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My grand mother confirmed her tour of visiting us. She lives in london. I told her to call
me or Bill, soon after landing. Bill and me wanted to pick her up from airport.

The day before her arrival Met Office had issued an advance warning about cyclones
that were to occur one after the other in succession and possible floods.

Their was heavy traffic due of very bad whether conditions. All the major roads was
blocked by uprooted trees and debris dumped by cyclone.

The storm rows so quickly that the road crews could not do nothing about clearing the
highways. All our efforts to reach airport was in vein.

However she managed to reach home by renting a car. By the Grace of God, Being a
immigrant from spain she was able to speak spanish.

THE Party
Its been customary in my families to arrange a party when someone visits us. We
planned a party for atleast some of our relatives.
She received quiet a lot of complements on her new dress and gifts from every one.
Two good thing in the party was food and music. She agreed to quickly sing a song for
I personally made a thankyou card for her. My sister Lara wrote a poem for Elizabeth
(my grandma), but couldn’t deliver it as she was busy with her guests. The poem was
full of vivid imageries.
Grandma was very very happy.

I must admit that I am extremely fortunate to still have my grandmother in my life.
I still remember many detail from my childhood. She lived alone and never took
anybodys help. She worked part time.
Grandma have endured hardships that no mother on earth would have. She never
looses her optimism and courage. Shes full of life and love with a wonderful spirit.
Make us all laugh when we are all having horrible day. She always wares a smile on her
face. She love cooking and knitting.
She believed that outward appearances isnt everything and taught us that material
happiness doesnt last forever.
I am truly blessed to be a member of this loving family, and we owe it to my grandma
for the bond we share.
Thank you, grandma!


My grand mother confirmed her tour of visiting us. She lives in london. I told her to call
me or Bill, soon after landing. Bill and me wanted to pick her up from airport.

The day before her arrival Met Office had issued an advance warning about cyclones
that were to occur one after the other in succession and possible floods.

Their was heavy traffic due of very bad whether conditions. All the major roads was
blocked by uprooted trees and debris dumped by cyclone.

The storm rows so quickly that the road crews could not do nothing about clearing the
highways. All our efforts to reach airport was in vein.

However she managed to reach home by renting a car. By the Grace of God, Being a
immigrant from spain she was able to speak spanish.

THE Party
Its been customary in my families to arrange a party when someone visits us. We
planned a party for atleast some of our relatives.
She received quiet a lot of complements on her new dress and gifts from every one.
Two good thing in the party was food and music. She agreed to quickly sing a song for
I personally made a thankyou card for her. My sister Lara wrote a poem for Elizabeth
(my grandma), but couldn’t deliver it as she was busy with her guests. The poem was
full of vivid imageries.
Grandma was very very happy.

I must admit that I am extremely fortunate to still have my grandmother in my life.
I still remember many detail from my childhood. She lived alone and never took
anybodys help. She worked part time.
Grandma have endured hardships that no mother on earth would have. She never
looses her optimism and courage. Shes full of life and love with a wonderful spirit.
Make us all laugh when we are all having horrible day. She always wares a smile on her
face. She love cooking and knitting.
She believed that outward appearances isnt everything and taught us that material
happiness doesnt last forever.
I am truly blessed to be a member of this loving family, and we owe it to my grandma
for the bond we share.
Thank you, grandma

Pronto, agora foi. Isso é justamente o que eu estava precisando. Dito e feito. Uma das melhores
coisas que encontrei até agora. Vou usar pra redigir ensaios e notas para os vídeos e as aulas.

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