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This rating model is prepared to determine the rates sought by each rating category/TA to cover funding requirements for the f

All yellow cells are input cells.
The majority of tabs in this spreadhseet have been protected to ensure that values aren't inadvertantly changed.
Should a user need to amend the content of a tab the password required is "gwrcrates".

To run the rates model the following actions should be completed
1) On each of the tabs shaded green in the structure diagram below delete all values in the shaded yellow cell
2) In the control tab;
a) In cell B5 enter the current rating year in the YYYY/YY date format
b) Adjust the WRS rating basis if required by the rates funding policy
c) Obtain "Flood protection" and "Pest rate" information from the Landcare & Wairarapa Accountant and enter in the relev
d) Obtian Water levy split from the water supply accountant and enter in the relevant cells
Obtain Capital Values (CVs) & corresponding assessments from each Territorial Authority (TA) and Equalised Capital Values (ECVs) & co
from Quotable Value and enter into the relevant yellow cells on the "UHCC Adjustments" and "Capital values" tab
4) Select the cells to be updated in the ESSBase tab and retrieve the information from the ESSbase system
Email the ESSBase extract to the respective management accountants and obtain confirmation that these rates values are correct befo
6) Populate the "Class rates" tab with data provided by the Landcare & Wairarapa Accountant
7) Use the rating model from the previous year to populate the yellow cells using the PASTE SPECIAL>>VALUES comand in the "Compariso
"Comparison - Category" tabs.
On the "Check" tab if cell B7 says "Error" then a rounding/check total error occurs within the model and the error should be investiga
where possible. Explanations of the difference can be entered in the "Check" tab for future reference. If cell B7 reads "OK" then no rou
have been found in the data that has been entered.
9) Once all checks have been completed the individual that has completed steps 1 through 9 above should forward the model to their m
approval. >> Input tabs
10) Once approval of the results is obtained the values can tabs record
be used key naming
for distribution conventions and input data that are used for running
as required.

Strucutre diagram Records rating year, naming
The flow diagram below sets out the structure of this excel spreadsheet. conventions, and key rates inp
Rating yea r and rates inputs to
updated annually

Class Rates

>> District wide rates

These rates (general and targeted) are applied to all TAs in the region
>> District wide rates
These rates (general and targeted) are applied to all TAs in the region



Public Transport

>> Output tabs

These tabs are used to valid
previous rating years and th

Comparison - TA

Rates Check
ng requirements for the forthcoming year.

ntant and enter in the relevant cells

d Capital Values (ECVs) & corresponding assessments

es" tab

ates values are correct before proceeding further.

S comand in the "Comparison - TA" and

e error should be investigated and reconciled

l B7 reads "OK" then no rounding/check total errors

ward the model to their manager for reivew and

ata that are used for running the model

Records rating year, naming
conventions, and key rates inputs.
Rating yea r and rates inputs to be
updated annually

Class Rates

s in the region
s in the region



Public Transport

>> Output tabs

These tabs are used to validate the rates changes between the current and
previous rating years and that there are no material errors in the workings

Comparison - TA

Rates Check
All error checks ok

Current rating year 2019/20
Previous rating year 2018/19

GST % 15%

Error tolerance
$ error tolerance $2.00

TA full name TA short name
Wellington city Wellington
Hutt city Hutt
Upper Hutt city Upper Hutt
Porirua city Porirua
Kāpiti Coast district Kapiti
Masterton district Masterton
Carterton district Carterton
South Wairarapa district South Wairarapa
Tararua district Tararua

TA's for rates check tab

Excludes KCDC and UHC as they have their own rates check tab
TA full name
Wellington city
Hutt city
Porirua city
Masterton district
Carterton district
South Wairarapa district
Tararua district

TA full name Category group Concatenated row
Wellington city District wide Wellington cityDistrict wide
Hutt city District wide Hutt cityDistrict wide
Upper Hutt city District wide Upper Hutt cityDistrict wide
Porirua city District wide Porirua cityDistrict wide
Kāpiti Coast district District wide Kāpiti Coast districtDistrict wide
Masterton district District wide Masterton districtDistrict wide
Carterton district District wide Carterton districtDistrict wide
South Wairarapa district District wide South Wairarapa districtDistrict wide
Tararua district District wide Tararua districtDistrict wide
Region wide Region wide
PT target differentials
Category group Differential
Regional CBD 7
Business - excl Wairarapa 1.4
Business - Wairarapa 1
Residential - excl Wairarapa & Otaki 1
Residential - Wairarapa & Otaki 0.5
Rural 0.25
Tararua 0

TA & Category
TA full name Rating area Category group

Wellington city Wellington city Regional CBD

Wellington city Wellington city Business
Wellington city Wellington city Residential
Wellington city Wellington city Rural
Hutt city Hutt city Business
Hutt city Hutt city Residential
Hutt city Hutt city Rural
Upper Hutt city Upper Hutt city Business
Upper Hutt city Upper Hutt city Residential
Upper Hutt city Upper Hutt city Rural
Porirua city Porirua city Business
Porirua city Porirua city Residential
Porirua city Porirua city Rural
Kāpiti Coast district Kāpiti Coast district Business
Kāpiti Coast district Kāpiti Coast district excl Ōtaki Residential
Kāpiti Coast district Ōtaki rating area Residential
Kāpiti Coast district Kāpiti Coast district Rural
Masterton district Masterton district Business
Masterton district Masterton district Residential
Masterton district Masterton district Rural
Carterton district Carterton district Business
Carterton district Carterton district Residential
Carterton district Carterton district Rural
South Wairarapa district South Wairarapa district Business
South Wairarapa district South Wairarapa district Residential
South Wairarapa district South Wairarapa district Rural
Tararua district Tararua district Rural
Region wide

WRS rates
Category group Rating basis
Regional CBD Remainder
Business Remainder
Residential $14.00
Rural $28.00
Flood protection
From Essbase / Landcare & Wairarapa Accountant
TA full name [not used] River management
Wellington city 63,804.11
Hutt city 4,675,266.74
Upper Hutt city 806,234.44
Porirua city 48,238.74
Kāpiti Coast district 1,423,425.10
Masterton district
Carterton district 24,179.10
South Wairarapa district
Tararua district
Non district Wide
Special Rates
External Revenue
Total $7,041,148.24

Non district-wide breakdown

Greytown River Management Rate
Donalds Creek Stopbank River Management Rate
South Wairarapa district River Management Rates

Pest Rate property areas

TA full name TA code Range
Wellington city WCC 16690
15780 to 15890,
Hutt city HCC 16031 to 16600
15170 to 15230,
Upper Hutt city UHCC 1590 to 16016
Porirua city PCC
14860 to 15150,
Kāpiti Coast district KCDC 15251 to 15410
Masterton district MDC 17870 to 18130
Carterton district CDC 18140 to 18190
South Wairarapa district SWDC 18230 to 18480
Tararua district TDC 11130 to 17750
Region wide

Water levy
Need numbers for each city - March 31 comes from Wellington Water
TA full name Share of levy 2019/20
Wellington city 52.03% 18,253,886
Hutt city 26.42% 9,269,729
Upper Hutt city 9.77% 3,428,150
Porirua city 11.77% 4,129,531
Kāpiti Coast district
Masterton district
Carterton district
South Wairarapa district
Tararua district
Region wide 100.00% 35,081,297

Water levy evidence

ctDistrict wide
tDistrict wide

districtDistrict wide
Concatenated name PT differential category PT differential

Wellington cityRegional CBD Regional CBD 6.83

Wellington cityBusiness Business - excl Wairarapa 0.91
Wellington cityResidential Residential - excl Wairarapa & 0.77
Wellington cityRural Rural 0.20
Hutt cityBusiness Business - excl Wairarapa 1.41
Hutt cityResidential Residential - excl Wairarapa & 1.28
Hutt cityRural Rural 0.32
Upper Hutt cityBusiness Business - excl Wairarapa 1.53
Upper Hutt cityResidential Residential - excl Wairarapa & 1.40
Upper Hutt cityRural Rural 0.35
Porirua cityBusiness Business - excl Wairarapa 1.57
Porirua cityResidential Residential - excl Wairarapa & 1.43
Porirua cityRural Rural 0.36
Kāpiti Coast districtBusiness Business - excl Wairarapa 0.94
Kāpiti Coast district excl Ōtaki Residential Residential - excl Wairarapa & 0.80
Ōtaki rating areaResidential Residential - Wairarapa & Otak 0.64
Kāpiti Coast districtRural Rural 0.20
Masterton districtBusiness Business - Wairarapa 0.50
Masterton districtResidential Residential - Wairarapa & Otak 0.33
Masterton districtRural Rural 0.13
Carterton districtBusiness Business - Wairarapa 0.63
Carterton districtResidential Residential - Wairarapa & Otak 0.46
Carterton districtRural Rural 0.16
South Wairarapa districtBusiness Business - Wairarapa 0.73
South Wairarapa districtResidential Residential - Wairarapa & Otak 0.56
South Wairarapa districtRural Rural 0.19
Tararua districtRural Tararua 0.00
Region wide
[not used] Total


Area ha



PT differentials to use for rating model transition

2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22

6.74 6.79 6.83 6.87 6.91
0.66 0.78 0.91 1.03 1.15
0.66 0.72 0.77 0.83 0.89
0.17 0.18 0.20 0.21 0.22
1.42 1.42 1.41 1.41 1.41
1.42 1.35 1.28 1.21 1.14
0.36 0.34 0.32 0.31 0.29
1.60 1.56 1.53 1.50 1.47
1.60 1.50 1.40 1.30 1.20
0.41 0.38 0.35 0.33 0.30
1.65 1.61 1.57 1.52 1.48
1.65 1.54 1.43 1.32 1.22
0.42 0.39 0.36 0.33 0.31
0.70 0.82 0.94 1.05 1.17
0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90
0.70 0.67 0.64 0.60 0.57
0.18 0.19 0.20 0.22 0.23
0.25 0.37 0.50 0.62 0.75
0.25 0.29 0.33 0.37 0.42
0.07 0.10 0.13 0.16 0.19
0.45 0.54 0.63 0.72 0.82
0.45 0.46 0.46 0.47 0.48
0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.21
0.59 0.66 0.73 0.80 0.86
0.59 0.58 0.56 0.55 0.53
0.15 0.17 0.19 0.20 0.22
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Calculation of differentials using the 2017/18 Transport rate

2022/23 2023/24 onwards Rate levied ECV Cents/ECV$

6.96 7.00 25,019,166 9,699,270,191 0.2579
1.28 1.40 1,192,770 4,717,078,733 0.0253
0.94 1.00 12,199,002 48,243,725,950 0.0253
0.24 0.25 46,420 714,756,729 0.0065
1.40 1.40 2,092,335 3,850,999,697 0.0543
1.07 1.00 9,399,014 17,299,145,383 0.0543
0.27 0.25 44,665 322,575,295 0.0138
1.43 1.40 725,473 1,187,700,996 0.0611
1.10 1.00 3,744,589 6,130,414,651 0.0611
0.28 0.25 126,321 811,441,420 0.0156
1.44 1.40 691,972 1,097,778,116 0.0630
1.11 1.00 5,277,338 8,372,223,102 0.0630
0.28 0.25 96,761 602,474,380 0.0161
1.28 1.40 403,086 1,496,826,987 0.0269
0.95 1.00 2,549,191 9,466,223,746 0.0269
0.53 0.50
0.24 0.25 138,344 1,985,748,559 0.0070
0.87 1.00 38,506 404,283,094 0.0095
0.46 0.50 199,517 2,094,766,366 0.0095
0.22 0.25 68,725 2,511,691,056 0.0027
0.91 1.00 16,824 98,453,655 0.0171
0.49 0.50 109,887 643,076,304 0.0171
0.23 0.25 72,078 1,573,910,635 0.0046
0.93 1.00 44,332 196,344,625 0.0226
0.52 0.50 206,695 915,432,863 0.0226
0.23 0.25 153,385 2,613,181,710 0.0059
0.00 0.00 0 7,041,800 0.0000
64,656,396 127,056,566,043

30,619,943 80,045,509,087 0.0383

Green cells not consistent with formulas above and below due to Otaki carveout
Wellington Regional Council
UHCC Adjustments 2019/20
Printed: 9/15/2019
All error checks ok

TA full name Category group Sub category group

Trentham Military Camp

Upper Hutt city Business Trentham Military Camp
Upper Hutt city Residential Trentham Military Camp
Upper Hutt city Rural Trentham Military Camp
Upper Hutt city Business & Residential Trentham Military Camp
Upper Hutt Total Trentham Military Camp

Rest of Upper Hut

Upper Hutt city Business Rest of Upper Hutt city
Upper Hutt city Residential Rest of Upper Hutt city
Upper Hutt city Rural Rest of Upper Hutt city
Upper Hutt city Business & Residential Rest of Upper Hutt city
Upper Hutt Total Rest of Upper Hutt city

All Upper Hut

Upper Hutt city Business Total
Upper Hutt city Residential Total
Upper Hutt city Rural Total
Upper Hutt city Business & Residential Total
Upper Hutt All Total

Trentham Military Camp share of rates

Upper Hutt city Business Trentham % of Share
Upper Hutt city Residential Trentham % of Share
Upper Hutt city Rural Trentham % of Share
Upper Hutt city Business & Residential % of Share
Upper Hutt All % of Share

Prepared by Finance 09/15/2019 Page 21

CV Rateable Land Value

56,325,000 19,235,000
26,720,000 9,495,000
4,676,000 2,720,500
83,045,000 28,730,000
87,721,000 31,450,500

1,126,014,500 274,056,200
6,207,040,420 2,983,178,120
856,910,340 424,930,740
7,333,054,920 3,257,234,320
8,189,965,260 3,682,165,060

1,182,339,500 293,291,200
6,233,760,420 2,992,673,120
861,586,340 427,651,240
7,416,099,920 3,285,964,320
8,277,686,260 3,713,615,560

4.76% 6.56%
0.43% 0.32%
0.54% 0.64%
1.12% 0.87%
1.06% 0.85%

Prepared by Finance 09/15/2019 Page 22

Wellington Regional Council
Rateable values
All error checks ok

Capital values
TA full name Rating area Category group Concatenated row CV 2018/19 CV 2019/20
0 0 0
Wellington city District wide Wellington cityDistrict wide 51,992,837,451 72,854,550,450
Hutt city District wide Hutt cityDistrict wide 21,402,530,500 21,525,404,000
Upper Hutt city District wide Upper Hutt cityDistrict wide 8,186,377,260 8,277,686,260
Porirua city District wide Porirua cityDistrict wide 10,277,129,250 10,367,312,300
Kāpiti Coast district District wide Kāpiti Coast districtDistrict wide 14,770,315,600 14,894,058,100
Masterton district District wide Masterton districtDistrict wide 5,846,514,500 5,920,510,000
Carterton district District wide Carterton districtDistrict wide 2,684,833,200 2,705,131,700
South Wairarapa district District wide South Wairarapa districtDistrict wi 4,507,670,300 4,554,810,800
Tararua district District wide Tararua districtDistrict wide 10,760,500 10,673,500
Region wide 0 Region wide 119,678,968,561 141,110,137,110

Wellington city Wellington city Regional CBD Wellington cityRegional CBD 7,963,363,000 9,921,148,650
Wellington city Wellington city Business Wellington cityBusiness 3,896,130,400 4,638,515,650
Wellington city Wellington city Residential Wellington cityResidential 39,537,398,501 57,499,964,050
Wellington city Wellington city Rural Wellington cityRural 595,945,550 794,922,100
Hutt city Hutt city Business Hutt cityBusiness 3,789,029,500 3,813,013,500
Hutt city Hutt city Residential Hutt cityResidential 17,301,952,000 17,395,848,500
Hutt city Hutt city Rural Hutt cityRural 311,549,000 316,542,000
Upper Hutt city Upper Hutt city Business Upper Hutt cityBusiness 1,174,676,500 1,182,339,500
Upper Hutt city Upper Hutt city Residential Upper Hutt cityResidential 6,156,988,420 6,233,760,420
Upper Hutt city Upper Hutt city Rural Upper Hutt cityRural 854,712,340 861,586,340
Porirua city Porirua city Business Porirua cityBusiness 1,099,995,500 1,101,735,500
Porirua city Porirua city Residential Porirua cityResidential 8,551,317,050 8,642,049,050
Porirua city Porirua city Rural Porirua cityRural 625,816,700 623,527,750
Kāpiti Coast district Kāpiti Coast district Business Kāpiti Coast districtBusiness 1,479,149,500 1,476,489,000
Kāpiti Coast district Kāpiti Coast district excl Ōtaki Residential Kāpiti Coast district excl Ōtaki Resi 10,219,999,500 10,311,045,500
Kāpiti Coast district Ōtaki rating area Residential Ōtaki rating areaResidential 1,104,760,900 1,121,512,900
Kāpiti Coast district Kāpiti Coast district Rural Kāpiti Coast districtRural 1,966,405,700 1,985,010,700
Masterton district Masterton district Business Masterton districtBusiness 433,363,100 433,209,100
Masterton district Masterton district Residential Masterton districtResidential 2,604,255,800 2,678,795,300
Masterton district Masterton district Rural Masterton districtRural 2,808,895,600 2,808,505,600
Carterton district Carterton district Business Carterton districtBusiness 96,652,500 97,126,500
Carterton district Carterton district Residential Carterton districtResidential 843,913,500 858,895,500
Carterton district Carterton district Rural Carterton districtRural 1,744,267,200 1,749,109,700
South Wairarapa district South Wairarapa district Business South Wairarapa districtBusiness 206,493,600 211,288,600
South Wairarapa district South Wairarapa district Residential South Wairarapa districtResidentia 1,318,886,100 1,373,326,100
South Wairarapa district South Wairarapa district Rural South Wairarapa districtRural 2,982,290,600 2,970,196,100
Tararua district Tararua district Rural Tararua districtRural 10,760,500 10,673,500
Region wide 0 Region wide 119,678,968,561 141,110,137,110

Greytown Urban -CV 739,130,000 770,802,000

Featherston Urban - LV 162,213,500 163,379,500

437465886.xlsx Capital values 09/15/2019 02:38:49

Greater Wellington Regional Council
Analysis of Capital Value and Assessments

Capital Values Capital Values

2018/19 2019/20

Wellington city Regional CBD 7,963,363,000 9,921,148,650

Wellington city Business 3,896,130,400 4,638,515,650
Wellington city Residential 39,537,398,501 57,499,964,050

Wellington city Rural 595,945,550 794,922,100

Hutt city Business 3,789,029,500 3,813,013,500
Hutt city Residential 17,301,952,000 17,395,848,500
Hutt city Rural 311,549,000 316,542,000
Upper Hutt city Business 1,174,676,500 1,182,339,500
Upper Hutt city Residential 6,156,988,420 6,233,760,420
Upper Hutt city Rural 854,712,340 861,586,340
Porirua city Business 1,099,995,500 1,101,735,500
Porirua city Residential 8,551,317,050 8,642,049,050
Porirua city Rural 625,816,700 623,527,750
Kāpiti Coast district Business 1,479,149,500 1,476,489,000
Kāpiti Coast district Residential 10,219,999,500 10,311,045,500
Kāpiti Coast district Residential 1,104,760,900 1,121,512,900
Kāpiti Coast district Rural 1,966,405,700 1,985,010,700
Masterton district Business 433,363,100 433,209,100
Masterton district Residential 2,604,255,800 2,678,795,300
Masterton district Rural 2,808,895,600 2,808,505,600
Carterton district Business 96,652,500 97,126,500
Carterton district Residential 843,913,500 858,895,500
Carterton district Rural 1,744,267,200 1,749,109,700
South Wairarapa district Business 206,493,600 211,288,600
South Wairarapa district Residential 1,318,886,100 1,373,326,100
South Wairarapa district Rural 2,982,290,600 2,970,196,100
Tararua district Rural 10,760,500 10,673,500
Region wide 0 119,678,968,561 141,268,124,110

