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Performance Task Scoring Rubric

Group Name:_________________________________

Exceeds Meets Approaches Does not meet Score

Category Expectation Expectation Expectation Expectation
(40%) (30%) (20%) (10%)
Student provides Student provides
Student provides
a logical an adequate
an inadequate
interpretation of interpretation of Student does not
Accuracy of the interpretation of
the findings and the findings and interpret the
Answer the findings and
clearly solves the solves the findings/reach a
(40 points) does not derive a
problem, offering problem, but fails conclusion.
logical solution to
alternative to provide
the problem.
solutions. alternatives.
The student’s The student’s The student’s Gestures are not
stance is stance is stance is used or not
consistently somewhat somewhat visible.The
controlled, controlled, with controlled, with student does not
without some distracting some distracting use facial
distracting movements. The movements. The expressions The
movements student student student does not
Gestures are somewhat uses a somewhat uses a maintain eye
consistently variety of facial variety of facial contact with the
effective and expressions and expressions and audience
varied. The somewhat somewhat
Presentation student maintains eye maintains eye
(40 points) consistently uses contact with the contact with the
a variety of facial audience. audience.
expressions and Gestures are Gestures are
maintains eye somewhat somewhat
contact with the visible, and visible, and
audience. somewhat somewhat
Student is effectively used effectively used
consistently for emphasis, and for emphasis, and
audible and varied. varied.
Intonation is
Student’s visuals
Student’s visuals Student’s visuals Student’s visuals
and/or and/or and/or
application of
application of application of application of
technology are
technology are technology are technology are
superb in their
Visual satisfactory in basic in their inappropriate in
Aids/Technology their content, content, their content,
creativity and
(20 points) creativity and creativity and creativity and
style. They
style, style, somewhat style, and/or do
contributing to contributing to not contribute to
contribute to the
the presentation. the presentation. the presentation.

Total Score

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