Checklist: Preparing Your Manuscript For Publication

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Preparing your manuscript for publication

To minimize publication time, we ask authors to note the following manuscript guidelines. Please remember that
manuscripts accepted by ChemistrySelect are professionally typeset but no language polishing service is provided. As
such, it is of utmost importance that the revised manuscript, with the graphics integrated into the template, and the
Supporting Information files you send to the Editorial Office are of the proper quality and format.

Authors are encouraged to have a colleague who is a native or fluent English speaker read over the revised manuscript
prior to upload to ensure any typographical errors and grammar/language issues are addressed. Authors may also use a
professional language polishing service, such as the Wiley Editing Service.

The Editorial Office will try its best to catch problems with text and graphics at acceptance, but cannot be held
responsible should any typos or language errors become evident upon publication. Note, the journal will only publish
corrigenda to correct scientific errors or factual mistakes.

Detailed information can be found on our homepage: or can be obtained from the editorial
staff at (+49) 6201-606-329 or


 Failure to provide the text and graphics in the prescribed formats can lead to requests for new materials. Thus, to
avoid any delays in the production of your article, we suggest you go through this entire checklist carefully.
 You should submit the final/revised manuscript through Editorial Manager:
 The text should be submitted in the template as a Microsoft Word document. The graphics with the captions
should be properly integrated into the text where discussed. This will give our typesetters an idea where the
graphics should appear in the final article. Tables should be prepared within the main manuscript document and not
as separate graphics. Equations should be prepared in-text as well (e.g., using Equation Editor).
 Naming files: Files should start with "slct", the manuscript number, and be named in such a way that they can be
identified easily and unambiguously.
o Microsoft Word files should be named simply (e.g., slct201700001_Revised_manuscript.doc,
slct201700001_Cover_letter.doc, slct201700001_Point-by-point_response.doc)
o For the Supporting Information, begin all file names with "slct201######_SI-" (e.g., slct201700001_SI-
o Do not use special characters in the file names, as these can cause errors in Editorial Manager. Limit
yourself to letters, numbers, dashes (-), and underscores (_) when naming.

 Order:
 Communications: title—author(s)—dedication—affiliations/footnotes—abstract—main text (including schemes
and figures together with their captions integrated at the appropriate place)—Supporting Information summary
paragraph*—acknowledgements—keywords—references—table(s)—suggestion for the table of contents (ToC).
 Full papers: order of the manuscript sections: title—author(s)—dedication—affiliations/footnotes—abstract—
main text (including schemes and figures together with their captions integrated at the appropriate place)—
Supporting Information summary paragraph*—acknowledgements—keywords—references—table(s)—
suggestion for the table of contents (ToC).
 Reviews: order of the manuscript sections: title—author(s)—dedication—affiliations/footnotes—abstract—main
text (including schemes and figures together with their legends captions at the appropriate place)—
acknowledgements—keywords—references—suggestion for the table of contents (ToC).
* For Communications and Full Papers, the complete Experimental Section (materials, procedures, physical data,
etc.) should be placed in the Supporting Information. As such, there should only be a short paragraph in the main
text summarizing what the readers can expect to see in the Supporting Information. See section on preparing the
Experimental Section below.
 Title line: The title should be as succinct as possible and without a reference. Avoid the use of words such as 'new',
'novel', and 'first' in the title. No more than 150 characters (excl. spaces) and as informative as possible without being
over complicated. Key words and phrases should be used in the title and repeated in the abstract as appropriate.