Greytown Urban -CV 739,130,000 770,802,000

Featherston Urban - LV 162,213,500 163,379,500

437465886.xlsx CV Analysis 09/15/2019 02:38:49

1 Wellington Regional Council
2 ESSBase values
3 All error checks ok
5 Model naming convention Essbase name Essbase name Last Year Base Current Year Base total Proposed Budget Base
6 2018/19 2019/20 2019/20 2019/20
8 General rate WRC - Mgmt General Rates 47,283,314 51,060,208 7.99% 51,860,208 - 800,000
9 Remission of rates Remission of Regional Rates 0 0 0.00% 0 -
10 Public transport rate Transport Rate 68,109,678 71,524,908 5.01% 71,524,908 -
11 River management rate River Rate 6,458,971 7,041,148 9.01% 7,041,148 -
12 Stadium purposes rate Stadium Rate 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 -
13 Wellington regional strategy rate WRS Rate 4,907,861 4,705,805 -4.12% 4,705,805 -
14 District-Wide Rates District-Wide Rates 126,759,823 134,332,069 5.97% 135,132,069 - 800,000
15 Rates penalties Rates Penalties 0 0 0.00% 0 -
16 Remission of rates penalties Remission of Rates Penalties 0 0 0.00% 0 -
17 Pest management rate Pest Rate 532,000 577,200 8.50% 577,200 -
18 River management rate - Non district wide River Mgmt Rates - Non District Wide 95,164 97,067 2.00% 97,067 -
19 Special Rates Special Rates 1,487,363 1,465,214 -1.49% 1,465,214 -
20 Total Other Rates Total Other Rates 2,114,527 2,139,481 1.18% 2,139,481 -
21 Total Regnl Rates Total Regnl Rates 128,874,350 136,471,550 5.90% 137,271,550 - 800,000
22 Bulk water levies Bulk Water Levies 33,068,898 35,081,297 6.09% 35,081,297 -
23 Total Regnl Rates & levies Total Regnl Rates & levies 161,943,248 171,552,847 5.93% 171,552,847
24 Warm Greater Wellington rate Warm Greater Wellington rate 3,237,058 3,209,151 -0.86% 3,209,151 -
25 Total Rates & Levies Total Rates & Levies 165,180,306 174,761,999 5.80% 175,561,999 - 800,000
30 Total River, Drainage etc Total River, Drainage etc
32 General Rates Te Hunga Whiriwhiri Department General Rates 1,322,265 1,481,062 12.01% 1,481,062 -
33 General Rates Managing Emergencies General Rates 1,473,477 1,538,859 4.44% 1,538,859 -
34 General Rates Rates Collection.. General Rates 0 0 0 0 -
35 General Rates Old 30000 General Rates 18,396,135 19,629,449 6.70% 19,629,449 -
36 General Rates Parks & Forests Group General Rates 5,783,726 6,332,450 9.49% 6,332,450 -
37 General Rates Wairarapa Water Use (was Env Edu) activity General Rates 423,791 173,937 -58.96% 173,937 -
38 General Rates Catchment Management (excluding forests) General Rates 22,664,845 24,013,098 5.95% 24,013,098 -
39 General Rates Strategy Group General Rates 6,358,568 6,929,810 8.98% 6,929,810 -
40 -
41 General Rates Investment Management. General Rates (9,139,493) (9,038,456) -1.11% (8,238,456) - 800,000
43 General Rates WRC - Mgmt General Rates 47,283,314 51,060,208 7.99% 51,860,208 - 800,000
45 -
51 Warm Greater Wellington rate Warm Greater Wellington management Warm Greater Wellington rate 3,237,058 3,209,151 -0.86% 3,209,151
52 External Income Warm Greater Wellington management External Income 0 0 0 0

file:///conversion/tmp/scratch/437465886.xlsx 437465886.xlsx 09/15/2019 02:38:49

Targeted Scheme Rates 2008-09

6 Dec-16 Revenue Required Class $ per Hectare Class Total Class Areas Scheme Total Var
7 Draft ex gst ex gst ex gst Hectares ex gst $ Lookup index
8 River Management Scheme
9 Waingawa 41,448 A 149.7461 5,079.55 33.9211 41,448 0 Waingawa
10 B 97.3349 12,672.27 130.1924 Waingawa
11 C 74.8730 8,548.62 114.1749 Waingawa
12 D 67.3857 157.04 2.3304 Waingawa
13 E 59.8984 10,051.35 167.8065 Waingawa
14 F 52.4111 1,360.43 25.9568 Waingawa
15 G 22.4619 1,050.74 46.7786 Waingawa
16 H 14.9746 2,527.71 168.8000 Waingawa
17 Lower Wairarapa Valley Development Scheme 784,849 A 0.2389 690,054.59 2,888,816.6567 784,849 0 Lower Wairarapa
18 Sa 19.1785 7,997.44 417.0000 Lower Wairarapa
19 Sb 38.3717 86,796.76 2,262.0000 Lower Wairarapa
20 Upper Ruamahanga 42,847 A 135.4312 12,055.97 89.0191 42,847 - 0 Upper Ruamahang
21 (Mt Bruce - Te Ore Ore) B 112.8594 744.10 6.5931 Upper Ruamahang
22 C 90.2875 11,264.66 124.7643 Upper Ruamahang
23 D 67.7156 1,192.82 17.6152 Upper Ruamahang
24 E 45.1437 13,393.29 296.6811 Upper Ruamahang
25 F 22.5719 889.85 39.4231 Upper Ruamahang
26 S 1271.7104 3,306.45 2.6000 Upper Ruamahang
27 Middle Ruamahanga 30,235 A 133.5814 5,388.83 40.3412 30,235 0 Middle Ruamahan
28 (Te Ore Ore - Gladstone) B 111.3179 6,075.68 54.5796 Middle Ruamahan
29 C 89.0543 455.36 5.1133 Middle Ruamahan
30 D 66.7907 7,561.25 113.2081 Middle Ruamahan
31 E 44.5271 1,342.68 30.1542 Middle Ruamahan
32 F 22.2636 6,582.03 295.6413 Middle Ruamahan
33 S 1347.1436 2,829.00 2.1000 Middle Ruamahan
34 Lower Ruamahanga 69,963 A 64.2708 8,064.29 125.4736 69,963 0 Lower Ruamahang
35 (Gladstone - Waiohine) B 55.0893 2,965.52 53.8311 Lower Ruamahang
36 C 45.9077 10,282.26 223.9768 Lower Ruamahang
37 D 36.7262 11,697.72 318.5119 Lower Ruamahang
38 E 27.5446 8,911.35 323.5239 Lower Ruamahang
39 F 18.3631 22,481.77 1,224.2914 Lower Ruamahang
40 SA 1611.5708 4,190.08 2.6000 Lower Ruamahang
41 SB 805.7855 1,369.84 1.7000 Lower Ruamahang
42 Waiohine Rural 94,400 A 46.7540 5,259.10 112.4845 94,400 0 Waiohine Rural
43 B 38.9440 14,916.45 383.0231 Waiohine Rural
44 C 31.1630 39,828.21 1,278.0609 Waiohine Rural
45 D 23.4040 8,695.11 371.5222 Waiohine Rural
46 E 15.6140 12,468.35 798.5366 Waiohine Rural
47 S 778.3940 13,232.70 17.0000 Waiohine Rural
48 Mangatarere 10,105 A 35.3064 757.57 21.4570 10,105 - 0 Mangatarere
49 B 33.7713 7,076.74 209.5488 Mangatarere
50 C 28.6179 451.26 15.7684 Mangatarere
51 D 25.3285 1,819.58 71.8392 Mangatarere
52 Waipoua 52,934 A 113.7080 9,949.26 87.4984 52,934 0 Waipoua
53 B 90.9664 27,319.88 300.3294 Waipoua
54 C 68.2248 1,531.76 22.4517 Waipoua
55 D 45.4832 13,518.99 297.2306 Waipoua
56 SA 3843.3292 384.33 0.1000 Waipoua
57 SC 2296.9009 229.69 0.1000 Waipoua
58 Kopuaranga 21,919 A2 122.7145 3,197.20 26.0540 21,919 0 Kopuaranga
59 A3 110.5441 7,616.88 68.9035 Kopuaranga
60 A4 61.4583 693.54 11.2847 Kopuaranga
61 A5 42.9509 2,479.30 57.7240 Kopuaranga
62 A6 24.5439 1,991.27 81.1310 Kopuaranga
63 B2 24.5439 1,503.98 61.2771 Kopuaranga
64 B3 22.0896 1,622.29 73.4413 Kopuaranga
65 B4 12.2725 113.88 9.2792 Kopuaranga
66 B5 8.5910 266.91 31.0690 Kopuaranga
67 B6 4.9094 590.42 120.2641 Kopuaranga
68 SA 153.5700 767.85 5.0000 Kopuaranga
69 SB 76.7900 1,075.06 14.0000 Kopuaranga
70 Lower Taueru 2,308 A 4.1399 1,686.75 407.4336 2,308 - 0 Lower Taueru
71 B 0.8280 233.53 282.0430 Lower Taueru
72 C 0.4140 73.76 178.1611 Lower Taueru
73 S 206.9972 314.22 1.5180 Lower Taueru
74 Lower Whangaehu 4,196 A 22.0555 736.44 33.3901 4,196 - 0 Lower Whangaehu
75 B 17.6444 1,148.35 65.0830 Lower Whangaehu
76 C 13.2333 719.95 54.4046 Lower Whangaehu
77 D 8.8222 675.51 76.5688 Lower Whangaehu
78 E 4.4111 768.60 174.2424 Lower Whangaehu
79 S 110.2777 147.43 1.3369 Lower Whangaehu
80 Catchment Schemes Lower Whangaehu
81 Awhea-Opouawe 22,344 A - 2,224.6093 22,344 0 Awhea-Opouawe
82 B - 1,956.3707 see bottom of sheet Awhea-Opouawe
83 see bottom of sheet C - 1,789.5901 Awhea-Opouawe
84 D - 685.6269 Awhea-Opouawe
85 E - 31,708.3607 Awhea-Opouawe
86 F - 3,356.5217 Awhea-Opouawe
87 SA - 0.6500 Awhea-Opouawe
88 SB - 0.2100 Awhea-Opouawe
89 Whareama 19,016 A 4.4592 3,190.05 715.3860 19,016 - 0 Whareama
90 B 1.7189 1,637.39 952.5649 Whareama
91 C 0.3009 13,711.45 45,575.1200 Whareama
92 D 0.2578 - - Whareama
93 E 0.2149 3.31 15.4025 Whareama
94 F 0.1718 474.18 2,759.4845 Whareama
95 Homewood 11,566 A 1.9700 4,520.63 2,294.7336 11,566 - 0 Homewood
96 B 1.7106 945.00 552.4321 Homewood
97 C 1.5598 5,712.73 3,662.4739 Homewood
98 D 0.2230 387.88 1,739.3936 Homewood
99 Mataikona-Whakataki 6,553 A - 4,067.5168 6,553 - 0 Mataikona-Whakat
100 B - 7,767.2790 see bottom of sheet Mataikona-Whakat
101 see bottom of sheet C - 11,511.3636 Mataikona-Whakat
102 S - 12.2000 Mataikona-Whakat
103 Maungaraki 6,835 A - 3,305.4718 6,835 - 0 Maungaraki
104 B - 2,971.2169 see bottom of sheet Maungaraki
105 C - Maungaraki
106 Upper Kaiwhata 2,444 A 9.8000 319.62 32.6141 2,444 0 Upper Kaiwhata
107 B 4.2000 220.95 52.6078 Upper Kaiwhata
108 C 0.6200 594.08 958.1926 Upper Kaiwhata
109 D 0.3900 800.54 2,052.6787 Upper Kaiwhata
110 E 0.2700 443.13 1,641.2220 Upper Kaiwhata
111 F 0.1450 65.60 452.4160 Upper Kaiwhata
112 Lower Kaiwhata 4,203 A 16.1900 743.62 45.9308 4,203 0 Lower Kaiwhata
113 B 7.1000 315.29 44.4068 Lower Kaiwhata
114 C 1.0190 1,180.67 1,158.6409 Lower Kaiwhata
115 D 0.6386 1,889.63 2,959.1412 Lower Kaiwhata
116 E - - Lower Kaiwhata
117 F 0.2118 73.78 348.3082 Lower Kaiwhata
118 Pump Drainage
119 Te Hopai 46,304 A 37.1440 46,304.35 1,246.6173 46,304 - 0 Te Hopai
120 Moonmoot Pump 20,294 A 89.1150 20,293.52 227.7228 20,294 0 Moonmoot Pump
121 Onoke Pump 42,767 A 59.9460 42,767.13 713.4276 42,767 - 0 Onoke Pump
122 Pouawha Pump 85,499 A 90.4270 85,498.75 945.5002 85,499 0 Pouawha Pump
123 Gravity Drainage
124 Okawa 2,016 A 7.1472 2,015.53 282.0011 2,015.53 0 Okawa
125 Taumata 1,871 A 6.4381 1,870.68 290.5627 1,870.68 0 Taumata
126 East Pukio 3,213 A 28.2951 3,213.00 113.5531 3,213.00 0 East Pukio
127 Longbush 4,516 A 16.0696 3,505.52 218.1463 4,515.54 0 Longbush
128 B 8.0348 1,010.02 125.7044 - Longbush
129 Otahoua 3,060 A 33.0045 3,060.00 92.7144 3,060.00 0 Otahoua
130 Te Whiti 1,375 A 9.7325 1,374.95 141.2740 1,374.95 0 Te Whiti
131 Ahikouka 3,109 A 27.7097 3,109.24 112.2075 3,109.24 - 0 Ahikouka
132 Battersea 10,539 A 15.3380 2,587.55 168.7012 10,538.64 0 Battersea
133 B 12.6743 2,476.06 195.3607 Battersea
134 C 9.9190 3,154.35 318.0113 Battersea
135 D 5.9968 915.93 152.7372 Battersea
136 E 5.1286 1,040.56 202.8948 Battersea
137 F 5.1704 364.19 70.4383 Battersea
138 Manaia 4,048 A 23.2079 4,048.39 174.4403 4,048.39 - 1 Manaia
139 Whakawiriwiri 8,438 A 11.7059 8,438.48 720.8720 8,438.48 - 1 Whakawiriwiri
140 Total Scheme Rates 1,465,213.40 1,465,213.40 1,465,213.40 0
141 Checks OK OK OK
145 Revised
146 Catchment Schemes $GST Excl Rate Base 67,774,000
147 Awhea-Opouawe Catchment Scheme 22,344 land value $67,774,000 x 0.01553 cents 10,523 0.0155266031 Shirley Long:
has changed in cents form in
148 charge per dwelling $114.54 / $57.27 11,821 10523
149 22,344
land value within
Mataikona Whakataki Catchment Scheme 6,553 scheme area $74,213,500 x 0.005234897 cents 3,885 74,213,500
152 charge per dwelling $15.30 2,668 0.005234897
153 6,553 3,885.00
155 Maungaraki Catchment Scheme 6,835 Class A 0.99 3,305.4718 3,272
156 Class B 0.49 2,971.2169 1,456
157 Charge per dwelling 22.18 19.0000 421
158 River frontage 0.035 47,619.0000 1,686

Greater Wellington - Catchment Management Page 26 09/15/2019

Wellington Regional Council
General rate 2019/20
Printed: 9/15/2019
All error checks ok

CV ECV 2019/20 General Rate Rates sought

$ $ $ Cents per $

Wellington city 72,854,550,450 75,455,676,789 25,017,891 0.03434
Hutt city 21,525,404,000 25,948,841,908 8,603,531 0.03997
Upper Hutt city 8,277,686,260 10,227,471,419 3,390,994 0.04097
Porirua city 10,367,312,300 12,394,413,502 4,109,460 0.03964
Kāpiti Coast district 14,894,058,100 15,832,984,916 5,249,544 0.03525
Masterton district 5,920,510,000 6,364,119,819 2,110,071 0.03564
Carterton district 2,705,131,700 2,918,440,673 967,631 0.03577
South Wairarapa district 4,554,810,800 4,847,300,360 1,607,158 0.03528
Tararua district 10,673,500 11,845,350 3,927 0.03680
Region wide 141,110,137,110 154,001,094,737 51,060,208 0.03618

CV ECV differetial ECV multiplied General rate Rates sought

Wellington city differentials $ $ $ $ Cents/$
Wellington cityRegional CBD 9,921,148,650 10,275,363,464 1.70 17,468,117,889 5,197,017 0.05238
Wellington cityBusiness 4,638,515,650 4,804,124,595 1.30 6,245,361,973 1,858,085 0.04006
Wellington cityResidential 57,499,964,050 59,552,885,522 1 59,552,885,522 17,717,843 0.03081
Wellington cityRural 794,922,100 823,303,207 1 823,303,207 244,945 0.03081
Total Upper Hut city 72,854,550,450 75,455,676,789 84,089,668,592.55730 25,017,891 0.03434

Upper Hut breakdown

Trentham Military Camp 87,721,000 28,718 0.03274
Rest of Upper Hutt city 8,189,965,260 3,362,276 0.04105
Total Upper Hut city 8,277,686,260 3,390,994 0.04097

Check Upper Hutt total OK OK

Check totals OK OK OK

Prepared by Finance 09/15/2019 Page 27

Wellington Regional Council
River management rate 2019/20
Printed: 9/15/2019
All error checks ok

River management
CV rate
$ $

Wellington city 72,854,550,450 63,804
Hutt city 21,525,404,000 4,675,267
Upper Hutt city 8,277,686,260 806,234
Porirua city 10,367,312,300 48,239
Kāpiti Coast district 14,894,058,100 1,423,425
Masterton district 5,920,510,000 0
Carterton district 2,705,131,700 24,179
South Wairarapa district 4,554,810,800 0
Tararua district 10,673,500 0
Region wide 141,110,137,110 7,041,148

Upper Hut breakdown

Trentham Military Camp 87,721,000 6,828
Rest of Upper Hutt city 8,189,965,260 799,406
Total Upper Hut city 8,277,686,260 806,234

Non district wide

Greytown River Management Rate 770,802,000 94,400
Donalds Creek Stopbank River Management Rate 163,379,500 2,667
Total non-district wide rates 97,067

Check Upper Hutt total OK OK

Check Non district Wide total OK
Check totals OK OK
Rates sought

Cents per $



Wellington Regional Council
Stadium purposes rate 2019/20
Printed: 9/15/2019
All error checks ok

TA full name Rating area Category group Concatenated name Allocation 2019/20 CV Stadium purposes rate Rates sought

0 0 0 % $ $ Cents per $

Wellington city District wide Wellington cityDistrict wide 59.40% 72,854,550,450 0
Hutt city District wide Hutt cityDistrict wide 19.52% 21,525,404,000 0
Upper Hutt city District wide Upper Hutt cityDistrict wide 5.26% 8,277,686,260 0
Porirua city District wide Porirua cityDistrict wide 7.18% 10,367,312,300 0
Kāpiti Coast district District wide Kāpiti Coast districtDistrict wide 4.84% 14,894,058,100 0
Masterton district District wide Masterton districtDistrict wide 2.00% 5,920,510,000 0
Carterton district District wide Carterton districtDistrict wide 0.70% 2,705,131,700 0
South Wairarapa district District wide South Wairarapa districtDistrict wide 1.10% 4,554,810,800 0
Tararua district District wide Tararua districtDistrict wide 0.00% 10,673,500 0
Region wide 100.00% 141,110,137,110 0

