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ins eu da V, 1. oo hae, ev, ASA A Facritious City By RanuL MEHROTRA PxHorocrapus:K. B. JoTHaDY Maps, ENGRAVINGS AND OLD VieWs oF BoBAy: PHILLIPS ANTIQUES, BOMBAY Bombay's physical history comprises of a series of reclamations ~ additions which were spon- taneous and not set in a pre-conceived pattern or master plan, Each addition was a struggle by successive generations to recapture their position on the sea edge which forced the process af renewing the physical expression of the city in response to contemporary needs and aspirations. In the past, these efforts consciously reinforced the city's legibility and urban form, Today, in city development, the lack of concer for issues at an urban design scale are astounding. It is therefore crucial that we examine Bombay's rich array of urban design precedents with the view to extract and synthesize the relevant lessons for future development. se. oh a “te i Sa a AA view of Bombay from Malabar Kil James Forbes which was otherwise inundated during the high tide. But the real moulding of the islands into one large land mass began in 1836 with the founding of Bombay's first reclamation company the Elphinstone Land Company. By 1844, I between the Cooperage, south of in the southern portion of the islan was reclaimed, The creation Colaba Causeway in 1838 welded the souther island of Colaba with the rest of th Bombay islands. This was a significant effort to constitute the seven islands iReclamiations into a singular island of Boba No effort has so greatly contributed Prior to 1860 litte had been done in rendering Bombay habitable as the to reclaim the foreshore. In spite of the recs ‘of land from the sea. In fact——_varic amation efforts, the Bomba Bombay owes everything of its physical shoreline on both the east and wes outline to successive reclamations; itis remained largely underdeveloped afacttious city whose presentland mass The subsequent mania and commercial has litde similarity 10 what existed delirium of the 1860s changed that. The pefore the organised force of manbegan influx of wealth gave Bombay the capital moulding its physical history required for regulating and advancing om the 17606, the East India the reclamation of the foreshores of Company encouraged speculators to the island. control breaches where the sea 0% Seeing great potential in th flowed the seven islands that comprised —_volume of work, a number of new rect Bombay,butthiswasonly thebeginning mation companies were created and of the patchwork, The sefious at proposals, projects and schemes we to create land from the sea came drawn up. The Frere, Elphinstone and sensed the potential the Modly Bay Reclamations, extending js and their stake in its from the Mint (next to the Town Hall) afier the Brit of the isla evelopment One the earliest reclama works of significance wasthe construc city, These were undertaken by the of Hornby Vellard between Mahalasmi Elphinstone Land Company in 1858, and Worlt in the 1770s. This Yellard Later with the establishment of the Port made possible the reclamation of the Trust in 1875, an additional 1880 acres central position of the island - land of land for the city were created by this north of West Parel and south of Worl agency 1. 1770s, Construction ofthe Breach Causeway (Harnby Vella) 2, 1860s. The city’s expansion plans led tothe removal of the Fort ramparts. 3, Map showing the original seven islands of Bombay, which wore lator reclaimed into one 4, 1838, The reclamation of Calaba Causeway begins reclamations along the reclamations were cartied out by the BWC es- tome mR CT Ty Leonie Post Trust agency over the next fou as feet a ese eee BE RCN rattie island of Colaba with the cape moulding aC B sacle oe n from Colaba to the Malabar Mill on the wes. These particular, created ‘mations inthe urban la BUSES iste tag Rampart Removal i Simultaneously to these efforts of ements att new land for the city, st ESC BOCU GLB Tiny to urhan re-development fone. wh 3 and singular island of ct for te suited eee Although « number of smaller wih te ceton boom ofthe 18s ha gestures to be found in colonial India, This obviously transformed Bom! skyline and vi structured its western edge — a long line of public warade before the Elphinstone Circle Aa oustanding example of urban design in the renovated Fort ar restructuring of the old Corton Green ont of the Town Hall) a park enclosed by an assembly tecturally unified commercial building The construction of this circle w: begun in 1866 and the facade designed by James Scott, the Chief Engl reer of the Elphinstone Land Elphinsione Circle (since renamed Horniman Circle) with its combination ofa central park enclosed by controlled facades, introduced an urban design approach which although popular in Ish Century Beit the violent summer sun and lashing nonsoon rain, The architectural unity ofthe facades, accentuated by the spatial clement of the arcade at ground leve structured an existing precinct and enh its legibility as an_ urban City Improvement In fact, this issue of visually cructuring the city to read asa coe whole was furthered by 1. 