Legal Ethics Cases

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LEGAL ETHICS – is a branch of moral science, which treats Immediately after passing, worked in his father’s law firm

of the duties which an attorney owes to the court, to the for one year.
client, to his colleagues in the profession and to the public
as embodied in the Constitution, Rules of Court, the Code Thereafter, until 1970, he went abroad where he had a
of Professional Responsibility, Canons of Professional degree in economics and held various positions in various
Ethics, jurisprudence, moral laws and special laws. foreign corporations.

Original Bases of Legal Ethics: In 1970, he returned to the Philippines and held executive
jobs for various local corporations until 1986.
Canons of Professional Ethics
In 1986, he became a member of the Constitutional
Supreme court Decisions Commission.

Statistics ISSUE: Whether or not Monsod qualifies as chairman of

the COMELEC. What constitutes practice of law?
HELD: Yes. Atty. Monsod’s past work experiences as a
Treatises and publications lawyer-economist, a lawyer-manager, a lawyer-
Present Basis of the Philippine Legal System: Code of entrepreneur of industry, a lawyer-negotiator of contracts,
Professional Responsibility. and a lawyer-legislator of both the rich and the poor —
verily more than satisfy the constitutional requirement —
BAR V. BENCH that he has been engaged in the practice of law for at least
ten years.
BAR – Refers to the whole body of attorneys and body of
judges. As noted by various authorities, the practice of law is not
limited to court appearances. The members of the bench
BENCH – denotes the whole body of counselors, and bar and the informed laymen such as businessmen,
collectively the members of know that in most developed societies today, substantially
the legal profession. more legal work is transacted in law offices than in the
courtrooms. General practitioners of law who do both
Practice of Law – any activity, in or out of court which litigation and non-litigation work also know that in most
requires the application of law, legal procedure, cases they find themselves spending more time doing
knowledge, training and experience. To engage in the what is loosely described as business counseling than in
practice of law is to give notice or render any kind of trying cases. In the course of a working day the average
service, which or devise or service requires the use in any general practitioner wig engage in a number of legal tasks,
degree of legal knowledge or skill (Cayetano v. Monsod, each involving different legal doctrines, legal skills, legal
201 SCRA 210). processes, legal institutions, clients, and other interested
parties. Even the increasing numbers of lawyers in
Renato Cayetano vs Christian Monsod specialized practice wig usually perform at least some legal
services outside their specialty. By no means will most of
October 17, 2012
this work involve litigation, unless the lawyer is one of the
Legal Ethics – Practice of Law relatively rare types — a litigator who specializes in this
work to the exclusion of much else. Instead, the work will
In 1991, Christian Monsod was appointed as the Chairman require the lawyer to have mastered the full range of
of the Commission on Elections. His appointment was traditional lawyer skills of client counseling, advice-giving,
affirmed by the Commission on Appointments. Monsod’s document drafting, and negotiation.
appointment was opposed by Renato Cayetano on the
ground that he does not qualify for he failed to meet the
Constitutional requirement which provides that the
An amicus curiae educates the court on points of law that
chairman of the COMELEC should have been engaged in
are in doubt, gathers or organizes information, or raises
the practice law for at least ten years.
awareness about some aspect of the case that the court
Monsod’s track record as a lawyer: might otherwise miss. The person is usually, but not
necessarily, an attorney, and is usually not paid for her or
Passed the bar in 1960 with a rating of 86.55%. his expertise. An amicus curiae must not be a party to the
case, nor an attorney in the case, but must have some
knowledge or perspective that makes her or his views document designates the person as an agent, allowing him
valuable to the court. to perform actions in the principal's stead.