By TA & Category
Wellington city Wellington city Regional CBD Wellington cityRegional CBD 14.00% 9,921,148,650 0 0.00000
Wellington city Wellington city Business Wellington cityBusiness 6.55% 4,638,515,650 0 0.00000
Wellington city Wellington city Residential Wellington cityResidential 38.56% 57,499,964,050 0 0.00000
Wellington city Wellington city Rural Wellington cityRural 0.29% 794,922,100 0 0.00000
Hutt city Hutt city Business Hutt cityBusiness 5.09% 3,813,013,500 0 0.00000
Hutt city Hutt city Residential Hutt cityResidential 14.20% 17,395,848,500 0 0.00000
Hutt city Hutt city Rural Hutt cityRural 0.23% 316,542,000 0 0.00000
Upper Hutt city Upper Hutt city Business Upper Hutt cityBusiness 0.79% 1,182,339,500 0 0.00000
Upper Hutt city Upper Hutt city Residential Upper Hutt cityResidential 4.27% 6,233,760,420 0 0.00000
Upper Hutt city Upper Hutt city Rural Upper Hutt cityRural 0.20% 861,586,340 0 0.00000
Porirua city Porirua city Business Porirua cityBusiness 1.24% 1,101,735,500 0 0.00000
Porirua city Porirua city Residential Porirua cityResidential 5.80% 8,642,049,050 0 0.00000
Porirua city Porirua city Rural Porirua cityRural 0.14% 623,527,750 0 0.00000
Kāpiti Coast district Kāpiti Coast district Business Kāpiti Coast districtBusiness 0.50% 1,476,489,000 0 0.00000
Kāpiti Coast district Kāpiti Coast district excl Ōtaki Residential Kāpiti Coast district excl Ōtaki Residentia 3.52% 10,311,045,500 0 0.00000
Kāpiti Coast district Ōtaki rating area Residential Ōtaki rating areaResidential 0.38% 1,121,512,900 0 0.00000
Kāpiti Coast district Kāpiti Coast district Rural Kāpiti Coast districtRural 0.43% 1,985,010,700 0 0.00000
Masterton district Masterton district Business Masterton districtBusiness 0.20% 433,209,100 0 0.00000
Masterton district Masterton district Residential Masterton districtResidential 1.27% 2,678,795,300 0 0.00000
Masterton district Masterton district Rural Masterton districtRural 0.53% 2,808,505,600 0 0.00000
Carterton district Carterton district Business Carterton districtBusiness 0.04% 97,126,500 0 0.00000
Carterton district Carterton district Residential Carterton districtResidential 0.35% 858,895,500 0 0.00000
Carterton district Carterton district Rural Carterton districtRural 0.31% 1,749,109,700 0 0.00000
South Wairarapa district South Wairarapa district Business South Wairarapa districtBusiness 0.10% 211,288,600 0 0.00000
South Wairarapa district South Wairarapa district Residential South Wairarapa districtResidential 0.62% 1,373,326,100 0 0.00000
South Wairarapa district South Wairarapa district Rural South Wairarapa districtRural 0.38% 2,970,196,100 0 0.00000
Tararua district Tararua district Rural Tararua districtRural 0.00% 10,673,500 0 0.00000
Region wide 100.00% 141,110,137,110 0

Upper Hut breakdown

Upper Hutt city Trentham Military Camp Business Trentham Military CampBusiness 0.05% 56,325,000 0 0.00000
Upper Hutt city Rest of Upper Hutt City Business Rest of Upper Hutt CityBusiness 0.74% 1,126,014,500 0 0.00000
Upper Hutt city Trentham Military Camp Residential Trentham Military CampResidential 0.01% 26,720,000 0 0.00000
Upper Hutt city Rest of Upper Hutt City Residential Rest of Upper Hutt CityResidential 4.26% 6,207,040,420 0 0.00000
Upper Hutt city Trentham Military Camp Rural Trentham Military CampRural 0.00% 4,676,000 0 0.00000
Upper Hutt city Rest of Upper Hutt City Rural Rest of Upper Hutt CityRural 0.20% 856,910,340 0 0.00000
Total 5.26% 8,277,686,260 0

Check Upper Hutt total OK OK OK

Check TA totals OK OK OK
Check category totals OK OK OK
Category matches TA OK OK

Prepared by Finance 09/15/2019 Page 30


Wellington Regional Council

Wellington regional strategy rate 2019/20
Printed: 9/15/2019
All error checks ok

TA full name Rating area Category group Concatenated name

0 0 0

Wellington city District wide Wellington cityDistrict wide
Hutt city District wide Hutt cityDistrict wide
Upper Hutt city District wide Upper Hutt cityDistrict wide
Porirua city District wide Porirua cityDistrict wide
Kāpiti Coast district District wide Kāpiti Coast districtDistrict wide
Masterton district District wide Masterton districtDistrict wide
Carterton district District wide Carterton districtDistrict wide
South Wairarapa district District wide South Wairarapa districtDistrict wide
Tararua district District wide Tararua districtDistrict wide
Region wide

By TA & Category
Wellington city Wellington city Regional CBD Wellington cityRegional CBD
Wellington city Wellington city Business Wellington cityBusiness
Wellington city Wellington city Residential Wellington cityResidential
Wellington city Wellington city Rural Wellington cityRural
Hutt city Hutt city Business Hutt cityBusiness
Hutt city Hutt city Residential Hutt cityResidential
Hutt city Hutt city Rural Hutt cityRural
Upper Hutt city Upper Hutt city Business Upper Hutt cityBusiness
Upper Hutt city Upper Hutt city Residential Upper Hutt cityResidential
Upper Hutt city Upper Hutt city Rural Upper Hutt cityRural
Porirua city Porirua city Business Porirua cityBusiness
Porirua city Porirua city Residential Porirua cityResidential
Porirua city Porirua city Rural Porirua cityRural
Kāpiti Coast district Kāpiti Coast district Business Kāpiti Coast districtBusiness
Kāpiti Coast district Kāpiti Coast district excl Ōtaki Residential Kāpiti Coast district excl Ōtaki Residential
Kāpiti Coast district Ōtaki rating area Residential Ōtaki rating areaResidential
Kāpiti Coast district Kāpiti Coast district Rural Kāpiti Coast districtRural
Masterton district Masterton district Business Masterton districtBusiness
Masterton district Masterton district Residential Masterton districtResidential
Masterton district Masterton district Rural Masterton districtRural
Carterton district Carterton district Business Carterton districtBusiness
Carterton district Carterton district Residential Carterton districtResidential
Carterton district Carterton district Rural Carterton districtRural
South Wairarapa district South Wairarapa district Business South Wairarapa districtBusiness
South Wairarapa district South Wairarapa district Residential South Wairarapa districtResidential
South Wairarapa district South Wairarapa district Rural South Wairarapa districtRural
Tararua district Tararua district Rural Tararua districtRural
Region wide

Page 31
Public transport
1 Wellington Regional Council
2 Public transport rate 2019/20
3 Printed: 9/15/2019
4 All error checks ok

6 TA full name Category group Concatenated row CV ECV Differential ECV multiplied Public transport rate Rates sought

7 $ $ # # $ Cents/$
9 By TA
10 Wellington city District wide Wellington cityDistrict wide 72,854,550,450 75,455,676,789 43,157,346
11 Hutt city District wide Hutt cityDistrict wide 21,525,404,000 25,948,841,908 11,958,635
12 Upper Hutt city District wide Upper Hutt cityDistrict wide 8,277,686,260 10,227,471,419 4,781,090
13 Porirua city District wide Porirua cityDistrict wide 10,367,312,300 12,394,413,502 6,119,371
14 Kāpiti Coast district District wide Kāpiti Coast districtDistrict wide 14,894,058,100 15,832,984,916 4,093,798
15 Masterton district District wide Masterton districtDistrict wide 5,920,510,000 6,364,119,819 566,677
16 Carterton district District wide Carterton districtDistrict wide 2,705,131,700 2,918,440,673 287,413
17 South Wairarapa district District wide South Wairarapa districtDistrict wide 4,554,810,800 4,847,300,360 560,578
18 Tararua district District wide Tararua districtDistrict wide 10,673,500 11,845,350 0
19 Region wide 141,110,137,110 154,001,094,737 71,524,908
22 By TA & Category
23 Wellington city Wellington city Regional CBD Wellington cityRegional CBD 9,921,148,650 10,275,363,464 6.83 70,168,437,172 25,071,881 0.25271
24 Wellington city Wellington city Business Wellington cityBusiness 4,638,515,650 4,804,124,595 0.91 4,359,013,553 1,557,519 0.03358
25 Wellington city Wellington city Residential Wellington cityResidential 57,499,964,050 59,552,885,522 0.77 46,094,815,644 16,470,136 0.02864
26 Wellington city Wellington city Rural Wellington cityRural 794,922,100 823,303,207 0.20 161,794,570 57,811 0.00727
27 Hutt city Hutt city Business Hutt cityBusiness 3,813,013,500 4,596,581,997 1.41 6,497,523,714 2,321,630 0.06089
28 Hutt city Hutt city Residential Hutt cityResidential 17,395,848,500 20,970,669,010 1.28 26,847,115,094 9,592,741 0.05514
29 Hutt city Hutt city Rural Hutt cityRural 316,542,000 381,590,901 0.32 123,880,514 44,264 0.01398
30 Upper Hutt city Upper Hutt city Business Upper Hutt cityBusiness 1,182,339,500 1,460,836,164 1.53 2,236,819,322 799,238 0.06760
31 Upper Hutt city Upper Hutt city Residential Upper Hutt cityResidential 6,233,760,420 7,702,104,734 1.40 10,766,446,862 3,846,959 0.06171
32 Upper Hutt city Upper Hutt city Rural Upper Hutt cityRural 861,586,340 1,064,530,521 0.35 377,525,604 134,894 0.01566
33 Porirua city Porirua city Business Porirua cityBusiness 1,101,735,500 1,317,155,784 1.57 2,061,619,536 736,637 0.06686
34 Porirua city Porirua city Residential Porirua cityResidential 8,642,049,050 10,331,812,753 1.43 14,793,835,571 5,285,985 0.06117
35 Porirua city Porirua city Rural Porirua cityRural 623,527,750 745,444,966 0.36 270,771,300 96,749 0.01552
36 Kāpiti Coast district Kāpiti Coast district Business Kāpiti Coast districtBusiness 1,476,489,000 1,569,567,401 0.94 1,469,090,571 524,921 0.03555
37 Kāpiti Coast district Kāpiti Coast district excl Ōtaki Residential Kāpiti Coast district excl Ōtaki Residential 10,311,045,500 10,961,057,542 0.80 8,797,904,313 3,143,579 0.03049
38 Kāpiti Coast district Ōtaki rating area Residential Ōtaki rating areaResidential 1,121,512,900 1,192,213,479 0.64 758,229,151 270,923 0.02416
39 Kāpiti Coast district Kāpiti Coast district Rural Kāpiti Coast districtRural 1,985,010,700 2,110,146,493 0.20 432,051,193 154,376 0.00778
40 Masterton district Masterton district Business Masterton districtBusiness 433,209,100 465,668,434 0.50 232,519,867 83,082 0.01918
41 Masterton district Masterton district Residential Masterton districtResidential 2,678,795,300 2,879,511,100 0.33 957,893,215 342,265 0.01278
42 Masterton district Masterton district Rural Masterton districtRural 2,808,505,600 3,018,940,286 0.13 395,539,542 141,330 0.00503
43 Carterton district Carterton district Business Carterton districtBusiness 97,126,500 104,785,260 0.63 66,133,619 23,630 0.02433
44 Carterton district Carterton district Residential Carterton districtResidential 858,895,500 926,622,375 0.46 430,386,518 153,781 0.01790
45 Carterton district Carterton district Rural Carterton districtRural 1,749,109,700 1,887,033,038 0.16 307,859,119 110,001 0.00629
46 South Wairarapa district South Wairarapa district Business South Wairarapa districtBusiness 211,288,600 224,856,608 0.73 163,433,237 58,396 0.02764
47 South Wairarapa district South Wairarapa district Residential South Wairarapa districtResidential 1,373,326,100 1,461,514,954 0.56 818,691,694 292,527 0.02130
48 South Wairarapa district South Wairarapa district Rural South Wairarapa districtRural 2,970,196,100 3,160,928,797 0.19 586,758,485 209,655 0.00706
49 Tararua district Tararua district Rural Tararua districtRural 10,673,500 11,845,350 0.00 0 0 0.00000
50 Region wide 141,110,137,110 154,001,094,737 200,176,088,981 71,524,908

Page 32
Targeted Rates - Rateable Scheme Areas and Revenue 2008/09

Wellington Regional Council

Pest management rate 2019/20
Printed: 9/15/2019
All error checks ok

TA full name Area ha $ per Hectare Pest management rate

# $ Cents per $

Wellington city 16,197 $ 0.9580 $ 15,516
Hutt city 15,091 $ 0.9580 $ 14,457
Upper Hutt city 54,346 $ 0.9580 $ 52,062
Porirua city 12,639 $ 0.9580 $ 12,108
Kāpiti Coast district 29,021 $ 0.9580 $ 27,801
Masterton district 206,574 $ 0.9580 $ 197,893
Carterton district 85,879 $ 0.9580 $ 82,270
South Wairarapa district 177,467 $ 0.9580 $ 170,009
Tararua district 5,306 $ 0.9580 $ 5,083
Region wide 602,521 $ 0.96 $ 577,200

Check OK OK

GWRC Page 33 09/15/2019

Wellington Regional Council
Water supply levy 2019/20
Printed : 9/15/2019
All error checks ok

Share Bulk Water Levies

% $

Wellington city 52.03% 18,253,886
Hutt city 26.42% 9,269,729
Upper Hutt city 9.77% 3,428,150
Porirua city 11.77% 4,129,531
Kāpiti Coast district 0.00% 0
Masterton district 0.00% 0
Carterton district 0.00% 0
South Wairarapa district 0.00% 0
Tararua district 0.00% 0
Region wide 100.00% 35,081,297

Checks OK OK

Prepared by Finance 09/15/2019 Page 34

Comparison of proposed vs current
All error checks ok

2018/19 rates

Wellington Upper Hutt

city Hutt city city Porirua city
General rate 23,048,092 8,059,093 3,064,993 3,819,283
Remission of rates 0 0 0 0
Public transport rate 40,924,832 11,715,213 4,597,306 6,086,081
River management rate 42,679 4,356,562 667,062 33,588
Stadium purposes rate 0 0 0 0
Wellington regional strategy rate 2,351,472 883,091 351,107 362,532
District-Wide Rates ### ### 8,680,468 ###
Rates Penalties 0 0 0 0
Remission of Rates Penalties 0 0 0 0
Pest management rate 29,520 13,503 47,091 10,279
River management rate - Non district wide 0 0 0 0
Special rates 0 0 0 0
Total Other Rates 29,520 13,503 47,091 10,279
Total Regnl Rates ### ### 8,727,560 ###
Bulk Water Levies 17,696,562 8,206,340 3,317,567 3,848,429
Total Regnl Rates & levies ### ### ### ###
Warm Greater Wellington rate
Total Rates & Levies ### ### ### ###

2019/20 rates

Wellington Upper Hutt

city Hutt city city Porirua city
General rate 25,017,891 8,603,531 3,390,994 4,109,460
Remission of rates 0 0 0 0
Public transport rate 43,157,346 11,958,635 4,781,090 6,119,371
River management rate 63,804 4,675,267 806,234 48,239
Stadium purposes rate 0 0 0 0
Wellington regional strategy rate 2,166,329 870,714 352,101 360,222
District-Wide Rates ### ### 9,330,420 ###
Rates Penalties 0 0 0 0
Remission of Rates Penalties 0 0 0 0
Pest management rate 15,516 14,457 52,062 12,108
River management rate - Non district wide 0 0 0 0
Special Rates 0 0 0 0
Total Other Rates 15,516 14,457 52,062 12,108
Total Regnl Rates ### ### 9,382,482 ###
Bulk Water Levies 18,253,886 9,269,729 3,428,150 4,129,531
Total Regnl Rates & levies ### ### ### ###
Warm Greater Wellington rate
Total Rates & Levies ### ### ### ###


Wellington Upper Hutt

city Hutt city city Porirua city
General rate 1,969,798 544,438 326,001 290,177
Remission of rates 0 0 0 0
Public transport rate 2,232,514 243,422 183,784 33,290
River management rate 21,125 318,705 139,172 14,651
Stadium purposes rate 0 Shirley Long:
0 0 0
was due to
Wellington regional strategy rate (185,143) (12,378) 994 (2,310)
1. decrease in overall WRS
District-Wide Rates 4,038,295 1,094,187
rates budget 649,951 335,808
Rates Penalties 0 0 in both % of busi
2. decrease 0 0
Remission of Rates Penalties 0 ECV(CBD+other
0 busi)to reginal
0 0
Shirley Long:
busi reduced
Pest management rate (14,003) 954 4,971 1,829
updated ha for pest control, ha
River management rate - Non district wide 0 drop more0than half in WCC 0 0
Special Rates 0 0 0 0
Total Other Rates (14,003) 954 4,971 1,829
Total Regnl Rates 4,024,291 1,095,141 654,922 337,637
Bulk Water Levies 557,324 1,063,389 110,583 281,102
Total Regnl Rates & levies 4,581,616 2,158,530 765,506 618,739
Warm Greater Wellington rate 0 0 0 0
Total Rates & Levies 4,581,616 2,158,530 765,506 618,739

Kāpiti Coast Masterton Carterton South Wairarapa Tararua

district District District District District Other
4,904,933 1,968,728 907,437 1,508,401 2,353 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
3,594,211 437,394 249,139 505,501 0 0
1,335,375 0 23,705 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
485,530 243,888 90,214 139,774 252 0
### 2,650,009 1,270,496 2,153,676 2,605 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
25,316 179,613 67,704 154,373 4,601 0
0 0 0 95,164 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1,487,363
25,316 179,613 67,704 249,537 4,601 1,487,363
### 2,829,622 1,338,200 2,403,213 7,206 1,487,363
0 0 0 0 0 0
### 2,829,622 1,338,200 2,403,213 7,206 1,487,363
### 2,829,622 1,338,200 2,403,213 7,206 4,724,421


Kāpiti Coast Masterton Carterton South Wairarapa Tararua

district District District district District Other
5,249,544 2,110,071 967,631 1,607,158 3,927 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
4,093,798 566,677 287,413 560,578 0 0
1,423,425 0 24,179 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
481,131 244,700 89,350 141,005 252 0
### 2,921,448 1,368,573 2,308,741 4,179 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
27,801 197,893 82,270 170,009 5,083 0
0 0 0 97,067 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1,465,213
27,801 197,893 82,270 267,076 5,083 1,465,213
### 3,119,342 1,450,842 2,575,817.1023 9,263 1,465,213
0 0 0 0 0 0
### 3,119,342 1,450,842 2,575,817 9,263 1,465,213
### 3,119,342 1,450,842 2,575,817 9,263 4,674,365


Kāpiti Coast Masterton Carterton South Wairarapa Tararua

district District District District District Other
344,611 141,343 60,194 98,758 1,574 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
499,588 129,283 38,273 55,076 0 0
88,050 0 474 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
Shirley Long:
(4,399) 813 (864) 1,231 0 0
was due to
927,850 271,439
1. 98,077
decrease in overall WRS 155,065 1,574 0
0 0
rates budget 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
2,485 18,281 14,565 15,636 482 0
0 0 0 1,903 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 (22,150)
2,485 18,281 14,565 17,539 482 (22,150)
930,335 289,720 112,642 172,604 2,057 (22,150)
0 0 0 0 0 0
930,335 289,720 112,642 172,604 2,057 (22,150)
0 0 0 0 0 (27,907)
930,335 289,720 112,642 172,604 2,057 (50,056)
Region wide
47,283,314 OK
0 OK
68,109,678 OK
6,458,971 OK
0 OK
4,907,861 OK
126,759,823 OK
0 OK
0 OK
532,000 OK
95,164 OK
1,487,363 OK
2,114,527 OK
128,874,350 OK
33,068,898 OK
161,943,248 OK
3,237,058 OK
165,180,306 OK

Region wide
51,060,208 OK
0 OK
71,524,908 OK
7,041,148 OK
0 OK
4,705,805 OK
134,332,069 OK
0 OK
0 OK
577,200 OK
97,067 OK
1,465,214 OK
2,139,481 OK
136,471,550 OK
35,081,297 OK
171,552,847 OK
3,209,151 OK
174,761,999 OK

