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Carbohydrate Polymers 78 (2009) 773–778

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An investigation on the short-term biodegradability of chitosan with various

molecular weights and degrees of deacetylation
S. Bagheri-Khoulenjani a, S.M. Taghizadeh b,*, H. Mirzadeh c,d
Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, 424 Hafez-Ave., 15875-4413 Tehran, Iran
Novel Drug Delivery Systems Department, Science Faculty, Polymer and petrochemical Institute of Iran, P.O. Box 14965-115, Tehran, Iran
Biopolymer Department, Science Faculty, Polymer and petrochemical Institute of Iran, P.O. Box 14965-115, Tehran, Iran
Faculty of Polymer Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, 424 Hafez-Ave., 15875-4413 Tehran, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: At the present work, we have studied the short-term degradation of chitosan with different degrees of
Received 30 May 2009 deacetylation (DD) and molecular weights. The various grades of chitosan were characterized throughout
Accepted 18 June 2009 DD range, molecular weight, crystallinity and swelling ratio. The biodegradation of chitosan was exam-
Available online 1 July 2009
ined by using simulated intestinal fluid (SIF, pH 7.5) at 37 °C and 150 rpm permanent shaking to mimic a
typical physiological condition. The results revealed that in high DDs no significant changes in molecular
Keywords: weight and DD were observed. However, molecular weight loss percentage, DD changes percentage and
swelling ratio increased with decreasing the initial DD and increasing the initial molecular weight. Scan-
Short-term biodegradability
Simulated intestinal fluid
ning electron microscope (SEM) images showed no significant changes in particle size after degradation.
Swelling These observations demonstrated that short-term degradation of chitosan has not occurred through the
Molecular weight b-chain scission and it can be related to the peptide bond cleavage of acetoamido side groups of the
Degree of deacetylation polymer.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Zhang et al., 2006), thermal (Britto & Sergio, 2007) and ultrasonic
degradation (Liu, Du, & Kennedy, 2007; Tsaih & Chen, 2003), there
In general, in peptide oral drug delivery systems, the encoun- is not a good understanding about the short-term enzymatic deg-
tered problem is mainly revolve around the quick denaturation radation of chitosan in the simulated intestinal fluids (SIF). Since
of peptides and proteins in the hostile environment of the stomach drug release is affected by the degradation rate and swelling ratio
as well as the intestinal enzymatic environment (Lorenzo-Lamosa, of chitosan, the aim of this work is to examine the biodegradation
Remunan-Lopez, Vila-Jato, & Alonso, 1998). Since oral drug admin- and swelling ratio of chitosan exposed to simulated intestinal flu-
istration remains the easiest and the most comfortable method of ids less than one day.
drug delivery, the microencapsulation of drugs is an alternative Also, as the properties of the chitosan are strongly dependant on
solution to overcome the problem, allowing their slow release its degree of deacetylation and molecular weight (Gupta & Jabrail,
and protection against the acidic and enzymatic environments 2006; Hejazi & Amiji, 2003; Lamarque, Lucas, Vition, & Domard,
(Chellat et al., 2000; Wang, Ma, & Su, 2005). 2005; Mirzadeh et al., 2002), effect of these two parameters was
The basis of our work is to study chitosan as a potential carrier investigated on the degradation of chitosan. For this purpose, dif-
in one-day oral drug delivery systems. It is reported that chitosan ferent grades of chitosan with different DDs and molecular weights
is a good candidate for oral drug delivery of the peptides (Hejazi & were exposed to simulated intestinal conditions for 6 and 24 h and
Amiji, 2003). Based on our information, Although, numerous re- the degradation rates and swelling ratios were evaluated.
searches have been taken on the degradation of chitosan in differ-
ent aspects such as enzymatic (Chellat et al., 2000; Li, Du, & Liang,
2007; Ren, Yi, Wang, & Ma, 2005), chemical (Holme, Davidsen, 2. Experimental
Kristiansen, & Smidsrød, 2008; Huang, Wang, Huang, Zhuo, &
Guo, 2007; Qun, Ajun, & Yong, 2007; Yue, Yao, Wei, & Mo, in press), 2.1. Material
irradiation (Kang, Dai, Zhang, & Chen, 2007; Lu, Wei, & Jing, 2004;
Three different grades of chitosan (high, medium, and low
molecular weights) with the same DD of 65 from crabs shells were
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 21 44580000; fax: +98 21 44580021. obtained from Fluka (Fluka Chemie AG, Buchs, Switzerland), glacial
E-mail address: (S.M. Taghizadeh). acetic acid, sodium chloride and NaOH from Merck (Darmstadt,