The most common arena for amici curiae is in cases that BREAKING DOWN 'Attorney In Fact'
are under appeal (are being reconsidered by the court)
and where issues of public interest—such as social An attorney in fact takes two forms. The first type is a
questions or civil liberties—are being debated. Cases that "general power of attorney," which allows the attorney in
have drawn participation from amici curiae are those fact to conduct all business and sign any document on
involving Civil Rights (such as 1952's brown v. board of behalf of the principal. The second type is a "special power
education), Capital Punishment, environmental protection, of attorney," which allows the person to sign documents
gender equality, infant Adoption, and Affirmative Action. and conduct business on the principal's behalf only in
Amici curiae have also informed the court about narrower specific situations. The power of attorney document, in the
issues, such as the competency of a juror; or the correct case of a special power of attorney, outlines the matters in
procedure for completing a deed or will; or evidence that a which the attorney can act instead of the principal.
case is collusive or fictitious—that is, that the parties are
not being honest with the court about their reasons for
being there. It's important to note that an attorney in fact does not
need to be a practicing attorney, also known as an
The privilege that friends of the court are granted to attorney at law. As long as the power of attorney
express their views in a case is just that: amici curiae have document is signed by the principal, it can appoint anyone
no right to appear or to file briefs. Unless they represent to be the attorney in fact, even family members.
the government, amici curiae must obtain leave
(permission) to do so from the court, or consent of all The Powers and Duties of an Attorney in Fact
parties in the case, before filing. No court is obligated to
follow or even to consider the advice of an amicus curiae, An attorney in fact, if designated as a general power of
even one it has invited. attorney, is allowed to conduct any investment or
spending actions that the principal would reasonably take.
The principle that guides the appropriate role of a friend of This means that an attorney in fact, in this case, would be
the court is that he or she should serve the court without able to open and close bank accounts, withdraw funds,
also acting as "friend" to either of the parties. Rules of trade stocks, pay bills or cash checks, all on the behalf of
court and case law (past court decisions) have attempted the principal.
to spell out the sometimes tricky specifics of how an
amicus curiae should—and should not—participate in a An example of this would be when an elderly person
case. grants general power of attorney to his child. This would
allow the child to help with bills and other financial
The amicus curiae walks a fine line between providing matters that may be outside the scope of ability of the
added information and advancing the cause of one of the elderly person. This is especially beneficial if the older
parties. For instance, she or he cannot raise issues that the person is immobile or otherwise bedridden and can't
parties themselves do not raise, since that is the task of travel to a bank for their financial matters.
the parties and their attorneys. If allowed by the court,
amici curiae can file briefs (called briefs amicus curiae or If a principal believes that a general power of attorney
amicus briefs), argue the case, and introduce evidence. gives too much power to someone else, he can designate
However, they may not make most motions, file pleadings, an attorney in fact as a special power of attorney. Using
or manage the case. the same example as above, if an elderly person is
normally mobile but recently underwent surgery, he can
Whether participating by leave or by invitation, in an grant special power of attorney to his child to pay his bills
appearance or with a brief amicus curiae, a friend of the while he recovers. However, all attorneys in fact are
court is a resource person who has limited capacity to act required to keep a fiduciary duty, meaning that the best
interest of the principal must be upheld.
What is an 'Attorney In Fact'

An attorney in fact is a person who is authorized to

perform business-related transactions on behalf of Attorney-at-law/Counsel-at-law/Attorney/Counsel/
someone else (the principal). In order to become Abogado/Boceros: that class of persons who are licensed
someone's attorney in fact, a person must have the officers of the courts, empowered to appear prosecute
principal sign a power of attorney document. This and defend and upon whom peculiar duties,
responsibilities, and liabilities are developed by law as a around but was to be held as detention prisoner in said
consequence (Cui v. Cui, 120 Phil. 729). residence. It was howevere found that the order was not
strictly complied with because Javellana was not detained
Attorney in fact – an agent whose authority is strictly in the residence of Atty. Del Rosario. He went about his
limited by the instrument appointing him, though he may normal activities as if he were a free man, including
do things not mentioned in his appointment necessary to engaging in the practice of law.
the performance of the duties specifically required of him
by the power of attorney appointing him, such authority Held:
being necessarily implied. He is not necessarily a lawyer.
Private respondent Javellana has been arrested based on
Pro Se the filing of criminal cases against him. By such arrest, he is
deemed to be under the custody of the law. The trial court
For one's own behalf; in person. Appearing for oneself, as gave Atty. Deogracias del Rosario the custody of private
in the case of one who does not retain a lawyer and respondent Javellana with the obligation “to hold and
appears for himself or herself in court. detain” him in Atty. del Rosario’s residence in his official
Practice of law is a profession not a business. Explain. capacity as the clerk of court of the regional trial court.
Hence, when Atty. del Rosario was appointed judge, he
ceased to be the personal custodian of accused Javellana
and the succeeding clerk of court must be deemed the
custodian under the same undertaking.

As a matter of law, when a person indicted for an offense

is arrested, he is deemed placed under the custody of the
law. He is placed in actual restraint of liberty in jail so that
he may be bound to answer for the commission of the
offense. He must be detained in jail during the pendency
of the case against him, unless he is authorized by the
court to be released on bail or on recognizance. Let it be
stressed that all prisoners whether under preventive
detention or serving final sentence can not practice their
profession nor engage in any business or occupation, or
hold office, elective or appointive, while in detention.


A.M. No. P-99-1287 Jan. 26, 2001

Facts: Atty. Misael Ladaga is the Branch Clerk of Court of

the Makati Regional Trial

Court and he appeared as counsel for and in behalf of his

People v. Hon. Bonifacio Maceda
cousin. Ladaga was on official
January 24, 2000
leave of absence and his Presiding Judge was aware of the
This case stems from denial by the SC of the People’s case he was handling. It has
motion seeking reconsideration of our August 13, 1990
been found that Ladaga did not obtain permission from
decision holding that respondent Judge Bonifacio Sanz
the Court that he can appear as
Maceda committed no grave abuse of discretion in issuing
the order of August 8, 1989 giving custody over private counsel for his cousin.
respondent Avelino T. Javellana to the Clerk of Court of the
Antique RTC, Atty. Deogracias del Rosario, during the Issue: Is Ladaga guilty of violating Sec. 7(b)(2) of RA 6713,
pendency of Criminal Cases Nos. 3350-3355. At that time, for engaging in private
sufficient reason was shown why Javellana should not be
detained at the Antique Provincial Jail. The trial court’s
order specifically provided for private respondent’s Held: No. Ladaga’s appearance as counsel for his cousin,
detention at the residence of Atty. del Rosario. However, where he does not receive
private respondent was not to be allowed liberty to roam
any compensation, does not constitute as “private evaluate grades of examinees w/o prior authority from
practice” as contemplated by law. Supreme Court.

