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Chapter 07

Lecture Outline
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Chapter 7-Muscular System

1. Movement
2. Maintain posture
3. Respiration
4. Production of body heat
5. Communication
6. Heart beat
7. Contraction of organs
and vessels

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Types of Muscles

1. Skeletal

2. Cardiac

3. Smooth

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Skeletal Muscle

Comprise 40% of body weight including its

associated connective tissue

Most of the muscles are attached to the skeletal


Striated muscle because it has transverse bands/

striations, as seen under the microscope.

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Abilities of Skeletal Muscles
• Contractility:
ability to shorten with force; contraction couples
movement; lengthening is a passive process
• Excitability:
respond to stimulus; stimuli from nerves
• Extensibility:
can stretch; after contraction, they can be stretched
to their normal resting length
• Elasticity:

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Skeletal Muscle Characteristics

• Makes up 40% of body weight

• Named because attached to bones (skeleton)

• Many nuclei per cell (near periphery)

• Striated

• Longest of muscle types

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Skeletal Muscle Structures-

Connective Tissue Coverings
• Epimysium:
connective tissue that surrounds entire skeletal
muscle (outside)

• Muscle fasciculus:
bundle of muscle fibers

• Perimysium:
connective tissue around each muscle fasciculus
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• Muscle fiber:
- skeletal muscle cells
- many nuclei

• Endomysium:
connective tissue that surrounds each muscle fiber

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Skeletal Muscle Structures-

Muscle Fiber Structure
• Myofibril:
thread-like proteins that make up muscle fibers

• Myofilament:
- proteins that make up myofibrils
- Ex. actin and myosin

• Sarcoplasm:
cytoplasm of muscle fiber (cell) 9
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• Sarcolemma:
- cell membrane
- contains T-tubules

• T-tubules (transverse):
- wrap around sarcomeres at A band
- associated with sarcoplasmic reticulum

• Sarcoplasmic reticulum:
- type of SER
- surrounds myosin
- stores and releases Ca2+
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Skeletal Muscle Structures-

Actin and Myosin Myofilaments

• Actin:
- thin myofilament
- resemble 2 strands of pearls twisted together; have attachment sites for
- made up of three components: actin, troponin and tropomyosin

• Troponin:
these molecules are attached at specific intervals along the actin
myofilament; attachment site on actin for Ca2+

• Tropomyosin:
- filament on grooves of actin
- they block the myosin myofilament binding site on the actin
myofilaments in an unstimulated muscle
- if no calcium is present, they cover the attachment sites on the actin
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• Myosin:
- thick myofilament
- resemble golf clubs

- Myosin heads have three important properties:

a. they can bind to attachment sites on the actin myofilament
b. they can bend and straighten during contractions
c. they can break down ATP releasing energy

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Skeletal Muscle Structures-

• Sarcomere:
- basic structural and functional unit of skeletal muscle
- smallest portion of skeletal muscle capable of contracting
- contains actin and myosin
- when the sarcomeres shorten, the myofibrils shorten, which is the
ultimate cause of a muscle fibre contraction
-each sarcomere extends from one Z disk to an adjacent Z disk
• Z disk:
protein fibers that form attachment site for actin myofilaments
- the arrangement of the actin and myosin filaments in sarcomeres
give the muscle a banded appearance
• H zone:
- center of sarcomere
- contains only myosin
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• I band:
contains only actin myofilaments, spans each Z
disk and ends at the myosin filaments

• A band:
where actin and myosin overlap
darker, central region in each sarcomere
• M line:
dark staining band where myosin are anchored
in the center of the sarcomere

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Resting Membrane Potential
Outside cell Inside cell
Na+ K+
+ charge – charge
Na+ channels closed Some K+ channels open

• Why is the inside of cell negative if K+ is positive?

K+ is able to diffuse out of cell freely but other larger
negative molecules cannot.

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Na+ Charge Difference

Across the Cell
Na+ K+ Membrane
Extracellular channel channel
K+ concentration gradient

1 Resting membrane potential.

Na+ channels (pink) and some, + + + +
but not all, K+ channels (purple) + + +
are closed. K+ diffuses down its – – –
concentration gradient through the – – –

open K+ channels, making the 1
inside of the cell membrane
negatively charged compared to
the outside.



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- change in charges 

- inside becomes more + and outside more – 

- Na+ channels open

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Na+ channels
Na+ open
Na+ concentration gradient

2 Depolarization. Na+ channels are

open. Na+ diffuses down its – – – –
concentration gradient through the – – –
open Na+ channels, making the

inside of the cell membrane


positively charged compared to 2
the outside.

