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The ECE Board Exam

Iteration of Statutory Construction

Citation = Republic Act No. 9292, Sections 13,14,15,16, and 17

A] Section 13, Republic Act No. 9292

B] Section 14, Republic Act No. 9292 (Qualifications for Examinations)

In order to be allowed to take the examination for Electronics Engineer or Electronics

Technician, an applicant must, at the time of the filing of his/her application, establish to
the satisfaction of the Board that:

(a) He/She is a citizen of the Philippines or of a foreign country qualified to take the
examination as provided for in Section 33 of this Act;

(b) He/She is of good moral character and had not been convicted by a court of law of
a criminal offense involving moral turpitude;

(c) For the Electronics Engineering examinations, he/she is a holder of a degree of

Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communications Engineering or Electronics
Engineering, or subject to compliance with minimum requirements to be prescribed by
the Board, such equivalent and/or related engineering course or program from any
school, institute, college, or university recognized by the Government or the State where
it is established, after completing a resident collegiate course equivalent to that of a full
baccalaureate degree;

(d) For the Electronics Technician examinations:

(1) is a graduate of an Associate, Technician, Trade or Vocational course in electronics

or, subject to the evaluation of the Board, such equivalent and/or related formal or non-
formal course or program from any school, college, university or training institution
recognized by the Government or the State where it is established, after completing a
resident course or program of not less than two (2) years, or

(2) has completed at least the minimum third-year equivalent of a Bachelor of Science
program in Electronics and Communications Engineering or Electronics Engineering
program according to CHED guidelines, or, subject to the evaluation of the Board such
equivalent and/or related engineering course or program from any school, institute,
college or university recognized by the Government or State where it is established;

(a) In order to be allowed to take the examination for Electronics Engineer or Electronics
Technician, an applicant must, at the time of the filing of his/her application, establish to
the satisfaction of the Board that: He/She is a citizen of the Philippines or of a foreign
country qualified to take the examination as provided for in Section 33 of this Act;
(b) In order to be allowed to take the examination for Electronics Engineer or Electronics
Technician, an applicant must, at the time of the filing of his/her application, establish to
the satisfaction of the Board that: He/She is of good moral character.
(c) In order to be allowed to take the examination for Electronics Engineer or Electronics
Technician, an applicant must, at the time of the filing of his/her application, establish to
the satisfaction of the Board that: He/She had not been convicted by a court of law of a
criminal offense involving moral turpitude.
(d) In order to be allowed to take the examination for Electronics Engineer, an applicant
must, at the time of the filing of his/her application, establish to the satisfaction of the
Board that: He/she is a holder of a degree of Bachelor of Science in Electronics and
Communications Engineering or Electronics Engineering, or subject to compliance with
minimum requirements to be prescribed by the Board, such equivalent and/or related
engineering course or program from any school, institute, college, or university
recognized by the Government or the State where it is established, after completing a
resident collegiate course equivalent to that of a full baccalaureate degree.
(e) In order to be allowed to take the examination for Electronics Technicians, an
applicant must, at the time of the filing of his/her application, establish to the satisfaction
of the Board that: He/She is a graduate of an Associate, Technician, Trade or Vocational
course in electronics or, subject to the evaluation of the Board, such equivalent and/or
related formal or non-formal course or program from any school, college, university or
training institution recognized by the Government or the State where it is established,
after completing a resident course or program of not less than two (2) years.
(f) In order to be allowed to take the examination for Electronics Technicians, an
applicant must, at the time of the filing of his/her application, establish to the satisfaction
of the Board that: He/She has completed at least the minimum third-year equivalent of
a Bachelor of Science program in Electronics and Communications Engineering or
Electronics Engineering program according to CHED guidelines.
(g) In order to be allowed to take the examination for Electronics Technicians, an
applicant must, at the time of the filing of his/her application, establish to the satisfaction
of the Board that: He/She has subject to the evaluation of the Board such equivalent
and/or related engineering course or program from any school, institute, college or
university recognized by the Government or State where it is established.