However, it cannot be denied that his appearance was He does not possess any discretion with respect to the
done without permission from the matter of admission of

Court. With that, the Supreme Court reprimands Atty. examinees to the bar. He does not a have any business
Ladaga with a stern warning. evaluating the answers of the examinees.

Consequently, Galang was also disbarred Sec. 2 of Rule

138 of the Revised Rules

of Curt of 1964, candidates for admission to the bar must

be of good moral character. Galang
IN RE: VICTORIO LANUEVO(former Bar confidant) has a pending criminal cases of Physical Injuries, he
RAMON GALANG committed perjury when he declared under

(1971 Bar Examinee) flunked in 1969, 1966-76, 1962-64 oath that he had no pending criminal case this resulted
Bar exam him to revoked his license.

FACTS: In Re: Vicente Almacen

1. Administrative proceeding against Victorio Lanuevo for September 11, 2012

disbarment. 31 SCRA 562 – Legal Ethics – A Lawyer’s Right to Criticize
2.Admitted having brought the five examination the Courts
notebooks of Ramon E. Galang Atty. Almacen was the counsel of one Virginia Yaptinchay
back to the respective examiners for re-evalution or re- in a civil case. They lost in said civil case but Almacen filed
checking. a Motion for Reconsideration. He notified the opposing
party of said motion but he failed to indicate the time and
3.The five examiners admitted having re-evaluated or re- place of hearing of said motion. Hence, his motion was
checked the notebook denied. He then appealed but the Court of Appeals denied
his appeal as it agreed with the trial court with regard to
to him by the Bar Confidant, stating that he has the the motion for reconsideration. Eventually, Almacen filed
authority to do the same an appeal on certiorari before the Supreme Court which
and that the examinee concerned failed only in his outrightly denied his appeal in a minute resolution.
particular subject and was This earned the ire of Almacen who called such minute
on the borderline of passing. resolutions as unconstitutional. He then filed before the
Supreme Court a petition to surrender his lawyer’s
4.Ramon galang was able to pass the 1971 bar exam certificate of title as he claimed that it is useless to
because of Lanuevo’s continue practicing his profession when members of the
high court are men who are calloused to pleas for justice,
move but the exam results bears that he failed in 5 who ignore without reasons their own applicable decisions
subjects namely in and commit culpable violations of the Constitution with
impunity. He further alleged that due to the minute
(Political, Civil, Mercantile, Criminal & Remedial).
resolution, his client was made to pay P120k without
5.Galang on the otherhand, denied of having charged of knowing the reasons why and that he became “one of the
Slight Physical Injuries sacrificial victims before the altar of hypocrisy.” He also
stated “that justice as administered by the present
on Eufrosino de Vera, a law student of MLQU. members of the Supreme Court is not only blind, but also
deaf and dumb.”
The Supreme Court did not immediately act on Almacen’s
:The court disbarred Lanuevo – has no authority to request
petition as the Court wanted to wait for Almacen to
the examiners to re-
ctually surrender his certificate. Almacen did not surrender
his lawyer’s certificate though as he now argues that he In 1998, Vicente Ching finished his law degree at the Saint
chose not to. Almacen then asked that he may be Louis University in Baguio City. He eventually passed the
permitted “to give reasons and cause why no disciplinary bar but he was advised that he needs to show proof that
action should be taken against him . . . in an open and he is a Filipino citizen before he be allowed to take his
public hearing.” He said he preferred this considering that oath. Apparently, Ching’s father was a Chinese citizen but
the Supreme Court is “the complainant, prosecutor and his mother was a Filipino citizen. His parents were married
Judge.” Almacen was however unapologetic. before he was born in 1963. Under the 1935 Constitution,
a legitimate child, whose one parent is a foreigner,
ISSUE: Whether or not Almacen should be disciplined. acquires the foreign citizenship of the foreign parent.
HELD: Yes. The Supreme Court first clarified that minute Ching maintained that he has always considered himself as
resolutions are needed because the Supreme Court cannot a Filipino; that he is a certified public accountant – a
accept every case or write full opinion for every petition profession reserved for Filipinos; that he even served as a
they reject otherwise the High Court would be unable to councilor in a municipality in La Union.
effectively carry out its constitutional duties. The proper The Solicitor-General commented on the case by saying
role of the Supreme Court is to decide “only those cases that as a legitimate child of a Chinese and a Filipino, Ching
which present questions whose resolutions will have should have elected Filipino citizenship upon reaching the
immediate importance beyond the particular facts and age of majority; that under prevailing jurisprudence, “upon
parties involved.” It should be remembered that a petition reaching the age of majority” is construed as within 7
to review the decision of the Court of Appeals is not a years after reaching the age of majority (in his case 21
matter of right, but of sound judicial discretion; and so years old because he was born in 1964 while the 1935
there is no need to fully explain the court’s denial. For one Constitution was in place).
thing, the facts and the law are already mentioned in the
Court of Appeals’ opinion. Ching did elect Filipino citizenship but he only did so when
he was preparing for the bar in 1998 or 14 years after
On Almacen’s attack against the Supreme Court, the High reaching the age of majority. Nevertheless, the Solicitor-
Court regarded said criticisms as uncalled for; that such is General recommended that the rule be relaxed due to the
insolent, contemptuous, grossly disrespectful and special circumstance of Ching.
derogatory. It is true that a lawyer, both as an officer of
the court and as a citizen, has the right to criticize in ISSUE: Whether or not Ching should be allowed to take the
properly respectful terms and through legitimate channels lawyer’s oath.
the acts of courts and judges. His right as a citizen to
criticize the decisions of the courts in a fair and respectful HELD: No. Unfortunately, he belatedly elected Filipino
manner, and the independence of the bar, as well as of the citizenship. The Supreme Court cannot agree with the
judiciary, has always been encouraged by the courts. But it recommendation of the Solicitor-General. Fourteen years
is the cardinal condition of all such criticism that it shall be had lapsed and it’s way beyond the allowable 7 year
bona fide, and shall not spill over the walls of decency and period. The Supreme Court even noted that the period is
propriety. Intemperate and unfair criticism is a gross originally 3 years but it was extended to 7 years. (It seems
violation of the duty of respect to courts. it can’t be extended any further). Ching’s special
circumstances can’t be considered. It is not enough that he
In the case at bar, Almacen’s criticism is misplaced. As a considered all his life that he is a Filipino; that he is a
veteran lawyer, he should have known that a motion for professional and a public officer (was) serving this country.
reconsideration which failed to notify the opposing party The rules for citizenship are in place. Further, Ching didn’t
of the time and place of trial is a mere scrap of paper and give any explanation why he belatedly chose to elect
will not be entertained by the court. He has only himself to Filipino citizenship (but I guess it’s simply because he never
blame and he is the reason why his client lost. Almacen thought he’s Chinese not until he applied to take the bar).
was suspended indefinitely. The prescribed procedure in electing Philippine citizenship
is certainly not a tedious and painstaking process. All that
10 initial requirements in admission to the bar.( is required of the elector is to execute an affidavit of
enumerate) election of Philippine citizenship and, thereafter, file the
In Re: Vicente Ching same with the nearest civil registry. Ching’s unreasonable
and unexplained delay in making his election cannot be
January 6, 2013 simply glossed over.