Na+ diffuse
into cell

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- Na+ channels close

- change back to resting potential
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K+ diffuses
K+ concentration gradient out of cell

3 Repolarization. Na+ channels are

closed, and Na+ movement into + + + +
+ + +
the cells stops. More K+ channels
open. K+ movement out of the cell – – –
– – –
increases, making the inside of – 3
the cell membrane negatively
charged compared to the outside,
once again

K+ K+
K+ channels Na+ channels
open close

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Na+ Charge Difference
Na+ K+ Across the Cell

K+ concentration gradient
Extracellular channel channel Membrane

1 Resting membrane potential.

Na+ channels (pink) and some, ++ + + +
but not all, K+ channels (purple)
– – – –
are closed. K+ diffuses down its –– 1

concentration gradient through the
open K+ channels, making the
inside of the cell membrane
negatively charged compared to
the outside.

Na+ channels

Na+ concentration gradient

Na+ Na+

2 Depolarization. Na+ channels are

open. Na+ diffuses down its –– – – –
concentration gradient through the ––

open Na+ channels, making the


inside of the cell membrane 2
positively charged compared to
the outside.
Na+ diffuse
into cell

K+ concentration gradient

K+ diffuses
out of cell

3 Repolarization. Na+ channels are

++ + + +
closed, and Na+ movement into ++
the cells stops. More K+ channels – – – – –
open. K+ movement out of the cell –– 3
increases, making the inside of
the cell membrane negatively
charged compared to the outside,
once again K+ K+
K+ channels Na+ channels
open close 23
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Nerve Supply
• Motor neuron: specialized nerve cells that
stimulate muscles to contract
- nerve cells that carry action potentials to muscle
• Neuromuscular junction (synapse):
where nerve cell and muscle fiber meet
Synapse- cell to cell junction between a nerve cell
and either
• Presynaptic terminal:
end of nerve cell (axon)
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• Postsynaptic membrane:
muscle fiber membrane

• Synaptic cleft:
space between presynaptic terminal and
postsynaptic membrane

• Synaptic vesicle:
- in presynaptic terminal
- store and release neurotransmitters
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• Neurotransmitter:
- chemicals that stimulate or inhibit a muscle
- Ex. Acetylcholine

• Motor unit:
group of muscle fibers that motor neuron

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The resulting movement of Na into the muscle fiber will initiate
an action potential once the threshold is reached.

The action potential travels along the length of the muscle fiber
and causes it to contract.

The acetylcholine released is rapidly broken down by

acetylcholinesterase. This enzymatic breakdown makes sure that
one action potential in the neuron yields only one action potential
of the muscle fiber and only one contraction of the muscle.

Organophosphates in insecticides- bind to and inhibit the function

of acetylcholinesterase; cause spastic paralysis

Curare- bind to the acetylcholine receptors in the muscle cell

membrane; cause flaccid paralysis; small doses used to relax
muscles in surgery. 33
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Steps in a Muscle Contraction 

(Sliding Filament Theory)
1. An action potential travels down motor neuron
to presynaptic terminal causing Ca2+ channels to

2. Ca2+ causes synaptic vesicles to release

acetylcholine into synaptic cleft.

3. Acetylcholine binds to receptor sites on Na+

channels, Na+ channels open, and Na+ rushes
into postsynaptic terminal (depolarization).
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4. Na+ causes sarcolemma and t-tubules to increase
the permeability of sarcoplasmic reticulum
which releases stored calcium.

5. Ca2+ binds to troponin which is attached to actin.

6. Ca2+ binding to troponin causes tropomyosin to

move exposing attachment sites for myosin.

7. Myosin heads bind to actin.

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8. ATP is released from myosin heads and heads
bend toward center of sarcomere.

9. Bending forces actin to slide over myosin.

10. Acetylcholinesterase (enzyme breaks down

acetylcholine) is released, Na+ channels close,
and muscle contraction stops.

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T-tubule reticulum




6 Action potentials in the T-tubules cause the sarcoplasmic reticulum to release Ca2+.

7 On the actin, Ca2+ binds to troponin, which moves tropomyosin and exposes myosin 36
attachment sites.
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ATP and Muscle Contractions
• Energy for muscle contractions supplied by ATP
• Energy is released as ATP → ADP + P
• ATP is stored in myosin heads
• ATP help form cross-bridge formation between
myosin and actin
• New ATP must bind to myosin before cross-bridge
is released
• Rigor mortis:
person dies and no ATP is available to release

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Other Information
• ATP is made in mitochondria from aerobic or
anaerobic respiration.