0144-8617/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
774 S. Bagheri-Khoulenjani et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 78 (2009) 773–778

Germany); pepsin, pancreatin and Antibiotics (penicillin–strepto- CH3COOH/0.2 M NaCl at 25 °C are assumed to be 1.81  103 mL/
mycin) from (Sigma). g and 0.93, respectively, as it is reported by Roberts and Domszy
2.2. Instruments
2.3.4. Degree of deacetylation (DD) measurement
In this study, the following equipments have been used: A Bru- Infrared spectra of samples were recorded using the KBr disc
ker FRA model 106/5 infrared spectrophotometer; A Siemens D technique for which the value of the ratio of KBr to polymer was
5000 model X-ray diffraction instrument; A 2C model Ubbelohde 100:1 (Domszy & Roberts, 1985; Khan, Peh, & Chang, 2002). Poly-
viscometer and a Cambridge S360 scanning electron microscope. mer and KBr were placed in an oven at 80 °C for 24 h before mix-
ing. The spectra of chitosan samples were obtained within a
2.3. Methods frequency range of 4000–400 cm1 and the degree of deacetylation
of samples obtained by equation:
2.3.1. Preparation of various grades of chitosan based on different DDs  
Five different grades of chitosan were used in this study. Char- DD ¼ 100  100=1:33 ð5Þ
acteristics of these grades are presented in Table 1. Three of the
chitosan grades (L55, M55 and H55) had a same DD of 55 and dif- According to Fig. 1, A1655 and A3450 were the absorbances at
ferent molecular weight. Also, three of them (L55, L65 and L75) had 1655 cm1 of the amide-I band as a measure of the N-acetyl group
a same molecular weight and different DDs. The samples L55, L65 content and 3450 cm1 of the hydroxyl band as an internal stan-
and L75 had a same origin with a low molecular weight. The sam- dard to make corrections for film thickness or for differences in
ples L55 and L75 were obtained by acetylation and deacetylation of chitosan concentration in powder form.
L65, respectively. Samples M55 and H55 were obtained by acetyla- The factor ‘1.33’ denotes the value of the ratio of A1655/A3450 for
tion of medium and high molecular weight grades of chitosan with fully N-acetylated chitosan. It is assumed that the value of this ra-
DD of 65, respectively. tio is zero for fully deacetylated chitosan (Sabins & Block, 1997).
The acetylation and deacetylation processes used to obtain dif-
Log10 ðDF=DEÞ ¼ ðA1655 Þamide ð6Þ
ferent grades of chitosan having different DDs are described in the
previous work of authors. Previous studies showed that the acety-
Log10 ðDF=DEÞ ¼ ðA3450 Þhydroxyl ð7Þ
lation and deacetylation process had no effect on the molecular
weight of the chitosan samples (Taghizadeh & Davari, 2006).
2.3.5. Swelling studies
2.3.2. Crystallinity The chitosan films with definite weights, thicknesses and diam-
Percentage of crystallinity was measured by X-ray diffraction eters were prepared by casting method and placed in SIF solutions
and was calculated according to the following equation: at 37 °C and 150 rpm. SIF was prepared in accordance with USP
XXII. The SIF was prepared by dissolving 6.8 g of monobasic potas-
X c ¼ ½F c =ðF c þ F a Þ  100 ð1Þ
sium phosphate in 250 mL of water. The solution was mixed and
where Fc and Fa designate the areas of the crystalline and amor- 190 mL of 0.2 N sodium hydroxide and 400 mL of water and 10 g
phous peaks, respectively, and are calculated and reported analyt- of pancreatin (Sigma) were added. The pH was then adjusted with
ical evaluations (Wan, Creber, Pebbley, & Bui, 2003). 0.2 N sodium hydroxide to 7.5 ± 0.1 and the volume was adjusted
to 1 L by DD water. Antibiotics (Penicillin–streptomycin) were
2.3.3. Molecular weight added to each solution to avoid bacterial contamination.
The intrinsic viscosity and molecular weight of polymer were Then at the certain time intervals (6 and 24 h) swelled samples
determined by viscometry, based on the viscometric constants in were taken out of the solutions and their surfaces were dried by fil-
the Mark–Houwink equation (Wang, Bo, Li, & Qin, 1991). ter paper and weighed. The swelling ratio for each sample at cer-
a tain time was calculated by the following equation (Gupta &
½g ¼ kMv ð2Þ
Kumar, 2000; Yun, Shao, & Yao, 1996):
[g] and Mv are intrinsic viscosity and molecular weight, respec- Wt  W0
tively. k and a are viscometry constants and Wang et al. (1991) S% ¼  100 ð8Þ
showed that these constants are depended on the DD of chitosan:
where S is the swelling ratio percentage, Wt is weight of swelled
k ¼ 1:64  1030 DD44 ð3Þ film at time t and W0 is weight of swelled film after drying in oven
at 40 °C for 24 h.
a ¼ 1:02  102 DD þ 1:82 ð4Þ
In order to calculate the Mv, two different series of k and a was used. 2.3.6. Degradation studies
The first one is obtained from Eqs. 3 and 4. The second one is as- Chitosan powders were meshed by molecular sieves (100–200).
sumed to be constant and k, a in a solvent system of 0.1 M Seven milliliters of degradation medium (SIF) was added to 0.125 g

