forms the basis of the trefoil colors) and the green neckerchief below the trefoil, in their

Foremost in preparing the youth to become agents of change in communities, guided by the
Scout Oath and Law.
To help the youth develop values and acquire competencies to become responsible citizens
and capable leaders anchored on the Scout Oath and Law.
Scout Oath[edit]
On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country, The Republic of the Philippines, and to obey the
Scout law.
To help other people at all times,
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
Panunumpâ ng Scout[edit]
Sa ngalan ng aking dangál ay gagawín ko ang buóng makakaya
Upang tumupád sa aking tungkulin sa Diyós at sa aking Bayan, ang Republiká ng Pilipinas,
at sumunód sa Batás ng Scout;
Tumulong sa ibáng tao sa lahát ng pagkakataón;
Pamalagiing malakás ang aking katawán, gisíng ang isipan at marangál ang asal.
Scout Law / Batás ng Scout[edit]
A Scout is Ang Scout ay

Trustworthy Mapagkakatiwalaan

Loyal Matapát

Helpful Matulungín

Friendly Mapagkaibigan

Courteous Magalang

Kind Mabaít

Obedient Masunurin

Cheerful Masaya

Thrifty Matipíd

Brave Matapang

Clean Malinis

Reverent Maka-Diyós

Senior Scout Code[edit]

As a Senior Scout:

I will live the Scout Oath and Law

the Senior Scout Motto and Slogan;
I will be familiar with the constitution of the Philippines, especially
my rights and Obligations as a Filipino citizen.
I will share in the responsibilities of my home, school, church,
neighborhood, community, and country.
I will deal fairly and kindly with my fellowman
in the spirit of the Scout Law.
I will work to preserve our Filipino heritage,
aware that the privileges I enjoy
was won by hard work, sacrifice, clear thinking,
and the faith of our forefathers.
I will do everything in my power to pass
on a better Philippines to the next generation.[1]

We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty
God, in order to build a just and humane society, and establish a
Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote
the common good, conserve and develop our patrimony, and
secure to ourselves and our posterity, the blessings of
independence and democracy under the rule of law and a regime
of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace, do ordain and
promulgate this Constitution.

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