• During a muscle contraction, H zone and I band

shorten but A band stays the same.

• Striations of skeletal and cardiac muscle are due

to sarcomeres (actin and myosin).
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Part of the energy involved in muscle contraction is released as

This is responsible for raising the body temperature, like in


Shivering, a generalized muscle contraction, is the body’s

mechanism for dealing with cold.

Muscle relaxation occurs as Calcium is actively transported into

the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

Attachment sites on the actin molecules are once again covered by

tropomyosin so that cross bridges cannot reform.

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• Threshold:
weakest stimulus needed to produce a response
• All or None Law:
muscle contracts or doesn’t (no in between)
• Twitch:
rapid contraction and relaxation of a muscle; this
occurs in response to a stimulus
• Tetanus:
muscle remains contracted
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Lag phase- period of time between the application of a
stimulus and the beginning of a contraction; also called
the latent phase.
-action potentials are produced in one or more motor

Contraction phase- time during which the muscles

contract; results from the cross bridge movement and
cycling which increases the tension produced by the
muscle fibres

Relaxation phase- time when the muscle relaxes; Calcium

is actively transported to the sarcoplasmic reticulum
-tropomyosin molecules once again block the
attachment sites

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Summation- involves increasing the force of
contraction of the muscle fibres.
-the force of contraction of individual muscle fibers
is increased by rapidly stimulating them

Tetanus- a sustained contraction that occurs when the

frequency of stimulation is so rapid that no relaxation

Calcium build up in the myofibrils cause the

increased force of contraction produced in
summation and tetanus.

Recruitment- number of muscle fibres contracting is

increased by increasing the number of motor units
stimulated, and the muscle contracts with more force.
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• Isometric: length of muscle does not
change during contraction but the amount
of tension increases (weight)
e.g. postural muscles (muscles of the back)
• Isotonic: amount of tension produced is
constant during the contraction; length of
the muscle decreases
e.g. muscles of the arms or fingers

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• Concentric contractions- isotonic contractions
wherein the muscle tension increases as the muscles
shorten e.g. most common movements
• Eccentric contractions- isotonic contractions in
which tension is maintained in a muscle, but the
opposing resistance causes the muscle to lengthen
e.g. person slowly lowers a heavy weight, person
runs downhill
• Tone:
constant tension over a long period of time
responsible for keeping the backs and legs straight,
head in an upright position, abdominal muscles
from bulging. 53
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Slow and Fast Twitch Fibers
Slow Twitch Fibers
• Contract slowly
• Fatigue slowly
• Long distance runners
• Use aerobic respiration
• Energy from fat
• Dark meat
• Red or dark because of myoglobin
• Myoglobin: helps O2 bind in muscle
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Fast Twitch Fibers

• Contract quickly
• Fatigue quickly
• Sprinters
• Use anaerobic respiration
• Energy from glycogen
• White meat

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Other Facts about Twitch Fibers
• Humans have both types of fibers

• Distribution of fibers is genetically determined

• Neither type can be converted but capacity can be

increased through intense exercise

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Skeletal Muscle Anatomy
• Origin:
nonmovable end
• Insertion:
movable end
• Belly:
• Synergists:
muscles that work together
• Antagonist:
muscles that oppose each other
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Muscles are named according to
• Location:
Ex. tibialis anterior

• Origin/insertion:
Ex. sternocleidomastoid

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• Size:
Ex. gluteus maximus

• Shape:
Ex. deltoid (triangular)

• Function:
Ex. masseter

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Table 7.3
Table 7.3
Table 7.3
Table 7.3
Muscles of Head and Neck
• Occipitofrontalis:
raises eyebrows (forehead)

• Orbicularis oculi:
allows blinking (eyes)

• Orbicularis oris:
kissing muscle (mouth)
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• Zygomaticus:
smiling muscle (cheek)

• Masseter:
chewing (mastication) muscle

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Muscles of Facial Expression &

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Muscles of Facial Expression &

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Table 7.4
Table 7.5
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Fig. 7.16
Epicranial (galea)
aponeurosis Occipitofrontalis
(frontal portion)


Orbicularis oculi

(occipital portion) Levator labii superioris
Zygomaticus minor

Zygomaticus major

Orbicularis oris
Depressor anguli oris



(a) Lateral view

(frontal portion)


Orbicularis oculi

Levator labii superioris

Zygomaticus minor

Zygomaticus minor
and major (cut)

Zygomaticus major



Orbicularis oris

Depressor anguli oris

(b) Anterior view

b: ©McGraw-Hill Education/Photo and dissection by Christine Eckel
Fig. 7.17

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Styloid process

Middle pharyngeal muscles

Suprahyoid Suprahyoid
(hyoglossus) (geniohyoid)