1064, Elphistone Cire (sins renamed Horniman Cir} designed by James Scat. of the Bombay City Improvement Trust, Its inception in 1898 heralded in a nev cera of systematic planning and urban design in Bom ment Trust was Body whose responsibilities included Formulating specific development plans and controls for different parts of the The Trust acquired private lands, The City Improve. redeveloped old and c¢ {prepared layouts for us of the city, I set up rey authorities with the sp ancial support of the Government of India and the Municipal Corporation. From the urban design point of view its most notable contributions were the relopment of the Princes Stree ea and the Hornby Road (since renamed D.N, Road) development. he (ag01 extended from Queen's Road 10 Carnac Bridge and involved requisition of private lands and build to restructure an entire area tha extremely congested. The proposal involved opening up avenues, vistas with view not only to funnel in the sea breezes to the dense inner city, but also to make the visually Similarly, the Hornby Road deve i$ continuous arcade Here, unlike Homiman Cire nthe fac id bil by di 2. 1800s, Port activities incraase onthe eastern adge of the city. 3, Facade of the Ephistane Building, 4, 1900, The Hornby Reed dovelopment usod the arcade as a unifying architectural element, An outstanding example Paroc este nei LCM sey Peseta ie Lae Rar ue LN Pic ce ty ames Pace aed Teacher ibaa iinet See Coy pests se natotet Bcd PEP yaa umes) Pon | 4 ae r | lee Herent architects However, the spatial clement of the aracade was once again used a8 a device (0 te together varying architectural sles, More than that, the Jevelopment along Homby Road was an important component in wnifving renovated For of connecting the Flora Fountain (Elphinstone College Sassoon Library, The ‘Watsons Hovel ete. tothe Grand Viet Terminus atthe north end. This link dligparate elements in the composition of the newly developed city core. Als Jopmers chro was an important precedent for urban 1 conception that followed on the allard Estate With the resructuring of port activities and infrastructure north ofthe n Hall, adjacent to the Alexandra dlocks, a new commercial development called Ballard Bstat planned by the Port Trust in 1908, It cov mately 22 1908 and 1914 by George Witet, who, ces and was lid out between a8 consulting architect 10 the Port Trust rol guidelines for its s of office buildings, fortyhree Most of these buildings were buil in a kind of “European Renaissance” spirit and the Estate is characterized by the uniformity of building design, heights and architectural les ~ a good example of architectural control for public wily services, OF importance are the road ayouts which create vistas as in the uropean design tradi The Ballard Estat ally be viewed as a move by the British administration to decongest th Fort area in terms of office space. It also took on a symbolic role of representing 1 new image for the city -a symbol of mercantile power, Interestingly, the new docks on this estate then became the point of arrival for foreign ships and onnection for rail traffic going up in Apollo Reclama! Similarly, the Apollo Reclamation which was completed in 1869, over the nest three decades permitted the erec tion of the buildings like the Taj Mahal Hotel, the Yacht Club and Gateway’ of India, This not intensifying the “grand” image of the ity for the visitor arriving by sea, but creation of residential feen the Apollo Bunde promenade and the Colaba Causeway Following the ground rules now estab lished by the City Improvement Trust this area evolved as another planned precinct in south Bombay. It comprised med one of Bombay with blocks of flats and an ornamental along Mereweather Road was unified by the mundate requirement ofthe arcale Further south 10 this Sassoon Dock Estate approximately seventeen acres. ‘This area, that had formerly been used as a cotton store was restructured to include godowns and machine workshops within the docks, The suceess of the Apollo Reclamation development lies in its fabric, making it one ofthe most vibran Backbay Reclamation ds te sea. ASO, andl pubic but 1.2, 3. 