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 Author line: Academic title, first name, other initials, and surname of each author are listed, and an asterisk indicates
each correspondence author.
 We encourage all authors to provide an ORCID identifier/number. ORCID (Open Researcher and
Contributor ID) is a registry that provides researchers with a unique digital identifier. Some funding
agencies recommend or even require the inclusion of ORCID IDs in all published articles, and authors
should consult their funding agency guidelines for details. Registration is easy and free; for further
information, see
 Affiliations: The names of all authors (with academic titles and all first names as initials) and the affiliation address
(division name, institute name, institute full address including street, city, postal code, and country) should be
provided on the first page. Corresponding authors (*) should have e-mail address(es) listed. If the authors belong to
different research groups, the names belonging to the same group/division can be bunched together. If any authors
contributed to the work equally (i.e., co-first authors), please add an additional superscript/footnote.
 The following example indicates that B. Bird and M. Elmo are both corresponding authors, and that B.
Bird and O. Groucho are both "first authors".

[+][a] [+][a] [a] [b] [b]

Brad Bird,* Oscar Groucho, Cormac Munster, Kermity Frogg, Anakin Gonzo, and Moriarty
+ +
[a] B. Bird, O. Groucho, Prof. C. Munster, Dr. M. Elmo
Department of Road Materials
University of Applied Sciences
30 Sesame Rd., New York City, NY 100039 (USA)

[b] Prof. K. Frogg, Dr. A. Gonzo

Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Jersey State University
22 Muppet Ave., Hoboken, NJ 07030 (USA)

[+] The authors B. Bird and O. Groucho contributed equally to this article.

 Abstract: should be brief (1000 characters excl. spaces) and not too technical. For Full Papers and Communications, it
should describe the motivation for the work, the methods applied, the key results, and the conclusions drawn. For
Reviews, it should summarize the topic under discussion, present the main findings and arguments, and place the
article into context. In all cases, when preparing the Abstract, please keep the following aspects in mind:
 The abstract should awaken the curiosity of as many readers as possible.
 The abstract should reflect the content of the paper, and the text should contain several keywords
to aid discoverability.

 The abstract must stand alone and should contain neither hints to graphical elements or tables in
the paper nor to references, etc., as the abstract will be found and read independently, in
databases such as PubMed, for example. Furthermore, compound numbers, while permitted, must
be defined to allow the reader to mentally visualize the compound structure being discussed.

 The abstract should contain any essential abbreviations, and any abbreviations must be defined
when first used.

 Table of Contents: Please provide on the last page a short text with an eye-catching headline (350 characters, excl.
spaces) and a colorful, eye-catching graphic for the Table of Contents. The text should refer to the figure supplied.
The picture should contain only the most essential information. Please restrict any text in the picture to a minimum
and avoid large schemes. It should tempt casual readers browsing through the contributions to read the article in full,
and so need not summarize the entire paper but rather give the key finding or concept. Repetition or paraphrasing of
the title, abstract and presentation of experimental details should also be avoided. The graphic should be kept small
(final size 5 cm tall × 5.5 cm wide or 2.5 cm tall × 11.5 cm wide; sans serif font, sized 6–7 point), and complex schemes
or diagrams should be avoided. Templates indicating the appropriate sizes for Table of Contents graphics are available
on our homepage.

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 Keywords: A maximum of five keywords should be given in alphabetical order, at least two of which must come from
the core keyword list given on our homepage at under the link sequence: Author Guidelines
/ Basic Keyword List.
 Supporting Information: See the section below.