Definition of Terms:
● applicant - a person who makes a formal application for something, especially a
job (Oxford Dictionary)
● baccalaureate - a college bachelor's degree (Oxford Dictionary)
● CHED - Commission on Higher Education (Google)
● citizen - a legally recognized subject or national of a state or commonwealth,
either native or naturalized (Oxford Dictionary)
● convicted - having been declared guilty of a criminal offense by the verdict of a
jury or the decision of a judge (Oxford Dictionary)
● compliance - the action or fact of complying with a wish or command (Oxford
● criminal offense - a type of wrongdoing that we distinguish from a civil wrong
● degree - an academic rank conferred by a college or university after an
examination or after completion of a course of study, or conferred as an honor on
a distinguished person (Oxford Dictionary)
● Electronics - the branch of physics and technology concerned with the design of
circuits using transistors and microchips, and with the behavior and movement of
electrons in a semiconductor, conductor, vacuum, or gas (Oxford Dictionary)
● foreign country - of, from, in, or characteristic of a country or language other than
one's own (Oxford Dictionary)
● moral - concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the
goodness or badness of human character (Oxford Dictionary)
● Technician - a person employed to look after technical equipment or do practical
work in a laboratory (Oxford Dictionary)
● turpitude - depravity; wickedness (Oxford Dictionary)

(a) It requires the applicant to be a legally admitted person of the State or of any
other country other than the Philippines as provided in Sec. 33 that, “No foreigner
shall be admitted for registration as Professional Electronics Engineer,
Electronics Engineer or Electronics Technician with or without examination under
this Act unless he/she proves in the manner as provided by the Board that, by
specific provisions of law, the country, state or province of which he/she is a
citizen, subject or national, or in accordance with international treaties,
agreements and/or covenants to which their country, state or province is a
signatory, admits Filipino citizens to practice as Professional Electronics
Engineer, Electronics Engineer or Electronics Technician after an examination or
registration process on terms of strict and absolute equality with the citizens,
subjects or nationals of said country, including the unconditional recognition of
professional licenses issued by the Board and/or the Commission and
prerequisite degrees/diplomas issued by institutions of learning duly recognized
by the government of the Philippines.”

(b) The applicant should have a good sense of right and wrong behavior and should
have the qualities of that which makes him/her virtuous.

(c) The applicant should not have been declared guilty of a criminal offense by the
verdict of a jury or by the decision of a judge.

(d) It requires the applicant to have graduated with a degree of Bachelor of Science
in Electronics Engineering, or a related engineering program from any institution
recognized by the State, after completion of a course equivalent to that of a
bachelor's degree.

(e) After completing a resident course or program of not less than two (2) years, the
applicant for Electronics Technician must be a graduate of Electronics Associate,
Technician, Trade or Vocational, or any related formal or non-formal program
from any institute recognized by the State.
(f) Electronics Technician applicant must have completed a minimum of three years
in Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communications Engineering or
Electronics Engineering program.

(g) Subject to the evaluation of the Board, Electronics Technician applicant must
have completed a minimum of three years in any related engineering program
from any institute recognized by the State.