Legal Profession – Admission to the Bar – Citizenship In the matter of the Disqualification of Bar Examinee,
Requirement Haron S. Meiling in the 2002 bar examinations and for
disciplinary action as member of Philippine Shari'a Bar, Even if these cases were already dismissed, he is still
Melendrez. required to disclose the same for the Court to ascertain his
good moral character.

In the matter of the Disqualification of Bar Examinee,
Haron S. Meiling in the 2002 bar examinations and for WON Meling’s act of concealing cases constitutes
disciplinary action as member of Philippine Shari'a Bar, dishonesty. YES.
MELENDREZ filed with the Office of the Bar Confidant further orders from the Court, the suspension to take
(OBC) a Petition to disqualify Haron S. Meling (Meling) effect immediately. Insofar as the Petition seeks to prevent
from taking the 2002 Bar Examinations and to impose on Haron S. Meling from taking the Lawyer’s Oath and signing
him the appropriate disciplinary penalty as a member of the Roll of Attorneys as a member of the Philippine Bar,
the Philippine Shari’a Bar. the same is DISMISSED for having become moot and
academic (Meling did not pass the bar).
Alleges that Meling did not disclose in his Petition to take
the 2002 Bar Examinations that he has three (3) pending
criminal cases both for Grave Oral Defamation and for Less
Serious Physical Injuries. Rule 7.01: “A lawyer shall be answerable for knowingly
making a false statement or suppressing a material fact in
i. Meling allegedly uttered connection with his application for admission to the bar.”
defamatory words against Melendrez and his wife in front
of media practitioners and other people. He is aware that he is not a member of the Bar, there was
no valid reason why he signed as “attorney” whoever may
ii. Meling also purportedly have typed the letters. i.
attacked and hit the face of Melendrez’ wife causing the Unauthorized use of the appellation “attorney” may
injuries to the latter. render a person liable for indirect contempt of court.

Alleges that Meling has been using the title “Attorney” in PRACTICE OF LAW IS A HIGH PERSONAL PRIVILEGE.
his communications, as Secretary to the Mayor of
Cotabato City, despite the fact that he is not a member of Limited to citizens of good moral character, with special
the Bar. educational qualifications, duly ascertained and certified.