 As mentioned above, authors are encouraged to have a native or fluent English speaker read over the revised
manuscript prior to submission to ensure any typographical errors and grammar/language issues are addressed.
Authors may also use a professional language polishing service, such as the Wiley Editing Service.
 Spelling can be British or American English, but consistency should be maintained within a manuscript. Authors are
asked to make their manuscripts suitable for a heterogeneous readership and to be considerate to our many readers
for whom English is a foreign language—please use a simple, clear style, and avoid jargon.
 Common examples:
American (characterization, synthesize, optimize, hydrolyze, color, analog, luster, signaling);
British (characterisation, synthesise, optimise, hydrolyse, colour, analogue, lustre, signalling).
Note: "Sulfur" and not "sulphur," be it American or British English, based on IUPAC guidelines.
Text formatting
 Greek letters and special characters should be in the character font Symbol. Note: always use the Greek letter mu
() for the prefix micro and not the Latin letter u.
 Tables, equations, figures, and schemes should be mentioned in the text in numerical order, starting with number 1,
e.g. Table 1; [Eq. (1)] or, in text, Equation (1); (Figure 1); (Scheme 1). Please start these words with a capital letter,
write them in full, and use Arabic (not Roman) numerals.
 Abbreviations and acronyms should be used sparingly and consistently. Where they first appear in the text, the
complete term—apart from the most common acronyms such as NMR, IR, and tBu—should also be given.
 Compound numbers in the text body should be used in ascending order. Compound numbers are always in bold
typeface and ideally Arabic numbers (please avoid using Roman numerals). P arentheses for the compound number
should be used only if the name identifies the compound uniquely and unambiguously (for example: "...2-ethyl-4-
cyanobenzoate (3) was used...", or: "...cyanobenzoate 3 was used..."). Please do not use computer programs to
generate elaborate systematic names or use extremely long compound names. For the sake of clarity, general
descriptors such as compound 1, dendrimer 2, or alcohol 3 are recommended for the body text, reserving longer
IUPAC nomenclature for the Experimental Section in the Supporting Information
 Italics: Please italicize letters that symbolize physical quantities such as T for temperature, E for energy, n for an
unspecific number (other examples: Ki, log P, Rf, tR, t1/2, Ea, etc.). Latin phrases such as "in vitro" "et al." and "in
vacuo" are not italicized. Stereochemical information (cis, Z, R), locants in a compound name (N-acetylimidazole),
symmetry and space groups (C2v), and prefixes in formulas or compound names such as tert-butyl or p-aminosalicylic
acid should also be italicized.
 Common abbreviations for formulas can be used such as Me, Pr, Bu, and Ph. Only in this case are prefixes such as
iso-, n-, tert- written as a single italic letter without a dash: iPr, nBu, tBu. Examples: nBuLi, but n-butyllithium; nOct,
but n-C8H17.
Physical numerical data should be written with decimal points (NOT commas) and negative exponents, e.g.,
–1 –1
25.8 J K mol .
1 2
 General substituents should be indicated by R , R , not by R1, R2 (which means 2×R). Use the proper prime symbol,
and not a "floating comma" when necessary (R' not R’).
 SMALL CAPITALS font style should be used for stereochemical assignments (D- and L-), molar (M), and normal (N). To do
this in most Microsoft programs, type the small letter, highlight it, open up font settings, and click on "small caps".
 The oxidation state used with names of elements should be in capital Roman numerals within parentheses (e.g.,
iron(II)); with element symbols it should be superscripted: Fe ; not Ru(III) but Ru .

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 Formulae for coordination compounds should be set in square brackets (IUPAC recommendation).
 For equations, please put (only) the number of the equation at the end of the formula, e.g. A+BC (1).
 Physical data must be given in the Experimental Section in the Supporting Information (see guidelines for the
Experimental Section below).


General Notes
 CONSISTENCY of graphics throughout the manuscript is the most important thing to remember when preparing the
final versions for upload.
 We only accept three types of graphics
o Structural formulae
 Structures cited directly in-text or placed directly in tables without the need for any labels,
numbering within the manuscript, or captions. However, the use of compound numbers (in bold
typeface, e.g., 1, 2b) to label the structures is allowed.
o Schemes (with caption)
 Diagrams for synthetic procedures or any process where steps need to be outlined
 Numbered sequentially, in order of citation/appearance, and must have captions (details below)
o Figures (with caption)
 All other forms of graphics
 Numbered sequentially, in order of citation/appearance, and must have captions (details below)
o Please note, we do not use 'Charts'.
o When preparing chemical structures and schemes, as much as possible, please use the Wiley ChemDraw
template before saving them as high-resolution graphics. Otherwise, simply make sure all your structures
are drawn consistently throughout the manuscript.
o Graphics that are part of the Supporting Information should have a separate numbering scheme and
sequence (typically Figure S1, S2, etc.; Scheme S1, S2, etc.)