Region wide
3,776,894 OK
0 OK
3,415,230 OK
582,177 OK
0 OK
(202,056) OK
7,572,246 OK
0 OK
0 OK
45,200 OK
1,903 OK
(22,149) OK
24,954 OK
7,597,200 OK
2,012,399 OK
9,609,599 OK
(27,907) OK
9,581,692 OK
Comparison of proposed vs current
All error checks ok

2018/19 rates

TA full name Rating area Category group

Wellington city District wide
Hutt city District wide
Upper Hutt city District wide
Porirua city District wide
Kāpiti Coast district District wide
Masterton district District wide
Carterton district District wide
South Wairarapa district District wide
Tararua district District wide
Region wide 0

By TA & Category
Wellington city Wellington city Regional CBD
Wellington city Wellington city Business
Wellington city Wellington city Residential
Wellington city Wellington city Rural
Hutt city Hutt city Business
Hutt city Hutt city Residential
Hutt city Hutt city Rural
Upper Hutt city Upper Hutt city Business
Upper Hutt city Upper Hutt city Residential
Upper Hutt city Upper Hutt city Rural
Porirua city Porirua city Business
Porirua city Porirua city Residential
Porirua city Porirua city Rural
Kāpiti Coast district Kāpiti Coast district Business
Kāpiti Coast district Kāpiti Coast district excl Ōtaki Residential
Kāpiti Coast district Ōtaki rating area Residential
Kāpiti Coast district Kāpiti Coast district Rural
Masterton district Masterton district Business
Masterton district Masterton district Residential
Masterton district Masterton district Rural
Carterton district Carterton district Business
Carterton district Carterton district Residential
Carterton district Carterton district Rural
South Wairarapa district South Wairarapa district Business
South Wairarapa district South Wairarapa district Residential
South Wairarapa district South Wairarapa district Rural
Tararua district Tararua district Rural
Region wide 0

By category
Region Wide Regional CBD
Region Wide Business
Region Wide Residential
Region Wide Rural
Region Wide Total

2019/20 rates

TA full name Rating area Category group

Wellington city District wide
Hutt city District wide
Upper Hutt city District wide
Porirua city District wide
Kāpiti Coast district District wide
Masterton district District wide
Carterton district District wide
South Wairarapa district District wide
Tararua district District wide
Region wide

By TA & Category
Wellington city Wellington city Regional CBD
Wellington city Wellington city Business
Wellington city Wellington city Residential
Wellington city Wellington city Rural
Hutt city Hutt city Business
Hutt city Hutt city Residential
Hutt city Hutt city Rural
Upper Hutt city Upper Hutt city Business
Upper Hutt city Upper Hutt city Residential
Upper Hutt city Upper Hutt city Rural
Porirua city Porirua city Business
Porirua city Porirua city Residential
Porirua city Porirua city Rural
Kāpiti Coast district Kāpiti Coast district Business
Kāpiti Coast district Kāpiti Coast district excl Ōtaki Residential
Kāpiti Coast district Ōtaki rating area Residential
Kāpiti Coast district Kāpiti Coast district Rural
Masterton district Masterton district Business
Masterton district Masterton district Residential
Masterton district Masterton district Rural
Carterton district Carterton district Business
Carterton district Carterton district Residential
Carterton district Carterton district Rural
South Wairarapa district South Wairarapa district Business
South Wairarapa district South Wairarapa district Residential
South Wairarapa district South Wairarapa district Rural
Tararua district Tararua district Rural
Region wide

By category
Region Wide Regional CBD
Region Wide Business
Region Wide Residential
Region Wide Rural
Region Wide Total


TA full name Rating area Category group

Wellington city District wide
Hutt city District wide
Upper Hutt city District wide
Porirua city District wide
Kāpiti Coast district District wide
Masterton district District wide
Carterton district District wide
South Wairarapa district District wide
Tararua district District wide
Region wide
By TA & Category
Wellington city Wellington city Regional CBD
Wellington city Wellington city Business
Wellington city Wellington city Residential
Wellington city Wellington city Rural
Hutt city Hutt city Business
Hutt city Hutt city Residential
Hutt city Hutt city Rural
Upper Hutt city Upper Hutt city Business
Upper Hutt city Upper Hutt city Residential
Upper Hutt city Upper Hutt city Rural
Porirua city Porirua city Business
Porirua city Porirua city Residential
Porirua city Porirua city Rural
Kāpiti Coast district Kāpiti Coast district Business
Kāpiti Coast district Kāpiti Coast district excl Ōtaki Residential
Kāpiti Coast district Ōtaki rating area Residential
Kāpiti Coast district Kāpiti Coast district Rural
Masterton district Masterton district Business
Masterton district Masterton district Residential
Masterton district Masterton district Rural
Carterton district Carterton district Business
Carterton district Carterton district Residential
Carterton district Carterton district Rural
South Wairarapa district South Wairarapa district Business
South Wairarapa district South Wairarapa district Residential
South Wairarapa district South Wairarapa district Rural
Tararua district Tararua district Rural
Region wide

By category
Region Wide Regional CBD
Region Wide Business
Region Wide Residential
Region Wide Rural
Region Wide Total
Concatenated name CV CV Assessments Average CV

Wellington cityDistrict wide 51,992,837,451 77,369 672,011

Hutt cityDistrict wide 21,402,530,500 39,287 544,774
Upper Hutt cityDistrict wide 8,186,377,260 16,792 487,517
Porirua cityDistrict wide 10,277,129,250 18,675 550,315
Kāpiti Coast districtDistrict wide 14,770,315,600 25,013 590,506
Masterton districtDistrict wide 5,846,514,500 12,342 473,709
Carterton districtDistrict wide 2,684,833,200 4,662 575,897
South Wairarapa districtDistrict wide 4,507,670,300 6,657 677,132
Tararua districtDistrict wide 10,760,500 10 1,076,050
Region wide 119,678,968,561 200,807 595,990

Wellington cityRegional CBD 7,963,363,000 3,381 2,355,328

Wellington cityBusiness 3,896,130,400 1,899 2,051,675
Wellington cityResidential 39,537,398,501 71,308 554,460
Wellington cityRural 595,945,550 781 763,054
Hutt cityBusiness 3,789,029,500 2,371 1,598,072
Hutt cityResidential 17,301,952,000 36,436 474,859
Hutt cityRural 311,549,000 480 649,060
Upper Hutt cityBusiness 1,174,676,500 716 1,640,610
Upper Hutt cityResidential 6,156,988,420 14,823 415,367
Upper Hutt cityRural 854,712,340 1,253 682,133
Porirua cityBusiness 1,099,995,500 797 1,380,170
Porirua cityResidential 8,551,317,050 17,255 495,585
Porirua cityRural 625,816,700 623 1,004,521
Kāpiti Coast districtBusiness 1,479,149,500 1,334 1,108,808
Kāpiti Coast district excl Ōtaki Residential 10,219,999,500 17,885 571,429
Ōtaki rating areaResidential 1,104,760,900 3,151 350,606
Kāpiti Coast districtRural 1,966,405,700 2,643 744,005
Masterton districtBusiness 433,363,100 550 787,933
Masterton districtResidential 2,604,255,800 7,912 329,153
Masterton districtRural 2,808,895,600 3,880 723,942
Carterton districtBusiness 96,652,500 227 425,782
Carterton districtResidential 843,913,500 2,392 352,807
Carterton districtRural 1,744,267,200 2,043 853,777
South Wairarapa districtBusiness 206,493,600 304 679,255
South Wairarapa districtResidential 1,318,886,100 3,229 408,450
South Wairarapa districtRural 2,982,290,600 3,124 954,638
Tararua districtRural 10,760,500 10 1,076,050
Region wide 119,678,968,561 200,807 595,990

Region WideRegional CBD 7,963,363,000 3,381 2,355,328

Region WideBusiness 12,175,490,600 8,198 1,485,178
Region WideResidential 87,639,471,771 174,391 502,546
Region WideRural 11,900,643,190 14,837 802,092
Region WideTotal 119,678,968,561 200,807 595,990


Concatenated name CV CV Assessments Average CV

Wellington cityDistrict wide 72,854,550,450 77,853 935,796

Hutt cityDistrict wide 21,525,404,000 39,398 546,358
Upper Hutt cityDistrict wide 8,277,686,260 16,914 489,399
Porirua cityDistrict wide 10,367,312,300 18,808 551,218
Kāpiti Coast districtDistrict wide 14,894,058,100 25,104 593,294
Masterton districtDistrict wide 5,920,510,000 12,530 472,507
Carterton districtDistrict wide 2,705,131,700 4,671 579,133
South Wairarapa districtDistrict wide 4,554,810,800 6,746 675,187
Tararua districtDistrict wide 10,673,500 10 1,067,350
Region wide 141,110,137,110 202,034 698,447

Wellington cityRegional CBD 9,921,148,650 3,340 2,970,404

Wellington cityBusiness 4,638,515,650 1,897 2,445,185
Wellington cityResidential 57,499,964,050 71,826 800,545
Wellington cityRural 794,922,100 790 1,006,231
Hutt cityBusiness 3,813,013,500 2,359 1,616,369
Hutt cityResidential 17,395,848,500 36,551 475,934
Hutt cityRural 316,542,000 488 648,652
Upper Hutt cityBusiness 1,182,339,500 746 1,584,905
Upper Hutt cityResidential 6,233,760,420 14,902 418,317
Upper Hutt cityRural 861,586,340 1,266 680,558
Porirua cityBusiness 1,101,735,500 798 1,380,621
Porirua cityResidential 8,642,049,050 17,394 496,841
Porirua cityRural 623,527,750 616 1,012,220
Kāpiti Coast districtBusiness 1,476,489,000 1,333 1,107,644
Kāpiti Coast district excl Ōtaki Residential 10,311,045,500 17,951 574,400
Ōtaki rating areaResidential 1,121,512,900 3,173 353,455
Kāpiti Coast districtRural 1,985,010,700 2,647 749,910
Masterton districtBusiness 433,209,100 549 789,088
Masterton districtResidential 2,678,795,300 8,086 331,288
Masterton districtRural 2,808,505,600 3,895 721,054
Carterton districtBusiness 97,126,500 226 429,763
Carterton districtResidential 858,895,500 2,397 358,321
Carterton districtRural 1,749,109,700 2,048 854,057
South Wairarapa districtBusiness 211,288,600 312 677,207
South Wairarapa districtResidential 1,373,326,100 3,307 415,279
South Wairarapa districtRural 2,970,196,100 3,127 949,855
Tararua districtRural 10,673,500 10 1,067,350
Region wide 141,110,137,110 202,034 698,447

Region WideRegional CBD 9,921,148,650 3,340 2,970,404

Region WideBusiness 12,953,717,350 8,220 1,575,878
Region WideResidential 106,115,197,320 175,587 604,345
Region WideRural 12,120,073,790 14,887 814,138
Region WideTotal 141,110,137,110 202,034 698,447


Concatenated name CV CV Assessments Average CV

Wellington cityDistrict wide 20,861,712,999 484 263,785

Hutt cityDistrict wide 122,873,500 111 1,584
Upper Hutt cityDistrict wide 91,309,000 122 1,882
Porirua cityDistrict wide 90,183,050 133 903
Kāpiti Coast districtDistrict wide 123,742,500 91 2,789
Masterton districtDistrict wide 73,995,500 188 (1,202)
Carterton districtDistrict wide 20,298,500 9 3,236
South Wairarapa districtDistrict wide 47,140,500 89 (1,945)
Tararua districtDistrict wide (87,000) 0 (8,700)
Region wide 21,431,168,549 1,227 102,457
Wellington cityRegional CBD 1,957,785,650 (41) 615,076
Wellington cityBusiness 742,385,250 (2) 393,510
Wellington cityResidential 17,962,565,549 518 246,086
Wellington cityRural 198,976,550 9 243,176
Hutt cityBusiness 23,984,000 (12) 18,296
Hutt cityResidential 93,896,500 115 1,075
Hutt cityRural 4,993,000 8 (409)
Upper Hutt cityBusiness 7,663,000 30 (55,704)
Upper Hutt cityResidential 76,772,000 79 2,950
Upper Hutt cityRural 6,874,000 13 (1,575)
Porirua cityBusiness 1,740,000 1 451
Porirua cityResidential 90,732,000 139 1,256
Porirua cityRural (2,288,950) (7) 7,699
Kāpiti Coast districtBusiness (2,660,500) (1) (1,164)
Kāpiti Coast district excl Ōtaki Residential 91,046,000 66 2,971
Ōtaki rating areaResidential 16,752,000 22 2,849
Kāpiti Coast districtRural 18,605,000 4 5,904
Masterton districtBusiness (154,000) (1) 1,155
Masterton districtResidential 74,539,500 174 2,135
Masterton districtRural (390,000) 15 (2,888)
Carterton districtBusiness 474,000 (1) 3,981
Carterton districtResidential 14,982,000 5 5,514
Carterton districtRural 4,842,500 5 280
South Wairarapa districtBusiness 4,795,000 8 (2,048)
South Wairarapa districtResidential 54,440,000 78 6,828
South Wairarapa districtRural (12,094,500) 3 (4,784)
Tararua districtRural (87,000) 0 (8,700)
Region wide 21,431,168,549 1,227 102,457

Region WideRegional CBD 1,957,785,650 (41) 615,076

Region WideBusiness 778,226,750 22 90,700
Region WideResidential 18,475,725,549 1,196 101,800
Region WideRural 219,430,600 50 12,046
Region WideTotal 21,431,168,549 1,227 102,457


River Public transport Stadium purposes regional strategy
General rate management rate rate rate rate

23,048,092 42,679 40,924,832 0 2,351,472

8,059,093 4,356,562 11,715,213 0 883,091
3,064,993 667,062 4,597,306 0 351,107
3,819,283 33,588 6,086,081 0 362,532
4,904,933 1,335,375 3,594,211 0 485,530
1,968,728 0 437,394 0 243,888
907,437 23,705 249,139 0 90,214
1,508,401 0 505,501 0 139,774
2,353 0 0 0 252
47,283,314 6,458,971 68,109,678 0 4,907,861

3,530,108 6,537 25,844,164 0 893,931

1,727,130 3,198 1,461,181 0 437,362
17,526,676 32,455 13,567,288 0 998,312
264,179 489 52,199 0 21,868
1,426,754 771,271 2,181,033 0 361,297
6,515,026 3,521,875 9,490,731 0 508,354
117,313 63,417 43,450 0 13,440
439,801 95,718 742,079 0 111,371
2,305,187 501,698 3,723,761 0 206,920
320,006 69,646 131,467 0 32,816
408,791 3,595 708,507 0 103,518
3,177,920 27,948 5,279,333 0 241,570
232,572 2,045 98,242 0 17,444
491,197 133,729 434,530 0 124,386
3,393,862 923,984 2,758,230 0 248,066
366,870 99,881 265,176 0 43,470
653,005 177,782 136,275 0 69,608
145,929 0 58,905 0 36,954
876,945 0 275,145 0 110,558
945,855 0 103,344 0 96,376
32,667 853 18,993 0 8,272
285,231 7,451 140,193 0 32,970
589,539 15,401 89,953 0 48,972
69,099 0 49,092 0 17,498
441,339 0 273,878 0 44,240
997,963 0 182,531 0 78,036
2,353 0 0 0 252
47,283,314 6,458,971 68,109,678 0 4,907,861

3,530,108 6,537 25,844,164 0 893,931

4,741,366 1,008,364 5,654,320 0 1,200,658
34,889,056 5,115,291 35,773,735 0 2,434,460
4,122,784 328,779 837,459 0 378,812
47,283,314 6,458,971 68,109,678 0 4,907,861



River Public transport Stadium purposes regional strategy
General rate management rate rate rate rate

25,017,891 63,804 43,157,346 0 2,166,329

8,603,531 4,675,267 11,958,635 0 870,714
3,390,994 806,234 4,781,090 0 352,101
4,109,460 48,239 6,119,371 0 360,222
5,249,544 1,423,425 4,093,798 0 481,131
2,110,071 0 566,677 0 244,700
967,631 24,179 287,413 0 89,350
1,607,158 0 560,578 0 141,005
3,927 0 0 0 252
51,060,208 7,041,148 71,524,908 0 4,705,805

5,197,017 8,689 25,071,881 0 775,888

1,858,085 4,062 1,557,519 0 362,757
17,717,843 50,357 16,470,136 0 1,005,564
244,945 696 57,811 0 22,120
1,524,031 828,177 2,321,630 0 347,086
6,952,981 3,778,337 9,592,741 0 509,964
126,519 68,752 44,264 0 13,664
484,351 115,158 799,238 0 110,307
2,553,690 607,159 3,846,959 0 208,222
352,953 83,917 134,894 0 33,572
436,713 5,126 736,637 0 99,458
3,425,589 40,211 5,285,985 0 243,516
247,158 2,901 96,749 0 17,248
520,402 141,108 524,921 0 118,517
3,634,220 985,427 3,143,579 0 249,032
395,287 107,183 270,923 0 43,806
699,635 189,707 154,376 0 69,776
154,396 0 83,082 0 35,162
954,723 0 342,265 0 112,938
1,000,952 0 141,330 0 96,600
34,742 868 23,630 0 7,912
307,229 7,677 153,781 0 32,578
625,660 15,634 110,001 0 48,860
74,553 0 58,396 0 16,979
484,576 0 292,527 0 44,870
1,048,029 0 209,655 0 79,156
3,927 0 0 0 252
51,060,208 7,041,148 71,524,908 0 4,705,805

5,197,017 8,689 25,071,881 0 775,888

5,087,273 1,094,500 6,105,053 0 1,098,179
36,426,140 5,576,351 39,398,895 0 2,450,490
4,349,778 361,608 949,080 0 381,248
51,060,208 7,041,148 71,524,908 0 4,705,805



River Public transport Stadium purposes regional strategy
General rate management rate rate rate rate

1,969,798.38 21,125 2,232,514 0 (185,143)

544,438 318,705 243,422 0 (12,378)
326,001 139,172 183,784 0 994
290,177 14,651 33,290 0 (2,310)
344,611 88,050 499,588 0 (4,399)
141,343 0 129,283 0 813
60,194 474 38,273 0 (864)
98,758 0 55,076 0 1,231
1,574 0 0 0 0
3,776,894 582,177 3,415,230 0 (202,056)
1,666,909 2,152 (772,284) 0 (118,043)
130,956 864 96,338 0 (74,604)
191,168 17,902 2,902,848 0 7,252
(19,234) 207 5,612 0 252
97,277 56,907 140,597 0 (14,212)
437,955 256,463 102,011 0 1,610
9,206 5,335 814 0 224
44,550 19,440 57,159 0 (1,064)
248,503 105,461 123,198 0 1,302
32,947 14,272 3,427 0 756
27,922 1,531 28,131 0 (4,060)
247,669 12,264 6,652 0 1,946
14,586 856 (1,493) 0 (196)
29,205 7,379 90,391 0 (5,869)
240,358 61,443 385,349 0 966
28,418 7,302 5,747 0 336
46,630 11,926 18,101 0 168
8,467 0 24,176 0 (1,791)
77,778 0 67,120 0 2,380
55,098 0 37,987 0 224
2,075 15 4,637 0 (360)
21,997 226 13,588 0 (392)
36,121 233 20,048 0 (112)
5,454 0 9,304 0 (519)
43,238 0 18,649 0 630
50,066 0 27,124 0 1,120
1,574 0 0 0 0
3,776,894 582,177 3,415,230 0 (202,056)

1,666,909 2,152 (772,284) 0 (118,043)

345,907 86,136 450,733 0 (102,479)
1,537,084 461,060 3,625,160 0 16,030
226,994 32,829 111,620 0 2,436
3,776,894 582,177 3,415,230 0 (202,056)