Definition of Terms:
● censorship - the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news,
etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security
(Oxford Dictionary)
● Communication - the field of study concerned with the transmission of
information by various means (Oxford Dictionary).
● correspondence - a close similarity, connection, or equivalence
● information - facts provided or learned about something or someone (Oxford
● nationalism - identification with one's own nation and support for its interests,
especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations (Oxford
● indeginous - originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native (Oxford
● nation-building - the creation or development of a nation, especially one that has
recently become independent (Oxford Dictionary).
● patriotism - the quality of being patriotic; devotion to and vigorous support for
one's country (Oxford Dictionary)
● reservoir - a large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply.
(Oxford Dictionary)
● The State - a nation or territory considered as an organized political community
under one government (Oxford Dictionary). In this case, it would be the State
would refer to the Philippines.
● Science - the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic
study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through
observation and experiment. (Oxford Dictionary)
● Specialized Agencies - legally independent international organizations with their
own rules, membership, organs and financial resources, were brought into
relationship with the United Nations through negotiated agreements.
● sustained - continuing for an extended period or without interruption (Oxford
● technology - the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes,
especially in industry. (Oxford Dictionary)
● territory - an area of land under the jurisdiction of a ruler or state (Oxford
● United Nations - the intergovernmental organization tasked with maintaining
international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations,
achieving international cooperation, and being a center for harmonizing the
actions of nations. (Google)

CITATION: International Law, 12. Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of

the United Nations, Article III, Section 9.

“The United Nations shall enjoy in the territory of each Member for its official
communications treatment not less favorable than that accorded by the Government of
that Member to any other Government including its diplomatic mission in the matter of
priorities, rates and taxes on mails, cables, telegrams, radiograms, telephotos,
telephone and other communications; and press rates for information to the press and
radio. No censorship shall be applied to the official correspondence and other official
communications of the United Nations.”

Communications in each Member of the United States shall reach the standards
as put up by the Government of that Member. Communication service rates in each
Member’s State shall not be higher than that given by the Member’s Government.
Furthermore, suppression of official news from the United Nations shall not be tolerated.
Electronics Engineers and Electronics Technicians shall abide to this law at all times.
Therefore Sec. 9, Article III, International Law, is an implied construction of Sec.
14, R.A. No. 9292.

CITATION: International Law, 13. Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of

the Specilized Agencies, Article IV, Section 11.

“ Each specialized agency shall enjoy in the territory of each State party to this
Convention in respect of that agency, for its official communications treatment not less
than that accorded by the Government of such State to any other Government,
including the latter’s diplomatic mission in the matter of priorities, rates and taxes on
mails, cables, telegrams, radiograms, telephotos, telephone and other communications,
and press rates for information to the press and radio.”

An organization shall enjoy in the territory of each of its State members the
privileges and immunities, especially the access for communications and information
media under that State, as necessary for the fulfillment of the organization’s purposes.
In that matter, Electronics engineers and Electronics technicians are knowledgeable
enough to perform access in communications and information which is a qualification to
become a licensed engineer.
Therefore Sec. 11, Article IV, International Law, is an implied construction of Sec.
14, R.A. No. 9292.

CITATION: International Law, 35. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article

26, No. 1.

"Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the
elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory.
Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher
education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit."

CITATION: International Law, 43. Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities, Article 4, No. 1 (g) .

"States Parties undertake to ensure and promote the full realization of all human
rights and fundamental freedoms for all persons with disabilities without discrimination
of any kind on the basis of disability. To this end, States Parties undertake: To
undertake or promote research and development of, and to promote the availability and
use of new technologies, including information and communications technologies,
mobility aids, devices and assistive technologies, suitable for persons with disabilities,
giving priority to technologies at an affordable cost."

The State Parties recognize the importance of new technologies, that includes
information and communications technologies, aiding the needs of persons with
disabilities. Research and development on these technologies are encourage by such.
Therefore Sec. 1 (g), Article 4, No. 43, International Law, is an implied
construction of Sec. 14, R.A. No. 9292.

CITATION: Philippine Constitution, Article II, Section 17.

“The State shall give priority to education, science and technology, arts, culture, and
sports to foster patriotism and nationalism, accelerate social progress, and promote
total human liberation and development.”

The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at
all levels. Accessibility to science and technology would forge every student not only
their intellectual capability, but also their character as their stepping stone to become an
electronics engineer or electronics technician. Education and character are the
qualifications to foster national development.
Therefore Sec. 17, Article II, Philippine Constitution, which consists of the State
giving education, science, and technology with the utmost consideration, is an implied
construction of Sec. 14, R.A. No. 9292.