MELING explains that he did not disclose the criminal cases Requirement of good moral character is, in fact, of greater
because retired Judge Corocoy Moson, their former importance so far as the general public and the proper
professor, advised him to settle misunderstanding. administration of justice are concerned, than the
possession of legal learning.
Believing in good faith that the case would be settled
because the said Judge has moral ascendancy over them, Application form of 2002 Bar Examinations requires the
considered the three cases that arose from a single applicant that applicant to aver that he or she “has not
incident as “closed and terminated.” been charged with any act or omission punishable by law,
rule or regulation before a fiscal, judge, officer or
i. Denies the charges and administrative body, or indicted for, or accused or
added that the acts do not involve moral turpitude. convicted by any court or tribunal of, any offense or crime
involving moral turpitude; nor is there any pending case or
Use of the title “Attorney,” Meling admits that some of his charge against him/her.”
communications really contained the word “Attorney” as
they were typed by the office clerk. Meling did not reveal that he has three pending criminal
cases. His deliberate silence constitutes concealment,
Office of Bar Confidant disposed of the charge of non- done under oath at that.
disclosure against Meling:

Meling should have known that only the court of

competent jurisdiction can dismiss cases, not a retired
judge nor a law professor. In fact, the cases filed against
Meling are still pending.
Alawi v Alauya “attorney” is reserved to those who, having obtained the
necessary degree in the study of law and successfully
Facts: taken the Bar Examinations, have been admitted to the
Sophia Alawi was a sales representative of E.B. Villarosa & Integrated Bar of the Philippines and remain members
Partners Co., Ltd. of Davao City, a real estate and housing thereof in good standing; and it is they only who are
company. Ashari M. Alauya is the incumbent executive authorized to practice law in this jurisdiction
clerk of court of the 4th Judicial Shari’a District in Marawi FIVE J TAXI and/or JUAN S. ARMAMENTO vs. NATIONAL
City, They were classmates, and used to be friends. LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION
Through Alawi’s agency, a contract was executed for the Facts:
purchase on installments by Alauya of one of the housing
units of Villarosa. In connection, a housing loan was also Private respondents Domingo Maldigan and Gilberto
granted to Alauya by the National Home Mortgage Finance Sabsalon were hired by the petitioners as taxi drivers. In
Corporation (NHMFC). less than 4 months after Maldigan was hired as an extra
driver by the petitioners, he already failed to report for
Not long afterwards, Alauya addressed a letter to the work for unknown reasons. Later, petitioners learned that
President of Villarosa & Co. advising of the termination of he was working for "Mine of Gold" Taxi Company. With
his contract with the company. He claimed that his respect to Sabsalon, while driving a taxicab of petitioners
consent was vitiated because Alawi had resorted to gross on September 6, 1983, he was held up by his armed
misrepresentation, deceit, fraud, dishonesty and abuse of passenger who took all his money and thereafter stabbed
confidence. He laso wrote similar letters to the Vice him. He was hospitalized and after his discharge, he went
President of Villarosa and the Vice President of NHMFC. to his home province to recuperate. In January, 1987,
On learning of Alauya’s letters, Alawi filed an Sabsalon was re-admitted by petitioners as a taxi driver
administrative complaint against him. One of her grounds under the same terms and conditions as when he was first
was Alauya’s usurpation of the title of “attorney,” which employed, but his working schedule was made on an
only regular members of the Philippine Bar may properly "alternative basis," that is, he drove only every other day.
use. However, on several occasions, he failed to report for work
during his schedule. On September 22, 1991, Sabsalon
Alauya justified his use of the title, “attorney,” by the failed to remit his "boundary" of P700.00 for the previous
assertion that it is “lexically synonymous” with day. Also, he abandoned his taxicab in Makati without fuel
“Counsellors-at-law.” a title to which Shari’a lawyers have refill worth P300.00. Despite repeated requests of
a rightful claim, adding that he prefers the title of petitioners for him to report for work, he adamantly
“attorney” because “counsellor” is often mistaken for refused. Afterwards it was revealed that he was driving a
“councilor,” “konsehal” or the Maranao term “consial,” taxi for "Bulaklak Company." Sometime in 1989, Maldigan
connoting a local legislator beholden to the mayor. Withal, requested petitioners for the reimbursement of his daily
he does not consider himself a lawyer. cash deposits for 2 years, but herein petitioners told him
that not a single centavo was left of his deposits as these
Issue: were not even enough to cover the amount spent for the
Whether or not Alauya, a member of the Shari’a bar, can repairs of the taxi he was driving. This was allegedly the
use the title of Attorney practice adopted by petitioners to recoup the expenses
incurred in the repair of their taxicab units. When
Held: Maldigan insisted on the refund of his deposit, petitioners
terminated his services. Sabsalon, on his part, claimed that
He can’t. The title is only reserved to those who pass the his termination from employment was effected when he
regular Philippine bar. refused to pay for the washing of his taxi seat covers. On
November 27, 1991, private respondents filed a complaint
As regards Alauya’s use of the title of “Attorney,” this
with the Manila Arbitration Office of the National Labor
Court has already had occasion to declare that persons
Relations Commission charging petitioners with illegal
who pass the Shari’a Bar are not full-fledged members of
dismissal and illegal deductions, and asking for paying the
the Philippine Bar, hence may only practice law before
private respondent’s authorized representative’s
Shari’a courts. While one who has been admitted to the
attorney’s fees.
Shari’a Bar, and one who has been admitted to the
Philippine Bar, may both be considered “counsellors,” in
the sense that they give counsel or advice in a professional
capacity, only the latter is an “attorney.” The title of
RULING: Upon arraignment, appellant entered a plea of not guilty.
Trial ensued and the prosecution presented as its
On the issue of attorney's fees or service fees for private witnesses the victim, her mother, her six (6) year-old
respondents' authorized representative, Article 222 of the playmate, and the medico-legal officer who examined the
Labor Code, as amended by Section 3 of Presidential victim.
Decree No. 1691, states that non-lawyers may appear
before the NLRC or any labor arbiter only (1) if they For the defense, appellant presented one German Toriales
represent themselves, or (2) if they represent their and himself. Appellant denied committing the rape and
organization or the members thereof. While it may be claimed that he merely tried to stop the two girls, the
victim and her playmate, from quarreling.
true that Guillermo H. Pulia was the authorized
representative of private respondents, he was a non- On October 29, 1992, the trial court rendered a decision[2]
lawyer who did not fall in either of the foregoing finding appellant guilty as charged. The dispositive portion
categories. Hence, by clear mandate of the law, he is not of the decision states:
entitled to attorney's fees.
"WHEREFORE, the Court finds the accused guilty beyond
Furthermore, the statutory rule that an attorney shall be reasonable doubt of the crime of rape and sentences him
entitled to have and recover from his client a reasonable to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua together its
compensation for his services 7 necessarily imports the accessory penalty. The accused is ordered to pay the
existence of an attorney-client relationship as a condition amount of P50,000.00 to the complainant and another
for the recovery of attorney's fees, and such relationship amount for costs, without subsidiary penalty in case of
cannot exist unless the client's representative is a lawyer.8 failure to pay the civil liability and the cost.