Table 1
Initial properties of different grades of chitosan.

Sample code DD Crystallinity (%) ½g M v  105 a kb ab Mv  105 b

L55 55 34 430 ± 17 6.03 ± 0.27 3.8  10 1.259 24.94 ± 0.8
L65 65 30 471 ± 15 6.66 ± 0.23 3.9  105 1.157 13.10 ± 0.37
L75 75 20 513 ± 8 7.29 ± 0.13 2.9  104 1.055 8.30 ± 0.13
M55 55 22 743 ± 7 10.86 ± 0.12 3.8  106 1.259 38.51 ± 0.31
H55 55 23 871 ± 8 12.89 ± 0.13 3.8  106 1.259 43.71 ± 0.32
Molecular weight obtained by using k and a reported by Roberts and Domszy (1982).
Molecular weight obtained by using k and a calculated with equations, reported by (Wang et al. (1991).
S. Bagheri-Khoulenjani et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 78 (2009) 773–778 775

degradation after deacetylation and acetylation process. Therefore,

the most proper viscometry constants (k and a), in this case, are the
ones which result in the closer calculated Mv for these samples.
Accordingly, these equations are not useful in this case and we
decided to use constant k and a to calculate the Mv.
In order to reduce the effect of differences in Mv, in degradation
studies, molecular weight lost percentage is used as described in
Section 2.3.6.
The results obtained from XRD showed the influence of molec-
ular weight and DD on crystallinity of powder structures of the
prepared polymers. As it can be seen in Table 1, the crystallinity
percentage of polymers increased by increasing the DD which sug-
gests that the introduction of the acetyl groups breaks up the crys-
tal zone in chitosan making it less ordered in structure (Ren et al.,
Fig. 1. IR spectrum of chitosan showing two baselines (‘a’ and ‘b’) for calculating the 2005). The effect of molecular weight on crystallinity of chitosan
amide-I band absorbance for the ratio A1655/A3450. has not shown to be significant.