Hyoid bone
pharyngeal Infrahyoid
constrictor (thyrohyoid)


Lateral view
Table 7.6
Table 7.7
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Fig. 7.16
Epicranial (galea)
aponeurosis Occipitofrontalis
(frontal portion)


Orbicularis oculi

(occipital portion) Levator labii superioris
Zygomaticus minor

Zygomaticus major

Orbicularis oris
Depressor anguli oris



(a) Lateral view

(frontal portion)


Orbicularis oculi

Levator labii superioris

Zygomaticus minor

Zygomaticus minor
and major (cut)

Zygomaticus major



Orbicularis oris

Depressor anguli oris

(b) Anterior view

b: ©McGraw-Hill Education/Photo and dissection by Christine Eckel
Table 7.8
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Fig. 7.18

Deep neck muscles



Spinalis spinae
Deep back muscles


Posterior view
Thoracic Muscles
• External intercostals:
elevate ribs for inspiration

• Internal intercostals:
depress ribs during forced expiration

• Diaphragm:
moves during quiet breathing

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Third cervical vertebra


Scalenes External
First thoracic vertebra

External intercostals
2 intercostals

Central tendon 5
of diaphragm

9 intercostals


(a) Anterior view (b) Lateral view

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Table 7.9
Abdominal Wall Muscles

• Rectus abdominis:
- center of abdomen
- compresses abdomen

• External abdominal oblique:

- sides of abdomen
- compresses abdomen

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• Internal abdominal oblique:
compresses abdomen

• Transverse abdominis:
compresses abdomen

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Rectus abdominis
abdominis Skin
(covered by Linea Fat
(sheath sheath) alba External
Rectus oblique
Linea Internal
alba abdominis
External oblique
abdominal Transversus
External oblique abdominis
abdominal Internal (b) Cross section Parietal
oblique abdominal peritoneum

(a) Anterior view

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Pelvic floor and Perianal Muscles
- Most of the pelvic diaphragm is formed by the
levator ani muscle.
- The area inferior to the pelvic floor is the perineum,
which contains a number of muscles associated
with the male or female reproductive structures.
- Muscles that help regulate urination and

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Fig. 7.21

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Central tendon of perineum
Deep transverse perineal
Superficial transverse perineal Vagina
Levator ani

External anal sphincter

Gluteus maximus


(a) Male, inferior view (b) Female, inferior view

Table 7.11
Scapular Movements

- These muscles attach the upper limb to the body

- They act as fixators to hold the scapula firmly in

position when the muscles of the arm contract.

- They move the scapula into different directions,

increasing the range of movement of the upper limb.

Rotator cuff muscles- attaches the humerus to the

scapula and forms a cuff or cap over the proximal
Fig. 7.22 Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display.

Levator scapulae
Deep neck
Sternocleidomastoid muscles Rhomboids

scapulae Supraspinatus
Three of four
Trapezius Infraspinatus
Seventh cervical rotator cuff
vertebra muscles
Teres minor

Rhomboids Teres major

Medial border Latissimus dorsi
of scapula

(a) Posterior view

Pectoralis major (cut)
Supraspinatus tendon
Pectoralis Three of four
minor (cut) rotator cuff
Subscapularis muscles
Teres minor
Deltoid (cut) (b) Posterior view
Biceps brachii Teres major (cut)

Pectoralis minor
Latissimus dorsi
Latissimus dorsi (cut)
Serratus anterior External abdominal

External intercostals
Internal abdominal

(c) Anterior view

Table 7.12
Upper Limb Muscles

• Trapezius:
- shoulders and upper back
- extends neck and head

• Pectoralis major:
- chest
- elevates ribs

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• Serratus anterior:
- between ribs
- elevates ribs

• Deltoid:
- shoulder
- abductor or upper limbs
- common site for administering injections

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• Triceps brachii:
- 3 heads
- extends elbow

• Biceps brachii:
- “flexing muscle”
- flexes elbow and shoulder

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• Brachialis:
flexes elbow

• Latissimus dorsi:
- lower back
- extends shoulder
- swimmer’s muscle

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Fig. 7.24

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Extensor carpi
Supinator Pronator teres radialis longus
Brachioradialis Flexor carpi
ulnaris Flexor carpi Supinator
Flexor carpi ulnaris
radialis Palmaris longus

Flexors digitorum
(two muscles; deeper Extensor digitorum
muscle not visible in
this illustration)
Extensor carpi
Pronator ulnaris
Retinaculum Retinaculum