CITATION: Philippine Constitution, Article II, Section 24.

“The State recognizes the vital role of communication and information in

The State acknowledges the importance of communication and information as a
highly influential role in its success and development. The State shall protect its citizen’s
communication rights and rights to information. Electronic Engineers and Electronic
Technicians shall maintain its communication systems in order to allow all people to
have access to information.
Therefore Sec. 24, Article II, Philippine Constitution is an implied construction of
Sec. 14, R.A. No. 9292.

CITATION: Philippine Constitution, Article XII, Section 14.

"The sustained development of a reservoir of national talents consisting of Filipino

scientists, entrepreneurs, professionals, managers, high-level technical manpower and
skilled workers and craftsmen in all fields shall be promoted by the State. The State
shall encourage appropriate technology and regulate its transfer for the national

The development of skills and abilities of the Filipino shall be promoted by the
State for the national benefit. In order to produce skilled and professional Filipino, the
State is encouraged to provide appropriate technology for the maintenance of the
reservoir of national talents.
Therefore Sec. 14, Article XII, Philippine Constitution, which consists of the State
acknowledging the importance of Electronics and Communications Engineering in its
growth, is an implied construction of Sec. 14, R.A. No. 9292.

CITATION: Philippine Constitution, Article XIV, Section 2.

"The State shall: (3) Establish and maintain a system of scholarship grants, student loan
programs, subsidies, and other incentives which shall be available to deserving
students in both public and private schools, especially to the underprivileged;"

The State shall provide an adequate system of scholarships, grants and other
incentives to help students attend school to pursue their goals. Especially, to the
deserving students who will be contributing to the development of the state in the near
Therefore Sec. 2 (3), Article XIV, Philippine Constitution is an implied
construction of Sec. 14, R.A. No. 9292.

CITATION: Philippine Constitution, Article XIV, Section 10.

“Science and technology are essential for national development and progress. The
State shall give priority to research and development, invention, innovation, and their
utilization; and to science and technology education, training, and services. It shall
support indigenous, appropriate, and self-reliant scientific and technological capabilities
and their application to the country’s productive systems and national life.”


The State shall give priority to its development by giving its citizens quality
training and quality education. They shall be trained to be research-minded so that the
State can utilize their inventions and innovations for its betterment and development. In
line with this, the State shall support the application of all its research and technology in
the development of its nation.
Therefore Sec. 10, Article XIV, Philippine Constitution is an implied construction
of Sec. 14, R.A. No. 9292.

C] Section 15, Republic Act No. 9292

D] Section 16, Republic Act No. 9292 (Ratings)

D.1] "To pass the licensure examination, a candidate for Electronics Engineer or
Electronics Technician must obtain a passing rating of seventy percent (70%) in each
subject given during the examination: Provided, however, That a candidate who obtains
a passing rating in the majority of the subjects but obtains a rating in the other subject/s
below seventy percent (70%) but not lower than sixty percent (60%), shall be allowed
to take one removal examination on the subject/s where he/she failed to obtain the
passing rating: Provided, finally, That should the examinee fail to obtain a passing rating
in the removal examination, he/she shall be considered as having failed the entire
licensure examination."

D.2] Requirement(s)/Prescription(s)/Requisite(s)
1. To pass the licensure examination, a candidate for Electronics Engineer or
Electronics Technician must obtain a passing rating of seventy percent (70%) in each
subject given during the examination.
2. That a candidate who obtains a passing rating in the majority of the subjects but
obtains a rating in the other subject/s below seventy percent (70%) but not lower than
sixty percent (60%), shall be allowed to take one removal examination on the subject/s
where he/she failed to obtain the passing rating.
3. That should the examinee fail to obtain a passing rating in the removal examination,
he/she shall be considered as having failed the entire licensure examination.