3.2. Swelling study

chitosan and incubated at 37 °C under continuous shaking at
150 rpm. After a predetermined incubation time (6 and 24 h), the In Table 2 swelling ratio of samples as a function of DD and
samples were washed with distilled water and then dried in oven molecular weight are presented. Data from swelling ratio showed
for 24 h. that for the samples with the same DD, by increase in molecular
Degradation rate was obtained by measuring the changes of weight, swelling ratio of chitosan increased. This can be due to
molecular weight loss percentage and DD changes percentages, the higher chain-relaxation ability in high-molecular weight chito-
as following: san as a result of increasing the entanglement of the polymeric
chain (Mi, Wong, Shyu, & Chang, 1999).
ðM v ;o  M v ;t Þ In contrast, the swelling ratio of chitosan decreased by increase
Molecular weight loss percentage ¼  100 ð9Þ
M v ;o in DD. It is 216% for L55 and decreased to 115% for L75. As men-
which Mv ;o and Mv ;t are the initial molecular weight and molecular tioned before, introducing acetyl groups in chitosan chains has bro-
weight after exposure to degradation medium for t hours, ken the crystalline zone and so more water has diffused into the
respectively. polymeric matrix leading to higher swelling ratio (Ren et al., 2005).

Degree of deacetylation changes percentages 3.3. Molecular weights loss percentage after degradation process
ðDDt  DDo Þ
¼  100 ð10Þ As shown in Fig. 2, after 6 h, the molecular weight loss percent-
ages of samples with the same DD (55) increased and then became
which DDo and DDt are the initial DD and DD after exposure to deg- almost constant. Molecular weight loss percentages of the other
radation medium for t hours, respectively. samples increased gradually by the rate lower than the samples
with DD of 55.
2.3.7. Morphological studies The reduction in molecular weight of L55, M55 and H55 after
In order to study the morphology of the chitosan powders be- 24 h is 17.5 ± 3.5, 19.43 ± 6.7 and 23.3 ± 8.8%, respectively. In
fore and after biodegradation and pursuing chain fragmentation Fig. 3b, a comparison can be made between the swelling ratios
during the degradation, scanning electron microscopy (SEM; Cam- and molecular weight loss percentages of these samples. As it is
bridge S360) was applied. evident, swelling ratio and molecular weight loss percentage show
similar trend as a function of initial molecular weight. By increas-
3. Results ing in swelling ratio, polymeric chains are more accessible to SIF
enzymes and thus samples with higher swelling ratio exhibit high-
3.1. Characteristics of initial polymers er degradation rates.
Chitosan with different DDs has shown different degradation
Intrinsic polymer viscosity of synthesized grades of chitosan is behavior. The degradation rate is 5.7 ± 4, 9.4 ± 6 and 17.5 ± 3.5%
presented in Table 1. As can be seen, the intrinsic viscosity of chito- for L75, L65 and L55, respectively. But both swelling ratio and
san samples increases with the increase in the DD with the same molecular weight reduction have a similar trend as a function of
molecular weight because of the polyelectrolyte effect, which re- the initial DD, as well as initial molecular weight.
sults from the electrostatic repulsion force of ionic groups along
chitosan chain in dilute acid solution. This force makes the molec-
ular dimension of the chitosan coil expand as the DD increases
(Wang et al., 1991).
In order to eliminate the effect of DD on the calculated Mv from Table 2
intrinsic viscosity, Wang et al. (1991) proposed Eqs. 3 and 4 to cal- Swelling ratio and DD percentage change after 24 h degradation of different grades of
culate k and a as a function of DD. Comparison of the Mv calculated chitosan.