Please incorporate your graphics in the word template in the size that you wish to have in the final publication. Please
use the insertion mode "in line with text" under the "wrap text" option (see below). The caption should be included
directly below the scheme or figure.

If the figure contains parts A), B), C) etc., please ensure that they are clearly labeled as such within the figure itself (not as
a text field).

Please label the captions as follows: "Scheme X." or "Figure X."; for example, Scheme 1.

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Preparing your graphics

 Graphics sizes
o Graphics must be designed for a one-column format (8.5 cm wide) or a two-column format (17.5 cm wide).
o The font should be Arial, Helvetica, or Calibri sized at 7–9 point

 Figure labels
o As mentioned above, the most important thing for us with regard to figure labeling and style is
CONSISTENCY across all graphics in the manuscript.
o Axis labels: The axis labels should be written in sentence case or contain a standard abbreviation for the
physical quantity in italic font (e.g., A for absorption,  for frequency, Irel for relative intensity, Ei for
ionization energy). If special abbreviations are used, please explain them in the legend. Units are in normal
lower-case letters and separated by spaces and a forward slash. Inverse units should not be written as
fraction denominators, rather using negative exponents (using true minus signs; see below).
–1 –1
Examples: Concentration / ppm, Aggregation time / s, Wavelength / nm, Vabs / mL g , Eint / kJ mol
o Subfigures: Please use A), B) to indicate partitions of the figure. Please place them in the upper left corner
of the respective figure partition within the figure itself (not as a text field). Avoid inset figures, which can
sometimes lead to text/graphics that are too small. If possible, simply prepare the inset as another
subfigure; otherwise, make sure the font style and size of the insert are similar to the rest of the figure.
o Reaction sequences in schemes: Please use Roman lower-case letters (i.e., a, b, c) centered above or beside
the reaction arrows. Do not use i, ii.

o Text style: Follow the guidelines mentioned above in "Text formatting" for any text provided in graphics. In
 Use a sans serif font (Arial, Helvetica, Calibri; 7–9 point)
 Font style AND size should be used consistently throughout the graphics in a manuscript. Should
differences in font size be unavoidable, these should not exceed by 2 points. .
 Regular typeface should be used for all text, unless indicated otherwise in our guidelines for "Text
formatting" above (e.g. bold for compound numbers only, italics for symbols of physical
 Symbols
o Please remove the circles surrounding "+" or "–" charges in chemical structure drawings.
o True minus signs (–) should be longer than a hyphen (-). Some ways of using this are by typing in the code
for an en-dash (Alt+0150) or by using the dash for the Symbol font.
o Use a real multiplication sign (×) and not the letter "x". You can do this by typing in the code (Alt+0215).
o For structural formulae, the line width should be at least 0.2 pt or 0.1 mm.
 Chemical structures: Please refer to the ChemDraw template provided on the ChemistrySelect homepage at under "Author Guidelines".
 Captions
o Figure captions: Where appropriate, transfer explanatory text from the diagram (such as the legends for
symbols and lines) into the figure caption (e.g. circles=compound 1, dotted line=compound 2). As it has
become increasingly common for readers to view graphics and their corresponding legends independently
from the main text (e.g., online and in apps), any abbreviations must be defined in the caption.
o Scheme captions: Scheme captions for synthetic procedures should contain information about solvents,
reagents, reaction conditions, reaction times, and yields. Any uncommon chemical abbreviations should
have been defined in the main text.
 Reporting statistical variance: For any numerical entries or data points on tables or graphics that have
errors/error bars, please indicate in the caption or footnote what the values represent (e.g., "values represent
the mean ± SD carried out for n=3 independent experiments performed in triplicate"). If statistical tests have
been carried out (e.g., t-test, ANOVA), these and the resulting p-values should also be indicated in the caption.

