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Lesson Title 1.

Understand the Definition of Terms used in Technical


Words can mean different things at different times. They come into
existence to express thoughts by a group of people that share them, at a point
in time, with a meaning that reflects their origin, use, and timeframe.
On this lesson, technical terms being used in technical drawing will be
provided with concrete definition suited for the course. Some terms might be
shared with other subject fields, but quite often the definitions for these shared
terms are different.

Assessment Criteria

1. Technical terms used in technical drawing are clearly defined and


Information Sheet 1
Definition of Terms

Accented : refers to a means of heavy and light elements of letters.

Accurately : is conforming exactly to truth or to a standard
Angle : refers to the space or opening between two straight lines
that meet.
Ant’s View : The vanishing point is located below the eye level of the
Arc : is a portion or a segment of a circumference of the circle.
Bird’s Eye View : The vanishing point is located above the eye level of the
Bisect : means to divide in half.
Circle : is a plane figure bounded by a circumference which is
equidistant from a common point, the center.
Circumscribe : means to draw a polygon outside the circle.
Cone : is an n-dimensional geometric shape that tapers
smoothly from a base (usually flat and circular) to a point
called the apex or vertex.
Creativity : is the ability to create
Crosswise : refers to the direction of the cutting plane line cutting
across the object.
Cylinder : is one of the most basic curvilinear geometric shapes, the
surface formed by the points at a fixed distance from a
given line segment, the axis of the cylinder.
Degree : is a unit of angle measurement.
Develop : is to set forth or make clear by degrees or in detail
Dimension : is a radial or linear length (width, height, depth) labeled
on a technical drawing.
Dimensioning : is an act of measuring a sizes of the drawing (height,
width, length and depth).

Divider : is a device used to transfer measurements or to scribe

arcs on hard surfaces.
Dodecahedron : is a solid with twelve pentagons.
English system of : a system of measurement, commonly converted and
done in forms of fraction (e.g. ½, ¾,etc.),the unit of
measurement use are inches, foot.
Eye level : The object is viewed within the eye level of the observer.
Flat : is lying at full length or spread out upon the ground

Freehand Drawing. : A form of drawing performed without the use of

mechanical drawing instruments. it is purely done by
pencil rendering.
Ground Line : is line wherein the front view must be drawn.
Hexagon : is a polygon with six sides.
Hexahedron : is a cube.
Horizon Line is a line wherein the vanishing point must be located.
Horizontal : is a narrow flat surface
Icosahedron : is a solid with twenty triangles.
Inclined : is a line in a diagonal position
Inscribe : means to draw a polygon inside a circle.
Interior : the inside portion or part of an object.
Lengthwise : refers to the direction of the cutting-plane line cutting
along the length of the object.
Measurement : is the dimension,( considering the length, width, height
and breadth) of and objects being drawn.
Metric system of : a system of measurement commonly use, it is based on
the common unit of length called Meter.
Neatly : is free from dirt and disorder : habitually clean and
Octagon : is a polygon with eight sides.
Octahedron : is a solid with eight triangles.
Orthographic projection : is a method of representing the three dimensions (height,
width and length).
Oval : an elliptical shape that resembles an egg.
Parallel Lines : are lines equidistant from each other at all points.
Pattern : is a form or model proposed for imitation
Pentagon : is a polygon with five sides.
Picture Plane : is an imaginary flat surface wherein the top view must be
drawn and viewed.
Principle : is a comprehensive and fundamental law, doctrine, or
Principles : a guiding rules to follow.
Process : a series of actions or operations.
Projection : is an object on a plane having only length and breadth
Projection : is a line or object that shows a distance.

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