by using k and a obtained from this equations (Mvb) and Mv calcu- Samples DD (%) Swelling ratio (%) DD change after degradation (%)
lated by using constant k and a (Mva) reported by Roberts and L75 74 115 ± 42 2.23 ± 1.4
Domszy (1982) revealed that differences between the Mvb of sam- L65 64 188 ± 40 2.29 ± 0.7
ples L55, L65 and L75 are too big than the Mva (Table 1). As men- L55 56 216 ± 12 22.8 ± 2.2
tioned before, samples L55, L65 and L75 had a same origin with M55 55 229 ± 14 36.9 ± 2.6
H55 56 300 ± 0 38.7 ± 5.6
low molecular weight and previous studies of authors showed no
776 S. Bagheri-Khoulenjani et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 78 (2009) 773–778

Fig. 4 indicates a comparison of the results presented in Table 2

and Fig. 2. DD percentage variations and swelling ratio showed the
same trend as a function of DD and molecular weight of samples, as
well as molecular weight loss percentages.

3.5. Morphological studies

SEM micrographs of chitosan particles for L55 before and after 6

and 24 h degradation process are shown in Fig. 5. After 6 and 24 h
degradation, no significant changes in size or morphology of parti-
cles were observed. It shows that maybe chitosan in SIF medium,
within short degradation time, shows no fragmentation and bulk
degradation. It is suggested that perhaps the most part of molecu-
lar weight loss may be due to increase in DD during exposure to
SIF. While the acetoamido groups (NHCOCH3) on the polymer
Fig. 2. Molecular weight loss percentage in chitosan as a function of degradation
time. chain have been converted to amine groups (NH2) during exposure
to SIF, the DD has increased. Molecular weight of acetoamido group
is higher than amine; therefore, the presence of higher amount of
3.4. DD changes after degradation amine groups has decreased total molecular weight of polymer. It
can be confirmed by comparison the DD change percentage and
The data obtained from FTIR spectra showed that after degrada- molecular weight loss percentage of different chitosan grades after
tion of chitosan, DD of samples increased. Variations in DD of dif- 24 h exposure to SIF which changes in a same manner. Samples L75
ferent samples after 24 h degradation are listed in Table 2, showing and L65 both showed low amounts of DD change percentage and
38.7 ± 5.6, 36.9 ± 2.6, 22.8 ± 2.2, 2.3 ± 0.7 and 2.2 ± 1.4% for H55, molecular weight loss percentage. In contrast, samples L55, M55
M55, L55, L65 and L75, respectively. Increase in DD after degrada- and H55 showed high amount of DD change percentage and
tion can be related to cleavage of peptide-like acetoamido groups molecular weight loss percentage.
(NHCOCH3) at the presence of peptidase enzymes presented in As a consequence, it can be concluded that short-term degrada-
SIF. This cleavage of peptide-like acetoamido groups leading to tion of chitosan has occurred on the side groups of polymer chain
deacetylation of chitosan during degradation. more than the polymer backbone.

Fig. 3. Molecular weight loss percentage and swelling ratio as a function of initial Fig. 4. DD changes percentages and swelling ratio as a function of initial DD (a) and
DD (a) and molecular weight (b). molecular weight (b).
S. Bagheri-Khoulenjani et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 78 (2009) 773–778 777

cleavage of peptide-like bonds of acetoamido (–NHCOCH3) groups

on the chitin part of chains.
Swelling ratio and degradation studies indicated that both in-
creased in samples with chain fragmentation was observed. It
can be concluded that most part of weight loss of chitosan in the
short-term degradation is related to deacetylation of chitosan
rather than b-scission of backbone chains.
Base on our observations, the properties of chitosan carriers,
specially their DD, change gradually while they pass the intestine
tract. As, the DD of the chitosan can affects on the carrier proper-
ties such as swelling ratio, mucoadhesion and drug release profile
which have a great influence on the performance of the chitosan
carrier, it is suggested to consider the above parameters while
designing a chitosan drug carrier for one-day oral drug delivery


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