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 Computer-aided image enhancement is often unavoidable. However, such manipulation cannot result in a view
of data that is less relevant or unrepresentative and/or in suppression of genuine and significant signals. A clear
relationship must remain between the original data and the electronic images that result from those data. If an
image has been electronically modified, the form of the modification must be given in the figure caption. If
computer-aided processing or modification of an image is a fundamental part of the experimental work, then the
form that this processing takes must be clearly described in the Experimental Section.
 Reproducing or adapting previously published graphics: Make sure you have permission to use any graphics
reproduced or adapted from other work (typically free and easily done via license requests on the original
publisher's websites e.g., via RightsLink). The reference and original copyright holders should be cited in the
accompanying caption e.g., "Reproduced with permission from Ref. [27]. Copyright 2009, American Chemical
Society." Send each copyright as a PDF file, properly labeled with the corresponding figure and reference (e.g.,


Please check the end of this document for examples of ideal graphics.

 Must be created in Microsoft Word (i.e. not as embedded graphics) and should not contain line breaks within a cell.
 Should have a brief title and should begin with a header row containing the appropriate headers AND units.
 Each entry should be in its own cell (i.e., authors should place multiple entries in separate rows instead of simply
pressing enter in the same cell).
 References to footnotes in tables are in Roman lowercase letters set in square brackets e.g., Yield [%]
[a] Percent yield was determined by.... Footnotes typically contain definitions of acronyms, special experimental
conditions for specific entries, statistical variance (see guidelines for graphics above), or any other information that
would be key to understanding the table completely.
 Structural formulas in tables (chemical structures or other graphics) should be submitted integrated in the table.
An ideal table:

Table 1: Yields of the key hydroxy-substituted enzyme inhibitors.

Compound number Structure Reaction temperature [°C] Yield [%] IC50 [g]
3 25 88 20.3 ± 0.2

4 50 99 11.4 ± 0.2

[a] The synthesis is described in Scheme 2. [b] IC50 is defined as the compound concentration at which the enzyme
activity is decreased by half its maximal value. Values represent the mean ± SD (n=3 independent experiments).


General notes on the SI

 For Communications and Full Papers, all material that is intended to be published as SI should be presented succinctly
(in English). The author bears full responsibility for the content of the SI.
 The SI should not have a cover page nor mention the article title and author names/affiliations. The typesetter will
prepare a standard cover page for your SI.
 The SI should begin with a Table of Contents outlining any sections contained therein AND any additional files
available (e.g., movie files, data sets, program scripts).

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 The detailed Experimental Section should be in the SI, and should be the first section after the Table of Contents.
 In the main text, please explicitly mention the Supporting Information when citing graphics, tables, or procedures in
the SI to distinguish them from the main figures and schemes e.g., "...seen in Figures S2–S3 in the Supporting
Information" or "(see Supporting Information)". Please do not use the terms "Electronic Supporting Information
(ESI)" or "Supplementary Information".
 Supporting Information should not include crystallographic data that are available from CCDC or FIZ (see earlier
section on "Structural Data" for details).