1908-1914. Most of the buildings at Ballard Estate were built in a kind af European Renaissance spirit 4, Tho now docks on this estate became the point of arival fr foreign ships and connection for rail ralfc going up country, 5. The Apollo Reclamation permitted the erection ofthe buildings lke the Taj Mahal Hotel and the Gateway of India, which led Antensilying the grand image ol the ty BB varios POT outa Ct Ballard Estate was EWE O cm g between 1908-1914. BUN CC ROM Coss og DD go Bums} Chat Rl B cl) at Pe Co)upass she | Bonne es eats Tey rac The Cuffe Parade Ero ty RSC Citmants tac) tg aye : Cae rec ea rear wrheeckrmerctanisl Ercoa butler oan The west side naturally made for an upper class Indians and pa ery etre Creme bas ty scheme was the starting PS BULB crit | BSG Cm ear) na tg EVO Te CRU eS eg La Tm CnC 1, 1880. Gulle Parade on the western seafront. A residential area with bungalow type accommodation, 2 A distinct change in architectural styl. Art Deco builings line Marine Drive. 3, 1880, Typical architecture of residential buildings on Apell Reclamation, shomt period oftime, Many of the build ings erected for residential use were now builtin reinforced cement concrete and employed the “flat” oF apartment system of housing, This housing was tailored (© the cosmopolitan middle class and upper classes of the city’s population and was builtin style that was vaguely a combination of the inter ‘ational syleand Ar Deco fiom America Art Deco, tation, is a relaxed form of hard tine architecture, It offered a new langu for applied decoration, based on abstracted onganic forms and geometric patterns executed in the latest material and methods of construction. Although far less exuberant compared 10 buildings fon Miami Beach (Horida USA), in Bombay, the application of Art Deco is consistent 10 the original style in that forms are angular, and fucades often step back. Ths is especially true in taller buildings, a inthe case ofthe Eros and Regal cinemas. Decorative elements range from industrial symbols to palm trees. Sun ray patterns, the moon, ancl ‘ocean being among the favourite deco- rative themes expressed in bas-relief, stucco panels etched lass and metal work in balconies. its original manites Many buildings in. Bombay tha coincided with the great reclamations were builtin this style and used these otis. These included residential build ings, ofice blocks and a number of theatres in the city. Their development rapidly replaced the image of the city from a Vieoran ta cesmepolitan inter national modern city! Nariman Point In spite of the great gusto and urgency with which the Backbay Recla imation scheme was carried out, the exposures of scandals and irregularities in the scheme plagued it for a few decades. The termination of the Backhay seep can be paral tributed to citizen (the then Mayor of the city) Mr. F. P. Nariman, who, by harnessing public opinion, brought a stop to the reclamations hence the name Nariman Point. After this, successive commitices appointed by the Government consis: tently warned against going ahead with this las leg ofthe Backbay Reclamation scheme. Ignoring these warnings the Government went ahead 10 complete the last phase in the 1970s, Coineidental to the reclamation was the high allow able ESI. (Floor Space Index) of approx. 400 in the city, thus resulting in sky scrapers that now huddle on this land at the Southern endl of Marine Drive Although inthe historical continum, this is only the most recent assertion of the city’s relationship to the sea, st has in no way reinforced the architectural or the urban design quali ties of Bombay, Nor are the lessons it put forth ever likely to, for is ass is not the rational use of valuable land, nor any conscious attempt at making a humane environment, but commercial arrogance, In Ballard Estate for example, by unifying the heights of buildings and allowing a maximum ground coverage Ge. permitting construction upto th pilot line), the planners, besides achie ing a similarly high FS. also ensured 1.2.3. Apartment buildings atthe Oval, includng the Eros Cinema builtin the ArtDeco style, 4, What used to be the grand esplanade by the Oval. But with the implementation of the ‘Backbay Reclamation Scheme inthe 1S30s, the sea was pushed further away to make room for residential buildings. sense of urbanity, Street edges were created, view corridors established and cay transitions between the street and the private realms of the offices within made possible, Compare this with an