Rates for average property

River Public Stadium Wellington

management transport purposes regional strategy District-Wide
District-Wide rates General rate rate rate rate rate rates

66,367,076 297.90 0.55 528.96 0.00 30.39 857.80

25,013,960 205.13 110.89 298.20 0.00 22.48 636.70
8,680,468 182.53 39.72 273.78 0.00 20.91 516.94
10,301,484 204.51 1.80 325.89 0.00 19.41 551.62
10,320,049 196.10 53.39 143.69 0.00 19.41 412.59
2,650,009 159.51 0.00 35.44 0.00 19.76 214.71
1,270,496 194.65 5.08 53.44 0.00 19.35 272.52
2,153,676 226.59 0.00 75.94 0.00 21.00 323.52
2,605 235.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.20 260.50
126,759,823 235.47 32.17 339.18 0.00 24.44 631.25

30,274,740 1,044.10 1.93 7,643.94 0.00 264.40 8,954

3,628,870 909.49 1.68 769.45 0.00 230.31 1,911
32,124,731 245.79 0.46 190.26 0.00 14.00 451
338,735 338.26 0.63 66.84 0.00 28.00 434
4,740,355 601.75 325.29 919.88 0.00 152.38 1,999
20,035,985 178.81 96.66 260.48 0.00 14.00 550
237,620 244.40 132.12 90.52 0.00 28.00 495
1,388,968 614.25 133.68 1,036.42 0.00 155.55 1,940
6,737,566 155.51 33.85 251.22 0.00 14.00 455
553,934 255.39 55.58 104.92 0.00 28.00 444
1,224,410 512.91 4.51 888.97 0.00 129.88 1,536
8,726,771 184.17 1.62 305.96 0.00 14.00 506
350,303 373.31 3.28 157.69 0.00 28.00 562
1,183,841 368.21 100.25 325.73 0.00 93.24 887
7,324,142 189.76 51.66 154.22 0.00 14.00 410
775,396 116.43 31.70 84.16 0.00 14.00 246
1,036,669 247.07 67.27 51.56 0.00 28.00 394
241,788 265.32 0.00 107.10 0.00 67.19 440
1,262,648 110.84 0.00 34.78 0.00 14.00 160
1,145,574 243.78 0.00 26.63 0.00 28.00 298
60,786 143.91 3.76 83.67 0.00 36.44 268
465,846 119.24 3.12 58.61 0.00 14.00 195
743,864 288.57 7.54 44.03 0.00 28.00 368
135,689 227.30 0.00 161.49 0.00 57.56 446
759,457 136.68 0.00 84.82 0.00 14.00 235
1,258,530 319.45 0.00 58.43 0.00 28.00 406
2,605 235.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.00 263
126,759,824 235.47 32.17 339.18 0.00 24.44 631

30,274,740 1,044.10 1.93 7,643.94 0.00 264.40 8,954.37

12,604,708 578.36 123.00 689.72 0.00 146.46 1,537.53
78,212,541 200.06 29.33 205.14 0.00 13.96 448.53
5,667,835 277.87 22.16 56.44 0.00 25.53 384.48
126,759,824 235.47 32.17 339.18 0.00 24.44 631.25


Rates / average CV

River Public Stadium Wellington

management transport purposes regional strategy District-Wide
District-Wide rates General rate rate rate rate rate rates

70,405,371 321.35 0.82 554.34 0.00 27.83 904.34

26,108,147 218.37 118.67 303.53 0.00 22.10 662.68
9,330,420 200.48 47.67 282.67 0.00 20.82 551.64
10,637,292 218.50 2.56 325.36 0.00 19.15 565.57
11,247,899 209.11 56.70 163.07 0.00 19.17 448.05
2,921,448 168.40 0.00 45.23 0.00 19.53 233.16
1,368,573 207.16 5.18 61.53 0.00 19.13 292.99
2,308,741 238.24 0.00 83.10 0.00 20.90 342.24
4,179 392.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.20 417.94
134,332,069 252.73 34.85 354.02 0.00 23.29 664.90

31,053,475 1,555.99 2.60 7,506.55 0.00 232.30 9,297.45

3,782,424 979.49 2.14 821.04 0.00 191.23 1,993.90
35,243,901 246.68 0.70 229.31 0.00 14.00 490.68
325,572 310.06 0.88 73.18 0.00 28.00 412.12
5,020,924 646.05 351.07 984.16 0.00 147.13 2,128.41
20,834,024 190.23 103.37 262.45 0.00 14.00 570.05
253,199 259.26 140.89 90.70 0.00 28.00 518.85
1,509,054 649.26 154.37 1,071.36 0.00 147.86 2,022.86
7,216,030 171.37 40.74 258.15 0.00 14.00 484.26
605,336 278.79 66.29 106.55 0.00 28.00 479.63
1,277,934 547.26 6.42 923.10 0.00 124.63 1,601.42
8,995,301 196.94 2.31 303.90 0.00 14.00 517.15
364,056 401.23 4.71 157.06 0.00 28.00 591.00
1,304,948 390.40 105.86 393.79 0.00 88.91 978.96
8,012,257 202.45 54.90 175.12 0.00 14.00 446.47
817,199 124.58 33.78 85.38 0.00 14.00 257.74
1,113,494 264.31 71.67 58.32 0.00 28.00 422.30
272,640 281.23 0.00 151.33 0.00 64.05 496.61
1,409,926 118.07 0.00 42.33 0.00 14.00 174.40
1,238,882 256.98 0.00 36.29 0.00 28.00 321.27
67,153 153.73 3.84 104.56 0.00 35.01 297.14
501,265 128.17 3.20 64.16 0.00 14.00 209.53
800,155 305.50 7.63 53.71 0.00 28.00 394.84
149,928 238.95 0.00 187.17 0.00 54.42 480.54
821,973 146.53 0.00 88.46 0.00 14.00 248.99
1,336,840 335.15 0.00 67.05 0.00 28.00 430.20
4,179 392.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.00 420.74
134,332,069 252.73 34.85 354.02 0.00 23.29 664.90

31,053,475 1,555.99 2.60 7,506.55 0.00 232.30 9,297.45

13,385,005 618.89 133.15 742.71 0.00 133.60 1,628.35
83,851,875 207.45 31.76 224.38 0.00 13.96 477.60
6,041,714 292.19 24.29 63.75 0.00 25.61 408.23
134,332,069 252.73 34.85 354.02 0.00 23.29 664.90


Rates / average CV

River Public Stadium Wellington

management transport purposes regional strategy District-Wide
District-Wide rates General rate rate rate rate rate rates

4,038,295 23.45 0.27 25.39 0.00 (2.57) 46.54

1,094,187 13.24 7.78 5.34 0.00 (0.38) 25.98
649,951 17.96 7.94 8.89 0.00 (0.09) 34.70
335,808 13.98 0.77 (0.53) 0.00 (0.26) 13.95
927,850 13.02 3.31 19.38 0.00 (0.25) 35.46
271,439 8.89 0.00 9.79 0.00 (0.23) 18.44
98,077 12.51 0.09 8.09 0.00 (0.22) 20.47
155,065 11.65 0.00 7.16 0.00 (0.09) 18.72
1,574 157.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 157.44
7,572,246 17.26 2.69 14.84 0.00 (1.15) 33.65
778,735 511.89 0.67 (137.39) 0.00 (32.10) 343.07
153,553 69.99 0.46 51.60 0.00 (39.08) 82.96
3,119,169 0.89 0.25 39.04 0.00 0.00 40.18
(13,163) (28.20) 0.25 6.34 0.00 0.00 (21.60)
280,569 44.30 25.78 64.28 0.00 (5.25) 129.11
798,038 11.42 6.71 1.97 0.00 0.00 20.10
15,579 14.86 8.77 0.18 0.00 0.00 23.81
120,086 35.02 20.68 34.94 0.00 (7.68) 82.96
478,464 15.85 6.90 6.94 0.00 0.00 29.68
51,402 23.40 10.70 1.63 0.00 0.00 35.73
53,524 34.35 1.91 34.14 0.00 (5.25) 65.15
268,531 12.77 0.69 (2.06) 0.00 0.00 11.40
13,753 27.92 1.43 (0.63) 0.00 0.00 28.72
121,107 22.19 5.61 68.05 0.00 (4.33) 91.52
688,115 12.69 3.23 20.90 0.00 0.00 36.82
41,803 8.15 2.08 1.23 0.00 0.00 11.46
76,825 17.24 4.40 6.76 0.00 0.00 28.41
30,852 15.91 0.00 44.23 0.00 (3.14) 57.00
147,278 7.23 0.00 7.55 0.00 0.00 14.79
93,308 13.21 0.00 9.65 0.00 0.00 22.86
6,367 9.82 0.08 20.89 0.00 (1.43) 29.36
35,419 8.93 0.09 5.55 0.00 0.00 14.56
56,291 16.93 0.10 9.68 0.00 0.00 26.71
14,239 11.65 0.00 25.68 0.00 (3.14) 34.19
62,516 9.85 0.00 3.64 0.00 0.00 13.49
78,310 15.70 0.00 8.62 0.00 0.00 24.32
1,574 157.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 157.44
7,572,246 17.26 2.69 14.84 0.00 (1.15) 33.65

778,735 511.89 0.67 (137.39) 0.00 (32.10) 343.07

780,297 40.53 10.15 52.99 0.00 (12.86) 90.81
5,639,334 7.39 2.43 19.25 0.00 (0.00) 29.07
373,880 14.31 2.13 7.31 0.00 0.08 23.75
7,572,246 17.26 2.69 14.84 0.00 (1.15) 33.65

Cents/$ OR Regional Strategy Rate $/property

River Public Stadium Wellington

management transport purposes regional District-Wide
General rate rate rate rate strategy rate rates

0.0443 0.0001 0.3245 0.0000 0.0112 0.3802

0.0443 0.0001 0.0375 0.0000 0.0112 0.0931
0.0443 0.0001 0.0343 0.0000 14.0000 0.0813
0.0443 0.0001 0.0088 0.0000 28.0000 0.0568
0.0377 0.0204 0.0576 0.0000 0.0095 0.1251
0.0377 0.0204 0.0549 0.0000 14.0000 0.1158
0.0377 0.0204 0.0139 0.0000 28.0000 0.0763
0.0374 0.0081 0.0632 0.0000 0.0095 0.1182
0.0374 0.0081 0.0605 0.0000 14.0000 0.1094
0.0374 0.0081 0.0154 0.0000 28.0000 0.0648
0.0372 0.0003 0.0644 0.0000 0.0094 0.1113
0.0372 0.0003 0.0617 0.0000 14.0000 0.1021
0.0372 0.0003 0.0157 0.0000 28.0000 0.0560
0.0332 0.0090 0.0294 0.0000 0.0084 0.0800
0.0332 0.0090 0.0270 0.0000 14.0000 0.0717
0.0332 0.0090 0.0240 0.0000 14.0000 0.0702
0.0332 0.0090 0.0069 0.0000 28.0000 0.0527
0.0337 0.0000 0.0136 0.0000 0.0085 0.0558
0.0337 0.0000 0.0106 0.0000 14.0000 0.0485
0.0337 0.0000 0.0037 0.0000 28.0000 0.0408
0.0338 0.0009 0.0197 0.0000 0.0086 0.0629
0.0338 0.0009 0.0166 0.0000 14.0000 0.0552
0.0338 0.0009 0.0052 0.0000 28.0000 0.0426
0.0335 0.0000 0.0238 0.0000 0.0085 0.0657
0.0335 0.0000 0.0208 0.0000 14.0000 0.0576
0.0335 0.0000 0.0061 0.0000 28.0000 0.0422
0.0219 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 28.0000 0.0242
0.0395 0.0054 0.0569 0.0000 0.0041 0.1059

Cents/$ OR Regional Strategy Rate $/property

River Public Stadium Wellington

management transport purposes regional District-Wide
General rate rate rate rate strategy rate rates

0.05238 0.00009 0.25271 0.00000 0.0078 0.31300

0.04006 0.00009 0.03358 0.00000 0.0078 0.08154
0.03081 0.00009 0.02864 0.00000 14.0000 0.06129
0.03081 0.00009 0.00727 0.00000 28.0000 0.04096
0.03997 0.02172 0.06089 0.00000 0.0091 0.13168
0.03997 0.02172 0.05514 0.00000 14.0000 0.11976
0.03997 0.02172 0.01398 0.00000 28.0000 0.07999
0.04097 0.00974 0.06760 0.00000 0.0093 0.12763
0.04097 0.00974 0.06171 0.00000 14.0000 0.11576
0.04097 0.00974 0.01566 0.00000 28.0000 0.07026
0.03964 0.00047 0.06686 0.00000 0.0090 0.11599
0.03964 0.00047 0.06117 0.00000 14.0000 0.10409
0.03964 0.00047 0.01552 0.00000 28.0000 0.05839
0.03525 0.00956 0.03555 0.00000 0.0080 0.08838
0.03525 0.00956 0.03049 0.00000 14.0000 0.07771
0.03525 0.00956 0.02416 0.00000 14.0000 0.07287
0.03525 0.00956 0.00778 0.00000 28.0000 0.05610
0.03564 0.00000 0.01918 0.00000 0.0081 0.06293
0.03564 0.00000 0.01278 0.00000 14.0000 0.05263
0.03564 0.00000 0.00503 0.00000 28.0000 0.04411
0.03577 0.00089 0.02433 0.00000 0.0081 0.06914
0.03577 0.00089 0.01790 0.00000 14.0000 0.05836
0.03577 0.00089 0.00629 0.00000 28.0000 0.04575
0.03528 0.00000 0.02764 0.00000 0.0080 0.07096
0.03528 0.00000 0.02130 0.00000 14.0000 0.05985
0.03528 0.00000 0.00706 0.00000 28.0000 0.04501
0.03680 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 28.0000 0.03916
0.03618 0.00499 0.05069 0.00000 0.00333 0.09520

Cents/$ OR Regional Strategy Rate $/property

River Public Stadium Wellington

management transport purposes regional District-Wide
General rate rate rate rate strategy rate rates
0.00805 0.00001 -0.07183 0.00000 -0.00340 -0.06717
-0.00427 0.00001 -0.00393 0.00000 -0.00340 -0.01160
-0.01352 0.00001 -0.00567 0.00000 0.00000 -0.01996
-0.01352 0.00001 -0.00149 0.00000 0.00000 -0.01588
0.00231 0.00136 0.00333 0.00000 -0.00043 0.00657
0.00231 0.00136 0.00029 0.00000 0.00000 0.00396
0.00231 0.00136 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00372
0.00353 0.00159 0.00442 0.00000 -0.00015 0.00939
0.00353 0.00159 0.00123 0.00000 0.00000 0.00633
0.00353 0.00159 0.00028 0.00000 0.00000 0.00545
0.00248 0.00014 0.00245 0.00000 -0.00038 0.00468
0.00248 0.00014 -0.00057 0.00000 0.00000 0.00204
0.00248 0.00014 -0.00018 0.00000 0.00000 0.00241
0.00204 0.00052 0.00617 0.00000 -0.00038 0.00835
0.00204 0.00052 0.00350 0.00000 0.00000 0.00604
0.00204 0.00052 0.00015 0.00000 0.00000 0.00268
0.00204 0.00052 0.00085 0.00000 0.00000 0.00338
0.00197 0.00000 0.00559 0.00000 -0.00041 0.00714
0.00197 0.00000 0.00221 0.00000 0.00000 0.00415
0.00197 0.00000 0.00135 0.00000 0.00000 0.00333
0.00197 0.00001 0.00468 0.00000 -0.00041 0.00625
0.00197 0.00001 0.00129 0.00000 0.00000 0.00316
0.00197 0.00001 0.00113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00310
0.00182 0.00000 0.00386 0.00000 -0.00044 0.00525
0.00182 0.00000 0.00053 0.00000 0.00000 0.00227
0.00182 0.00000 0.00094 0.00000 0.00000 0.00281
0.01493 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.01495
-0.00332 -0.00041 -0.00622 0.00000 -0.00077 -0.01072

driven by % decrease of busi ECV in WCC

Wellington Regional Council
South Wairarapa district Check 2019/20
All error checks ok
Printed: 9/15/2019
TA to view South Wairarapa district

Excluding GST Including GST

Rate Categories Rateable Capital Value Cents in Dollar Rates Set Cents in Dollar Rates Set

$ Cents / $ $ Cents / $ $
General rate District wide 4,554,810,800 0.03528 1,607,158 0.04058 1,848,232
River management rate District wide 4,554,810,800 0.00000 0 0.00000 0
Regional CBD 0 0.00000 0 0.00000 0
Business 211,288,600 0.02764 58,396 0.03178 67,156
Public transport rate
Residential 1,373,326,100 0.02130 292,527 0.02450 336,406
Rural 2,970,196,100 0.00706 209,655 0.00812 241,103
Regional CBD 0 0.00000 0 0.00000 0
Business 211,288,600 0.00000 0 0.00000 0
Stadium purposes rate
Residential 1,373,326,100 0.00000 0 0.00000 0
Rural 2,970,196,100 0.00000 0 0.00000 0
Regional CBD 0 0.00000 0 0.00000 0
Wellington regional strategy rate
Business 211,288,600 0.00804 16,979 0.00924 19,526

Number of Amount per rating Amount per

Rate Categories assessments unit Rates Set rating unit Rates Set

# $ $ $ $
Residential 3,205 14.00 44,870 16.100 51,601
Wellington regional strategy rate
Rural 2,827 28.00 79,156 32.200 91,029

District-Wide Rates 2,308,741 2,655,052

Rate Categories No of Hectares Cents Per Rates Cents Per Rates

# $ $ $ $
Pest management rate 177,467 0.95798 170,009 1.10167 195,511

Rateable Capital Value

Rate Categories Cents in Dollar Rates Set Cents in Dollar Rates Set
or Land Value

$ Cents / $ $ Cents / $ $
Greytown river management rate Greytown Urban -CV 770,802,000 0.01225 94,400 0.01408 108,560
Donalds Creek stopbank river management rate Featherston Urban - LV 163,379,500 0.00163 2,667 0.00188 3,067

Total regional rates (excl special rates) 2,575,817 2,962,190

Check OK
Wellington Regional Council
Upper Hut city Check 2019/20
All error checks ok
Printed: 9/15/2019
TA to view Upper Hutt city

Excluding GST Including GST

Cents in
Rate Categories Rateable Capital Value Cents in Dollar Rates Set Dollar Rates Set

$ Cents / $ $ Cents / $ $
General rate District wide 8,189,965,260 0.04105 3,362,276 0.04721 3,866,617
River management rate District wide 8,189,965,260 0.00976 799,406 0.01122 919,317
Regional CBD 0 0.00000 0 0.00000 0
Business 1,126,014,500 0.06632 746,821 0.07627 858,844
Public transport rate
Residential 6,207,040,420 0.06178 3,834,753 0.07105 4,409,966
Rural 856,910,340 0.01564 134,036 0.01799 154,141
Regional CBD 0 0.00000 0 0.00000 0
Business 1,126,014,500 0.00000 0 0.00000 0
Stadium purposes rate
Residential 6,207,040,420 0.00000 0 0.00000 0
Rural 856,910,340 0.00000 0 0.00000 0
Regional CBD 0 0.00000 0 0.00000 0
Wellington regional strategy rate
Business 1,126,014,500 0.00933 105,052 0.01073 120,810

Number of Amount per rating Amount per

Rate Categories Rates Set Rates Set
assessments unit rating unit

# $ $ $ $
Residential 14,873 14.00 208,222 16.100 239,455
Wellington regional strategy rate
Rural 1,199 28.00 33,572 32.200 38,608