Experimental Section
 The Experimental Section should contain all important information needed for other scientists to repeat your work
exactly. This should include detailed protocol descriptions (including reagents, amounts used, and reaction times and
temperatures), instruments used, product characterization and physical data. Spectral requirements and formatting
are detailed in full below. In theoretical papers, technical details such as computational methods should likewise be
confined to an appropriately named section.
 In so far as is practical, authors should use a systematic compound name (IUPAC or Chemical Abstracts) for each title
compound in the Experimental Section. When describing the synthesis and physical data for each compound, start
with the full IUPAC name, followed by the assigned compound number (in bold typeface). For the rest of the
manuscript, general descriptors such as compound 2, dendrimer 3, or alcohol 4 should be used for the sake of clarity.
 Equipment and general conditions used for the measurement of physical data should be described at the beginning
of the Experimental Section.
o The Experimental Section should be written in the past tense.
o Quantities of reactants, solvents, etc. should be included in parentheses rather than in the running text
[e.g., triphenylstannyl chloride (0.964 g, 2.5 mmol) in toluene (20 mL)].
o For common compounds, chemical formulae should be used (e.g., CHCl3 instead of chloroform, CH3CN
instead of acetonitrile). Common reagent acronyms may be used as long as they are defined in the first
instance (e.g., THF, DMSO, DMF, EDTA, PBS). Sources of less-common starting materials must be given
and solvent details should also be described.
o When describing acidity, either pH 2 or pH>2/pH<2 is preferred but not pH=2.
o For any purification or extraction steps, indicate all solvent systems used (e.g., EtOAc/MeOH 1:2) as
well as volumes and number of extractions (e.g., extracted with CHCl3 (3×5 mL)).
–1 –1
o Physical data should be quoted with decimal points and negative exponents (e.g., 25.8 J K mol ).
o For instruments, please indicate the model, as well as the manufacturer's name, city, and country (e.g.,
... performed using a Bruker Avance III HD (Billerica, MA, USA)).
 The identity of all new compounds must be fully characterized by appropriate analytical methods such as C NMR
and H NMR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, mass spectrometry, elemental analysis, sequencing data (for
 The purity of all new compounds should be verified by an appropriate method to an acceptable accuracy. This must
be confirmed by one or more of the following techniques: HPLC, LC-MS, electrophoresis techniques (e.g., for
biomolecules), etc.
 Physical data should be as complete as possible and given in the following order for each prepared compound:
1. Physical characteristics (color, state): e.g., yellow needle-like crystals

2. Mass and yield: e.g., 109 mg, 95%

3. Thin-layer chromatography data/retention factor: e.g., Rf=0.38 (CHCl3/MeOH 9:1)

4. Melting/boiling point: e.g., mp: 90.2–91.2 °C

5. Optical rotation: e.g., [α]D =–13.5 (c=0.2 in acetone)
6. Refractive index: e.g., nD =1.460
1 1
7. H NMR (peak, multiplicity, coupling constant, equivalent nuclei, assignment if known): e.g., H NMR (200
MHz, [D8]THF, 25 °C, TMS): δ=7.64–7.48 (m, 6 H; Ar–H), 1.33 ppm (q, J=8 Hz, 2 H; CH2)
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13 13
8. C NMR (peak, assignment if known): e.g., C NMR (75 MHz, CDCl3, 25 °C, TMS): δ=72.5 (CCH), 26.8 ppm
9. IR absorptions (peak, assignment if known): e.g., IR (KBr): ṽ=1780, 1790 cm (C–O)

10. UV/Vis absorptions (peak, extinction coefficient): e.g., UV/Vis (n-hexane): λmax (ε)=320 (5000), 270 nm (12000
–1 3 –1
mol dm cm )

11. Fluorescence excitation and emission: e.g., fluorescence (CH2Cl2): λex=435.5 nm, λem=659, 726 nm
12. Low-resolution mass spectrum: e.g., MS (EI, 70 eV) m/z (%): 173 (32), 171 (100) [M+H]
13. High-resolution mass spectrum: e.g., HRMS (ESI) m/z [M+Na] calcd for C32H47NO5: 548.3352, found:

14. Elemental analysis: e.g., Anal. calcd for C20H32N2O5: C 63.14, H 8.48, N 7.36, found: C 62.88, H 8.41, N 7.44

 The data should be written in one paragraph and carefully and consistently formatted according to the journal style.
Proper data order and unit placement should be followed, and the various data sets should be separated by
semicolons. For example,
"...recrystallization in acetone and vacuum filtration gave the compound as yellow needle-like crystals (109 mg, 95%):
20 20 1
Rf=0.38 (CHCl3/MeOH 9:1); mp: 90.2–91.2 °C; [α]D =–13.5 (c=0.2 in acetone); nD =1.460; H NMR (200 MHz, [D8]THF,
25 °C, TMS): δ=7.64–7.48 (m, 6 H; Ar–H), 1.33 (q, J=8 Hz, 2 H; CH2), 0.92 (t, J=8 Hz, 3 H; CH3), 0.79 ppm (s, 3 H; CH3); C
NMR (75 MHz, CDCl3, 25 °C, TMS): δ=72.5 (CCH), 26.8 (s; CH3), 6.5 ppm (d, J=156.9 Hz; CHP); IR (KBr): ṽ=1780, 1790
<M->1 –1 3 –1
cm (C–O); UV/Vis (n-hexane): λmax (ε)=320 (5000), 270 nm (12000 mol dm cm ); fluorescence (CH2Cl2):
+ +
λex=435.5 nm, λem=659, 726 nm; MS (EI, 70 eV) m/z (%): 173 (32), 171 (100) [M+H] ; HRMS (ESI) m/z [M+Na] calcd for
C32H47NO5: 548.3352, found: 548.3331; Anal. calcd for C20H32N2O5: C 63.14, H 8.48, N 7.36, found: C 62.88, H 8.41, N
 In special cases, for instance, when the compound is unstable or not available in sufficient quantities for complete
analysis, the exact relative molecular mass obtained from a high-resolution mass spectrum and clean NMR spectra
should be supplied in a latter section of the SI.
 We understand the associated limitations involved in chemical synthesis, these requirements are flexible within
reason; please contact the ChemistrySelect editorial office with any questions.

Additional Files in the SI

 Animated multimedia applications, films, program scripts, datasets (e.g. Excel files), and so on are welcome. These
data should be uploaded via Editorial Manager as SI.
 To submit multimedia files that exceed 5 MB in size, please save them on a web server (e.g. a publicly accessible
institution server or a service like Dropbox), but do not link to them. Send us the URL so we can download the files
and make them available to our typesetters. Please use suitable compression technology to avoid exceedingly large
movie files (>10 MB) for the benefit of readers' bandwidth and storage capacity. Also, please make sure that your
movies are saved in a common format (such as MPEG, AVI, QuickTime, GIF) that can be played on at least two
different computer platforms (out of Windows/MacOS/Linux).
 Begin all file names with "slct201700001_SI-" (e.g., slct_201700001_SI-main_doc.pdf, slct_201700001_SI-, slct_201700001_SI-database_1.xls)

 For papers describing structural data, atomic coordinates and the associated experimental data should be deposited
in the appropriate databank (see below). Please note that the data in the databanks must be released, at the latest,
upon publication of the article. We trust in the cooperation of our authors to ensure that atomic coordinates and
experimental data are released on time.
 If a crystal structure analysis is not an essential part of the paper, only a footnote is required indicating where the
detailed results can be found. Otherwise, the following data should be given in the manuscript:
o Crystal dimensions, crystal system, space group, unit cell dimensions/volume, ρcalcd, 2 θmax, radiation,
wavelength, scan mode, temperature of measurement, no. of measured and independent reflections,
no. of reflections included in refinement, σ limits, whether/how Lorentzian polarization and absorption

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corrections were performed (μ, min/max transmission), method of structure solution and program,
method of refinement and program, no. of parameters, treatment of H atoms. R, wR, whether refined
against |F| or |F |, residual electron density, and the database in which results are deposited.
 An ORTEP-type plot should not be reproduced when it merely serves to confirm the structure of a synthetic
intermediate; in this case, authors wishing to make it available may do so in the Supporting Information.