WHEREFORE, the questioned judgment of respondent If qualified under Art. 29 of the Revised Penal Code, as
National Labor Relations Commission is hereby MODIFIED amended by R.A. 6127, as amended, and he has agreed in
by deleting the awards for reimbursement of car wash writing to abide by the same rules imposed upon
expenses and attorney's fees and directing said public convicted prisoners, he shall be credited with the full
respondent to order and effect the computation and duration of his preventive imprisonment; otherwise, he
payment by petitioners of the refund for private shall only be credited with 4/5 of the same.
respondent Domingo Maldigan's deposits, plus legal
interest thereon from the date of finality of this resolution SO ORDERED."
up to the date of actual payment thereof. Hence, appellant duly filed a Notice of Appeal.[3] In his
PEOPLE VS. SANTOCILDES brief,[4] appellant made the following assignment of
Where an accused was not duly represented by a member ERROR IN FINDING THAT THE ACCUSED IS GUILTY OF RAPE
of the Philippine Bar during trial, the judgment should be INSPITE OF CONFLICTING TESTIMONIES OF THE PRIVATE
set aside and the case remanded to the trial court for a COMPLAINANT AND HER WITNESSES ON MATERIAL
new trial. A person who misrepresents himself as a lawyer POINTS.
shall be held liable for indirect contempt of court.
Subject of the present appeal is the decision dated THOUGH NO FAULT OF HIS OWN TO BE DEFENDED BY A
October 29, 1992, of the Regional Trial Court of Iloilo City, PERSON AUTHORIZED TO PRACTICE LAW AMOUNTING TO
Branch 33, convicting accused-appellant of the crime of DENIAL OF DUE PROCESS."
rape, sentencing him to suffer the penalty of reclusion
perpetua, and ordering him to pay the offended party the Considering the importance of the constitutional right to
amount of P50,000.00 and to pay the costs. counsel, we shall now first resolve the issue of proper
representation by a member of the bar raised by