Intrinsic Tendons of
hand muscles flexor digitorum Intrinsic Tendons of
hand muscles extensor digitorum

(a) Anterior view (b) Posterior view

Forearm Muscles
Supinator- palms up; accomplished by the supinator
and biceps brachii

Pronation- palms down; accomplished by the two

pronator muscles

Wrist and Finger Movements

Most of anterior forearm muscles- flexion
Most of posterior forearm muscles- extension

Retinaculum- strong band of fibrous connective tissue

that covers the flexor and extensor tendons and holds
them in place around the wrist so that they do not
bowstring during muscle contraction.
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Fig. 7.24

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Extensor carpi
Supinator Pronator teres radialis longus
Brachioradialis Flexor carpi
ulnaris Flexor carpi Supinator
Flexor carpi ulnaris
radialis Palmaris longus

Flexors digitorum
(two muscles; deeper Extensor digitorum
muscle not visible in
this illustration)
Extensor carpi
Pronator ulnaris
Retinaculum Retinaculum

Intrinsic Tendons of
hand muscles flexor digitorum Intrinsic Tendons of
hand muscles extensor digitorum

(a) Anterior view (b) Posterior view

Table 7.15
Fig. 7.25
Fig. 7.25
Muscles of Hips and Thighs

• Iliopsoas:
flexes hip
• Gluteus maximus:
- buttocks
- extends hip and abducts thigh
• Gluteus medius:
- hip
- abducts and rotates thigh
- common site for injection because the sciatic nerve
lies deep to the gluteus maximus and can be
damaged during an injection
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Fig. 7.26
Fig. 7.26
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Muscles of Upper Leg
Quadriceps femoris
4 thigh muscles; common insertion: patellar tendon
Patellar ligament- extension of patellar tendon onto the
tibial tuberosity; tapped with a rubber hammer when
testing a knee jerk reflex
• Rectus femoris:
- front of thigh
- extends knee and flexes hip
• Vastus lateralis:
extends knee
• Vastus medialis:
extends knee
• Vastus intermedius:
extends knee Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display.
• Sartorius- tailor’s muscle; flexes the knee and
rotates the thigh laterally for sitting cross legged
• Gracilis:
adducts thigh and flexes knee

• Biceps femoris, semimembranosus,

- hamstring
- back of thigh
- flexes knee, rotates leg, extends hip

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Fig. 7.26
Muscles of Lower Leg
• Tibialis anterior:
- front of lower leg
- inverts foot
• Gastrocnemius:
- calf
- flexes foot and leg
• Soleus:
- attaches to ankle
- flexes foot
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Fig. 7.28
Fig. 7.28
Fig. 7.27
Fig. 7.27
Table 7.17
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Facial muscles



Pectoralis major

Serratus anterior
Biceps brachii

Linea alba Rectus abdominis

External abdominal oblique

Flexors of wrist
and fingers

Tensor fasciae latae


longus Vastus lateralis
Rectus femoris
Vastus intermedius (deep Quadriceps
Sartorius femoris
to the rectus femoris and
Patellar tendon not visible in figure)
Vastus medialis

Gastrocnemius Tibialis anterior

Extensor digitorum longus

Fibularis longus

Fibularis brevis


(a) Anterior view

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Seventh cervical vertebra

Infraspinatus Deltoid

Teres minor
Teres major

Triceps brachii
Latissimus dorsi

External abdominal
Extensors oblique
of the wrist
and fingers
Gluteus medius

Gluteus maximus

Adductor magnus
Iliotibial tract
Semitendinosus Gracilis
Hamstring Biceps femoris
muscles Semimembranosus


Fibularis longus
Fibularis brevis
Calcaneal tendon
(Achilles tendon)

(b) Posterior view

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Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display.
Smooth muscles
- spindle shaped, with one nucleus per cell
- contain less actin and myosin than do skeletal
- myofilaments are not organised into sarcomeres
- contract more slowly than skeletal muscle cells
when stimulated by neurotrasmitters
- do not develop an oxygen deficit
- resting membrane potential fluctuates between slow
depolarization and repolarization
- periodic spontaneous contraction is called
- involuntary control, regulated by hormones
Cardiac muscle
- long, striated and branching with one nucleus per
- actin and myosin myofilaments are organised into
sarcomeres but the distribution of myofilaments is
not as uniform as in skeletal muscle
- contraction is auto rhythmic
- connected to one another by intercalated disks
- Intercalated disks are specialized structures that
include tight junctions and gap junctions and that
facilitate action potential conduction between cells.
- involuntary control, influenced ny hormones such as

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