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Military History

An Assignment Submitted To

MS Asifa Rana
Course Name: History (GC-102)

BS English

Submitted By:

Aiwad Ali

Department Of English Language and Literature


October, 2018

“Historiography means how to write history or how historians write history”

Military History

Military history is about the history of war of an army.

Military history is a kind of history which is closely allied to political history. The waging of

war is still considered a political activity. The Military History makes a detailed study of the

causes of the war, strategy and tactics of war, the organization of the war machinery including

weapons, fighting machines and the services of the persons in the war.

There are two categories of historians in historiography of military history:

1) Mature Historians

2) Immature Historians

Mature Historians:

Mature historians write about the following points while writing on military history;

a) Important points:

Mature historians write only about the important points while writing on

military history.

b) Social and Economical Impact:

Mature historians also write about the social and economical impact of

the war on the society that how the society is impacted socially and


c) Organization of the War:

Organization of the war includes reasons, plans, decision and talks which

took place before the war.

d) Techniques and strategies:

This includes the strategies and techniques which were taken during the

war for example in jang e uhud the strategy which was planned was that

archers should stay on the top of the mountain and should not leave their

places until they are ordered by Hazrat Muhammad (SAW).

e) Weapons and Technology:

This includes the weapons and technology which were used in that

specific war for example tanks, bombs, axes etc.

f) Causes of War:

This includes the causes of the war e.g

》Relation Issues

》Limited Resources

》Difference in Values

g) Effects of the war:

It includes the effects of the war on the society and people that how they

were affected.

It may also includes the economy collapse due to the specific war.

2) Immature Historians:

a) Immature historians are those historians who discuss about

the unimportant points for example uniform etc.

b) Immature historians may also write on the behavior of an

officer in the specific war which is also totally unimportant

point to be discussed in the military history .

Example :

World War II


World war II also known as second world war that continued from 1939

to 1945. It includes large majority of the world’s population.

Effects of World War II:

Effects of the world war II were that many people became homeless,

the economy of the Europe was collapsed and the industries were


The Soviet union was also affected very badly. In 1947, George Marshal

the U.S Secretary of state devised the “European Recovery Program”

which then known as the marshal plan.

Strategies and Tactics:

Military strategy and tactics are very important for the conduct of


Some of the strategy and tactics used in world war II were that to capture

the enemy’s land. The use of limited strike tanks. Submarines , long

range missles , aircrafts, (F 16),


Kings’s college london, Professor Richard Overy.

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