District-Wide Rates 9,224,138 10,607,759

Rate Categories No of Hectares Cents Per Rates Cents Per Rates

# $ $ $ $
Pest management rate 54,346 0.95798 52,062 1.10167 59,872

Total regional rates (excl special rates) 9,276,201 10,667,631

Trentham Military Camp

Rate Categories Rateable Capital Value Cents in Dollar Rates Set Cents in Rates Set
$ Cents / $ $ Cents / $ $
General rate Trentham Military Camp 87,721,000 0.03274 28,718 0.03765 33,026
River management rate Trentham Military Camp 87,721,000 0.00778 6,828 0.00895 7,852
Business 56,325,000 0.09306 52,417 0.10702 60,279
Public transport rate Residential 26,720,000 0.04568 12,205 0.05253 14,036
Rural 4,676,000 0.01835 858 0.02110 987
Business 56,325,000 0 0 0.00000 0
Stadium purposes Rate Residential 26,720,000 0 0 0.00000 0
Rural 4,676,000 0 0 0.00000 0
Wellington regional strategy rate Business 56,325,000 0.00933 5,255 0.01073 6,043
No change for residential or rural as it is a fixed charge per property
Trentham Military Camp 106,281 122,223

Check OK
Wellington Regional Council
Kāpiti Coast district Check 2019/20
All error checks ok
Printed: 9/15/2019
TA to view Kāpiti Coast district

Excluding GST Including GST

Cents in
Rate Categories Rateable Capital Value Cents in Dollar Rates Set Dollar Rates Set

$ Cents / $ $ Cents / $ $
General rate District wide 14,894,058,100 0.03525 5,249,544 0.04053 6,036,975
River management rate District wide 14,894,058,100 0.00956 1,423,425 0.01099 1,636,939
Regional CBD 0 0.00000 0 0.00000 0
Business 1,476,489,000 0.03555 524,921 0.04088 603,659
Public transport rate Residential - excl-Otaki 10,311,045,500 0.03049 3,143,579 0.03506 3,615,116
Residential - Otaki 1,121,512,900 0.02416 270,923 0.02778 311,561
Rural 1,985,010,700 0.00778 154,376 0.00894 177,533
Regional CBD 0 0.00000 0 0.00000 0
Business 1,476,489,000 0.00000 0 0.00000 0
Stadium purposes rate Residential - excl-Otaki 10,311,045,500 0.00000 0 0.00000 0
Residential - Otaki 1,121,512,900 0.00000 0 0.00000 0
Rural 1,985,010,700 0.00000 0 0.00000 0
Regional CBD 0 0.00000 0 0.00000 0
Wellington regional strategy rate
Business 1,476,489,000 0.00803 118,517 0.00923 136,295

Rate Categories Number of Amount per rating Rates Set Amount per Rates Set
assessments unit rating unit

# $ $ $ $
Residential 20,917 14.00 292,838 16.100 336,764
Wellington regional strategy rate
Rural 2,492 28.00 69,776 32.200 80,242

District-Wide Rates 11,247,899 12,935,084

Rate Categories No of Hectares Cents Per Rates Cents Per Rates

# $ $ $ $
Pest management rate 29,021 0.95798 27,801 1.10167 31,971

Total regional rates (excl special rates) 11,275,700 12,967,055

Check OK
Wellington Regional Council
Value checks
All error checks ok

Tab/component Check Check notes


Capital values tab

Populated OK
TA total matches category
Capital values OK
No. of Assessments (#) OK
Number of Assessments Contiguous f OK

Rate model checks

General rate OK
River management rate OK
Stadium rate OK
Wellington regional strategy rate OK
Public transport rate OK
Pest management rate OK
Water Levy OK
Class rates - schemes OK

Comparison - TA OK

Comparison - category
Previous year OK
Current year OK
Delta OK

Rates check

1 OK
2 OK
3 - changes OK
3 - inputs OK
4 OK
5 OK
Impact for annual plan OK
Summary of Rates and Water Levies
Rates for Greater Wellington are mostly allocated to ratepayers on the basis of their capital values. Within the region, different territorial
authorities undertake general revaluations at different times. To equalise the values, each year Council gets Quotable Value or another registered
valuer to estimate the projected valuations of all the rateable land in the districts within the region. This means that rates are assessed on a
consistent valuation basis, regardless of the timing of individual territorial authority revaluations.

The summary information in this section should be read in conjunction with the Funding Impact Statement and the Revenue and Financing policy.

All figures on this page exclude GST.

This table shows the rates and levies for GWRC in 2019/20, with the changes from last year 2018/19. Rates comprise the general rate and
various targeted rates. GWRC also charges a water supply levy directly to the four city councils in the region, and they set their own rates to
cover the cost of this levy.

The total rate increase in regional rates for 2019/20 is 5.9%. The water supply levy, which is charged to the four metropolitan city councils is
proposed to increase by 6.1% compared to 2017/18. When the water supply levy is included, Greater Wellington Regional Council's overall
increase is 5.9%

Summary of rates and levies

2018/19 2019/20
Plan Plan Change Change
$000s $000s $000s % Row lo
General rate 47,283 51,060 3,777 7.99% Gener

Targeted rates
Region wide targeted rates1
River management rate 6,459 7,041 582 9.01% River
Public transport rate 68,110 71,525 3,415 5.01% Public
Stadium purposes rate 0 - - #DIV/0! Stadiu
Wellington regional strategy rate 4,908 4,706 (202) (4.12%) Wellin

Specific area targeted rates:

Pest management rate 532 577 45 8.50% Pest m
South Wairarapa district – river rates 95 97 2 2.00% River
Wairarapa scheme and stopbank rates 1,487 1,465 (22) (1.49%) Specia
Total targeted rates 2
81,591 85,411 3,820 4.68%

Total regional rates 128,874 136,472 7,597 5.9% Total

Water supply levy 33,069 35,081 2,012 6.1% Bulk W

Total regional rates and levies 161,943 171,553 9,610 5.9% Total

Warm Greater Wellington rates 3 3,237 3,209 Warm

Total rates and levies 165,180 174,762 Total

1 Region-wide rates are charged to all ratepayers in the region. They exclude targeted rates for pest management, Wairarapa river and drainage schemes, and "Warm
Greater Wellington", because those rates only apply to highly specific ratepayers in those work programmes.
2 This total excludes "Warm Greater Wellington" targeted rates because they only apply to ratepayers who participate in the scheme.
3 The Warm Greater Wellington scheme assists regional ratepayers to insulate thier homes. Only ratepayers who participate in the scheme are charged this rate.
Impact on each City and District
Rates increases vary among cities and districts because of differing equalised capital values. Targeted rates are applied
according to the Revenue and Financing policy. The next page shows the different rates paid in each city and district.

All figures on this page exclude GST.

Impact on each city and district

2018/19 2019/20
Plan Plan Change Change

Region-wide rates 1 $000s $000s $000s %

Wellington city 66,367 70,405 4,038 6.08%
Hutt city 25,014 26,108 1,094 4.37%
Upper Hutt city 8,680 9,330 650 7.49%
Porirua city 10,301 10,637 336 3.26%
Kāpiti Coast district 10,320 11,248 928 8.99%
Masterton district 2,650 2,921 271 10.24%
Carterton district 1,270 1,369 98 7.72%
South Wairarapa district 2,154 2,309 155 7.20%
Tararua district 3 4 2 60.44%
Total region-wide rates 126,760 134,332 7,572 6.0%

Specific area targeted rates

Pest management rate 532 577 45 8.46%
South Wairarapa district – river rates 95 97 2 2.10%
Wairarapa scheme and stopbank rates 1,487 1,465 (22) (1.48%)
Total regional rates 128,874 136,472 7,597 5.9%

Water supply levy

Wellington City Council 17,697 18,254 557 3.15%
Hutt City Council 8,206 9,270 1,063 12.95%
Upper Hutt City Council 3,318 3,428 111 3.35%
Porirua City Council 3,848 4,130 281 7.30%
Water supply levy 33,069 35,081 2,012 6.1%

Total regional rates and levies 2 161,943 171,553 9,610 5.9%

Warm Wellington rate 3 3,237 3,209

Total rates and levies 165,180 174,762

1 Region-wide rates are charged to all ratepayers in the region. They exclude targeted rates for pest management, Wairarapa river and drainage
schemes, and "Warm Greater Wellington", because those rates only apply to highly specific ratepayers in those work programmes.

2 This total excludes "Warm Greater Wellington" targeted rates because they only apply to ratepayers who participate in the scheme.

3 The Warm Greater Wellington scheme assists regional ratepayers to insulate thier homes. Only ratepayers who participate in the scheme are
charged this rate.



Changes in Region-wide rates due to equalised capital value (ECV) movements and apportionment from 2018/19 to 2019/20

ECV movements 1 General rate River management rate Public transport rate Stadium purposes rate Wellington regional strategy Total Region-wide rates 2

Contribution to Contribution to Contribution to Contribution to Contribution to Contribution to

region-wide region-wide region-wide region-wide region-wide region-wide
Change change Change change Change change Change change Change change Change change Change Change
$000s % $000s % $000s % $000s % $000s % $000s % $000s %
Wellington city (817) (1.23%) 1,851 2.79% 21 0.03% 3,169 4.77% - - (185) (0.28%) 4,038 6.08%
Hutt city 206 0.82% 636 2.54% 319 1.27% (54) (0.22%) - - (12) (0.05%) 1,094 4.37%
Upper Hutt city 365 4.20% 251 2.89% 139 1.60% (106) (1.22%) - - 1 0.01% 650 7.49%
Porirua city 194 1.88% 304 2.95% 15 0.14% (175) (1.70%) - - (2) (0.02%) 336 3.26%
Kāpiti Coast district 56 0.55% 388 3.76% 88 0.85% 400 3.87% - - (4) (0.04%) 928 8.99%
Masterton district 1 0.02% 156 5.89% - - 114 4.30% - - 1 0.03% 271 10.24%
Carterton district (4) (0.34%) 72 5.63% 0 0.04% 31 2.46% - - (1) (0.07%) 98 7.72%
South Wairarapa district (2) (0.08%) 119 5.52% - - 37 1.70% - - 1 0.06% 155 7.20%
Tararua district 1 49.28% 0 11.15% - - - - - - - - 2 60.44%
Region wide 2 (0) 0.00% 3,777 2.98% 582 0.46% 3,415 2.69% - 0.00% (202) -0.16% 7,572 5.97%


This table shows that the proposed water supply levy will increase by 6.1% from the 2018/19 level. The amounts charged to each of the four cities are based on the water consumption budgets and will be based on actual usage when the annual plan is finalised.

2018/19 2019/20
Budget Plan Change Change
$000s $000s $000s %
Wellington city 17,697 18,254 557 3.15%
Hutt city 8,206 9,270 1,063 12.96%
Upper Hutt city 3,318 3,428 111 3.33%
Porirua city 3,848 4,130 281 7.30%
Bulk Water Levies 33,069 35,081 2,012 6.09%


1 Rates for Greater Wellington are mostly allocated to ratepayers on the basis of their capital values. The territorial local authorities undertake valuations in different years. To ensure properties are valued on the same basis in each territorial area, Greater Wellington undertakes an equalised capital va
extent to which capital values in each area have moved relative to each other.

The ECV change by city amount shows how much the general rate changes as a direct consequence of the relative changes in capital values between the cities and districts from 2018/19 to 2019/20

Region-wide rates are rates that are charged to all ratepayers in the region. It excludes South Wairarapa Region river rates, Wairarapa river and drainage schemes and any "Warm Greater Wellington" targeted rates as they impact only certain ratepayers that are covered by these programmes

This information should be read in conjunction with the Funding Impact Statement and the Revenue and Financing Policy contained within the 2015/25 long term plan available at


Percentage changes in each rate type which together make up the changes in region-wide rates from 2018/19 to 2019/20

General rate River management rate Public rransport rate Stadium purposes rate Wellington regional strategy rate

2018/19 2019/20 2018/19 2019/20 2018/19 2019/20 2018/19 2019/20 2018/19 2019/20
Budget Plan Change Budget Plan Change Budget Plan Change Budget Plan Change Budget Plan Change
$000s $000s % $000s $000s % $000s $000s % $000s $000s % $000s $000s %
Wellington city 23,048 25,018 8.55% 43 64 49.50% 40,925 43,157 5.46% 0 0 n/a 2,351 2,166 (7.87%) OK OK
Hutt city 8,059 8,604 6.76% 4,357 4,675 7.32% 11,715 11,959 2.08% 0 0 n/a 883 871 (1.40%) OK OK
Upper Hutt city 3,065 3,391 10.64% 667 806 20.86% 4,597 4,781 4.00% 0 0 n/a 351 352 0.28% OK OK

Porirua city 3,819 4,109 7.60% 34 48 43.62% 6,086 6,119 0.55% 0 0 n/a 363 360 (0.64%) OK OK
Kāpiti Coast district 4,905 5,250 7.03% 1,335 1,423 6.59% 3,594 4,094 13.90% 0 0 n/a 486 481 (0.91%) OK OK
Masterton district 1,969 2,110 7.18% 0 0 n/a 437 567 29.56% 0 0 n/a 244 245 0.33% OK OK

Carterton district 907 968 6.63% 24 24 2.00% 249 287 15.36% 0 0 n/a 90 89 (0.96%) OK OK

South Wairarapa district 1,508 1,607 6.55% 0 0 n/a 506 561 10.90% 0 0 n/a 140 141 0.88% OK OK
Tararua district 2 4 66.91% 0 0 n/a 0 0 n/a 0 0 n/a 0 0 - OK OK

Region-wide rates 1 47,283 51,060 7.99% 6,459 7,041 9.01% 68,110 71,525 5.01% 0 0 n/a 4,908 4,706 (4.12%)

Rates increases vary between city and district councils because of differing capital values. In addition, some of Greater Wellington’s work programmes impact differently across the region, especially flood protection and public transport

Total Region-wide rates 1

2018/19 2019/20 Change

Budget Plan
$000s $000s %
Wellington city 66,367 70,405 6.08%
Hutt city 25,014 26,108 4.37%
Upper Hutt city 8,680 9,330 7.49%
Porirua city 10,301 10,637 3.26%
Kāpiti Coast district 10,320 11,248 8.99%
Masterton district 2,650 2,921 10.24%
Carterton district 1,270 1,369 7.72%
South Wairarapa district 2,154 2,309 7.20%
Tararua district 3 4 60.44%
Region-wide rates 1
126,760 134,332 5.97% OK OK

1 Region-wide rates are rates that are charged to all ratepayers in the region. It excludes South Wairarapa Region river rates, Wairarapa river and drainage schemes and any "Warm Greater Wellington" targeted rates as they impact only certain ratepayers that are covered by these programmes
Residential region-wide rates
All figures on this page include GST

Average value of residential property in each city or district

2018/19 2019/20
Wellington city $554,460 $800,545
Hutt city $474,859 $475,934
Upper Hutt city $415,367 $418,317
Porirua city $495,585 $496,841
Kāpiti Coast district excl Ōtaki $571,429 $574,400
Ōtaki rating area $350,606 $353,455
Masterton district $329,153 $331,288
Carterton district $352,807 $358,321
South Wairarapa district $408,450 $415,279

2019/20 residential region-wide rates, for an average value residential property

General rate River management rate Public transport rate

Wellington regional strategy rate
2018/19 2019/20 2018/19 2019/20 2018/19 2019/20 2018/19 2019/20
Wellington city $282.66 $283.68 $0.52 $0.81 $218.80 $263.70 $16.10 $16.10
Hutt city $205.63 $218.76 $111.16 $118.88 $299.55 $301.82 $16.10 $16.10
Upper Hutt city $178.84 $197.07 $38.92 $46.85 $288.90 $296.87 $16.10 $16.10
Porirua city $211.80 $226.48 $1.86 $2.66 $351.85 $349.48 $16.10 $16.10
Kāpiti Coast district excl Ōtaki $218.22 $232.82 $59.41 $63.13 $177.35 $201.39 $16.10 $16.10
Ōtaki rating area $133.89 $143.27 $36.45 $38.85 $96.78 $98.19 $16.10 $16.10
Masterton district $127.46 $135.78 $0.00 $0.00 $39.99 $48.68 $16.10 $16.10
Carterton district $137.13 $147.40 $3.58 $3.68 $67.40 $73.78 $16.10 $16.10
South Wairarapa district $157.18 $168.51 $0.00 $0.00 $97.54 $101.73 $16.10 $16.10

2019/20 residential region-wide rates per $100k of valued residential property

Total region-wide rates excl
General rate River management rate Public transport rate Wellington regional strategy
2018/19 2019/20 2018/19 2019/20 2018/19 2019/20 2018/19 2019/20
Wellington city $50.98 $35.44 $0.09 $0.10 $39.46 $32.94 $90.54 $68.48
Hutt city $43.30 $45.96 $23.41 $24.98 $63.08 $63.42 $129.79 $134.36
Upper Hutt city $43.06 $47.11 $9.37 $11.20 $69.55 $70.97 $121.98 $129.28
Porirua city $42.74 $45.58 $0.38 $0.54 $71.00 $70.34 $114.11 $116.46
Kāpiti Coast district excl Ōtaki $38.19 $40.53 $10.40 $10.99 $31.04 $35.06 $79.62 $86.58
Ōtaki rating area $38.19 $40.53 $10.40 $10.99 $27.60 $27.78 $76.19 $79.30
Masterton district $38.72 $40.99 $0.00 $0.00 $12.15 $14.69 $50.87 $55.68
Carterton district $38.87 $41.14 $1.02 $1.03 $19.10 $20.59 $58.99 $62.75
South Wairarapa district $38.48 $40.58 $0.00 $0.00 $23.88 $24.50 $62.36 $65.07

Region-wide rates are charged to all ratepayers in the region. They exclude targeted rates for pest management, Wairarapa river and drainage schemes, and "Warm Greater Wellington", because those rates only apply
to highly specific ratepayers in those work programmes.
Average rates for each area and category

These tables show the region-wide rates that are charged to all ratepayers in the region. They exclude targeted rates for pest management, Wairarapa river and
drainage schemes, and "Warm Greater Wellington", because those rates only apply to highly specific ratepayers in those work programmes.

Average capital Increase in Increase Rates Rates

Residential, including GST value 2019/20 per week 2019/20 per week
Wellington city $800,545 $46 $0.89 $564 $10.85
Hutt city $475,934 $23 $0.44 $656 $12.61
Upper Hutt city $418,317 $34 $0.66 $557 $10.71
Porirua city $496,841 $13 $0.25 $595 $11.44
Kāpiti Coast district excl Ōtaki $574,400 $42 $0.81 $513 $9.87
Ōtaki rating area $353,455 $13 $0.25 $296 $5.70
Masterton district $331,288 $17 $0.33 $201 $3.86
Carterton district $358,321 $17 $0.32 $241 $4.63
South Wairarapa district $415,279 $16 $0.30 $286 $5.51
These projected rates exclude the targeted rural pest and river management rates that are not charged to all ratepayers

Average capital Increase in Increase Rates Rates

Rural, excluding GST
value 2019/20 per week 2019/20 per week
Wellington city $1,006,000 ($22) ($0.42) $412 $7.93
Hutt city $649,000 $24 $0.46 $519 $9.98
Upper Hutt city $681,000 $36 $0.69 $480 $9.22
Porirua city $1,012,000 $29 $0.55 $591 $11.37
Kāpiti Coast district $750,000 $28 $0.55 $422 $8.12
Masterton district $721,000 $23 $0.44 $321 $6.18
Carterton district $854,000 $27 $0.51 $395 $7.59
South Wairarapa district $950,000 $24 $0.47 $430 $8.27
Tararua district $1,067,000 $157 $3.03 $421 $8.09
These projected rates exclude the targeted rural pest and river management rates that are not charged to all ratepayers

Average capital Increase in Increase Rates Rates

Business, excluding GST value 2019/20 per week 2019/20 per week
Wellington city $2,445,000 $83 $1.60 $1,994 $38.34
Wellington city - CBD $2,970,000 $343 $6.60 $9,297 $178.79
Hutt city $1,616,000 $129 $2.48 $2,128 $40.93
Upper Hutt city $1,585,000 $83 $1.60 $2,023 $38.90
Porirua city $1,381,000 $65 $1.25 $1,601 $30.80
Kāpiti Coast district $1,108,000 $92 $1.76 $979 $18.83
Masterton district $789,000 $57 $1.10 $497 $9.55
Carterton district $430,000 $29 $0.56 $297 $5.71
South Wairarapa district $677,000 $34 $0.66 $481 $9.24
These projected rates exclude the targeted rural pest and river management rates that are not charged to all ratepayers
Rates calculator - Residential region-wide 1 rates

To calculate region-wide rates for all property types, use the calculator on our website
Note: These calculations do not include GWRC targeted rates that are specific to individual properties, and they do not include rates set by city or district councils. Greater Wellington rates are set and assessed
by Greater Wellington but are invoiced and collected by the relevant city and district Council within the region. This combined collection arrangement is cost effective and more convenient for ratepayers.