 For organic and organometallic compounds: Send your data, including author and journal details, in CIF format to
the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC, 12 Union Road, Cambridge CB2 1EZ (UK)) using their web-based
deposition system, which can be found under
 The data will be assigned a registry number, which should be included with the following standard text in the
manuscript: "CCDC-... contain(s) the supplementary crystallographic data for this paper. These data can be
obtained free of charge from The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre via
 For inorganic compounds, elements, metals, or minerals: The Fachinformationszentrum (FIZ) Karlsruhe only accepts
data deposited in electronic form (in CIF format). Send the data via the homepage www.fiz-
 You will be given a CSD number, which should be included with the following standard text in the manuscript:
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Chem. 1998, 110, 2313–2318; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 1998, 37, 2193–2197; c) G. M. Sheldrick, SHELXS-96,
Program for the Solution of Crystal Structures, University of Göttingen, Göttingen (Germany), 1996.
[2] a) B. Wrackmeyer, J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun. 1995, 1624–1626; b) A. Kraft, Chem. Commun. 1996, 77–79,
and references therein; c) S. C. Stinson, Chem. Eng. News 1998, 76(28), 57–73; d) B. Krebs, H. U. Hürter, Acta
Crystallogr. Sect. A 1981, 37, 163; e) "Synthesis in Biochemistry": R. Robinson, J. Chem. Soc 1936, 1079. f) G.
Eulenberger, Z. Naturforsch. B 1981, 36, 521; g) D. Bruss, Appl. Phys. B, DOI 10-1007/s003409900185.

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 Books:
[1] E. Wingender, Gene Regulation in Eukaryotes, VCH, Weinheim, 1993, p. 215.
[2] a) T. D. Tullius in Comprehensive Supramolecular Chemistry, Vol. 5 (Eds.: J. L. Atwood, J. E. D. Davies, D. D.
MacNicol, F. Vögtle, K. S. Suslick), Pergamon, Oxford, 1996, pp. 317–343; b) G. Maas, Methoden Org. Chem.
(Houben-Weyl) 4th ed. 1952–, Vol. E21/1, 1983, pp. 379–397.
 Others (patents, theses, collections, online articles, programs):
[1] a) H. Behre, M. Dockner, A. Klausener, (Bayer AG, Leverkusen, Germany), Int. PCT Pub. No. WO/2001/077061
A1, 2001.; b) A. Student, PhD thesis, University of Newcastle (UK), 1991.
[2] a) W.-D. Becker, Abstr. Pap. 11th Conf. Int. Sci. Technol. (San Diego, CA) 1996, p. 156; b) A. Kleemann, K.
Drauz, J. Engel, B. Kautscher, E. Wünsch, Proc. 4th Akabori Conf. (Shizuoka, Japan) 1991, pp. 96–101; c) S. Novick,
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a) An ideal figure
Font type (sans serif: Arial)
and size are uniform within
the figure (and across all
figures in the article).
No major/minor gridlines in
the chart area.
Only compound numbers
are in bold.

CD ellipticity / mdeg
Ideal labeling of axes: 10.0 2
sentence case, unit
separated by a forward

Negative values use 10.0

a true minus sign. 300 400 500
Wavelength / nm

Figure 4. Circular dichroism (CD) spectra of 1 (1×105 M, green line) and 2 (1×105 M, blue line) in CHCl3.

When printed, this figure is

A complete caption is exactly 8.5 cm wide, and the
provided. Notice the use of text is uniformly 2 mm tall.
“small caps“ font style for The maximum allowed width
molarity (M). Abbreviation for a figure is 17.5 cm.
“CD“ is defined.

b) An ideal scheme
Structures have been checked
Steps are labeled with letters
and have proper bond angles.
centered over arrows of uniform
(Use our ChemDraw template.)

Scheme 1. Synthesis of derivatives 1 and 2. Reagents and conditions: a) COCl2, dry  R groups are

CH2Cl2, N2, 50 °C, 4 h, 90 % (1), 92 % (2); b) L‐ or D‐phenylalanine hydrochloride salt, dry  properly identified.
CH2Cl2, pyridine, rt, 24 h, 80 % (1), 90 % (2). Only compound
numbers are in
bold typeface.

A complete caption is provided. When printed, this scheme fits the

Reagents and conditions section lists maximum two-column width (17.5 cm),
all solvents, chemicals, the reaction and the text is uniformly 2 mm tall. A
temperature and time, and the yield for one-column scheme should be at most
each step. 8.5 cm wide.

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