The antecedent facts of the case are as follows: Appellant contends that he was represented during trial by
a person named Gualberto C. Ompong, who for all intents
On February 17, 1992, appellant was charged with the and purposes acted as his counsel and even conducted the
crime of rape[1] of a girl less than nine (9) years old, direct examination and cross-examinations of the
committed on December 28, 1991, in the town of witnesses. On appeal, however, appellant secured the
Barangay San Luis, San Joaquin, Iloilo.
services of a new lawyer, Atty. Igmedio S. Prado, Jr., who was not properly and effectively accorded the right to
discovered that Gualberto C. Ompong is actually not a counsel. In the recent en banc case of People v. Bermas,
member of the bar. Further verification with the Office of G.R. No. 120420, April 21, 1999, the Court, speaking
the Bar Confidant confirmed this fact.[5] Appellant through Justice Vitug, admonished three (3) PAO lawyers
therefore argues that his deprivation of the right to for failing to genuinely protect the interests of the accused
counsel should necessarily result in his acquittal of the and for having fallen much too short of their responsibility
crime charged. as officers of the court and as members of the Bar. Verily,
we can do no less where the accused was not even duly
The Office of the Solicitor General, on the other hand, represented by a certified member of the Philippine Bar,
maintains that notwithstanding the fact that appellant's no matter how zealous his representation might have
counsel during trial was not a member of the bar, been.
appellant was afforded due process since he has been
given an opportunity to be heard and the records reveal The presence and participation of counsel in criminal
that said person "presented the evidence for the defense proceedings should never be taken lightly.[8] Even the
with the ability of a seasoned lawyer and in general most intelligent or educated man may have no skill in the
handled the case of appellant in a professional and skillful science of the law, particularly in the rules of procedure,
manner." However, the right of the accused to be heard by and, without counsel, he may be convicted not because he
himself and his counsel, in our view, goes much deeper is guilty but because he does not know how to establish his
than the question of ability or skill. It lies at the heart of innocence.[9] The right of an accused to counsel is
our adversarial system of justice. Where the interplay of guaranteed to minimize the imbalance in the adversarial
basic rights of the individual may collide with the awesome system where the accused is pitted against the awesome
forces of the state, we need a professional learned in the prosecutory machinery of the State.[10] Such a right
law as well as ethically committed to defend the accused proceeds from the fundamental principle of due process
by all means fair and reasonable. which basically means that a person must be heard before
being condemned. The due process requirement is a part
On the matter of proper representation by a member of of a person's basic rights; it is not a mere formality that
the bar, we had occasion to resolve a similar issue in the may be dispensed with or performed perfunctorily.[11]
case of Delgado v. Court of Appeals.[6] In Delgado,
petitioner and two others were convicted by the trial court The right to counsel of an accused is enshrined in no less
of the crime of estafa thru falsification of public and/or than Article III, Sections 12 and 14 (2) of the 1987
official documents. One accused did not appeal. Petitioner Constitution. This constitutional mandate is reflected in
Delgado and her remaining co-accused appealed to the Section 1 of Rule 115 of the 1985 Rules of Criminal
Court of Appeals, which affirmed petitioner's conviction Procedure which declares the right of the accused at the
but acquitted her co-accused. After entry of judgment, trial to be present in person and by counsel at every stage
petitioner discovered that her lawyer was not a member of of the proceedings from the arraignment to the
the bar and moved to set aside the entry of judgment. The promulgation of judgment. In turn, Section 5 of Article VIII
Court of Appeals denied petitioner's motion, hence, she of the 1987 Constitution vests the power to promulgate
filed a petition for certiorari with this Court. The Court set rules concerning the admission to the practice of law to
aside the assailed judgment and remanded the case to the the Supreme Court. Section 1 of Rule 138 of the Rules of
trial court for a new trial, explaining that - Court explicitly states who are entitled to practice law in
the Philippines, and Section 2 thereof clearly provides for
"This is so because an accused person is entitled to be the requirements for all applicants for admission to the
represented by a member of the bar in a criminal case filed bar. Jurisprudence has also held that "the right to practice
against her before the Regional Trial Court. Unless she is law is not a natural or constitutional right but is in the
represented by a lawyer, there is great danger that any nature of a privilege or franchise. It is limited to persons of
defense presented in her behalf will be inadequate good moral character with special qualifications duly
considering the legal perquisites and skills needed in the ascertained and certified. The right does not only
court proceedings. This would certainly be a denial of due presuppose in its possessor integrity, legal standing and
process."[7] attainment, but also the exercise of a special privilege,
Indeed, the right to counsel is of such primordial highly personal and partaking of the nature of a public
importance that even if an accused was represented by trust."[12] Indeed, so strict is the regulation of the practice
three successive counsels from the Public Attorney's of law that in Beltran, Jr. v. Abad,[13] a Bar candidate who
Office, the Court has ordered the remand of a rape case has already successfully hurdled the Bar examinations but
when it found that accused was given mere perfunctory has not yet taken his oath and signed the roll of attorneys,
representation by aforesaid counsels such that appellant and who was caught in the unauthorized practice of law
was held in contempt of court. Under Section 3 (e) of Rule On 22 November 1963, Atty. Atanacio Pacis also filed a
71 of the Rules of Court, a person who undertakes the similar notice for a reasonable amount. Complainants
unauthorized practice of law is liable for indirect contempt Entila and Tenazas on 3 December 1963, filed a
of court for assuming to be an attorney and acting as such manifestation indicating their non-objection to an award
without authority. of attorney's fees for 25% of their backwages, and,on the
same day, Quentin Muning filed a "Petition for the Award
WHEREFORE, the assailed judgment is SET ASIDE, and the of Services Rendered" equivalent to 20% of the
case is hereby REMANDED to the trial court for new trial. backwages. Munings petition was opposed by Cipriano Cid
With respect to the unauthorized practice of law by the & Associates the ground that he is not a lawyer.The
person named Gualberto C. Ompong in connection with records of Case No. 72-ULP-Iloilo show that the charge was
this case, the local Chapter of the Integrated Bar of the filed by Cipriano Cid & Associates through Atty. Atanacio
Philippines of Iloilo City is DIRECTED to conduct a prompt Pacis. All the hearings were held in Bacolod City and
and thorough investigation regarding this matter and to appearances made in behalf of the complainants were at
report its recommendations to the Court within ninety (90) first by Attorney Pacis and subsequently by respondent
days from notice of this order. Let all concerned parties, Quintin Muning. On 12 May 1964, the Court of Industrial
including the Office of the Bar Confidant, be each Relations awarded 25% of the backwages as compensation
furnished a copy of this Decision for their appropriate for professional services rendered in the case, apportioned
action. as follows:

No pronouncement as to costs. Attys. Cipriano Cid & Associates

............................................. 10%
Quintin Muning
G.R. No. L-23959 November 29, 1971 ......................................................................... 10%


(PAFLU), ENRIQUE ENTILA & VICTORIANO TENAZAS ................................................................. 5%

petitioners, The award of 10% to Quintin Muning who is not a lawyer

according to the order, is sought to be voided in the
vs. present petition.Respondent Muning moved in this Court
BINALBAGAN ISABELA SUGAR COMPANY, COURT OF to dismiss the present petition on the ground of late filing
INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS, & QUINTIN MUNING but his motion was overruled on 20 January 1965.

respondents. 1)He asked for reconsideration, but, considering that the

motion contained averments that go into the merits of the
REYES, J.B.L., case, this Court admitted and considered the motion for
reconsideration for all purposes as respondent's answer to
J.: the petitioner for review.
May a non-lawyer recover attorney's fees for legal services 2)The case was considered submitted for decision without
rendered? This is the issue presented in this petition respondent's brief.
for review of an order, dated 12 May 1964, and the en
banc resolution, dated 8 December 1964, of the Court of
Industrial Relations, in its Case No. 72-ULP-Iloilo, granting 4) that an agreement providing for the division of
respondent Quintin Muning a non-lawyer, attorney's fees attorney's fees, whereby a non-lawyer union president is
for professional services in the said case. The above- allowed to share in said fees with lawyers, is condemned
named petitioners were complainants in Case No. 72-ULP- by Canon 34 of Legal Ethics and is immoral and cannot be
Iloilo entitled, "PAFLU et al. vs. Binalbagan Isabela Sugar justified. An award by a court of attorney's fees is no less
Co., et al." After trial, the Court of Industrial Relations immoral in the absence of a contract, as in the present
rendered a decision, on 29 March 1961, ordering the case.
reinstatement with back wages of complainants Enrique
Entila and Victorino Tenazas. Said decisionbecame final. The provision in Section 5(b) of Republic Act No. 875 that
On 18 October 1963, Cipriano Cid & Associates, counsel of —In the proceeding before the Court or Hearing Examiner
record for the winning complainants,filed a notice of thereof, the parties shall not be required to be
attorney's lien equivalent to 30% of the total backwages. represented by legal counsel no justification for a
ruling, that the person representing the party-litigant in
the Court of Industrial Relations, even if he is not a lawyer,
is entitled to attorney's fees: for the same section adds
that —it shall be the duty and obligation of the Court or
Hearing Officer to examine and cross examine witnesses
on behalf of the parties and to assist in the orderly
presentation of evidence. thus making it clear that the
representation should be exclusively entrusted to duly
qualified members of the bar.The permission for a non-
member of the bar to represent or appear or defend in the
said court on behalf of a party-litigant does not by itself
entitle the representative to compensation for such
representation. For Section 24,

Rule 138, of the Rules of Court, providing —

Sec. 24. Compensation of attorney's agreement as to fees.

— An attorney shall be entitled to have and recover from
his client no more than a reasonable compensation for his
services, ...imports the existence of an attorney-client
relationship as a condition to the recovery of attorney's
fees. Such a

relationship cannot exist unless the client's representative

in court be a lawyer. Since respondent Muning is not one,
he cannot establish an attorney-client relationship with
Enrique Entila and Victorino Tenezas or with PAFLU,and he
cannot, therefore, recover attorney's fees. Certainly public
policy demands that legal work in representation of parties
litigant should be entrusted only to those possessing
tested qualifications and who are sworn, to observe the
rules and the ethics of the profession, as well as being
subject to judicial disciplinary control for the protection of
courts, clients and the public. On the present issue, the
rule in American jurisdictions is persuasive. There, it is
stated: But in practically all jurisdictions statutes have now
been enacted prohibiting persons not licensed or admitted
to the bar from practicing law, and under statutes of this
kind, the great weight of authority is to the effect that
compensation for legal services cannot be recovered by
one who has not been admitted to practice before the
court or in the jurisdiction the services were rendered.

5)No one is entitled to recover compensation for services

as an attorney at law unless he has been duly admitted to
practice ... and is an attorney in good standing at the time.

6)The reasons are that the ethics of the legal profession

should not be violated;

7) that acting as an attorney with authority constitutes

contempt of court, which is punishable by fine or
imprisonment or both,

8) and the law will not assist a person to reap the fruits or
benefit of an act or an act done in violation of law;

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