2019/20 region-wide Enter the capital value of Wellington regional Indicative rates on your property for
rates per $100,000 of your property strategy rate 2019/20 1
capital value

Wellington city $59.54 x ÷ 100,000 + $14.00 =

Hutt city $116.83 x ÷ 100,000 + $14.00 =
Upper Hutt city $112.42 x ÷ 100,000 + $14.00 =
Porirua city $101.27 x ÷ 100,000 + $14.00 =
Kāpiti Coast district excl Ōtaki $75.29 x ÷ 100,000 + $14.00 =
Ōtaki rating area $68.96 x ÷ 100,000 + $14.00 =
Masterton district $48.42 x ÷ 100,000 + $14.00 =
Carterton district $54.57 x ÷ 100,000 + $14.00 =
South Wairarapa district $56.59 x ÷ 100,000 + $14.00 =

Hutt city example $116.83 x $350,000 ÷ 100,000 + $14.00 = $422.91

includes GST @ 15% $486.35

1 Region-wide rates are charged to all ratepayers in the region. They exclude targeted rates for pest management, Wairarapa river and drainage schemes, and "Warm Greater Wellington", because those
rates only apply to highly specific ratepayers in those work programmes.
General rate 2019/20 2019/20 Targeted rate
Public transport rate
Cents per $ of Revenue required
rateable capital $

Wellington city - CDB 0.05238 5,197,017 Wellington city

Wellington city - Business 0.04006 1,858,085 Regional CBD
Wellington city - Residential 0.03081 17,717,843 Business
Wellington city - Rural 0.03081 244,945 Residential
Hutt city 0.03997 8,603,531 Rural
Upper Hutt city 0.04105 3,390,994 Hutt city
Porirua city 0.03964 4,109,460 Business
Kāpiti Coast district 0.03525 5,249,544 Residential
Masterton district 0.03564 2,110,071 Rural
Carterton district 0.03577 967,631 Upper Hutt city
South Wairarapa district 0.03528 1,607,158 Business
Tararua district 0.03680 3,927 Residential
Total general rate 51,060,208 Rural
Porirua city
Targeted rate 2019/20 2019/20 Kāpiti Coast district
River management rate
Cents per $ of Revenue required Business
rateable capital $
based on capital value value Residential excl Otaki
Residential Otaki rating area
Wellington city 0.00009 63,804 Rural
Hutt city 0.02172 4,675,267 Masterton district
Upper Hutt city 0.00976 806,234 Business
Porirua city 0.00047 48,239 Residential
Kāpiti Coast district 0.00956 1,423,425 Rural

Masterton District 0.00000 0 Carterton district

Carterton district 0.00089 24,179 Business
South Wairarapa District 0.00000 0 Residential
Total district-wide river management rate 7,041,148 Rural
Greytown ward 0.01225 94,400 South Wairarapa district
Total river management rates based upon capital value 7,135,548 Business

Total public transport rate

Targeted rate 2019/20 2019/20

River management
Cents per $ of Revenue required Targeted rate
rateable land $ Warm Greater Wellington
value Based on extent of service provided

Featherston urban: Donalds Creek Stopbank 0.00163 2,667 For any ratepayer that utilises the service
Total river management rates based upon land value 2,667

Total river management rates 7,138,215

All figures on this page exclude GST.

Targeted rate
Wellington regional strategy rate

Wellington city
Regional CBD
Residential – per rating unit
Rural – per rating unit
Hutt city
Residential – per rating unit
Rural – per rating unit
Upper Hutt city
Residential – per rating unit
Rural – per rating unit
Porirua city
Residential – per rating unit
Rural – per rating unit
Kāpiti Coast district
Residential – per rating unit
Rural – per rating unit
Masterton district
Residential – per rating unit
Rural – per rating unit
Carterton district
Residential – per rating unit
Rural – per rating unit
South Wairarapa district
Residential – per rating unit
Rural – per rating unit
Tararua district – per rating unit
Total Wellington regional strategy rate

All figures on this page exclude GST.

Targeted rate
River management schemes 1

Targeted rate
River management schemes 1 2019/20 2019/20 Waiohine Rural
$ per hectare Revenue required
Waiohine Rural
Waiohine Rural

Waingawa A 149.74607 5,080 Waiohine Rural

Waingawa B 97.33495 12,672 Waiohine Rural

Waingawa C 74.87304 8,549 Waiohine Rural

Waingawa D 67.38573 157

Waingawa E 59.89843 10,051 Mangatarere
Waingawa F 52.41112 1,360 Mangatarere

Waingawa G 22.46191 1,051 Mangatarere

Waingawa H 14.97461 2,528 Mangatarere

Upper Ruamahanga A 135.43124 12,056 Waipoua
Upper Ruamahanga B 112.85937 744 Waipoua

Upper Ruamahanga C 90.28749 11,265 Waipoua

Upper Ruamahanga D 67.71562 1,193 Waipoua

Upper Ruamahanga E 45.14375 13,393 Waipoua

Upper Ruamahanga F 22.57187 890 Waipoua

Upper Ruamahanga S 1,271.71035 3,306

Middle Ruamahanga A 133.58145 5,389
Middle Ruamahanga B 111.31787 6,076
Middle Ruamahanga C 89.05430 455
Middle Ruamahanga D 66.79072 7,561
Middle Ruamahanga E 44.52715 1,343
Middle Ruamahanga F 22.26357 6,582
Middle Ruamahanga S 1,347.14362 2,829
Lower Ruamahanga A 64.27079 8,064
Lower Ruamahanga B 55.08925 2,966
Lower Ruamahanga C 45.90771 10,282
Lower Ruamahanga D 36.72617 11,698
Lower Ruamahanga E 27.54463 8,911
Lower Ruamahanga F 18.36308 22,482
Lower Ruamahanga SA 1,611.57080 4,190
Lower Ruamahanga SB 805.78551 1,370
All figures on this page exclude GST.
Targeted rate 2019/20 2019/20 Targeted rate
River management schemes 1 River management schemes 2
$ per hectare Revenue required

Kopuaranga A2 122.71450 3,197 Lower Wairarapa valley Development

Kopuaranga A3 110.54410 7,617
Kopuaranga A4 61.45830 694 Lower Wairarapa valley Development Scheme

Kopuaranga A5 42.95090 2,479 Total river management scheme rates 2

Kopuaranga A6 24.54390 1,991
Kopuaranga B2 24.54390 1,504 Total river management scheme rates
Kopuaranga B3 22.08960 1,622
Kopuaranga B4 12.27250 114
Kopuaranga B5 8.59100 267
Kopuaranga B6 4.90940 590
Kopuaranga SA 153.57000 768
Kopuaranga SB 76.79000 1,075
Lower Taueru A 4.13994 1,687
Lower Taueru B 0.82799 234
Lower Taueru C 0.41399 74
Lower Taueru S 206.99719 314
Lower Whangaehu A 22.05553 736
Lower Whangaehu B 17.64442 1,148
Lower Whangaehu C 13.23332 720
Lower Whangaehu D 8.82221 676
Lower Whangaehu E 4.41111 769
Lower Whangaehu S 110.27765 147
Total river management scheme rates 1 370,355
"Separately used or inhabited part" (dwelling) includes any part of a
rating unit separately used or inhabited by the owner or any other person
who has the right to use or inhabit that part by virtue of a tenancy, lease,
All figures on this page exclude GST.
licence or other agreement. At a minimum, the land or premises intended
to form the separately used or inhabited part of the rating unit must be
capable of actual habitation, or actual separate use. To avoid doubt, a
rating unit that has only one use (ie, it does not have separate parts or is
vacant land) is treated as being one separately used or inhabited part
Targeted rate 2019/20 2019/20 Targeted rate
Catchment schemes 1 Catchment schemes 2
$ per hectare Revenue required

Whareama A 4.45921 3,190 Awhea-Opouawe

Whareama B 1.71893 1,637 Mataikona-Whakataki

Whareama C 0.30085 13,711 Catchment management scheme 2 rates

Whareama D 0.25781 0
E 0.21488 3 Targeted rate
Catchment schemes 3
Whareama F 0.17184 474
Homewood A 1.97000 4,521
Homewood B 1.71061 945 Awhea-Opouawe
Homewood C 1.55980 5,713 Maungaraki
Homewood D 0.22300 388 Mataikona-Whakataki
11,566 Catchment management scheme 3 rates
Maungaraki A 0.99000 3,272

Maungaraki B 0.49000 1,456

4,728 Targeted rate
Catchment schemes 4
Upper Kaiwhata A 9.80000 320
Upper Kaiwhata B 4.20000 221
Upper Kaiwhata C 0.62000 594
Upper Kaiwhata D 0.39000 801
Upper Kaiwhata E 0.27000 443 Maungaraki
Upper Kaiwhata F 0.14500 66 Catchment management scheme 4 rates
2,444 Total catchment management scheme rates
Lower Kaiwhata A 16.19000 744
Lower Kaiwhata B 7.10000 315 1
"Separately used or inhabited part" (dwelling) includes
Lower Kaiwhata C 1.01901 1,181 the right to use or inhabit that part by virtue of a tenancy
separately used or inhabited part of the rating unit must
Lower Kaiwhata D 0.63858 1,890
only one use (ie, it does not have separate parts or is va
Lower Kaiwhata E 0.00000 0
Lower Kaiwhata F 0.21183 74
Catchment management scheme 1 rates 41,958

All figures on this page exclude GST.

Targeted rate 2019/20 2019/20 Targeted rate

Pump drainage schemes Gravity drainage schemes
$ per hectare Revenue required

Te Hopai A 37.14400 46,304 Okawa

Moonmoot pump A 89.11500 20,294 Taumata
Onoke pump A 59.94600 42,767 East Pukio
Pouawha pump A 90.42700 85,499 Longbush
Total pump drainage scheme rates 194,864 Otahoua
Te Whiti
Targeted rate 2019/20 2019/20 Ahikouka
Pest management
$ per hectare Revenue required Battersea
Rural land area Battersea
Land area of 4 or more hectares in all rural classified areas 0.95798 577,200 Battersea
Total pest management rate 577,200 Battersea
All figures on this page exclude GST. Manaia
2019/20 2019/20
Cents per $ of Revenue required
rateable capital value $

0.25271 25,071,881
0.03358 1,557,519
0.02864 16,470,136
0.00727 57,811

0.06089 2,321,630
0.05514 9,592,741
0.01398 44,264

0.06632 799,238
0.06178 3,846,959
0.01564 134,894

0.06686 736,637
0.06117 5,285,985
0.01552 96,749

0.03555 524,921
0.03049 3,143,579
0.02416 270,923
0.00778 154,376

0.01918 83,082
0.01278 342,265
0.00503 141,330

0.02433 23,630
0.01790 153,781
0.00629 110,001

0.02764 58,396
0.02130 292,527
0.00706 209,655


2019/20 2019/20
Percentage of Revenue required
service provided $

15.000% 3,209,151

Rates funding impact statement

2019/20 2019/20
$ per rating unit Cents per $ of Revenue required
rateable capital value $

0.00782 775,888
0.00782 362,757
$14.00 1,005,564
$28.00 22,120
0.00910 347,086
$14.00 509,964
$28.00 13,664

0.00933 110,307
$14.00 208,222
$28.00 33,572

0.00903 99,458
$14.00 243,516
$28.00 17,248

0.00803 118,517
$14.00 292,838
$28.00 69,776

0.00812 35,162
$14.00 112,938
$28.00 96,600

0.00815 7,912
$14.00 32,578
$28.00 48,860

0.00804 16,979
$14.00 44,870
$28.00 79,156
$28.00 252
Rates funding impact statement

2019/20 2019/20
$ per hectare Revenue required

A 46.75400 5,259
B 38.94400 14,916
C 31.16300 39,828
D 23.40400 8,695
E 15.61400 12,468
S 778.39400 13,233
A 35.30636 758
B 33.77130 7,077
C 28.61789 451
D 25.32847 1,820
A 113.70796 9,949
B 90.96637 27,320
C 68.22478 1,532
D 45.48319 13,519
SA 3,843.32915 384
SC 2,296.90086 230
2019/20 2019/20 2019/20
$ per $ per point Revenue required
dwelling $

A 0.23887 690,055
Sa 19.17852 7,997
Sb 38.37169 86,797
rates 2 784,849


Rates funding impact statement

2019/20 2019/20
Cents per $ of Revenue required
rateable land value $

Land value 0.01553 10,523

Land value within scheme area 0.00523 3,885

e 2 rates 14,408

2019/20 2019/20
$ per Revenue required
dwelling $

Charge per dwelling $114.54 / $57.27 11,821

Charge per dwelling $22.18 421
Charge per dwelling $15.30 2,668
e 3 rates 14,910

2019/20 2019/20
Cents per metre of Revenue required
river frontage $

River frontage 0.03540 1,686

e 4 rates 1,686
cheme rates 72,962
" (dwelling) includes any part of a rating unit separately used or inhabited by the owner or any other person who has
y virtue of a tenancy, lease, licence or other agreement. At a minimum, the land or premises intended to form the
the rating unit must be capable of actual habitation, or actual separate use. To avoid of doubt, a rating unit that has
eparate parts or is vacant land) is treated as being one separately used or inhabited part (dwelling).
Rates funding impact statement

2019/20 2019/20
$ per hectare Revenue required

A 7.14724 2,016
A 6.43814 1,871
A 28.29511 3,213
A 16.06959 3,506
B 8.03485 1,010
A 33.00455 3,060
A 9.73253 1,375
A 27.70973 3,109
A 15.33805 2,588
B 12.67432 2,476
C 9.91899 3,154
D 5.99678 916
E 5.12856 1,041
F 5.17038 364
A 23.20786 4,048
2019/20 Final Rates Averages
Greater Wellington Region

2018/19 2019/20 2018/19 2019/20

Budget Plan Change Change
Average CV Average CV
$000s $000s $000s %
Excluding GST
Regional CBD $2,355,328 $2,970,404 $8,954.37 $9,297.45 $343.07 3.8%
Business $1,485,178 $1,575,878 $1,537.53 $1,628.35 $90.81 5.9%
Residential $502,546 $604,345 $448.53 $477.60 $29.07 6.5%
Rural $802,092 $814,138 $384.48 $408.23 $23.75 6.2%
Total $595,990 $698,447 $631.25 $664.90 $33.65 5.3%
Note: some business and rural values dropped due to on-going sesimic assesments impacting capital value
Including GST
All properties $595,990 $698,447 725.94 764.63 38.69 5.33%
Residential property $502,546 $604,345 515.81 549.24 33.43 6.48%

Average Rates - Residential properties

Wellington city Hutt city Upper Hutt city Porirua city Kāpiti Coast Kāpiti Coast Ōtaki rating area Masterton Carterton district South Wairarapa Tararua district
district district excl district district

Excluding GST
Residential Average Rates 2019/20 490.68 570.05 484.26 517.15 #N/A 446.47 257.74 174.40 209.53 248.99 #N/A
Average Rates 2018/19 450.51 549.94 454.58 505.75 #N/A 409.64 246.28 159.61 194.97 235.50 #N/A
Average Increase 40.18 20.10 29.68 11.40 #N/A 36.82 11.46 14.79 14.56 13.49 #N/A
% Increase 0.09 0.04 0.07 0.02 #N/A 0.09 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.06 #N/A
Average Value 2019/20 $800,545 $475,934 $418,317 $496,841 #N/A $574,400 $353,455 $331,288 $358,321 $415,279 #N/A

Including GST
Average Rates 2019/20 564.29 655.55 556.90 594.72 #N/A 513.44 296.40 200.56 240.96 286.34 #N/A
Average Rates 2018/19 518.08 632.43 522.76 581.62 #N/A 471.09 283.23 183.55 224.21 270.82 #N/A
Average Increase 46.20 23.12 34.14 13.11 #N/A 42.35 13.18 17.00 16.75 15.51 #N/A

Excluding GST

Rural Average Rates 2019/20 412.12 518.85 479.63 591.00 422.30 #N/A #N/A 321.27 394.84 430.20 420.74

Average Rates 2018/19 433.72 495.04 443.90 562.28 393.90 #N/A #N/A 298.41 368.13 405.88 263.30
Average Increase (21.60) 23.81 35.73 28.72 28.41 #N/A #N/A 22.86 26.71 24.32 157.44
% Increase (0.05) 0.05 0.08 0.05 0.07 #N/A #N/A 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.60
Average Value 2019/20 $1,006,231 $648,652 $680,558 $1,012,220 $749,910 #N/A #N/A $721,054 $854,057 $949,855 $1,067,350

Excluding GST
Business Average Rates 2019/20 1,993.90 2,128.41 2,022.86 1,601.42 978.96 #N/A #N/A 496.61 297.14 480.54 #N/A
Average Rates 2018/19 1,910.94 1,999.31 1,939.90 1,536.27 887.44 #N/A #N/A 439.61 267.78 446.35 #N/A
Average Increase 82.96 129.11 82.96 65.15 91.52 #N/A #N/A 57.00 29.36 34.19 #N/A
% Increase 0.04 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.10 #N/A #N/A 0.13 0.11 0.08 #N/A
Average Value 2019/20 $2,445,185 $1,616,369 $1,584,905 $1,380,621 $1,107,644 #N/A #N/A $789,088 $429,763 $677,207 #N/A

Excluding GST
Regional CBD Average Rates 2019/20 9,297.45 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
Average Rates 2018/19 8,954.37 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
Average Increase 343.07 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
% Increase 0.04 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
Average Value 2019/20 $2,970,404 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A

Excluding GST
District wide Average Rates 2019/20 904.34 662.68 551.64 565.57 448.05 #N/A #N/A 233.16 292.99 342.24 417.94
Average Rates 2018/19 857.80 636.70 516.94 551.62 412.59 #N/A #N/A 214.71 272.52 323.52 260.50
Average Increase 46.54 25.98 34.70 13.95 35.46 #N/A #N/A 18.44 20.47 18.72 157.44
% Increase 0.05 0.04 0.07 0.03 0.09 #N/A #N/A 0.09 0.08 0.06 0.60
Average Value 2019/20 $935,796 $546,358 $489,399 $551,218 $593,294 #N/A #N/A $472,507 $579,133 $675,187 $1,067,350

Consultation document

Average Capital Average Increase Average Increase Average Rates Average rates Increase %
Value in 2019/20 Weekly 2019/20 weekly
Residential Property - including GST

Wellington city $800,545 $46 $0.89 $564 $10.85 8.9%

Hutt city $475,934 $23 $0.44 $656 $12.61 3.7%
Upper Hutt city $418,317 $34 $0.66 $557 $10.71 6.5%
Porirua city $496,841 $13 $0.25 $595 $11.44 2.3%
Kāpiti Coast district excl Ōtaki $574,400 $42 $0.81 $513 $9.87 9.0%
Ōtaki rating area $353,455 $13 $0.25 $296 $5.70 4.7%
Masterton district $331,288 $17 $0.33 $201 $3.86 9.3%
Carterton district $358,321 $17 $0.32 $241 $4.63 7.5%
South Wairarapa district $415,279 $16 $0.30 $286 $5.51 5.7%

Average Capital Average Increase Average Increase Average Rates Average rates Increase %
Value per year per week per year per week
Rural Property - excluding GST

Wellington city $1,006,000 ($22) ($0.42) $412 $7.93 (5.0%)

Hutt city $649,000 $24 $0.46 $519 $9.98 4.8%
Upper Hutt city $681,000 $36 $0.69 $480 $9.22 8.1%
Porirua city $1,012,000 $29 $0.55 $591 $11.37 5.1%
Kāpiti Coast district $750,000 $28 $0.55 $422 $8.12 7.2%
Masterton district $721,000 $23 $0.44 $321 $6.18 7.7%
Carterton district $854,000 $27 $0.51 $395 $7.59 7.3%
South Wairarapa district $950,000 $24 $0.47 $430 $8.27 6.0%
Tararua district $1,067,000 $157 $3.03 $421 $8.09 59.8%
These projected rates exclude the targeted rural pest and river management rates that are not charged to all ratepayers

Average Capital Average Increase Average Increase Average Rates Average rates Increase %
Value per year per week per year per week
Business Property - excluding GST

Wellington city - CBD $2,970,000 $343 $6.60 $9,297 $178.79 3.8%

Wellington city $2,445,000 $83 $1.60 $1,994 $38.34 4.3%
Hutt city $1,616,000 $129 $2.48 $2,128 $40.93 6.5%
Upper Hutt city $1,585,000 $83 $1.60 $2,023 $38.90 4.3%
Porirua city $1,381,000 $65 $1.25 $1,601 $30.80 4.2%
Kāpiti Coast district $1,108,000 $92 $1.76 $979 $18.83 10.3%
Masterton district $789,000 $57 $1.10 $497 $9.55 13.0%
Carterton district $430,000 $29 $0.56 $297 $5.71 11.0%
South Wairarapa district $677,000 $34 $0.66 $481 $9.24 7.7%
These projected rates exclude the targeted rural pest and river management rates that are not charged to all ratepayers

You can estimate your own projected regional rates on our website
Rating mechanisms
Funding mechanism Groups of activities funded Valuation system Matters for differentiation/categories of land Calculation factor

General rate
General rate All Groups of activities except Public Capital value Where the land is situated. Cents per dollar of rateable capital value
Transport are funded to some extent by
this rate. Activities that are not funded
are Warm Greater Wellington and the
Wellington Regional Strategy.