D.3] Explanations:
Definition of terms
(a) licensure examination - a written test conducted by the Professional
Regulations Commission that aims to screen and qualify candidates before
granting their licenses. (
(b) candidate - one that aspires to or is nominated or qualified for an office,
membership, or award. (Merriam-Webster)
(c) Electronics Engineer - a person who is qualified to hold himself/herself out as
a duly registered/licensed Electronics Engineer under this Act and to affix to his/her
name the letters "ECE". (RA 9292, Sec.3)
(d) Electronics Technician - a person who is qualified to hold himself/herself out as
a duly registered/licensed Electronics Technician under this Act and to affix to
his/her name the letters "ECT". (RA 9292, Sec.3)
(e) passing rating - given on satisfactory completion of an examination. (Merriam-
(f) subject - the four covered subjects (Mathematics; Electronics; General
Engineering and Applied Sciences; and Electronic Systems and Technologies) in
the licensure examination. (
(g) majority - a number or percentage equalling more than half of a total. (Merriam-
(h) removal examination - re-examination or retake of a failed subject in order to
pass the examination.
(i) examinee - a person who is examined. (Merriam-Webster)
(j) fail - to be unsuccessful. (Merriam-Webster)

1. To pass the licensure examination, a candidate for Electronics Engineer or

Electronics Technician must obtain a passing rating of seventy percent (70%) in
each subject given during the examination.

To pass the Electronics Engineer Licensure Exam, you need to have a rate of 70%
in each subject.

2. That a candidate who obtains a passing rating in the majority of the subjects but
obtains a rating in the other subject/s below seventy percent (70%) but not lower
than sixty percent (60%), shall be allowed to take one removal examination on the
subject/s where he/she failed to obtain the passing rating.

If you scored below 70% in one of the areas (but not lower than 60%) but obtained
the passing rate for the majority of the subjects, you can take one removal

3. That should the examinee fail to obtain a passing rating in the removal
examination, he/she shall be considered as having failed the entire licensure

You’re allowed to retake the failed subject only once. If you failed the removal
exam, you failed the entire licensure examination. And you need to retake all the
subjects given in the licensure examination.
Definition of Terms:

(a) Communication - the field of study concerned with the transmission of

information by various means (Oxford Dictionary).
(b) information - facts provided or learned about something or someone (Oxford
(c) nation-building - the creation or development of a nation, especially one that has
recently become independent (Oxford Dictionary).

CITATION: Sec 24, Article II, Philippine Constitution

“The State recognizes the vital role of communication and information in


The State acknowledges the importance of communication and information as a

highly influential role in its success and development. The State shall protect its citizen’s
communication rights and rights to information. The State shall therefore develop and
nurture competent Electronics Engineers and Electronics Technicians.
Therefore Sec. 24, Article II, Philippine Constitution is an implied construction of Sec. 16,
R.A. No. 9292.

E] Section 17, Republic Act No. 9292 (Release of the Results of Examination)
E.1] "The Board and the Commission shall correct and rate the licensure examination
papers and shall release the examination results within fifteen (15) days after the said
E.2] Requirement(s)/Prescription(s)/Requisite(s)
1. The Board shall correct the licensure examination papers.
2. The Commission shall correct the licensure examination papers.
3. The Board shall rate the licensure examination papers.
4. The Commission shall rate the licensure examination papers.
5. The Board shall release the examination results within fifteen (15) days after the
said examination.
6. The Commission shall release the examination results within fifteen (15) days
after the said examination.
E.3] Explanations:
Definition of terms:
(a) The Board - the Professional Regulatory Board of Electronics Engineering of
the Philippines. (RA 9292, Art.II, Sec. 6)
(b) The Commission - also known as the Professional Regulation Commission of
the Philippines that supervises the Board. (RA 9292, Art.II, Sec. 6)
(c) correct - to point out usually for amendment the errors or faults of (Merriam-
(d) rate - to consider or regard; to determine or assign the relative rank or class of.
(e) licensure -
The act or an instance of granting a license, usually to practice a profession. (The
Free Dictionary)
(f) release - to make available to the public. (Merriam-Webster)
(g) results - something obtained by calculation or investigation (Merriam-Webster)
(h) examination - the ECE licensure examination.