Point, where what we have is parking islands, with building towers set in them’ Urban Design Precedent ll development of reclama struggle by successive generations. to recapture mn the sea’s edge, forced renewed! physical expression ofthe city, In tet, forall the reclamation projects that were under: taken, the designers responded in bas cally the same manner ~ they were “onstantly ty he city’s edge Fort was establish the western sea edge. Then the monu: ments to British rule created by Frere stole that view: Later, this view belonged f0 Queen's Road (the first stage of the Baekbay Reclamation projet). Inevitably this view was once again snatched away with building of Marine Drive, Strangely ‘enough, as the city grew in the north south axis, the “drama” of capturing the seairont played ise out in the east-west direction by con around the ‘old core, clinging on to an “image centre” —a hollow nucleus — the bay Pethaps, at their time, projects like Marine Drive, Queen's: R ard Estate were seen as shifts; as being detrimental to the existing views and physical relationships within the city: However today, the visual iden. tity of the city outside of the “Fort hi gestures. For what these projects did for the city was not only extend the mn these sweeping and definitive WUC ce cB id Pane Carer w alte BiG chul nica g Pests ay mtg Peet log CURT Ty ECVE weio a lanitclat mg Bice oe tint iegc EC Wael] ebb PTs tr ayy} Bayete CIN Pee tane pet cad Dr aioe Ast) BORE Wet teeta Pier ntact ROC) Seren ay Ee Cum Cum CBr ra itu) nearly 1,145 acres from VEEL CB soir DOI Cac act Bes cic ew icy totality. But what this Be ee Cen TTY Loan Pata eo ult tty Petco ee rtd PCR WCB he By Cec Rte yrtance. In cities like tectural and urbanistic terms, the spirit to include the experiential a ity form, Well thought out details have F Sip papr errs development in its essence, perhaps by accident, goes beyond to actually create an entirely new context also essential urban development In any case, these are all examples which should serve as lessons for archi tects and urhan designers in terms of how large interventions within cities or on their edges can be handled ~ how these new developments can be woven ito the existing city fabric for progress In this context, the recent deve. ment at Nariman Point and the New le reclamations have been lost oppo the inappropriate high rise solutions, he lack of concern for the issues at an urban design scale are_astounding For example, the alienation of these new developments with reference to nities. Besides opting for the adjacent city fabric, or for that matter even the water's edge, is obvious, The opportunity of creating a promenade along the edge of these precincts could physically and visually improve these areas; give a sense of identity to the precinct while simultancously create a public recreati the presence of the sea is almost non exis Tent once you enter the canyon like al space, Inst streetscape of these areas. In. shor here seems t0 be no conscious att fempt to structure these precinets as an urban composition both atthe macr ‘or micro level Similarly, the Fecent reclamation in the Mahim Bay presents another example of ill-conceived development Besides not having taken achantage of the visual opportunities that the very form of the Bay offers, the city author ties have, ina single stroke, irreversibly obliviated the unrestricted panorama of the bay by constructing a three soreye water works building in a pr location along. tie sea’s edge. This 4, Culfe Parade Bay. D-conceived development along the waterfrant the issues and contemporary needs that deficiencies or reinforce positive isthe challenge for us in Bombay today auributes of the existing physical cit These lessons are more relevant in the fe. That 3s, invent new urban contemporary contest where the firmly founded on preserving ressures and opportunities of opening and extengling our urban memory an upnewlandaroundthecityareimmense. legibility of ety form, Ieis crucial therefore, that these oppor = tunities in the future be Rabat Mebromra is an architect arid potential options to compensate for urban designer practising in Bombay PMTs crag Cem sion Nae mere Prt meee ns id Cea ea RW Cle Bg DiGi cue egty EXE ittemety as yc PR men toca beng ea te Drege eres ig PBT ata Ly Be cluclttoe iM 18 Peat caw BET ao ghey ew oan Ty PoC nay CT mel Ey CCC Chae Wt) Patio Mes deat hey promeriade along the Cite a sakes ta Conia ete bae Tae RUC UY ethan ad Ecce ee Te eg Rieu Mcniee teat g Pan Mr a LevaL LV be Et RCE (eC ML so Pere te f

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