Targeted rates
Wellington Regional Regional Leadership Business category - Where the land is situated and the use to which the land is put. Business - cents per dollar of rateable capital value
Strategy capital value Residential - fixed dollar amount per rating unit
Residential and Rural Rural - fixed dollar amount per rating unit
categories - not based on

Warm Greater Wellington Regional Leadership Extent of service provided Provision of service to the land. Extent of service, calculated as a percentage of the service.

Public transport Public Transport Capital value Where the land is situated and the use to which the land is put. Cents per dollar of rateable capital value
Pest management Environment Land area Where the land is situated and the area of land within each rating unit. Dollars per hectare
River management Flood Protection Capital value/land value Where the land is situated. Cents per dollar of rateable capital value / land value.

Wairarapa river Flood Protection Land area/inhabited Where the land is situated (in some cases set under section146 of the Local Dollars per hectare in the area protected, or dollars per point attributed to
management schemes parts/services provided Government (Rating) Act 2002 using approved classification and differential registers) each rating unit and in some cases a fixed charge per separately used or
and/or the benefits accruing through the provision of services and in some cases use. inhabited part (dwelling).1

Wairarapa catchment Flood Protection Land area/land Where the land is situated (in some cases set under S146 of the Local Government Dollars per hectare or cents per metre of river frontage in the area
schemes value/inhabited parts (Rating) Act 2002 using approved classification and differential registers) and in some protected and in some cases a fixed charge per separately used or
cases use and land value. inhabited part (dwelling) and cents per dollar of rateable land value. 1

Wairarapa drainage Flood Protection Land area Where the land is situated (Set under S146 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 Dollars per hectare in the area protected.
schemes using approved classification and differential registers).
Differential on the general rate
There are no differentials on Greater Wellington Regional Council's general rate.
Estimate of projected valuation
Greater Wellington uses an "estimate of projected valuation" to recognise that valuation dates vary across the region (section 131, Local Government (Rating) Act 2002).
Separately used or inhabited part
Rate_Class_ID Rate_Class_Name Model
1 Residential Residential
2 Business Business per $ Model name Rate Look up rate name Category
3 Rural Rural TA_ID Rate_Class_ID Rates_ID Rates_Status_ID Rates_year Rates_value
4 Regional CBD Regional CBD 41 1 1 1 2019/20 0.03081 Wellington city General rate General rate Residential
5 Residential - excl Otaki excl Otaki 41 1 2 1 2019/20 0.00009 Wellington city River management rate River management rate Residential
6 Residential - Otaki rating area 41 1 3 1 2019/20 0.02864 Wellington city Public transport rate Public transport rate Residential
41 1 4 1 2019/20 0.00000 Wellington city Stadium purposes rate Stadium purposes rate Residential
41 1 5 1 2019/20 14.00000 Wellington city Wellington regional strategy rate Wellington regional strategy rate Residential
Rates_status_ID Rates_status 41 2 1 1 2019/20 0.04006 Wellington city General rate General rate Business
1 Draft 41 2 2 1 2019/20 0.00009 Wellington city River management rate River management rate Business
2 Approved 41 2 3 1 2019/20 0.03358 Wellington city Public transport rate Public transport rate Business
41 2 4 1 2019/20 0.00000 Wellington city Stadium purposes rate Stadium purposes rate Business
41 2 6 1 2019/20 0.00782 Wellington city Wellington regional strategy rate - Business Wellington regional strategy rate Business
Rate_ID Rate_Name Model 41 3 1 1 2019/20 0.03081 Wellington city General rate General rate Rural
1 General rate General rate 41 3 2 1 2019/20 0.00009 Wellington city River management rate River management rate Rural
2 River management rate River management rate 41 3 3 1 2019/20 0.00727 Wellington city Public transport rate Public transport rate Rural
3 Public transport rate Public transport rate 41 3 4 1 2019/20 0.00000 Wellington city Stadium purposes rate Stadium purposes rate Rural
4 Stadium purposes rate Stadium purposes rate 41 3 5 1 2019/20 28.00000 Wellington city Wellington regional strategy rate Wellington regional strategy rate Rural
5 Wellington regional strategy rate Wellington regional strategy rate 41 4 1 1 2019/20 0.05238 Wellington city General rate General rate Regional CBD
6 Wellington regional strategy rate - Busine Wellington regional strategy rate 41 4 2 1 2019/20 0.00009 Wellington city River management rate River management rate Regional CBD
41 4 3 1 2019/20 0.25271 Wellington city Public transport rate Public transport rate Regional CBD
41 4 4 1 2019/20 0.00000 Wellington city Stadium purposes rate Stadium purposes rate Regional CBD
41 4 6 1 2019/20 0.00782 Wellington city Wellington regional strategy rate - Business Wellington regional strategy rate Regional CBD

TA_ID TA_NAME Model TA_ID Rate_Class_ID Rates_ID Rates_Status_ID Rates_year Rates_value

41 Wellington city Wellington city 42 1 1 1 2019/20 0.03997 Hutt city General rate General rate Residential
42 Hutt city Hutt city 42 1 2 1 2019/20 0.02172 Hutt city River management rate River management rate Residential
43 Upper Hutt city Rest of Upper Hutt city 42 1 3 1 2019/20 0.05514 Hutt city Public transport rate Public transport rate Residential
44 Porirua city Porirua city 42 1 4 1 2019/20 0.00000 Hutt city Stadium purposes rate Stadium purposes rate Residential
45 Kāpiti Coast district Kāpiti Coast district 42 1 5 1 2019/20 14.00000 Hutt city Wellington regional strategy rate Wellington regional strategy rate Residential
46 Masterton district Masterton district 42 2 1 1 2019/20 0.03997 Hutt city General rate General rate Business
47 Carterton district Carterton district 42 2 2 1 2019/20 0.02172 Hutt city River management rate River management rate Business
48 South Wairarapa district South Wairarapa district 42 2 3 1 2019/20 0.06089 Hutt city Public transport rate Public transport rate Business
49 Tararua district Tararua district 42 2 4 1 2019/20 0.00000 Hutt city Stadium purposes rate Stadium purposes rate Business
42 2 6 1 2019/20 0.00910 Hutt city Wellington regional strategy rate - Business Wellington regional strategy rate Business
42 3 1 1 2019/20 0.03997 Hutt city General rate General rate Rural
42 3 2 1 2019/20 0.02172 Hutt city River management rate River management rate Rural
42 3 3 1 2019/20 0.01398 Hutt city Public transport rate Public transport rate Rural
42 3 4 1 2019/20 0.00000 Hutt city Stadium purposes rate Stadium purposes rate Rural
42 3 5 1 2019/20 28.00000 Hutt city Wellington regional strategy rate Wellington regional strategy rate Rural

TA_ID Rate_Class_ID Rates_ID Rates_Status_ID Rates_year Rates_value

43 1 1 1 2019/20 0.04105 Upper Hutt city General rate General rate Residential
43 1 2 1 2019/20 0.00976 Upper Hutt city River management rate River management rate Residential
43 1 3 1 2019/20 0.06178 Upper Hutt city Public transport rate Public transport rate Residential
43 1 4 1 2019/20 0.00000 Upper Hutt city Stadium purposes rate Stadium purposes rate Residential
43 1 5 1 2019/20 14.00000 Upper Hutt city Wellington regional strategy rate Wellington regional strategy rate Residential
43 2 1 1 2019/20 0.04105 Upper Hutt city General rate General rate Business
43 2 2 1 2019/20 0.00976 Upper Hutt city River management rate River management rate Business
43 2 3 1 2019/20 0.06632 Upper Hutt city Public transport rate Public transport rate Business
43 2 4 1 2019/20 0.00000 Upper Hutt city Stadium purposes rate Stadium purposes rate Business
43 2 6 1 2019/20 0.00933 Upper Hutt city Wellington regional strategy rate - Business Wellington regional strategy rate Business
43 3 1 1 2019/20 0.04105 Upper Hutt city General rate General rate Rural
43 3 2 1 2019/20 0.00976 Upper Hutt city River management rate River management rate Rural
43 3 3 1 2019/20 0.01564 Upper Hutt city Public transport rate Public transport rate Rural
43 3 4 1 2019/20 0.00000 Upper Hutt city Stadium purposes rate Stadium purposes rate Rural
43 3 5 1 2019/20 28.00000 Upper Hutt city Wellington regional strategy rate Wellington regional strategy rate Rural

TA_ID Rate_Class_ID Rates_ID Rates_Status_ID Rates_year Rates_value

44 1 1 1 2019/20 0.03964 Porirua city General rate General rate Residential
44 1 2 1 2019/20 0.00047 Porirua city River management rate River management rate Residential
44 1 3 1 2019/20 0.06117 Porirua city Public transport rate Public transport rate Residential
44 1 4 1 2019/20 0.00000 Porirua city Stadium purposes rate Stadium purposes rate Residential
44 1 5 1 2019/20 14.00000 Porirua city Wellington regional strategy rate Wellington regional strategy rate Residential
44 2 1 1 2019/20 0.03964 Porirua city General rate General rate Business
44 2 2 1 2019/20 0.00047 Porirua city River management rate River management rate Business
44 2 3 1 2019/20 0.06686 Porirua city Public transport rate Public transport rate Business
44 2 4 1 2019/20 0.00000 Porirua city Stadium purposes rate Stadium purposes rate Business
44 2 6 1 2019/20 0.00903 Porirua city Wellington regional strategy rate - Business Wellington regional strategy rate Business
44 3 1 1 2019/20 0.03964 Porirua city General rate General rate Rural
44 3 2 1 2019/20 0.00047 Porirua city River management rate River management rate Rural
44 3 3 1 2019/20 0.01552 Porirua city Public transport rate Public transport rate Rural
44 3 4 1 2019/20 0.00000 Porirua city Stadium purposes rate Stadium purposes rate Rural
44 3 5 1 2019/20 28.00000 Porirua city Wellington regional strategy rate Wellington regional strategy rate Rural

TA_ID Rate_Class_ID Rates_ID Rates_Status_ID Rates_year Rates_value

45 5 1 1 2019/20 0.03525 Kāpiti Coast district General rate General rate Residential - excl Otaki
45 5 2 1 2019/20 0.00956 Kāpiti Coast district River management rate River management rate Residential - excl Otaki
45 5 3 1 2019/20 0.03049 Kāpiti Coast district Public transport rate Public transport rate Residential - excl Otaki
45 5 4 1 2019/20 0.00000 Kāpiti Coast district Stadium purposes rate Stadium purposes rate Residential - excl Otaki
45 5 5 1 2019/20 14.00000 Kāpiti Coast district Wellington regional strategy rate Wellington regional strategy rate Residential - excl Otaki
45 6 1 1 2019/20 0.03525 Kāpiti Coast district General rate General rate Residential - Otaki rating area
45 6 2 1 2019/20 0.00956 Kāpiti Coast district River management rate River management rate Residential - Otaki rating area
45 6 3 1 2019/20 0.02416 Kāpiti Coast district Public transport rate Public transport rate Residential - Otaki rating area
45 6 4 1 2019/20 0.00000 Kāpiti Coast district Stadium purposes rate Stadium purposes rate Residential - Otaki rating area
45 6 5 1 2019/20 14.00000 Kāpiti Coast district Wellington regional strategy rate Wellington regional strategy rate Residential - Otaki rating area
45 2 1 1 2019/20 0.03525 Kāpiti Coast district General rate General rate Business
45 2 2 1 2019/20 0.00956 Kāpiti Coast district River management rate River management rate Business
45 2 3 1 2019/20 0.03555 Kāpiti Coast district Public transport rate Public transport rate Business
45 2 4 1 2019/20 0.00000 Kāpiti Coast district Stadium purposes rate Stadium purposes rate Business
45 2 6 1 2019/20 0.00803 Kāpiti Coast district Wellington regional strategy rate - Business Wellington regional strategy rate Business
45 3 1 1 2019/20 0.03525 Kāpiti Coast district General rate General rate Rural
45 3 2 1 2019/20 0.00956 Kāpiti Coast district River management rate River management rate Rural
45 3 3 1 2019/20 0.00778 Kāpiti Coast district Public transport rate Public transport rate Rural
45 3 4 1 2019/20 0.00000 Kāpiti Coast district Stadium purposes rate Stadium purposes rate Rural
45 3 5 1 2019/20 28.00000 Kāpiti Coast district Wellington regional strategy rate Wellington regional strategy rate Rural

TA_ID Rate_Class_ID Rates_ID Rates_Status_ID Rates_year Rates_value

46 1 1 1 2019/20 0.03564 Masterton district General rate General rate Residential
46 1 2 1 2019/20 0.00000 Masterton district River management rate River management rate Residential
46 1 3 1 2019/20 0.01278 Masterton district Public transport rate Public transport rate Residential
46 1 4 1 2019/20 0.00000 Masterton district Stadium purposes rate Stadium purposes rate Residential
46 1 5 1 2019/20 14.00000 Masterton district Wellington regional strategy rate Wellington regional strategy rate Residential
46 2 1 1 2019/20 0.03564 Masterton district General rate General rate Business
46 2 2 1 2019/20 0.00000 Masterton district River management rate River management rate Business
46 2 3 1 2019/20 0.01918 Masterton district Public transport rate Public transport rate Business
46 2 4 1 2019/20 0.00000 Masterton district Stadium purposes rate Stadium purposes rate Business
46 2 6 1 2019/20 0.00812 Masterton district Wellington regional strategy rate - Business Wellington regional strategy rate Business
46 3 1 1 2019/20 0.03564 Masterton district General rate General rate Rural
46 3 2 1 2019/20 0.00000 Masterton district River management rate River management rate Rural
46 3 3 1 2019/20 0.00503 Masterton district Public transport rate Public transport rate Rural
46 3 4 1 2019/20 0.00000 Masterton district Stadium purposes rate Stadium purposes rate Rural
46 3 5 1 2019/20 28.00000 Masterton district Wellington regional strategy rate Wellington regional strategy rate Rural

TA_ID Rate_Class_ID Rates_ID Rates_Status_ID Rates_year Rates_value

47 1 1 1 2019/20 0.03577 Carterton district General rate General rate Residential
47 1 2 1 2019/20 0.00089 Carterton district River management rate River management rate Residential
47 1 3 1 2019/20 0.01790 Carterton district Public transport rate Public transport rate Residential
47 1 4 1 2019/20 0.00000 Carterton district Stadium purposes rate Stadium purposes rate Residential
47 1 5 1 2019/20 14.00000 Carterton district Wellington regional strategy rate Wellington regional strategy rate Residential
47 2 1 1 2019/20 0.03577 Carterton district General rate General rate Business
47 2 2 1 2019/20 0.00089 Carterton district River management rate River management rate Business
47 2 3 1 2019/20 0.02433 Carterton district Public transport rate Public transport rate Business
47 2 4 1 2019/20 0.00000 Carterton district Stadium purposes rate Stadium purposes rate Business
47 2 6 1 2019/20 0.00815 Carterton district Wellington regional strategy rate - Business Wellington regional strategy rate Business
47 3 1 1 2019/20 0.03577 Carterton district General rate General rate Rural
47 3 2 1 2019/20 0.00089 Carterton district River management rate River management rate Rural
47 3 3 1 2019/20 0.00629 Carterton district Public transport rate Public transport rate Rural
47 3 4 1 2019/20 0.00000 Carterton district Stadium purposes rate Stadium purposes rate Rural
47 3 5 1 2019/20 28.00000 Carterton district Wellington regional strategy rate Wellington regional strategy rate Rural

TA_ID Rate_Class_ID Rates_ID Rates_Status_ID Rates_year Rates_value

48 1 1 1 2019/20 0.03528 South Wairarapa district General rate General rate Residential
48 1 2 1 2019/20 0.00000 South Wairarapa district River management rate River management rate Residential
48 1 3 1 2019/20 0.02130 South Wairarapa district Public transport rate Public transport rate Residential
48 1 4 1 2019/20 0.00000 South Wairarapa district Stadium purposes rate Stadium purposes rate Residential
48 1 5 1 2019/20 14.00000 South Wairarapa district Wellington regional strategy rate Wellington regional strategy rate Residential
48 2 1 1 2019/20 0.03528 South Wairarapa district General rate General rate Business
48 2 2 1 2019/20 0.00000 South Wairarapa district River management rate River management rate Business
48 2 3 1 2019/20 0.02764 South Wairarapa district Public transport rate Public transport rate Business
48 2 4 1 2019/20 0.00000 South Wairarapa district Stadium purposes rate Stadium purposes rate Business
48 2 6 1 2019/20 0.00804 South Wairarapa district Wellington regional strategy rate - Business Wellington regional strategy rate Business
48 3 1 1 2019/20 0.03528 South Wairarapa district General rate General rate Rural
48 3 2 1 2019/20 0.00000 South Wairarapa district River management rate River management rate Rural
48 3 3 1 2019/20 0.00706 South Wairarapa district Public transport rate Public transport rate Rural
48 3 4 1 2019/20 0.00000 South Wairarapa district Stadium purposes rate Stadium purposes rate Rural
48 3 5 1 2019/20 28.00000 South Wairarapa district Wellington regional strategy rate Wellington regional strategy rate Rural

TA_ID Rate_Class_ID Rates_ID Rates_Status_ID Rates_year Rates_value

49 3 1 1 2019/20 0.03680 Tararua district General rate General rate Rural
49 3 2 1 2019/20 0.00000 Tararua district River management rate River management rate Rural
49 3 3 1 2019/20 0.00000 Tararua district Public transport rate Public transport rate Rural
49 3 4 1 2019/20 0.00000 Tararua district Stadium purposes rate Stadium purposes rate Rural
49 3 5 1 2019/20 28.00000 Tararua district Wellington regional strategy rate Wellington regional strategy rate Rural

file:///conversion/tmp/scratch/437465886.xlsx 437465886.xlsx For IT

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