1. The Board shall correct the licensure examination papers.

The Board defined by RA 9292, Art.II.Sec 6 is the Professional Regulatory
Board of Electronics Engineering of the Philippines are the ones who have the right
to correct licensure examination papers which is defined as an accomplished
answer sheets for the instance of granting a license to practice the Engineering
profession. They are the ones who are permitted point out the errors or faults of
the accomplished answer sheets of the examinees. The Board must duly correct
the said examination papers as they hold the power in granting licenses that will
be used for the Engineering profession.
2. The Commission shall correct the licensure examination papers.
The Commission is also known as the Professional Regulation Commission
of the Philippines that supervise the Board (RA 9292, Art.II, Sec. 6). Thus, the
Commission must also oversee the correction of the licensure examination papers
which is defined as an accomplished answer sheets for the instance of granting a
license to practice the Engineering profession (The Free Dictionary), as they do to
as the Board. The Board is under the jurisdiction of the Commission therefore the
Commission should see to it that the Board is properly correcting the licensure
examination papers.
3. The Board shall rate the licensure examination papers.
The Board defined by RA 9292, Art.II.Sec 6 is the Professional Regulatory
Board of Electronics Engineering of the Philippines shall rate which is defined by
Merriam-Webster as to determine or assign the relative rank or class, therefore the
Board shall determine or assign the relative rank or class of the licensure
examination papers. The Board are the ones who are permitted by the law to give
correct and proper rating for the licensure examinations.
4. The Commission shall rate the licensure examination papers.
The Commission is also known as the Professional Regulation Commission
of the Philippines that supervise the Board (RA 9292, Art.II, Sec. 6). Thus, the
Commission shall also oversee the determination or assignation of relative rank or
class of the licensure examination papers. The Board is under the jurisdiction of
the Commission, then the Commission should see to it that the Board is properly
rating the licensure examination papers.
5. The Board shall release the examination results within fifteen (15) days after the
said examination.
The Board defined by RA 9292, Art.II.Sec 6 is the Professional Regulatory
Board of Electronics Engineering of the Philippines shall release which is defined
by Merriam-Webster as to make available to the public, therefore the Board shall
do so within 15 days after the said examination is done. The Board are the ones
who are permitted by the law to make the licensure examination results available
to the public and the Board should also make the results available to the public
within 15 days after the said examination as set by the law.
6. The Commission shall release the examination results within fifteen (15) days
after the said examination.
The Commission is also known as the Professional Regulation Commission
of the Philippines that supervise the Board (RA 9292, Art.II, Sec. 6). Thus, the
Commission shall also oversee and prohibit the release, which is defined by
Merriam-Webster as to make available to the public, of the said examination. The
Commission should see to it that the licensure examination results are made
available to public within 15 days as stated in the law and should approve the
release made by the Board thereof.
Definition of Terms:

(a) Communication - the field of study concerned with the transmission of

information by various means (Oxford Dictionary).
(b) information - facts provided or learned about something or someone (Oxford
(c) nation-building - the creation or development of a nation, especially one that has
recently become independent (Oxford Dictionary).

CITATION: Sec 24, Article II, Philippine Constitution

“The State recognizes the vital role of communication and information in

The State acknowledges the importance of communication and information as a

highly influential role in its success and development. The State shall protect its citizen’s
communication rights and rights to information. The State shall therefore develop and
nurture competent Electronics Engineers and Electronics Technicians.
Therefore Sec. 24, Article II, Philippine Constitution is an implied construction of Sec. 16,
R.A. No. 9292.

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